Where is it better to look for ancient coins. Where to find coins with a metal detector. Where and what to look for

It is this question that interests novice search engines most of all and those who are just going to pick up a metal detector. It is for you that this first article in the series "searching for coins and places to look with a metal detector" is for you.

To begin with, let's understand what kind of coins we are talking about - of course, about old ones or more or less old ones (from the times of the USSR). These coins are of interest to collectors and it will be especially nice to start your own collection of coins that you will find yourself with a metal detector.

Where can you find coins?- Yes, almost everywhere where people lived or were.

About 100-200 years ago, coins were the main "item" of non-ferrous metal that people lost. Accordingly, knowing such places (where people lived and actively walked), you can easily find coins and other things from past centuries there using any metal detector.
I draw your attention to the fact that those places are ideal where now there are no buildings and structures, but before they were, respectively. Now in these places there may be just an arable field or a young grove. It is in such places that the search for coins with a metal detector is very fruitful!

Let's mark the places where to look for coins:

Locations of former villages
Fairs and bazaars
Drinking establishments
Roads and paths
Fords and ferries

Places of former villages.
These are perhaps the most popular places of pilgrimage for metal detectors. And there are several reasons for this: it is not so difficult to find them using old maps, their area is large, and accordingly, the number of losses / finds, too, could exist for a long time.
So, comparing old and new maps, you can easily find several disappeared villages in any area and area. The finds of coins in such places are always numerous and the coins found can date from the 17th to the 20th century. Many villages disappeared precisely in the 20th century.
You should really pay attention - the later the village disappeared, the more modern garbage there will be and the more difficult the search will be (traffic jams, canned food, wire). However, the work will always be rewarded with a dozen coins that you will find in any former village!

Fairs and bazaars
A sweet spot for any search engine. It is a pleasure to look for coins at the place where fairs or Sunday markets were held. There are a lot of coins, their concentration by area is large, there is little garbage - a fairy tale, not a search. But finding these places is sometimes not easy. they are not indicated on the maps, but it is necessary to calculate the exact location of them. It is in search of the place of the fair that many search engines comb out the entire neighborhood of the village with detectors if it is known that there were fairs in it in ancient times. Information about fairs can be found in special lists for your area.

Places where the traveler could have spent the night or lived for several days. Something like roadside motels. Near them, too, you can always look for coins and very effectively. There are frequent cases of finding treasures near inns, which could be the result of fear of the owner of the establishment for his money or the guest hid his savings nearby, fearing robbery.

Drinking houses
They were usually located near the entrance / exit to the village or at some distance. The number of coins that are found with metal detectors near drinking houses is sometimes comparable to fairs. Still, in these houses life was boiling and seething, people drank, had fun, fought, they were robbed - and all this led to losses, including the coins that we are looking for.

Roads and paths
Connected villages and districts, farms and counties. People walked along them, carts drove. Life was often in full swing near the checkpoints expensive. And the quality of roads in past centuries was even worse than now (oddly enough), most were unpaved. And any loss that fell to the ground was immediately hidden in the thick mud that covered the road for most of the year. Sometimes you can grope your way right in the middle of the field, when a curved line begins to line up according to the finds, which previously could connect nearby villages, for example. Finds of coins along the roads are also not uncommon, only their density is less than in other places. Although there are very popular village paths along which you can collect a lot of coins.

Fords and ferries
It's worth looking for coins here too. Moreover, there may be more of them than just along the road. People crossing the ford or using the ferry did different things (dismounted from a horse, overloaded cargo from a cart, etc.) while losing coins. Also, coins were lost due to the fact that bridges often had to pay for travel and small change was always in use.

So, we have told a few basics about how where to look for coins using a metal detector. Now let's discuss in a nutshell - How to search for coins!

Well, to tell how to drive a metal detector coil from side to side - we will not buoy, I will only give some practical tips:
- the coin signal on the metal detector is very clear and sonorous, pay attention to how your metal detector reacts to a coin! This signal is always distinguished by clarity and sonority.
- when looking for coins, try to make a "map of finds on the ground" - often coins and other finds are located along the perimeter of buildings, along a village street, in the place of the greatest concentration of people and where life was "in full swing". Having found such a place, go around it with the device as carefully and thoroughly as possible.

