Physics puzzle games. Quest "physics puzzles". Description of the idea of ​​the event

Sometimes it can be very useful to tighten up the convolutions a little while trying to solve a puzzle. It is very easy to find interesting logic flash games now, and some of them are very popular. Take for example physical games ... Everything in them is based on the physical interaction of objects. Yes, yes, precisely on those laws that teachers tried to hammer into us in physics lessons.

So, playing physics games, you will have to remember the law of Newton and other famous scientists. Most often, all physical problems use the force of gravity (Earth's gravity, or, as they called it in school, g), as well as the force of friction. In addition, you should not forget that rectangular objects are quite stable, but round ones will constantly roll somewhere if you do not put them on a perfectly flat surface.

Another law that should not be forgotten when playing physical games- law of energy conservation. That is, if you collide one object with another, then the force of the first will be transferred to another along with the vector of the direction of this force. If you do not quite understand what is written here, just start playing any of the physical flash games, and then you will understand everything intuitively, there is still nothing incredibly complicated there.

Business card of the event:

Application area: extracurricular work

Target group of the event: children from 7 to 14 years old

Duration 1 hour

Form of conducting quest

Resources, equipment for the implementation of the event

  • Personal gadgets of schoolchildren.
  • Sets of riddles, announcements with tasks.

Equipment: stopwatch, bathroom scales, Balloons, sticks, scotch tape, felt-tip pens, napkins, glass, water, plate, coin, egg (fresh), salt, spoon.

Purpose of the event

  • Promote the development of the intellectual abilities of children.


  • Development of thinking, logic.
  • The development of cognitive activity.
  • Improving the skills of group activities.
  • Broadening your horizons.

Description of the idea of ​​the event

Team play. Within the allotted time, the team needs to find answers to the questions posed using their knowledge and skills. The quest consists of several parts. First, the children must find the riddle in the indicated place, having guessed it and completing the task, the team gets the floor. From the words you need to make a sentence and get a prize.

Event plan

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Team building, leader selection.
  3. Announcement of the rules of work.
  4. Independent passage of the route by the team, search for answers to the questions of the game.
  5. Determination of the final word, sending the search results to the organizers.
  6. Summing up and announcing the results.
  7. Reflection.

Feature of the event

1. Children do not receive any “hints” about the use of objects necessary for solving problems.

2. The organizers are only required to distribute tasks across the territory of the quest.

Event assignment

Riddle number 1

Which can at the same time:
Hang and stand, stand and walk
Walk and lie, lie and lie?

Questions: What we measure with a watch. What units of time do you know?

The task: Look carefully at the numbered words. Your task is to memorize each word and its sequence number. Your time is exactly 15 seconds.


The words are closed. Look at the same words, but in a different order, and put next to each of them the number under which it is written above


For the correct completion of the task, children receive _ (Word - MORE)

Riddle number 2

Two sisters rocked
They sought the truth
And when they got it, they stopped.

Questions: What is measured with the balance? (Mass). What do you think mass and weight are one and the same concept? (No. # for_children_learning_physics: Weight is the force with which a body acts on a horizontal support or suspension. Mass is a measure of the body's inertia).

clue- excerpt by N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon":

You probably know that a space rocket, in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth, must acquire a very high speed - eleven kilometers per second. While the rocket is gaining this speed, the body is experiencing large overloads. The weight of your body, as it were, increases several times, and it pushes you to the floor ... in weight.

Question: What is the name of this phenomenon? (Weightlessness).

The task: How on Earth can you feel small changes in weight, i.e. to feel the state of weightlessness? What is the fastest way to reduce (increase) your weight?

Answer: Small changes in weight can be felt, for example, when starting to move or stopping the elevator, as well as when free falling, for example during a jump. To reduce or increase your weight, it is enough to stand on a floor scale and do squats. At the time of squatting, the scales show a lower indicator. Falling bodies - lose weight. As long as they fall, they are weightless. If you raise your hands, the scales will show a higher indicator at the moment of movement.

For the correct completion of the task, children receive _ (Word - WHAT) _

Riddle number 3

Round, smooth like a watermelon.
Color - any, for different tastes.
If you let go of the leash,
Fly away behind the clouds.

Questions: Why balloon has the shape of a ball? If you click on the balloon, is it possible to answer exactly where it will burst? (No. # for_children_learning_ physics: According to Pascal's law, pressure is transmitted to all points in the same way, which means that the ball can burst at any point.)

The task: You need to pierce the balloon so that it does not burst. (3 attempts)

For the correct completion of the task, children receive _ (Word - NO) _

Riddle number 4

Underwater an iron whale
Day and night, the whale does not sleep,
Day and night under water
Protects its peace.

Question: Why doesn't a heavy submarine sink to the bottom, but floats easily in the water? (Because the force of Archimedes acting on the boat is equal to the force of gravity acting on it. The boat is in equilibrium in the water.)

The task: A fresh egg is dipped in a container with water. It was completely submerged in the water. It is necessary to remove the egg and not get your hands wet.

