How much will the Battle of Battle cost for Azeroth. The most interesting news of WORLD OF WARCRAFT: Battle for Azeroth. Expeditions to the islands

So, the next addon for World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth. Large-scale, global, cool addon!

The impressive introductory video tells us how many representatives of the Horde and the Alliance strongly hate each other, and some time ago, they helped each other to fight Sargeras and smooth the demons of the burning legion back into the underworld during the campaign on Argus.

Developers promise incredible glow of passions and - Of course - we can not do without divanctural plot turns: betrayal, ingenious and wisdom plans, sudden shifts of alignment of forces, etc. All this will be filed under a good story sauce on the islands Zandalar and Kul Tiras. The presence of ancient gods and the return of Azshara is not excluded!

How to get to a free WOW server: Battle for Azeroth?
There is only one official freezer - it is test server addon. There you can get completely free if you got (or bought) invite on beta testing. It should be noted that the full game of beta-test cannot be called: you will come across a lot of bugs, repeatedly reset the progress of the character, alteration or flawless quests, etc. But you can fully enjoy the process of creating and balancing your favorite game. You will be the first to see those ideas that later developers are implemented in real conditions. Well, of course, you should not forget about the spoilers: there are enough of them, as well as problems with a connector and disconnect, balance and even just downloading files.

List of free WOW servers: Battle for azeroth

Unfortunately, the list of free servers WORLD OF WARCRAFT: BATTLE for azeroth Still empty. If you are the server administrator and want to add your server to this list, contact me!

If we talk in general, the free-re-servers of the WWAS allow free to play for a current version of MMORPG. Alas, they usually have one common drawback: due to the adminus frish, donat is introduced to maintain the work of their sharp. For money sell things, boosts, strengthening and all sorts of pieces and nishtyaki. Sometimes it does not affect the gameplay, but sometimes without Donata, a regular player can not even get to the strength of other characters.

And in the in-game store there is a pre-order addition of Battle for Azeroth! When placing pre-order, you can immediately increase the level of your character until the 110th and go to search for four new Allied races, which will appear in the addition: Taurenes of Krutogory, Illure Drasev, the elves of the abyss and nightburn. And for the development of the character of the Allied Race from the 20th to the 110th level * you will get a special set of traditional armor - a real symbol of devotion to Azerost.

Whose side are you on?

Residents of Azeroth managed to repel the sudden attack of the flaming legion. The victory went to them an expensive price: many noble heroes fell in battle, Sargeras blade inflicted a heavy wound to the world. But there is an old split, overcome which will be even harder. The original distrust between the Alliance and the Horde threatens to grow into a new conflict - and no one can foresee what it turns out for Azeroth. Now the heroes are you! - It is necessary to find new allies and make a fight for your faction. With weapons in the hands you have to take part in the key episode of many years of confrontation.

Not time to sit back! Start getting ready for battle now. Subscribe Battle for Azeroth, classify the gold-plated Ravasaur or salted stallion and go to search for allied races. We declare for all Azeroth, for which you are a fraction, and get ready to meet the enemy in the fulfillment.

Battle for Azeroth: Standard Edition and Electronic Edition Deluxe

Supplement Battle for Azeroth is offered in two electronic publications: standard and Deluxe.

And in the standard edition, and the Deluxe electronic edition includes:

  • full version of the addition of Battle for azeroth;
  • improving the character level until the 110th.
  • Pre-ordered to immediately increase the level of the character and proceed to the search for the Allied races.

The Deluxe electronic edition also includes:

  • zandalalar Gold Plated Ravasaur (Horde) or Kul Tirass Solenogric Stallion (Alliance);
  • pet cake, small torthyoll;
  • shirt for cards in Hearthstone;
  • graffiti in Starcraft II;
  • single Savlesub (Transport) in Heroes Of the Storm;
  • replicas, emotions, graffiti and icons in Overwatch.

Soon we will tell you more about the collectible edition, which will be received only in retail sale. It will enter the soundtrack, exclusive illustrations and plot details of the addition of Battle for Azeroth.

New Battle for Azeroth

Kul Tiras - the Kingdom of the Alliance: The homeland of Jain Praudmur turned into a rampant party intrigue and dark magic. You have to fight with eager to the power of pirates, witches using the Magic of Death, and the mysterious priests of the sea.