In future articles, I will continue to cover the basics with a metal detector.
I wish all search engines good finds!

Article \ note: "Where and how to find coins"
author: Andrey Medny
A source: site
Registered: 26.11.2010

A very interesting and exciting hobby is searching for coins with a metal detector. It's like fishing. Only you do not pull out the fish, but the coins. And in your hands you are not holding a fishing rod, but a metal detector.

Nice and rewarding hobby.

In this article, we would like to talk about various aspects of this hobby: what to look for, where to look, where do coins in the ground come from, etc.

Where do coins in the ground come from

Coins can end up in the ground for several reasons:
  • lost
  • plowed (or whole) treasures
  • mortgage coins

About treasures ...

From experience, treasures are found at a depth of 0.5m to 1m. Let's just say ...: "As a rule"!
Therefore, if the plow reaches the hoard of coins, it carries it across the field. And then these coins are already collected separately.

Embedded coins

Earlier, coins could be bookmarked into the walls of houses. At the present time, that house is probably no longer there. The tree has rotted away. And the coins remained. They usually lie in the ground next to the place where the felling was (not far from the place of laying).
Why did they bookmark coins:
  • in order to be able to rebuild the house again (for example, after a fire). They put it under the lower crown, in the foundation (so that the fire does not damage)
  • in order for the house to stand for a long time, for good luck. Several coins (most often silver) were placed under the corners of the frame under the lower crown.

Coin Search Locations

All places where there was once a large crowd of people are suitable for searching for coins with a metal detector.
For example, a settlement (village, village, settlement, settlement ...), a fair, a tavern, places of battles, a path of retreat of troops (or an offensive), an army camp, an old road, a ford, a farm, a manor, etc.

One of my acquaintances counted ... If in a village each person lost one coin a year, and there were 500 inhabitants in the village, and the village stood for 100 years, then in the place of this village there should be 50,000 coins. And that's just the lost coins!

How to determine where to search

Locations for finding coins are determined by old maps. Take old map, see any village of that time. And you can be promoted to this place of search.

This village may still exist. Then it is interesting to look around her. since villages changed their position. For example, as a result of a fire, they were rebuilt in a new place, or they simply did not build in the old place. new house, and put it next to.
If the village is no longer there, then even better. You have a whole field to explore where the village used to be.

There are old records of where the fairs were held. You can go there and search ...
The fairs had the same place every year. Therefore, trade was conducted in the same place. They settled down near the village on a large field.
In general, the records of the fairs indicate their frequency, start date (well, locality nearby). Therefore, fairs could be much more frequent than once a year. And in time they could go up to 30 days.

You can also determine the place to search for coins yourself. And this place may not be tied to the village, which is on the map. See the article - "Where to Find the Treasure" (on how to identify and find a place to search for treasures, coins, jewelry, etc.)

Another search site is the reservoirs that flooded the old villages. When the water is dumped, old places open up where you can walk around and look for old coins.
Of course, a metal detector is needed here for searches. Otherwise you will not find anything.

How to choose a metal detector to find coins

We have previously published an article on choosing a metal detector. Now we will highlight the accents in a slightly different way.
Any ground metal detector is suitable for finding coins.

In general, metal detectors are divided into the following groups:

  • unpaved
  • deep
  • underwater
  • for native gold
Abyssal - this is to search for great depths. Usually, metals are not divided into ferrous and non-ferrous. Can be used to search for treasures. They are not suitable for searching for individual coins. Therefore, in order to start looking for this option is excluded. (Later - maybe)

Underwater - used to search for coins, jewelry and treasures under water (either with full immersion, or with partial entry into the water). This is expensive equipment. Usually they don't start with this kind of search. But if you are a scuba diver and dive regularly, then this option is for you.
A beach search is also possible with a similar metal detector. (Earlier we described its features, see our article).

Over native gold- from the name it is clear that this is not for searching for coins. Although in those places where native gold comes to the surface, just such metal detectors are used.

So, to search for coins, you need a ground metal detector!

