How to carve chess pieces out of wood. DIY chess. We develop the creativity of children

Unusual? Yes. Elegantly? Yes. Comfortable? Yes. Thanks to the new design with figure shelves, you can not only enjoy ancient game at the table, and spend chess tournaments in front of the audience.

We start with cells

1. From 6 mm birch plywood, cut four pieces of 83 × 610 mm for dark cells BUT and six blanks with dimensions 51 × 610 mm for light cells B (fig. 1).

Note. We chose birch plywood due to its lack of voids and relatively thick face veneer, which allows small bevels to be made at the edges of the cells.

2. Glue together two pieces of 19 mm MDF board measuring 152 x 152 and 64 x 152 mm to form an L-shaped stop. (photo A). Secure this stop with a clamp in front of the saw blade and adjust its position with a light cage blank IN to cut off lengths of 51 mm. Then make 32 dark cells BUT length 51 mm. Use the rest of the dark cell blank as a template for a new stop stop setting. In the same way, cut out 32 light-colored B cells, 83 mm long.

With the light cage work piece B next to the saw blade, adjust the rip fence so that the scrap stop touches the work piece as shown on the left. Lock the rip fence and saw off 32 pieces from the workpiece for dark cells A by placing its end against the stop as shown on the right.

3. Make small chamfers on the face of all cells A, B using a sanding pad or small planer. Then proceed to toning the dark cells (see the section "").

Mark the playing field

Press down cells A, B one by one, using a separate clamp for each of them. A piece of MDF board fixed with clamps parallel to the edge of the backdrop C will help to align them.

1. To determine the width of the backdrop WITH, join four dark and four light cells in one row A, B, measure the length of the row and add 12mm. Cut the backdrop from the 6 mm MDF board WITH specified sizes (fig. 1). Draw lines parallel to one short and two long edges, backing off 6 mm from them to indicate the boundaries playing field... Glue the first row of checkerboard squares along the top edge of the backdrop, starting with the light square in the upper left corner (photo C).

2. Saw seven 6mm shelf strips from the walnut planks. D... Glue the edge of one shelf to the backing C close to the first row of cells A, B (fig. 1).

Carefully install the clamping device so that cells A, B do not move, and, squeezing its ends with clamps, leave until the glue dries.

The dimensions of cells A, B and shelves D may differ from those indicated, therefore, the position of shelf G may change. Mark it on the sides of the case after assembling the playing board A-D.

3. To glue the next row of cells in place A, B, press down by gluing two 38x76x457mm bars with a 12mm spacer at one end (PhotoD). Keep glueing the cages and shelves D to the back WITH before the completion of the assembly of the playing field. Note. Apply glue in a thin layer to avoid squeezingsurplus, due to which the clamp can stick to the cells.

Chessboard framing

1. From 12 mm walnut planks, cut the sidewalls according to the indicated dimensions E, top bottom F, shelf G, cornice H, base I and false panel J... Select a 6mm deep tongue on the inside of the sidewalls, top and bottom to insert the heel WITH (fig. 1 and 2)... Then saw out 12mm folds along the ends of the sidewalls.

2. Insert the playing field A-D into the sidewall tongue E by aligning the top row of cells A, B with a shoulder of the top fold. Mark the position of the shelf G (photo E). Saw out the grooves in both side walls to insert the shelf.

3. Reassemble the case dry (no glue) to inspect all the parts surrounding the playing field, and adjust if required. If dry assembly is successful, apply adhesive and secure the housing with clamps.

Quick tip! DTo glue the body together, you will need a lot of clamps, so it is advisable to divide this operation into stages: first, glue the shelf and the game to the side wallsfield, and then insert the top and bottom.

Add a shape drawer

1. Cut the sidewalls out of 6mm walnut planks TO, front and back walls L and the bottom M (Fig. 3). Make 3mm dowels and grooves in the sides of the box (fig. 3 and 3а, photoF). Then saw out 3mm folds along the ends of the front and back walls, as well as around the bottom. After assembling the box dry, check the connections of the parts, then glue and fix with clamps.

2. When the glue is dry, tilt the saw blade 35 ° and file the back of the box from the top. (Fig.3a). With the saw blade upright again, take the handed panel cut out earlier. J and make a cross cut in the middle with a depth of 3 mm (fig. 3). Glue the false panel to the front wall L.

Wrap the drill with a piece of masking tape, 19 mm from the tip. When the flag touches the board, the desired hole depth will be reached.