Zandalar - Horde Empire: In these populated trolls, the lands resting ancient evil, ready to awaken and subjugate the whole world. You will need to defeat the distraught blood trolls, the giant dinosaurs and the creations of Titans.

New Allied races: After issuing pre-ordered, you can begin to establish links with Tauren of Krutogorya, illuminated by Draen, the elves of the abyss and nightburn. This, in turn, will give you the opportunity to create new characters belonging to these races.

Islands not on the map: Combine in three groups and fight with ingenious invaders (or with players from the opposite fraction). Islands are constantly changing, so you are waiting for a lot of tests.

Battles on the fronts: Take part in a large-scale battle for 20 players in mode joint GameTo win a strategically important territory. Head the troops and fight with the enemy commander in the new PVE mode, like battles in the classic Warcraft strategies.

Azeroth's heart: Get the heart of Azeroth, a legendary necklace, from the hands of the magnesium of the bronze commodity. Fill the Azeri necklace - the most worthwhile resource, which caused the contention of two fractions - to endow their armor with new properties.

Start being selected by the support of the new Allied Ras!

When you make a pre-order, you can see Azerosis the eyes of a character belonging to one of the new Allied races Battle for Azeroth. Heroes of Horde will be able to attract the Taurenes of Krutogory and nightburn, and the alliance - illuminated Drasev and the elves of the abyss. If you enter into an alliance with these races, you can choose them when creating new characters.

Before that or another race will fall on the side of your fraction, you will need to perform a special set of conditions - earn a reputation or perform certain tasks. As soon as these conditions are completed, you will receive a special task that will allow your faction to enlist the support of the race. And if you can develop a character belonging to one of the allied races, from the 20th level to the 110th - without using the level of raising level, the change of race or faction, as well as not receiving the levels of the program "Invite a friend!" - You Get a special set of traditional armor of this race. The kit is a set of decorative items that will be available to all of your characteristics of the corresponding race.

Allied races: features, abilities and conditions

Tauren Krutogorya - Horde

The descendants of the Halna, the brave hero of the war of the ancients, the Tauren of Krutogorye worship the spirits of the Earth, River and Heaven. Although the legion's troops invaded their lands, sowing the seeds of distrust between the tribes, Tauren Krutogorye again united. For the first time in a long time they are ready to leave the sacred mountain and join their parents from Kalimdora. The horde will certainly be glad to take so noble and powerful allies.

Racial capabilities of Tauren Krutogory

  • Bovy Natisk: Makes a jerk, knocking down opponents from the legs.
  • Highlander: increases the indicator of versatility.
  • The pride of the Iron Horn: increases the skill of the mining and the rate of mining of ore.
  • Durable skins: Reduces the resulting damage from attacks.
  • Purity: Sometimes it collects more meat and catches more fish.

How to enlist the support of the Taurenes of Kruhogory

  • Get exacerbating the Krutogory tribes.
  • Get the achievement of the "Knee Mountain".

Illuminated Drasei - Alliance

Thousands of years, the army of light fought with a burning legion in inclusion of emptiness. Drasei, who fully dedicated to the fight against demons, take part in a special ritual and absorb the essence of the light of heaven, becoming clouded. Having finished the final victory on Argus, the illuminated Drasei set themselves a new task - to protect Azeroth from any threats and help the Alliance to defend himself from the horde attacks.

Racial abilities of illuminated drains

  • Mountain Light: Rises a blacksmithing skill and allows you to install anvil.
  • Resistance to light: Reduces the resulting damage from light magic.
  • Justice of Light: Deals a big damage from light magic to opponents in the selected area.
  • Retribution of light: after death explodes, causing damage from light magic enemies and healing allies.

How to enlist the support of illuminated Drasev

  • Get to exacerbate the Army of Light.
  • As soon as these conditions are completed, you can start a task chain to open this race.

Nightborn - Orda

Suramar's elves spent 10,000 years under the protection of the magic barrier, and during this time they became too dependent on the secret magic of the night well. To protect this source of force, the leaders of the nightborn concluded a deal with a flaming legion, which led to civil War. Waving the freedom to submit their demons, the nightborn seek to conclude an alliance with the Horde and regain their rightful place in this world.

