Fallout 4 how to provide food for the settlement. How to attract new settlers

In addition to updated graphics, combat and crafting, Fallout 4 boasts another unique gameplay element: the ability to build and develop your own settlements. You will be able to raise new centers of civilization from the ashes of the nuclear wasteland with your own hands. What they will be, big or small, great or pitiful - it depends only on you.

But how can you turn a tiny beggar farm with a handful of survivors digging in the mud, trying to grow a meager crop, into a real fortress, impregnable for all the dangers of the Wasteland? In this article, we'll share with you a couple of secrets on how to succeed in building settlements in Fallout 4 and how to increase the population in a settlement.

And so, having opened the workshop in the settlement, pay attention to the upper part of the screen. There you will see all the resources of the settlement: food, water, energy, level of protection, places and happiness. All of this is absolutely necessary for us to build a large settlement, but let's take it all apart.

Food and water

As in real life, your settlers will in no way be able to do without two things that are absolutely necessary for the life of a person (or ghoul) - food and water. Unfortunately, this can be difficult in the post-nuclear world. Harsh radioactive radiation and the collapse of a civilized society do not contribute to the development of agriculture. And the water supply does not work. How to develop a settlement in such conditions? We will have to revive agriculture with our own hands.

With food, however, everything is not so difficult - all you need to do is find (steal, remove from a corpse, buy) plants, plant them on the territory of your settlement and assign one of the settlers to monitor and care for the beds. By the way, many players often forget to complete this last point - to appoint one of the settlers to handle the crops.

With water, things are a little more complicated. But only a little. You can build wells that require almost no resources (some concrete and steel), but only give 3 units of water. And you can build special treatment facilities. They provide a stable inflow of large amounts of clean water, but they require electricity to operate, moreover, they can only be built near water bodies.


The word "Places", in this case, refers to the beds and sleeping bags in which your settlers will sleep. That is, the settlement limit. Yes, the ragged inhabitants of the post-nuclear Wasteland refuse to sleep on the floor. Take it the way it is.

Beds can also be built in the Workshop. The main component of their production is textiles. You can get it by disassembling various furniture, such as chairs or sofas, as well as from carpets and various rubbish, such as teddy bears and the like. Save this resource, as it is almost always in short supply.

The number of places in the settlement is exactly the maximum number of possible settlers, so always make sure that there are enough beds in your settlement. The settlement limit cannot be exceeded.


This resource is absolutely essential for any more or less large town in the Commonwealth. With the help of energy, you can electrify your settlement, illuminate streets, power powerful turrets, computers and terminals, radio towers and water treatment plants. Electricity is obtained from, who would have thought, generators. You will need a lot of resources to build them, but primarily copper and crystals. These are absolutely necessary resources, since without them you simply cannot distribute the energy from the generator throughout your settlement. You can get them by sorting out various trash. Crystal can be found in items with photo elements, such as a camera. Copper is found in fuses, light bulbs, cutters, vacuum tubes and more.

Protection level

The level of defense reflects how much your settlers are ready to repel attacks on your settlement. If you want to completely secure your town or farm, then you need to have a level of protection greater than or equal to the sum of the water and food levels. In this case, neither the raiders, nor the Archers, nor the Super Mutants dare to attack your fortress.

The level of protection can be increased by building turrets and fortifications. Both of these methods have their pros and cons. Turrets are completely autonomous, but require many different resources for construction, and more advanced models of laser and heavy laser turrets they also require electricity, in addition to the pumped up perk The science.

Fortifications require almost nothing to build, but they are completely useless if you do not assign a settler to them. Which of these to choose is up to you, of course, but we recommend combining both methods.


This is what we all look for and never find. But in Fallout 4, the acquisition of this abstract substance is much easier than in real life. To keep your settlers happy, you need more than just providing them with plenty of food and water. You will also have to decorate the houses by hanging pictures and spreading carpets in the houses. Also, do not forget about comfortable and beautiful furniture like armchairs and sofas, TVs and radios. All this greatly increases the level of happiness of your settlers, attracting more and more people to your city. By the way, at the expense of TVs - they do not require a direct connection to the generator, it is enough that the energy source is in the immediate vicinity of the TV.

The happiness of a settlement is the key to its successful development!

Not sure how to attract people to the settlement? It's simple: build and power a radio tower. Thanks to her, the influx of settlers into your settlement will noticeably increase.

Another important point, if you do not know how to increase the settlement, is the pumping of Charisma. A high level of this stat will unlock very useful perks that will allow you to make your city the center of commerce of the entire Commonwealth. The most important perk for the development of the settlement is the perk Local leader... Thanks to him, you will be able to lay supply lines between your settlements, which will save you from the tedious running around and carrying trash from one town to another.

