What is the quest Perfumance. What is a perflection? Action Game or Sports Quest

Where players become the main characters of the playful history and affect the development of the plot. The main feature Quest Performance is the presence of one or more actors in the game, which are sent game process And come into contact with the players by dialogue or bodily contact.

Features of the genre

Quest Performance has a relative line with the performance as such - the presentation of the players is played before the players, whose members become and they themselves. In its gaming basis, the Quest Performance repeats the rules of Escape Room: the players fall into a closed space in which they should have time to perform all game tasks in 60 minutes and then get out of the room. Next should be significant differences. In Quest performances there are at least logical tasks On the decision of the puzzles, and the main focus is on the initiation of the emotions of the players and on their experiences. In this regard, special attention on the quest-performances is given to the atmosphere of the game room using light and sound special effects, as well as carefully worked out stories with thoughtful roles for actors and players.

As a rule, the plot of Quest performances Nelinenene, the actors improvise and directly correlate their behavior with the actions of players, so the game final is very often unpredictable. If in classical quests in reality, you can lose, without having time to find the key in 60 minutes to exit the room, then in the quest-performances of the victory or defeat may depend on the solutions of the players in the situation of choosing one or another scene action.

Depending on the plot and the theme of the performance, the actor can direct the players and help them, perform the role of a tricker or perform an antagonist, preventing and intimidating.

Types of Quest Performance

The genre of the genre was the Quest Performance "Collector", which opened in Moscow at the end of 2014. The game was made by analogy with the New York project Sleep No More, with adaptation to the Russian mentality. According to the legend, the team of players turns out to be locked in the maniac-butter-eater, obsessed with "rare instances". Before entering the location, players are offered to put on special game costumes, after which everyone will attack the bag on the head and spend into the game room. To create the realism of what is happening and injected by the atmosphere of fear, some game rooms are spattered with blood, there are smells of raw meat. The "Maniac" actor can take a player "captive" and have psychological pressure on him, right up to him in the face of cigarette smoke.

The new gaming genre became quickly popular among other quest companies in Russia and individual European countries. Only in Moscow at the end of 2016 more than 100 quest performances were opened. Each of them is devoted to a certain topic, from practically documentary scenes from the history of the Second World War to scenarios with fantasy and postpoxes. However, the players began to use such subspecies of the Quest Performance as Harrors and Action-Higher.

Horror Performance - The most experimental and at the same time popular genre in the quest industry. As a rule, Horrores pass in dark or weakly familial premises, where the players hunt a maniac or a monster. The degree of intimidation in different horrors can vary - from light and even comedy to situations with a hard bodily contact by the actor. Horror can operate a wide variety of topics, from rough violence and sex to a weathered mystical stories In homes with the leaders and abandoned hospitals.

Action Performance, or ackn-thriller - Summarizing name for quest performances, where players need to move a lot and perform various active actions: jump, crawl, run, hide, sometimes shoot from gaming weapons. Often, the action is played by famous game formats by type Fort Boyard, hide and seekers in the dark or roots in the labyrinth, in other cases - repeat the plots of militant films and thrillers: to resist the hordes of the zombies, hide from someone else's, find antivirus and save humanity. Very often, the number of players from 1 to 4 may take part in the action, and large companies up to 30 people can take part in Acknach.

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An excerpt characterizing the quest performance

