How to open the TES Online reservation style. Where to find rare styles. Station creation station

All rare styles, except for the imperial, can be found only in veteran zones. The first two, primitive and barbaric styles can be found in the zone of the Second Alliance (for us - Dominion), Isleid and Daederic, respectively in the third alliance (for us - the Pact).

Dobersky- It can only be found in the containers of the dwarf ruins or in parts (15 parts of epic quality) or entirely (one legendary part). In addition, it will take the material that is mined from the dwelling mechanisms (mobs), and needs cleaning, that is, you will need a minimum of 10 pieces to be able to clean them and use. Zavkin- Falls from soughs in the treasures of the imperial city.

Glass - Slices of chapters fall out for the execution of craft deyliks, the material is from the chests throughout Tamriel.

The style of mercenaries - (in orcinium) falls out with a chance of 40% of bronze chests unreasonable, with a chance of 50% - from silver and 60% of gold. The material for it requires knowledge at least one chapter, in this case the percentage of falling from the final boss in the veteran visit will be 50%, for each next chapter - + 4% to the chance. For normal notion, the chance is divided into 4.

Akavirsky- Sale from Siege Merchant for AR.

Ancient - falls out of enemies in the publics of Orsinium. Style material is extracted from resource sources in orcinium.

  • Rkindaleft - Shields
  • Old Orsinium - Daggers, Boots

Styles of alliances - It can be found in the chests of the Syrodial and the Imperial City, and the materials for them are sold at Siege Merchant for 10,000 apes (transmitted).

The style of criminals (Outlaw) falls from bosses and in the dungeons Hughes Beane, material for it (Rogue Soot) - from resource nodes (as in orcinium).

Desuded style (Soul-Shriven) can be obtained through the Cadvell's Silver quest closure, and the material for it (Azura Plasm) is extracted from the chests for closing dolmen.

Trimyak - Fits back in chests for performing Dale-quests in Orsinium to research the caves. The material for the manufacture of Auric Tusk falls out of bosses in orcinium dungeons (normal).

Malacat- Similarly, the trifer falls in the chests for Dale, but for the murder of bosses. Material for making potash drops with bosses on the surface in orcinium.

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According to numerous players and critics, Elder scrolls. Online is one of the best, if not the best crafting systems in any MMORPG. The developers, of course, were monitored to make crafting significant, useful and even fun. FROM huge number Recipes and functions such as design styles will always be the market for your goods. It is also obvious, considering that best equipment In the game you can get not only from the dungeons or Cyrodiil, but also created by players who devote enough time to develop.


There are six professions:

Alchemy - used to create different potions with short-term effects
Blacksmithing - Creates Metallic Weapons and Heavy Armor
Clothes - used for the manufacture of light and medium armor
Enchanting - adds various characteristics and attributes to your arms, armor or decorations
Provisioning - creates various consumption of drinks and food products that provide your characteristic buffs (unlike potions, food effects usually continue half an hour)
Woodworking - uses wooden materials for creating onions, gears and shields
You can start collecting materials and the development of basic items in any of these professions at the beginning of the game. Creating more powerful items and more powerful consumables must be unlocked by putting skills in the creation of skills trees. To be able to create higher-level items, alchemy and woodworking must have 6 skill points each, while the other 4 merchants require 9 points. You can spend more skill points on every line of mastering skills, but they will reduce your research time, improve the ability to extract materials or increase your chances of improving items.

In the tree of alchemy skills, you can spend a total of 19 SP and 22 in Enchanting. Other professions receive 24 skills each to fully maximize their advantages. This means that you will need 137 points of the skill to completely maximize each passive in each of these six merchants, therefore, given that your character can get about 300 skill points, you can even be fully experienced in every craft skill. Say goodbye to the masters!

Collection of materials

Collection of materials for the manufacture of materials Conducting materials can be obtained by plundering monsters, boxes, chests, urns, cabinets and other similar items. There are also craft nodes with "organic" materials that appear all over Tamriel, such as iron ore (blacksmithing), jute (clothing) or runes (enchanting). Various herbs are also common, like a tree.

Any character can interact with resource nodes and collect materials for making, regardless of their skill on any of the merchants! Unlike Skyrim, you also do not need to carry pickups or similar objects to collect ore. All professions with assembly nodes also have liabilities "Cin Eye", which mainly make the appropriate knots glowing when you are approaching them, which makes them extremely convenient for perception. If you can always choose all materials for processing and collect any nodes that you encounter - even if you are not going to use materials yourself, sometimes you can get rare and valuable, which you can resell for gold to other players.

