How to make any games. Creating a computer game with your own hands. New branch industry - Mobile games

Every person dreams of something to create something in his life - for this he chooses that profession, which will allow him to do a favorite thing and contribute to the area that is important for him.

However, not everyone may just take and become a developer of games, because this profession requires very much, and in return can begin to give far from immediately. But how oh Gamer did not dream ever to create his own game? Now this opportunity has become much closer.

Basic obstacle

In fact, the creation of games requires certain skills, but they can be successfully obtained independently, educational institutions in the specialty and not passing special preparatory courses. Given the fact that the Internet is now a huge source of the most diverse information, the guidelines for the creation of games can be obtained from there. Only when ordinary gamer comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating his game, he begins to look for ways and faces the first and main obstacle. In search queries, he is issued dozens and hundreds of results with tips and detailed manuals, among which you can quickly get lost, get confused and get lost. The user begins to read one, jumps to another, in the end he can not collect anything together and decides to continue playing those games that have already been developed by professionals, and not try to create their own creation. It follows from this that a person himself is his main enemy on the way to creating his own creations. And there is a question of motivation - if you want to create your own game, then you should not stop the abundance of materials.

Try them to systematize, process in small quantities, do not rush as soon as possible to make a ready-made project as soon as possible - it is better to deal with as follows as follows, work out in practice, and then take it for a business.

Accessibility of needleness

To date, there is no question that the development of games is the advantage of the elected, who own incredible abilities, as it was ten or twenty years ago. Then the creation of the game was a full miracle, while now this is a banal production process. And now any person who has a proper desire and has certain ideas in his piggy bank, can join this process without having specialized education. You just have to decide that you are willing to give in order to create your own game, because the process is this time and demanding perfection, excerpt. Therefore, first decide whether you are ready to take up such a project, then designate all your ideas that you intend to implement, and only then you can go directly to the game development process.

The main components of the integration process

To create your own game, you need a clear understanding of what you should be able to.

The integral process can be divided into two large parts - technical and creative. They are quite different, but if your plans do not include the creation of a multi-hour masterpiece with unique capabilities, then you can easily cope on your own. So, to the technical part of the development process computer Game include writing code, study artificial Intelligence, draw graphics, design three-dimensional models and so on. This half of the process is suitable for those who have a mathematical mindset - good knowledge of programming, mathematics and other accurate sciences. As for the second half of the process, it is no less needed if you want to create your own game to a computer and want it to get high quality and unique. Creative process includes in the entire content of the game, that is, gaming Mira, character characters, items, locations, battle systems, development, finance, can also be attributed to the voice acting and creating a soundtrack.

The simplest way to create games

There are various approaches to the development of games, but it is best to allocate three basic, among which first of all it is worth considering the easiest. It is worth using if you think about how to create your game, but you do not have absolutely no knowledge in programming. To resort to such a way, you will need to download a special game designer - a program that already includes the basic functions of creating games. One of the most famous designers is Game Maker, which is quite easy to learn and has a decent set of functions. As already mentioned above, the main advantage of this method of creating games is its simplicity - you only need to realize your ideas in life through the program provided by the program. But the main minus here lies in these very opportunities, or rather - in their limitations. In fact, using the designer program you can create a template game by choosing functions from a general list for it. If you want to bring a few individuality to the game, add a highlight, your special chip, then you will not be able to do it.

Development of the game on the finished engine

Much more impressive features can be realized if you have basic knowledge languages \u200b\u200bin programming languages, and you also own graphic editors and understand what kind of game scripts are. If you have the ready engine of the game, you can create no longer template, and a full-fledged game with your individuality - just its foundation will be someone created by someone else.

But all that you blind around the base is already dependent on you. Naturally, this method of creating games is much more complicated than when using the designer program, but the result is much more impressive. There is a possibility that to create a similar game you will have to attract other people to share responsibilities with them.

Creating a unique game

But there is also a third way, which is the most difficult, but gives the most impressive result. It differs from the second only by the fact that you do not have the finished engine, that is, the foundations, the database of the game - you create this engine yourself. This means that in your game everything will happen and look exactly the way you have programmed - to the smallest details.