With one setting of the sawing machine, you can cut not only the grooves in all the walls of the box K, L, but also the grooves in the side walls of K.

3. Insert the drawers into the case A-G and drill holes for the axle pins to be installed later. To make the box rotate freely, place a spacer 1.5-2.0 mm thick under it (we used a steel ruler) and fix one side of it with small wedges. Use a 6mm center point drill to make a 19mm deep hole (fig. 4, photoG). Then make the same hole on the other side. Drill 3mm holes in bezel J to install knobs (fig. 3).

Add decorative details

1. Mill fillets with a radius of 10 mm along the ends and the leading edge of the eaves H... Glue it to the top of the body, aligning the side overhangs (fig. 1). Mill 10mm fillets on the outer edges of the base I and glue it to the bottom of the case.

2. Make two mounting plates N by sawing a piece of 19x152x406 mm board lengthwise at an angle of 45 °. Glue one of the slats to the back (fig. 2).

3. Spray on a colorless coating (we used a semi-matt nitro varnish), and after drying, install the knobs.

Quick tip! Before installing brass axle pins, insert wooden dowels instead and make sure the drawer rotates freely.

Prepare two 19mm brass pins with a diameter of 6mm and insert them through the holes in the walls E in the axial holes of the box J-M... Finally, attach the remaining mounting plate to the wall. N to hang your game board, arrange chessmen(no more than 76 mm high) and invite your opponents to the tournament!

How to make checkerboard dark

Use a combination of dye and stain to get a deep and rich dark color on light woods such as birch or maple without hiding the texture. Here's how we stained the dark cells A: Using a foam brush or cloth, we applied generously a water-soluble aniline dye of the color of Cuban mahogany, let it soak, and then wiped off the excess liquid. The water causes the pile to rise on the wood, so after drying, we lightly sanded the parts with 320 grit paper before applying the dye again. After a few hours, when the surface of the parts was completely dry, the stain-gel was applied liberally with a cloth swab, allowed to soak for a few minutes, and then wiped off the excess and left to dry overnight.

Mathematicians calculated that the number of possible positions of 32 figures on 64 cells is greater than the number of atoms in the universe. The number of chess sets, of course, is less, however, their variety is striking. The blog "About Chess" offers its version of the "best", leaving the list far from complete ...

Since we are on a sports site, we will start with this topic.

Football is represented by a set of American football, "just" footballs that I found lose to this:

Most automotive:

The kit is made of the same materials as the Renault Formula 1 car: titanium, steel and aluminum. The figures are made in the form of bushings, pendants, a pilot's seat, and the board creates the illusion of a track. The clean, minimalist lines of the Renault Formula 1 kit symbolize the simplicity and severity of modernity. Cost: $ 42,000.



Another question of interest to many is the maximum price for a set.

The most expensive chess set in the world was sold in Britain by Jewel Royale. It is made of gold, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, black and white pearls. Each figurine is decorated in the middle with a spiral of precious stones... The largest chess piece - the king - is worth 100 thousand dollars. Despite the fact that the figures look airy and light, they are quite heavy. So, the king weighs 165.2 grams. The total cost of the kit was $ 9.8 million.

At a cost, perhaps, could compete with chess from Faberge,

It is difficult to say the exact cost, but approximately I was estimated "from 5 million dollars"

Let's continue the monetary theme.

Sometimes people come up with very strange ideas, and some also implement them. So, one eccentric, apparently a chess lover, decided to make himself a board and pieces from money. He collected enough small change, and took off brand new bills in the bank. From banknotes, he began to assemble a chessboard, bending pieces of paper in a certain way, and from coins - chess pieces. The playing field was made up of 20-pound and 50-pound notes, and the rim was 10-pound. To prevent the field from unfolding on its own, it was held under pressure for some time.

The figures from the coins turned out to be recognizable. The pawns are 1 penny coins. The cost of chess was 2402 pounds and 68 pence.

The largest chess (or rather, one piece) was made by order of Rex Sinkfield in 2012 for the start of the first cup named after him.

The height of the king is almost 4.5 meters, the base is 1.8 meters. The figure is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

You can even watch how the record was prepared.

The smallest, apparently, were made by the master Anatoly Konenko:

A miniature wooden chess set, carved under a microscope on a miniature lathe. Height chess pieces 2.0 - 3.8 mm. The playing field is 17.0 x 17.0 mm. Chessboard cells from different tree species. Birch bark ornament. The bumblebee is real.