We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have anything to add, then do not hesitate and share your opinions in the comments.

Fallout 4 guide: construction, development and defense of the settlement

So, having mastered the basics of construction and crafting in the game, you can seriously proceed to the construction and development of your settlement. Well, or several settlements - it depends on your desire to do this business.

And by the way, if you don't know how to pull wires in Fallout 4, the answer is below.

We are engaged in the construction and development of the settlement

Most likely, your first settlement will be on the territory of your former home, which is located near Vault 111. There are already several settlers who will ask you to help them with some things. Thanks to this, you will be able to grasp the meaning of supporting the settlement.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the number of residents who have arrived in the settlement. The Workshop menu at the top indicates the number of settlers in the area, and the categories of resources that need to be maintained: Water, Food, Protection, Energy, Happiness, Beds. Each category will be painted in a specific color in accordance with the general status of the settlement - Happiness.

Settlement management provides support for a high Happiness score. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the required number of resource categories, which were named earlier, depending on the number of settlers.

You will have complete freedom in the construction of buildings, but there is no need to rush with it. Plan in advance what will be located and where.


There shouldn't be any questions. One settler needs one bed, otherwise they will be irritable. You can either build your own barracks or use existing buildings. Open the bed menu in the Workshop, select a bed and add the required number based on the number of settlers, as well as a few for the future. When bedtime comes, all settlers will automatically occupy their beds. You can also sleep to restore health.


Food is an essential resource to support the development of a population. As you travel, you will come across various plants such as corn or mutton fruits. They can be planted so that the settlers have a food source.

To plant a plant, you need to choose a comfortable space, and this should be land. After opening the Workshop, in the Resources menu, select Food, then take the plants, click on the planting and place them in the right places.

To harvest a crop, you must assign a worker. Open the Workshop, go to one of the settlers and click Command. After that, go to the farm and click on the Assign worker item. The Food rating in your settlement will be increased.


In a post-apocalyptic environment, water is a very valuable resource. Open the Workshop, in the Resources section, select Water. After that, decide on a place and install a water pump. Please note that you can only place a pump station on concrete. Install several pumps at once to have extra water.

It is advisable to immediately set the industrial size. Although it costs more, it is much more effective.

In the end, do not forget that the pump stations must be connected to the generator directly with a cable or using a power line. Energy

Before the construction of many objects, they need a certain amount of energy. To power lights, water purifiers, fans and other items, you need a generator. In the Workshop menu, in the Energy tab, select the generator, then decide on its location. Generators are divided into types. It is recommended to place them close to the main buildings in which the settlers live.

In order for your objects to be powered by a generator, they must be connected to it. If the objects and the generator are at a great distance from each other, then you need to open the Workshop menu and select for the construction of power lines. Then you install it near the place where you need to transfer the energy. After that, go to the objects requiring energy and select the connection option. It remains only to stretch the cable to the power line or generator.

To connect lamps or other small electrical objects, you can place multiple power transmitters. They can be found in the Energy - Connections and Switches menu. Place the transmitters, connect them together and connect one of them to a power line or generator.


To avoid the extinction of a settlement, it is necessary to protect it. However, there is no need to rush into this. While the fences and gates look cool, they don't add anything to the defense rating.

In the Workshop, open the Protection section. There are various defensive objects here, among which there are turrets and posts. For posts, you need to assign residents to add a defense rating. This is done in the same way as with a farm.

Turrets and other objects do not need workers for protection, but their cost is slightly higher.

How to increase the Happiness of the settlers in Fallout 4

The watered and well-fed settlers are happy. However, there are other methods to increase their happiness. They need paint! Therefore, in the Decorations section, you can select various objects and use them to decorate the houses of the settlers. You only need wood to create paintings, so you can decorate all walls with them. In addition, you can add lighting, furniture and TV.

First of all, build a power grid as its elements include copper. It will be sad if, after adding light and TV, you have a lack of resources for wires.

And some objects do not need energy at all, for example, radio.

How to attract settlers to Fallout 4

You need to build a radio tower and supply energy to it. Once launched, the radio will be added to Pip-Boy.

After a while, settlers will start coming to you.

Fallout 4 bonuses, or rather bobbleheads. Location and description of bobbleheads.

Settlements are an integral part of Fallout 4's gameplay, but not all players develop them. This is justified, since their construction and maintenance requires manual work, and protection falls a heavy burden on the player's shoulders. But not everything is so simple, and in this guide we will explain how you can make money on settlements.

