Discussion Tyranny Game. Tyranny: guide to completing Tyranny, what are the gems for?

IN new game from Obsidian Entertainment, the prologue is presented in an extremely unusual way. After selecting one of the typical fantasy classes offered, as well as weapon abilities, the character creation system will throw you into Conquest mode, which will determine what role you played during the three years of war.

Each choice not only changes how one faction views you (which also has a strong impact later in the game), but also determines which cities are still holding out or whether certain NPCs are left alive.

Playing for the first time, you can go through “Conquest” without particularly straining, but if you decide to change something, playing for the second time, it is better to know what consequences each choice will lead to. There is also an option to skip this mode.

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1 year Conquest of Kairos

Gate of Judgment

  • Join the battle on the side of the Disgraced– the dialogue with Graven Ashe will change slightly, slight increase favor Disgraced
  • Join the battle on the side of the Scarlet Chorus– the dialogue with the Voices of Nerat will change slightly, the Archon of Secrets will show his favor later, the Guards of the Scarlet Choir will recognize you, slight increase favor Scarlet Hora
    • Trial of the enemy
      • Take enemies as slaves - slight increase favor Disgraced
      • Recruit enemies - slight increase favor Scarlet Hora
    • Host treat
      • Requisition supplies from merchants– opens a dialogue option later when you see the Disgraced accosting the merchant on the road, slight increase favor Disgraced
      • Rob the farms– The disgraced will repeatedly remind you how the captured soldiers supported the uprising, slight increase favor Scarlet Hora

Taking the Bastard City

  • Attack the main gate
  • Set the city on fire
  • Undermine the city's defenses

Infiltrating the Tiers

  • Support the Disgraced scouts- the dialogue with Graven Ashe will change slightly, slight increase favor Disgraced
  • Summon enemy units to Scarlet Horus- the dialogue with the Voices of Nerat will change slightly, the Archon of Secrets will show his favor later, the guards of the Scarlet Chorus will recognize you, slight increase favor Scarlet Hora
    • Undercover agent
      • Knowledgeable Security Captain– opens dialogue options for soldiers
      • Chatty Smuggler– opens dialogue options for thieves and merchants
    • Fire containment
      • Lure them into the Disgraced ambush - promotion favor Disgraced
      • Arrange a meeting with the Voices of Nerath - promotion favor Scarlet Choir, increasing Antley's fear. The Archon of Secrets will absorb the magician and reveal information about Antley later.

Betrayal of the Bastard City

  • Challenge the City Marshal to a duel– get the “Warrior’s Rest” ability
  • Provoke a Riot– gain the “Burning Palm” ability
  • Spread fear through murder– get the “Hidden Shadows” ability

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Year 2 of the Conquest of Kairos

By choosing Letiana Crossroads, you can become a governor in this place without any real advantages. By choosing a comb, you can receive the title “Bringer of Peace,” which will help in conversations with the rebels.

Letiana Crossroads

Cult of Sirin

  • Destroy the cult of Sirin– will cause problems later with Sirin, a powerful Archon of the Song and a potential member of the party.
  • Send the cult of Sirin to the vanguard– will increase the anger of the Disgraced
    • Ancient dangers
      • Select Scarlet Choir - promotion favor Disgraced
      • Select Disgraced - promotion favor Scarlet Hora
    • Red anvil
      • Slave a renegade mage - slight increase favor Disgraced
      • Erase his memory– increase the anger of the Scarlet Choir

Who controlled the Crossroads?

  • Select Disgraced
  • Select Scarlet Choir

Iron must flow

  • Use Scarlet Choir Recruits- increased anger of the Scarlet Choir
  • Recruit a tribe of beastmen- increased anger of the Disgraced
    • Choice from the armory
      • Select Disgraced- increased anger of the Scarlet Choir
      • Select Scarlet Choir- increased anger of the Disgraced
      • Maintain neutrality
    • Duty of the Guardian
      • Separate mercenaries from armies– will cause problems with mercenaries
      • Give an opportunity to prove your worth- increased anger of the Disgraced

Who controlled the Crossroads?

  • Select Disgraced
  • Select Scarlet Choir


Battle of Edgering Pass

  • Take the side of the Disgraced– provides positive dialogue options when communicating with the Disgraced
  • Take the side of the Scarlet Chorus– increases tension between factions and gives negative dialogue options with the Disgraced
    • Truce of the Marriage Bed
      • - no special influence
      • – several warriors of the Scarlet Chorus will die in battle, as a result of which negative options will appear during dialogue with their fighters. However, in the first conversation with Fuga, a potential companion, her loyalty will automatically increase.
    • Swords of the Fallen
      • Punish the Scarlet Chorus soldiers- increased anger of the Scarlet Choir
      • Refute all accusations- increased anger of the Disgraced

Fall of the Crest

  • Negotiate delivery– a more preferable option for peace with the rebels. Main character receives the nickname Conciliator / Conciliator or Peacemaker, the favor of the Vendrien Guard will be easier to obtain, appear in dialogues additional options, allowing for peaceful resolution of issues with the rebels. For example, Pelox Florian, captain of the Vendrien Guard, can surrender without bloodshed (quest "Conquest of the Outer Valley")
  • Challenge the Queen

Denial of power

  • Kill the mages- increasing the favor of the Disgraced and the wrath of the Scarlet Chorus
  • Capture the mages– greatly increases the favor of the Scarlet Choir, and also changes the dialogue with Voices of Nerath
    • Well poisoning– if you go on this mission, Barik will be angry with you when he ends up in your squad.
      • Agree with the Disgraced Plan– will cause discord between factions in the future
      • Agree with the Scarlet Choir's plan– greatly increases the anger of the Disgraced and Archon Graven Ashe
    • Captured captain
      • Use the commander to convey the message– gives bonus rings at the start, as well as more positive dialogues with the rebels
      • Use the commander's body for bloody edification– you won’t get any bonus with the rebels

Fall of the Crest

  • Negotiate delivery– a more preferable option for peace with the rebels
  • Challenge the Queen– receive the title “Queenslayer”, which is why the rebels will attack without warning, and both factions will revere you as a strategist.

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Year 3 of the Conquest of Kairos

No matter which area you choose, Kairos will order the destruction of that territory. If you choose Azure, you will learn more about the betrayal of the Archon of Stone.

Velen Citadel

If B this will increase their anger , while if IN you will force one faction quit members of another, you will have an increased number of negative options during dialogues. Also, if you choose Velen Citadel, some will call you "Arsonist/Arsonist".

During the Edict of Fire, you will need to decide whether to warn the locals and let them leave or not, killing them all, and at the same time some of the Scarlet Chorus fighters. It is possible to significantly increase the Crimson Choir's favor if you are on their side all the time.

If during the task " Agents of the master spy?» transfer the magicians to the Scarlet Choir, then the Voices of Nerath, the Archon of Secrets will thank you with several rings when you first meet.

If during the task " Edict of Fire"send a day's warning, then the spies of the Voices of Nerath will leave the city, and the Archon will be grateful to you, and this will also change the dialogue with Lantry, a potential companion.


If in you punish faction members, this will increase their anger , while if IN you will force one faction throw members of another, you will have an increased number of negative options during dialogues. Also, if you choose the Stronghold, some will call you "Petrel/Petrel".

During the Edict of Storms, you will need to decide whether to warn the locals and let them leave or not, killing them all, and at the same time some of the Disgraced fighters.

If during the task " Edict of Storms"warn the people, then the spies of the Voices of Nerath will leave the city, and the Archon will be grateful to you. This will also automatically increase the Unbroken's favor when meeting Elia for the first time.

If during the task " Delay due to dispute» to justify the Disgraced, then at the first meeting with Barik his loyalty will automatically increase significantly.


As in other cases, if you stay with one faction all the time, its favor will increase and, accordingly, the anger of the other will increase. The biggest increase in favor will be when you decide whose army to send to fight Cairn before reading the Edict of the Stone. Also, if you choose Azure, some will call you "Tremors".

The main changes will be in the final part. If you send the Disgraced or the Crimson Choir to fight Cairn alone, the city will be destroyed. If you send both armies together, the city will be saved.

Act 1 - Vendrien Well, Mountain Spire

The Conqueror's Will

We find ourselves in the ruins of Ejering. We read the training tips and talk with Aurora, a representative of the Disgraced. She will briefly bring you up to date and report on the situation. If you choose the last line in the first conversation (Knowledge skill level 20 is required), you can get points for this skill.