- Well?
- Mom, for God's sake, do not ask me now. It cannot be said, "Natasha said.
But despite the fact that this evening Natasha, then excited, then frightened, with the remaining eyes lay for a long time in the bed of the mother. That she told her how he praised her, as he said that he would go abroad, the fact that he asked where they would live this summer, as he asked her about Boris.
- But this, such ... I never happened to me! She said. "Only I'm scared with him, I'm always scared with him, what does this mean?" So it is real, right? Mom, are you sleeping?
"No, my soul, I myself is scary," Mother answered. - Go.
- I don't sleep anyway. What nonsense to sleep? Mamasha, milf, such a thing happened to me! - She said with surprise and fright before the feeling that she was aware of himself. - And could we think! ...
Natasha seemed that even when she for the first time she saw Prince Andrew in Otradnaya, she fell in love with him. It seems to be scarecrow, this is a strange, unexpected happiness, that the one she chose even then (she was firmly confident in this) that he now met again to her, and, as it seems, it is not indifferent to it. "And it was necessary for him on purpose now, when we are here, come to St. Petersburg. And we needed to meet on this ball. All this is fate. It is clear that this is the fate that all this was conducted to this. Even then, as soon as I saw him, I felt something special. "
- What else did he speak? What verses are these? Read ... - thoughtfully told the mother, asking about the poems that Prince Andrei wrote to Natasha's album.
- Mom, it's not ashamed that he is a widow?
- Full, Natasha. Pray to God. Les Marieiages Se Font Dans Les Cieux. [Marriages are in heaven.]
- Golubushka, Mom, how I love you, how I feel good! - shouting Natasha, crying tears of happiness and excitement and hugging her mother.
At the same time, Prince Andrew was sitting at Pierre and told him about his love for Natasha and about firmly taken to marry her.

On this day, the Countess Elena Vasilyevna had a Rauta, there was a French messenger, there was a prince who became a frequent visitor to the house of the Countess, and many brilliant ladies and men. Pierre was downstairs, walked around the halls, and struck all the guests to his concentrated scattered and dark view.
Pierre with the time of Bala felt the approach of the seizures of the hypochondria and the desperate effort was tried to fight against them. Since the rapprochement of the Prince with his wife, Pierre unexpectedly was granted to the chamber member, and from that time he began to feel the severity and shame in a large society, and more often he began to come for the same dark thoughts about the trust of all the human. At the same time, they seen the feeling between Natasha's patrontessing and Prince Andrey, with his own excipability between his position and the position of his friend, this gloomy mood strengthened. He equally tried to avoid thoughts about his wife and about Natasha and Prince Andrei. Again, he seemed insignificantly in comparison with Eternity, again the question was: "Why?". And he and nights forced himself to work on Masonic works, hoping to drive the approach evil spirit. Pierre 12 meters, coming out of the chart's chassis, sat at the top in a surround, low room, in a slanting coat in front of the table and rewritten authentic Scottish acts when someone entered the room to him. It was Prince Andrei.
"And that's you," said Pierre with scattered and disgruntled views. - And I'm working, - he said, pointing to a notebook with the kind of salvation from the adversity of the life, with whom unfortunate people look at their work.
Prince Andrei with shining, enthusiastic and updated to life, the face stopped in front of Pierre and, without noticing his sad face, he smiled happily with egoism.
"Well, my soul," he said, "I wanted to tell you yesterday and today I came to you." Never experienced anything like that. I'm in love, my friend.
Pierre sigh suddenly sighed and fell his heavy body on the sofa, the prince of Andrei.
- In Natasha Rostov, yes? - he said.
- Yes, yes, in whom? I would never believe, but this feeling is stronger than me. Yesterday I suffered, suffered, but also the torment of this I will not give anything in the world. I did not live before. Now only I live, but I can't live without her. But can she love me? ... I'm old for her ... What are you not saying? ...
- I? I? What I told you - suddenly said Pierre, getting up and starting to walk around the room. "I always thought it ... This girl is such a treasure, that ... this is a rare girl ... a dear friend, I ask you, you do not mind, do not pass, marry, marry and marry ... and I am sure that you will not be happier.
- But she!
- She loves you.
"Don't talk to the peel ..." said Prince Andrei, smiling and looking into the eyes of Pierra.
"Loves, I know," Pierre shouted angrily.
"No, listen," said Prince Andrei, stopping him by the hand. - Do you know whether I am? I need to say anyone to someone.
"Well, well, say, I am very happy," said Pierre, and really his face changed, the wrist was smoothed, and he joyfully listened to Prince Andrew. Prince Andrei seemed to be a completely different, new man. Where was his longing, his contempt for life, his disappointment? Pierre was the only person in front of which he decided to speak; But he expressed him all that he had in the soul. Then he easily and boldly made plans for a prolonged future, said how he could not sacrifice his happiness for the whim of his father, as he would force her father to agree to this marriage and love her or would cost him without his consent, he was wondering how Something strange, alien, independent of him, on the feeling that owned them.