You will have to write a game literally from scratch, and in this case you will definitely need a team of specialists so that everyone answers for its area: graphics, physics, programming, plot and so on.

New branch industry - Mobile games

If you want to try yourself with something simple and less global, then for you the ideal option will be an attempt to create your own game on android, since mobile games in lately They became no less popular than computer, but at the same time they require much less time and resources. You just need to know the language of Java and understand the principles of applications.

Flash games

Another opportunity to create simple games - This is a flash. Such games have long been called "flash drives", there are a lot of them on the Internet, and their distinctive feature is simplicity and unpretentiousness. You can create your own game for girls or for boys, you can try yourself in other genres, which for such games a lot. The main thing is desire. You should not make the game "Create your character and go ahead to an unknown" - better how to work the whole game so that Gamer as a result is satisfied.

Games for a modern person are a significant part of everyday life. Today they are just a huge amount - on the most demanding taste. At the same time, the spectrum of such entertainment is very wide: from the smallest audience to adults. They are also divided by genres and sizes. But among the countless many of the most diverse and diverse games, it is sometimes difficult to find their rather difficult. But you can always easily find a guide how to make your game yourself. This, if there is a desire, is not so difficult. The main thing is to tune in and find good step-by-step instructions.

A little from the history of games

In any form, they accompanied the person from the date of the creation of our world. Games served for entertainment and development. Children distracted homemade toys to engage in numerous domestic affairs. And adults used them to raise the mood. They found many ways to make the game with their own hands. And each had its own characteristics and charms. Up to this day there are quite well preserved several items that served for gambling Back in 3500 BC. But conventional hexagon bones are considered the most ancients. They were made out different materials: bones, ceramics, wood.

Long century in a few people at once. And only in the XXI century, thanks to automation, it became possible to do it alone. There were roulette and "one-hand bandits". Over time of the game, instead of uniting, began to remove people. Now almost all the legacy of humanity is digitized and adapted to computers.

How to make a game for the smallest

The development of children under the age of year is very important. And how can you teach the baby attentiveness, logical thinking and smelting? Of course, with the help of games. Only it is possible to easily, without morals and the strength to develop a lot of talent laid by nature in the child.

Many children's stores offer a huge number of diverse games, but sometimes it is better to develop them yourself. This is useful, and very interesting. Everything you need can be found in special editions that will tell everyone how to make your game.

The most popular children's entertainment even in the "inconsistent" age are modeling and drawing. For this, mom can independently make plasticine and paint. Plasticine - ordinary sweet dough. It will take flour, salt, lemon juice, water and multi-colored food dyes. For drawing, you can also make safe, and most importantly, delicious paints from carrot or beet juice. You will need only flour, salt and some vegetable oil.

Interesting for the child will also be picking up special puzzles. Here, before making your game, you need to choose your favorite heroes and stick them into cardboard. You can cut it into two or more parts.

Making games for a fun company

Get together with friends, what could be better and more fun? But, except for buddies, the cup of tea, create a good mood to help properly selected entertainment. For these purposes, you can choose both desktop and moving games. If there are no suitable instances at hand, you can easily make them yourself.

Before making your game for big company, you need to decide on some moments: the venue of the meeting, the number of people and their preferences, as well as the presence of gaming elements. After that, you can start searching for suitable options.

If among your friends is popular board gamesthen you can independently do, for example, " Sea Boy"," Monopoly "or ordinary" phantas ". For their creation, there will be colored paper, markers, cardboard and a little fantasy.

Each company must try cheerful game "Twister". At the same time it is interesting not only to participate, but also to watch. It's easy enough to make it. You need two watman, scotch, self-tier film of four colors and several utility tools. Watmans are glued, and they are pasted on them multicolored circles (4 vertically, 6 horizontal). Then the dial is constructed.

All these games can be made with your own hands. You just need to go to the goal and find or come up with an answer to the question "how to make the game." On a computer, in a special program you can do everything to be smooth and beautiful. So you can save time and your own strength.