Racial abilities of nightborn

  • Ancient story: increases the skill of the draw.
  • Reliability with magic: Increases the applied magic damage.
  • Focus: Encourages a flying folio serving mailbox.
  • A magode impulse: fills the region with the energy of mystery magic, causing damage and fighting the nearest opponents.
  • Resistance to mystery magic: Reduces the resulting damage from secret magic.

How to enlist the support of night born

  • Get to exacerbate in the nightborn.
  • Getting the achievement of the "uprising".
  • As soon as these conditions are completed, you can start a task chain to open this race.

Elf vagnets - Alliance

Many tried to curb the dangerous magic of the abyss. Most of them have lost their mind. Alleria Windward firmly intends to use this power for the benefit of Azeroth - it became the first mortal, non-influential influence of the eyelid shadows. After she managed to save the group of collections, we barely cut into the arms of darkness, the allery swore to teach the elves of the abyss to keep dark power under control and ensure that the acquired power serve the Alliance.

Racial abilities of the abyss elves

  • Night Child: Reduces the resulting damage from dark magic.
  • Unity with entropy: When using abilities, you can with some probability you can increase the essence of the abyss, which increases the effectiveness of healing and damage from dark magic.
  • Ether communication: reduces the costs of transmogrification and storage of the abyss.
  • Supernatural calm: Spelling is not delayed upon receipt of damage.
  • Spatial Rift: Opens a Spin in space, allowing teleport for a short distance.

How to enlist the support of the elves of the abyss

  • Get exalted from the defenders of Argus.
  • Get the achievement "Now you are ready!".
  • As soon as these conditions are completed, you can start a task chain to open this race.

Additional cell characters

All players will receive four additional cells to create characters of new races. **

When will Battle for Azeroth come out?

The exit Battle for Azeroth will take place in the summer of 2018. Supplement will bring a lot of new products to the game. In a fierce battle for the future of Azeroth, you will find yourself on the frontmost!

Subscribe Battle for Azeroth add-on and go to search for new Allied Ras!

* To get traditional armor, you need to develop a character without using the level of level increase, the change of race or fraction, as well as not receiving levels within the program "Invite a friend!".

** Is not part of the pre-order. At the moment, developers are working to expand the number of cells for all players. Change is expected during the following weeks. Please follow the news and updates.

Today, the battle of Azerosis will debut, on August 14 - this is the last expansion of the World of Warcraft game, which remains the most popular MMO products with a subscription.

A new addition is partially a refund to the roots of the cycle, at least thematic. In the center of history there is a conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, which is most often used in strategies Warcraft. .

As a standard, we get, of course, higher maximum level To achieve, many tasks, several impressive scenes, changes in the balance of skills, as well as various group tasks.

Each World Of Warcraft also represents more interesting and interesting news. Here are the most interesting.

Two new land

The developers of the Blizzard studio have already become accustomed to the fact that each additive introduces a new continent. Therefore, the surprise was the fact that the battle for Azeret will offer two new land - One for each fraction.

Members of the Alliance will begin their adventure on the three islands Kul-Tiras - Once upon a time the pride of the naval forces. Panstyuko now must reunite with the war against the horde.

There are three large zones Intelligence, waiting for players, as well as the city of Borunus. Visually Kul Tiras resembles North European landscapes, but there is no monotony of visual experience. Artists took care of various views.

Representatives of the Horde as part of the preparation for the final confrontation with the enemies go to the exotic island Zandal Or a cradle of trolls. Independent residents are looking for allies to reflect the alliance and bring order to the ground where chaos continues from the catastrophic events of the cataclysm when the state was literally separated from Kalimdore.

Zandalar - completely different landscapes than Kul Tiras. We will visit the forest resembling the jungle, we will see creatures inspired by dinosaurs. One of the main themes will be the struggle with dangerous worship of bloody trolls.

Examples of snapshots from Zandalalar:


Blizzard regularly tries to introduce new activities in WoW so that players can have more diverse activities. Battle for Azeroth Introduces unique scenarios for groups of three.

Expeditions for which you can leave the capital of each of the two lands will allow you to visit one of several small islands. When we go ashore, our goal will be collect Azeri - The resource that we will strengthen our equipment, for example, the reinforcement of the artifact in the previous application.

