Articles on how best to collect foreign coins. Collecting coins. Use quality coin storage accessories

The word "numismatics" refers to the science of coins. It originated from the Latin nummus - "coin" and is much younger than the coins themselves. Its origins date back to the Middle Ages. However, coin collecting began much earlier than numismatics became a science.

What attracts collectors about coins and medals, what makes them look, classify and disassemble coins, medals or tokens (badges) for long hours, and then describe them? As a rule, this is beauty, uniqueness old coins or medals (tokens, badges), their high collection value. At the same time, a collection of coins or medals of any state and any time period of history will tell us a lot about the life, economy, history of this or that state, its trade and cultural ties. Medals and tokens are also numismatic monuments. It is customary to call medals round or shaped, cast or chased pieces of metal made as awards (award medals) or in memory of an event ( commemorative medals). Tokens differ from medals in smaller sizes, they are more often shaped than round, and in most cases they are produced by orders of various sports, industrial associations, public organizations, and enterprises.

Like any other collecting, collecting coins (medals, tokens, badges) should not be aimless and haphazard accumulation of items. An experienced collector begins by setting himself a very clear goal, for example, to collect certain coins of a certain country for a certain period, because you cannot collect everything that comes to hand.

You can't start right away by collecting rare coins. Firstly, rare coins in the collection only have value and are interesting when they complement the rank and file. The presence of 1-2 rare coins in a small collection does not enrich the collection, while the pursuit of rarities has nothing to do with real collecting. Secondly, rare coins were often counterfeited. It takes a lot of experience and knowledge to distinguish a genuine coin from a counterfeit one.

Finally, the purpose of compiling any collection is to achieve the relative completeness of the collection. This goal cannot be achieved by collecting coins of all times and peoples.

It is unusually interesting and useful to collect modern domestic coins, especially since they are often updated, and some of the coins are still in circulation, and the other part, if it is out of circulation, is so recently that the search for such coins is not difficult.

Collection replenishment... The collection can be replenished by receiving gifts, exchanging doublets and other coins from the exchange fund for unnecessary coins, and, finally, by exchanging other collectibles for the desired samples.

Exchange for unnecessary coins (whether they are collection doublets or are they coins of other states or other periods) that the collector does not collect, usually gives a large replenishment. In order to successfully conduct such an exchange, the exchange fund must be disassembled by country and year.

The coins of each country must be separated from the coins of other countries.

Pre-processing of the collected material... Coins can come to the collector in a contaminated state. Therefore, before placing a coin into a collection, it must be cleared.

Under no circumstances should coins be cleaned with a wire brush, chalk, brick dust or acids. So you can scratch it - just ruin it! Use ordinary warm soapy water and a soft sponge (a toothbrush dipped in a gruel of baking soda and ammonia). After this treatment, the coin, wiped with dry baking soda, is thoroughly washed and wiped dry.

Copper, bronze and nickel coins, if they have traces of corrosion or caked earth for centuries, must be placed in a vessel with wood ash, filled with water and boiled for a long time (at least 2 hours). Then you need to rinse the coins and wipe dry.

To keep coins clean and shiny, it is recommended to periodically clean them - regardless of the nature of the metal - with wax. For this, a clean (without any chemical impurities) wax is taken, with which a soft and resilient brush is rubbed, usually used by watchmakers. With this brush, wax is applied to the coin, which is rubbed with it until it shines.

Storage and arrangement of coins... A collection of coins is only interesting and useful when kept in proper condition and correctly positioned. It is by no means recommended to store the collection in bulk in boxes or boxes.

For storing coins, special numismatic cabinets with pull-out tablets (shelves) are used. If there is no such cabinet, you can adapt light plywood boards with side walls made of wooden blocks section 1 x 1 cm.

It is much better to store coins in so-called baking trays. Each coin is placed in an open cardboard or tin box with low walls, made to the size of the coin. It is not difficult to make such boxes: they can be glued from cardboard or cut from cleanly washed cans.

