Cheat codes on World of Warplanes. Modpack for World of Warplanes from Job. Movie interface mods

Progress Writing a bot: 90-95%.
Used: Fastfind Library to increase the speed of searching for information on the screen, WinAPI to display debug messages and drawing lines, Iniconfig - settings, Crypt Library for encrypting and decoding serial, Autoit itself.
UNIQUECOLORSSEARCH2 - to determine unique pixels.
Mod \\ Patch: Mandatory modification of the client of the game without which the bot will not work + not mandatory modification, but still improves the work of the bot.
Reports with Virustotal:


The bot can be assigned several (as long as 9) aircraft that the bot will be controlled in battle, while death is moving back to the next one.
Auto Pilot: Manages the plane - simply flies without crashing, not falling while maneuvering from shooting (if they shoot for us), strive for a central square, turns at the edges.
Auto shooting: shoots at the right time to a point of probe, queues (avoid overheating), shoots in objects at the right moment (it does not always work correctly).
Auto Putting: Hold the sight to the point of protection, on buildings or aircraft, depending on the type of aircraft. Very well chasing the plane if I found the progress point.
When you turn on the car shooting and auto tip - behaves like a 12-14 year old schoolboy (very aggressive, as soon as I found a goal - immediately attached), divided into 20% of cases.
Debug Mode: Displays everything that finds: current values, calculated heights, speeds, their limits (there are 2-4% aircraft whose limits may not be determined) and others.

what is missing or "plans"

Tactics: Well, initially, of course, it is clear that different types of aircraft for different purposes are intended, but we need a tactic not in the general sense, but algorithm i.e. Need a full-fledged block diagram of actions depending on:
1) type of aircraft
2) the number of opponents \\ allies
3) active goal
4) tasks or priorities (aircraft \\ ground targets)

Now I will also tell you about what is used in the bot and small examples, the principles of its work.

For example, targeting the target, the code looks like this:
The code
why do you ask so much code, for such elementary things?
And all because in the game we have coordinates 3 (x, y, z), and on the monitor 2 and we need to build a projection, it looks like this:
Therefore, we need:
1) You need to scroll through the camera exactly 360 degrees (script) and get to call it - the sensitivity of the mouse (is set in the settings).
2) Determine the fovx / fovy game camera (also in the settings put 100 - maximum).
3) Determine the width / height game window.

; Current Cursor Position
$ APOS \u003d MouseGetPOS ()
$ Midlex \u003d $ Window_posx + ($ Window_Width / 2)
$ Midley \u003d $ window_posy + (($ window_height) / 2); how much you need to move from the center
$ tox \u003d $ x - $ Midlex
$ Toy \u003d $ Y - $ Midley
; 100 is our fov
$ ax \u003d (100 / ($ window_width)) * $ tox
$ Ay \u003d (100 / ($ Window_Height)) * $ Toy
; 192 and 108 This is our sensitivity that was transferred to Gardus.
$ DX \u003d (192/360) * $ AX
$ dy \u003d (108/360) * $ AY
; actually a real shift
$ X \u003d $ APOS + $ DX
$ Y \u003d $ APOS + $ DY
; Saving itself
Mousemove ($ x, $ y, 100)

(Dropping: 817)

Others interesting news on this topic

With this sight, the effectiveness of the tanker on the battlefield will grow several times, for the cheat opportunities are given a huge superiority over the enemy.


A few years ago no one would have thought that for World of Tanks will create a lot of cheat modifications, but now there are many of them. One of the main such modes are autographs that provide a player with a lot of opportunities. Now it is not necessary to wait for the appearance of the enemy in the zone of direct visibility for its capture, you do not need to convulsely calculate the protection, the route will do everything yourself!

  • Capturing the objectives for obstacles. Without Chud Include Auto Drive You can only when you see the enemy silhouette, now it is enough to click the right mouse button near the enemy and the sight will automatically take a goal. Even behind the shelter!
  • Automatic control. Standard sight At all, it does not count the improvement, because it always looks at the tank of the opponent, but the option from SAE allows you to get even into a fast-lived tank. Mode itself switches the modes of the near and long fight.

  • The most useful possibility is the choice of a point where the sight is watching, a function is implemented as an alternative mode, to include which can be pressed by Alt + right mouse button. In this mode, you can choose some separate point in the enemy armor, for example, a turret, rollers or board. Mod will remember this point and will try to hit when they are shot. But one small minus is present, when the alternative mode is activated, the two previously listed functions are disconnected, so you have to choose what is more important to you. I advise you to combine with this route to immediately see the weak zones of enemy technician. Or you can use, then the opponent will have little chance of survival.

In some cases, when several enemy machines are closely located, a problem with the unwanted automobile switching can appear on another tank, if this happens, press the E key, turning off the aiming operation.

Hello pilots, present how to build mods for World of Warplanes from the FMT guys.

In this assembly are collected best fashion For WOWP, and their number is such a big thing that hands are still drawn to run all this and fly faster. The main modes were made by the FMT team, but there are also separate mods from other models.