Welcome to the ruins

After the conversation, the battle will immediately begin. It shouldn't be difficult. After this, search the body, but do not rush to follow Aurora. Go west and then south. Here you can climb down the rope, but this requires 14 athletics. You can also simply jump, but in this case the character will be injured. There are boxes with useful things here, and also on the table on the right you can find the Tork necklace, which gives +1 to survivability, however, to get it, you need to have the Knowledge skill of level 35. After that, go to Aurora to the east.

She will be near a huge boulder. If you talk to her again and choose the answer option, which indicates that the victory of the Disgraced has sowed fear in the hearts of the longline soldiers, you can slightly increase the favor of the Disgraced. If you choose the second answer, the anger of this faction will increase. Then there are 2 options:

  • Squeeze between the stones - in this case you will find yourself right next to the enemy, which is extremely undesirable for characters specializing in long-range attacks.
  • Move the boulder (you need the Athletics skill level 30) - you can kill two birds with one stone: improve the Athletics and Cunning skills, and also immediately kill one enemy, thereby making the next battle easier for yourself.

Enter the battle. The Disgraced Warrior cannot die, so don't worry about him. After defeating all the enemies, you can talk to him and offer help, but he will refuse in any case. Let's move on. We will meet Fugu, a representative of the Scarlet Chorus and a potential member of the squad. We fight with her side by side. In battle, you can now use a special combo ability, in which damage is dealt jointly by the main character and one of the companions. Having won, we talk with Fuga. She can be accepted into the squad or expelled. In the conversation, she will also offer to search the bodies of fallen comrades. Agreeing with her will increase her loyalty, and demanding respect for the dead will increase her anger. We search the bodies and move on.

Going down the steps, several warriors of the Vendrien Guard, led by Tarkis Demos, will run up to you. Offering them to surrender will increase their faction's favor, otherwise their anger will increase. In any case, it will not be possible to avoid bloodshed, but do not worry about the enemy’s significantly superior forces - a detachment of the Scarlet Chorus will come to the rescue, which will distract some of the enemies.

After the battle, the Crescent Runner will run up to you and report that the commander has been taken hostage. We follow to the east and see at the cliff many soldiers of the Disgraced and Pelox Tirel, threatening commander Drastus with violence. There are several solutions, but the most preferable is to lower the weapon, then rush to the attack. This will keep everyone alive, give points to the Athletics skill and increase the favor of the Disgraced and Scarlet Choir, but will require 30 Athletics. Other answer options, implying the salvation of Drastus, will increase the favor of the Disgraced and the anger of the Scarlet Chorus; the death of Drastus will, on the contrary, increase the anger of the Disgraced and the favor of the Scarlet Chorus.

Now go to the center of the camp, where Drastus and the Laughing Flame are deciding what to do with the prisoner. If executed, this will increase the favor of the Disgraced and the anger of the Scarlet Chorus, and if saved, on the contrary, the anger of the Disgraced and the favor of the Scarlet Chorus will increase.

Look around. The southern wall and the ruined tower in the center of the map can be climbed and require 30 and 35 Athletics respectively. There you can find valuable items in boxes, however, to open the chest on the wall you need 39 Cunning. There are also many boxes with useful things scattered around the location.

There is also a quartermaster Cosma here, from whom you can buy useful items, incl. weapons, or sell unnecessary ones. If you ask about the right to trade, you can find out that she cannot read and start talking about a bribe, which will provide an opportunity to earn a little extra money.

After you're done here, go through the southern gate and travel to the Disgraced Camp. To do this, click on the star icon.

The Conqueror's Will (continued)

Arriving at the Disgraced camp, the first thing we notice is how the warriors pester merchant Sterling Hagnon. If you start defending the merchant, the Disgraced will become angry, but later you will be able to buy or sell something from him, and if you side with the warriors, the favor of the Disgraced will increase. You can also get money from the merchant. A conversation with Fugue will then automatically begin. If you refuse to answer her questions, her fear will increase; in other cases, her loyalty will increase.

We go to the main gate to the camp. We talk with the guards. If you dare, the anger of the Disgraced will intensify. In the camp you can find the merchant Pentibor, as well as Lucia and Marcus, who can teach you the skills of one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, parrying, throwing weapons, dodging and athletics for a fee. In the south you can find the blacksmith Isotanis, from whom you can get additional task“Iron Bound Forge”, thereby increasing the favor of the Disgraced. Also, if you run around the camp, you can find many chests with useful little things.

When you're ready, head to the archon tent in the northern part of the camp. If you show sycophancy in a conversation with Graven Ashe and the Voices of Nerat, then the Disgraced will like it and the Scarlet Chorus will not like it, if you are slightly insolent, it will be the opposite. Answer options that involve silence will increase Fugue's loyalty. It is also recommended to immediately take another quest from Ceveus, which will appear in the very center of the camp after you talk with the archons - “Reinforcements from the Cliffhangers.”

Conquest of the Outer Valley

We go to the southern part of the camp to the training field, where we talk with Iron Marshal Erenios. In a conversation with her, you can slightly improve your relationship with Fuga if you take her side, but the Disgraced will not like it, or vice versa, if you support Erenios, then Fuga’s loyalty will decrease and fear will increase, and the Disgraced will increase favor and decrease anger. In any case, you will get Barik as your partner, who is perfect for the role of a tank.

Next we go to the Scarlet Choir camp, but an ambush awaits us on the way. We meet Antley, a magician and potential companion. If we say that Tarkis Demos is dead, then Antley's loyalty will increase, but if we say that he joined the ranks of the Choir, then this will increase Antley's fear. Refusal to bargain will be positively received by Barik, and if you attack immediately, Tunon will be angry. If you attack, Antley will run away and you will have to fight two warriors. As soon as the conversation or battle is over, we set off again, to the Scarlet Chorus camp.

Once in the Scarlet Chorus Camp, in the east you can see two arguing fighters: Tuffnut and Tuffnut. If you provoke them and force them to fight, this will increase the favor of the Scarlet Choir, but if you decide to stop this, then you will provoke his anger, but Tunon will approve of this. If you decide not to get involved in the fight, then Zadryga will kill Sharpening. Another option is to take the side of one of the fighters, after which you will have to fight his opponent. With enough athleticism or cunning, you can knock out one of them and end the argument, while reducing the Crimson Choir's favor. In any case, they will be of no use later in the game, so the decision is yours.

At the entrance to the camp, if you have Barik in your squad, the guards will begin to be indignant. Protecting Barik will anger the Scarlet Chorus, but Barik's loyalty will increase. At Athletics 32, you can push the guard, which will increase the Scarlet Choir's favor. The last answer will cause fear in Barik and approval from the Scarlet Choir.

A little south of the entrance to the camp, near the shooting range, you can find the Mortuary. If you ask her why the ranks of the Scarlet Chorus are thinning, you can receive the additional task “Custom of the Horde.” Regg and Baz can also be found in this camp. For a fee, Regg can teach the skills of a magic staff, cunning and knowledge, and Baz can teach the skills of bows, dual wielding and unarmed combat. In the northeastern part of the camp you can find a merchant named Snigler Dagos, from whom you can buy or sell something.

Having explored the camp, we go to the Fifth Eye (near it, at knowledge skill level 32, you can read a green glowing scroll and receive the sigil of Illusion). He will ask for help in interrogating the prisoners. The following options are possible:

  • Agree immediately. In this case, nothing special will happen, just move on to the next phase of this task.
  • Make a claim, which will increase the Crimson Choir's anger, but will still lead to the next phase of this quest.
  • Start haggling. The Fifth Eye will not be delighted, but will make concessions:
    • If you choose the answer option “Loyal service”, the favor of the Scarlet Choir and Tunon will increase
    • “Honest reward” - 1000 rings
    • Knowledge: You will not receive the reward immediately, but the Fifth Eye will say that it will share valuable information when the Edict ends.

After the conversation, meet Fifth Eye near the prisoners in the center of the camp and talk to Varia Kel. Options in the first phases of the dialogue will have no effect. If you have enough of any skill to answer, then use it: 20 athletics will allow you to put pressure on her, and with 30 cunning you will be able to see through her lies. You can also intimidate her with the Voices of Nerat. In any case, she will indicate where the documents are hidden, but then her fate will have to be decided:

  • Forcing her to kill her comrades will slightly increase the favor of the Scarlet Chorus, and Varia will fulfill your request and begin to serve the Scarlet Chorus.
  • Letting her go (will increase the anger of the Vendrien Guard) - she will return to her own people and become a spy. Then, during the quest “Storm the Citadel”, she will help in one of the battles.
  • Forced to work until death (moderately increases the favor of the Scarlet Chorus) - Varia will become a slave.

