Week of games and toys. Thematic week "Games and toys". Educational activities in times of security


Morning: Charger.
We will warm ourselves a little
We'll clap our hands.
We will warm our legs too,
We will sink sooner.
We put on the mittens
We are not afraid of a blizzard.
We made friends with frost,
How the snowflakes swirled.

Didactic game"Pick up the balls to the string."
development of color perception; name and distinguish between primary colors (yellow, red, green, blue).

Didactic game "Geometric Shapes"
fixing the shape of the object circle, square, triangle.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" (guess without looking)
: development of tactile sensations

Games for the development of fine motor skills.
Didactic game "One beans, two beans".
Didactic game "Beads" (stringing).

Observing the work of the janitor in kindergarten.
Game "Find a Pair".

Didactic games:
"Insert figures into the slots"
"Multi-colored clothespins"
"Arrange in order."

Walk: The game "Locomotive"


Morning: Charger.
We got up early today
And they began to do exercises.
Hands up,
Hands down,
Turn left - turn right.
Hands wider to the sides -
One two three four.
Low-low bent
And quietly straightened up.
And they breathed deeply,
Exhaled - that's all.

The game "Let's build a house for a bear and a bunny."
to form in children the ability to create buildings from building material; add toys of suitable size to the created buildings.

Labor in nature.
Game "Leaves"

Evening: Squirrel ladder game
to form the ability to build according to a prepared model, to consolidate the ability to beat a building using toys. Bring up friendly attitude to their peers.

Game "Train".


Morning: exercise.
Bees sit in hives (sit down)
And they look out the window.
They wanted to frolic,
We flew one after another. (run)
They flew into the clearing,
They sat down on the flowers together. (sit down)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals
They fall asleep quietly
They shake their head.

Breathing exercise "Smell a flower."
the formation of a deep breath, training of correct nasal breathing.
Hello, my dear flower.
The breeze smiled.
The sun is playing with a ray
He caresses you all day.

Watching the dog.
Labor in nature. Let's feed the birds. Games on the asphalt "Butterfly", "Snake", "Circles".
Outdoor game "On a flat path"

Evening:breathing exercise "Inflate the bubble".
training of correct nasal breathing; the formation of a rhythmic exhalation and its deepening.
Blow up bubble
Grow big
Don't burst!

Watching the birch.
Labor on the site of the kindergarten.
An outdoor game "Catchers".


Morning: Exercise. Play with flags.
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Jump - jump, jump - jump, here's my flag.

"A doctor has come to see us."
The teacher points to the toys sitting on the chair - a bunny. Teddy bear, doll, hedgehog - and says: “What a queue at the hospital! Animals, are you all sick? But the doctor went to the patients, and there are no more doctors. What to do? We urgently need a doctor. Who will treat the sick? Lena, will you be a doctor? Will you treat sick animals? Put on your robe. You're a doctor now. Call the sick to the office. "
The "doctor" listens to the sick, blows the throat, gives medicine.

Educator: Doctor, we have an office in the hospital where the ears and nose are warmed. I'm a nurse giving injections. Your patients will come to me.

Reception of patients is carried out. The nurse helps the doctor: prescribes a prescription, warms the ears with devices. Nose giving injections.

The teacher says: “I have to go home, my work is over. Who will be the nurse? Taisiya, go to work for me. Bring the dolls to Taisiya to be treated. She does the injections well, it doesn't hurt at all. "

Labor on the site of the kindergarten.
An outdoor game "The Wolf and the Hares".

Evening: game - situation“Visit to the pharmacy”.

The teacher plays the role of a pharmacist. He invites patients (toys and children), praises the work of his pharmacy.

Pharmacist: There are many medicines in our pharmacy. Come, we will always help. (Turns to the toy) Bear, have you been to the doctor? Where is your recipe? (Reads the recipe) So, the doctor ordered to give the medicine. Here it is, drink one spoon at a time and you will be well. Who is next? Lisa, I heard that your bunny is ill. What was he prescribed? Pills? Go get some pills. Give the pill to the bunny right now. Soon the neck will pass. Who has a stomach ache? At the kitty? Zhenya, your pussy ate too much, here's the medicine for it. And you, Lena, what to give? Maybe vitamins? Take it.

In pharmacies all year round
There are medicines and drops
We will heal your stomach
The hedgehog, the heron.
Come to the pharmacy
Get the medicine!

Labor in nature.
An outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".


Morning: exercise "Buratino"
Pinocchio stretched

Once - bent down,
Two - bent down,
Three - bent down.
Spread his arms to the sides
I couldn't see the key.
To get us the key
You need to stand on your toes.

