The most convenient sight for World of Tanks. Sights for World of Tanks. Hardscope historical sights

One of the important elements of the game World of Tanks. is an wot.. Starting to play, most gamers are aware of a simple thing - a standard set that is installed in game client, Can not meet all the needs of the player during the fighting. If you remember a recent time, then in the default aiming system, there was even a large multiplicity of sniper mode. The number of ammunition and other, no less useful data was not indicated. It is not by chance that the models began to be developed their variants of aiming systems that would respond with all the desires of users. Best Sights for WOT for popular tank simulator, I began to successfully replace the standard in both sniper mode and in the arcade version. Of course, the necessary and useful additions for lovers of self-propelled artillery plants appeared.
To date, modified wot. - This is a multifunctional complex, in which there are a large number of indicators capable of providing significant assistance in battle. Among them are those who inform about the state of armored vehicles indicating the total amount of HP. Of course, there are graphic or digital values \u200b\u200bof the presence of ammunition, the time required to recharge, the countdown timer until the CD is completed. This is usually the required minimum available. More serious aiming systems are equipped with rangefinders that indicate the distance to the target. Very often an armor thickness sensor is embedded. With its help, the player, by visiting the target, receives data that in this place it is impossible to break the enemy armor. And if we translate the sight towing the hatch of the driver's mechanics, then the enemy's tank will receive damage. What other advantages can be obtained if you download the World of Tanks sight? A number of them are equipped with special additional graphic devices for making shooting at the rate. In addition to the crosshair, there are a number of lines with vertical risks. Knowing the distance to the target and speed of its movement, it is very easy to translate the gun to the point of ahead and send the armor-piercing projectile exactly to the target.
Often wot. sights equipped with devices indicating when the tool will be ready to fire.
First, the circle is information. Various shapes and color indicators will show that the tank gun stopped swing, the gunner keeps the target in the crosshair, the player remains only to click on the "Mouse" button.
Secondly, for greater informative, the graphic animation of the charging countdown timer is set. As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bsight is painted in a certain color when recharging occurs, and becomes visible when the CD ended and can be "bending" again.
Download World of Tanks Sight Maybe every gamer, whether "Novogrena", who is still developing the Ase of Bittles, receiving practical experience on the battlefields, or an experienced player, whose shoulders are not one thousand fights. But it is important to understand the main idea - the upgraded sighting system itself will not be able to give advantages in the hard confrontation of steel giants, it only helps, prompts vital important information, makes it possible to quickly think and efficiently destroy the enemy.
On this site are collected only the best sights for WOTthat will make the life of the "tanker" in battle is much easier. The most recent developments, innovations and additions for battle with the most effective opponents. Any user of the game "The World of Tanks" will find here everything is just the most necessary and appropriate. In short, good luck on the battlefields!

Aim - this is the main element martial interface World of tanks. Without sight extremely difficult to make accurate shot, with an uncomfortable sight extremely difficult to show good game. Standard sight World of Tanks is some averaging the needs of players in functionality and comfort. It is quite possible to play well and show high results, but for maximum efficiency in battle it is worth choosing a sight that will be convenient for you.

Fashion on the sights - The oldest category of mods existing from the earliest versions of the game. The players have long aware of the need and the ability to adjust the sight "for itself." The interface features allow you to make a variety of changes and make sights with any functionality - from minimalist, to extremely informative, as well as cheat sights that we have allocated in a special section.

Main types of sights in WOT

Minimalistic sights They differ in that they are removed from the player's screen, everything that can be left, often, only the aiming marker and circle information. Such fashion are convenient for those who know their battle car and tanks of opponents. If you are an experienced player, then you know without tips in what situation where you need to shoot and how luckily your shot will be. It will be more convenient for you when there is nothing superfluous on the screen and nothing bothers to aim correctly and cause damage to the enemy.