Craft Stations

Station theft of Alchemy Picture stations are used for the actual manufacture of items and can be found in many places in Tamriele. All cities have crafting stations for all six professions, and you can even find some time adventure outdoors. You cannot create objects if you do not interact with the appropriate crafting station!

Craft stations include an anvil or fire for the preparation of items with which you need to interact to create objects in the appropriate professions. It is worth noting that you do not need to carry craft materials in inventory - the materials you saved in your bank will also be available for use!

World craft stations

There are also WORLD CRAFTING STATIONS - Special places in Tamriele, where you can create special items. The attached image shows one of the drawing stations in which you can create a set of Wind of Death elements. This set of bonuses will discard Aoe once every three minutes as soon as you run down below 35% of your health, and this bonus can only be obtained by creating objects in this particular region.

In zones 5-15 (StoneFalls, Auridon, Glenumbra) you can find three different world craft stations, each with your own bonus:

WIND WIND WIND: When he attacks the attack in the near battle, this bonus calls aoe rollback every three minutes.
Night silence: Your health is restored by 40% when hide.
Ashen Grip: A little chance to breathe additional damage from fire with every blow in the near battle.
There are many other sets of objects and creating locale, these are just the first to which you encounter. To create a given item, you first need to explore at least 2 signs in this particular slot.

Manufacturing process

The process of creating to create items, you need to find a suitable station for handicraft somewhere in the world, as described above. Some crafts will require you to first handle the materials, so, for example, you must first improve your iron ore in Iron Ingots. The accurate process of handicraft is only a bit different for each profession, but I will explain their step by step in special guidelines.

Essentially, this happens as follows: you find the crafting station, choose the type of item you want to create, features, materials for creating, styles, and you are largely fulfilled. Although there are some more complex things rotating around the craft, the actual process of creating is quite simple.


ExtractionExtraction (also known as deconstruction) is used to obtain materials from existing items and can be used for blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking, or charging. The process is very simple: go to the workshop, click on the Extraction tab and select the item you want to deconstruct. Extraction will allow you to receive materials, features, inspiration, resin or moods from existing items, but will destroy the source elements in the process.

Extraction is also actually used to refine your raw materials to comfortable. Thus, you need to collect crude wood in the world, and then finalize it on the extraction tab, and on the woodworking station - to get polished wood that you can use for the manufacture of items. Having highlighting items, you can get the materials necessary for its creation, therefore, for example, you cannot get an EBONY ORE from some low-level iron armor. Extraction of higher quality items also gives more materials (for high-quality viewing below in the "Improvement" section) and more inspiration points (IP).

Research and features

TraitsReSearch research allows you to destroy existing items to learn their "features": various bonuses that your character gets, equipping these items. Bonuses can be something like resistance to critical shocks, improved spell resistance or a decrease in the magical cost of spells. To explore these features, you will need to have an item with an accurate feature in your inventory. As soon as you begin the process of research, the subject will be destroyed, so be careful not to deconstruct everything you use!

Research requires time - in real time. Some of the main studies of the signs will be held 6 hours, and later they may even take several days. Again, I'm talking about real real time, but you do not need to enter the game during the research process. You can explore only one line at any time, but you can spend the skills glasses in the appropriate craft skills trees to reduce the study time up to 20% and at the same time study up to 3 signs.

You can explore the features in several craft skills, but it means that you can simultaneously explore one forgery skill and one spell "overlayer", without applying a single skill to any skill line. Without investing a single skill, nevertheless you will need more than 2 years in real time to explore all the characteristics for all the slots of objects, so it would be nice to take these liabilities at an early stage.

Studying the features from the ax, for example, will allow you to place the same strengthening on any other top. You will not be able to place it on different types of weapons, but research is constantly being studied. Damage can only be added to items when you create them, and not later. It is also worth mentioning that you can add both features and spells through glyphs to objects, as these are two different things. There, a much more detailed entry here specifically talks about the features, so be sure to read it.

Craft styles

Styles of styles are pure cosmetic and allow your items created visually look like a subject of another race. With 10 different races there are also 10 styles of racial paints in addition to the four other; Your own race style is automatically unlocked. If you chose Breton, but you want your armor in the style of Dranmers, you first need to find a book somewhere in Tamriel. They appear randomly, but if you diligently open items that you can swing in the world, you will probably get one or two style of creating even in Coldharbour, in the training zone in which you start.

Craft styles, as stated, purely cosmetic and do not add any special characteristics or attributes to your items, however appearance The heroes are very important for many, and there is always a market of objects with different racial style.