"Three Bears"
Three bears were walking home

Daddy was big-big
Mom with him is smaller
And my son is just a baby
He was very small,
I went with rattles.

We'll clap first

And then we'll stomp
And now we have turned
And they all smiled together.

Fairy tale "Turnip"with display on flannelgraph .
The game with the distribution of roles according to the tale "The Turnip".

Labor in nature.
Outdoor game "Geese - Swans"

Fairy tale "Kolobok" with the show of the theater "B-ba-bo".
An outdoor game "Horses".

Authors: Yusina Anna Viktorovna,
Bantush Valentina Vladimirovna,

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow secondary school with in-depth study of English language No. 1375 Subdivision No. 5,
Moscow city


The first half of the day:

Opening of the "Week of games and toys"

Conversation with children "Toy Stories".

Purpose: to develop imagination, speech, the ability to empathize, to show sympathy for the problems of their heroes; to cultivate the ability to be attentive to the ideas of their comrades, to listen to the end, to show interest in the creativity of their peers.


Outdoor game: "We are funny guys"

Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. On the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, there is a trap. The trap is appointed by the caregiver or chosen by the children.

Children say in unison:

We, funny guys,

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch", the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. Anyone that the trap manages to touch before the escaper crosses the line is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the number of those caught is counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Outdoor game: "Entertainers".

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step.

Stand still, together, together

Let's do it. like this.

Children stop, give up. The entertainer shows some movement, and all the children repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game (according to the condition), the entertainer chooses one of the players in his place, and the game continues. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements without repeating the ones shown.


Drawing: "My Favorite Toy"

Children draw their favorite toy by design. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of drawings is organized.

Plot role-playing game: "Puppet show"

Purpose: the formation of role-based interaction.


1. Teach children to act out familiar plots from fairy tales with toys. 2. To develop the ability to strive to expressively convey the peculiarities of the voice, the emotional states of the characters. 3. To educate the independence and creativity of children in the game. Leadership techniques: assigning roles, creating a good mood, changing roles.

Working with parents:

Creation of a stand for parents:

Plan of activities for the week "Week of games and toys"

Involvement of parents in the creation of a mini-museum "Our favorite toys".


The first half of the day:

Mobile game: "Which team will get together faster"

Target. Develop attention. Strengthen the ability to line up according to a signal in columns in order of numbers.

Game material. Numbers from 1 to 7.

Rules of the game. On the tables there are inverted numbers from 1 to 7. On one table there are red numbers, on the other - yellow ones.

The teacher invites the children to agree on who will play in which team. Children run around the group to the sound of a tambourine. As soon as the beats of the tambourine stop sounding, the teams take numbers from the table and line up in order in two columns. Children who are left without numbers give tasks to the players of the other team. Tasks can be very different, for example, such

Let the one with the number three sit down 5 times;

Let the one with the number five name the number one unit less;

Let the one with the number seven stamp his foot 2 times.


Outdoor game: "Run quietly"

One of the children sits down in the middle of the playground and closes his eyes. The rest of the children stand at one end of the playground; 6 - 8 of them quietly run from one end to the other past the person sitting in the middle. If the children run silently, the driver has no right to stop them. If he hears the noise of footsteps, then he says: "Stop" - and, without opening his eyes, indicates the direction of the sound. If the driver has indicated correctly, the children return to their seats.

Outdoor game: "Owl"

On one side of the site there is a place for "butterflies" and "bugs". A circle is inscribed on the side - "owl's nest". Highlighted child - "owl" gets into the nest. The rest of the children - "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the teacher's word: "day" butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground).

On the word of the educator: "night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to the hunting ground and takes those children who have moved (takes them to the nest). On the teacher's word: "day" the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or a bug.


Speech Development: "Writing Toy Stories"

Purpose: to develop coherent speech in children.

Outdoor game: "Free space"

The players sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed. The teacher calls two children sitting next to him. They get up, stand behind a circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, reach their place and sit down. The players mark who was the first to take the free seat. The caregiver calls two other children.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Puzzle Games".


The first half of the day:

Role-playing game: "Family"

Purpose: to clarify with the children the functions of the mother in the family; develop game dialogue, role-based interactions.

Listening to musical compositions on the theme: "Toys".

Toys and children


Outdoor game: "Make a figure"

Children run all over the playground. At a signal from the teacher, they quickly stop in place and take some kind of posture: squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The teacher notes whose figure is more interesting.

