How to get free Steam games. Getting free games in Steam. Enrolling money on Steam-wallet

That in Steam there is free games Everyone knows that there are games that give +1 to the total number of games, almost everyone knows. But how to get all the free games in Steam, not everyone knows one time.

Why do you need to get these free games? Well, first, we pump the icon that depends on the number of games. Secondly, since we pump the icon, then we get experience. Well, and thirdly, since we pump the icon, we get experience, then we will increase the level in Steam, it is elementary.

Script automatic adding all free Steam games

From the header you can understand that we will use the script, nothing else. This script works in the browser, and not in the program itself, it is also safe, you will not get any red plate for its use, you can not worry.

So, how to add games:

2. You need a browser Google Chrome, as I will explain on it. We enter your veil account in the browser, otherwise it will not work.

3. Now click right-click at any place, press view of the element code, then go to the console or just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + SHIFT + J

4. Now copy the entire script there and click Enter

5. Applicant will add approximately 100+ games.

Greetings! Steam is ... If you read this text, you know what Steam is. Therefore, I will not describe the service - everything is so in the subject. And who is not in the subject, this is not necessary for this. Get games for free in Steam without any attachments simple enough.

How to raise money in Steam? This question arises from many who have already merged a hundred dollars on the game. I bring to your attention ways to earn in the style and get really high-quality products. Stop feeding Gabe - he is already fed. And we will use new toys in the farm.

Get free games in Steam

On the Internet you can find almost everything. Who does not think so, probably just looking for badly. There are special resources (blogs, forums, groups in social networks), where they provide information on the distribution of games. Enter in Google "Freeva Steam" - and see a lot of interesting things.

What is distribution? These are paid games that are distributed free of charge, for certain actions (like, a subscription to the channel, Retvents, etc.). Usually in Steam these products cost from $ 1 to $ 10. Well, we get to freebie.

Sometimes they distribute frank trash and slag, it happens that good games at $ 20. So, for example, the author of this material not so long ago received Shadow Warrior (19.99 $) and Dirt 3 Complete Edition ($ 17.99) without spending a penny. Of course, the year is rarely distributed, more often - Treshak. However, the last option is not suitable for the game, but for profit.


Collectible cards - Virtual cards that appear in the user profile when he spent a certain time in the game. By collecting the right number of cards, you can open the icon - and get experience. Experience increases the level of Steam and ChSV.

Steam is a comfortable gamer platform. But she has already turned into a semblance of a social network. Mass of "buns" and opportunities for users. So, collectible cards can be sold on the trading platform in the service.

Gamers are a strange people. They are ready to pay for the imaginary rating and useless pictures disappearing after receiving the icon. Our goal to get these cards - and sell safely.

Farm cards

Farmim cards, running game, or using special programs (for example, IDle Master). I recommend an automated solution. Why using software? Manually takes a lot of time on it, especially when hundreds of games gathered in the library. Do not worry, do not have to. However, everyone decides itself - how and what to do.

Keep the card. Expose them for sale. It is not necessary to dump everything at once at the lowest price - a fairly common mistake of newcomers in this matter. Make the price monitoring (the benefit of Steam allows you to select adequate cost - and implement.

Suitable games in Steam for free

Gradually, your wallet in Steam begins to be filled. But do not rush to empty it. The service very often suits sales. Real sales, not discounts-capes, as many practiced. That is, really good games are sold for the singer of penny.

We choose the moment - and they are caught up with a year for revented money from the sale of cards from free games. In most cases, there are also cards on purchased products, which are successfully sold. It turns out that such a cycle of virtual funds in Steam.

Want to enjoy a new interesting computer game, but do not want to pay money for it? Contrary to the well-known saying that the Darm Cheese is only in a mousetrap, it is quite real. So how to get games in Steam for free? Consider the most common and legal ways.

Raffle prizes in social networks

For the promotion of your own public and communities "VKontakte" and other social networks, many businessmen are arranged by the prizes. By subscribing to the group, putting like or making a repost, you have a chance to receive a game, console or headset.

Most opportunities to take the game free of charge large communities with the number of subscribers more than 500 thousand people.

