Outdoor games as a means of physical development of preschoolers. Outdoor play: its definition and specificity. Outdoor play as a means of physical education of children. The meaning and classification of outdoor games

senior preschool age... Basic concepts of outdoor play

Many authors, both domestic and foreign, were engaged in the development of game theory (G. Spencer, 1913; L.S. Slavina, 1948; L.S.Vygotsky, 1966; D.B. Elkonin, 1978; A.N. Leontiev, 1981; etc.).

O. Listello (1959), I.M. Korotkov (1971), L.V. Byleeva (1974), P.F. Lesgaft (1987). In a number of studies, the theory of play, in foreign literature, is reduced to the expenditure of excess energy of the body (G. Spencer et al. 1913), to obtaining functional pleasure from the game, to enjoying emotions (the principle of pleasure precedes the principle of reality). Some authors consider play as a hereditary instinct (E. Thorndike, 1930; J. Piaget, 1963;), who emphasized that the essence of play is to train and prepare the forces necessary for the child's future life. They draw attention to the biological expediency of play as a means of controlling the organs and functions of the body of children, preparing them for the future play activities.

The development of game theory in Russian literature belongs to L.S. Vygotsky (1966), D.B. Elkonin (1978), A.N. Leontiev (1981), whose representations correspond to the theoretical positions of foreign authors. Play for preschool children is a leading activity and is of great importance for the development of all aspects of life.

In the opinion of many authors who have studied various aspects of play activity, the beginning of the development of play is associated with the mastery of actions with objects of a special kind - toys. This suggests that the origins begin within objective activity. Then they are replaced by game situations with the reproduction of labor and social relations (A.V. Zaporozhets 1965, 1978), which indicates the transition from object-manipulative game activity to role-playing game under the guidance of a teacher (A.N. Leontiev 1959). Gradually role-playing game develops into a story-based role-playing, which belongs to the category of "classic" children's games.

For a child, mastering the rules means mastering his own behavior, managing it, subordinating him to a specific task, evaluating his movements and actions, as well as other children. In play, it is easy for a child to obey the rules; it creates a zone of proximal development and is its source. “In play, the child is always above his middle age, above his usual behavior; he is in the game, as it were, a cut above himself ”(LS Vygotsky, 1966).

Nowadays in games with rules, the dominant position is given to creative play. Its structure includes a didactic game, which has a certain structural composition: 1) physical games; 2) games associated with training the senses; 3) mental games (F. Frebel). This classification practically does not change and is confirmed by other authors (E.N. Tikheeva, 1980; M.A.Japaridze, 1982). Didactic games consist of: 1) content, 2) game moment, 3) rules and 4) didactic problem (N.V. Sedzh, L.N.Semyko, 1985).

Outdoor (physical) games have a special place in the structure didactic games... They are mainly aimed at the general development of the child through the improvement of his motor abilities. This favorably distinguishes outdoor games from all others, as it makes it possible to realize the biological (natural) need for movement. All motor qualities develop in them, skills and abilities of various locomotions are formed.

As a leading activity for older preschool children, play has an imprint on the organization of all forms of work. Taking into account this provision, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problems of physical education from the standpoint of introducing both the outdoor games themselves and the creation of game situations in various forms of physical education.

Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of personality development: the child in the game simultaneously carries out physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education. (A.V. Zaporozhets, Markova).

Active motor activity of a playful nature and caused by it positive emotions strengthen all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems. Unexpected situations arising in the game teach children to use the acquired motor skills expediently. In outdoor games, the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities are created. For example, in order to dodge a "trap", you need to show dexterity, and fleeing from it, run as fast as possible. Carried away by the plot of the game, children can perform with interest, and moreover, many times the same movements, without noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance. (Z.S.Uvarova, R.G.Sorochek, G.P. Yurko).

During the game, children act in accordance with the rules that are binding on all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, and discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as to overcome the inevitable obstacles in the game, contribute to the education of volitional qualities - endurance, courage, decisiveness, the ability to cope with negative emotions. (YF Luria).

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. The fast and sometimes unexpected change of conditions forces us to look for more and more new ways of solving emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity.

They manifest the child's natural need for movement, the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, the child not only learns the world but also transforms it. (E.Ya. Stepanenkova).

Outdoor games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary, in turn, are divided into plot and plotless, games - fun, attractions. (T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva).

Narrative games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena the surrounding life(labor actions of people, traffic, movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and the role that the child performs. The rules stipulate the beginning and termination of the movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obeying the rules is compulsory for everyone. (E. Yankevich).

Narrative outdoor games are predominantly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this type are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular in younger preschool age.

Plotless outdoor games of the type - traps, dashes ("Catch", "Dash") do not have a plot, images, but are similar to the plot by the presence of rules, roles, interdependence game action all participants. These games are associated with the fulfillment of a specific motor task and require from children a great deal of independence, speed, dexterity, and orientation in space. (D.V. Menjeritskaya).

At preschool age, outdoor games are used with elements of competition (individual and group), for example: "Whose link will get together sooner", "Who is the first through the hoop to the flag" and other elements of the competition encourage great activity in the fulfillment of motor tasks. In some games ("Change the subject", "Who is quicker to the flag"), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (games - relay races), then the child seeks to complete the task in order to improve the result of the team. (E.N. Vavilova).

Plotless games also include games using objects (pins, circlet, ring throw, grandmothers, "Ball School", etc.). Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are on the order of the arrangement of objects, the use of them, the sequence of actions of the players. In these games, elements of competition are observed in order to achieve the best results. (M.Ya. Studenkin).

In games - amusements, attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Games are fun, attractions give the audience a lot of joy.