Outdoor game: "Help out"

Children stand in a circle, facing the center. Two children, who were previously chosen, leave the circle and run: one child runs away, the other catches up. A child who runs away can be saved by standing behind one of the children who are standing in a circle and say: "Help me out!" The child who is being spoken to must run away from the circle and also stand behind the other. If the child does not have time to get up, she will be caught. When repeating the game, choose another pair of children.


Modeling: "My favorite toy in kindergarten"

Purpose: To sculpt in different ways (from a whole piece, in parts). Show creative imagination.

Outdoor game: "Mousetrap"

Children are divided into two equal groups. One group - "mice". They stand in a column one after the other. From the second group of children, make 3 circles - these are 3 "mousetraps". Children, who form mousetraps, join hands and on the words of the educator: "The mousetrap is open" children in a circle raise their hands. The mice run first through one mousetrap, and then through the second, and so on. At the teacher's word: "clap" the mousetrap closes (children in a circle lower their hands). Mice that remain in a circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. The game ends when all the mice are caught. The mousetrap wins with more mice caught. The game repeats itself. Children switch roles.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents " Role-playing games in family"


The first half of the day:

Day of Russian folk games and toys: "How they played with them in the old days."

Games with Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya, Gorodetskaya, Bogorodskaya toys.


Folk outdoor games:

"Burn, burn clearly":

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. The players hold hands and lift them up, forming a "gate". The last pair goes under the gate and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “burning one” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So as not to go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two players, finding themselves in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in chorus:

One, two, do not crow,

Run like fire!

The "burning" man tries to catch up with the running. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the "burning" one, then they stand in front of the column, and the "burning" catches again, that is, "burns". And if the "burning" catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair leads.


Drawing: "Painting Dymkovo toys"

Purpose: To acquaint children with new elements of Dymkovo painting. Learn to paint flat and with the tip of a brush.

Outdoor play:

The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and shower the players who have fled around the court.

But this game has several options that complicate it.

1. The salted player becomes the driver, while he must run, holding his hand to the part of the body for which he was shocked.

The first player that the driver touches becomes the driver himself.

2. The seized player stops, stretches out his arms to the sides and shouts: "Tea-tea-help out". He is "bewitched."

Other players can "disenchant" him by touching his hand. The driver must "enchant" everyone. To do this faster, there may be two or three drivers.

Working with parents:

Parental consultation: tell children about Russian folk games.


The first half of the day:

Application: Making movable toys.


Outdoor game: "Carp and pike"

Half of the players, standing at a distance of 3 steps from each other, form a circle. This is a pond, on the banks of which pebbles lie. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, depicts a pike, he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are crucians, they swim (run) inside a circle, in a pond. At the signal of the “pike” educator, the pike quickly swims into the pond, trying to catch the crucian carp. Crucians are in a hurry to hide behind one of the players standing in a circle and representing pebbles. The pike catches those crucians that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of crucians caught by the pike is counted.

Outdoor game: "Carousel"

Children form a circle by holding on to a cord, the ends of which are tied. They take the cord with their right hand and walk in a circle slowly at first, then faster and faster, and finally run. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken aloud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun

And then around, around,

All running, running, running.

During the run, the teacher says: "By-be-mad-whether, by-be-mad”. After the children run around the circle 2-3 times, the teacher gives a signal to change the direction of movement, saying: "Turn." The players turn around, quickly grab the cord in their left hand and run to the other side. Then the teacher, together with the children, says:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two

The game is over!

The carousel movement gradually slows down. At the words “The game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse around the playground. After the children have a little rest, the teacher will give a signal (bell, whistle, claps, blows to the tambourine, on which the players again stand in a circle, take the cord, that is, take their places on the carousel. The game resumes, repeats 3-4 times.


Guessing riddles about toys

Work with parents: "My favorite toy", joint production of parents and children toys from various materials... Exhibition of toys.

Closing of the "Week of games and toys".

She plans a week of games and toys and, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for DO, this topic is reflected in all educational areas. During the week, preschoolers remember the correct handling of toys, consolidate knowledge about Dymkovo and Gorodets toys, get acquainted with the Kargopol toy and the peculiarities of its painting. Reading poems and stories about toys expands children's ideas about the stages of production and the purpose of toys. A detailed description of the teacher's stories, speech exercises on the topic, the script for the puppet show "Katyushins Toys", etc. you will find in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" Games and toys.

Social and communicative development

Children remember the Victory Day, get acquainted with the coat of arms of their native land, solve the problematic situation "All the toys have disappeared from the group." Social and communicative development is also facilitated by conversations about male and female professions, household work and introspection “My good deeds”.