List of mods in assembly

Zebra sights from Hootorez
Sights from Lastpilot
Pak sights Zebra_Cool by Hootorez
Historical sights from Wunderflug
Sights from Kireev

Direct Modern Aviagorizizont
Contrast contrast airborne
AviaGorizont direct inverse

5 buttons "into battle" - (in the sky, from the screw, remove the star, to the start, bind all!) From FMT

Frame around the captured aircraft from FMT
Frames around the aircraft from Hootorez

Transparent chat from FMT
Fix Mode Observer
Transparent screen captured target
Transparent window consumables
Transparent health scale (HP)

Unofficial clan system from FMT.
Red Probe Zone
Cameras from hootorez
Set of cameras for vector control or joy
Fixed camera
Disable camera effects
Blue marker of captured aircraft from Lastpilot
Contrast aircraft markers from hootorez
Markers of aircraft from WOWP 1.2
Health and Fasting Indicators Next to the Sight
Height and speed indicators
Devices at the bottom of the screen from Strong911
FMT clock
Health Strip and Markers
Hootorez Protect Point
Blue T.
Wunderflug Protection Point
TU of PAT 1.3 (standard red, not dynamic)
Fashion shutdown clouds
Marker Damaga
The movable radar from FMT (you can configure in the file "res_mods \\ fmt \\ fmt_radar.cfg")
Mod sound "do not whistle"
Bright shells
Remove blackout airplanes without crew
Old bright patch tracers 0.4.2
Thin tracers
Black tracers
FMT Radar Functional Form
Play on any WOWP server
MOD Fix Minikardi
Dangerous height is changed by 1 meter
Counter Damaga
Distance to markers from World of Warplanes 1.4.1
Distance of contrast markers from 1.4.1
Mod dividing markers of the ground and aircraft
Reducing the distinction range of markers (and their capture)
Premium hangar for free


Unpack the archive to any place and run the installer.
To delete, start the file "Deinstall by fmt.exe" (located in the game folder).


(Dropping: 2844)

Other Interesting News on the topic

Thanks to exciting air battles, wORLD game Of Warplanes is rapidly gaining popularity among fans of tanks and beginners in online games.

As in the tanks, for a comfortable game, users began to invent and introduce mods that improve the interface adding useful buns that can be downloaded for free from the official forum or fan sites.

Many pilots are looking for where the modopac from Jess would download for World of Warplanes. After all, Jows got great popularity among tankers, due to its fun in the high level of the game. He gathered several millions of fans on YouTube, who are looking forward to the release of new guides, reviews of new tanks and just video fighting. He does not forget about gold draw, codes bonus and other gifts. Also, with the release of a new patch, a new model assembly appears every time. In the cannon from Job always have comfortable sight With a recharge timer, here is the tweaker, compressed texture, cool voice acting, improved interface, hangars, icons, and all this in several options to choose from.

In addition to tanks, Jov pleases the fans of the game in Slender, GTA, Fallout 4, Just Cause, Outlast, Layers of Fear, other horror and novelties of the gaming industry.

For a while, Jove played in the World of Warplanes and even managed to gather the best modopac. At the moment, Jow rarely plays airplanes and no longer updates its airborne corner. We hope, over time, he will return and continue to delight not only tankers, but also pilots of our favorite aircraft!

In the meantime, we restored its assembly of mods, the one that was at the very beginning! Only the most necessary and useful, just what I chose JOVE.

What entered the modopac:

  1. Improved damage panel
  2. Sight with useful additions is very comfortable, not very troubled and bright. The most important modification capable of helping in battle.
  3. Professionage of the camera in battle, free camera, as well as a chamber for tankers, joystick and vector mouse.
  4. WOWP TWEAKER is made by analogy with WOT TWEAKER specifically for weak old computers and laptops. The program will remove unnecessary effects, it will help to simplify the maximum and optimize the game, increase the FPS and eliminate the part of the lags.
  5. Separate disabling effects of fire and smoke, glare in the sun. It is also possible to completely disable clouds for all gaming locations.
  6. Large selection of premature points of different shape and color. They will become more noticeable. Fashion traffic lights. Also over the captured goal will appear the blue skull.
  7. Radar with a laser sight showing the direction of the aircraft and all other allies and enemies relative to your car.
  8. Convenient markers over planes, modes on the enemy. It is possible to disable land markers by pressing the key.
  9. Set of skins for all the "predator" aircraft, as well as camouflages of all types.

Movie interface modes:

  1. The chryunometer is an analogue of a tank fashion XVM with player statistics, tinted in different colors, depending on the level of their game.
  2. The miniature panel of damage caused by the allies, opponents and in ground-based battle.
  3. Combat statistics per day - shows the number of victories and losses, the number of destroyed aircraft, the experience gained (free also), loans. Useful modes for those who want to be aware of their achievements.
  4. Next to the sight is added the forms and hp indicator.
  5. The clock in battle is for those who cease to control the time while playing.
  6. Multiser wORLD client Of Warplanes.
  7. Direct airgugging.
  8. Transparent chat, as well as the possibility of full disabling chat for, those who annoys the permanent flood. Also added the name of the aircraft you attack.