Modern technologies give us the ability to continuously develop, and with the help of a computer you can independently do anything. Therefore, the question of how to make a game to a computer can be solved by finding step-by-step instructions.

It is worth noting that this case requires good skills and abilities to computing. But a simple toy can be done if you try, even the "teapot". To simplify the process, you will need a special program, for example "Scirra Construct", " Fps Creator"You can choose other options. By adding your own pictures, sounds, standing in the program, and possible actions, you can create a good toy. To make it yourself and without these utilities to do a more or less decent thing, you need to be a very advanced programmer. Therefore, it is worth practicing and Start with the simplest.

and create?

The most interesting and at the same time simple is a variety of cartoons. Now they do more even for adults than for children. And what could be more interesting and more exciting than a cartoon invented and created by yourself. Flash game is the same cartoon, with its heroes, plot and obstacles. Therefore, they are so popular today. But how to make a game on a computer in this genre yourself?

For its creation, as for any program of this level, special utilities will be needed by the newcomer. Find them quite easily. As a rule, such online constructors are used as "GameBrix", "Stencyl". All such programs are created using the ActionScript language. The main tools when designing any flash game are the "Flash" interface, creating text and buttons, import multimedia elements in "Flash", organizing and preparing a roller to publishing. At the same time, a good fantasy is needed for an interesting plot and heroes. If you do everything according to the instructions, I will eventually work out a pretty decent toy.

Online game. Learning to create programs

It is also easier to use the finished service and simplify the task several times. All online games are created in the browser. Therefore, to solve the issue of how to make an online game, you can choose several options. But the most effective is to register on a specialized site and use the proposed constructor. For this there are several paid and free sites, such as "MMO Constructor", "Kvester", "Clic.Ru", "Ternox". There is step by step and in a simple and accessible form is created by any online game. It is only necessary to find pictures and clearly imagine the plot and the main characters.

Social networks are a place where the lion's share of free time is spent almost every person who has free access to the Internet. "Odnoklassniki" is one of the most popular sites of this genre. Here they rewrite, lay out video and photos, discuss the events and play. By the way, with the help of the last one can also earn. But how to make the game in "classmates" yourself?

First of all, it is required to construct any flash game of a certain genre: arcade, "shooting", racing. Then you need to go to your page in Odnoklassniki. In the "Games" section you need to click on the "Place game" button. After that, following step by step instructions, download and distribute your own program.

Creating games for "android"

The phone is a device that we use almost constantly for entertainment or work. Now there are many paid and partially free applications for every taste. But sometimes you want to make a program yourself, for myself. The question is how to make the game on Android.

The most popular engines for creating their own applications on this platform are "Unity3d", "Shiva3d", "Andengine" and "Instead". With their help, it is possible without knowledge of programming languages \u200b\u200bto construct the game of any level. Each program helps create your own project.

Video games - this is no longer gaining momentum industry. She flies in the very fuck. People playing video games are more than ever. And this means that many opportunities appear for new people to break through and make an excellent game. You can be! But how to do that? The game creation process is very complicated, but you can make the game yourself with a lot of help or financing. We will tell you about the basics that you will need to take into account to make your game and make it well. Just start with step 1 below.


Preparing for success

    Observe with your game. You will need to plan enough and think about global problems if you want the process to go smoothly. What genre will be your game (RPG, shooter, platformer, etc.)? What platform will your game be released on? What unique I. distinctive features Will your game? For the answer to each question, a different set of resources, skills and planning are required, as they affect the development of the game differently.

    Make a good design for the game. The way the game is decorated will be very important, so it will be better to deal with such things before starting to make the game. How will players come across the game? How will players interact with the world around? How will you train players? What audio and musical accompaniment will you use? All this is very important.

    Be a realist. If stamping games like Mass Effect. It was easy, everyone would do it. You need to understand what you can and cannot do without a huge studio and good experience by the shoulders. You also need to be realistic in what you can do for a reasonable period of time. If you do not look at your strength, you will most likely quickly disappoint and rent. And we do not want you to surrender!