Cognitive development

Solving problems cognitive development the teacher offers children the games "Tangram, geocon, columbian egg". On a walk, older preschoolers observe insects, potato growth, and experiment with sand and clay. The teacher tells the children about the history of toys, about who makes toys for us. In ball games, children consolidate their knowledge of the animals of the North, continue to learn to draw by the cells.

Speech development

In the area of speech development planned finger gymnastics "I have toys ...", reading "Naughty doll" by T. Kryukov, the game "What happens in spring" and compilation of descriptive stories according to plan.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week starts with watching the presentation "Kargopol Toy", then the children look at the album and paint the Kargopol toys. Puppetry skills are reinforced in the production of the Katyushin Toys puppet theater, children draw their favorite toys and make homemade toys from paper, which contributes to artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

The teacher does not disregard and mobile folk games... In the area of physical development folk games are planned: "Tea, tea, help out", "Stick - stukalochka", "Burners", etc. Children learn about products that are good for teeth, guess riddles about personal hygiene items, which contributes to the formation of neatness and accuracy.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "What I saw at the parade." Purpose: to remember with the children about the holiday on May 9.Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the folk toy, folk crafts and games.Game "Throw in syllables". Purpose: to teach to form words according to the first syllable, to develop phonemic hearing.Presentation "Kargopol Toy". Purpose: to acquaint children with the craft, to give an idea of ​​the features of the painting.Morning warm-up "Favorite toys". Purpose: to develop physical qualities.
Acquaintance of children with proverbs that accompanied people in their work. Purpose: to help children understand the meaning of proverbs.Ladybug observation. Objectives: To expand knowledge and understanding of features appearance ladybug; cultivate an attentive and careful attitude towards all living things.S.r. game "In a toy store". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose descriptive stories according to plan.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to liberate children, develop imagination.P. and. "Tea, tea, help me out." Purpose: to develop physical qualities. People's game "Burn, burn clearly." Purpose: to remember the words.
2 p.d.Conversation "What our coat of arms tells about". Purpose: to form patriotic feelings.Cognitive research activity "Who makes toys for us?" Purpose: to expand understanding of the professions and technologies for making toys from different materials."My toys" O. Kras. Purpose: to teach you to listen carefully to the work.Drawing "How we play in kindergarten." Purpose: to teach to distribute the image throughout the sheet, while maintaining the proportions of objects.Exercise "Who will collect the most toys with their feet." Purpose: to develop psychomotor functions, dexterity.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Discussion of the story by T.A. Shorygina "Scarecrow". Purpose: to cultivate the desire to be neat.Games "Tangram, Geocon, Columbian Egg". Purpose: to develop perception, analytical thinking, the ability to focus on the sample.Reading nursery rhymes, jokes, songs. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with folk art.Coloring pages "Kargopol young lady". Purpose: to educate an aesthetic taste, to consolidate the ability to work with a brush.Game exercise "Tell Dunno who they are ... football players (hockey players, athletes)." Purpose: to expand the understanding of sports professions.
Role-playing game "Trip to Child's world"(With the distribution of roles by gender: boys - drivers, dad, son; girls - mother, daughter, salesman, conductor, cashier). Purpose: to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images and express them expressively.Observing different kinds transport. Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline; a person, rotating the pedals, moves.Di. "Why did this happen". Purpose: to teach children to find the cause of events, to express it in words.The game "Changeling". Purpose: to teach children to create images of objects in their imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects.Team game "Change the flag". Purpose: to form the ability to play in teams. P. and. "Don't get your feet wet." Purpose: to develop balance.

Daria Lazutina
"Game and Toy Week". Calendar-thematic planning (senior group)

Plan of events "Weeks of games and toys"


The first half of the day:

Opening of the "Week of games and toys"

Conversation with children "Toy Stories".

Purpose: to develop imagination, speech, the ability to empathize, to show sympathy for the problems of their heroes; to cultivate the ability to be attentive to the ideas of their comrades, to listen to the end, to show interest in the creativity of their peers.


Outdoor game: "We are funny guys"

Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. On the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, there is a trap. The trap is appointed by the caregiver or chosen by the children.

Children say in unison:

We, funny guys,

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch", the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. Anyone that the trap manages to touch before the escaper crosses the line is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the catch is counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Outdoor game: "Entertainers".

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step.

Stand still, together, together

Let's do it. like this.

Children stop, give up. The entertainer shows some movement, and all the children repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game (according to the condition), the entertainer chooses one of the players in his place, and the game continues. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements without repeating the ones shown.


Drawing: "My Favorite Toy"

Children draw their favorite toy by design. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of drawings is organized.