The coins in the collection should be sorted by country, year and denomination. For example, a collector collects domestic coins. They should be arranged by year, in ascending order, from smallest to largest, within a year - by denomination.

The correct placement of coins in a collection is related to the study of it. The storage order should help the study of the collection, and at the same time, the storage of the collection should be built in accordance with the study.

Collecting coins was a favorite hobby as far back as the 1300s, and today coin collecting remains a popular pastime for many antique enthusiasts. If you are just entering wonderful world collecting coins, use these tips to get started in your new career.

Coin selection

Collecting coins is easier if you have already chosen your particular genre. Once you've decided on the type of coin, focus on gathering information and look for coins during a specific era. Over time, many collectors start to branch out into other areas of the coin collection, but start with certain types. For example, ancient Romanian coins or Russian coins from the 1800s.


Once you've found the coins, you need to research them. Today on the network you can find answers to all questions and descriptions of all coins. Not only will the information help you know the type of coin, but it will also help you "learn" some of the identifying marks.

If you are new to coin collecting, it will be important to know the grade of your find. If you have an understanding of coinage, you will be able to judge them correctly.


When you research, take into account every detail and information. If possible, write everything down in a notebook and carry it with you when you go looking. You definitely need to know and see at least photos of fakes, so that you don't screw up in the future.

You are now ready to get started. Set a goal for yourself, create a budget, and start hunting for your coins. On our internet coin auction you will find coins and antiques for every taste and budget!

Any collecting is an excellent way to relax after a busy pace of work life. Numismatics is one of the most common types of collecting. As a rule, most people start to engage in this type of collecting quite by accident. Got a commemorative coin, found unusual coin on the street, friends gave an album or a set of coins. It is necessary to distinguish numismatics as the science of coins from the direct collection of coins.

Any collection should be systematized, then it will be interesting and can be proudly shown to friends and acquaintances. Collections can be formed in different ways:
- thematic. For example, only commemorative coins dedicated to one topic (hero cities, Olympics) or a certain historical period;
- overview. A set of coins of a specific country and period. It is desirable that such sets be complete, then they become especially valuable and unique;
- aesthetic component. Ornaments, colored inserts, artistic precious coins should be present. As a rule, such collections are collected by people of art and creative professions.

In order for the collection to gain value, and not to lie dead in the table, you need to adhere to the rules for collecting coins.
1. You should pick up clean, scuff-free coins.
2. A coin of the same denomination and year of issue must be in a single copy.
3. It is necessary to collect information about coins in order to be able to navigate in the variety that is inherent in the numismatics market.
4. The collection should be arranged according to a certain plan, in no way chaotic
5. It is necessary to purchase accessories to store the collection. These can be special albums, racks, stands. For a start, you can even make small boxes with dividers for storing coins with your own hands.

Even at the very beginning, when the very desire to collect banknotes has just arisen, it is worth considering the topic and studying information about this type of collecting. It's also helpful to register on collector forums where people share their experiences and a ton of useful information... There you can also offer coins for exchange, sale or purchase.

The first collection should start by collecting enough coins available. Chasing rarities is difficult, it will take a lot of time and money. And it is much more convenient to get joy and learn when there is an opportunity to regularly replenish the collection with new types of coins.

It is necessary to take into account already at the initial stages that collecting coins is a business that requires an investment of money. After all, the purchase of missing copies, depending on the chosen theme of the collection, can reach very impressive sums.

In any case, it is good when collecting does not become paramount, but remains in a person's life a kind of outlet, a favorite pastime.

IN recent times, on many forums, sites, and even in the queries for which people find my blog, I come across the following topic: “What coins are the best to start collecting?”. Without hesitation, I decided to write a post on this topic. Surely someone will use my advice, although not a seasoned numismatist, but at the same time no longer a beginner.