The topic of alcohol is popular in chess, and there are many drunken sets. My choice fell on this:

I understand that you don't heed the advice, so I suggest using the most stable chess in the world:

This set was invented and developed by the industrial engineer Adin Mumma, who back in 1970 was inspired by the toys of a vanka-stand, to put it simply, a tumbler, for this masterpiece. The result of the work was so successful that it was awarded the International Design Award.

A picky chess player will notice that square a1 is white here, but we will not be so strict and note the beauty and originality of the idea. And after alcoholic chess, who will pay attention to such a trifle ?!

A video explanation is also included just in case.

It is impossible to get around the topic of food, namely sweets, so I consider these to be the most delicious figures:

You can even make them yourself. The main thing is not to overdo it, then it will be the most "sharp" game:

However, such games are not a problem for the harsh Chelyabinsk chess players who are credited with this set:

Computer scientists also have their own handwriting.

The board is made from the bottom of the motherboard and the 32 figures are made from chips different types two colors - green and black (if necessary, painted by hand). Stands in the form of bolts screwed into holes along the edges.

Capacitors, which are equipped with any computer, are used as pawns. Rooks are transformers. In more complex shapes, several objects are used, such as inductors, hard drive elements, batteries, motor parts, etc.

In ten years I expect a set of old buttons mobile phones, as well as smartphones, tablets, readers ... Or maybe someone has already seen?

But there are already the most photographic chess:

Anyone who is not a photographer will not understand what is the fundamental difference between Canon and Nikon cameras. But photographers can argue about this for years on specialized forums and in personal meetings. And now, thanks to the Lensrentals Chess set, they can arrange matches between Canon and Nikon and on the chessboard.

All thirty-two pieces in the Lensrentals Chess set are super-expensive camera lenses from rival Nikon and Canon. So people, playing chess with this set, will at the same time participate in an as old as the world dispute about whose photographic equipment is better! White plays Canon, Black plays Nikon.

Of course, in the chess set Lensrentals Chess set, the significance of the pieces depends on the size and cost of the corresponding photo lenses. So, for example, Canon EF 70-200mm f / 2.8L IS USM lenses (cost about $ 2,000) are used as pawns from Canon, Canon EF 500mm f / 4.0 L IS USM ($ 7,000) is used as a queen, and as king - Canon EF 600mm f / 4.0 L IS USM ($ 9,500). All in all, this whole set costs over a hundred thousand dollars! But you can't buy the Lensrentals Chess set (you can only make the same one, but hardly anyone will decide) - the Lensrentals company leases it, demanding $ 9221 per week of using this unusual chess. And, most surprisingly, she has a lot of clients!

If they do not lie, of course.

And we are smoothly moving on to political chess.

The set is beautiful, and, most importantly, inexpensive - only 29,000 rubles. The board is mahogany. The figurines are made of high quality porcelain and painted by hand. The height of the king is 13 cm. For some reason, the king of blacks is wearing a white judo kimono. Either an oversight, or the manufacturer's political foresight.

Where there is politics, there is war.

The cost of such a kit is $ 800.


The creators of the original chess set offer to play a real war on the board. Namely, the anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan. This is what the Terror Chess Set is dedicated to, which has two versions: American and British.

In the "American" Terror Chess Set, the President is the King, the Statue of Liberty is the Queen (Queen), and the Rooks (Towers) are the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, destroyed during the attack on September 11, 2001.

In the "British" version of the Terror Chess Set, Prime Minister David Cameron is the King, Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen, and Big Ben Tower is the Rook Towers. Well, the "enemies" of the United States and Great Britain are always the same. The King is the now deceased Osama bin Laden, the Queen is a woman tightly wrapped in a veil, the Elephant (in English, Bishop, bishop) is a Muslim mullah, the Horse (in English, Knight, knight) is a terrorist with a grenade launcher. At the same time, the chessboard itself in the Terror Chess Set is stylized as a map of Afghanistan.


Designer Jim Arnold created a chess set called the War of 1812 Chess Set, which recreates the famous battle between the American ship USS Constitution and the British HMS Guerierre during the war of 1812, also known as the Second War of Independence.

I don’t know who and when invented this chess, but we will close the topic of politics with an anti-racist kit:

Politics sometimes leads to the zugunder, and in prison there is a craving for chess. Here is a set made from prisoners' bread crumb.

