How to draw a children's pirate treasure map. Pirate treasure map. What you need to make from scratch

You don't always need to buy your child a new toy to attract his attention. Sometimes you need to show a little imagination and put in a little effort to come up with interesting game, capable of interest the most fastidious guys. One such undertaking could be searching for treasure using a treasure map. This kind of entertainment can keep not only one adventurer busy for a long time, but also a large friendly group of treasure hunters. Today’s article will discuss how to draw a treasure map in several ways.

Required accessories

In order to draw a believable treasure map, you will need to stock up on some important items, these are:

  • album sheet;
  • colored pencils or markers;
  • lighter or matches;
  • rope or thick thread;
  • "hidden treasures".

All subjects should be discussed in order.

Lighter, rope and pencils

So, the album sheet is what it is future map. Its size depends on the preferences, imagination and desires of the painter. By the way, how to draw a treasure map and where to hide the treasure on the diagram will also be decided by him. Colored pencils, which can be replaced with felt-tip pens, markers or paints (depending on what the child likes to use most), will help give the creation a unique color. A lighter or matches can artificially age the album sheet: burnt spots will add mystery to the masterpiece. Well, a rope or thick thread will be needed so that when you roll the finished card into a roll, you can tie it and fasten it. Of course, the most important thing is the treasures that will be hidden. This can be any edible goodies, candies or favorite treats of the particular child for whom the card is being drawn up. You can use small toys or a set of stickers. In principle, any little thing that comes to hand is suitable for this. All these attributes will bring the resulting masterpiece closer to ideal.

How to draw a treasure map with your own hands: a few simple ways

The first method is for the parent.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the place where the long-awaited reward will await the “treasure hunters”. A package of delicious cookies, fruit or any other delicacy is quite suitable for her. Having discovered what was hidden, the kids will not only be happy, but will also enjoy a snack. Once the location has been chosen, you can get down to business. Since drawing a treasure map for children is quite simple, even those who haven’t picked up a pencil for a long time can cope with this task.


How we will draw the map:

  1. If the treat is hidden in an apartment or house, you should start the route from the farthest point and lead the children to success as confusingly as possible. The more complex the trail, the more interesting it is to look for treasure.
  2. Place significant objects located in the apartment on the map. If creative abilities You can’t brag at all, these items can simply be signed.
  3. Aging the card by burning the edges with matches or a lighter. For greater plausibility, you can burn a hole in the center.
  4. Roll up the resulting masterpiece, tie it with a rope and throw it to your child. The result will not take long to arrive. Children's thirst for adventure will draw them into the game at lightning speed.

The second method involves joint creativity.

This option is suitable for an upcoming children's party, for example, if the child has a birthday with invited guests. It’s worth doing everything the same as in the first method, just giving free rein to your child’s imagination. Let your child design his own unique route leading to the goal and decorate the drawing as he sees fit. Explain to your child that the success or failure of treasure hunting will depend on how you draw a treasure map: the more accurately you indicate the route and indicate important details, the easier it will be to move towards the goal.

Play and creativity are integral parts child development, and if they can be combined, reinforced with delicious food and gifts, then this is a huge benefit for the younger generation.

An encrypted treasure map is not only a game that brings a lot of happiness to boys, but also an opportunity to realize their creative potential. I realized this when at school, for the “Best Code Writer” competition, they were asked to prepare some encrypted text on a poster. I approached this activity responsibly, and see for yourself what came out of this venture.

Usually my son and I do all the school crafts together. But this time we had a lot of crafts for school that needed to be prepared in 2 days. We distributed tasks among ourselves, and I had to encrypt the information. But this is even better, since during recess my son could decipher not only other posters, but also this one - he was interested.

I want to tell you right away why I chose the treasure map. It seemed to me that ordinary puzzles and similar encrypted texts for children in grades 1-4 would be too boring. A treasure map with encrypted names of continents, islands, oceans and mountains, deserts and lakes is something that will interest children more than regular encrypted text.

I imagined myself as a little girl and imagined a wall with posters, codes and puzzles. A treasure map would definitely catch my attention. Especially if it was almost like the real thing. I think if you make such a map for your children (just for fun, and not for a competition), they will have fun and will be able to develop their logical abilities.

To make a treasure map you need:
- thick paper
- colour pencils
- red felt-tip pen
- scissors
- pirate-themed stickers or pictures
- glue
- matches

To make the map as similar to the real one as possible, I set fire on all sides thick paper and extinguished it as soon as the edges took on the desired shape of a burnt map.

On the hotel sheet, I printed a note about the code with which I decided to encrypt everything that was on the card.

For the map I encrypted the legend about pirate treasure. This is what it looked like when finished. I printed it out on a separate sheet of paper and cut it out (as chaotically as possible).