Informative sights Will be more useful for beginners and middle players. Such feature all the information that may be needed for an effective shot. The type of projectile and flight time to the target, distance, the tilt and the thickness of the opponent's armor are all these and many other parameters matter. And everything can be displayed in the sight if you install the appropriate mod.

There are also I. decorative sightswhich combine useful functionality with additional elements that give a certain style. This may be, for example, " star Wars"Or a sight in the style of Warplanes.

The number of mods to the World of Tanks grows every day. New sights, damage panels, skins, various additions to functionality appear. Over time, developers take into account the wishes of the players and make some adjustments to the game. So, with the filing of modulated in the game now there is an opportunity to shoot, without taking the finger from the mouse button. The fans of the automatic cannons were sighed and said "Thank you" to developers. Also, thanks to users and models in the official client, a recharge timer appeared. Previously, I had to guess how the tool would be charged soon, or to put the mod sight. It is pointless to talk about what the best scope in WOT is meaningless, since each gamer has its own opinion on this.

So, many believe that Jimbo's sight is the most convenient in the game. Part of the players prefers futuristic sights, and minimalism lovers suits the standard sight. In essence, the client's sight for last year There is not much change. But not all players grabs standard functions of sight.

This article will not have top rating of the best sights. We give only examples of popular sights, and you already decide what sight is preferable for you. By the way, all the sights are installed in the / WOT / RES_MODS folder / Version_potcha / GUI.

1. Sight Jimbo.

Jimbo-sight is one of the most comfortable sights. It has absolutely whatever you need a player in battle: recharging time and timer reloading tools, a strength indicator and the number of shells in ammunition, fat markers and a fly. This sight is present in almost all assemblies, and it is time to put legends about its popularity.

2. Hardscope historical sights

The assembly of Hardscope sights is perhaps the best of its kind. About a dozen historical sights from popular tanks of the second world and post-war period. Despite the "historicity", they are quite comfortable, possess basic functions (recharge timer, info about the adversary) and can be configured depending on the player's preferences. The sight of the usual edge of the World_OF_TANKS / RES_MODS / 0.9.1 / GUI / Scaleform / Hardscopesetting.xml is configured in a text editor. It is better to use NotePad ++ to edit.

3. Futuristic sights

This category of sights can include A la Ghost Recon or Octagon sights. All futuristic sights are displaying a large amount of information: armor calculator, an enemy tank indicators, a projectile flight time and a distance to the target, the number of projectiles of the BC, their types and much more. But they have a weighty minus - they take too much space on the display and distract the player in battle.

Even the above-described sights have modifications. Painting in another color (the most popular - turquoise), changing the location of the indicators, adding a new chip leads to the appearance of a new sight.

WORLD OF TANKS - What is the best score?

    In my opinion the best sight from the outbreak

    he is the most comfortable!

    Of course, each player in the tanks is his opinion about how the sight should look like, for example, I like the sights in the form of a target or disc, there is also such a sight disk, in my opinion, it's easier to find the desired point for the shot ...

    If the experience is not enough to understand and remember all the nuances better choose Melty. There are many diquses and parameters here. But this is still a little more experience, then it is better to go to sights where information is least distracting and the picture is not uploaded.

    As Zofo noticed, everything is individually. And that one is good, then the second is unacceptable.

    For example, I, for example, on nature, a minimalist and ascetic, so I play games, but if I play, I adhere to the opinion that there should be nothing superfluous in everything. Including on the player's screen. Because all sorts of options are simply distracted. Good sight This is a flash from the shot of the enemy.

    It all depends on the personal preferences of the player. It may turn out that for one sight Super-Power, and for the other it will seem not comfortable. The most popular sights in the game World of Tanks - Melty, Jova, Disk, sights that show the thickness of the armor, as well as minimalistic style sights.

    In my opinion it is better to use sights with a minimum of information so that there is no clutter, but this is personally my opinion.

    Well, here they talk to the taste and color - no comrade. Each person likes its sights, someone is comfortable from Jess, someone from the outbreak, someone does not recognize any of the modified and uses the standard.