Azerids are found in the form of minerals, but we can also find them in the chests and pick up from the bodies defeated monsters. All actions performed on the island during the expedition will reward us with this valuable resource. However, there is one catch - the material will also be collected by representatives of the enemy faction.

In the fight and competition will help shrines offering reinforcements, as well as special items available for purchase only on the ship and on the territory of a particular island. It is also worth noting that the expeditions appear in different versions separated by the level of complexity - normal, heroic, mythical and PVP. In the latter case, we will fight with other players.

The creators took care of the relevant awards, therefore, participating in this type of activity, we have a chance to get interesting items. There are still unknown ways to obtain different monsters But expeditions will allow you, among other things, get a green parrot or a skeleton, an excellent monkey.


Another novelty in the battle for Azeroth is an interesting experiment. Military fronts allow together with 19 allies to participate in large-scale skirmishes that affect the overall conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. Interestingly, this is not PVP mode - we are struggling with advanced artificial intelligence.

Warcraft 3 was an inspiration for Warfront 3. Our hero is a commander of one group of divisions. We move in big map, Create bridgeheads and protect the sources of raw materials or install the paths for resources and additions. We also train subsequent units to fight on the main line of the front.

Warfronts also represent two classic proior to capture

The ultimate goal is to capture the fortress of the enemy fraction. We are facing the main opponents representing different classes, as well as heavier bosses that require greater coordination of participants in the battle.

When one fraction wins the battle, she takes control over the region. Another conflict side must collect special resources to challenge and try to reject the goal. The award for the controlling fraction is, among other things, the presence world Boss in a certain place. Other bonuses were also prepared, for example, the opportunity to get a special mountain - and how!

Mixed racing

In the fogs of Pandaria We have not seen new characters in World of Warcraft, so Blizzard offered an interesting idea, representing additional races which are not really ... new.

Allied races are different fractions or varieties of already existing races. This, for example, the clan of dark iron dwarfs, the mountain region of the Tauren from the region of high mountainous areas or the dark elf voids.

Access to some races requires the completion of specific streams and a number of tasks related, for example, with a military campaign that will begin in the near future. Trolls Zandalari and people from Kul Tiran will be available only after August 14.

Voice chat

Battle for Azeroth can change it because developers are implementing last version voice chat systems, the same tool that we have already used in Overwatch.

Thus, we get more use, additional options To disable the sound of different channels and, above all, better quality Sound. We can also talk to friends who play another Blizzard game. This is an excellent option for those who do not regularly use Discord or not satisfied Skype.

No more PVP servers

Another great change is the elimination of the traditional, existing in the game for many years the separation of servers on PVE (player vs. Wednesday) and PVP (player against the player). Previously, playing on the second type server, we had to reckon with the fact that in certain zones we could become a victim of a player from the enemy fraction.

Now the system changes. PVP mode - in practice agrees to participate in competitions between users - we activate one button. Thus, we also include our PVP talents updated in the new application, and we will achieve the world in which we will find other players who prefer the same style of the gameplay.

This solution is the answer to the creators to request some users who felt limited on the server with fixed rules. In addition, it is worth noting that activation WAR. Mode will provide a small bonus to the accumulated experience points, which is definitely worth considering, targeting the level of 120 in the battle of Azeroth.

It should also emphasize that military regime literally transforms all zones to areas where we can fight opponents of another fraction - no exceptions. In addition, in the zones of the new addition dangerous players Will be marked on the map for rivals, and the awards will be allocated to eliminate them. All this corresponds to the spirit of the conflict of the Horde and the Testament, like a glove.

Return Jaina

Jaina Praudmur is the most famous magician of the Warcraft Universe - practically absent in the previous function expansion. Even in the "Draenor Commander" we have not seen her very often. Behind this provision is the destruction of the city, based on the island of Temoram - Garrosh, the hellish cry made this terrible deed.

Praudmur is no longer looking for compromises and is not going to even think about giving a hand to any representative of the Horde. Given the similar attitude of the leader of the enemy, we can expect quite significant events in the battle of Azeroth. Since such outstanding heroines want to end the conflict with the other side of the conflict, it will occur.

Jaina is also just an interesting character - and probably there are feelings. In the end, we have long known this, also from strategic games many years ago. Although mMO game Never suggest a story worthy of real single-user experience, Blizzard can present interesting events in a very effective way.