  1. Find good iron and software. Creating a game at any level above "Mobile" requires a computer that most will name "tricky". If you are using an old system, you will quickly find that you cannot run the game on it that you are doing. You will also need some very powerful and pretty specialized programs to create games. Some of them are cheap or free, but the rest can cost quite expensive. We will consider a good software in the following sections, however, you can note that the software you need can include 3D modeling programs, image editors, text editors, compilers, etc.

    • At least you need a powerful processor (at least quad-core and preferably one of the new i5 or i7), a lot random access memory and advanced video card.

Computer Game Industry is one of the most dynamically developing IT segments. How difficult to learn how to create games or at least separate items? Can a user cope with similar tasks alone? How create games on computer professionals?

What do you need to start creating games?

First of all, the involvement in the industry as a player is necessary. Without knowledge of the device of games from the inside and the psychology of gamers, observations of how it works computer graphics In real use, and not in theory, success in the release of own games is very hard. If the game is created with an eye on commercial sales (or at least with the aim of promoting the personal brand of its developer), it should be competitive, reflect the current requests for the gaming community. Release the product, not guessing with the "trend" means to spend the time of wasted. Therefore, it is important to be not just an amateur gamer, but also to study the market, be able to put new games on the computer, test them. And this means that the developer will also need it very much and here we turn to the second basic condition for success in the field of the game industry. We are talking about hardware components - "hardware".

It is known that (from the number of PC, of \u200b\u200bcourse, it is not about industrial computers) - gaming. They include hardware components (processor, video card, memory, chipset), much more technological than PC for office and home needs. Externally, certainly, computers of various classes can almost not differ, but from the point of view of the electronic "filling" the difference is essential. The game PC can cost 5-10 times more expensive than office or home. It is possible that even some kind of separate component (for example, the same processor) will have the price higher than the entire finished PC for the office. Powerful "hardware" will be needed, by the way, not only for testing gameimress products. High-performance components also require specialized programs for computer games. Those with which the masterpieces of the industry will be created.

Third Success Component in Release cool Games "This is how the specialists of the Gamer shop say," a special kind of thinking. It should combine two, seemingly completely different starts: logic and creativity. The first is necessary in order to well-navigate in the construction of scripts, scenarios and various kinds of dependencies laid down in the product concept, decide how to write a game in the structure that future users will understand. The second is to give your product unique signs that distinguish it from similar or competing solutions.

Methods of creating games

How create games on a computer? Experts allocate three main ways to develop gamers products: the use of designers, the involvement of game engines, as well as writing from scratch. The first is the simplest, the third is the most apparent. Therefore, if we are newbies in the field of game creation, then we make sense to draw attention to the possibility of using constructors. However, it will be useful to consider the features of each of the tools.

Game designers

The designer is a set of templates that have a programmed model of behavior. The nearest analogy that can be brought by explaining how to create a game - "Lego" to create such a decision. Just as children design, reading guidelines or improvising, houses, cars and other interesting masterpieces from plastics.

The user has relatively great freedom in the management of templates, the task of their work scenarios. It is unlikely, of course, that with the help of a designer, even an experienced game developer will manage to make a product that will make a sensation in the global market. Such programs are more like a training character that allows novice enthusiasts of the Gamer industry to understand how to create games to a computer. However, even such a task assigned to designers is important in terms of industry development.

Game engines

Creating games with the help of engines - the process, in which the user receives at the disposal is incommensurable wider than in the case of designers, a set of tools. It is quite realistic to say that through interfaces supplied by manufacturers of such solutions, you can create competitive even at the global level solution - arcade, 3D action, simulators' games. On the computer, the engines are set without problems and is almost always accompanied by a convenient interface of using them. As a rule, also qualitative reference and training systems.

What is the engine? This is, in fact, just a set of teams (although very complex, consisting of hundreds of thousands of algorithms), allowing to run separate gaming processes. The number of templates similar to those in the designers are usually minimized. And those that are, are very easy to modify or replacing the user to develop the user. The involvement of the engines requires, of course, greater qualifications than working with designers. If we are talking about creating a serious game, the user, most likely, will have to attract someone to help (the structure of a typical developer team we will look at further). But once, having mastered in the engine interfaces, later a person will be able to adapt existing knowledge and skills to creating almost any game products.