Role-playing game: "Puppet theater"

Purpose: the formation of role-based interaction.

1. Teach children to act out familiar plots from fairy tales with toys. 2. To develop the ability to strive to expressively convey the peculiarities of the voice, the emotional states of the characters. 3. To educate the independence and creativity of children in the game. Leadership techniques: assigning roles, creating a good mood, changing roles.

Working with parents:

Creation of a stand for parents:

Plan of activities for the week "Week of games and toys"

Involvement of parents in the creation of a mini-museum "Wooden toys".


The first half of the day:

Mobile game: "Which team will get together faster"

Target. Develop attention. Strengthen the ability to line up according to a signal in columns in order of numbers.

Game material. Numbers from 1 to 7.

Rules of the game. On the tables there are inverted numbers from 1 to 7. On one table there are red numbers, on the other - yellow ones.

The teacher invites the children to agree on who will play in which team. Children run around the group to the sound of a tambourine. As soon as the beats of the tambourine stop sounding, the teams take numbers from the table and line up in order in two columns. Children who are left without numbers give tasks to the players of the other team. Tasks can be very different, for example, such

Let the one with the number three sit down 5 times;

Let the one with the number five name the number one unit less;

Let the one with the number seven stamp his foot 2 times.


Outdoor game: "Run quietly"

One of the children sits down in the middle of the playground and closes his eyes. The rest of the children stand at one end of the playground; 6 - 8 of them quietly run from one end to the other past the person sitting in the middle. If the children run silently, the driver has no right to stop them. If he hears the noise of footsteps, then he says: "Stop" - and, without opening his eyes, indicates the direction of the sound. If the driver has indicated correctly, the children return to their seats.

Outdoor game: "Owl"

On one side of the site there is a place for "butterflies" and "bugs". A circle is inscribed on the side - "owl's nest". Highlighted child - "owl" gets into the nest. The rest of the children - "butterflies" and "bugs" stand behind the line. The middle of the site is free. At the teacher's word: "day" butterflies and bugs fly (children run around the playground).

On the word of the educator: "night" butterflies and bugs quickly stop in their places and do not move. At this time, the owl quietly flies out to the hunting ground and takes those children who have moved (takes them to the nest). On the teacher's word: "day" the owl returns to its nest, and butterflies and bugs begin to fly. The game ends when the owl has 2 - 3 butterflies or a bug.


Speech Development: "Writing Toy Stories"

Purpose: to develop coherent speech in children.

Outdoor game: "Free space"

The players sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed. The teacher calls two children sitting next to him. They get up, stand behind a circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, reach their place and sit down. The players mark who was the first to take the free seat. The caregiver calls two other children.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Playing with children at home".


The first half of the day:

Role-playing game: "Family"

Purpose: to clarify with the children the functions of the mother in the family; develop game dialogue, role-based interactions.

Listening to musical compositions on the theme: "Toys".

Toys and children


Outdoor game: "Make a figure"

Children run all over the playground. At a signal from the teacher, they quickly stop in place and take some kind of posture: squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The teacher notes whose figure is more interesting.

Outdoor game: "Help out"

Children stand in a circle, facing the center. Two children, who were previously chosen, leave the circle and run: one child runs away, the other catches up. A child who runs away can be saved by standing behind one of the children who are standing in a circle and say: "Help me out!" The child who is being spoken to must run away from the circle and also stand behind the other. If the child does not have time to get up, she will be caught. When repeating the game, choose another pair of children.


Modeling: "My favorite toy in kindergarten"

Purpose: To sculpt in different ways (from a whole piece, in parts). Show creative imagination.

Outdoor game: "Mousetrap"

Children are divided into two equal groups. One group - "mice". They stand in a column one after the other. From the second group of children, make 3 circles - these are 3 "mousetraps". Children, who form mousetraps, join hands and on the words of the educator: "The mousetrap is open" children in a circle raise their hands. The mice run first through one mousetrap, and then through the second, and so on. At the teacher's word: "clap" the mousetrap closes (children in a circle lower their hands). Mice that remain in a circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. The game ends when all the mice are caught. The mousetrap wins with more mice caught. The game repeats itself. Children switch roles.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Modern role-playing games"


The first half of the day:

Day of Russian folk games and toys: "How they played with them in the old days."

Games with Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya, Gorodetskaya, Bogorodskaya toys.


Folk outdoor games:

"Burn, burn clearly":

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. The players hold hands and lift them up, forming a "gate". The last pair goes under the gate and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “burning one” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So as not to go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two players, finding themselves in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in chorus:

One, two, do not crow,

Run like fire!