Which one to choose is described in another article. But in order anybody is enough to start... For example, the Golden Mask 1 plus is a good beginner's tool.

Even with the most affordable metal detector, you can definitely find a coin.

Finds of coins

Many coins of various eras are found in Russia.
Interesting coins found by a metal detector are specific ones. The so-called scales.

If before the tsarist period they were with different designs (each prince printed his own money), then later it becomes more monotonous.

The minted money came from Peter I. It was he who introduced industrial coinage in Russia.

Later there was the Soviet period.

And you can find all these coins with a metal detector. The time period is from the 10th to the 21st century.

Well, besides coins, there are also very interesting jewelry.
All this is very interesting and exciting.

Video - places to find coins with a metal detector

Below is a video that shows you how to find places to look for coins with a metal detector.

If you have a private house or have a summer cottage, you definitely need to survey these places with a metal detector. Who knows where you will find your lost value!

1. Backyard or vegetable garden.

Here, especially under fruit trees, money could be lost. Children sometimes buried small "trunks" under noticeable landmarks. Maybe you will find such a "time capsule".

As for the vegetable garden, a couple of gardeners recently dug up several dozen gold Roman coins in Holland. One search engine already in Russia managed to dig up a whole stove-potbelly stove in the garden. There are also legends about "grandfather's trophy" machine guns under the beds.

Well, in general, when our people scattered during civil war, or hiding something from the ubiquitous Soviet militia, it was customary to bury treasures in the gardens.

Use your metal detector to avoid having to dig up an entire garden and dig huge holes anywhere.

2. Near a trash pit or heap.

Once in America, a lucky guy found a violin case in a trash heap near a house he had just bought on a mortgage. And in it is an old instrument. I decided to sell. In the shop at the antiquarian, his eyes popped into his forehead: it was the rarest creation of Giuseppe Pedrazini, the famous Italian violin maker. The finder received 50 thousand dollars for it.

In the garbage or near it, you can find many ancient artifacts that deserve attention, but were undeservedly thrown away by the previous owners.

3. In barns, sheds, under sheds.

Barns, sheds, and other outbuildings around the home are great places to look. You can find valuables left behind by the previous owners. Old kerosene lamps, instruments, bells and other heritage of antiquity. Do you know how much a regular cow bell costs when peeled off? In antique stores, these can be sold for several thousand rubles.

4. Near wells and in wells.

Also, when the owners fled and left their homes, or the OBKHSS knocked at the gate with a search, it happened that the stuff was thrown into the well. After all, no one will climb there for him! Therefore, sometimes there may be silver or gold household items in the well - dishes, spoons, as well as precious (or not so) coins.

This, however, is very rare. But most of the time you can pick up a few coins.

5. Near a foundation or fence.

It is best to look at the front, rear, spare winglets of the house, under them. Here people walked, asked for loans, paid off debts, stood knocking on the door and could lose money - that's for sure. And at the fence, look at the benches or the remaining places from them. If you sit down carelessly, then the coins will roll out of your pockets. Or the ring will fall off your finger. Etc.

When starting a search with a metal detector, there are two main questions for a Newbie. The first one to buy a metal detector. The second is where to start looking. It is good if the Beginner has a comrade who is already experienced and will help. If there is none, you will have to go through the basics yourself (everything is actually not difficult!).

My step-by-step instruction how I choose a point to search with a metal detector. What programs do I use and at what point. Having understood the construction of the action, you will no longer have the question "How to find a place for a cop?"

Where will you go to dig

Where you go with your metal detector, you will dig up. If you come to a 19th century farm, you can wait for coins, horse meat, a couple of crosses, incense and a bunch of any iron kit, the life of a man of that time. If you come to the place where a German hospital was located in 1942 (and even in winter, so that there were more losses in the snow). Here are your findings from the Second World War. We went out to the ash pan of the early Iron Age, then immediately jumped out to you))

First, determine what finds you are looking for. For example, I mainly dig for royal coins. Finding a place is not difficult, the finds are predictable and, most importantly, the pleasure of the search itself.