To your account do not "deprived" as a fake, you need to fulfill the conditions:

  • use your real name and surname;
  • load a real photo to the account - images of animals, birds and fabulous cinema characters are unacceptable.

Victory in contests

Games with experience may attend happiness in various competitions organized in the same social networks and on the websites of popular game logs. For example, to participate in such a competition it is necessary to write an article overview of the game, guide by passage, etc. Many sites even post a guide to writing articles, which will help beginner writers to create a real literary masterpiece.

Free to play

Almost always on the Steam site there is "free to play" projects. In them you can make in-game purchases that certain benefits and bonuses will give you. Usually free games are located in the MMO section. But manifesting patience, you can easily find other interesting applications.


One way to play for free is testing. Developers often expose unfinished projects with bugs to the site. To identify program errors I need help of real people, that is, ours with you. Thus, testing benefits both parties: the developer company brings his "brainchild" to mind, and you enjoy new game absolutely free. True, not very long.

Free weekend at Steam

Steam digital content site sometimes presents surprise users. Come in periodically into your library - there may well have a limited access to interesting game. You will be able to learn the content for free and try to pass. scene line until the very end. And what does the developer get? What is the point of laying out the game for free? The whole "focus" lies in the fact that few of whom it turns out for the time provided to go through the whole game from beginning to end. A person disassembles interest, and he is ready to post an enon sum for the opportunity to continue the study of the virtual world.

Steam is a huge platform in which you can find many games to your taste. Mostly through this service, paid games are distributed, but there are also a considerable amount of products for which you do not need to pay. Users who have not yet plan to make purchases or temporarily do not have such an opportunity, can always contact free games, call their friends there and play together using built-in communications. Tell how to get games in Steam for free.

Play free game incentives can anyone. Enough to install the client of this online service, and then pick up suitable gameBased on your own preferences and power of the computer. Earn developers some free games On the sale of internal objects, so the quality of such products is often not inferior to paid.

Method 1: Free-to-Play Games

In the service all products are divided into categories, and free games are located separately. Consider how to find them.

  1. Open any Steam page and go to "Score".
  2. Expand the tab "Games" and select "Is free".
  3. Using the carousel, you can view the recommendations and top gamesAnd also go down to view the list more conveniently.
  4. We recommend switching to the tab "Sales leaders"To view what most gamers are interested in.
  5. For a convenient search for the game of interest, you can choose some genre label - it will help to narrow the range of options you are interested in.
  6. Going to the page with the game of interest, click on "Play".
  7. Steam will propose to install the game where "Further". Unfortunately, it is impossible to add the game to the library - it must be installed to be displayed in "Library".
  8. If you cancel the installation, formally you will see that the game is in your library, however, in fact it will not be displayed in this section.

Option 2: demo games

Some users may be interested in a demo version of paid games. It is convenient if you doubt whether to make purchases blindly. Demo games are usually limited to one or two hours of the game. You can also view their list through "Score" > "Games" > "Demo".

They are displayed and sorted by the principle similar to the above.

Going to the page with the game, you will get to the usual page, where the game can be purchased, but the right below is the button. "Upload a demo"that will allow you to download and install.

It will only be left to choose the location of saving and wait for the download.

As soon as the period of demo-game expires, you will be asked to purchase a full version.

Option 3: Weekend distributions or forever

Sometimes Steam offers another version of the game demo and distributes any products for the weekend. During Saturday and Sunday, you can play some kind of game without restrictions, and then it will be necessary to purchase it or delete it from the computer. It happens infrequently, but you can track distribution, periodically peeping in "Score" Or viewing the news that opens in a separate window when you start a desktop client.

The same information concerns and distributions of games forever, and not just a couple of days. However, not to all users conveniently browse the main page of the playground, it is much easier to use third-party services that make all the work for you.

It is not difficult to find such services on the Internet. One of the most popular sites and communities VK is.

Free distributions, temporary and constant are constantly published here.

There are many similar services, for example, where a separate section is present for topical offers from Steam.

There are displayed distributions with free weekends in the style, transfers of games in the category of free and limited distribution games for free forever.