I found pirate-themed pictures on the Internet. I cut them out so I could stick them in the right places.

I glued an encrypted legend and a plate with a decoder to the card. Where there was free space left, I drew continents and islands.

Using a knife, I rubbed the lead of a soft pencil.

I rubbed the pencil with a piece of paper. I colored some places (lakes, deserts, etc.) with colored pencils.

I distributed pirate-themed pictures on the card and glued them with a glue stick.

With a red felt-tip pen I drew a line of the ship's route to treasure island.

She signed the encrypted names of mountains, lakes, oceans, islands. In general, there is room for imagination to run wild =)

I hope you also liked the idea of ​​making a treasure map with your own hands.

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We have already learned so much information about pirates, enough for a lifetime. But there is one more detail, and it is called a treasure map. Everyone remembered the boardings, the liters of rum, even the parrot, but they forgot what attracted everyone to become a pirate - the treasure. And today we have a chance to hide personal treasures and find out how to draw a map to find them.

Why pirates buried wealth and drew a map remains a pleasant mystery. The first thought that came to mind was that the rum had shortened their memory so much that they had to draw the path there and back. Probably, the same rum somehow magically influenced the desire to bury something in the ground. But it was not there. Not everyone hangs around with a squirrel. After thinking a little, a second thought came to me - it’s not so easy to carry tons of looted gold with you on one ship. But it’s not so easy to enter the port with a pirate ship - straight away to the festive hanging of bodies. Therefore, pirates buried treasures on the nearest shores, and the map served as Wikipedia for the traveler. But there was disagreement among the pirates; they did not trust each other. How more people knew about the treasure - the fewer people began to know about the treasure. That is why they believe that a pirate is a friend to a pirate only on the deck of a ship, but on land they are enemies, and this is absolutely true, because they came to land for only one purpose. But there were also treasures for which killing several accomplished pirates was an honor and duty, and not a crime. For example, these:

  • Recently, on the territory of Ireland, we found a ship that sank not too long ago in 1941, from which the lucky ones recovered 48 tons of silver. Their happiness knew no bounds, but the Irish are a stern people, they did not distribute the coins to the poor and needy, but threw them into the development of the shipping industry. Maybe they'll find something else.
  • Mel Fisher is a legend among treasure hunters. It was he who, in 1985, found the ship Atach, which sank, just think, back in 1622. Briefly about prices. More than 200 gold and 1,100 silver bars and all sorts of jewelry for ladies were recovered from the ship. How much money is that? Fuck it, robot, I’ll become a treasure hunter.
  • But the largest catch came in 2007, when the Odyssey company (as it was symbolically called) found the merchant ship Merchant Royal, on board of which cargo was lifted with a total value of 500 million dollars. It's not like you're eating boogers off your nose. The company will receive 90% of the total amount. I would like at least one gold coin.

Before, how to draw a map, you hide something, then draw and let your friends search for it. And don’t forget what it is and where it is. Go ahead, treasure hunters.

How to draw a treasure map with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Step two.

Step three.

Step four.

Step five.

If the map has already been drawn, but no one can find the treasure, and even you have forgotten where it is, don’t worry, the end of the world is coming, so you can draw something else.

What would it be without a treasure map? To make this exciting holiday memorable, make a treasure map with your child - it's not difficult at all!

We need:

  • A4 size sheet of paper
  • Strong tea brew (you can use strong coffee)
  • Pencils, felt-tip pens

Step 1

Take a piece of paper. Size doesn't matter much - it's up to you. Tear off the edges of the paper to give the card a more distressed look.

Step 2

Make a thick ball of paper, in this case you will get more realistic folds.


Step 3

Brew several tea bags into a shallow dish. Place a sheet of paper so that the tea leaves completely cover it on all sides. Leave for a few minutes.


Step 4

Carefully drain the tea leaves and dry the future card with a hairdryer.


Step 5

When the map has dried, draw the necessary objects and clues on the map using pencils and felt-tip pens.


Step 6

When you finish drawing the map, you can complicate the future one by dividing the map into several parts or leave it as is, folding the pirate treasure map with a ribbon.

"Fire will help you"

What does it mean? If you yourself haven’t guessed (that you need to hold part of the card over the fire, because there is an inscription written in milk on it), then you can enter the words “ Fire will help you" as an answer in the level

And Captain Jack Sparrow will laugh at the fact that he slipped you empty parts of the map, but then he will still tell you what it’s all about.

Wow! You completed all the tasks and found last part cards? Ha-ha-ha, but it’s empty! Okay, okay, it was a bad joke. Hold the last part of the map over the fire and maybe it will help you.

Aha, now there can be no doubt, you need to hold the last part of the card over the fire and the words will appear.