Game from scratch

In the event that the user converts the capabilities of game engines, not to mention the designers, learned several programming languages, studied the principles of creating 3D graphics in the details, then he is the time to master the most difficult tool for creating games - writing a gaming masterpiece from scratch. The stages of the release of a new product will most likely include the development of their own engine - rarely what the game without it costs, the more appropriate for recognition in the community.

It is worth it, however, it is very difficult to cope with the release of the product from scratch alone (although the history of the Gamer industry knows such precedents). But to go through some stages of the development of the game (such as, for example, the creation of characters, drawing graphic elements) in order to then connect other people, collecting the command, quite real and one user.

Professional developers

If we are talking about the development of games as a separate market segment, then professional studios are played by professional studios with financial and personnel resources for commercially competitive products.

The creation of top-level games is hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars, and dozens of specialists of various profiles are involved in their release. There are definitely small and medium-sized developers companies whose budgets for the release of gameimian products can be laid in the amount of 8-10 thousand "green", but this is a very specific segment.

Professional Gaming Studio Structure

Continuing the conversation about professional useful will be explored by the structure of the developer's average developer. Who should work in a company applying to the creation of the World Games Bestseller? How create games on the computer those people who do this on a professional basis?

The developers must include designers and artists. Without their talent, computer graphics will not impress users. Graphics are, according to many experts, the key factor in the success of the game. In some cases, the posts of this type are divided by functions. For example, in the team of game creators, there may be separate 2-D, 3D designers, as well as the so-called concept artists who offer their colleagues and management of the company for approval of the sketches of future elements of graphics.

The next group of specialists is "modulators". They, under the name of their position, create upgrades of characters of the game, as well as those surrounding their artifacts, technology, buildings, "model" future virtual Mir. In some cases, animators help to specialists in this category (in cases where particularly complex character movements have to be simulated).

In most cases, programmers are involved in the creation of games. This happens most often when the developer's company uses its own engine, but it is necessary to periodically coordinate the scripts prescribed in it with the features of the game animation laid by artists. If the engine is supplied by a third-party developer, then, as a rule, no changes in the program code is not required.

Serious gamers do not do without an art director. This person is designed to consolidate the efforts of artists and designers within a single concept. He, besides, will be responsible for the efficiency of work, the organization of processes so that the game is released on time.

Create games yourself: program review

How to create a game, having only general knowledge regarding the work of programs for developing gameimress products? There is a lot of tools that allow even an amateur to create your own game. We give examples from among the solutions of those types that we talked above.

Game Maker.

This program makes it possible to create a game even to those users who do not own programming languages. It is true not to develop three-dimensional masterpieces. The program allows you to create only 2D games, but in a wide variety of genres. You can make very simple game "Food". Menu, affordable user, Contains a large number of ready-made patterns. All that, in fact, remains to do - it is to come up with your scenario of the game.

The program contains enough detailed instructions, good quality Reference system. Having mastered the possibilities of Game Maker at the base level, the user can go to the study of the embedded language of this program - Game Maker Language. Using its capabilities, you can go beyond the limits of templates laid down and create games with almost scratch.


The CONSTRUCT-2 product is recognized by the experts one of the most functional solutions in the class creation of games that do not speak programming languages. The huge plus of this solution is that with it, you can produce games for most of the platforms used today - Windows, iOS, Android, create them in HTML5 and applications for Facebook (understood how to run programs in this social networkThe user will learn how to create a game, show her friends). Construct-2 users note the simplicity and understandability of its interface. It is possible to work mainly in templates, but there are a lot of them, and therefore there will be almost any, which will fit into the script invented by the user. A pleasant aspect - using ConUSTRUCT-2 free.

Unity 3D

The two programms are designed to create games in 2D mode. Unity allows you to work using 3D graphics features. The possibilities that the program gives is a huge amount. As well as in the case of Construct 2, there is multiplatform (even support for consoles - Xbox, PlayStation, Wii).