After this, the captive Lantry, a bookworm who can become your companion, will enter the conversation. He is a support mage and can heal your fighters. During the conversation, several global options for the development of events will appear.

  • You can kill him. This will lead to the fact that he will try to convince you several more times, and you can stand up for him and participate in the trial by combat, and save him, or say that “honor the traditions,” and Lantry will be taken to the Voices of Nerath, and he will die. In this case, the Voices of Nerat will receive the necessary information, and the messenger will convey it to you.
  • Ask to read the inscriptions on the parchment. In defending this option, most answers will lead to the fact that you will have to participate in a duel. However, if you say that you take Lantry under your responsibility, then it will be possible to avoid bloodshed. Use answer options that require 32 Knowledge, 32 Athletics, or Level 2 Crimson Chorus Favor, and Lantry will be freed without a fight. In this case, after the conversation, Lantry will decipher the inscriptions and indicate where we should go next. Here you can also decide whether to allow the bookworm to join our company or refuse.

We go to Nettle Wilds. Here we go in an easterly direction, then, having reached the edge of the map, a little north, and then to the center. Along the way you will encounter several groups of enemies and traps. We talk with Pelox Florian. If you want, you can let him go, this will increase the favor of the rebels, but will worsen relations with Fuga and Barik. The second option is to release the others and take Pelox Florian prisoner without a fight - this will simply increase the favor of the Vendrien Guard. The third option is to kill everyone. It is recommended to let Florian go if you want to play on the side of the rebels.

Depending on the previous choice, the Scarlet Chorus, who then arrived, can also be killed, you can lie to them or hand over Pelox Florian. If you hand Pelox over to the Scarlet Chorus or kill him, you will also have to fight the Vendrien Guard. Once you've done everything here, the quest will be completed.

Battle of Echo Crossing

We go to the desired location and talk with Antio there. Then we run to the northeast, dealing with two Vendrien Guard fighters along the way. Next, we go to the bridge and talk with Matani Sybil. If Pelox Florian was released earlier, this will automatically increase the favor of the Vendrien Guard. At knowledge skill level 34, you can apologize for the conflict, which will further increase the favor of the rebels. In other cases, anger will increase. After the conversation, we go to the Gall Ulcer and report to him, and then go to the western side of the map and go there along the rope to the other side.

Next, a couple of battles await us, after which we lower the bridge. We search the box near the device for lowering the bridge, and having passed a little to the east you can see boxes, having studied which, we will move further in the investigation of the quest “Iron Bound by the Forge”. Next, we go to the village of Echo, using the transition icon in the north of the map.

Iron Forged

Completed in conjunction with the quest “Battle at Echo Crossing.” The quest is given by the blacksmith Isotanis in the Disgraced camp. First, we examine the box near the device for lowering the bridge, then to the right there is another pile of boxes. This is all on the northern bank of the river at the location Crossing of Egolosk, then in the village of Egolosk we examine the cart located in the center of the map. After you deal with Sigil, go back to the cart. Old man Mua will be standing there. We need to go to a house a little further north. To get inside you will need 41 Cunning, 36 Athletics or kill the old man and take the key from his body.

Inside we take a piece of iron from the barrel. This old man Mua will appear. You can kill him or let him go, and then we return to Isotanis.

We fight our way to Matani Sibil, who will be on the roof of the easternmost house. There are several options for the development of events: you can kill everyone, let them go civilians or let everyone go (if you want to continue playing as the rebels, but Barik won’t like it). The last option is only possible if Pelox Florian was released earlier. Also, only in the latter case will it be possible to meet with Tarkis Arri in the Secluded Grove for the quest “Oathbreakers”. Next, we either fight, or immediately talk with Antio and Gall Ulcer and decide what to do with the settlement - burn it or not. In both cases, the anger of the Vendrien Guard will increase, but in the first case, relations with the Disgraced and Barik will improve and worsen with Fuga, and in the second - vice versa.

Now we need to decide on whose side we will fight. If you want to make the rebels allies, then we first go along the quest “Oathbreakers” to the Secluded Grove, if, of course, you have fulfilled the necessary conditions for this.


(For the rebels)

The quest is available if the following conditions are met:

  • Behaved appropriately with Atli during an ambush while traveling, increasing her loyalty
  • Released Pelox Florian during the quest "Conquest of the Outer Valley"
  • Released Matani Sybil for the quest “Battle at Echo Crossing”

In this case, receive an invitation from Tarkis Arry, who will offer to meet her in the Secluded Grove. If you want to support the rebels, we do not refuse her this request and head to the indicated location. You can refuse the alliance and attack, or you can agree. In this case, an alliance with the Disgraced or Scarlet Chorus will become unavailable. Relations with Barik will also worsen, but Fuge, Atli and Lantry will like it.

In any case, we go to the Disgraced camp in the tent of Graven Ashe. What follows is a stage similar to the quest "Battle at Echo Crossing"

Battle of Echo Crossing (continued)

On the way, you can visit the Scarlet Choir Camp, you can meet a guy named Khavchik. If you ask him why he doesn’t belong in the Choir, it turns out that he is too young. Next, you can call his commander Two Teeth and decide the fate of Khavchik.

Also here, in the Scarlet Choir camp, you can resolve the dispute between Salveros and Gall Ulcer. If you have a Knowledge skill level of 20, you can increase Tunon’s favor by talking about “Magician’s Mistake.” If you decide the matter in favor of the magician, then the favor of the Scarlet Choir will increase, and relations with the Disgraced will worsen, and if you decide to execute the Gall Ulcer - vice versa.

You can now meet Sirin in the Scarlet Chorus camp. If during the second year of the conquest they chose Lethian Crossroads and did not destroy the cult of Sirin, but sent it to the vanguard, then her loyalty will automatically increase. In any case, it will not be possible to recruit her yet. There will also be two beastmen nearby, with whom you can also talk.

In the Disgraced camp, you can find a scarlet choir soldier and the Disgraced surrounding him near the entrance to the camp. It is possible to resolve the dispute in either direction, while increasing the favor of one faction and increasing the anger of the other. Also, if in the first year the conquests were on the side of the Disgraced, then, taking the helmet to examine, we can say that it is the helmet of a veteran. The Disgraced will be very happy and will give money themselves, as a result of which the Scarlet Khor, the Disgraced, and Tunon will be satisfied.

Once you're done, return to Graven Asha's tent. The Oathbreakers quest will fail and the option to have the rebels become your allies will no longer be available. Choose your side wisely. This will make enemies of the other faction. Option joint attack won't work and you'll still have to choose a side. If there is Barik or Fuga in the squad, then you will have to choose their fate. Next, the quest “Storm the Citadel” starts.

Assault on the Citadel

(For the Scarlet Choir or the Disgraced)

You will have this quest if you decide to be on the side of the Scarlet Choir or the Disgraced.

If you have the Disgraced as your allies, talk to the Iron Marshal, and if the Scarlet Chorus, talk to the Fifth Eye. Next, head to the Vendrien Well Citadel. Having arrived at the place, to get inside, we go to the northeast (for the Disgraced) or northwest (for the Scarlet Khor). We climb the wall and clear the area. Next we go inside the building. We fight our way to the door at the opposite end of the location. There, if earlier we freed Varia Kel and sent her to spy, then she will help us in the battle.

We go to the main hall. Here we fight with the soldiers of the Ventrien Guard, incl. Atli and Tarkis Arri. When you defeat them, representatives of the Scarlet Choir will come running, led by the Fifth Eye, if they are your allies, or Iron Marshal Erenios, if you are working with the Disgraced. It's getting really bad here important point. Firstly, in addition to acting according to the plan of your allies, here you can betray the alliance and begin the path of anarchy (in the end you will rule alone, without allies). In this case, you will have to have another battle. After this, you stop the edict and are transported to the top of the Spire. The second important point: here you need to decide what to do with the Iron Marshal or the Fifth Eye if you betray him, and in any case you will have to decide the fate of Tarkis Arry (if you let her go, you will increase Atli’s loyalty) and Atli, who can become your party member . This will complete the first act.

Oathbreakers (continued)

(For the rebels)

If the Vedrien Guard has sworn allegiance to you, then after talking in the tent with Graven Ashe and the Voices of Nerath, we head to the Citadel of the Vendrien Well and talk there with Tarkis Arri and Atli. The latter can join you after the conversation, but keep in mind that there can be a maximum of 4 people in the squad, so you may have to remove someone from the squad, but don’t worry, he won’t go anywhere, and then you can always change the composition groups when visiting the Spire.