It is time to devote a separate article in this direction of the quest world.

What is a perflection?

If you do not go into the nuances, then the Perfomance is an idea with the participation of actors, as close as possible to reality.

Differences of Perfomances from Quests

In fact, it is two absolutely different types Leisure, in which it is not easy to figure out. The quest implies emphasis on logic, Perfomance - on feelings, emotions. All differences of perfects from quests flow out of the meaning of the word "Perfomance" (translated as "performance"), and are aimed at making players believe in the reality of what is happening and testing bright emotions. Consider the main features of perfumances that distinguish them from quests:

  • actors;
  • "Floating" plot;
  • lack of complex logical tasks;
  • big playing area;
  • anaturaj and special effects.

Of course, there are projects that combine elements and quest and performance in themselves, but in general the differences described are inherent in almost all projects in the market. Below will analyze every item in detail.

Actors in Perfomance

Unlike the quest, where the actor acts as a bright addition of the painting of what is happening, the perfusion cannot exist without an actor by definition. In addition, the actors in the quests often perform the surface role of "bulk", jumping out from around the corner at an unexpected moment. Special skills are not required for such projects, most often the quest operator or any other person without special education speaks in the role of the actor without special education.

In Perfomans, the situation is different, it depends on the actors literally everything. Here the dive is much deeper, and the role of the actor is where weighing. He will be with you for at least half of the game. With him (or with them) will have to interact, communicate (not always) and watch the actions, look for trick - and not to find (or find, as it will go). Therefore, for work in Perfomance, trained, artistic people who know how to fit into the image, and, most importantly, suitable on the physical parameters of the title role - toaggue coming with such a task will no longer cope.

Often, several actors play in Perfomance, and the interaction between them is implemented in the form of bright emotional scenes that enhance the component of the "presentation".

Influence of players on the plot

In Quest there is a clear plot. As a rule, the decision of the next task depends on the previous one, and the players remain just follow scene line. Nonlinearity may be present, but it is also rigidly limited by riddles.

Perfomance, on the contrary, strongly depends on the human factor. The player's response will never be 100% predicted. In addition, the hard scenario can spoil the atmosphere, so the development of the plot partially depends on the choice, which makes the team during the game, and more than once. The existence of a storyline development options adds the stories of realism - and I want to immerse yourself in the game. In fact, there is a point A (beginning of the game) and there is a point B (a final action that the command must execute). Everything that happens between these two moments is individually depends on the team as a whole and each player in particular. This is another reason for which the Perfomance needs a real actor: often you have to improvise, without leaving the role, and it is able to be a few.

As a result, a complete impression is created that you do each action not in appearance with the prescription of the script, and by following the decision that I accepted! And this is a very cool feeling that you will not experience in classic quests.

Lack of complex logical tasks

As a rule, complex logical riddles are not realistic, and for this reason they will not meet you in Perfomance, otherwise the atmosphere of the reality of what is happening will quickly come down. In addition, the qualitative presentation needs a dynamics, and the riddles are decently slowing down.

This does not mean that all the action will pass under the motto "take, hide, run." It is likely that the tasks will meet you, but will not require a lot of time to solve. If you need to open the lock - the key will lie on the natural place for yourself, for example, on the table. If you have to dial the code - it will not be encrypted, but simply somewhere recorded and completely beaten by legend. In Perfomance, you can meet "household" tasks that are solved as natural as possible. As in real life.