In our example, “WORD” appeared on the map, but you will have to write the place where the gift is.

As you can see, after the card was held over the fire (be careful not to burn the entire card:) a word appeared on the card, indicating the place where the hidden gift lay. Quest finished :)

Now let's figure out how to make this inventory.

How to make a pirate map

First, download the map file and print it. This is what the original map file looks like.

How to divide a map into 6 parts

I do not recommend printing the map in A4 format, but printing it a little larger (at least one and a half sheets of A4), then each part of the map will be large enough. This is the map I got (one and a half sheets of A4). If this format is not convenient, print it on two sheets of A4 (the map itself will print on two sheets)

As you can see, the map is filled with different places like “Storm Island” or “Dead Man’s Bay”; it also contains icons of cannons, rum, the Jolly Roger flag, an anchor, a black mark, a cross, a steering wheel and a chest. This is also done so that in the quest you can make a reference to the map to find out, for example, “the number of cannons in Fort Hope” or “find out the number of chests in Flint Mountain.”

The middle of the map is empty, this is done so that in this middle, if you want, you can schematically draw a plan of the area or apartment with a designated place where the gift is hidden. In our case, this place will be empty.

This is what the map looked like after I burned it a little around the edges. Be careful, don’t get carried away and burn a hole in the map like I did :) But since there are no vital places on the map in this place, I left it and didn’t redo the map.

At first I drew a plan of our apartment on the map, but then I abandoned the idea of ​​​​using it in the quest, but I left the plan just in case, it did not interfere with the quest.

This is what the map looks like after dividing it into several parts. It is important that the first part of the map contains a complete (not cut) island of the damned, because... We will need to see it in the second task. Unfortunately, I touched it a little, but the icons were not badly damaged and their full number can be easily determined.

Now we will give the map an ancient look and greatly age it. To do this, soak our map in tea and dry it.

Let's soak our map.

After about 2 hours, I pulled out the map pieces and transferred them to sheets to dry.

This is what we end up with

Ready. We do the same procedures with all the remaining paper props, namely Morgan's letter, a bottle sticker with Morgan's letter, a wanted poster for Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Blackbeard's logbook.

Wanted poster for Captain Jack Sparrow

After aging

Pirate Birthday Invitation

After aging

Bottle sticker with Captain Morgan's letter

After aging

Making a bottle with Captain Morgan's letter

Take an empty bottle

And we remove all the stickers from it; the easiest way to do this is to soak it and then scrape everything off with a knife.

Great, the bottle for Captain Morgan's message is ready.

Now let's try our stickers on the bottle, I printed the sticker in two sizes, smaller and larger. Trying on a larger sticker

Trying on a smaller sticker

The second option looks better, so we will glue it.

We take regular glue - a pencil and coat the sticker thoroughly. There was also the idea of ​​writing something on the back of the sticker, so that you would have to figure out how to tear it off and see what was written on it and somehow use it in the quest. Since the quest was made mainly for children, I abandoned this idea so that it would not turn out to be too difficult, but you can use this idea by making small changes to the quest.

We put a sticker on it, it looks great.

Now all that remains is to place Captain Morgan's message in it. We try on the height of the letter and the bottle, because... we will roll the letter into a tube along the sheet so that the letter can be taken out of the bottle without seriously injuring it.

We put the letter in the bottle, it’s a little big, you’ll have to tuck it up.

We take out the letter and fold it in about 3cm. and twist it again into a tube and place it in the bottle.

Great, now all that's left to do is make the plug. We take the paper on which the card parts were dried and roll it into a cork.

Great, let's plug her bottle.

Letter from Captain Morgan.

You can download Captain Morgan's letter in jpg file and doc. The doc version has two versions of the file. In the first, the font is smaller and the letter fits on one page. The second version has a slightly larger font for easier reading and fits on 2 sheets. We print first on one side, then on the other.

If you download doc files, do not forget to install the fonts that are in the list before editing.

Logbook of Captain Blackbeard.

This is what Captain Blackbeard's logbook looks like printed out. I printed it page by page, flipping the sheets over so I could print on both sides.

You can add blank pages at the end, because the journal could have been kept for more than one year.

At the end we fasten the magazine with a stapler, Captain Blackbeard's logbook is ready. It can also be aged and the edges scorched. If you cover the stapled area with a cut-out strip of paper, it will look better.

Black Mark.

It's simple, print and cut out. On the back we write a spell "shaman's banana"

Milk on the map.

We write with milk on the card so that the message can be revealed by holding the card over the fire.

Here, too, everything is very simple, pour a little milk and, dipping a match or toothpick, write on the map the place where the gift lies. After that, let the milk dry and that’s it.

That seems to be all :) If you have any questions about this quest, write to me on VKontakte