Classic lotto rules. Lotto. rules of the game. Russian Lotto - game rules

Russian lotto is a common board game available for all ages. It only requires a set of cards and barrels, which are easy to get.

The history of Russian loto is curious, its appearance, formation and distribution, it is worth saying a few words about it.

It is also worth discussing what sets for Russian Lotto are made of. Why are ethnic motives often chosen, what is the reason for this, the influence of national culture on this board game?

It is worth mentioning the gambling side of Russian lotto. After all, you can "play barrels" for money. Despite the fact that many people think this game is calm and not gambling.

Despite the Italian origin of the basic foundations or the first versions of this game, it has become very firmly established in our traditional culture.

Slang names for combinations and sets of kegs appeared. Styling sets, your game slang and the development of bingo is considered not only a board game, but also a specifically hobby.

Some barrels even got their own name, for example 79 is called gold, since this metal has this number in the periodic table. In the USSR, this hobby has not disappeared anywhere. In rest homes, boarding houses and sanatoriums, large group games were often held.

Originally from Italy

The first mentions of such a game are found in medieval Italy. In those days, only aristocrats could play lotto, who could afford to waste time on idle pursuits. In addition, lotto requires an understanding of at least the basics of mathematics. The origins of this game can be traced back to the Italian city of Genoa, where this game also quickly spread due to its simplicity and clarity. Over time, the game spread and became available to wider sections of the population. And then she went to different countries and peoples.

The word "loto" itself probably comes from the French or Italian "loto". This term combined all kinds of board games that required tablets or cards with rows of numbers or columns or columns. this moment the word loto has completely entered the Russian language and means a very specific game.

Kit and packaging

What it is

Earlier it was possible to find a set for this game purchased 20-30 years ago. Until now, lotto is quite a good option for leisure. Including because the process of playing and learning the rules can have a positive effect on memory, attentiveness and concentration.

For those who love gambling, it is also suitable, because if you bet money on the result, you can use lotto as an alternative to card games.

Initially, lotto did not imply a certain gambling element, but it appeared after people began to bet money on the winnings. In the 16th century, some European rulers began to prohibit this game, as it, according to some rulers and priests, “corrupted the spiritual image of the people,” but these prohibitions did not greatly affect the opinion of the people. This game spread around the world through trade and travel, so over time it came to Russia.

Recent history

In the twentieth century, this game organically entered life huge amount of people. Its historical origin has been practically forgotten. Lotto has become an indispensable element of the lifestyle of the Russian people. Due to various events, the fate of this board game has passed many tests.

During the Soviet era, the authorities looked askance at any gambling. They were often declared capitalist and bourgeois.

But lotto did not require an obligatory monetary component and was liked by a large number of people. Thanks to this, the Russian loto survived and took its place next to checkers and chess.

Lotto came out in large batches, the game was described in magazines and continued to live. Our contemporaries find it harder and harder to get together big company and carry out several parties. But this is the most important thing in Russian lotto. Live communication accompanying the game is sometimes much more important than the result itself.

The main advantage of playing lotto is live communication with loved ones

Basic set of items

First of all, you need special numbered barrels, in the past they were carved from wood, but now it is easier to find plastic forms. There should be a number on both sides of the keg, between 10 and 40.

Also in the set there should be cardboard cards lined and having squares with numbers, for each barrel in a square. The entire set is traditionally contained in a special dense bag made of opaque material. It is used to stir the kegs during the game.

What the set consists of

By tradition, the game uses 90 barrels, each of which has its own number from 1 to 90. In addition, you need special cards, there are 24 of them in the usual set. Also, for the game you need one hundred or two hundred additional markers made of paper, plastic or metal.

They cover the numbers on the cards. There are various variants of Russian lotto. These can be children's sets, which include only 48 kegs. This game is much easier and faster. There are also various special sets of Russian lotto. The barrels can be made of wood or decorated in an original style.

Special kits may be provided in special boxes with special styling. The theme of stylization can be either traditional Russian ornament, or not have a certain clear thematic reference.

Traditional Russian ornament theme

About kits design

Even the first time you enter the corresponding query in a search engine, you can find many of the most different sets for playing Russian loto. The boxes in which the bags with barrels and cards are stacked are very different. They are often made of wood with a stylized lotto inscription. Either in engraved metal or in a traditional style. Sometimes the box is made in the form of a casket with a handle, thus making a kind of homage to Russian folk tales.