We will immediately warn you that you need to have full version Fallout 4, Workshop add-ons such as Contraptions, Vault-Tec and Wasteland come in handy. Even without one of them, the possibilities of settling settlements will be significantly limited. With a stretch, you can do without Far harbor and Nuka-World.

Game mechanics of settlements in Fallout 4

Any settlement is based on its inhabitants, and their maximum number does not depend on the size of the settlement or living conditions, but is determined by a simple formula - the character's charisma level + 10. For example, a character with a charisma level of 8 will have 18 residents in settlements.

To make money on settlements, it is better to have a character from level 20, since you need the following characteristics and perks:

  • you need to invest at least 6 points in "Charisma", and better 8;
  • perk "Cap Collector" must be pumped by 2 to get discounts in stores when buying and a higher price when selling;
  • you need to collect all the magazines "Tales of the Merchant from Junktown" in order to have a discount on the purchase of resources, you will need a lot of them and you can save a lot;
  • perk "Local Leader" must be pumped by 2;
  • perk "Strong Ridge" must be pumped by 3 in order to transfer more resources to build the next settlement.

Depending on the preferred type of earnings, the following perks may be required (you need a character of level 36 or higher):

  • "Strong backbone" by 4, so that fast movement becomes available when the maximum weight is exceeded;
  • Cap Collector by 3 to increase the amount of money the seller has in the store;
  • "Party-goer" by 2, so that the effect of drinking alcohol is doubled;
  • "Chemist" is also pumped by 2 so that the effects of drugs last twice as long;
  • "Science" of the first level, requiring 6 points in the "Intelligence" parameter, this perk will allow the construction of Large water treatment plants that produce a lot of purified water.

If you do not want to bother with settlements, but just make money on them, then 20 inhabitants will be enough.

Those interested can legally manipulate the gameplay in order to have from 30 to 36 inhabitants in the settlements. To do this, at the beginning of the game, pump your charisma to 10, after the prologue, lower your charisma with "chic" and use the SPECIAL magazine! to raise it to 9. After a while, the effect of the drug will pass, and the parameter will become 11. Also find the bobblehead of the same name - and the character's charisma is equal to 12.

Then the matter is in the clothes that the character wears - ordinary or elemental. Charisma is often enhanced by fashionable suits or unique elements"Sharp" series of armor dropped from legendary enemies. By properly dressing a character, you can get up to 8 more points to charisma. You can learn more about armor from our guide " Best armor Fallout 4 + Automatron, Far Harbor and Nuka-World. "

It remains only to drink any beer (+1) and take medications (grape mentats will give +5 to charisma, gluconaut +3, X-cell +2) and you will get 22-26 charisma points. Where to find them, read the guide "The most lethal drugs in Fallout 4".

Drinking beer and drugs at the same time sums up the effect of increasing charisma, while taking the same drugs or drinks will prolong the effect of the effect. Don't forget about addictol or addiction protection perks.

Game mechanics of income and expenses from Fallout 4 settlements

Let's say right away that the construction and development of settlements in Fallout 4 is a long-term investment that will pay off only if you spend a lot of time in the game. For simplicity of calculation, we will agree that 20 residents live in each settlement.

To answer the question of how to get rich in Fallout 4 settlements, you need to understand how it works game mechanics settlements and trade in Fallout 4. There are different ways to generate income from a settlement:

  • building several stores to get caps every day as a tax and own trade with their sellers;
  • Farming watermelons with the help of the settlers and selling them to Lucy from the Abernathy farm is a simple option without pitfalls, but requiring additional investment of time;
  • farming of purified water in large quantities for subsequent sale is a classic option that is not as simple as it seems;
  • sorting garbage by settlers at a special machine for its subsequent processing into basic resources;
  • starting from level 60-70, you can sell surplus goods that you will create yourself, having the necessary perks.

Now let's talk about costs. As such, the maintenance of the settlement is not worth anything, you will incur the main costs during construction, since the missing resources (wood, iron, concrete, bolts, oil, and others) will have to be bought from suppliers. You can find a list of them in the settlement guide.

The mechanics of the settlements are such that the inhabitants do not care at all where and how they live. They only need basic set resources, which should exceed their number by 1-2 points:

  • beds of any shape, but they must be under the roof;
  • food from the farm: each resident brings 6 units of food, which means 3-4 people are enough for 18-24 units of food. Brahmins can be used to generate surplus;
  • water by 20 points, which must be produced by a desalination plant or several large plants so that the surplus can be sold;
  • and "protection points", which must be at least three times the number of inhabitants.