To search for antiquity (I have coins of the 17-19th century), I select the point of the cop on the map. But in order for it to be convenient, programs are needed in which such maps can be “twisted” and somehow compared with the modern picture of the world. I used to have a whole battery of such programs, now I use only two.

Ozi Explorer

A program for raster maps (those that used to be paper, but now they have been driven into a digital image). I use enough old version Ozi Explorer for a large computer (Windows floor). Although the version is old, everything works stably in it and has everything I need.

And most importantly, on a large computer screen (not on a phone or tablet), it is most convenient for me to survey the vastness in one fell swoop. Any scaling, switching between maps.

For example, a 19th century map:

The same point on the Soviet military map General Staff:

And right there, I can see this place with a modern satellite image:

This is for a big brother (in the sense of a desktop PC), but it is inconvenient to carry a laptop with you to the cop. Now we need a similar program that can work with the same cards, but on the phone.

An analogue of the Ozi Explorer program (and with maps of the same format), for phones based on the Android OS. Stable and reliable enough to reach the spot in the field. Plus it's free. You can download it.

How to install an old three-layout card into an Android smartphone -.

All of the tools. Now we need maps. Who and what was going to dig. If you are from the Second World War, you need maps of the Red Army, German and others. I need old maps, before the beginning of the 20th century.

Here I also described the options for programs with a metal detector.


If we are only talking about detecting (not about everyday everyday navigation) and searching for coins, I only need 3 sets of maps. Three-way layout of the 19th century, a map of the Soviet General Staff and satellite imagery Google.

Maps 3-layout

Highly detailed map... which always surprises me with its accuracy (of course at that time). How could such a map be created, in scale Russian Empire and only from the ground? (there was no aerial photography)

Let's get this card. It will also need binding files so that you can easily switch at the same point to more modern maps... Well, in the field to walk on it, it goes without saying.

Alternatively, without installing the Ozi Explorer program and searching for linked maps, you can use it already on the Internet. Service is the place.

More details of 3 layouts, there are still old PMG maps, General Land Survey Plans. They are older, in more detail (for example, they denote a well, a spring, etc.). Their scale is about one mile. But no matter how much I tried to bind it to the GPS, I couldn't. In addition, they are less likely to be found (especially the right place) on the Internet.

USSR General Staff Cards

Military maps of the General Staff of the USSR. The accuracy is super! I very often use it as a reference for binding other maps. It is easiest to find it on the Internet and immediately with a binding for Ozi Explorer and Androzic. It will be useful for any type of search.

For example, you can compare relief with old maps. Or, in search of a Scythian settlement, find the highest point in this place. And just don't get lost, and go to the starting point without any problems.

There are several options for the scale of the maps. If there is a 500-meter distance in your area, that's good. The kilometers are also super. A scale above 2 kilometers in one centimeter will help little.

By the way, if you look closely at these maps, you can see the designations of non-residential areas. Perhaps this is the place of former farmsteads, which were herded into collective farms before the Second World War. I dug in such places about fifty silver coins USSR (early Soviets), but the usual ones are already countless.

Satellite maps

I use these maps as an auxiliary tool, and most often on a large computer. To quickly understand what is now in the place where I want to go. It often happens that houses are now standing on the site of the inn. Or at the place of the crossroads where the nalivaychik stood, they built a gas station. So that this does not lead to an empty exit, I always make sure that there is a field or a forest.

Choosing a cop point

When I have programs for navigation and "spinning" maps, the maps themselves are in different variations, the process of selecting a point is pleasant and no less exciting than the search itself.

If I am looking for coins, I have to choose the places where they were lost. And where did you lose them? Where they were in constant circulation! This is a tavern, an inn, a post station, a customs post, a fair, and nalivaychiki. Slightly less catch in the places of former villages and farms (as it comes across, not a fact).

Still very good points for searching with a metal detector, places where churches stood. There are super examples, and if they haven't dug there before, the value of the finds will not be inferior to the filling (litter for the balance of concepts, I say as it is).

But I did not give any results. I explain to myself that the miller was not paid with money, but paid for work with flour.

