Computer game for children whose house. Manual work "Ladder". Paired pictures "Houses"

Here is a game for children preschool age, with the help of which kids will be able to learn knowledge about various plants and fruits that grow on them.
Before starting the game, cut the cards along the dotted lines, you get 72 cards.
Option 1
Give the children the same plant cards. Then show the fruit cards one at a time. Children take cards that suit them. Then each child names their plants and their fruits.
Option 2
You can give children cards with fruits, and pick up cards with plants for them.
Option 3
Invite the children to sort the cards into groups: vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, shrubs.
Option 4
Place several cards in front of the child and invite them to remember them. Then ask to turn away and swap the cards or remove 1-2. Invite your child to tell you what is gone and what has changed.

An educational game about animals and their homes. The game contains paired cards depicting animals and their houses.
Help each animal, insect, bird and fish find their own house. Collect the required pictures in pairs.
A bear lives in a den, and a bee lives in a hive.
A dog lives in a kennel, and a cat lives in a basket.
The squirrel lives in the hollow of a tree, and the mole lives in an earthen burrow.
The fox lives in a hole, and the ant lives in an anthill.
The bird lives in the nest, and the fish lives in the aquarium.

The game "Opposites" develops speech, attention, imaginative and semantic memory, lays the foundations for logical thinking.
Funny, bright pictures will help with this.
Completeness: 6 sheets of cut cards.
Before starting, cut the sheets into cards along the dotted lines.

Here is a game for children 3-6 years old, with the help of which kids will be able to develop visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, memory and coherent speech.
Before starting the game, cut the cards along the dotted lines, you get 72 cards.

Board game"What is what?" consists of 20 cardboard cards cut into 2 elements using the Puzzle technology. There are 40 elements in total. They depict various subjects, plants and animals. All images are logical pairs based on sharing or purpose.

Board game "Whose baby?" is a didactic mosaic for toddlers. It consists of eight large cardboard cards cut into 2 pieces using the Puzzie technology. Some halves of the cards depict animals familiar to kids, while others show their babies.
Play develops the child's observation, attention and analytical skills.

Purpose of the game: To acquaint the child with the names and characteristics of animals, their habitats.
Course of the game: Lay the cards face up. Place 5 story cards separately.
Ask the kid to find a picture of an animal, ask where he lives,
which of the 5 story cards can you attach it to? Invite your child to collect all the chains of cards.
There are 5 A4 sheets in a file, cut out the puzzles and preferably laminate with wide tape.

Educational game "Whose house?"

For children of younger and middle preschool age

Purpose of the game:

The formation of elementary ecological concepts (features of the life of some animals, their habitats, ways of adapting to environment);

Development of fine motor skills, sensory perception, visual memory, observation and attention.

Rules of the game:

Didactic game consists of 20 matchboxes, pasted over in different colors. On the outside, the box contains the habitat of various animals, and on the inside, the box contains images of animals.

It is necessary to correctly select the inner part of the box with the image of the animal to the outer part with the image of the dwelling (house) of the animal. A little hint is the color of the matchbox.


game variations

    "We have a common ...". Unfold all the inner parts of the box. Invite the child to choose animals that have a common or similar habitat (for example, who lives in burrows, or who lives in the sea, or who lives in wooden houses, who builds their own dwellings, etc.)

    "We play ourselves." The inner parts of the animal box are mixed and placed face down in the center of the table. Players divide boxes with images of animal habitats among themselves. The presenter picks up a box with a picture of an animal. The player who has a box with the habitat of this animal takes the inner part for himself and collects the box. The winner is the one who first collects all the halves.

Educational game for preschool children "Whose house is this?"

About myself: graduated from the Volgograd Pedagogical University, work experience -12 years. I know modern educational technologies and methods, I widely use health-preserving technologies, I widely use didactic games that allow teaching a child the ability to reason. I actively use them in the course of direct educational activities to maximize the individual age potential of the child.

Purpose of the game:
The game in an entertaining way introduces children to different animals and the peculiarities of their lives. In the process of playing, the child develops attention, thinking, speech, and expands his horizons. Puzzle locks on elements train fine motor skills hands, develop visual-spatial perception, allow you to assess the correctness of the task, teach yourself to self-control and self-examination.

Methodical recommendations for the game "Whose house is this?"
The game is designed for 2-6 participants.
It is better to start the game under the guidance of an adult presenter.
During the period of acquaintance with the animal depicted on the card, it is necessary to tell the child about how this animal looks like, where it lives, what it eats, etc.
The number of cards used in the game should be increased gradually, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child. It is recommended to start with 2-3 cards and add 2-3 cards in the next game.
It is very important to play the game against a positive emotional background.
The order of the move can be determined using a counting device.