Another characteristic that affects income is happiness. The higher it is, the more caps or junk the settlers will pay or get. Usually, if the extracted basic resources are higher than the consumable ones, then happiness is at around 76-80 points. Raising it to 100 is already more difficult - build aviaries with gorillas, more bars and hospitals, slot machines(do not require people to maintain!), soda machines or forpoters.

In addition, the more robots in a settlement, the less happy it is, but the easier it is to create trade lines, because if the robot is killed, you feel sorry for him, but a dead settler-merchant will greatly and permanently reduce the level of happiness. We do not recommend using more than two robots in each settlement.

Making money on Fallout 4 stores

Shop covers are generated once per game day, and you must spend this time playing - waiting, sleeping or fast travel are not counted. A settlement will bring no more than 50 caps per day, regardless of whether there are 3 outlets or 10. The specific number depends on the level and type of store, but the difference is insignificant and amounts to 1-2 caps. You can calculate more in the calculator.

At 100% contentment of the inhabitants, to get 50 caps, it is enough to put one store of general goods (16), armor (18) and weapons (18) in their large version. In fact, you should be credited with 16 + 18 + 18 = 52 caps, but you will only get 50. These three types of stores bring in the most money, while the bar and fashion shop only have 15 caps each, and the clinic is the least of all - 13 caps. regardless of version.

Each point of trade increases the mood of the inhabitants by 1, except for the large bar and clinic - they by 2. You can use this in case the contentment of the inhabitants falls. In other situations, you can build more stores with only one purpose - to sell them water or other expensive goods, which we will talk about later.

The generation of caps does not depend on how many free or occupied residents are in the settlement, whether it is connected to other settlements and where it is located. The main thing is that it has more than 5 inhabitants. A settlement with 3 shops and 6 settlers will yield as many caps as a settlement with 15 shops and 36 settlers. The covers can be picked up from the workshop, submenu "Miscellaneous":

Now let's count. A large shop for weapons and armor costs 3,000 caps each, a large clinic for 1,800 caps, a large bar and general store for 1,500, and clothes for 1,000. they will bring only 50 caps a day, which means that the construction of stores will pay off only after 156 in-game days!

You can build an average weapons and armor store for 1,000 caps each, a large clinic and a large bar - and that will cost 5,300 caps. Then, at an 83% level of contentment, you can get 50 caps per day and this investment will pay off in 126 days. This is unacceptable, since this period is approximately equal to the time it takes to complete the entire Fallout 4.

Therefore, you need to sell something in your stores. However, the developers from Bethesda realized that players would easily and easily break the balance of Fallout 4 caps and in this regard, they imposed a number of restrictions on trade, which can be briefly described as "it is not so difficult to find water and other goods as to find a seller with caps."

First, all sellers of a given type of store have the same inventory. General inventory also means general money. If you sold water to the weapons store for all the seller's money, then neither in the neighboring settlement nor the seller at the other end of the Commonwealth in the exact same store will have money, moreover, it doesn't matter if it's a small store or a large one - the level is ignored.

In this regard, it is unnecessary to build stores of all 6 types in each settlement, 3-4 of the most profitable are enough. Only once you need to build 6 shops in one settlement - the most protected and strongest, in order to sell all surplus of the collected resources at one point.

Keep in mind that the general inventory of sellers is restored in 48 game hours, and you can wait or sleep.

Secondly, the Cap Collector perk will allow you to invest 500 caps in any store, which in fact means a simple thing - this store's stock of caps will grow by 500 forever. Simply put, by spending 3,000 caps to increase the cash in the pockets of the sellers of your 6 stores, the supply of caps will increase in all stores in all other settlements.

If a seller usually has 300-600 caps, then after investing you will get sellers with a stock of 800 - 1,100 caps. This action will save you from difficult searches for those sellers who still have money left.

Thirdly, more caps when selling your goods can be earned with a high charisma, pumped up the Cap Collector perks, the Exchange bobblehead and the Junktown Merchant Tales magazine. Accordingly, more merchandise can be stored for vendors in Diamond City, Vault 81, Neighborhood, and Bunker Hill.

Fourth, settlers-merchants give a friendship discount only after completing tasks for a settlement, so complete such quests.

Making money selling watermelons in Fallout 4

This option does not need any special perks or rare resources, it is simple and suitable for the very beginning of the game. Its disadvantage is the monotony of the farming process.

At the beginning of the game, Preston Garvey will send you to Abernathy Farm, where you have to complete five quests. As soon as possible, agree with Lucy Abernathy to sell her your watermelons, for each she will give 3 caps, but she can be persuaded to buy 5.