As part of the program - one of the best in the world, according to experts, game engines (it is also called Unity). Therefore, this decision, without exaggeration, allows you to create gamers' masterpieces of the world level (if, of course, we will be able to collect a team comparable to personnel at least with the average development studio). You can produce very serious games to the computer. Shooting - Definitely, strategies are also quite real, racing, simulators are easy.

Video Game Development is not easy. Nevertheless, if you have an idea by a million, it is better to start as soon as possible! Independent developers recently becomes more and more, and the creation of the game has never been cheaper or easier. This article will tell you about the main milestones of creating a video game.



    Select a genre. Yes all successful games - Unique. However, they can be found to this or that genre. Decide with the genre of the first thing! And the genres are the following:

    • Arcade
    • Shooter
    • Platformer
    • Race
    • Quest
    • Endless race
    • First-person shooter
    • Manga
    • Tower defense
    • Horror
    • Fighting
    • Comedy
    • Survival
  1. Select Platform. The selected platform will significantly affect the further development process, not to mention how the game will be controlled - from the keyboard, joystick or tablet screen.

    • The general rule is such - it is easier to develop the game, immediately representing how to play it. There are exceptions, of course, there is exceptions from all the rules.
    • Want to make the game for the iPhone? It will need to be sent to the AppStore from the computer running Mac.
  2. Write a picture of a game concept. On a pair of pages in general, write how to play your game. Only this can already give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether such a game will be successful.

    Create the main philosophy of the game. It's like a motivation that will make the player play and play, this is the essence of the game. Feel free to check if you have not retreated from philosophy during the development process. Examples of the philosophy of the game can be called:

    • the ability to drive a car;
    • the ability to check the player's reflexes;
    • the possibility of simulation of the economy of the cosmic power.
  3. Record all the features of your game. Features - this is what will distinguish your game from thousands of others. Start with the list of ideas and concepts, then rewrite all this in meaningful offers. Prepare 5-15 features. For example:

    • Concept: Construction of the space station.
    • Feature: You can build your own space station. And manage it.
    • Concept: damage from meteorites.
    • Feature: The player tries to survive in the conditions of meteorite rains, outbreaks in the sun and so on.
    • List the features now, and then it will be easier for you to insert them into the development plan on the game. All peculiarities are better to lay at the very beginning than to "sculpt" everything is one thing.
    • Rewatch the list of features until it understands: "This is the game that I want to create."
  4. Arrange a break. Hide in draft drafts for a week-other. Then get and take a look at them with fresh eyes. It won't hurt.

    Compile a development plan

    1. Space all to the smallest detail. The development plan is the ridge of your game. In it - all. Even so: everything is in it. Mechanics, plot, place of action, design, and everything else. And the format is not important, the essence is important, the content of this document is important.

      • Especially important development plans are when under your start team. The game development plan in this case is a tabletop ... the command file. Be accurate, specific and understandable in the wording describing those or other aspects of the game.
      • Not every game has a development plan, and the two identical plans are not found. This article is only a general guide, but you have the right to make your changes.
    2. Make a table of contents. An aspect of the game should be listed in the table of contents. The only thing you do not need to mention about the plot, if only the plot is not linked to the mechanics of the game.

      • Table of contents - it is almost like a guide to the game. Start with general sections, then divide them on the subsections.
      • Table of contents - this is like a roughing model of the game. But each of the items must be details, a lot of details!
    3. Fill out each item of the table of contents. Describe everything so in detail and it is clear that, starting working on coding and drawing, everyone understood everything, and immediately. Each mechanics, each feature - everything should be explained by 5+!

      Show the game development plan to other people. Depending on your approach, the creation of the game can be both sharing. The opinions of other people about the game can make it better.

      • Tell me a person you're going to release the game. If a person considers that it is just an idea, criticism can be superficial.
      • If you decide to show the game development plan to your loved ones (as a rule, show parents), keep in mind that their assessment may be too soft than if the game criticized the avid playman. No, it does not mean that it is impossible to show the plan for parents. You can, but do not forget to show it and those who have experience in this area.