Less than 2 weeks in world world Of Warcraft will again launch a full-scale war between the Horde and the Alliance, and for this occasion we decided to tell you about 10 the reasons for which you should play in Battle for Azeroth. And no stupid items like "new locations" or "new plot".

1. Now the perfect time to start the game in WoW

During the release of Legion's addition, we said that it was better not to start the game in World of Warcraft, but now this information is outdated: Battle for Azeroth is suitable for newcomers even more than the previous addon. And this is true, even if we consider only a purely objective side of the question - financial.

The fact is that literally a few weeks ago World of Warcraft has become more accessible than ever - now for playing this MMO does not need to buy basic game And all addons, just enough to pay for a subscription, and you can go to explore Azeroth.

True, this rule does not apply to the content, which will appear in the game along with Battle for Azeroth - the coming addon you still have to purchase separately, but it is still cheaper than the entrance to WOW is still recently. In addition, for the purchase of Battle for Azeroth, you will get the opportunity to instantly raise the level of one of your character to 110, in case you decide to skip the old content.

2. Returning to the origins: War between the Alliance and Horde

For almost 15 years story World Of Warcraft The plot of this game rotated around a variety of events: madness aspects of black Dragons neutharion, spread of influence Ancient God Yogg-Saron, attacks on Azerot Titan Sargeras and many others. But if you are not the fan of the Universe of WORLD OF WARCRAFT, then, most likely, all these names are unlikely to tell you about something.

But in Battle for Azeroth, the game returns to the origins of the Warcraft Universe - to the war of the horde and the alliance, which all fans of the eponymous RTS-series know well. Unlike many other incredible conflicts in WoW, the confrontation of orcs with people (as well as all of their allies) is intuitive, and it is possible to understand the origins of this hostility in 2 hours - just look at the movie "Vakraft".

3. New Era in World of Warcraft History

Battle for Azeroth can also be recommended to those who never liked, or have managed to bother the old motifs of the Warcraft Universe. Despite the fact that part of the add-on will be devoted to the war of the Alliance and Horde, few people doubt that closer to the end of the addon both parties will face an external enemy.

And, for the first time in the history of WORLD OF WARCRAFT, this enemy will almost certainly be completely new, because all the main villains of Warcraft Blizzard has already used: the history of Illidan, the Lich King, formerly and almost all the dark gods have already been told and remained in the past. The time of new heroes and new villains came, and now everything is limited only by the Blizzard screenwriters fantasy.

4. In the center of the plot of addon - one of the most interesting heroes of Warcraft

The number of important characters in the World of Warcraft Universe is not even dozens, but hundreds, but not all of them have interesting characters and depth. Fortunately, this time in the central heroes add-ons were surprisingly ambiguous and interesting characters.

Of course, there must be an important role in the good Anduina Rinna, but in the very center of the narrative in Battle for Azeroth, there should be three contradictory heroines: the Queen of Azshara once called in Azeros, who passed to the Cenophobic camp of the former Painpij Praudmur and the ruthless Silvana Silvanaya, who had already had time Become the most ambiguous leader of the horde.

During the Battle for Azeroth Blizzard announced that in this addition, the main characters would be in the gray moral zone, and so far it seems that it is really so - maybe we are almost for the first time for the history of World of Warcraft waiting for an intriguing plot, In which it will be difficult to unambiguously call the right and guilty.

5. Expeditions to the island

Fortunately, Battle for Azeroth differs from previous World of Warcraft additions not only by potential plot innovations, but also with gameplay innovations. And the expedition to the island is one of the most interesting of them.

In Battle For Azeroth, the game will appear the PVPVE-mode "Expedition to Islands", in which you will need to clean the procedural generated islands from elite monsters, collecting the valuable resource azerite. In parallel with you, the same team will be engaged from the enemy fraction.

You are on one island and compete for resources, and therefore you can interact with enemies - avoid them or, on the contrary, purposefully track and try to destroy to take away accumulated resources. Due to the ability to choose tactics and procedural generation of the islands, this mode offers almost infinite refeplening, and will surely love fans of unusual PVP-battles.