The bottom line is that Lucy can buy as many watermelons as you have, at least 1,000, she is not limited in money. The deal is valid before you turn in the "Return Service" quest, but it is better not to take it at all. If you have already passed it, then when you meet Lucy will remind you of watermelons, but the desired option will not appear in the dialogue with her.

All you need to do is grow watermelons - the Sankchuari Hills is best suited for this - there is a lot of land and not far to go. Place big farm for 100-120 watermelons (10 people are needed to process them) or more and harvest every day. There are 4 other settlements in the Ebernathy Farm area that can also grow watermelons.

Unlike water, watermelons respawn every 24 hours, you can oversleep the game day, quickly move to another location and come back to collect them - it will take about 10 minutes. Having pumped out settlements, it will not be difficult to sell watermelons for 1,000 caps a day.

Making money on purified water in Fallout 4

Purified water is an option to enrich yourself, which has already become a classic, but it cannot be called fast and here's why. Each can of clean water costs 10-12 caps; in order to receive them in sufficient volume, it is necessary to build industrial water treatment plants and medium-sized energy generators.

This will require the Science perk and rare components such as copper (80), bolts (90), gears (30) and oil (40) for 10 elements. It's not a fact that your character will have all this at the very beginning.

Water is generated once per game day, and you must spend this time playing - waiting, sleeping or fast travel are not counted. 10 installations will produce 280-290 cans of water per day, and a game day is 72 minutes of real time.

They can be sold to your merchants for 3,000 - 3,500 caps, but we remember that they will update their inventory in two days, so the surplus water will have to be sold to the Commonwealth merchants the next day. Therefore, it is not worth building more than 10 water purification plants - there will simply be no one to sell the surplus.

Making money selling goods in Fallout 4

In addition to these two trading options, new types of goods appear at higher levels that can be sold profitably, albeit on an irregular basis.

We earn basic resources with the help of settlements

The last way to get rich, albeit intangible, is to collect garbage and recycle it for basic resources. To do this, in each settlement you need to build garbage sorting stations and add a resident to them:

If there are 20 inhabitants in a settlement, then 10 of them can work at a garbage station, generating, depending on the level of happiness, from 17 to 20 units of garbage per day, what exactly it will be, the game determines at random. Moreover, each settlement will have its own set of trash - somewhere more plastic, metal, rubber or concrete, and there is a great chance of getting rare components, such as fiber or gears.

The bottom line is that in Fallout 4 you can build about 30 settlements, if you connect them together using trade routes, then you will have up to 600 units of garbage per day, and you can take it to your inventory from anywhere. Garbage is generated once per game day, and you must spend this time playing - waiting, sleeping or fast travel are not counted.

If you pay enough attention to settlements, then per day you can get more than 1,600 units of wood, 1,400 steel, 800 concrete and 50-200 units of rare resources from them. Add to that 1,500 store tax caps and 3,000 sold water caps and life in Fallout 4 doesn't seem so bleak anymore.

Fallout 4 settlement expenses

We formulate earnings as the difference between income and expenses. With the income figured out, now you need to talk about what the costs will be for settlements and how to minimize them.

The numbers are important for the game, but how you build your settlements in fact it does not matter. Consequently, it is possible and necessary to save money on the settlement, especially if you do not belong to the number of aesthetes who love the ideal order and conditions close to reality.

What we propose is to build a large 3-4 floor box of wood, 3 by 4 or 4 by 4, in which all residents, shops, generators, garbage collection stations, etc. will fit. Place a vegetable garden and installations with water nearby, in a fenced perimeter with a separate entrance.

Building a 3 by 3 box will cost about 600 wood and 150 steel:

The box is the easiest way to protect your settlers. The fact is that the settlement will be periodically attacked. This can happen no more than once a week with a 2% chance multiplied by the amount of resources that you keep in the settlement.

The free resources in the settlement workshop attract raiders, mutants, orcs and rusty devils from the Automatron expansion. Even the Death Claw can peep into the light. What will you do with the surplus is up to you, sell or hide in a box, the game takes into account only what is in the workshop.

Usually around each settlement there are 2-3 spawn points of enemies for attack, worse, in large settlements, the game will spawn enemies directly inside, between buildings and shops. Therefore, it is not worth building protection and fencing around the perimeter, it is easier to protect the main building.

Compact, high-rise living of residents, turrets shooting through everything key points and approaches, and installation of only the most necessary - the house, for example, is built from the most basic components, and all generators, a security post, shops, garbage collection stations and more are hidden inside, along with beds.

The resources saved on the planning of this Khrushchev are better spent on the construction of the next settlement!