We go through the eastern gate to the neighboring courtyard and fight a couple of battles there, incl. featuring Iron Marshal Erenios. After the victory we return back. Here we are already fighting with the Scarlet Chorus. Then we go inside the building. We fight with the Scarlet Choir and move to the door at the opposite end of the location. We go into the main hall. Here is an important point: you can betray the alliance and follow the path of anarchy (in the end you will rule alone, without allies). We fight with the Fifth Eye and his assistants, after which we complete the edict. We are transported to the top of the Spire. We decide what to do with the Fifth Eye, and then the first act will be completed.

Act 2 - Letiana Crossroads, Spire of Dusk

Voice of Kairos

After you capture the Mountain Spire, you will be offered to go to the Bastard City to see Tunon. This is an optional quest, but it opens up many story branches and quests. Regardless of the conversation, Tunon will still give you the task of collecting evidence against the Archons. After this, you should talk to the person who will issue further tasks. If you have chosen the path of an anarchist (without allies), then read the letter from Bleden Mark and hold it over a candle. Subsequent actions and tasks will differ in detail, but in general the passage will be similar regardless of the faction you choose.

Disturbing visions

So, you have captured your first Spire - Mountain. Now you need to interact with the device in the center. Next we head to Letiana Crossroads. To do this, we use a portal glowing blue.

On the way you will be stopped by the Bronze Brotherhood. First, it is advisable to talk to Welby on the hill. From her you will learn that this faction can join the ranks of your faction, but not with the current commander Raetommon (an option for those who decide to play on the side of the rebels). Then it is recommended not to go straight to the bridge. It’s better to go along the southern border of the map and talk to Raetommon first, ask him about the Letiana Crossroads. Having received permission, we go to the bridge. Say that Raethommon has already given permission, so the merchant can come with you - the Will will obey, and the favor of Letiana's Crossroads will increase. But, as always, you can choose different paths, incl. and aggressive, but this will worsen relations with the Bronze Brotherhood. After this, go to the Dusk Spire, in Letiana Crossroads.

After this we talk with Eldian. He will report that he has sealed the Old Walls. Next we go to Zhdenie. She will be on the second level of the city, in the forge. Together with her we place the helmet of the Magobort and fight inside with the destruction. After this, we return back to the city and find out that Zdenya was kidnapped. The second scenario is that she is kidnapped right away. We talk with Eldian again (his house on the eastern bank on the first tier). Before moving to another location, it is recommended to collect side quests, and also take Sirin as a companion in the tavern.

Let's go to the Fugitive's Passage. There are two arguing representatives of the Bronze Brotherhood. We take the key stone from Mirek. After this we go to Mesopotamia. If desired, we talk with Welby (strongly recommended if you are planning an alliance with the Bronze Brotherhood). After that, go inside the Old Walls. If you are with Welby, then the situation with the representative of the Bronze Brotherhood, Ferris Flatfoot, who blocked your path, can be resolved peacefully. Otherwise there will be a fight. Peaceful or not, we need to get Amit's first light key.

We use it on the luminous monument (lighthouse) a little higher. The pressure plate will light up. We use it to open the door and go further. The next beacon cannot be activated yet - you need a light key from other Old Walls. We go up the steps and cross the bridge to the opposite corner of the map to move to the next location.

We take the yellow Citren light key from the corpse. At the lighthouse nearby, use the purple Amit light key to get to the southern part. Here you can meet a detachment of the Bronze Brotherhood. Depending on your choice of allies, you can attack them or, conversely, increase the favor of this faction. At the lighthouse here we use the found yellow Citren key. We pass further along the corridor. By pressing the button in the wall, the door on the right will open into the room with Garrick from the quest “We Don’t Abandon Our Own.” Next we cross the bridge opposite. We take the red light key Ro from the corpse and use it at the lighthouse nearby.

We pass through the opened door. It will be tricky on the floor, so we pass carefully. There will be three beacons in the next room. We place the light keys as shown in the screenshot below, otherwise you will be attacked by the dead.

We go through the opened door and find ourselves in the next location. Raetommon will be here. Let's talk to him. No matter what you tell him, you will have to fight. After the victory, you will have the opportunity to choose what to do with him (except for the option of an alliance with the rebels - in this case, only a fatal outcome for him). We receive the Emir light key, as well as the Magoborets helmet. We begin to arrange the keys as shown in the screenshot below.

Once you place three, the Ravager will be released. In battle, he will be assisted by several death squads. After the victory, we set the last light key and open the bridge. We go up the steps, where Zdenya will be tied up. She can be released or killed. There are also variations depending on whether you and Welby are from the Bronze Brotherhood or not. If so, then here you will have to choose between the Bronze Brotherhood and the Forge-bound, you will not be able to attract both to your side.

We leave the room and go southwest, go into the hall with runes on the floor. We connect the lines one by one as shown in the screenshot, after which we use the portal and find ourselves at the top of the spire.

We choose what to build, and after we have done everything we wanted, we return to Letiana Crossroads. We give Eldian the Magobor helmet if we want everything to be in order with the settlement at the end of the game. At any time you can ask for it for a while, for example, if you play an anarchist, then the Magoborets helmet must be shown to Bleden Mark. After which we return to our main quest giver and select the next travel point.

Among other things, there are several side quests you can complete in Letiana Crossroads:

Widow's Revenge

(optional/side quest)

On the second level of Letiana Crossroads in the east there is a girl named Deya, whose wife was killed. Let's go to Mesopotamia. In the east there will be a hill on the northern bank of the river - climb up (you need 40 Athletics) and talk with Sandro. Next there are several options:

  • Kill him and get the reward from Deya
  • Listen to Sandro, take Phaedra's necklace and receive the reward from Deya, lying that they fulfilled her request
  • Listen to Sandro, take the necklace or not (optional), return to Deya and attack her (she can give a bribe to hush up the matter, you can also kill her, but Letiana’s Crossroads’ attitude towards you will worsen)

Blind Ambition

(optional/side quest)

In Letiana Crossroads, on the second level in the western part, you can meet Kellion. He will ask for the return of sister Kalia. Head to Fugitive's Crossing. There, in the northwest of the map, you will meet Kalia. We decide what to do with her: we can convince her to return home, and also talk to Locke on the same map to join the Bronze Brotherhood. After this we return to Kellion. Even if Kalia joins the Bronze Brotherhood, then tell Kellion that it is her choice, and there will be no negative consequences.


(optional/side quest)

In order to take this quest, talk to the merchant Gino (on the second level of Letiana Crossroads in the western part of the settlement). Talk to merchant Helina in the east of the settlement near the river. She will tell you who spread the rumors. We return to Gino and tell him what we learned. Go to Mesopotamia. A little to the east there will be a place fenced with stones. Get inside (25 Athletics required). Having explored the area (you need 27 athletics), we return back to Letiana Crossroads, but we don’t find Gino, so we talk with his brother Alagan. After a short period of time, Gino will join the conversation. We decide which side to take. After this, we go to the head of the settlement to clear the name of the merchant, if you chose his side.

Act 2 - Tomb of Blades, Ocean Spire

We go to the Stronghold of the Sentinels (it is advisable to take Barrick with you to the squad). We go north, to the passage blocked by the storm. After a short dialogue with the party members, we fight with the ruins, and then talk with Janos, a representative of the Unbroken, who sits on the wall nearby.

Next, you need to move to the Twilight Bastion location. Upon arrival, you will meet the Crescent Runner, a representative of the Disgraced. He can either be released (in this case, Barrick’s loyalty and the favor of the Disgraced will increase), or he can be killed either immediately or after interrogation.

We go to the gates of the camp and talk with its commander, Captain Agathon. If you were on the side of the Disgraced, then there will be no peaceful option: the Unbroken will refuse to cooperate in any case, and this rule will apply even if they broke the alliance with the Disgraced. In other cases it is possible to agree.

If we went the peaceful route, then we help the Unbroken defend their camp. First, let's find the missing patrol. To do this, we leave the camp and go around it from the back side. There we deal with the Disgraced detachment. We return to the camp and go to the northern part, where Kallias is being held captive. We deal with another detachment of the Disgraced there. Then we return to the gate and deal with the enemies again. The Unbroken will help in battle, incl. Captain Agathon himself.

After the victory, we go to the prisoner and talk there with captain Agathon and the captive Stone Shield Kallias.

If you are for the Disgraced or were previously for them, then you will have to fight. We clear the camp, talk with the captive Kallias, and then either deal with the arriving detachment of the Disgraced, if you play as an anarchist, or peacefully resolve issues with them.