Improving elements is an excellent feature that allows you to turn your existing items in better. It can be a pretty expensive process, since it requires more valuable and rare materials as quality growth, but this is a great way to update your equipment when pumping. Woodworking uses resin, blacksmithing uses Tevers and clothing uses tannins to improve the quality of the subject.


All equipment has 5 levels of quality:

Normal (White)
Slim (green)
Higher (blue)
Epic (purple)
Legendary (Golden)
For example, for cloners would need different tannins to improve the quality of their objects. HEMMING is used to turn white items in green colorEmbroidery from green to blue, Nord Lining from blue to violet and very rare and valuable Dreugh Wax from purple to gold. It is important to know that the improvement may fail: if you do not finish the improvement process, the element will be destroyed forever! Therefore, it is not recommended to try to improve the elements when pumping, if you do not have a backup.

Adding additional tannins will increase your chances of improving items, but, of course, it also increases the cost (for each Tanin you get 20% more chances for improvement). You also can't miss the quality levels: you will not be able to improve the white element directly in blue.


Obtaining experience in professions is most often carried out by creating objects. This gives the greatest number of inspiration points (IP): IP is, as a rule, the experience panel for crafts. You also get a decent part of the IP by decompositioning items, which also gives you materials that you can reuse to create more. It is important to know that the extraction of materials from the items created by you gives about a third of the amount you will receive, deconstructing the same items created by someone else (or your altitude), so the most valuable advice that you need to know - try to trade objects With another crafter, when it is possible. Differences in purchased IS are huge (up to 800% more), so join the guild and find someone to provide you with your own items created.

Another remarkable feedback, you should always try to create items that give you the greatest inspiration for the number of necessary materials. For example, blacksmiths should almost always create daggers to quickly increase their profession, as they give the greatest amount of IP for the ingot. Each merchant has its own beggars and tricks for pumping, so do not forget to read my manuals for specific professions to find out what they represent themselves.

The main landmark for alchemy or engineering is first to detect all the features of grass and translationals of the runes and make at least one of each glyph and potion. Blacksmiths, woodworking and cloins should create more high-level items and / or higher quality, as they give more IP, but always keep in mind the resources necessary for the manufacture of these items.

Final thoughts

I sincerely hope that this article helped explain the professions and the processing system in Elder Scrolls Online. It allows you to create a variety of settings, and also allows you to create stunning items that are perfect for your character. Barriers (research time) ensure that you need to invest a decent amount of time to be able to get to best objects. Not only that, but you will need to spend glasses skills in creating skills lines to be able to use higher level materials. Despite the fact that best gear There are requirements for rank veterans and materials that you can only get from high-level zones, it ensures that the crafting is very important even at the end of the game.

With the help of alchemy, you can create powerful potions using various solutions and reagents. The most remarkable in this system is that you cannot recognize any recipes - each recipe in the game is recognized only by the player when it mixes various ingredients until it gets some kind of effect. Usually, for the use of alchemy you need raster (for example Pure water) and 3 (maximum number) of various plants, which when mixed can give any effect. All ingredients can be found in the world of games and any player can pick up them.

As in the case of any other profession, Alchemy presents a set of studied skills that will allow you to move to creating powerful decoctions, such as health and magic and endurance potions and invisibility. Remember that in the early stages of the game you will not notice plants in the world The Elder. Scrolls Online.. However, if you decide in the early stages to do alchemy, we recommend that you spend at least one point of the skill on Keen Eye: Reagents (Temple Eye: Reagents), which highlight all plants at a distance of 20/40/60 meters, thanks to which it becomes a much easiest task during searching. If you want to see the full branch of the skills, then go to the crafting skills page.

A blacksmith job allows you to create heavy armor and any weapon, except onions and staffs that can be created with the help of a "carpentry" profession. Be that as it may, the profession peppers do not end here - you can disassemble weapons and heavy armor, to process the produced ore, improve weapons and armor, as well as explore various properties. The Profession "Blacksmithing" offers five different windows:

  • Refine - Here you can melt your ore in the ingots, which are used in the process of crafting.
  • Creation (creation) - In this tab you can create one-handed and two-handed weapons and heavy armor.
  • Deconstruct (disassembly) - In general, it is a reverse creation of a procedure, melting the selected weapon or heavy armor into the ingredients for crafting.
  • Improvement - Using reagents, you can improve any selected weapon or armor from Normal before Legendar. Remember that improvement from Normal before Good will require 5 reagents - 20% chance of everyone from Good before Excellent will require 7 reagents ( 15% on the reagent), from Excellent before Epic10% Epic before Legendar - just 5%.
  • Research (Research) - The process is similar to the disassembly, where you can smell weapons or heavy armor to study their properties. Remember that the study requires 6 hours, so you carefully plan your research actions.