Modpak contains only useful mods, as close as possible to what Jov uses. It can be downloaded completely free.

You can only install what you need - a convenient installer will make it easy to do. Put a tick on what you want to put. Installing the modpac is better for a clean Warplanes client, so that then there is no incompatibility of mods. So before installing, delete all your old modifications, make backup copies of the most necessary. Thanks to the creators of the Huruometer for the work done on the restoration and design of the assembly. This was done using the Inno Setup program.

All modifications are installed in the Special Directory of the game - the RES_MODS folder, then the patch version. No original files Games are not replaced! So after installing on a clean client, there should be no bugs.

Upd: 06/11/17
As original mod The absorption point is most likely never returns to WOWS (due to the fact that the developers covered this feature and in the form of a fashion, that is unrealized), it was decided to lay out the WarPack cheat (warpac) for World of Warships which has in its arsenal by all the favorite point Protects.

Installation of warpaca

  1. Download, unpack anywhere and run
  2. In the key window we write Demo
  3. Then choose where you have a game
  4. Click to launch

Note: with a demo key, warpac works only 2 hours
Also consider what this cheat is for World of Warships and use it on the main account is the risk of getting ban All information is below, applies only to the old fashion of that and nothing to do with the warpac.

TU for Original mod - wait or not.

As many know (and maybe not), in update World. Of Warships added protection from the model "Point of Protection", this modification stopped working. However, many sites still offer to download it, or give themselves for the developers that they write that it is updated. This is all divorce, or you download the virus there, or you will simply be like a flock of the rams to update the page with supposedly the official place where they do and wait. Do not be fooled by it. There is no site for the developer of the progress point, there is only a small blog where it makes fashion and that for WOWS, here is the link, the last thing that the real author wrote is that it has updated World of Warships to version and will Watch whether it is possible to make an absorption point for this patch, it was February 18.

PSS: I hope each of you understood the whole situation. Finally, I want to say that you would think of your head, and did not go to the nonsense that they write on other sites. And yes, if the absorption point still comes out for 0.7.8, it will immediately appear on this site!

What point of ProtectionMany should know especially those who played World of Warplanes. This is such a marker, which to show where it is necessary to shoot in order to get along the moving goal. In the World of Warships, the ships, they are more slow, rather than airplanes, for this developers and did not make a progress point. After all, it is more interesting to count the improvement on the sight and your skills. But as it often happens, newcomers are often smeared if the enemy ship is in motion, this is where the mod adding the probe point in World of Warships will help. No longer need to calculate the control, it is enough to shoot in a special marker and you definitely hit the enemy.

How to use the prison point in World of Warships?

  1. Go to Boy
  2. We increase the zoom to the maximum (somewhere in the sea or in the sky, it is necessary that the game showed the maximum service time of the projectile)
  3. Click Alt and all (mod will save the settings for the current ship)
  4. Switch on BB lips and make the same
  5. Do it all at the beginning of each fight

Note: TU made under the aspect ratio of the screen 16: 9, if you have 4: 3, 5: 4, or 16:10, then there are fixes in the folder. Just go there, select the ratio you need and copy the GUI folder in World of Warships / Res_Mods / 0.8.7 By confirming the replacement of files.

If the execution point works, but when you are shot, you have a launcher (flight) or higher (below), then it must be used to correct it.

  1. Open notepad (and better program NotePad ++) file aim.xml which is on the way World of Warships / Res_Mods / 0.8.7 / GUI
  2. Install the mod training room
  3. Create a fight on small Map and add one bot
  4. In the very battle, activates the time as usual (maximum zoom and clamp an alt for a couple of seconds)
  5. We find the bot and see how the one is displayed. First of all, you need to configure the height of the hit point (this is where shells should fall when you shoot at the point of protection), ideally it should be slightly higher than the sea level.
  6. We turn around the game, look at our open settings file and looking for a string there. 7.246 (8 row from above). And then simply change the value than it is higher, the higher the place of contact. We save the config, deploy the game, press the space (the mod considers new values), we look at what happened. Then if you need to configure again, finding the perfect option.
  7. Next, it is necessary to create a new training room, but when adding a bot, put a tick on "active" (so that the bot would move)
  8. We go into battle, activate that, we find an enemy and start shooting. If shells have a launch or flight, then we turn the game, open the config and change the value of the string 10.5 (Second line from above). The larger this value, the longer the line TU. Actually, if the lane, then slightly increase the value, then save the file, deploy the game, press the space (remember, you need to do after each change of values) and shoot. Then thus set up the ideal.

Update from 02/05/16

  • Added ships Lo-Yang and Anshan

1) Select the desired option and copy the GUI folder in World of Warships / Res_Mods /
2) In the settings of the game, put a tick on Reducing the Update of the GUI frequency
3) Install fixes if necessary

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