Kegs are rarely something special. They have a classic shape and number on both sides. More authentic sets use wooden barrels. Wood is a more pleasant material to the touch. For processing, wood is more difficult, but allows you to create more aesthetic forms. These kegs are often found in the gift lotto.

Cards allow you to experiment with fonts and typography. Use ethnic motives or maybe turn to newer forms. Play with colors or additional elements. Add non-functional, but vivid images. The main thing is that they do not obscure the numbers on the tables.

The chips that cover the numbers in the tables are mostly made of hard cardboard, paper or plastic. Their color is not very important because of their exceptional functional function. A small size complicates the work for the designer. But it can be additionally decorated with very small ornaments in the general style of the set.

One of the interesting designs


Let's consider the rules of Russian lotto, which may differ in some cases, despite the intuitive basis.

There are several styles of lotto playing. You can choose any method for yourself and have an interesting time. Let's start from the very basic set rules.


Each player takes one ticket for himself and places it next to him. You cannot take more than one. After that, preselected by the leader, the bag with the kegs is mixed and removed one at a time. There should be 90 of these barrels. After removing the keg, the leader calls its number and the players cover the indicated number with chips. When one of the graphs is closed, according to tradition, the player says the word - apartment.

The goal of the game is to completely cover all the numbers on the card. You can play faster format if you want. It assumes the end of the game when filling in only one column. This method is used less often, because most people who play Russian Lotto prefer long process, and filling one card is much faster.

Three by three

The three-by-three scheme is the most common and well-known among those who have chosen bingo as their favorite hobby. Small amounts are at stake in this mode. The winner gets the total pot folded by the players. A very important point in such a game - cards are not taken, they are bought. Money bank stacks in the middle of the table, and the players take as many cards as they bought and are going to use. The general bank is folded in the middle of the table. Participants buy themselves as many cards as they see fit.

Closing numbers on the card with a barrel


Players choose one person who acts as a leader. He shuffles the kegs at the beginning of the game, pulls out and names the number. To win this mode, you must fill in the bottom row of the card. In the event that one of the players closes only the top row, money is added to the bank. If the middle row is closed, then the winner receives only one third of the total pot. Then the bank is replenished again and the game continues. In this mode, the presenter himself has the right to play along with the rest of the participants.

Of course, in this case, the facilitator should not peep into the bag and stir it thoroughly before removing each barrel. This is just one of the mandatory rules of Russian lotto. In addition, quarrels, insults and swear words are considered bad form, and, of course, any attempts to break the rules and try to choose the right barrels or lie about filling out any fragments of the card are prohibited. In the event that the players filled in one line at the same time, then they must divide the winnings equally.


During the game, participants must fill out a card with numbers on it. It is filled with chips or other similar items after the leader has removed a special barrel with a number from the bag. Kegs can be made of wood or plastic, the latter being more common at the moment. But collectible or antique sets are likely to have wooden barrels made from expensive natural materials. They must be numbered from 1 to 90. This is necessary, since during the game the number of the keg is called and the card is gradually filled. What game people are going to play is discussed in advance.

A set of basic items required for Russian lotto: 90 numbered wooden or plastic barrels; 24 special playing cards with three rows of cells with numbers from 1 to 90; chips that will cover the squares on the cards; a bag made of durable and opaque material for holding and mixing kegs.

Basic set

Actions with cards

Participants take three cards and put them in front of them, they do not need to be hidden, the meaning is completely different. The number of players is limited only by the number of your cards. The whole game is led by a pre-selected person who will mix the bag with barrels, remove them and announce the number.

Players cover the number on their plates that matches the announced barrel number. According to the rules, after any of the players fills in one of the lines, he is obliged to notify the others about it. Usually the word is used for this - apartment. The winner is the one who manages to be the first to close all the cells on all the plates.

What is short lotto

Each player takes only one card, and the word - apartment pronounced after four out of five numbers are filled in. The winner is the one who is the first to fill in only one of the rows of the table. All rules from original game persist. This model allows you to play a game much faster, or play in one set with a very large number of people at the same time.

How to play three on three

The most gambling and most inclined to gambling type of Russian lotto. In this case, cards are bought. If players do not want to spend real money, then you can use any analogue or substitute. One of the players becomes the leader and pulls kegs out of the bag and, like the other players, closes the numbers on his cards.