Study the designations on old maps, and choose what you like. But most likely "fat" places, such as taverns and inns, have already been surveyed before you and do not expect that you will be the first there)) Try it from the farm, there are a lot of them and they easily give 5-6 coins per day plus bonuses in the form crosses, amulets, etc.

At the point of the cop

Well, you have arrived at your point of coping. It's wonderful if this is the view in front of you! When I see such freedom and know that something happened here 150 years ago, my legs run away from the car by themselves, and my hands collect the metal detector on the go))

But before you completely immerse yourself in coping, you still need to make sure that you have correctly reached the desired point. The most frequent confirmation (even before I dug the first coin here) is. If there are any, we begin to search in full force.

Dear Newbie ... It is unlikely that someone on the Internet will tell you where you need to go with your metal detector, and where to dig. If someone has found a place, he will dig there himself and try to dig more time himself, before the arrival of the same amateurs with detectors. Either you have a more experienced friend who drives you, or you yourself find a point of coping. This is not difficult! I showed this selection process as best I could, even if I crumpled my thought somewhere, I think the essence and procedure of actions is clear. Happy finds!

Just by counting a little thing, you might find extremely valuable modern coin... In fact, it takes very little effort to maximize your chances of luck.

Here are a couple of tips to help you.

1) Explore the list of modern rare coins.

In short, the list looks like this:

  • 5 kopecks, 1999, SPMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 5 rubles, 1999, MMD - 450 thousand rubles
  • 50 kopecks, 2001, MMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 1 ruble, 2001, MMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 2 rubles, 2001, MMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 5 kopecks, 2002, unsigned - 8.5 thousand rubles
  • 1 ruble, 2002, MMD and SPMD - 6 thousand rubles
  • 2 rubles, 2002, MMD and SPMD - 8 thousand rubles
  • 5 rubles, 2002, MMD and SPMD - 10 thousand rubles
  • 1, 2, 5 rubles, 2003, MMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 1 ruble, 2003, SPMD - 20 thousand rubles
  • 2 rubles, 2003, SPMD, - 15 thousand rubles
  • 5 rubles, 2003, SPMD - 10 thousand rubles
  • 5 kopecks, 2003, unsigned - 1750 rubles
  • 5 rubles, 2006, SPMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 10 rubles, 2010, "Yamalo-Nenetsky autonomous region"- 10 thousand rubles
  • 10 rubles, 2010, "Chechen Republic" - 5.5 thousand rubles
  • 10 rubles, 2010, "Perm region" - 3 thousand rubles
  • 1 and 5 kopecks 2011, SPMD - 200 thousand rubles
  • 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 rubles 2011, SPMD - 150 thousand rubles
  • 10, 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5 rubles 2012, SPMD - 250 thousand rubles
  • 1,5,10,50 kopecks and 1, 2, 5 rubles 2014 and 2015 SPMD - 200 thousand rubles

You can read about the top 5 most expensive bargaining coins of modern Russia and

2) Carry a list with you.

Enter the list of rare coins on your phone or print it on paper and put it in your wallet.
In addition to the coins mentioned in the list, you can add variations of “defective” coins in the production, they are also quite expensive. This will help you find rare coins faster. Over time, you may learn the list by heart. Follow the list updates on numismatic sites. Up-to-date information is usually contained

3) Develop a habit.

Just check the little thing every time as soon as you get it in your hands. It only takes a few seconds and the results can be overwhelming. Get a special envelope or bag in your wallet in case you find a rarity. Stack the coins you doubt about so that you don't accidentally give them away at the store. Well, and if you don't want to embarrass people, go through the change in your wallet and pockets in the evenings.

4) Carry a small magnifying glass with you.

Some production errors, and the mint mark cannot be seen without a magnifying glass. 5x magnification is usually sufficient. You can attach the magnifier like a keychain to your keys.

5) Look for places.

In some stores (usually in small ones), they usually rent in small change. They also rent in small change in stalls, in Rospechat, in mini-pavilions, in markets. Visit these places more often. Or change bills on buses at the conductors.

6) Use cash more often.

Payment by card is good, but if you are going to find rare coin, turn the numbers on the plastic into hard cash. Every coin that passes through your hands is like a chance to win the lottery. Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to win.