The Fearless Way

In any case, next you need to get to the Trapper's Crossroads. Once at the location, you will meet a wounded Unbroken soldier - talk to him. We go west and talk to the guards. Matthias will appear - either we kill him, or after the conversation we go into the camp and go south, where we begin a conversation with Irentis and Matthias. There are two options here: to win Matthias over to your side, you can, firstly, kill the soldiers of the Scarlet Choir, who can be found around the camp, or find the sword “Fearless” (for this you will have to additionally talk with Irentis).

To find the ancient sword “Fearless”, we go to the newly opened location Flooded Old Walls. We fight with the ruins and take the sword from the stone, after which we return back to Matthias at the Trapper's Crossroads. But the camp is attacked by the Scarlet Choir. Destroy three of their squads, and then talk to Matthias again.

If you oppose the Unbroken, then simply clear out their camp and find out where to move next.

What's left

(optional/side quest)

We go to the rusty canyons. Walking a little forward, you will see a wounded Unbroken soldier. He will die in any case, whether you interfere with Theodore or not, and in the first case Barrick's fear will increase. If you are on the side of the Disgraced, talk to Theodore, and then clear the camp and free the prisoners in its southern part. It will also be impossible to come to an agreement with Elia here if you are playing or were previously on the side of the Disgraced.

If you decide to join the Unbroken to your army or for some other reason you want to help Elia, then go to the gate of the camp and talk to her there. Next, we kill Theodore and release the prisoners. We return to Elia and go inside the camp. Next, the camp is attacked by the Disgraced. We run after the soldier to the eastern gate and kill the Disgraced detachment there. Next we defend the western gate, through which we entered the camp. After winning here, we go northeast and climb the wooden bridge. We deal with another enemy squad. Next there will be a conversation with Elia. You need to kill all the Disgraced in the northern part of the map, then talk to Elia, who will come running on her own to the bridge in the north-west of the map and tell you where to look for the Insignia of Steadfastness.

Gap between worlds

We go to the location Breach in the Old Walls. We meet Gregos, then Hieronymus joins the conversation. You can take from him the additional task “Stones of Interpretation”, which is completed simultaneously with the main storyline.

To begin with, we go through the gorge to the southeast, where we fight with the dead, and then we take the Garn light key from the soldier’s body. We pass to the Old Walls. We fight the deaths, and then install the light key that we recently received into the glowing beacon. Click on the panel on the wall and open the door. We find ourselves in a corridor, where there are again several deaths. Having dealt with them, we make a charcoal drawing on the opposite wall. We pass along the corridor to the body of the First Regent. It won't be possible to get to him yet. We search the body and take the first buzzing key-stone, insert it into a special illuminated place nearby. Now you need to find three more similar keys. If you were previously in the Old Walls at the Crossroads of Letiana, then you should have left the light keys from there. Approach the lighthouse to the northeast. Use the yellow Citren light key to extend the left bridge, and the green Emir light key to extend the right bridge. If they are not there, it’s not scary, you’ll still take the Insignia of Steadfastness, but you won’t be able to search all the places in these Old Walls.

We go back and click on the panel on the wall to open the stairs. We go up the northern stairs and immediately go into the branch. We cross the bridge and pick up a cobblestone from the altar - this is the first Stone of Interpretation. After you pick it up, you will be attacked by the deities. Deal with them and then pick up the stone on the floor and place it on the altar to open the bridge again. More deaths will appear - deal with them and go back out into the corridor. Go along its northern part and climb the stairs there to another level.

On the second level we take the Sapphire Light Key from the altar. Next, we leave three characters in this room, and the fourth one goes out into the corridor and goes into the southern branch. Click on the wall panel there to open the door to the room with the rune (65 Knowledge required) and the second Interpretation Key (in the closet). In this case, the character who pressed the panel will be blocked. After you take everything, go back to the room with the altar, and then click on the panel again to release the fourth party member.

We go out into the corridor again and go north, go around the room and find ourselves at the cliff. Here we use the blue light key Saptsir on the lighthouse, after which we raise the stairs. Next, change the light key to red Garn. At the top you can make a drawing with charcoal, and also click on the panel on the wall to open the bridge, and also take the Heavy Key Stone from the box. We pass along the opened bridge and then to another location.

We deal with the deaths, click on the panel on the floor, and then go through the opened door. We click on the panel, go across the bridge, then go into the room a little to the south, through it we get into the room with the beacon. We use the red Garm light key. We go into the room with the altar from which we take the orange light key Ambyr. Pay attention to the location of the dishes under the altar, namely its color (from left to right): blue, red, yellow. We go back and open the north bridge. We immediately go along the narrow corridor to the south.

We find ourselves in a room with three beacons. We arrange them in the same order as the dishes a little earlier. See screenshot below.

We go into the opened room and take the Bright Key Stone from the cabinet. We go back out and walk to the last open bridge. If you go northwest, you can get to the Ocean Spire. We make a charcoal drawing on the northern part of the wall, and then create the following pattern on the floor:

We capture the spire, and then go back to the Old Walls. We go to the southern stairs and go to the first location. We go along the right corridor. After passing through the trap on the floor and the door behind it, click on the panel on the wall. As a result, the door behind will close, but the room we need will open. We deal with the deaths inside, insert the red Garn light key into the beacon and click on the wall panel.

The next room will open. Inside, we take the Cold Key Stone from the closet. A little further north there is a locked room. To get into it you will need a light key from the Old Walls at the Crossroads of Letiana - purple Amit.

After this, we return to the center of the location to the luminous sphere. We install the key stones clockwise, starting from the north. Then click on the panel on the floor and fight the Ravager. After the victory, we take the Insignia of Steadfastness from the corpse of the First Regent, lying in the middle of the room. We go back. To complete the “Stones of Interpretation” quest, go to Jerome in the “Breach in the Old Walls” location. Next, we head to the Twilight Bastion and talk with Matthias there, and then head to the Sentinel Stronghold.


Depending on the side, you will help either the Disgraced or the Unbroken, or fight against everyone. In any case, you will have to go to the very north, to the place where the storm blocked the passage. We use the Insignia of Steadfastness, and then move on to the next location.

We go to the gate in the west of the map. It will not be possible to come to an agreement with the regent Streidus Herodin. We fight our way into the castle. To open the gate, use the winch (you need 57 Athletics).

Once inside, we fight with Streydus Herodin. After his death we go to the room in the western part. Amelia will run out. This poses a dilemma: to end the Edict of Storms, you need to kill the child. Difficulty is added if you are on the rebel side. In order not to kill the child, you can agree to go to the Burning Library or to the court of Tunon and there find out how to lift the Edict without killing, but in this case the alliance with the rebels will not be maintained. And yet in this case there is a way out. In order not to kill either Amelia or her child, and at the same time not to destroy the alliance with the rebels, you should definitely visit the Grave of Blades last, only after the Stone Sea and the Crossroads of Letiana. In this case, the level of knowledge must be 69 and above. This way it will be possible to maintain an alliance with the Unbroken and other rebels and not resort to infanticide. After this, we return to our main quest giver (depending on the faction you chose as an ally).

Act 2 - Stone Sea, Aurora Spire and Dawn Spire

We stay at the Steppe Gate (or Half Gate, depending on your decision on Conquest) and clear the city from the Scarlet Choir if we are at enmity with them. We talk with the contact - he or she, depending on which faction you are playing for, can be found in the western part of the map on the top level. Also in the city you can meet a crowd of people near the bound beastman (Left Claw). This is the quest “In Chains”. It is taken automatically or at the request of your companion Death-of-Shadow. If you free him, you can calmly free the people who are being held captive by the beastmen (quest “Search and Rescue”, taken from Grayson).

After this we head to Stone Gorge. Again you may have to fight the Scarlet Choir. In the southwestern part of the map there is a corpse of a beastman in the water. You can't get to it until the water level drops. Remove the boulder and you will have access to it. There is nothing special on the corpse itself, but you can find an eternal inkwell nearby. You will receive the quest for it only if, during the Conquest, you chose the path of conquering Lazuli and defended the city of the Steppe Gates.

We are gradually moving towards the eastern part of the map. We go to the beastmen camp and talk with Stoklorovka. She won’t just let us through to our goal, so we’ll need to fulfill her request and go to the Toothmaw Sanctuary. You can also find the Stoneguard and missing people here. To free them from captivity, you will have to either clear the camp, or free the beastman in the Steppe Gates or Half Gates.

We find ourselves in the Toothmaw sanctuary. We go east to two arguing warlords Kaedis and Krivonog. You decide what to do. If you oppose everyone, you will have to fight both the Disgraced and the Scarlet Choir at the same time. In this case, do not rush, attack the groups one at a time, and let the others kill each other at this time. We return to Stokrovka and report. It will become available to us new map– Howling Rock.