Other options can be noted popular around the world, where from time to time you can also find one or two free games for Steam, but in contrast to the previous distribution services, the service itself is satisfied with the service itself, and not Steam. The user needs to get a game key and activate it.

Accumulated not one hundred skins in CS: GO? Is there a bunch of collectible cards in the stima? On these things you can earn! To do this, you will not have to move away from your computer and a long time to distract from your favorite game - the process, on the contrary, will become more exciting. In this article we will analyze how to make money in the stime.

All types of earnings in Steam (Steam) can be divided into five groups:

  • trade game objects;
  • accounting accounts;
  • rates in tote;
  • trade of games;
  • perform tasks.

And before we proceed to the analysis of each option, some reference information.

Steam is at the same time playground, I. online service. Here, gamers compete in various popular cyber disciplines, such as Dota 2 and CS: GO, and buy almost any licensed games For PCs and some programs.

The service is visited daily more than 10 million people. With this number of the audience, it is possible to use it not only in entertainment, but in order to earn money.

Only unlike the usual market here do not sell tomatoes and cucumbers, not jeans and T-shirts, but a very specific product: Gifs, collectible cards, skins, capsules with stickers for CS, profile backgrounds, emoticons, gems, etc. On this, and not only - Many users make money.

How and where to start?

If you are not related to versa and computer gamesThis service will have to invest and money and time. And the latter is much more. Let's deal with installing the service and activation of the account.

1. Go to the official website of the game community:\u003drussian

2. Press the "Upload Steam" button at the top.

3. Click "Set" on the next page.

4. A standard installer will boot to the computer. Run it and follow the simple instructions inside.

5. Run the program. Click "Create new account».

6. We are registered, which also consists of several simple stages: creating a nickname and password, confirmation of an email address and phone.

Threshold entry

So, the incentive account is created, but this is not all. The service does not activate the account until $ 5 is credited to it. This is a threshold of entry that leaves no poor people behind the gate, but fraudsters.

Five bucks can be spent in two ways:

  • throw this amount on the steam wallet;
  • buy one or more games.

It is better to simply make money on the wallet, they will still be more useful. After that, the account is activated, but some functions will still be available - on this further.

Enrolling money on Steam-wallet

Translate money to a virtual style wallet can be in several ways:

  • through QIWI terminals;
  • through the service itself using electronic bills or bank cards.

In the first case it is necessary:

  1. find in your city Terminal,
  2. find on the terminal in the Steam payments section
  3. enter your account name and list the desired amount.

Consider also the method of transferring funds through Steam.

1. Run gaming service.

2. Click on the button with the account name at the top on the right and select "About Account".

3. We click "replenish the balance."

4. Select one of several suggested sums and click "replenish the balance". $ 5 is, if that, about 304 rubles, so 300 rubles may not be enough to activate the account.

5. We are determined with the payment method and translate money on the Steam-wallet.

In the window with the options of the amount of the wallet, there is also the "Wallet Code or gift card».

It may be useful in the future, when earning through sites with tasks.

Types of items that can be traded

Products of items - the most common method of earnings in the style. There are a lot of different in-game and intravice objects here. They can be divided into three groups:

  • cards
  • skins
  • other collectible items.


Collectible cards in Steam are subjects that fall out of certain games. To get it, you just need to play. Maps bring the user an experience when he collects them in the icons. However, there is a snag: you can only "knock out" you can only three or four cards, the other two or three for the icon need to buy or exchange. This is where the business begins.

Common cards cost up to ten rubles, but there are many rare, the price is above hundreds. The mansion is Foil Cards - cards with a metal rim. They fall extremely rarely, which means that it is usually higher.

Cards can only be obtained in certain games. However, there are a lot of them, and will not be difficult to find.

1. Click "Shop".

2. Click on the search string, we do not enter anything there and press "ENTER".

3. On the side we find the filter "according to the characteristics" and put the "Collectible Cards" checkbox.

The search will output all games through which you can get cards.

Skins are external shells for objects in games. The modified weapon will not shoot better, and the character run faster, but other gamers will envy beautiful appearance. Skins also fall in games randomly, only the conditions for their falling out are more complicated and there are much more. But also cost some of them can more than $ 1000.