Creating armor

Creating weapons

Improved armor

Improving weapons




Creation (creation)

As you might notice from the window to create, the creation of the subject requires you the following actions:

  • Type - one-handed or two-handed weapons and heavy armor.
  • Material (Material) - You can specify the type of ingots for a certain creation and number of ingots you want to use. The use of a larger amount of ingots will lead to the creation of a high-level item.
  • Style
  • Trait (properties) - Remember all those properties that you studied? Here you will use them when creating other items.

As in any other profession, a blacksmithing business presents his branch of the skills you can look on the crafting skills page. Also, if you plan to study for a blacksmithing case, we would recommend you to learn skill "Temple Eye: Ore" (Keen Eye: Ore), which will highlight the ore at a distance of 20/40/60 meters from you. Remember that a blacksmithing case (along with other professions) - has a passive skill - a mercenary, which creates a pseudocompanyon, which will bring you daily daily ore and reagents. You will not be able to see a companion, and all that he will send you will be obtained through the mail. You should also know that if you do not go to the game for several days, the companion can only send you the materials.

With a sewing event ( Clothing.) You can create and improve light and middle armor. The branch of the sewing business skills is identical to similar to the "blacksmithing case", the exception is that you can create only light and middle armor. Ingredients for tailoring appear in the world of games and can be found in various plants.

  • Refine - Here you can handle the found ingredients.
  • Creation (creation) - the main panel to create any easy and medium armor.
  • Deconstruct (disassembly) - Here you can disassemble any light and middle armor to obtain ingredients for crafting.
  • Improvement - Using reagents, you can improve any selected armor from Normal before Legendar. Remember that improvement from Normal before Good will require 5 reagents - 20% chance of everyone from Good before Excellent will require 7 reagents ( 15% on the reagent), from Excellent before Epic10% from each reagent used, and from Epic before Legendar - just 5%.
  • Research (Research) - The process is similar to the disassembly, where you can disassemble the armor to study its properties. Remember that the study requires 6 hours, so you carefully plan your research actions.




Creating medium armor



Creation (creation)

As in forging businessThe creation of armor requires you follows:

  • Type - Light and medium armor
  • Material (Material) - You can specify the material for a certain creation and its number you want to use. The use of a larger amount of materials will lead to the creation of a high-level item.
  • Style - Here you will need to decide on the style of weapons or armor. Initially, you can create objects in the style of your race, but as craftting is learning - you can create objects of any style using reagents for a certain style. Remember that recipes used to study additional styles can be in barrels and chests, so I would advise you not to skip them during adventure.
  • Trait (properties) - You can choose the property you want to use when creating a part of the armor.

Obviously, a sewing business has its own set of skills that you can look on the Sewing Skill Page. It is also worth noting that if you wish to develop a sewing business skill, then you are recommended for use skill "Temple Eye: Fabric" (Keen Eye: Cloth), which will highlight the desired plants at a distance of 20/40/60 meters from you. One of the passive skills of the sewing event, mercenar, offers pseudocompanyon, which will supply you daily ingredients and reagents. You will not be able to see a companion - everything will be sent through your mail. You should also know that if you do not go to the game for several days, the companion can only send you the materials.

With enchantment, you can create different glyphs (Glyphs) from Runes (runestones), which you can find all over Tamriel. Glife enchant your weapon or armor with various bonuses - for example elementary damage, reducing the cost of using abilities, additional health, endurance or mana, and so on. The enchantment window consists of two tabs: Creation (creation) and EXTRACTION (Extraction). The creation window will display all your runes that you have, with the possibility of sorting according to their mind: POTENCY (Power), Essence (Entity) or ASPECT (aspect). The runes of entities can be used at any level, but the runes of power and aspects require certain skills: Potency Improvement (Improving Power) and Aspect Improvement (Improving aspects). Visit the enchantion skill page for more detailed study.

To create a glyph (Glyph), you will need to connect three different runes (from each category) to complete the entire rune phrase (RUNE PHRASE). As in Alchemy, you will need to connect various runes in order to find out the desire recipes. In the end, in the "Extraction" tab, you can turn any glyph into runes. All runes, like other items, can be found in the world - To improve the search quality, we recommend using skills "Temple Eye: Rune Stones" (Keen Eye: Rune Stones). You should also know that the trigger of the enchantion skills is there a passive companion-mercenary, which will give you a rune daily through the mail. As in the case of other mercenaries, if you do not appear in the game for several days, then only one rune awaits you.