Such a set is kept in the Vorkuta interdistrict museum of local lore.

Chess players are people too (yes, yes!), And therefore in our rating there is a place for the sexiest chess set:

Children are offered such wonderful figures:

For the development of children, not only chess is useful, but various constructors, but here three in one: assemble chess from Lego, play it, and remind about the heroes of Star Wars:

For adult fans of this film, there is also a matching kit:

Dedicated to fans of "Aliens":

It is impossible to get around the theme of the animal world, after all, there are horses and elephants in the game itself. That is why the most "animal" chess is represented by the inhabitants of the main African continent.

As the owner of a cat with the name of the goddess of chess - Kaissa (in everyday life it is simply Kasia), then the kit of "cats" against "dogs" must be in our review.

The feathered world is represented only by parrots:

Let's talk a little about geography.

Slavic and northern motives were used by the master in the manufacture of chess pieces. The chessboard with openwork ornament has special drawers for storing chess pieces. The work is made of genuine mammoth ivory found in Yakutia, which is more than 10,000 years old. Author: Alexey Klimenko. The dimensions of the board are 36.3 x 36.3 cm, the height of the board is 8 cm, the dimensions of the chessboard are 29 x 29 cm, the height of the figures is 5.5 - 8.2 cm. Material: Mammoth tusk, oak; Weight: 5.70 kg

British designers used the iconic look of their capital, which boasts dozens of world-famous buildings, to create the Skyline Chess set.

Let's finish the "travel" with "Roman" chess:

Do you still remember the school geometry course?

Say, is it difficult to play on such? Let's be optimists!

And then there are three-dimensional, icy, acidic, transparent ...

We admire this kind of chess more, but we prefer to play on ordinary ones.

Used photographs and descriptions from the sites (Vladimir Barsky),, etc.

Chess is greatest game of all times and peoples, which develops in a person the ability to think logically and calculate his actions several steps ahead. There are many tips on which you can make a field and chess pieces with your own hands, but in order to carve beautiful figurines out of wood, you need to have real skills. I cannot boast of such skills, so I will tell you about how to make chess pieces from scrap materials.

Let's say you have a chessboard. But even if this is not the case, then it will not take much time to make it. For this, even two A4 sheets connected together and lined up into 64 fields are suitable. And now attention - we need… as a material for making figures. common fasteners: nuts, bolts, washers, etc.

How to arrange them is up to you. The combinations can be different, for example, I did this: pawn - washer + nut + bolt, elephant - washer + 3nuts + hook and so on, as shown in the figure. The connection of metal parts can be done using welding or special glue. However, if frequent use of figures is planned (i.e. game), then it is better to resort to welding.

The main thing is that there are fasteners in several colors. Those. some are painted and some are not. You can make chess with your own hands from plywood, paper, or even stone. And there is also another way - the figures can be made from old corks and colored wire, decorating with felt-tip pens. Take a look:

I think there is no need to describe in detail the process of creating such chess pieces - everything is clear. And you can also stick photos of your friends on the corks - the game in this case will become much more piquant.

How to make a chessboard out of paper. Master class with detailed description

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary grades KOU KhMAO-Yugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: Chess is not only a game that gives children a lot of joy and pleasure, but also an effective, effective means of their mental development. The process of learning the basics chess game contributes to the development in children of the ability to orientate themselves on the plane, the development of analytical and synthetic activity, thinking, judgments, inferences, teaches the child to remember, compare, generalize, predict the results of their activities and Practice has shown that a well-structured process of teaching chess gives a lot to gifted children, and conditionally common, and weak, and children with various functional disorders. Therefore, it is advisable to start learning the wise game as early as possible, but, of course, at a level accessible to the child.
In the master class provided detailed description making a paper chess game and paper chess pieces using a magnet.
Purpose: ready-made demonstration material is necessary in the lesson when studying any topic of the subject of chess.
Target: Making a demonstration material on the subject of chess.
1. To repeat the concept of "figures on a plane". To develop design skills.
2. Development of children's ability to visualize modeling.
3. Raise the desire to make the product with your own hands.
4. To cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, to bring the work started to its logical conclusion.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings.

Materials and tools:
1. Drawing paper A-4 or Whatman paper.
2. Colored paper, corrugated cardboard.
3. Ruler (50cm), pencil, scissors, cutter.
4. Magnets, tape, glue.