The "burning" man tries to catch up with the running. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the "burning" one, then they stand in front of the column, and the "burning" catches again, that is, "burns". And if the "burning" catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair leads.


Drawing: "Painting Dymkovo toys"

Purpose: To acquaint children with new elements of Dymkovo painting. Learn to paint flat and with the tip of a brush.

Outdoor play:

The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and shower the players who have fled around the court.

But this game has several options that complicate it.

1. The salted player becomes the driver, while he must run, holding his hand to the part of the body for which he was shocked.

The first player that the driver touches becomes the driver himself.

2. The seized player stops, stretches out his arms to the sides and shouts: "Tea-tea-help out". He is "bewitched."

Other players can "disenchant" him by touching his hand. The driver must "enchant" everyone. To do this faster, there may be two or three drivers.

Working with parents:

Parental consultation: tell children about Russian folk games.


The first half of the day:

Application: Making movable toys.


Outdoor game: "Carp and pike"

Half of the players, standing at a distance of 3 steps from each other, form a circle. This is a pond, on the banks of which pebbles lie. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, depicts a pike, he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are crucians, they swim (run) inside a circle, in a pond. At the signal of the “pike” educator, the pike quickly swims into the pond, trying to catch the crucian carp. Crucians are in a hurry to hide behind one of the players standing in a circle and representing pebbles. The pike catches those crucians that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of crucians caught by the pike is counted.

Outdoor game: "Carousel"

Children form a circle by holding on to a cord, the ends of which are tied. They take the cord with their right hand and walk in a circle slowly at first, then faster and faster, and finally run. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken aloud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun

And then around, around,

All running, running, running.

During the run, the teacher says: "By-be-mad-whether, by-be-mad”. After the children run in a circle 2-3 times, the teacher gives a signal to change the direction of movement, saying: "Turn". The players turn around, quickly grab the cord in their left hand and run to the other side. Then the teacher, together with the children, says:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two

The game is over!

The carousel movement gradually slows down. At the words “The game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse around the playground. After the children have a little rest, the teacher will give a signal (bell, whistle, claps, blows to the tambourine, on which the players again stand in a circle, take the cord, that is, take their places on the carousel. The game resumes, repeats 3-4 times.


Guessing riddles about toys

Work with parents: “My favorite toy”, joint production of toys from various materials by parents and children. Exhibition of toys.

Closing of the "Week of games and toys".

Attention! Attention!

In our GBOU School 1248 SP №7

from November 14 to November 18, 201 6 the "Week of games and toys" is held

We love to play very much: you know, friends! A child can never live without games. We understand adults - today is a new century. Without knowledge and study, there is no chance of success! We are offered tests, and everyone wants to understand: What do we lack, how to entertain us? And we just want to play quietly. To the family, to the soldiers, to the checkers, to jump. And the dolls sat too long, everyone is waiting and waiting for children, And we expect good news - Let's play with friends again! Go back to your childhood, stay with us in it, AND best friends we will name the adults!

"Week of games and toys" dedicated to « World Children's Day ».

Each day of this week will be dedicated to a different topic and will be held in a special atmosphere.

Of course, parents do not have the opportunity to attend every event - but it is better if the closing or opening of the toy week takes place with the participation of the parents. Then it becomes possible to acquaint parents with the program for the whole week, to involve them in a conversation about the benefits / harms of some toys and the peculiarities of organizing children's games.

In the joint venture№7 There is a good tradition of holding a competition between parents to create the most creative children's toys. Then the week of toys in kindergarten ends with an amazing exhibition that can give kids a lot of interesting impressions, and perhaps - thanks to the efforts of the most practical mums and dads - and some new interesting toys for group activities.

The "toy" theme is so wide that ideas with the organization thematic days does not arise.

This is a sports toy day at the gym or playground, the day of the musical toy - in the musical or assembly hall... Day of theatrical toys, on which you can improvise a play with the kids. It's great to organize a day of folk toys, and not only tell, but also show the kids what their grandparents played with when there were no Barbie dolls and transforming robots, remember songs and nursery rhymes that could accompany children's games. Or maybe even visit the museum, asking in advance its employees to focus the attention of the kids only on the "toy" exhibits, so that the excursion does not drag on and does not tire the kids.

And let the week of toys in kindergarten end with a real "ball of toys", with fun music, games and a small "doll" treat, to which the preschoolers will "invite" their favorite and most faithful ... toys!

We invite parents and grandparents to participate in the "Games and Toys" week.

We wish you good luck and creative inspiration!