With cooking, you can create various products that will give various temporary bonuses. Two main tabs: Cook (Cooking) I. Brew. (Cooking) - Each allows you to create various recipes for food and beverages. Unlike alchemy and enchantment, you will need to find and explore the recipes from the presets than to create any products. Recipes can be found all over Tamriel: in chests, barrels and other places. The branch of cooking skills also has a passive mercenary companion, which will find ingredients for food and beverages. The ingredients will come to you daily by mail, but in the case of a daily entry into game.inferno (Inferno), ICE (Ice), Restoration. (Recovery) and Lightning. (Lightning). Raw materials used in working with a tree, oddly enough - a tree that can be found around the world.

  • Refine - Here you can handle a tree.
  • Creation (creation) - In the main item creation panel, you can create any bows, shields or sourases.
  • Deconstruct (disassembly) - You can disassemble any onions, staff or shield into a recycled tree.
  • Improvement - Using reagents, you can improve items from Normal before Legendary. Remember that improvement from Normal before Good will require 5 reagents - 20% chance of everyone from Good before Excellent will require 7 reagents ( 15% on the reagent), from Excellent before Epic10% from each reagent used, and from Epic before Legendar - just 5%.
  • Research (Research) - The process is similar to the disassembly, where you can destroy items to study their properties. Remember that the study requires 6 hours, so you carefully plan your research actions.

As with other professions, work with a tree has its own branch skills.

Creating Disassembly Improve Improvement Processing Study

Creation (creation)

The creation of a bow, a shield or a staff requires the following actions:

  • Type - Onions, shield or staff
  • Material (Material) - Special material for the created item and the number of reagents you want to use. A greater amount of materials will provide you with a higher-level item.
  • Style - Here you will need to decide on the style of weapons or armor. Initially, you can create objects in the style of your race, but as craftting is learning - you can create objects of any style using reagents for a certain style. Remember that recipes used to study additional styles can be in barrels and chests, so I would advise you not to skip them during adventure.
  • Trait (properties) - You can choose the property you want to use when creating an item.

As always - if you are planning to become a joiner, then be prepared to spend some glasses on "Temple Eye: Tree" (Keen Eye: Wood) - This skill will highlight the tree at a distance of 20/40/60 meters from you. The profession of the joiner also has a passive lure-mercenar, a companion that will send you a tree daily and other items. The companion is updated every 24 hours and all the items found will be sent to you by mail. As in the case of other mercenaries, if you do not go to the game more than once a day, then you will receive only one delivery.

The Best Way to Find Style Books Is To Search All Crates, Barrels and Any Other CONTAINMENT DEVICE yOU CAN Think of to Increase The ChanceS of You Finding One. Desks WITH BOOKS OR SCROLLS ONEM SEEM TO HAVE A HIGHER SPAWN RATE BUT THIS COULD JUST BE SPECULATION. Though, Probably The Best Way to Get Style Books Is To Trade for Them or Buy Them from Other Players. There Are 2 Ways You Can Do This, Firstly, by Arranging A Deal Using The In-Game Chat and Messaging Systems and Secondly, by Buying One Through a Guild Store. Buying One Through A Guild Store Is Probably The Most Reliable Wall Through Chat Can Leave You Ripped Off And People Usually Don't Respond to Offers Immediately. More Thanne I Have Received A Message A Day or Two After I Inquired to BUY A STYLE BOOK ABOUT WOUD AN AppReate Price Would be.


ALTHOUGH STYLE BOOKS DO NOT ALTER ITEMS STATS, THEY DRAMATICALLY ALTER THE APPEARANCE. To do this, Materials Are Required. Below is a table of the undesery Ores for Each Style:

Race. ORE
Altmer (High Elf) Adamantite.
Ancient Elf. Palladium.
Argonian. Flint.
Barbaric / Reach. Copper
Bosmer (Wood Elves) Bone.
Breton. Molybdenum
Daedric Daedric Heart.
Dunmer (Dark Elf) Obsidian.
Khajiit. Moonstone.
Imperial Nickel
Nord. Corundum
ORC. Manganese
Primal / Primitive. Argentum
Redguard Starmetal.

Crafting. [EDIT]

Style Books Can Be Used for Blacksmithing, Clothing and Woodworking.

The fans set the semi set questions affecting the usefulness of armor and weapons from crafters at high levels, the effectiveness of mercenaries, research and properties of equipment, racial styles, and motifs, costumes and paints, krafting economy, as well as inventory and banks.


How much time is it required to fully master one profession?

Not sure, but quite a long time. I think it will take it no less than 200-300 hours. If you mean kafting of top equipment. It also depends on the profession. For a blacksmith, for example, you will have to fame more time due to research.