And of course: there are no prompts in Perfomance. In general, nothing that can "knock out" from history.

Big play area and many movements

Since the mysteries that slow down the gameplay is practically no, and the main task of the Perfomance is the most bright emotions of the players, for the development of events you need moving, many movements. This implies the need for a large area for such projects. Relatively big, of course. The size of the average perfminance is from 100 sq.m. against the square of the middle quest - 35 square meters. m., i.e. Minimum three times more than the quest.

Such an impressive playing area is needed to withstand the timing and saturate the draft actions. Perfomance is quite natural to pass the same rooms several times. BUT! Directions, goals and dynamics of these movements can be absolutely different.

Entourage and focus on special effects

In quests, as a rule, very few non-chamber objects: everything that does not play, most likely, tightly pinned, glued or fastened. But the entourage perfect is not at all. His goal is to present location as if it's not playground, and the usual setting of real premises: Manyak, bunker, laboratories, hospitals, etc. Each room should create a sense of reliability, each item in the room is to stand in its place. Spain walls, ticking hours, underwear coffee, yesterday's sickness, dirty towel, a refrigerator, current from the tap of water: the players will not have doubts that it is all - the present.

In order for the presentation to leave more impressions, often the creators of Perfomans use various special effects: music, light, odors, smoke cars, and so on. All these effects in conjunction with theatrical scenes give very strong emotions and make you experience the proposed story, as if everything really happened.

Perfumances: Infrastructure and current issues

When we sorted out with the differences of Perfomances from quests, let's talk about the infrastructure of the concept of "Perfomance" and the stereotypes associated with it.

A bit of history

Perfomance thought as a new stage of development of the quest industry - even deeper dive, even stronger emotions. But in fact, the quests did not surrender. Intellectual leisure tightly entered our lives, and the perfompomances moved into the category of a separate direction of this industry, whose fans appeared.

One of the first companies that embodied the project with such a philosophy was "claustrophobia" with the sensational "collector" in Moscow at the end of 2014 (now the project is closed). Since then, the concept of "Perfomance" has become very popular in the Russian Quest industry. The idea was picked up by many quseodels - and the perfompacts began to actively develop in our capital (which cannot be said about the regions where many have not yet heard of such an emotional leisure).

However, if the word "Perfomance" is worth in the project name, it does not yet talk about the "special" philosophy of the project. Many kestos began to call their projects with "Perfomans" or "quests with the elements of the Perfomance" to attract additional attention to themselves. In practice, most often these are ordinary quests with a "living presence" (as a rule, in the form of unexpected "bulk"), but in fact, most of such projects have nothing to do with the global idea of \u200b\u200bperfect as a full-fledged theatrical action.

Why are all performance perfects - horror movies?

Most perfractors are really scary, and there is an explanation. Logic here is extremely simple: instinctive fears live in each of us. They are easy to awaken with the help of generally accepted stereotypes, trained in us since childhood: maniacs, darkness, weapons, blood, disease, anxiety, etc. Create such an atmosphere is easy. Instant fear causes our body to produce adrenaline in a huge amount, an emotional explosion occurs. It is postponed in our memory as a very vivid impression that may even become the strongest in life or at least this year. Everything is very individual, the main thing is to afford to immerse yourself in this atmosphere and believe in what is happening!

But the market gradually appear and unbassed plumbers, visit which is just cool. It may be a circus, a mental hospital, prison and other adventures.

How is it written: "Perfomance" or "Performance"?

Someone in this place will think: "Well, finally: why does he write" Perfomance "wrong?". The fact is that among the kestos and questrooms there are many disputes regarding the correct writing of this word. Does the second letter "P" need? In the original English writing, and in Wikipedia, this letter is, but it is not pronounced. Personally, I have recently moved to the side of those who believe that this word was adapted in Russian (it's time!) And writing without the second "p" is not considered an error. We still come to this. Someone will not agree with me, this is normal, I do not defend my right thing, but simply set out my opinion on this.