    We start programming

    1. Select the engine. The engine is the basis of the game, this is a set of tools needed to create it. Of course, it is much easier to take a finished engine than to start developing your own. For individual developers, the choice of engines is great and diverse.

      • With the help of engines simplifies work with graphics, sounds and artificial intelligence.
      • Different engines are different pluses and cons. Something is best suited for two-dimensional games, something - for three-dimensional. Somewhere you need to better understand the programming, somewhere you can start working without featuring the function from the procedure. The following engines are popular:
        • GameMaker: Studio is one of the most popular engines for two-dimensional games.
        • Unity is an easy-to-use engine to create three-dimensional games.
        • RPG Maker XV - Script Engine to create two-dimensional role-playing games In the style of JRPG.
        • Unreal Development Kit is a three-dimensional multipurpose engine.
        • Source is a very popular and frequently updated engine to create three-dimensional games.
        • Project Shark - 3D Engine for beginners and advanced users.
    2. Examine the features of the engine or hide a specialist in it. Depending on the choice there may be a lot of programming. However, even with the simplest engines to figure out is not so easy. Therefore, if the task seems to you no strength, find a professional.

      • It can be the beginning teamwork above the game. First - a programmer, then a specialist in sound and designer, then the tester ...
      • There is a huge community of independent developers with whom it is worth cooperating. If people enjoy your idea - they, inspired, will help you embody her!
    3. Make a prototype game. After having studied the engine, make a prototype of the game. This is essentially a test of the basic functionality of the game. Graphics or sound are not needed yet, only aggregates and a test area are needed.

      • It is necessary to check and redo the prototype until it becomes fun. During inspections, it is necessary to identify everything that works incorrectly and make appropriate changes. If the prototype does not cause the people of delight, then the game itself is hardly amazed.
      • The prototype will change more than once or two. This is normal, because you never know in advance how this or that mechanics behave.
    4. Work on the control. The management carried out by the player is a basic level of Functional game. At the prototype stage, it is important to make management as convenient as possible.

      • Poor, complicated, incomprehensible control is a disappointed player. Good, high-quality, accurate control - a happy player.

    We work on graphics and sound

    1. Think what the project needs. Maybe your game will be sufficiently strict geometric forms and 16 colors? Or do you need complex drawings created by the whole team of designers? And sounds? Be realistic in your estimates and hire people accordingly.

      • Most individual games are created by the forces of a small team or even one person. Note that alone, the creation of the game will take much more time.
      • There are many free resources available to everyone. The main thing in this matter is not to violate the copyright.
    2. Draw draft art. Start working on the visual component of the game, so that the game has gained that atmosphere you saw in your dreams.

      Develop the world of the game. Are there art arts? You can begin to move to the creation of the game and, taking into account the stylistics, start drawing levels or game areas. If your game is in the style of "puzzle", then, accordingly, invent puzzles.

    3. Improve graphics. Depending on the selected graphics style, various programs can come to the rescue, for example:

      • Blender is one of the most popular 3D editors (and free). In the network full-fully manuals on it, so dealing and the problems will not quickly start working.
      • Photoshop - very useful at the stage of creating textures, as well as to draw a two-dimensional art as a whole. Yes, he is paid. If you want a free analogue - take GIMP, it has almost the same functionality.
      • is a free alternative to such a program as Paint Shop Pro, it makes it easy and easy to create a two-dimensional ART. This program is especially useful when working on a two-dimensional pixel art.
      • Use Adobe Illustrator. This program is great for vector graphics. It costs it is not suiced, so if you have money in the edge, use Inkscape - free alternative to Adobe Illustrator with open source.
    4. Write down the sound. Sound is a very important leveling atmosphere of any game. Do you have music, whether it does not have it, what sound effects are reproduced and when the dialogues are voiced - all this will have a significant impact on the impression of the player from the game.

      • There are free and functional programs to work with sound available on the network. If you have a limited budget, they will become an excellent choice.
      • You can write the sound from the house with the help of remedies.