You will continue to increase maximum level Kraft Skills During the entire life cycle "Elder Scrolls Online"?


At high-level stages of the game, is equivalent to equipment created by crafters, the one that can be found in the dungeons?

The parameters of the equipment of the same level and quality from crafters always better than thatWhat can be found in the world. The weapon causes more damage, and the armor gives more protection points. However, some shocks cannot be obtained by crafting. However, objects with unique effects can always be improved.

We do not get experience when improving the subject and get very little when disassembling any equipment. That was exactly how and thought?

Exactly. After all, sobering the subject created by another player or found in the world, you will always learn something new.

Is it possible to create a veteran equipment of 10 rank with crafting?

Of course, if your character meets all the criteria for this.

Can we create or improve the top equipment in the game? Or such equipment can only be obtained about the passage of dungeons and adventure zones?

Any top gear that you found can be improved through the crafting. In the game there are materials that we in the studio call "boosters" are tubyl substances, resins and raw materials for quenching. With their help, you improve the foundation found. Of course, if you do not have a lot of materials, it will not work without a certain risk. For example, there are quenches for good and for excellent quality. If you need 5 materials, so that with a 100% chance to improve the subject to good quality, then it may not be 5 times for excellent 5, but 8. However, you can take a chance and try to imagine the subject with a small amount of materials (the more, the more Above the chance of success), but then it can be destroyed.

Can I go to the first station for craftting, start creating equipment and receive from this levels and points of skills? Or to get the skills of the skills, I will have to perform quests and pass the dungeons? Do I get experience making items?

To score skills of skills, you will have to seek adventures. You can explore the world and find heavenly fragments, perform quests and so on. There are a lot of ways to get skill points, but the crafting of equipment does not give the experience necessary to increase the character level. This experience goes to crafting skills. With it, you will gradually discover new passive crafting skills.

Crafting is tied to the character level? That is, with the correct distribution of skill points, can my character level 20 create an equipment 50+ levels, if you have the necessary resources?

Crafting are not tied to the level. If the character is hampered by the desired skills and have all the necessary materials, it can produce any high-level items.

Will there be a legendary or epic equipment from crafers to be very different about what can be found in the dungeons?

Legendary items are not found in the dungeons.

Do players have to engage in crafting or buy equipment from crafers to quickly pump up to level 50?

Quickly, this is a rather blurry definition. You can develop your character up to 50 levels and without craftting, but items created by other players will facilitate this task. Maintain local manufacturers!

Collecting resources

Sources of materials and ingredients for crafting are always available for all or they appear separately for each character?

At the moment, resources are visible to everyone. We thought about making them personal, but filling the world with materials need carefully. Command work will be very useful for collecting resources.


How does the member system work for collecting materials?

You pump up the skill and the next time you enter the game (if you did not come last time) you will send a letter with attached resources. Pay attention to the texts of these letters, our team of writers came up with many entertaining stories for mercenaries.

Blacksmithing, sewing and woodwork

It seemed to me that the trees on a tree can create a smaller number of different items, compared with the rest of the professions. Do you plan to expand this list?

We have increased the chances of a drop of some of these items to speed up the pumping of crafers engaged in wood processing. There is always the opportunity that we will add new wood equipment to the game.

By participating in beta testing, I opened the crafting of objects from oak and assembled the necessary resources, but still could do equipment only from Clean? How does it work at all?

If you pump out the right skill and collected the necessary materials, there should be no problems with the crafting.

Given the importance of craftting in The Elder Scrolls Online, to improve the quality of items, a lot of time, resources and money are required. Are you going to recycle this system?

High recovery from crafting requires attachments of time and effort from players. I do not think that we will change something.

Can players independently create materials necessary for improving equipment (tannins, resins and raw materials for quenching)? Or can they be obtained only when disassembling items and from mercenaries?

Resources for improvement can be obtained in three ways:

  1. Mercenaries. They can send you a lot of raw materials, especially if they pump them.
  2. Disassembly. Depending on the original item, you can get different materials to improve.
  3. Recycling. One more way to get the right raw materials.

We want artisans to be in demand, therefore, limited the sources of obtaining materials.

Research / Properties

Suppose you explore the property for heavy or medium armor. Is it possible to effectively be used in the manufacture of high-level equipment in the later stages of the game?