Why prices for perfumances are higher than on quests?

The question that worries many: go interesting, but the price scares. I want to understand what to give 4 000 r. After visiting a couple of quests, which are named perfects, but are not, perplexity is only increasing, and the question becomes especially relevant. Let's deal with where the price difference is taken from the price between quests and perfromans.

The pricing form the creators of quests and perfums, which explain the high cost is quite easy: a large perfrancy area increases the cost of renting rooms several times. The work of the actors also need to pay: for example, in a project with two actors, where the operator is also involved, the costs of personnel are increased three times compared to the quest. The cost of the project itself often exceeds the cost of building a classic quest because of the large area, expensive scenery and special effects: from here higher than the payback and laid out in the price of the margin.

It turns out that the price is fully justified from the kestodel. But what about the client? Will he get more emotions and pleasure than in Quest, for a higher fee?

If we are talking about a full perfomb - of course, yes! These are completely different emotions. After my first perfoch, I thought that in ordinary quests would not return anymore: there is nothing to catch. So many emotions are so strong. I wanted to repeat immediately (and this after 60+ quests beyond my shoulders!). Feels like this is comparable to the strong splash of adrenaline at the concert of the favorite group. At a price of 1 000 r. A person is quite affordable entertainment that anyone can afford once a month.

To assess the situation on all sides, let's look beyond the limits of Yekaterinburg. For example, in Moscow, which asked generally accepted pricing standards, withthe rare cost of the game in Quest is 3 000 r., in Perfomance - 6 000 r. Difference doubled. At the same time, the number of games in some perfects "on average in the hospital" is not inferior to the number of games in quests, and sometimes surpasses it.

In the regions of the case with a difference in prices in a similar way. In our native Yekaterinburg, the average cost of the quest is 2 000 r., And Perfomance 3,500 p. The difference is about the same twice.However, the loading of perfoments in Yekaterinburg is still seriously lagging behind Moscow: this type of leisure has not yet been appreciated. But I believe that still ahead.

What about contact?

The second largest barrier is a fear of actors. It is worth telling about such concepts as "contact" and "contactless" game, as well as the game modes for "contact" perfects."Contact" is customary to call physical actions that make actors in relation to players for the realism of the plot.

There are perfromances "non-contact", in which no one will touch you, bite, grab. For example, our zombie project is a non-contact perforant, here you do not threaten anything, except for your imagination.

There are contact perforans - where the actors playing their role can touch the players (grab, pull, push, etc.). Naturally, the players can assist actors with actors, you will be warned about this before the game. Also, the organizers may suggest choose the game mode by type: "Light", "Standard", "Hard" or even "Super Hard". Here everyone chooses that they like more - all different tastes. Those who love treatyChoose the last option. If you doubt - for a start, choose the one that is simpler. The most important thing is to remember that even in the most severe mode, the whole responsibility for your security lies on the organizers of the game.

All Perfomans in Yekaterinburg

This review is written in may 2017 And edited in August 2018.

If we talk about full perfractors, i.e. About projects, for the development of the plot in which the actors are answered, they are a little in Yekaterinburg. We will not evaluate the quality of projects - this is the task of specialized portals-aggregators and independent experts. We just tell you what perfums are in Yekaterinburg and what they are:

  1. Zombies from Locapa. Let's start with our own project. The legend of the game is built around a friendly all over the many films and serials of a zombie apocalypse and vaccines from the virus that you have to find. Perfomance has two actors. The game in it is non-contact - this means that the actors do not touch the participants during the presentation. This reduces the level of fear, but makes the game safer.
  2. "Cannibal" from the company "Perf.rf". This project is on a more classical topics and tells about the maniac-cannibal, in which you hit the lair by mistake, thinking that they came to the quest ... naive. Realistic and contemporable theatrical presentation is waiting for you here in all its glory. The actor here is also two, and the game assumes a small, but quite safe physical contact with the participants. For lovers of tin, you can ask "Hard" -version.
  3. "Coma" from the company "Perf.rf". The plot tells about the abandoned veterinary clinic of Dr. Tarasov, on the excursion to which you and go. Two actors live here - Little Lisa, daughter of Tarasova, which is in a coma and which you have to return to life, and another bloodthirsty monster Fedor over which the doctor has put experiments at life. An interesting plot idea is that Fyodor listens to Lisa, and she, in turn, can give him orders. Contrast of a small actress and huge monster Leaves a strong impression. And this is the most powerful in the sound of the project of Yekaterinburg, from the music of the wall here, in the literal sense, tremble and it is coolly plunging into the atmosphere.
  4. "Ether" from the company "Perf.rf". This project was built on the site of the shop of the butcher, which was the first perflecting in Yekaterinburg. "Ether" is perhaps the most non-standard project of this genre. To begin with - here are three actors, which is already in itself the real representation. But the most important thing here is different, namely the plot. The authors tried not to immerse the players in the legend, but to deploy the plot at the very beginning of the game. Yes, so that you will be slightly shocked by such a turn. And only in the middle of the game suddenly you understand why a completely ordinary story about the robbery of a small shop is called loud words: "Show Perfomance". Yes, there is still a game from the threshold in the literal sense of these words. Your game will start as soon as you come from the street inside. There is no usual waiting area, liver and tea in a relaxed atmosphere. You will be thrown immediately to the ambrusura, so be ready for it.
  5. "Texas chainsaw" from "territory" - a project for the same film. Again the maniac, again the prospect of being chopped into pieces. Perfomance takes his roots in Perm from Lost, which invented and first embodied the script of this project. One actor. About contact information will update later when I play. Later, the "territory" opened the second version of this project with the index "2". They say, two actors will turn into the second part and a few more additional gaming premises have been gained.
  6. "Chamber 666", again from the "territory", also initially the project of LOST. Important a distinctive feature This project is that the legend of this perfusion does not borders death. This is not a terrible, but rather a cheerful, and even a little crazy project with its highlight and is still the only face perforant in Yekaterinburg. One actor. The game is non-contact. This project also has a second version with two actors and additional rooms, but the authors insist on a consistent passage of parts, explaining that they are connected by the storyline.
  7. "The dead alive" from "oh ... quests." This Perfomb is currently closedBut I would like to tell about him too. It was the largest Perfomance area in Yekaterinburg, about 400 sq.m. The project's legend narrates about the abandoned Soviet laboratory, in which the general manner was removed. Scientific developments were minimized, however, their inhabitants remained in the laboratory, which you have to find. There is contact and from 2 to 3 actors depending on how it seemed to us, from the mood of the authors. There were rumors about the opening of this project in a new place, but until it happened.

In this list, we intentionally did not mention quests with actors to focus on the difference in formats. But who is interested - you can read about them in another article of our blog "Quests with actors in Yekaterinburg".

Conclusions, forecasts and prospects

The direction of Perfomans in Yekaterinburg did not take off, despite the popularity of these projects in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Maybe yet, and maybe quite. The public we have completely different. Players with great distrust refer to such a format. Most simply fear to go to such places.

A large problem for the creators of high-quality performance is that these projects are inexorably compared with conventional quests, while the price is a decisive comparison factor and this factor is not in favor of Perfomans.

As far as we know, at the moment, no one is making perfromans in Yekaterinburg, with the exception of Perf.rf, which adapts the location with the "Ether" under the new Genocide plot. Hardly the situation in the future somehow changes dramatically.

In the meantime, we invite you to get acquainted with the philosophy of this genre in our "Zombie" perfminance. Come - and save the world from the deadly virus.

Performance is not a quest! However, do not hurry to unfold and leave: this action combines all the advantages of quests in reality and theatrical presentation, and your team here is the main actors.