We go to the Spire of Dawn, in new location. If you play on the side of the rebels, then you will be met by your contact, Isadora. We talk with her, and then with Radix in the depths of the camp.

After that, go to the Aurora Spire for lapis lazuli, to the Old Walls in Yawn. We talk at the very entrance to the location with Basilion, and then go east and go into the old walls. Inside we talk with Scarlet Mouth. Here you can solve the issue in two ways: either kill everyone at once, or ask to be included in the pack of the Beastmen and, on their behalf, negotiate with the Cragmen, but for this you will have to go through an initiation rite, defeating several Beastmen in battle.

Here you can draw the following figure on the floor to capture the Aurora Spire:

Having resolved the issue, we report to Bazilion and return to Radix.

If you play for yourself, then there will be no Meeting with Radix, and you will have to kill all the Cliffbreakers, however, to get to their camp, you will need lapis lazuli, which can be picked up from Bazilion in the Old Walls in Yawn.

There is an entrance to the Spire of Dawn nearby. To capture this Spire, create the following shape on the floor:

Act 2 - The Burning Library

The territory is controlled by the Scarlet Choir, so if things don’t go well with you, you’ll have to fight your way through. Inside, a magical field is blocking our path, so we go southeast. There we talk with the wounded bookworm and read the book from the shelf nearby (you will need 22 knowledge). We return to the barrier and remove it. Approximately in the center of the map you can meet a bookworm, who can either be killed or released.

Let's go down one level. Here in the northern part, going up the steps, you can find a second glowing book on the shelf. In the southern part, guarded by the ruins, there will be a third piece of parchment.

We rise to the middle level through the passage in the southern part of the map. We go northeast, where we find bookworms and the last, fourth, glowing book. We go strictly to the west and there we go down and find ourselves at a new barrier.

We shoot in the following sequence: top yellow, bottom red, blue left and last - right orange. We go deeper and go down the spiral staircase.

We find ourselves in the Silent Archive. We fight the Scarlet Choir, and then, in order to stop the Edict of Fire, we will have to take it away. The library will be destroyed.

Act 2 - Final part

When you have visited all available areas, return to your main quest giver. After talking with him, we return to the Mountain Spire in the Vendrien Well and protect it, having previously imposed one of the edicts. This will complete the second act.

Act 3

Quite short. Depending on who you decide to join forces with, you will have to fight Graven Ashe and/or the Voices of Nerath, and then come to the Court of Tunon. Here you can deal with Tunon himself, if you wish. Bleden Mark can help with this if you are on the same side and he has a high level of favor towards you.

After this, return to the mountain spire and place an edict on the Bastard City.

What is the impact of the decisions made by the Executor in Conquest mode?

First of all, they affect the reputation of the main factions - the Disgraced and the Scarlet Choir. Some decisions affect the attitude of his companions towards the hero.

A number of decisions give access to certain dialogue options, locations, characters and objects, and also affect the attitude of small factions and can serve as incriminating evidence at a court hearing.

Reputation points are awarded for decisions made in Conquest mode not immediately after the start of the game, but during certain dialogues. For example, Sirin gives loyalty points for deciding on the “Cult of Sirin” during the first dialogue in the Scarlet Chorus camp, while loyalty points for deciding on the “Right of Command” can only be obtained in Act 2, by talking with Sirin about the Chorus.

Each decision affecting reputation has a certain cost in reputation points, with the most significant decisions being those made by choosing a side. Therefore, there is no reason to seek high approval from the faction during the Conquest. For example, the Executor kills the Queen of the Crest and for this receives the wrath of the Vendrien Guard. The dialogue with Captain Arry changes, but she still agrees to the alliance and with the conclusion of the alliance, the queen’s killer will be more or less forgiven.
Similarly with companions - the dialogue options in the game itself are quite enough to raise the loyalty of all companions to level 4 to open good endings.

Thus, the formation of the Conquest mode can be either for reasons of roleplaying, or for reasons of maximum benefit. Let's look at those solutions that add useful characters, items and locations to the main game.

Bastard City (428 AI – 1 year of conquest)

The Executor enters the City through Tier Penetration. In the "Undercover Agent" event, we choose an agent who can be hired as a worker in the spire in Act 2 of the main game.
For the Disgraced, the Executor will hire a knowledgeable security captain, who will be available as a regular teacher at the Training Ground Spire.
For the Scarlet Chorus, the Executor will hire a smuggler who will be available in the Mountain Spire. The smuggler brings a random item every turn, these can be gems and other things for sale or ingots/hides for crafts. In addition, the smuggler tells interesting rumors. The Smuggler seems to be the most useful thing you can get in the first year of Conquest.

In the “Betrayal of the Bastard City” event, the most interesting ability is “Warrior’s Rest”, which provides both protection and healing to the character.
Selecting the “Burning Palm” will give the Executor access to the sigil of Fire, which can simply be purchased from the blacksmith in Letiana Crossroads at the very beginning of Act 2.
The Hiding Shadows ability makes some sense as a combo ability, since the penalty to accuracy greatly affects only the Executor's physical attacks, while being inferior in ease of use to the healing Warrior's Rest.

Choosing to side with the Disgraced in the events “Infiltration of the Tiers” and “Betrayal of the Bastard City” affects the opening of an additional dialogue in the tent with Graven Ash, where he will tell a little backstory and there will be 2 knowledge checks.

429 AI - 2nd year of the conquest of Kairos.

Letiana's Crossroads or the Crest?

Conquering the Crest can give the Executor additional favor from the Vendrien Guard, which will give access to the Sunspear at the end of Act 1, subject to joining the Union. Without additional favor, an allied Executor will receive a Sunspear at the start of Act 2.

If you go to conquer the Crest, a garrison of the Bronze Brotherhood will remain in the Crossroads, in which the Kaliya quest and the brothel will not be activated.

If the Executor conquers Letiana, then the choice of a garrison of the Disgraced or the Scarlet Choir. When Disgraced, Kalia's quest and the brothel are activated, but Gino's quest disappears. But the garrison of the Scarlet Chorus gives access to Kalia’s quest and Gino’s quest, and to a line of dialogue from the headman with an increase in Fuga’s knowledge/loyalty, and they also have a brothel with the achievement.

Of the events leading up to the appointment of a garrison, "Iron Must Flow" is useful. Choosing to side with the Disgraced simply grants the favor of the Forgebound, while choosing the Crimson Choir grants the favor of the Forgebound and access to an additional location with loot (usually 10 iron/6 bronze + a pair of leveled weapons).
You can also go through the “Cult of Sirin”, then select “Ancient Dangers” - 4 bodies with the usual loot will appear in the wall near the Spire.

430 AI - 3rd year of the conquest of Kairos.

The path to conquer the Stronghold.
Participation in the conquest of the Stronghold gives loyalty points to the Disgraced and Barik, and a dialogue option is added when convincing Barik about the alliance.

The “March on an Empty Stomach” event with the support of the Disgraced gives access to an additional location only when playing as the Disgraced, the rest of the Executors should support the Scarlet Choir for the sake of favor and 300 rings in the first dialogue with the Voices of Nerat.

Selecting the “don’t warn anyone” option in the “Edict of Storms” event gives access to the Helm of the First Regent artifact. When passing as the Disgraced, the map with the location of the helmet is removed by the Executor from the body of officer Elia, when passing as the Scarlet Choir, officer Elia gives a hint after the end of her quest, the Anarchist Executor does not get to this location at all, and the allied Executor is hampered by a bug.

The path to conquering the Velenia citadel.
If you support the Scarlet Chorus in the “Captivating Song” event, the Executor will receive loyalty points to Sirin, as well as several magical skill teachers to hire in the Spiers.

If you send a day's notice during the Edict of Fire event, the Executor will gain access to the Smoldering Hood and the Fire Sigil in the Burning Library. In addition, there will be a dialogue option with bookworms when completing the quest in the Burning Library, as well as a small increase in Lantry's loyalty.

The path to conquer Lazuli involves protecting the city of the Steppe Gates.
As a result, instead of the city of Half the Gate, the Steppe Gate location will be on the map; the quest to save the townspeople will not be activated there, but the quest to find the eternal inkwell will be available. You can submit the quest to your choice of two quest givers.
The Empty Distance location will also be open - an area with regular loot and flagellants.

The protagonist of the new RPG from Obsidian is not some faceless person who has discovered the abilities of a hero. On the contrary, the plot events unfold around the Arbiter of Fates - a very popular employee who occupies the high post of Adjucator Tunon, Archon of Law. Being a kind of traveling guardian of order, he enjoys unlimited power and restores order in the state of Kairos. Moreover, our hero also takes a primary part in the war with the Tiers.