Properties are features that you can add to arms or armor. As weapons enhanced, the effectiveness of its properties is also increasing (it applies to the shrackers). In order to learn how to make a weapon or armor with a definite property, you need to explore it. This means that you have to find the subject (exactly of the type you need) with this property and explore it. For example, to explore the "sharp" property for daggers, you must find the dagger already possessing. Then you have to destroy it in the study process. If this is the first feature of the daggers that you open, the study will leave for 6 hours. Studying the second property will take 12 hours. Next - 24 hours, and so on. If you study the "sharp" property for swords and it is the first again, you will need 6 hours again. Therefore, you will have to specialize and choose for which type of weapons and armor you want to explore all available properties.

At the same time, the properties are useful not only by themselves. They open the way to crafting sets. To create a subject belonging to Setu, you need knowing certain properties. The necessary properties depend on which set you want to do. For some parts of the networks, you will need to know 3 properties for others - already 6. The character receives the bonuses of the set, if at least 3 parts are on it. As you can see, with Krafts in Elder Scrolls Online, everything is not so simple.

Why is it a long time to study the properties of properties?

Thanks for this question. There are several reasons for that. But for me, the main one is offline experience. There is something special in to go into the game and see that the work on something ended. It is difficult to explain, but I really like the moment when I can explore a new property, make a new item or even feed the horse, after lacking in the game. In addition, the game will develop more slowly. Not everyone can immediately crafting some things. For the development of craftting will leave for a while. Perhaps this is allowed to players who prefer to engage in the manufacture of objects, stand out a little stronger.

Are you going to change the 6-hour timer to study properties?

As I mentioned, it will gradually even increase. And we will not change anything.


What is the form of craftting, in your most difficult?

Enchantment is easiest to study, but the most difficult to develop (we work on it).

Do you plan to add depths of confidence? Now it is very simple compared to other crafting branches.

I think we will develop the enchantment. But even in the current form it is quite efficient.

Why can not improve unique items?

In terms of enchantment? Effects already attached to the subject make it unique. This is how the equipment is allocated that can be found in the world.

Is it possible to find books or recipes with the names of the runes and the effects that they give?

Runes themselves already give you all the necessary tips. In addition, every time you create a glyph, you will hear how the runes are pronounced.


Alchemical recipes need to be found or are they open during the crafting?

You open new recipes experimented with various ingredients.

What form of crafting do you think will be the most popular?

Can we cook poisons? And if not, will they be added later?

Will not be surprised if we add poisons in the future.

Each alchemical ingredient has four properties. Is it possible to learn more than one of them, continuing to have some kind of grass?

No, only one.

Will the properties of alchemical ingredients comply with their analogues in Skyrim?

I do not think. Lee Raidaut (our designer alchemy) could answer this question better than me.

Will there be in the game of potions, during the experience gained experience, crafting skills or the number of materials obtained when disassembling equipment?

At the moment we have no plans for the introduction of potions with such effects.

Cooking food

Do you plan to add farming as a way to get provisions? Perhaps the addition of houses in them could be made gardens. The second question, if we all get at home, will there be mannequins for exhibiting their equipment?

We will not have homes for characters at the time of the game release. But if we all add them, personal gardens are a good idea.

Kraft styles

Will there be a scheme for crafting rare equipment?

We have rare styles.

During the last beta test, I noticed that you can order daederic armor. I have the following question: Daederic armor will look equally for all races?

Daederic armor is a style, as well as racial styles of bosmers or orcs. But light, heavy and medium daederal armor will differ from each other.

Will you add new styles, colors or properties to the game?

We will develop crafting, so wait for new styles.

How difficult to find books with racial styles? How are the styles that are much less common?

Some styles are undoubtedly not so often. Especially top styles like barbaric or daederic. They are quite difficult to find.

Books with which you can learn crafting styles are in certain places or are distributed randomly to the world?


Are you planning to add a dragon crafting style that would be very rare and demanded extremely rare materials?

Not yet.

Interface and Systems

Why is there any possibility of previewing armor before creating them?

When developing the game, it is necessary to make decisions regarding what can be done for a setthe period. Preview refers to things that we wanted to do, but could not find time. However, the MMO genre allows you to add such functions after the release.

Do you plan to improve the interface of crafting tables (for example, table cutting tables), adding additional filters to the already existing?

In the near future we do not have certain plans for modifying an interface for crafting.

Suits / paint

Can we use the appearance of one armor on another set of armor while preserving the parameters?

We have a similar system for players who bought imperial edition. They can change the style of any armor on the imperial. Subsequently, we can expand this mechanics.

The game has an option that allows you to disable the display of the helmet. But on some types of armor, I would like to turn off and shoe. In addition, I noticed a suit slot. Will there be more display settings and many different costumes in the release version of "TES Online" to give characters more individuality?