Each performance is devoted to a certain topic, most often the organizers create horror quests and try to scare players to shake them and bring out of the measured pace of life. In Performance, the game of professional actors is tightly intertwined with the plot and the actions of the players, and therefore the final is almost always unpredictable, unlike a quest, where in 60 minutes you will still find the cherished key.

The creation of the ending of the game is not the only thing that attracts visitors. The main feature of the performance is the presence of actors in the game, which direct the gameplay, while often engage in interaction with players by dialogue or even bodily contact.

Many performances are offered to choose the level of contact, and beginners, not sophisticated visits to quests and performances, it is worth starting from the Light level to not be disappointed in the genre after the first visit. We advise you to carefully refer to the safety of the game in the performances and follow several simple rules From the video below.

The performance is usually there is usually a minimum of logical tasks and puzzles, since the main emphasis is formed on the initiation of certain emotions and experiences from players. Special attention on performances is paid to the atmosphere of the game room: the use of light and sound special effects complements the worked legend. Another feature of the Performance is that the feeling of reality of what is happening does not leave the participants until the last moment. Consider, believe that this is not a game easier.

The first performance in Russia became the brainchild "Claustrophobia" - which opened at the end of 2014. The team of performances of the Performance turned out to be locked in the House of Maniac-Godded, engaged in the gathering of "rare instances". Before the game was offered to wear special costumes, after which each player supplied the bag on his head - only after that the team was accompanied into the game room. The "collector" successfully worked until the end of December 2016, having time to inspire many organizers to create terrible performances in the post-Soviet space.

Perfomance is not just a beautiful word in english language. This is a whole direction in the Quest-Industry. Etymology is quite logical - "performance", "Speech". So, in fact. This is a presentation with the participation of players who manage the development of the plot, and actors who complement the atmosphere and the mood. But how does it relate to quests?

Quest and Perfomance: What is common, what's the difference?

Let's start with differences for quests:

  • Players must solve secrets and riddles, to undergo successfully pre-prepared tasks from the authors.
  • Heroes know exactly what the final will be in advance.
  • More complex intelligent tasks.

And Perfomance:

  • Participants are 100% immersed in the atmosphere of the game, manage the plot themselves, get maximum emotions, thanks to the professional game of actors.
  • The final is a mystery to the most recent moments.
  • The tasks depart into the background, as it is more important - emotions.

What is common? Quest Perfomance What is it? This is a new step in the evolution of this direction of the entertainment industry, the theatrical quest of the new format, where players become the main characters capable of changing everything! This quest https://www.kvestinfo.ru/quest/khostel_666/ Especially a bright representative of this genre.

Features "Representations"

In such an extensive concept as Performance, applicable to almost all public actions, there are several characteristic features:

  • Visualization
  • Special effects
  • The actor or actors is assigned an exceptional role through a dialogue and even body contact.
  • Turns of events are very unexpected and unpredictable by anyone, the actions of actors are correlated with the behavior of the players.
  • Here at the head of the corner improvisation
  • The rate is made on atmospheric quest. The gaming room pleases the light and sound effects worked out by history.

The main types of quest performances

In Moscow, today there are many interesting proposals in this direction, while the development of the segment appears numerous genres for every taste:

  • Popular fantasy motifs
  • Pseudocuitant, reflecting stories from reality
  • Postopocalyptic
  • Horror Perfomance is always good in demand. Typically, players will have to face monsters, maniacs, cannibals, ghosts and other evil spirits, and the level of intimidation can be like a completely easy and most hard. The themes of violence, sex, mystics in old houses, abandoned hostels and hospitals may be addressed ...
  • Ackn Thriller in all of his hints - here you have to play with the soul, moving a lot, even very large companies are allowed. Often plots are similar to famous games Or by film, which adds a "highlight"!

You can only evaluate the performance of Performance. Finding interesting for you and resonant topic, you will definitely get your portion of adrenaline and an emotional splash without risk for life! An excellent option for those who want to try something new and fascinating every day.