Rules of the game
1 version of the game
On the playing surface, the halves of cards with the image of animals are laid out face up.
The presenter offers to choose animals according to one of the characteristics:
a) Lives in a burrow
b) Lives in the sea
c) Pet
d) Builds a house for himself
Elements selected by attribute are arranged in a row. How many elements are in a row? What is the longest row?
The correctness of the answer is checked with a puzzle lock. If the half of the card is found correctly, then it remains with the player. The winner is the one with the most cards.

2 version of the game
All halves of the cards with the image of animals are mixed and laid out in the center of the kettlebell surface, patterns down. Elements with images of animal habitats are distributed equally to the participants in the game. Each player takes one item in turn. If he has a second element of the same card, then the card remains with the player. A puzzle lock serves as a check on the correctness of the solution. If the elements are not connected by a puzzle lock, then the taken element is returned to its place with the picture down, and the right to move is passed to the next participant. The winner is the one who is the first to find suitable halves for all of his elements.

Edited the development game "Whose House?" and added the names of the pictures in Russian on the reverse side and English.

Educational game "Whose house?" introduces children to the habitats of animals, strengthens visual memory, develops observation and attention. On the back of the cards are the names of animals and their habitats in Russian and English, which also helps to learn English in game form... Designed for children 1-5 years old.

Print on both sides. Cut the sheets into square cards. There will be the rules of the game on the back cover. which can be glued to the box with the game or enclosed in a transparent file where the cards will be stored.

Rules of the game:

1. The third is superfluous. Select three game cards so that two of them make up a common pair. Invite your child to remove the extra card. Offer more and more cards gradually.

2. Common together. Lay out the animal cards on the table. Ask him to choose animals that have a common or similar habitat. For example, who lives in burrows, who lives in the sea, who lives in wooden houses, who builds their own house, etc.

3. Whose house. The child must connect (put next to) the animal cards with their habitat.

4. We play ourselves. All animal cards are shuffled and placed face down in the center of the table. The players divide the cards with the habitats of animals equally among themselves. The presenter raises and names a card with the image of an animal. The player who has a card with the habitat of this animal takes it for himself. The winner is the one who first collects all the halves.

Evseev M. Yu., Evseeva E. L.

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Target. Development of observation. Consolidation of ideas "higher - lower", "more - less", "longer - shorter", "lighter - harder".

Game material. Shapes.

Rules of the game. Look closely at figure 1. It depicts a zoo, sea and forest. An elephant and a bear live in the zoo, a fish swims in the sea, and a squirrel sits on a tree in the forest. Let's call the zoo, the sea and the forest “houses”.

Take from the set: green and yellow circles, yellow triangle, red square, green and red rectangles and place them near the animals where they are drawn (Figure 2).

Go back to drawing 1 and place each animal where it can live. For example, a fox can be placed in a zoo or in a forest.

When the animals are accommodated, count how many animals are accommodated in each “house”.

Answer the questions, who is higher: a giraffe or a bear; elephant or fox; bear or hedgehog? Who is longer: lion or fox; bear or hedgehog; elephant or bear? Who is heavier: an elephant or a penguin; giraffe or fox; bear or squirrel? Who is lighter: an elephant or a giraffe; giraffe or penguin; hedgehog or bear?

Didactic game "Cosmonauts"

Target. Coding practical actions with numbers.

Game material. Polygon, triangles, figures of astronauts.

Rules of the game. The game is carried out in several stages.

1. Glue the cut polygon onto thick cardboard. Puncture a hole in the center and insert a sharpened stick or match. Rotating the resulting top, we make sure that it falls on the edge where 1 or 2 is written, or on the edge of black or red, where nothing is written.

2. The game involves two astronauts. They take turns spinning the top. Fall 1 means going up one notch; loss 2 - rise

two steps; falling out of the red edge - going up three steps, falling out of the black one - going down two steps (the astronaut forgot

take something and must return).

3. Instead of an astronaut, you can take small triangles of red and black and move them up the steps in accordance with the number of points dropped.

4. First, the cosmonauts sit on the main platform and rotate the top one by one. If the astronaut was standing on the launch pad and a black line falls out to him, then he remains in place.

5. There are six steps from the main site to the first resting area, from the first resting area to the second resting area - more

six steps; from the second rest area to the launch site - four more steps. To get from the main site to the starting site, you need to score 16 points.

6. When the astronaut reaches the launch pad, he needs to score four points before the launch of the rocket. The winner is the one who flies away on a rocket.