6. Updated and superior World PvP

Speaking about new gameplay "feathers" and PVP cannot be not mentioned the recently added "war regime", which must be returned to game world PvP. Now it does not matter if you are on a PVP or PVE server: Thanks to the war regime, you can at any time join the grandiose war between the Horde and the Alliance, which goes in all locations.

If you turn on the war regime, then you automatically fall into one world with other players who also want to fight - that is, you will instantly find yourself on one server with the same World PvP fans, like you who are ready to fight the day and night. And if the constant battles with the players of the enemy faction are tired of you, then you can turn off the war regime at any time and return to the calm farm.

7. Allied races

Unlike new locations for pumping, dungeons and plot quest chains, new classes or races appear far from each addition of WORLD OF WARCRAFT, and their appearance of the game fans are always perceived as a separate small holiday.

And this time the holiday is especially large: new classes in Battle for Azeroth "will not deliver", but the new races will be, and immediately 4 - two for each fraction. Members of the Alliance will be able to play for the dwarves of black iron and the island residents of Kel-Tiras, and the participants of the horde will be able to try on the role of the orcs of Mag'harov and the powerful Zandalalar trolls.

8. Warcraft IV ... oh, that is, the battle for Stromgard

On BlizzCon 2017, the developers said that the Battle for Azeroth players is waiting for a unique mode combining in itself rPG elements and strategies. Such a regime was the front battles, in which you not only have to be used to manage your hero, but also collect resources, build and improve the construction, as well as hire squads.

The first front battle was the "Battle of Stromgard", in which the Alliance with the Ord lead the battle for the fortress on the Highlands of Arati, and not only the heroes will need for victory in battle, but the army - and each member of your team will have to strengthen this army and expand .

The control over the StromGard every few days is translated from one fraction to another, and the controlling location receives special bonuses. Of course, this regime cannot be called really strategic, but most likely nothing more similar to Warcraft 4 We will not get from Blizzard in the coming years.

9. Compression of characteristics and all numeric indicators

With each addition to the heroes in World of Warcraft, they are becoming more and more: with new levels, the sets of weapons and armor are growing their main characteristics, the amount of health and damage applied. To meet the increased strength of heroes - are becoming more and more "fat" and all mobs.

Practically no one paid close attention to this fact, but when supplement Legion. After each hit, the players began to highlight seven-day numbers, and the amount of health at the raid bosses began to be measured almost in billion, Blizzard realized - this is already busting.

You may seem like this is a trifle, but believe me - it is not. At some point, pop-up after defeating the enemy's ability of seven-handed numbers cease to be useful information, turning into a visual garbage. Fortunately, in the preparation of Battle for Azeroth, the developers solved this problem, "having" all numerical indicators in the game.

10. Battle for Azeroth - Improved Legion version

World of Warcraft is constantly changing and transformed - every year this game is becoming less like a similar one that came out in a distance of 2004. And let the "vanilla" Warld of Warcraft fans insist that over time the WoW is only worse, most gamers are obvious that Blizzard tries to constantly improve the game, developing successful ideas, and discarding unsuccessful.

And Battle for Azeroth The best confirmation is an add-on, which develops all the best arrows of Addon Legion, adding a few new gameplay "Fich" from above. In BFA, we are again waiting for well-proven by the alternating World Boss's, mythical dungeons, world quests, the system of associates, etc. And in the bonus to them - all that is listed above.

So at the moment Battle for azeroth is simply the best wORLD version Of Warcraft, which inherited from previous versions Almost all the best. True, many inherent Wow problems BFA also did not go anywhere.

In this battle there will be no winners and losers.

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Addition Battle for Azeroth became the most fast-selling in history World of Warcraft.: By the time, the heroes of Azeroth received the news from the bronze magnesium magnesium and caught their "azeri vacuum cleaner" on the neck, more than 3,400,000 copies of the addon were sold. And that is, all the foundations: a loud announcement during Blizzcon, Luxury videos, exciting preliminary patches events and, of course, allied races available only to the owners of the supplement. But the main factor, perhaps, it turned out to be a long-forgotten feeling of unity with her faction, expressed in the first cinematic trailers: " For the horde! For the Alliance!"And weapons so - Wow!