In a gambling game, players add money to a common bank, which they use depending on the situation. If one of the players closes the top line, the other players increase the bank and the game continues. In the event that one of the participants fills in the middle line, he receives a third of the pot, the rest complement it and continue to play. When the player fills in the bottom line, he gets the whole bank, then the cards are dealt again and continue to play.


There are a number of things in this board game that will improve your position and help you win. They consist in the selection of cards before the game. If you can decide for yourself which card to take, then it is better to choose those numbers that go inconsistently.

Since the kegs are taken by chance, the chances of numbers going sequentially are very low. It makes sense to take several cards, the numbers of which should not overlap.

A slightly forgotten board game loto with pot-bellied kegs and cardboard cards was previously very popular. You can pass the time playing with a large company. The rules of the game are not complicated, they do not require brain activity. For those who wish to remember the rules of the game, we suggest reading a few reminders.

How to play lotto - game inventory

To play lotto you will need:

  • barrels with numbers - 90 pcs.;
  • opaque barrel bag;
  • 24 cards with rows of numbers;
  • an unlimited number of chips that will cover the numbers on the cards.

Also, take care of a fun company, at least two people are required to play. In general, the more, the more interesting.

General Lotto Rules

At the very beginning, identify the leader. You can do this by voting or by drawing lots. The host gets a bag of barrels. Then hand out a few cards to the participants (including the facilitator). The presenter must get the kegs out of the bag and read out the numbers that are written on them. Having found such a number on his card, the player is obliged to close it with a chip. The same numbers can be found on several cards. Whoever covers all the numbers first wins.

Lotto game options

For a change, there are several options for playing lotto.

  • Method # 1 - The most common way to play. Each player is given one card. The winner is the one who was the first to cover all the numbers on his card.
  • Method # 2 - This is a short way to play. From one to five cards are dealt to players. The winner is the one who was the first to completely close one line with numbers on any card.
  • Method number 3 - Each player should be dealt three cards. For receiving cards, you must pay in natural or conventional currency (candy wrappers, sweets). The goal of each is to close the bottom lines on all his cards faster than the enemy. The winner takes the currency. If during the game one of the players closed the top line on the card, then the rest are obliged to double their bets. Consequently, the winner will hit a double jackpot.

How to play lotto - technical terminology

There is a certain terminology in the game that applies to some numbers. For example, 11 is Drumsticks, 22 - ducks. When 25 rolls out, then they say “again 25”, if 44 - chairs, 69 - bun back and forth.

Lotto is a game with different variations. On TV screens you can see gambling where cards are bought for money and the winners win prizes. A lotto with colored cards and colorful drawings has been developed for children. But even an ordinary lotto will help pass the time in a friendly atmosphere, where the main prize will be pleasant communication and good mood.

Not so long ago, when televisions were not in every home, and they had not heard about the Internet yet, every family had a bag with chips and cards on which numbers were written. Every family member, down to a small child, knew the rules of the lotto game. Thanks to this fun, the whole family gathered at a common table, communicating during the game. Maybe that's why family ties were so much stronger in those days?

History of the game

The lotto game came to us from Italy, where it appeared in the distant 16th century. Translated, lotto means "lottery". This game quickly became popular, but was soon banned in its homeland. But she continued her march around the world, where she gained considerable popularity and variations.

In our country, loto took root in the 18th century, but at that time this game enjoyed special respect only among aristocrats. At any time of the year, one could find a company in the salons that happily shouted the numbers of the kegs and congratulated the winners.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the rules of the lotto game were well known to all segments of the population, and a linen bag with barrels and cardboard cards was probably in every family. Such a set was honorable, standing on a par with checkers, chess and dominoes. This game was one of the popular souvenirs.

The essence of the game

First you need to figure out what the lotto set consists of. Everything is simple here - it includes 90 barrels with numbers from 1 to 90, cards, of which there are usually 24 pieces, a linen, necessarily opaque bag (so that the presenter cannot see the barrel number and "cheat"). In addition, the set includes a storage box and the very rules of the lotto game. There may also be special "flaps" available that are used to cover the same numbers. Older sets did not contain such chips, and similar numbers were closed with buttons.

In order to win the lotto, it is necessary to be the first of all players to close the line or card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. At the same time, the rules for playing lotto at home could be slightly different from the generally accepted ones. After all, each family could have their own traditions or preferences, which brought variety to this fun. The main thing is that the essence is not lost - the winner is the one to whom luck smiled. This was, and still is, the main interest of the game.

Lotto varieties

The rules of the Russian lotto game imply several varieties of this fun.