Description of the production of visual aids
"Chess and Chessboard".

1. To make a checkerboard, prepare 2 sheets of drawing paper A-3. The standard sheet size is 42 cm by 29.7 cm.
The photo shows half of the chessboard. For easy storage of the manual, prepare two such parts. They were glued together from the seamy side with a strip of wide tape.
You can also make a chessboard from a single piece of whatman sheet. After the pencil marks on the base of the squares, prepare the shapes out of black or gray paper. Make sure that the black square matches the markings on the white sheet of paper.

The color of the chessboard is fundamentally unimportant. You can combine yellow and brown or yellow and green.
2. A dense was glued to each half of the chessboard white stripe paper. We will place letters and numbers on it to determine the location of the chess pieces.

3. You can print on a printer, you can write beautifully with a felt-tip pen or marker on a white stripe of a checkerboard.

4. Placed and neatly glued, in the appropriate place, numbers and letters.

5. For greater aesthetics, the checkerboard fields were edged with a thin strip of corrugated cardboard.

Here, closer you can see the corner of the chess half.

In the same sequence, we make the second half of the chessboard. We connect the halves from the seamy side with tape.
Now, you can fix it on a metal board using magnets.

6. Let's start making chess pieces.
Pre-print the chess pieces on a printer.
Chess Piece Patterns:

Shapes can be of different colors and shapes, for example:

We liked the streamlined shape of gray-yellow shades more.
Glue the printed thin sheet of paper onto thick cardboard.
Each figure is eagerly "laminated" with wide tape. This will lend strength and length to the use of didactic material.
Important advice! If you decide to use scotch tape, then first you need to glue it directly onto the figure, and only then cut it out. So, the contour of the figures will turn out to be smooth and durable, and the details themselves will look neat.

7.Glue a piece of magnet on the seamy side of each shape. You can use Moment glue.

8. Our pieces are ready to take the starting position of the chess game.

A closer view of the chess troops.

We use this demo in every lesson.

You can name moves, rearrange pieces, solve any logical tasks... Explain and find ways to solve winning moves.
Thank you all for your attention! I will be glad that the provided material is useful.

November 21, 2014

For many connoisseurs of the game of chess, a handmade chessboard will become a real gift. Such a product will become a particularly original and individual gift, especially if you cut or burn your initials or the initials of the birthday person on a wooden board during production.

Making a chessboard
It should be noted that the material for creating a checkerboard is large enough, so you can make a board from plywood, and if there is a laminate for the floor at home, then you can use it. This method of making a chess board is quite simple, but nevertheless, a board made in this way looks very attractive and beautiful. Initially, it is necessary to cut from the material, in our example plywood, a square measuring 43x43 cm. This is the size of a standard chess board, but if desired, the dimensions can be changed to arbitrary ones. The main thing is to end up with a square. Next, you need to use masking tape, the width of which should be three centimeters. It is necessary to paste over the outer part of the square along its perimeter. Later, letters and numbers will be located on these parts. Next, you need to use masking tape five centimeters in size, these will be strips that are glued tightly to each other and not layered on the tape, which is glued around the perimeter. Next, you should arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler. Using these tools, the stripes must be drawn into 5x5 cm squares.

After that, you need to use a sharp clerical knife to separate the first square from the upper left corner and continue to cut them in a checkerboard pattern. These will be black squares. When deleting squares one by one, you need to be careful not to break the sequence and not cut out unnecessary ones. Too much pressure on the knife is also not worth it. When all the squares are separated, you need to carefully spray the black paint from the aerosol onto the board. If not, you can use a brush, but with spray paint, the layer is even more even. After the paint has dried, peel off the tape, and using a felt-tip pen or black paint and a thin brush, draw on the place where the tape was glued around the perimeter, apply the numbers from 1 to 8, and on the other side the letters from A to H. Next, you need to cover the board varnish and let dry.

You can also make a chessboard using burnout. You need to take plywood of the same size, and then divide the board into squares, leaving fields for numbers and letters. Next, you need to bring the burning tool to the cells, which should be dark. Initially, you need to draw them along the contour, and then move on to painting.
You can also use light and dark veneers, which must be cut into strips. Using a rubberized tape, it is necessary to attach the stripes from the inside out so that they alternate with colors. Next, you need to put the strips vertically and cut them so that you get equal squares. It is necessary to glue the veneer to the board with glue, after which you need to draw the side margins with a felt-tip pen.