The greatest demand and the highest price for skins in CS: Go and Dota 2. Therefore, most sellers specialize in these two games. In other rates, as a rule, below.

View and compare prices for items as follows.

1. We bring the cursor to the "Community" drop-down menu, select "Marketplace".

2. In the menu on the right, choose the game that interests us.

Note: Making these things more convenient in the browser. IN appendix Steam You can not open a lot of tabs, and you will have to go through them often.


There is still quite a few collectible items that can also be sold and exchange:

  • capsules with stickers for CS: GO and the stickers themselves;
  • profile backgrounds;
  • emoticons from games;
  • gems.

Among them, everyone has both those that cost less than the dollar and those whose cost comes to thousands of bucks.

Let's figure out how to trade with these sets of pixels.

Cards trade. Step One: Acquisition

Cheap maps

Let's start on the condition that we only registered in the service. This means that before earning the first money on the trading platform in Steam, you need to wait 30 days. So much time must go from the moment of purchase to get to the market full access.

First we buy games so that this period began to count. However, you need to know what to buy. Not all toys are suitable for collecting cards. We need those worth which is less than the total cost of cards. For example, the game costs 20 rubles, and several cards that have fallen out can be sold for 30 or 40 rubles.

You can find such games with this site: The algorithm is the following:

1. Go to Steam Store. I exhibit the filters "Games" and "Collectible Cards", as well as sorting in terms of price increase (do it better in the browser, not through the application).

2. Open a website with a game table.

3. Correct the price of the game with an approximate card value (Card AVG column in the table). Based on this we buy the cheapest games with maps as expensive as possible.

To begin with, it is enough to purchase several games to spend those $ 5 necessary for activation. The main thing is that the total cost of cards exceeds the cost of the game.

Now these 30 days can be spent with benefit - knocking out the cards from games. It is not necessary to beat them alone at all - then you will have to spend 8-10 hours for each game. For this purpose, many programs have been created, the most convenient and verified: IDLE MASTER.

Automatic collection of cards

1. Go to the office. Site Utilities: Click the "Download NOW" button.

2. The archive will be loaded, which we unpack.

3. Run the olmaster.exe. The program will require log in sTEAM account To continue work - click "Sign In".

5. In the settings, select "Launch each game separately".

6. Run. We are waiting for the utility in turn checks every game.

From the game can fall from about three to seven cards. By disadvantaged mathematical computing, we get: the amount of cards is greater than the cost of the game - we are in a plus. Especially lucky if Foil Card falls.

They can cost more than ordinary times and fall out very rarely. However, if it is constantly so far (farm - to make actions in games to gain benefits: to increase the level, earn money, glasses, items), then you will definitely be likely.

Dear maps

It is more difficult to deal with cards that cost from 50 rubles and more: they are worth buying on the trading platform. It is necessary to submit the moment when the price for such an item will be at a minimum level. If cards are less than ten pieces, the prices for them begin to grow very quickly. Here, everything is like on the stock exchange - sometimes you have to wait a couple of months to successfully sell such a map.

Conditions providing successful purchase on a rare card market:

  • such cards no more than ten;
  • the price is now in the recession period (this can be viewed using a special chart by clicking on the icon with the subject);

  • the demand for it also falls.

Purchase through bots

If the 30-day period passed, and you have access to the store, you can buy cards in automatic mode. Steam Trader Helper will help this. The utility is an extension for the browser. In it, you just need to set out that we want to buy and purchase purchases. It will automatically start purchasing it in the style market.


2. Select the "Settings" section.

3. In the "Connections" clause tie the account to Steam.

4. Find the desired video on the portal.

Now when watching the streams of matches, even in the background you will have a chance to get free of any items and, after it is possible to earn money on them in the style. The chance is low and depends on how many people watching Stream. With 500,000 spectators for the game there are about 1000 chests with objects. Of these, 10-15 are really valuable. At the forums, players are sometimes poured by the receipt of a souvenir by the price of 2000 rubles.