Simple lotto: the game is played on three cards, but the winner is the participant who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of them. When one of the players closes one line, he loudly announces this, saying the word "apartment". Thus, he warns the rest of the players about the step in achieving victory.

Lotto short: a shortened version of a simple lotto. Players receive one at a time playing card, but to win, you just need to close one line. This game can be called fast, it is also designed for a large number of players (maximum 24).

Lotto "three by three": it is considered the most gambling variant of the lotto game. In it you can play both material values ​​and the most various subjects... So, closing the first, top line, the rest of the players double the bet. Having closed the middle line, the winner has the right to take a third of the stake for himself. Whoever closes the bottom number line first takes all the winnings. The stake is determined by those things or money that were given for the ransom of a playing card.

A separate type of this game is baby lotto... Instead of numbers, it uses various thematic pictures - fruits and vegetables, clothes, furniture, transport or other, a wide variety of objects. The purpose of such a loto is to develop a child's attention, memory, intelligence, as well as consolidate knowledge about the main objects around him.

Russian Lotto rules

No specific knowledge is required for this game. And the rules are extremely simple and understandable to everyone. The presenter takes turns taking barrels with numbers out of the bag, calling them loudly. Whoever has this number on the card closes it. If another player also has the same number, additional chips are used - "closures" (or buttons). The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in one line or on the whole card (depending on the rules).

At home, in the family circle, the rules of the game table lotto can be modified. For example, to win, you must close the card completely, instead of one line, or all three playing cards completely. It doesn't matter what the rules are in your family, the main thing is that this game brings fun, communication and allows you to spend time together.

At the same time, each family comes up with their own, original names figures. This adds variety to the game, makes it fun and interesting for all ages.

Symbols of some numbers

The incredible popularity of this hobby has given rise to a variety of rules for the lotto game. At home, everyone undoubtedly has their own legend all or some of the numbers that are used in the game. Therefore, we will present here only the most famous of them.

"All alone", "stake", "lord"

"Swan", "couple"

"Let's figure it out for three"

"Chair", "on four sides"

"Ax", "poker"


Drum sticks

"Baker's dozen"

"Swan in the lake"





"Lady's legs"

The examples given in the table are the most popular names that are recorded in official game... They are built on comparisons, folk sayings, important dates. The rest are historically named so, although, unfortunately, there are no sources why these figures are called that.

Children's Lotto rules

Lotto for small children (mainly preschoolers) is not only their first board game, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them, consolidate knowledge and expand their horizons.

Bright pictures will certainly attract the attention of kids, showing their interest and curiosity. Lotto rules for kids are simple and similar to adults. The presenter takes out a card with a picture and names what is drawn or written there. Children look for this item on their card. Thus, the process of memorization and acquaintance with various categories and objects takes place.

Thanks to the children's loto, you can learn the alphabet, the world of animals and nature, and even foreign language(for those who are older). This game develops well, enriches the child's vocabulary and communication skills.


With the development of information technology, the lotto game is no longer as popular as it was 20-30 years ago. But this does not mean that she is forgotten. Lotto is still popular in many countries, taking to fascinating world fun and excitement. The rules of playing home lotto or Russian lotto are unchanged, simple and allow you to be carried away into the world of carefree childhood.

Greetings to everyone reading this post! Today I will tell you about another interesting lottery called "Russian Lotto". If you are wondering why I started writing about lotteries at all, read it and you will understand everything.

1. Russian Lotto - game rules

The principle of the game is the same as in regular lotto. Let me explain, if someone did not play - several people are involved: the players and the presenter. Players buy tickets with numbers, and the host takes a bag of barrels and starts pulling them out.

When the presenter pulls out the keg, he says the number that is written on it, and the players mark this number on their tickets, if it is, of course, there. The winner is the one who closes the entire ticket before everyone else.

But there are also, so to speak, intermediate winnings. For example, if someone's upper drain is closed, he takes half the bank. If the bottom one, then everyone doubles the pot. But these are not specific rules, before the start of the game, the participants decide among themselves how they will play. This is how regular lotto is played.

The "Russian Lotto" lottery is conducted according to the same principle. That is, you buy a ticket (or several tickets), and then mark the numbers. Only the presenter "sits" on the TV and from there announces the numbers on the barrels.

Russian lotto has its own rules. We will talk about them now.

Here you are sitting in front of the TV and crossing out (well, or marking in some other way) the numbers on your ticket. How do you know if you are winning or not?