The plan of the

"Weeks of play and toys" in kindergarten

Part one

Monday: "A Journey to the Land of the Fairies of Games"

The motto of the day:We come to Kindergarten, There are toys waiting for the guys. Fairy invites us to visit, plays with us merrily!


    Opening of the "Week of games and toys". Entertainment in the group "Journey to the Land of Fairies of Games"

    Conversation " Magic world toys "(the teacher's story about the history of the toy, examining illustrations and various toys in the group room)

    Exhibition "My favorite toy" (children bring their favorite toys from home for one day, together with the teacher they arrange an exhibition)

    Drawing on the theme: "My favorite toy."

The meeting with the Fairy of games and toys in each group is different.
Somewhere the Fairy will invite children to the exhibition, somewhere she will leave her traces in the form of magic leaves and flowers, and the children are looking for her in magic forest, having learned a lot of interesting things from the history of toys on the way, somewhere Fairy will prepare a theatrical performance, etc.
In each group, conversations about the history of toys will be very interesting and informative. Children will not only see toys that our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers played, but they themselves will be happy to play with straw, rag, wooden, knitted dolls, dolls - krupenichki.
At the end of the day, children will draw their favorite toys and put on a My Favorite Toy exhibition.

Tuesday: "Day of health and outdoor games"

The motto of the day:Who wants to become strong and agile, Hurry to kindergarten for training!


    Conversation "Where do vitamins live"

    Physical culture leisure "Health path" (for a walk)

    Design of the "Healthy Family" photo newspaper

On this day, the children were happy to get acquainted with vitamins A, B, C. We found out where they live, what they are for, read poems about vitamins, solved riddles, etc.
Each group walked along its own "Health Path". At the beginning of the track, the kids got air balloons with the image of vitamins. Throughout the entire journey, the children gained strength from vitamins, demonstrated their dexterity, strength, speed, resourcefulness.

Wednesday: "Day of theatrical toys and dramatization"

The motto of the day:Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke, Telling it is not a joke!


    Exhibition "Theatrical toys" (toys made by the hands of educators, children and parents)

    Open show of staging

    Theatrical games in groups

On this day, theatrical toys made by the hands of parents and children, educators and children were presented at the exhibition in each group.
The children, together with the educators, prepared theatrical performances and organized open shows for children of other groups.

Thursday: "Day of musical games and musical toys"

The motto of the day:Now the game is not entertainment, but with great meaning, B music games we will play, we will develop our voice and hearing.


    Show - presentation of musical noise instruments

    Folk games, games - fun in groups

    Independent activities of children in the corners of musical creativity

    Summing up the results of the thematic week

Children got a lot of pleasure by visiting the music hall that day. Here they not only saw musical noise instruments made by children and parents from different groups, not only heard about their purpose, but also themselves became members of a musical noise orchestra.
In each group, children played folk games, fun games. On this day, the corners of musical creativity were replenished with a variety of didactic materials of their own production.
The holding of the thematic "Week of Games and Toys" contributed to the creative search for teachers and the improvement of pedagogical skills.


The motto of the day: World Den b child.


Literary d hog toys

Mla dgroups

For this holiday, you need to rummage through the library funds.
Wonderful children's poets wrote whole cycles of poems called "Toys".
One of the most famous and well-known is the cycle of poems by Agnia Barto.
But there are poems about toys and Valentin Berestov, and Mikhail Yasnov, and Emma Moshkovskaya, and other poets.
And the writers made up fairy tales. Gianni Rodari, for example, wrote a fairy tale about the travel of toys on the Blue Arrow train. What kind of adventures with toys did not happen!
Poems and fragments of fairy tales can form the basischildren's performances .
You can organize
exhibition of handicrafts based on fairy tales about toys .

Entertainment script for World Children's Day "Cinderella" for children wed d her, senior and preparatory b groups.

Preschoolers enter the hall to the music, perform movements, and then sit down.
MODERATOR: Conversation"Convention on your rights" .

Hello guys. Did you know that for more than 50 years at the end of November, Children's Day is celebrated all over the world? Back in 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the celebration of World day child as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding among children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