It all depends on what kind of coins you like. I've personally always been attracted by the coins of modern Russia and foreign countries. If you too, then I advise you to start with 10 ruble commemorative coins. Currently, the Bank of Russia has issued several series of such coins. But the best way to start is to collect coins that were dedicated to some events, be it or the Population Census (by the way, it is not in my collection). Next, I advise you to start collecting coins from the "" and "" series. There are a lot of these coins on hand and, of course, not all, but many you can get just like that (change in stores or exchange with relatives). By the way, this year starts New episode coins "". And it will also be a great reason to start a new collection and collect coins in general. You can also buy special coin albums to control what you have and what coins still need to be found or purchased. I bought one of these albums the other day, now I'm waiting for it to be delivered by mail.

The next step, I consider it necessary to start collecting a collection of 2 ruble coins from the "Hero Cities" series and 10 ruble coins of the "" series. Ministries can still be found in circulation, not all are true, but 2-3 out of 7 for sure. But with the Hero Cities it will be a little more complicated. I personally don’t remember the last time I met a coin from this series. I saw, of course, 1-2, but they were in such a bad condition that I didn't even know what to do with them. I adapted one, now I am conducting my experiments on cleaning coins on it.

Well, this is kind of basic. As for foreign coins? Here I could advise you to pay attention to the US coins, namely the 25 cents with the image of the states. There seem to be 52 of them. There are also albums for such coins. Or you can start collecting one dollar coins with images of US presidents (I don't remember how many, but enough).

I don’t forget other coins. I personally think that it is very good to have 1-2 coins of different states in your collection. For example, I have the Czech Republic, Latvia, Ukraine and some other countries. Of course, I would like to have coins from other countries, but so far there is no time for them.

Now that's it. I think I helped you to determine the correct direction of your further numismatic life. I wish you success and look forward to your comments on this matter.

An introduction to collecting coins

What do you know about coin collecting? This process is very complex and painstaking. This article will tell you about the features of this hobby, about genuine and counterfeit coins, as well as about classification in numismatics.

It has always been the favorite hobby for many people, as it is very interesting, useful and profitable from a financial point of view. Collecting old coins is an easy way to trade coins (you can make good money on this) or just satisfy your own interests, implement it as a hobby. Coins that are very often collected, as well as historic impressive coins, especially beautiful coin fragments, are always in demand in the numismatic market.

In terms of terminology, classic "coin collecting" differs from numismatics, which studies coins, but the two are closely related. Those who have already tried to collect their first collection know how exciting and interesting it is, important in the field of archeology and history.

How to start collecting coins?

Basically, people start collecting coins unexpectedly, having received them from their friends, relatives or neighbors. When the zeal to collect coins increases, and there is no opportunity to satisfy their desires, people turn to professionals of a wide profile who closely follow everything related to numismatics. If you have many close people living in a completely different countries, you can put together an amazing collection. Many come to the bank and decide to buy the first commemorative coin in order to then collect the entire collection. These coins have market value and are often made from silver, gold or platinum. Commemorative coins made of precious metals can be easily sold in bank branches or in specialized stores.

Numismatics has proven to be the busiest and one of the most competitive hobbies, as evidenced by the established registry. In fact, a register of various coins is kept, which is published on the numismatics website. The site provides completely different services for sorting coins, as well as their classification. There are fakes that are made of plastic and they are labeled. Counterfeit coin detection is the most common process in the US market.

Directions in collecting

Collecting coins takes place mainly on the topics that are described here for your better understanding. Collecting by country is a type of collecting in which numismatists try to collect coins representing each country. Numismatics by Year is another type of coin collecting where collectors are interested in finding coins that are introduced each year. Each coin has its own stamp - an illustration. In addition, several types of coins may be included in one collection, depending on the theme of the work. Other collections include various coins.

And someone collects commemorative coins of modern Russia of certain series.

Investing in coins

There are quite a few people out there who consider collecting coins as an investment. Most numismatists are very interested in this, as they follow the trends in the coin business. Collectible coins are really interesting for investors as they can rise in value with a constant rise in relation to the improvement in coin denominations. This allows you to get a good income and an excellent cash return. The market value of coins is significantly better compared to risky exchange trading.

Pay attention below to the graph of the growth in the value of the main investment coins of Russia in comparison with the growth of the stock market or ordinary deposits.