The drawing is held in three rounds:

First tour. It is won by those who have 5 numbers closed in any horizontal line. An example in the picture below:

Second round. It is won by those who completely cover any one field. For example, as in the pictures below:

The third round, as well as all the following after it. Then the winners are those for whom all the numbers on the tickets are closed. For example, like this:

I'll tell you a little more about the jackpot. It is cumulative, that is, if no one wins it in today's draw, then the entire jackpot amount goes to the next draw.

Is it realistic to win the Russian Lotto?

Of course it's real. Firstly, in the usual lotto, someone always wins, which means that in the Russian lotto it is possible. Secondly, this game has been shown on TV since 1994. More precisely, not a game, but precisely taking out barrels, that is, a rally.

Do you think if no one won, people would still buy tickets? But there are many who buy tickets and win. By the way, what can you win?

There are two main types of winnings - cash and so-called clothing. Well, everything is clear with money - it is money, from tens of thousands to millions of rubles. And what is a duffel? Here, too, everything is simple - these are houses, apartments, cars, different vouchers, and so on.

Barrel Lotto is a gambling and addictive board game for the home. She helps to rest, relax, have fun with family and friends. The homeland of the game is the Italian city of Genoa. Entertainment appeared in the 16th century. Translated, the word lotto means "fate" or "lottery". How to play lotto at home?

What the game consists of

The lotto set consists of the following items:

  • 90 barrels with numbers. Barrels are made of wood. On the end there are numbers from 1 to 90.
  • Cardboard cards. They are rectangular and medium in size. Divided into 3 vertical columns of 9 cells. Each column contains 5 digits in random order. The rest of the cells are empty.
  • A bag made of thick fabric. In the game, it functions as a hand drum. Essential for storing kegs.
  • Chips. They come in cardboard or plastic. Used to cover identical digits.

Rules of the game

There are three types of lotto: simple, short and "three by three". There are some differences in the rules of each game. The goal is one - the first of all participants to close the card or line with barrels with the corresponding numbers.


All players choose three cards and lay them out in front of them. The host pours the kegs into a bag, mixes them. Then he pulls out and announces the numbers indicated on them. Players must cover the announced numbers on their cards. The one who fills one line with chips loudly pronounces the word combination “flat”. This is how he notifies other players of the impending victory. If he covers all cells with numbers on one card, the game is over.

A short

Participants choose one card each with playing fields... The winner is the one who closes only one line. This game is a shortened version of the simple lotto. It is designed for the maximum number of players (24 people).

"Three by three"

This is the most gambling type of lotto game. Various items or money are at stake. The bottom line is that cards are bought for money. The number of purchased cardboard cards is not limited. The funds are in the middle of the gambling table in a common bank. This is the future win for the winner.

The presenter takes turns taking out the kegs and announces the numbers. With each such action, the contents of the bag are thoroughly mixed. When the top row is closed, the players double the bet. The one who fills in the middle column first has the right to withdraw one third of the amount from the bank. The rest report the money to the general cashier and continue. The player who fills the bottom number line with chips wins.

According to the rules, the presenter can also take part in the game. However, he has no right to peep into the bag.

Symbols of numbers

Most of the numbers located at the end of the keg are called coded words during the game. They are built on folk sayings, comparisons, important dates. This makes its own adjustments and gives the entertainment a special charm. Many do not know the secret codes. It will take a player time to figure out which cell to place a chip on.

Number word encodings
1 "Master", "stake", "all alone"
2 "Couple", "swan"
3 "Think for three"
4 "On four sides", "chair"
7 "Kocherga", "ax"
8 "Matryoshka"
11 "Drum sticks"
13 "Baker's dozen"
18 "For the first time"
20 "Swan in the lake"
21 "Point"
22 "Ducks", "geese-swans"
25 "Again twenty five"
33 "Curls", "curly"
44 "Chairs"
50 "Jubilee", "half a hundred"
55 "Gloves"
60 "Retiree"
66 "Felt boots"
77 "Ladies' legs", "hatchets"
80 "Woman"
89 "Grandpa's neighbor"
90 "Grandfather", "grandfather"

Kids lotto

A separate type of the game in question is children's lotto. Numbers in it replace different thematic pictures: transport, clothing, furniture, vegetables, fruits. The rules are simple: the presenter takes a card with illustrations from the bag and says what is shown there. Children should find this item on their card.