Suit slot is designed specifically for disguise and clothing mechanics. We will almost certainly increase the number of costumes, as the game develops. Now you can get some costumes when pumping a veteran ranks. As for disabling the display of the shoe, I do not think that we considered this option.

That developers think about visual effects For weapons and / or armor? For example, gem that makes the helmet bleed, or something like that. Cosmetic items.

I like this idea, but you need to be caution to a variety of luminous objects. You do not want the bloody battle look like a carnival?

Can we add symbols / coat of arms of guilds on your gear?

Our team refers to this function is extremely positive.

Why is there no system that allows painting equipment?

Everything has its time.

Sets (sets) Equipment from crafters

Why are the requirements for creating low-level equipment of equipment so high (properties that need to be explored)?

Crafting sets are not tied to the level. You choose the set that you want to get and do the equipment of any level. Requirements for studying certain properties of objects are necessary to make crafters in demand.

Economy / Guild shops

Availability of a lively market commerce item is important for your vision game? If so, how will it be implemented without gradual breakdown of objects (which creates a constant demand for new equipment)?

The idea of \u200b\u200bbreaking objects leading to their destruction undoubtedly like the community parties. But in my experience, she makes the search for certain items not very pleasant. If you do not mean the resources required for the repair of equipment, and not its complete destruction. Mechanics breakdown objects can work, but not in our system.

Can we steal objects from crafters? For example, using lags in the commerce window or simply soling and running out with equipment?

Not. We are not going to allow players such.

Will we be able to arrange a kind of shop for selling your items (outside the guild stores)?

We would like to do this, but it is necessary to implement such a function correctly.

Will there be a mass trading system in the game of craftting objects and other equipment, like auction?

Now in the game there are shops guilds. By joining the guild, you can sell items to its members. It may seem not very convenient, but keep in mind that you can enter five guilds at the same time. We expect the appearance of trading consortia. Another reason for the abandonment of the global auction was that with the megaser technology, the ability to instantly find any necessary subject can adversely affect the game. We love and encourage trade, but we do not want to kill the pleasure of the game. However, we work on guild methods to expand their presence in the market.

What profession craftting according to your will be the most profitable at the start of the game?

It is hard to say. It seems to me it will be a blacksmithing business. In my opinion, in the early stages, there will be an inclination and blacksmithing case. Runes are harder to find harder, so they will be engaged in less players, and therefore everyone will have a large market share. For the development of a blacksmithing time required. Players will have to seek Kuznets with the right skills. Subsequently, more money will be brought by alchemy and cooking, since the demand for food and potions will be very high.

Inventory / Bank

Crafting materials occupy a lot of space in the inventory. Maybe you will make separate bags specifically for the storage of resources and ingredients?

Buying additional slots for inventory and bank provides the necessary outflow of money. Currently it is useful for the gaming economy and we are not going to somehow change this system.

Raw materials for crafting takes a lot of space. You are not going to implement an interface specifically for materials, like that exist in "GW2" or "NEVERWINTER"?

The volume of inventory and bank is an important element of the economy. In the near future we will not make a separate inventory for materials. The choice is an important part of the gameplay.

I like that you can leave the items in the bank and still have access to them during crafting. But I collect everything I find, because I pump all the twigs of craftting and the place for me ends very quickly. Will it be corrected or I have to make low-level items just to free the space in a bank and inventory?

I would say you have to make a decision that leave, and from what to get rid of. A place in the inventory / Bank is another limiter, which does not allow pumping all branches of craftting at the same time. Of course, it is still possible, but at least not so simple.


Will we be able to create glass, daederic, ebonite and steel gear equipment? What about crossings?

Some of these styles will be available at the start. However, we do not have arbents yet.

Will there be one-handed or two-handed rods in the game?

At the moment, the katan in the game is not.

Can we make warm cozy raincoats for your adventure seekers? Who does not like raincoats, because they are very stylish.

Now there are no raincoats in the "The Elder Scrolls Online".

At high levels, there will be objects created by crafters to attach to the character?

Most of the equipment made by artisans can be sold, because krafters need to somehow earn.

Will we end up creating equipment for horses? For example, truck bags, armor or new horseshoes?

So far there is no, but everything is possible.

Will the game add the possibility of making jewelry (rings and necklaces)?

We are going to add this opportunity in the future.

Does Ras Bonuses on Krafts? For example, bosmers get more experience, creating onions, and the orcs when cutting heavy armor and so on.

No, but this is a very interesting idea.

Equipment created during crafting has the same effects in Syroidum as in PVE? Will we be able to get resources in Sirodile and create items from them already in the zones of their alliances?

Yes, in both cases.