Getting to the point, “Conquest” is an option through which you can change the protagonist’s past, which will affect the further passage. Of course, there is nothing supernatural in this system, except for the details.

Tyranny will prompt you to switch to Conquest mode immediately after character creation. It is a mini-quest, during which the gamer must read the descriptions and, based on them, make a decision that will affect the future fate of the hero. Both the relationships of the factions towards the hero and the world around him will undergo changes.

In general, you will end up choosing one of the sides of the key opposing factions - the Disgraced or the Scarlet Chorus, or try to maintain neutrality. Below we list all the events and response options in Conquest, as well as their consequences.

The Beginning of Kairos Expansion: Year One

From the event in the Bastard City: the first part

At the Gate of Judgment you will be presented with two options:

1) Take the side of the Disgraced faction, starting a battle with them side by side (this will increase your relationship by one);

2) Either take the side of the Scarlet Chorus (this will also raise the relationship between you by one indicator, and will also open additional lines in which members of the Choir will praise you and remember your valor).

During an attack on Tiers you can:

1) Start infiltrating together with Disgraced scouts (will give you one more relationship):

2) Join the soldiers of the Scarlet Choir (another point in the relationship).

From the event in the Bastard City: part two

During the trial of defeated opponents you will be offered:

1) Put them in shackles, which the Disgraced will appreciate;

2) Or lure them to your side, which will please the Scarlet Chorus

You can solve the problem with provisions in two ways:

1) Expropriate the goods of merchants (one for relations with the Disgraced);

2) Carry out a predatory raid on peasant lands (assessed by the Chorus).

The question with an embedded spy who works undercover offers two options:

1) Agree with the main guards (the Disgraced will like this);

2) Bribe the filibuster (Scarlet Choir will like this).

You can stop the fire in the following ways:

1) Deal with the magicians by cunning, ambushing them together with the Disgraced;

From the event in the Bastard City: third part

Capturing a city can be done in several ways:

1) Strike head-on, breaking through the main gate. This will increase your relationship with the Disgraced, and also give you the interesting Warrior's Rest skill, which, when activated, reduces incoming damage by 50% and also replenishes your health by 17% for twelve seconds every three seconds.

2) Commit an arson that will please the Scarlet Choir. You will receive the "Burning Palm" ability - a magical sign that gives you the ability to use fire magic.

3) Sow doubt among the city's residents, thereby undermining its defenses. This option will show your neutrality. You will also receive an interesting skill that greatly increases your defense rating, but temporarily reduces your accuracy.

You can avoid much bloodshed by playing with cunning:

1) You can deal with the city marshal by challenging him to a one-on-one fight. The Disgraced will appreciate this, and you will receive the above-described “Warrior’s Rest” skill;

2) Start a rebellion, which will increase your relationship with the Choir. Accordingly, you will receive the second skill “Burning Palm”.

3) Cause panic by starting a series of killings. Will add one point to your neutrality and give you the Hiding Shadows skill.

The Beginning of Kairos Expansion: Year Two

You, as the Master of Fates, who performs the duties of one of the leaders of the war, can decide which of the two territories the Kairos army will begin to conquer.

The first area is Letiana Crossroads, an important area offering iron ore deposits. When the war is over, you will personally rule this region. The way you treat your subordinates will subsequently affect their attitude towards the return of their master.

The second one is called Comb. This kingdom is located in the mountains, that is, it is located right in the middle of the Tiers. This arrangement will inevitably lead to the death of the state, but you, using a peaceful resolution of the conflict, can voluntarily win it over to your side. In this case, you will be called the Bringer of Peace, and the citizens of the Crest will begin to revere you.

The Path of Letiana: the first part

Strike while the iron is hot:

1) You can use the living power of the Scarlet Choir, which will please the Disgraced;

2) Or recruit savages-beastmen, having received the recognition of the Scarlet Choir.

Cult of Sirin:

Sirin is the Archon of Song and also a servant of the Voices of Nerath. The girl has powerful charms that allow her to subjugate weak-willed creatures with the power of her own voice. You should not spoil your relationship with her, as she will later become your partner.

1) You are invited to destroy the cult of Sirin, which will radically worsen your relationship;

2) Or send her faction to Vanguard.

The Path of Letiana: Part Two

Which side to take:

1) Take soldiers from the Scarlet Choir as your guard;

Show of force:

1) Refuse the help of thugs (the Disgraced will appreciate it);

2) Accept mercenaries into your army and give them a chance to prove themselves (plus one for the Scarlet Chorus).

In the Red Anvil you will have to decide the fate of the wizard:

1) Put shackles on him (the Disgraced Ones will like it);

2) Burn out the events of the past from his mind (the Scarlet Chorus will appreciate).

Dangers of old times:
1) Give priority to the Choir;

2) Give priority to the Disgraced.

The Path of Letiana: Part Three

To whom did you decide to hand over the reins of the Crossroads:

1) The choir (naturally, they will like it);

2) Or Disgraced.

G ridge: part one

You have to defeat your opponents on the Ejeringa Pass:

1) You will take the side of the Disgraced and receive their recognition;

2) You will take the side of the Choir and gain their recognition.

1) By killing them (the Disgraced will like it);

2) Either by enslaving (the Scarlet Choir will like it).

G ridge: part two

As you develop your plan of attack, you will be given two options from both factions.

You'll have to:

1) Choose the tactics of the Disgraced;

2) Either give preference to the Scarlet Chorus plan.

After this, an incident with the Scarlet Choir will occur, which can be resolved in favor or against this faction.


1) You will punish the faction soldiers (the Disgraced will thank you for this);

2) You will say that all the accusations are made up (the Choir will appreciate this).

What can be solved:

1) Punish the saboteurs (The disgraced will begin to treat you better);

2) Refuse accusations (plus one relationship with the Scarlet Chorus).

You will capture the squad leader.

Decide what to do with it:

1) Demonstrate to others what awaits the enemies of Kairos by committing a brutal murder (the Scarlet Choir will like it);

2) Punish the commander so that he goes to the city and conveys your message to the others (the Disgraced will like it).

G ridge: part three

In the end, you will put pressure on the state, forcing the Crest to surrender in two ways.

Delivery options:

1) Having agreed peacefully (the Disgraced will appreciate);

2) By challenging their queen to a fight (the Scarlet Chorus will appreciate).

The beginning of Kairos expansion: year three

No matter what decisions you make, ultimately all three regions will be destroyed by the Edicts of Kairos. The whole point of the solutions offered to you is only in what area you destroy with your own hands. The regions are called the Stronghold, the Eternal Citadel and Azure.

Where to go is entirely up to you, but the most interesting place Azure appears, since only there the hero learns the story of the Archon of the Stone with his betrayal and subsequent fate in the greatest detail.

Azure: part one

Escape from the past:

1) Give the go-ahead to the Disgraced to settle scores, which their leader will appreciate;

2) Let the Crimson Choir lead the recruitment of soldiers.

Destroying Azure:

1) Refuse to accept the opinion of the Scarlet Choir (one for relations with the Disgraced);

2) Place the Disgraced soldiers to restore the destroyed farms (one for relations with the Chorus).

Azure: part two

You must deal with the Cairn tribe by sending one of the factions on a mission:

1) By choosing the Disgraced, you will improve your relationship with them;

2) By choosing the Scarlet Choir, you will improve your relationship with them in the same way.

When enslaving beastmen, you will be offered two options:

1) Give the green light to continue experiments on these creatures (representatives of the Disgraced will appreciate it);

2) Shackle all the captured beastmen (the Choir will like it).

The problem of crazy Cairn will have to be solved by one of two factions of your choice.


1) Disgraced, which will increase relations with them;

2) Or the Scarlet Choir, which will have a similar effect.

Necessary Evil:

1) Give wizards freedom (plus one for the Disgraced);

2) Support the Choir.

Azure: part three

Edict of Stone:

1) Send the Disgraced to stop Cairn (plus a unit of relations with the faction);

2) Send the Choir to stop Cairn (similar effect);

3) Send soldiers of both factions to battle Cairn (neutrality option).

About the raft: part one

Solve the problem with provisions that were missing due to the Scarlet Choir's error:

1) Bring the guilty to punishment (the Disgraced will appreciate it);

2) Order the leader of the Disgraced to transfer part of the food to his faction to the rest of the army (The Choir will thank you, and in the future the Voices of Nerath will give you monetary compensation).