It's not a secret to anyone that, the greatest of its kind, Fallout 4, with its unique and unrivaled crafting and building capabilities, left Minecraft behind. Since all the information on construction that interests you was published earlier, today I want to tell you, dear players, about more important things.

Easy construction in Fallout 4

I am sure that each of you, at least once, felt the problem of where you can find a suitable place so that you can realize your building fantasies into reality? The obstacles, in the circumstances, were various structures, garbage cans located in the wrong place, the relief, not the right one. These factors have negatively affected your dream of building a posh base. The problem, as it turned out later, is solved once or twice. The developers, having thought about this in advance, invented a whole island for such buildings, separate from everything else. The treasured corner is located on the southeast coast of the map - Play Island.

But, in no case, do not rush to go there if your character has not reached a high level, because there is nothing to do there. Before starting construction, the territory should be cleared of opponents.

Defense of the Castle in Fallout 4

Also, in the future, you will have a great opportunity to participate in one of the Minutemans, showing yourself as a defender. To do this, you will have a whole castle at your disposal, in which there is one big drawback: despite the fact that there great amount places for construction, the walls of the building are so old and destroyed that they nullify all their protection. Your task is to fix this error with any possible way... And there are not many of them, only one: you need to build a wall on the wasteland that will close the gap, and connect it to the fence (to pick up the fence, press (E) and drag it to the designated place).

Settlements in Fallout 4

In our game, you can choose one of thirty free places in order to found your own settlement. The difference between them is that some can be opened immediately after the character has cleared the selected territory from monsters, while others will become available only after completing the necessary quest. In order to make it easier for respected players to find the selected location, I provide a special map that will help you with this. After you finish the quest or kill all the enemies, quickly visit the workshop, where all the instructions for building a new settlement are indicated.

Trade routes in Fallout 4

If you have several settlements of your own, I advise you to connect them with trade routes as soon as possible. Such a move will provide an excellent opportunity to share all inventory between settlements, regardless of which one it is in.

Read also: Fallout 4 Far Harbor expansion begins

Accordingly, absolutely any resources are open for you that will allow you to develop even faster. So, let's put an example on any raw material (let it be copper). After connecting, you can build a generator in settlement A, and take copper for this from settlement B. In short, the more resources you have, the more profitable the connection will become, then you will certainly feel the whole point of such an action.

If you are interested in such a prospect, feel free to transcend to the unification of settlements. To do this, you need to have:

  1. Perk, called "Local Leader", you can get it along with Charisma 6;
  2. A settler who does nothing (free from work), with the help of him you will move the necessary resources, turning him into your personal Korovan;
  3. Also, you can climb the path with the help of partners, which will perfectly cope with their role. But this category does not include Psina and Codsworth.

After you think over everything and make your choice, go into the Workshop mode and approach the chosen future cowmaker, then indicate with which settlement you want to establish a trade association (I advise you to choose those settlements that are closest to you, as in In the future, they should all be connected by the shortest route of all). Then, after completing all the instructions, you can watch how your inventory connects with all the settlements, which, thanks to you, now have trade routes.

Settlement development in Fallout 4

Having familiarized yourself with the basic things about building and crafting, having learned the basics of connecting settlements and combining several of them with each other, proceed to the next stage, which will allow you to develop them. In this case, our Fallout 4 almost identical (absolutely free mobile strategy, designed for android and iOS). In a modern, huge world Fallout your tasks will mainly depend on the order of decreasing priority and will be in approximately the following order:

  1. Meeting the various needs of all, without exception, settlers;
  2. All kinds of development and construction of the necessary buildings;
  3. Good defense that brings confidence from frequent attacks from raiders and other tough enemies;
  4. Managing various resources and collecting information about all kinds of processes.

I am almost sure that your initial settlement will be formed near the already familiar to us at number 111 (right at the foot of the hill). In addition, get under your control several inhabitants, to whom your help is very important. In no case, do not refuse, because with their help you will be able, at times faster, to familiarize yourself and understand what their most important needs are, which, from this moment, will be in your power.

Your task is to control the number of inhabitants of your settlement and, at the same time, their needs. To do this, you need to find the Workshop menu and open it. At the very top of the interface you can see the necessary information: the exact number of inhabitants and, also, all types of resources, they are (highlighted in certain colors so that the player can immediately, by looking at the parameters, determine the status of the settlement. The most decisive indicator and measure of development is Happiness.

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Before proceeding to the construction of objects, draw up a layout that will describe in detail where and why the building will be located.


It just so happens that one resident, without fail, needs to be allocated one bed, which will belong only to him. If this rule ignore - blame yourself, because the settlers will become very irritable and angry. For a good purpose, you can take any room, or build your own barracks, where you could accommodate all those in need. That being said, I advise you to always have spare bunks. When the settlers feel that the time for sleep is approaching, they will choose their own places and take them.