Operations are campaigns in CS: Go, which must be passed in online mode. They consist of several missions. At the end of each mission, the player can get skin.

Sometimes it is extremely rare skins, the cost of which is more than a few thousand rubles. Every operation must be bought. They cost about 400 rubles, so they do not always "pay off", although these gamers are little worried.

In CS: Go and Dota 2, there is an opportunity to independently create weapons and some other items. For this, it is also necessary to collect various things in the game and on the basis of them to make modified skins. In addition to collecting, using the workshop (Steam Workshop), you can generally make unique colors of weapons and various modifications.

Kraft in CS: Go and Weapons Quality

IN Counter Strike.: Global Offensive Skins weapons are divided into several types:

  • hardened in battles (battle-scarred);
  • worn (well-worn);
  • a little worn (Minimal Wear);
  • after field tests (field-tested);
  • from the plant (Factory New);
  • most best level - smuggling, but few people are facing.

No, your AK-47 will not shoot better or worse due to whether it is tempered in battles or only released. Changes undergoes only the cosmetic component. However, such differences in the skins give differences in prices, and various condition Cannon affects crafting recipes.

Kraft in "Conter" is a combination of several types of weapons to obtain one, more rare. The rarity is determined by the color of the inscription, that's all of them ascending:

  • white,
  • light blue,
  • dark blue,
  • purple,
  • pinkish-purple
  • red.

Accordingly, we use white trunks for the crafting - we get light blue. The ability to scratch something appears in the game inventory after it is collected ten guns of one rarity level. The opportunity will come in the form of a contract of exchange - a separate subject in unlimited quantity.

1. Open the exchange contract.

2. Choose ten types of weapons.

3. Press the "Exchange" button.

4. Leave your autograph.

5. Click "Send".

After that, instead of ten will receive one new weapon.

Kravel blind is not very profitable. Fortunately, many sites have a successful crafting recipes that allow you to get really rare things. But the authors of the posts warn: the player is responsible for Kraft. The probability of getting a trunk promised in the recipe is 60-70%. In other cases, you can stay with a much less rare weapon. Here is a couple of recipe pages:

  • forum Na'vi, a famous team:
  • the site dedicated to CS: GO:

Tip: First, check the cost of the object being obtained and the total value of the objects for the crafting in order not to risk care in minus.

Weapons can be improved at 1.5, 2, 5, 10 times. Accordingly, the price will grow at the same time. This is done on the Special Site:

Management extremely simple (do not forget to log in to Steam):

  • move the subject of cheaper from the inventory (it is lower) to the left window;
  • select the improvement factor;
  • click Upgrade Skin.

After that, you either get a new, more expensive weapon, or remain without the one that you wanted to improve. Method of earning is quite good and allows you to increase their cost several times with a large number of cheap items. The main thing is a certain proportion of luck.

This method is very profitable. At the same time, it is easier to figure it out than on the sale of cards and other items. The whole essence comes down to the fact that the user simply acquires games with discounts. When games accumulate a large number, the account can be sold, allowing to save the gamer to save on the purchase of games, and earn it myself.

This method of earnings requires financial investments and time. Little meaning to buy games for 15 rubles, which will not be needed to anyone. It is better to make a list of good games And, following him, buy, for example, shooters, RPG, or the entire series of GTA and its clones. You will have to spend at least 1000 rubles. The more you invest, the more the benefit is. There are players who received from 1000 rubles to 5000-6000.

If finance is allowed, it is convenient to maintain several such accounts at once so that in one period to grow a sum of two or three times more. Especially if you save a lot of games on account, not everyone can buy it then.


Burnt toys better during large sales. Such are held in the middle of summer, autumn and before the New Year. At this time, in addition to the total price reduction, various shares can be carried out, for example, a strong markdown for only one day. You need to take advantage of the moment.


This method of filling out accounts by games at first glance is the most profitable. Keys - sets of characters, after entering which in the style (shown in the picture above) the game goes. They cost cheaper than the games themselves, if you buy them through the service. However, among merchants a lot of fraudsters: they can slip the key that does not work or opens access not to that game. Therefore, to look for a good website with keys - always risk.