    Personally, my dream, in the sight for the comfort of the game should be:

    1. Recharging Time and Recharge Timer
    2. Distance to Obel
    3. Corners horizontal press (for lovers of art)
    4. Armor notion indicator (essentially needed in the game in the game)

    This is probably all the basic necessary functions from the sight, the design of everyone is free to pick up as it wishes, there are hundreds of options.

    He himself chose a speaker for a long time in the game World of Tanks., and understand how difficult it is. After all, the scope for everyone, first of all, the case of taste. Who likes minimalistic sights, and to whom with a huge number of information, as in the sight of Melty, which will consider you what breakage will apply your projectile depending on the distance and angle to the armor. Personally, I myself use minimalistic, first sight in the assembly from JOVA, something like an outbreak sight, but not quite. It has a recharge time, there is a filled red indicator, to which I am very used, and does not prevent a full picture of the battle. Since I have enough experience, the rest of the information is superfluous for me, and it will only interfere in battle, littering the screen. Good luck in battles !!!

    For each wORLD player Of Tanks individually. Standard sight and so functional, and others most often simply have a different look. It is worth choosing which you like more appearanceThis expands the standard functionality (for example, how much remains before recharging). A large set of sights can be found here.

    Sights in the game a lot and tried a bunch of sights: Melty, Jova, Disk. All advise the sight Melty. There are a lot of sights, you can choose the scope for yourself. Information about the sights in game world Of Tanks Look here

    If I can say what kind of sight is better, then it will be only my opinion.

    the game should choose exactly the player and if the player reads here that a certain sight is better in the opinion of the X person, it is unlikely that the player himself will agree with this man.

    Each sight has its advantages and cons, so that I recommend choosing the best sight.

    Personally, I play a lot with a speaker simple lettering;

    Hardscope sights are praised for the opportunity to adapt to the playing, this leads to a relief of the choice of the battle tactics.

    Sight Damoklov sword Collects information about the tanks of the enemy and can choose the needed parameters.

Among huge number WOT modifications, special popularity received cheat sights, they help easier to cope with complex enemy targets by automatic guidance on it.

A hundreds of such sights from different mods have appeared on the wave of popularity, so the newcomer will be difficult to choose the best cheat sight for World of Tanks

Aimbot's category sights are from ordinary auto-receptions by the fact that they are able to hit the enemy not only along the contour at the far distance, but they themselves will calculate the correct corner of the hit. It is very useful if the enemy is behind the obstacle, because before you can only get on the contour in the area of \u200b\u200bthe direct visibility.

Sight from Sae one of the pioneers cheat sights. Its modification is capable of bringing on different vulnerable points of the tank, whether it is a hull, the frontal part, "head", the enemy will be difficult to slip away from you.

You can activate such an eye by pressing the button on the numeric keypad 6 and you can shoot

Vanga's sight is also a fairly famous auto-show, which appeared from fashion modests such as, for example, Jows and Pastats. Its main advantage of it is to cause protection with the progress, for this, the trajectory shot on the enemy is determined. Perfectly helps in battles with heverexted machines, punching armor from different points. It may capture the goal, both for an obstacle and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe line.

The sight from Achulesse is a sight that is very similar to Wantu, but with some improvements, the best accuracy of hitting vulnerable and armored places has the best absorption, which will help you to keep the tank from shells. He also possesses thin settingsthat can be adjusted for yourself.

You can certainly use many other options, but we do not carry the guarantee for their performance, the risk of burning to an unfinished mod, which can lead to the collapse of the game itself, or the sight will not work at all.

Remember that autographs, in contrast to the usual officially prohibited by the game developers, due to an excessively high advantage in the game, so their use can lead to the eternal locking of the account, everything falls on your fear and risk!

The above-mentioned sight options are available in weapons, which are freely available on the network, in the Fashion installer you can choose the sight you like.