Food is the most basic resource, without which residents will not only be able to develop, but will not be able to live. If you want your settlers to always be well fed and do not need food, just plant corn or mut food in this area. For such actions, it is enough to choose a piece of land that is successful, in your opinion, so that you can sprout the necessary plants on it, without any problems, and then look into the interface of the Workshop and in the section called Resources, find Food. Then, click on the planting of the crop you need and install it in the previously selected location.

Harvesting will be much easier, you just need to select one of the inhabitants and assign him to the workers. To do this, you need to approach it with the Workshop window open and click on the command. Next, go to the farm and point him to the front of the work that he must complete. If you look at it, the indicators that indicate your food level have increased significantly. It should be noted that according to the same principle it is necessary to act with all other objects that require the intervention of physical force.


You can cope with the problem of lack of water in no time; to solve it, you just need to build a pump station on the territory of the settlement. To do this, respectively, go to the Workshop and open the resource section, Water. Next, click on the pump station and install it in the place you selected in advance. I advise you to place this attribute near the reservoir, since with this outcome, the performance will increase significantly. Also, do not think about saving when choosing a pump, give preference to the industrial version, no doubt about it. Do not forget that the pump station needs electricity, so be sure to connect it to a generator that will provide them completely.


As you already know, almost all buildings require a lot of electricity, not only for the initial work, but also for their initial creation. To do this, you should move along the following route: go, again, in the Workshop menu, open the Energy tab, make your choice by clicking on the generator, and place it in a specially designated place for it. It is desirable, of course, to place the equipment near the residential building in which the settlers live.

Building in Fallout 4 is new opportunity making the gameplay more varied and interesting. The settlements that appeared in the fourth part of Fallout, which you can rebuild on your own, have finally expanded the genre of the game, turning it into a real sandbox with elements Tower defense... In addition to pumping the protagonist, players can improve their own locations, improving their security and the level of happiness of the inhabitants.

This building guide is designed to collect in one place the most popular settlement questions in Fallout 4.

Why do you need to build houses and what do settlements give inFallout 4?

Settlements in Fallout 4 are just a new feature of the game that you can use to make the gameplay more interesting, or pass by. It is not at all necessary to rebuild all settlements in the game. Moreover, you can not build any settlement at all, and also ignore all tasks to protect them. Settlement building is geared towards Fallout4 players who are interested in crafting.

Settlements in Fallout 4 provide many covers that appear in the workbench every day if at least one store is installed in the location. By installing water treatment plants at the base, you can earn covers on the sale of water. It is especially convenient to sell water if you build several shops in the settlement, where you can "push" unnecessary trash and resources, which will save you from having to run between locations. The more settlers at the base, the higher your profit will be.

How many settlers can there be in a settlementFallout 4?

The maximum number of settlers is calculated according to the formula Charisma + 10. Moreover, if your Charisma is lowered due to drug abuse or hunger, their maximum number will also be reduced, and new people will not appear on unpopulated bases.

You can also move settlers to the desired location until there are the required number of them.

The number of radars does not affect the number of settlers - it is enough to place only one radar in each location.

How to increase happiness in a settlement?

Provide the base with everything you need - water, food, protection, beds located in closed spaces... Also, happiness is increased by stores, especially those selling medicine and food. Listen to the settlers' remarks, and they will tell you what exactly they are missing. Also, your location in the location adds happiness.

How to combine all settlements with each other?

In order for resources and trash to become available in different settlements, the Local Leader perk (Charisma 6) is required. It is also then necessary to lay supply lines between locations. Moreover, the trash will be common in all locations, and water and food - exclusively in those adjacent to the supply line. The base in Diamond City does not merge with other settlements.

How to remove the construction limit?

1. Go to the workshop, press the tilde key to open the console, click on the workbench and enter two commands in sequence

setav 349 3675555555.00

setav 34B 3675555555.00

2. Bring a lot of weapons to the settlement, place them from your inventory on the floor (key R), and then in construction mode, disassemble it by pressing V. Repeat if necessary.

3. Throw all weapons out of inventory (R key), then move them to the workbench (Tab key). Then take the weapon from the workshop and repeat the action as many times as you need.

How to remove "non-removable" buildings

Open the console by pressing the tilde key, then click on the object and type Disable.

The best place to base inFallout4: the most large locations for construction

The first location Senchuari has a fairly large territory, albeit with a small height. The settlement is slightly spoiled by old dilapidated houses that cannot be removed. The Senchuari is attacked by enemies of the minimum level, so you shouldn't worry too much about protecting this location. Water treatment plants can be placed in a nearby river.