(poems written by the author N. Maidanik)
Autumn day in November -
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?
Reach out with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
An Englishman, an Estonian -
Let the sun shine brighter!
So that they can live peacefully
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
Today they give a holiday to children!
There are many holidays in the world
You can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
Celebrates the whole world
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is on the air:
Congratulations! We love! We believe!
We will save the world to you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
Lovely children,
Happiness flowers!
Our boys
And girls-daughters!
We cherish you,
We grow, we adore,
As you grow up -
We do not notice!
You are our joy
And our difficulties
So become
Smarter and more beautiful!
You are our pride
And luck in life
You are grateful
Continuation of us!
SONG "CIRCLE OF SUN" children go to the middle of the hall, stand in a semicircle, then sit down in their places.
HOST: Hush. Something is wrong here. Can you hear someone crying?
Cinderella hid in the house and cries.
MODERATOR: Guys, can you tell me where they cry on such a merry holiday? (children's answers) Let's knock and find out who lives here?
They knock, Cinderella comes out and cries.
MODERATOR: Sweet girl, why are you crying?
CINDERELLA: Today is a festive ball in the palace and I really want to get there. So I put on an elegant dress. But the evil stepmother asked me so much work that I'm afraid I won't be able to complete it on time. (enthusiastically) And so I want to dance, sing, have fun. (crying)
HOST (towards the guys): Guys, can you tell me what kind of hero came to us, from which fairy tale? (children's answers) Right. We won't leave Cinderella in trouble, will we help to do all the housework?) Dear Cinderella, the guys and I decided to help you. You agree?
CINDERELLA: Oh, how good. (pulls the list out of his pocket). The first thing that the Stepmother instructed was to sort out the peas and beans.
CINDERELLA: What good fellows you are, you coped with such a difficult task so quickly.
HOST: Yes, our guys know a lot and can do a lot. What else do you need to do around the house?
CINDERELLA: Remove debris from the floor.
HOST: Well, it's quite simple, our boys will cope in no time.
GAME "SWEEP THE FLOOR" Balloons scatter on the floor and hand a broom for cleaning, sweep everything into the corner of the hall.
HOST: Did our boys do it?
CINDERELLA: Yes. And the last task is to cook vegetable soup.
HOST: Our girls will cope with this not an easy task
After the game, the evil Stepmother enters.
STEPMOM: Well, well, the floor is clean, the soup is ready, and the beans are disassembled.
CINDERELLA: I did everything, can I go to the ball now?
STEPMOM: You say you did everything? Have you ironed the dresses for my daughters, watered the flowers in the winter garden, fed the fish, planted parsley and dill for winter?
MODERATOR: Dear one, you cannot do this with small children, they also have their rights, and they have their own choice. Cinderella did everything you asked her to. So let her go to the ball.
STEPMOM: This will not happen!
HOST: Guys, let's help Cinderella, we will persuade the Stepmother to let her go to the ball.) We will now tell you how good it is to be friends and have many friends.
Poems are read by children about friendship and friends
MODERATOR: We persuaded you to let Cinderella go to the ball?
STEPMOM: I'm straight, I don't know what to do? No! I decided everything - NO!
HOST (addresses the guys): Guys, let's help poor Cinderella one more time, we will persuade the evil Stepmother. Together we shout in chorus - LET GO! shout
STEPMOM: covers her ears - That's enough, stop, yours took, let it be so - Cinderella is going to the ball today.
CINDERELLA: How wonderful!
HOST: We have a holiday today. WE celebrating World Children's Day... So, stay with us. Do you agree?
And of course, without a good mood, fun - the holiday will not work. So let's have fun, games are fun to play.
It is necessary to specially prepare for these games - to find out what folk games they liked to play in the old days; prepare equipment for them and master two or three games. Games can be very different - round dance or mobile.
Learning new (that is, forgotten old) games is very useful in a company with parents.
Moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers are invited to remember what games (outdoor, verbal, board, round dance) they played in childhood.
Will they be able to remember the rules? Show the game? Teach it to play?
It's not that easy! Are there among those living today who famously jumped over the rope when the famous Bart's "I am both sideways, and in place, and with two feet together" was written? Do today's parents remember how they rode to the classics "without treadmills"? Have you forgotten what a "cue ball" is? A little more, and our children will no longer be able to even imagine this: the shoe polish boxes, into which sand was poured in the 60s, will soon completely disappear.

Show the class! "Games of our yard":"Burners", "Boyars", "Shtander", tag on one leg, "Ocean is shaking", "Paints", "Yes, no", bouncers.

STEPMOM: It's fun to be with you guys, but it's time for us to go home.

MODERATOR: Until next time.

TOY EXHIBITION "Interesting toys for group activities".

Part two. Education by play.

Scientific and methodological works competition

Works in the following nominations are accepted for the competition:

    Completed project of a playroom for preschool children

(Games and toys themselves with detailed description)

Action "Kind Toy"

There are children who live in orphanages. Children who are often and seriously ill and spend a lot of time in hospitals.
You can make toys with your children with your own hands (with the help of parents) as a gift and send them to a baby's house, an orphanage or a children's hospital.