But already new lands are open, segregated and investigated, dungeons are passed, the crafts are studied, combat pets are defeated and collected. Before the opening of the first raid, the first PVP season and the first mythical dungeons remain a few days. It's time to look around the entire starting state of the "battle for Azeroth" and try to understand whether it was worthwhile to get into the composition of these three and a half million.

Battle for motivation

We have not allowed to face the opportunity for a long time with some "alien evil", but with a close, understandable and usual opponent. And the preliminary events of the "battle for Azeroth" immersed us to the epic and bloody confrontation of the Horde and the Alliance. Have you ever wanted to remove the fireball in Anduin or gear Saurfang's Shoulders? So they, right in front of us, former combat comrades, to which accounts have accumulated over many years! Well, a neighbor, a neighbor, is ready to answer for the theramore and Tauraho, for the homeless elves and oppressed orcs?

We witnessed episodes, forever changed the history of WORLD OF WARCRAFT. In our eyes, the sacred world tree Teldrasil appealed to the ashes. With our direct participation of the ruins of Lorderon, they were finally unsuitable for life. After such even the fans of the battles of the pets with all his soul wanted retaliation.

However, the excavating epichitance of what is happening did not fully hid the story holes and the chromatic motivation of heroes. What is suddenly Silvana decided to arrange a fire and why not finished a fight with Malfurion? How are Saurfang's attack in the back and his subsequent experiences about it? Why is Jain, recently in a matter of seconds who committed himself with Chuma, could not freeze the Horde saboteurs for the same seconds? Finally, that the princess Zandalalar did in the prison of Stormgrad and why no one responded to her flight? Why there is a flight, here the capital almost burned down, and no one even gone toggling about it, sending alliance fighters in Kul Tiras! Fears arise: Will the screenwriters forces themselves by the end of the addon, that Darnaas no longer?

To at least somehow shake the cutters, Blizzard even released two books of modest literary value. Well, what, players Overwatchsame suits that the game is separately, and the plot is separate!

But the saddest plot fail in heaven. Fighters "Legion"remember how powerful weapons could be spaceship Dreseyev - "WINDIKIKA". As such reasons, Anduin Rynn did not think to end the fear of a pair of label shots? Obviously, according to the most weighty: the scenarios decided that in the current plot "Winjika" does not fit, and simply forgot about it. Yes, the battle between the Horde and the Alliance is more like a friendly match, and cannot be left half players winners, and half - defeated. But could it have been at least casually mentioning about a certain important mission of ordinary or a catastrophic breakdown of the engine? Apparently, they decided not to spend their strength. Go to the bushes, "Windows", grow keys.

Battle for resources

Be that as it may, after the battle as unsuccessful for both sides of the battle with Lorederon about the opposition of the largest factions, we will have to forget safely. Leaders of the Horde and Alliance rated losses and concluded: the armies need fresh blood. Our mission is to find new allies, convince them to forget about your own problems and build the right color under the banners along with your fleet. It seems somewhere we have already seen the same storyline ... Yes, yes, the same melody played after the first unsuccessful attack on the split bank!

Most of all, the first patches of "Battle for Azeroth" remind the beginning of the "Legion". And not only the plot: on the new continents we are waiting for a perfectly acquaintance on the past to addition, except in the economical version. Tactical map breaks a single global mission into three tasks in bed (or six, if you consider a kut's military campaign in other people's territories), and from luxurious class Oblotov The entire fraction was moved to the ship deck. Perhaps, precisely because of this comrades, they lost interest to us: now there are only five of them, each has only one slot for the equipment, and no one cannot persuade the company in adventures. And class resources simply changed the name - now it is "military" resources.

But simplified (at least at first glance) system of equipment. We strongly spend the strength, collecting Azerite to improve the equipment, but instead of several types of weapons we have the only medallion, the level of which opens additional abilities in the mined helmets, shoe and bibs. Saving time and strength, of course, essential. But earlier, we received in addition to the artifact weapons, we received as many three epic story chains, one to the specialization, and even four unique scenes took the druids. Now, instead of all this wealth, it is possible to calculate that the inspiring speech of the bronze magnesium is the same for all races, classes and fractions.

Heroes that have reached the 120th level are included in the path of two years long: they begin to collect equipment. Here, as usual, it did not cost without submarine stones, randoms and endless chase perfection. The point in the most additional abilities: not all of them are equally useful. The new azererite rings moved some of the abilities of legendary items with powerful strengthening, but it will take impossible luck and many attempts so that of many species of things to produce the one in which all the desired talents are combined.