The castle (issued according to the quest by the minutemans) has a large territory, but many players do not like the fact that there is no way to completely seal the gaps in the wall of the fortress. To gain access to it, you need to kill the swamp queen. In the fortress itself, there are fairly wide corridors where shops and power generators can be placed, as well as rooms where beds for people can be installed.

Island Spectacle Island (given by the quest "Subways"). 83 iron roofs-sheets in length and 52 in width, 7 sheets-walls in height. It is necessary to clear the area from the swamps, connect the energy, and then kill the bog womb, which jumps out of the water near the abandoned boat.

Starlight Restaurant. The location, although inferior in size to those mentioned above, is distinguished by a flat area. The centrally located radiation source can be removed in Build Mode.

Where to get resources for construction?

Disassemble trash, buy consignments of cargo (steel, concrete, wood, copper, etc.), disassemble weapons and armor. Particularly useful is the Brawler perk (requires Intelligence 5), which allows you to obtain aluminum, copper and nuclear material when disassembling weapons.

Why do you need a garbage collection station?

The settler assigned to the station will bring 2 units of trash to the workshop every day. Works only when the protagonist is not in the settlement. The maximum amount of trash is calculated using the formula 100 units + 5 x number of settlers. So if you have 10 people in the village, after 150 units of trash appear in the workshop, it will stop accumulating.

What is worth growing in a settlement?

Toshka and mutafruits are needed to craft the glue needed to create weapons. Therefore, it is imperative to plant at least 5-7 bushes of each type.

How do you know if a settlement has been attacked?

You will receive a message and a corresponding entry in the list of quests in the "Miscellaneous" section will appear in Pip-boy.

What is broken when attacking settlements?

The attackers destroy turrets, reactors, water treatment plants and shops. They cannot destroy walls, houses, fences and furniture.

Where do enemies spawn?

In Fallout 4, enemies do not appear in settlements, but next to them ("fall" from above), after which they run to the location through gaps in the walls. If there are many important buildings in the location, surround the base with a fence. It is also useful to build concrete walls around the generators.

How to increase the level of attacking enemies?

In Fallout 4, the level of enemies does not depend on the defense of the settlement, but on the level of the player. The more you pump, the more powerful enemies you will need to repel. The strongest attacks take place in the south of the map.

How can we be guaranteed to avoid attacks?

Attacks are carried out only on locations with settlers. If you do not build a lighthouse in the settlement, they will not be attacked, no matter how many water treatment plants you put there.

How to provoke an attack?

This is only possible with console commands.

Disable AI and combat AI (tai and tcai commands). Go outside the perimeter of the settlement and create the required number of enemies (command player.placeatme NPC code number). Return to your village and turn on the AI ​​and combat AI again (tai and tcai commands)

How to put on a settler power armor?

Just leave power armor with a nuclear block inside in the location and when attacking enemies, one of the settlers will put it on himself. The problem is that he can take it off anywhere, including in a place where the enemy can easily put on armor during the next attack.

If you don't want the settlers to wear your armor, always remove the nuclear unit from it.

How do I dress a settler?

Approach the settler and contact him (key E), offer to exchange things (item "Let's exchange equipment" or "Exchange" on the left in the dialogue). After opening the inventory, place the necessary armor and weapons there. Move the cursor over the desired item and press T, after which the clothes will appear on the settler.

Are the settlers dying?

All settlers are immortal, and when faced with a stronger enemy, they simply fall to the ground and wait for the end of the battle.

Do settlers need patrons?

The settlers have infinite ammunition. It is enough to give them 1-2 rounds for each type of weapon. For the "Fat Man" it is necessary to place one nuclear mini-charge in the settler's inventory.

Why do you need a siren?

The siren turns on when an attack on a settlement, after which all friendly NPCs passing by, including supplies and detachments of minutemans, run to help you. Even if the Minutemen die immediately, you can use their weapons and armor (sell or disassemble), so their appearance will also be useful.

Also, during the activation of the siren, all residents gather around it, which will protect them from the friendly fire of the turrets.

Why do we need sentry posts?

Place a guard with a rocket launcher or "Fat Man" on the level 2-3 floors, and he will bring you much more benefit than all the turrets combined. If you have one guard and several outposts, he will regularly move between them.

The water and food in the workshop ceased to be added ...

Just take from it all the purified water and other resources available there. The "Help" section should be empty.

Why are brahmins needed?

They allow the accumulation of fertilizers necessary for the creation of certain preparations (fertilizer + plastic = screw).