Answer: Sprinkle salt in a container with water to float the egg, pull it out.

For the correct completion of the task, children receive __ (Word - WEAPON) ___

Riddle number 5

Why not roll it up the hill,
In a sieve not to carry away
And you can't hold it in your hands?

Question... What do you know about water? (Based on the answers, the teacher comments on the named properties, state of aggregation, composition, and other information about water).

The task: Water is liquid. Can the liquid itself flow upwards? (Yes). In front of you is a glass of water. Prove.

Answer: The process of absorbing liquid into a solid can clearly demonstrate that water is flowing upward. It is necessary to lower a napkin into a glass of water and after a while we see that the end that was dry became wet. In science there is such a concept as capillarity. Thanks to capillarity, the plant “drinks” water, you and I can wipe the body with a towel after a bath, wash the floors at home, etc. This is the phenomenon of the rise or fall of liquid in capillaries (small vessels), which consists in the ability of the liquid to change the level in tubes, narrow channels of arbitrary shape, porous bodies.

For the correct completion of the task, children receive _ (Word - STRONG,) __

Riddle number 6

He is invisible, and yet,
We cannot live without it.
Neither eat, nor drink, nor speak.
And even, to be honest,
We cannot light the fire.

Questions: Can a person live without air? And what kind of air and how much does a person need? And what will happen to a person if there is a lot of air (not enough)? There is such a measuring device - a barometer. Do you know what it measures?

Answer: A person cannot live without water and air. People need fresh air to live. Adults at rest in 1 minute inhale about 10 liters of air. Because air has weight, then its excess or deficiencies affect a person's well-being (# atmospheric_pressure, the norm is 760 ml Hg). A barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure.

The task: It is necessary to get the coin out of the water without getting your hands wet

Answer: To get a coin from a plate where water is poured, we need a glass. You can heat the glass (pour boiling water into it and pour it out) and turn it over into a plate. You can make a boat out of cork and matches and light it, then cover the fire with a glass. The fire will heat the air inside the glass. As a result, the air will expand, its volume will increase, which means that the pressure of this air will also increase. As a result, part of the air from the glass will begin to come out and press the water into the glass, exposing our coin.

For the correct completion of the task, children receive __ (Word - KNOWLEDGE) _


Collect a word / sentence / proverb from the collected letters / words.

  • ________________________________________

Thank you for your interest in science.

Study science, read books, explore the world.

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How fast should the dog run so as not to hear the ringing of the frying pan tied to its tail?


Physics immediately reveals this problem in the company: the physicist immediately replies that she needs to run at supersonic speed. Of course, it is enough for the dog to stand still.

There is a light bulb in the room. Outside the room, there are 3 switches, one of which turns on this light bulb, and the others do not work. You need to find out which of them turns on the light bulb, and you can enter the room only once. (The switches click in the same way, you cannot disassemble, the door to the room is tightly closed, nothing can be seen in the keyhole, etc.)


(We leave the first switch off.
We turn on the second.
Turn on the third, WAIT, turn off.
Let's go to see what's wrong with the light bulb. On - means the second switch, off - touch with your hand: warm means the third switch, cold means the first)

Glasses on paper. There are 2 glasses on the table at some distance from each other (15-20cm). There is a sheet (A4), which must be put on these 2 glasses and on top of it put a third glass (between two) so that the sheet does not bend to the table).


(you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, and the glass will stand)

Coffee with milk A very useful task. You can write out equations for a long time, but you can understand that the answer is obvious ... There are two identical glasses, in which it is poured equally: in one - milk, in the other - coffee. A spoonful of milk is poured from the first glass into a glass of coffee. Then they stir, and a spoonful of coffee with milk is poured from the second glass back into the first one. What is more now: milk in coffee or coffee in milk?


(the same milk content in coffee and coffee in milk)

Try this trick: fill a clean glass to the top with water and argue with the guests that there is still a lot of free space in the glass. Of course, they will not believe you, but you will begin carefully, not touching the water, but also without splashes, lower coins into the glass one after another. And at the same time, the water will not pour out of the glass - you will prove that there is still a place in it! Why does this happen?


(If you look at the glass from the side, you will see how when the coins are lowered, its surface swells with a mound: water does not pour out, since it is held by a film of surface tension)

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?


(Time, temperature)

Who can travel the world while staying in the same corner?


(postage stamp on the envelope)

When is the day shorter: in winter or in summer?


(a day is always 24 hours)

There are two buckets filled with water on the two scales of the beam balance. The water level in them is the same. Floats in one bucket wooden block... Will the scales balance?


(Yes, they will. Any floating body displaces with its submerged part as much liquid (by weight) as this body weighs)

When there was no central heating and hot water heaters yet, bath water was heated on a stove. In those days, a cook once heated water on the stove in a large saucepan to refill the bathtub, where there was already some water at room temperature. Noticing this, the butler said to her: "Don't you understand that the longer you heat the water on the stove, the colder the water in the bath will be when you pour the heated water into it?" He was right. Why?