Battle for reputation

But in the process of pumping, remarkably drawn locations open, stuffed with quests and tasks. Sometimes it is even too generous: if you met a lonely warrior, you can not doubt that in his hughnik, the heels of requests are planted. And if you stick to the camp or village, the number of orders at least triple!

Most NPC will be happy to explain to you as the confrontation of the horde and the alliance associated with the urgent need to tear two dozen tails at lizards or ruin the nests of the pterodactile. Some side facilities are not at all necessary to go through - especially if you are a lover of mini-scenes. For example, a plush tea party in druity with amazing, albeit useless reward. Or a story with a timid brothosaur, who needs to pick up a couple, but all the attempts of scientists bring it to someone lead to an unexpected result.

We have to be implemented in the Pirates team and help dragons, deal with the cultivists and tear human sacrifices, arrange weddings and prick of refugees needle, horrify losses and celebrate victories. We will get acquainted with new heroes and whole new tribes, including those singing about the speckle and dolly chanterelle-vulley and mysterious setting of the Mathemary.

Play for the Horde or pass the military campaign at the Zandalalar worth at least in order to see in the role of the healer of the shower of Bvonsamdy himself - this Loa death leads to the origin of the Vudist Baron Saturday (he also Baron Saddy), and the manner of communication resembles Ryuk from "Death Notebook " Each time, resurrecting your hero, he let go of a vigorous joy.

But on the part of the mechanic special abundance, you can not wait: most tasks are reduced to "kill, collect, use." Because of this, even a hike behind a cat stuck in the burning tower is perceived as a revelation and a gift.

But war war, but LANs on schedule. If the run in the story and by-Quests accelerate, it will mean only one thing: the speedy of the era local tasks, Quests of messengers and earning a reputation in new factions. The latter remains a key element of pumping: without reputation not to see neither flights or new allied races, no useful things.

Battle for DPS.

New mechanics tried to embody in island expeditions - these are special dungeons, where the team of three players need to have time to collect a few thousand Azerita earlier than the non-gamers or other users do. But here the revolution did not happen: despite procedural generation, the expedition is quite monotonous. But in the list of possible trophies - Mounts and pets, so that the island is unlikely to suffer the same fate as the scenarios of Pandaria. Yes, and compete with other players is always fun.

As for new dungeons, they succeeded in glory. Unless, of course, do not pay attention to narrow corridors, where problems with the camera begin, and labyrinths with scales, in which newcomers are constantly lost. Group instances look completely different, but equally atmospheric and worked in detail. With bosses are not boring due to a variety of mechanic and abundance of control, and conventional mobs that protect approaches, sometimes surprise ingenuity. The same beginners will surely sweep their nerves not only because of the labyrinths, but also due to traps, generously disposed by corridors. And in some dungeons, opponents are so dangerous that the "high" keys for them are likely to remain unclaimed.

By that time, when the review appears on the site, most likely, the first raid will appear, Radyr. "Keys" will appear: Epochal dungeons will acquire additional levels of complexity. And for those who will successfully cope with new tests, will finally come down by one of the main problems of the new addition.

But to talk about her, you will have to return to the past.

Battle for subscription

The principle of the scaling is valid in some multiplayer games, and not only in arcade session militants. IN Their Elder scrolls. Online The level fit gives the players the opportunity from the first minutes to rush to master the most "fresh" lands and plots, and then, at leisure, move to the original territories in search of missed adventures.

WoW's scaling appeared at the beginning of the "Legion" on the split islands and over time covered the whole game, but it works otherwise. The world is divided into "the" pranks ", between which the gate is built: 60th, 80th, 90th, 100th, 110th levels. It doesn't matter if you love Pandaria, you still won't see it until you do. It does not matter whether Draenor do you like, do not be able to pass it, except that you decide to swing, collecting resources on the timeless island.

In the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe rope, there is nothing bad, the pitfalls are hidden in its implementation, and they are more actively recalculated by the bottoms of their ships players of the 116-120 level. By this time, the effects of legendary items cease to work, the epic armor of the "Legion" is almost completely replaced by the quest "green" and, if you are lucky, "blue" from the dungeons.