Strike due to conflict between factions:

1) Do not punish the leaders of the Disgraced, showing respect for their past (plus relationships);

2) Bring them to justice for what they did (the Scarlet Choir will like it).

About the raft: part two

Creatures in the Stronghold:

1) Take the side of the Disgraced in resolving the issue;

2) Trust the Scarlet Chorus.

Death takes precedence over shame:

1) Transfer the prisoners of the Disgraced to the Scarlet Chorus (the Chorus will evaluate);

Failed hire:

1) All spies must be put to death (plus the Disgraced ones);

2) The spies must be spared (plus the Scarlet Choir).

Overthrow of the top:

1) The ruler should be decapitated (one for relations with the Disgraced);

2) No executions - only interrogation (confession of the Choir).=

About the raft: part three

1) Leave residents in the dark during a disaster (the Disgraced will appreciate it);

2) Start the evacuation, for which in the future you will receive gratitude from the Voice of Nerath (plus the Scarlet Chorus).

To the citadel of trees: part one

Transmission of orders:

1) Order the Chorus soldiers to hit them in the forehead (the Disgraced will like it);

2) Send the Disgraced to the vanguard (one for relations with the Chorus).

Mesmerizing melody:

1) Capture and tie up the wizards (the Disgraced will appreciate it);

2) Bring the Disgraced to justice (plus the Chorus).

To the citadel of trees: part two

Disappeared among the rocks:
1) Send members of the Choir to search for the lost scouts (the Disgraced will like it);

2) Refuse to waste time on the missing Disgraced soldiers (Chorus will appreciate).

Destroying relics:

1) Transfer part of the recordings to the Scarlet Choir;

2) Burn all the books for the joy of the Disgraced.

Leader's decision:

1) Give the go-ahead to the Choir traditions related to duels;

2) Stop the fight (plus for relations with the Disgraced).

Servants of the Spymaster:
1) Transfer those caught to the Disgraced;

2) Send the wizards to the care of the Chorus.

To the citadel of trees: part three

1) Leave mere mortals unattended (the Disgraced will appreciate it);

2) Warn the residents the day before the disaster (The Voices of Nerath will be grateful to you the next time they meet).

Having finished reading this article, you can now easily select the answer options that interest you. If you decide to replay the game or get the most out of it, then by no means skip the Conquest mode.

A unique system will allow you to constantly generate various conditions start that will affect the character of your hero and the development of the world in the future.

Video guide for the game Tyranny: Introduction - Conquest

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What is the impact of the decisions made by the Executor in Conquest mode?

First of all, they affect the reputation of the main factions - the Disgraced and the Scarlet Choir. Some decisions affect the attitude of his companions towards the hero.

A number of decisions give access to certain dialogue options, locations, characters and objects, and also affect the attitude of small factions and can serve as incriminating evidence at a court hearing.

Reputation points are awarded for decisions made in Conquest mode not immediately after the start of the game, but during certain dialogues. For example, Sirin gives loyalty points for deciding on the “Cult of Sirin” during the first dialogue in the Scarlet Chorus camp, while loyalty points for deciding on the “Right of Command” can only be obtained in Act 2, by talking with Sirin about the Chorus.

Each decision affecting reputation has a certain cost in reputation points, with the most significant decisions being those made by choosing a side. Therefore, there is no reason to seek high approval from the faction during the Conquest. For example, the Executor kills the Queen of the Crest and for this receives the wrath of the Vendrien Guard. The dialogue with Captain Arry changes, but she still agrees to the alliance and with the conclusion of the alliance, the queen’s killer will be more or less forgiven.
Similarly with companions - the dialogue options in the game itself are quite enough to raise the loyalty of all companions to level 4 to open good endings.

Thus, the formation of the Conquest mode can be either for reasons of roleplaying, or for reasons of maximum benefit. Let's look at those solutions that add useful characters, items and locations to the main game.

Bastard City (428 AI – 1 year of conquest)

The Executor enters the City through Tier Penetration. In the "Undercover Agent" event, we choose an agent who can be hired as a worker in the spire in Act 2 of the main game.
For the Disgraced, the Executor will hire a knowledgeable security captain, who will be available as a regular teacher at the Training Ground Spire.
For the Scarlet Chorus, the Executor will hire a smuggler who will be available in the Mountain Spire. The smuggler brings a random item each turn, these can be gems and other things for sale or ingots/hides for crafting. In addition, the smuggler tells interesting rumors. The Smuggler seems to be the most useful thing you can get in the first year of Conquest.

In the “Betrayal of the Bastard City” event, the most interesting ability is “Warrior’s Rest”, which provides both protection and healing to the character.
Selecting the “Burning Palm” will give the Executor access to the sigil of Fire, which can simply be purchased from the blacksmith in Letiana Crossroads at the very beginning of Act 2.
The Hiding Shadows ability makes some sense as a combo ability, since the penalty to accuracy greatly affects only the Executor's physical attacks, while being inferior in ease of use to the healing Warrior's Rest.

Choosing to side with the Disgraced in the events “Infiltration of the Tiers” and “Betrayal of the Bastard City” affects the opening of an additional dialogue in the tent with Graven Ash, where he will tell a little backstory and there will be 2 knowledge checks.

429 AI - 2nd year of the conquest of Kairos.

Letiana's Crossroads or the Crest?

Conquering the Crest can give the Executor additional favor from the Vendrien Guard, which will give access to the Sunspear at the end of Act 1, subject to joining the Union. Without additional favor, an allied Executor will receive a Sunspear at the start of Act 2. Almost all of the dialogue related to the conquest of the Crest occurs in the first act.

If you support the Scarlet Choir in the “Battle at Ejeringa Pass” event, then in Act 2 Dorisi will appear in the Scarlet Chorus camp, giving the coordinates of the Forgotten Cache location.
Supporting the Scarlet Choir in the “Swords of the Fallen” event will allow the Executor to visit the “Ruined Village” location in Act 1, the coordinates of which are reported by the merchant Snigler Dagos.

If you go to conquer the Crest, a garrison of the Bronze Brotherhood will remain in the Crossroads, in which the Kaliya quest and the brothel will not be activated.

If the Executor conquers Letiana, then the choice of a garrison of the Disgraced or the Scarlet Chorus. Vintara or Tier Cathedral appears in the location, which give out additional quest Remains to the arbiter allied with their faction. Vintara also gives out a quest to find Gino, and without her it is inaccessible. But the garrison of the Scarlet Chorus gives access to Kalia’s quest and Gino’s quest, and to a line of dialogue from the headman with an increase in Fuga’s knowledge/loyalty, and they also have a brothel with the achievement. Thus, if the Executor plans to support the Disgraced in the main game, then Crossroads should be given to them; when playing for the other factions, the garrison of the Scarlet Chorus is better.

Of the events leading up to the appointment of a garrison, "Iron Must Flow" is useful. Choosing to side with the Disgraced simply grants the favor of the Forgebound, while choosing the Crimson Choir grants the favor of the Forgebound and access to an additional location with loot (usually 10 iron/6 bronze + a pair of leveled weapons).
You can also go through the “Cult of Sirin”, then select “Ancient Dangers” - 4 bodies with the usual loot will appear in the wall near the Spire.

430 AI - 3rd year of the conquest of Kairos.

The path to conquer the Stronghold.
Participation in the conquest of the Stronghold gives loyalty points to the Disgraced and Barik, and a dialogue option is added when convincing Barik about the alliance.

The “March on an Empty Stomach” event with the support of the Disgraced gives access to an additional location only when playing as the Disgraced, the rest of the Executors should support the Scarlet Choir for the sake of favor and 300 rings in the first dialogue with the Voices of Nerat.

Selecting the “don’t warn anyone” option in the “Edict of Storms” event gives access to the Helm of the First Regent artifact. When playing as the Disgraced or the Anarchist, the Executor removes the map with the location of the helmet from the body of Officer Elia; when playing as the Scarlet Choir or the Union, Officer Elia gives a hint after completing her quest.

The path to conquering the Velenia citadel.
If you support the Scarlet Chorus in the “Captivating Song” event, the Executor will receive loyalty points to Sirin, as well as several magical skill teachers to hire in the Spiers.

If you support the Scarlet Choir in the “Lost in the Mountains” event, then when you visit the Burning Library, the Censor will tell you the coordinates of the “Abandoned Battlefield” location, in the cache of which you can find craft components.

If you send a day's notice during the Edict of Fire event, the Executor will gain access to the Smoldering Hood and the Fire Sigil in the Burning Library. In addition, there will be a dialogue option with bookworms when completing the quest in the Burning Library, as well as a small increase in Lantry's loyalty.