TO difficult games relate - sport games, (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). In preschool age, elements of these games are used and children play according to simplified rules. (T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva).

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, games of high, medium and low mobility are distinguished. Games of great mobility include those in which the whole group of children participates at the same time and they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping.

Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm, (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. In games of low mobility, movements are performed at a slow pace, moreover, their intensity is insignificant. (P.F. Lesgaft).

Outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life, and through which his personality develops through creativity.

An active game is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities.

In the course of the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality traits. (L.D. Glazyrina, V.A. Ovsyankin).

In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means comprehensive development child. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. An active game can be called the most important educational tool that contributes to both the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, ethical values ​​of society. (E.I. Adashkevichene).

Outdoor games of various content make it possible to trace a variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. However, the teaching of outdoor games and their use by the child should be such that the activities give the children pleasure, maintain a positive, emotional attitude and interest due to their novelty.

Outdoor games foster goodwill, the desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. Games help the child to expand and deepen their ideas about the surrounding reality. Fulfilling various roles, depicting various actions, children practically use their knowledge of the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, vehicles, and modern technology. In the process of games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, exercises in counting, etc.

Play is a historically established phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in humans. Play activities are very diverse: children's games with toys, board games, round dance games, outdoor games, sports games.

Play can be a means of self-knowledge, entertainment, recreation, a means of physical and general social education, a means of sports.

Play is a very emotional activity, so it is of great value in educational work with kids. Among the wide variety of games, outdoor games are widespread among children and adolescents. A characteristic feature of outdoor games is the pronounced role of movements in the content of the game (running, jumping, throwing, throwing, passing and catching the ball, resistances, etc.), these motional actions are motivated by its plot (theme, idea). They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties, obstacles placed on the way to achieving the goal of the game.

Among outdoor games, there are actually (elementary) outdoor games and sports games. Actually (elementary) outdoor games are consciously proactive activities aimed at achieving the conditions of the goal, voluntarily set by the players themselves. Achieving the goal requires active motor actions from the players, the implementation of which depends on the creativity and initiative of the players themselves (to quickly reach the goal, quickly throw at the target, quickly and deftly catch up with the “enemy” or run away from him, etc.). Motor actions are established by the rules of the game, the implementation of which requires the players to have appropriate sports behavior within the established rules. The rules determine the nature of the obstacles and difficulties in the game on the way to achieving the goal. The complexity of the game itself depends on the complexity and number of rules.

Actually, outdoor games do not require special preparedness from the participants. The rules in them vary by the participants themselves and by the leaders, depending on the conditions in which the games are held. They do not have a precisely established number of players, the exact size of the court, and the equipment also varies (club or pins, volleyball or simple ball, small balls or bags with peas, gymnastic or simple stick, etc.).

Outdoor games can be individual (single), which are most often organized by the children themselves (playing with a ball, with a rope, in "classics", rolling a hoop, etc.). They can be used for the organization of leisure, active recreation (at breaks, with an extended day and in other cases). Collective (group) outdoor games, in which groups of players participate: classes, sports sections, detachments, have a special pedagogical effect. All collective outdoor games have a competitive element (each for himself or each for his team), as well as mutual assistance, mutual assistance in the interests of achieving a set goal.

Characteristic of collective games, is an ever-changing situation in the game, requiring the players to react quickly. Therefore, in the course of the game, relationships also change all the time: each seeks to create for himself or for his team the most advantageous position in comparison with the "enemy". Each outdoor game has its own content, form (structure), methodological features. The content of an outdoor game consists of: a plot (figurative or conditional concept, game plan), rules and motional actions included in the game to achieve the goal.

The form of an outdoor game is the organization of the actions of the participants, which provides an opportunity wide choice ways to achieve this goal. In some games, participants act individually or in groups, seeking their personal interest, in others collectively, defending the interests of their collective, their team. Also, the constructions of those who play for the game are different (scattered, in a circle, in a row). The form of the game is related to the content and is conditioned by it. The methodological features of the game depend on its content and form.

The methodological features of outdoor games are characterized by:

  • - imagery;
  • - independence of actions aimed at achieving the goal, limited by the rules;
  • - creative initiative in actions in accordance with the rules;
  • - the performance of individual roles in the game, according to its plot, which establishes certain relationships in the team of the participants in the game;
  • - suddenness, variability of the situation in the game, requiring the players to react quickly, initiative;
  • - elements of competition in the game, requiring full mobilization of forces and increasing the emotionality of the game;
  • - a clash of opposing interests in resolving game "conflicts", which creates a high emotional tone.

Outdoor games are not only a means, but also a method of physical education. The concept of the game method in education reflects the methodological features of the game, that is, what distinguishes it methodologically from other methods of education (element of competition, plot, imagery, various ways of achieving goals, relative independence of actions). The play method is used mainly for the complex improvement of movements in conditional variable conditions.

Outdoor games as a means of physical education and play method contribute to the education and improvement of physical qualities. In addition, in outdoor games, natural movements and individual skills and abilities acquired in gymnastics, athletics, skiing, speed skating and other sports are improved and consolidated.

Thus, outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and learns the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and social qualities are formed.

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a health-improving effect on the child's body.

In the game, he exercises a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activate respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are carried out on fresh air... It is extremely important to consider the role of the growing tension, joy, intense feelings and continuing interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Child's passion for play not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an irreplaceable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing constrains the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free. The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, consciously act in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the available motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting-rhymes, and play ideas. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children. Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality. In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the World is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

Outdoor play prepares the child for work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work activity. Thus, outdoor play is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities the complex use of a variety of methods aimed at shaping the personality of the child. In the process of playing, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

Outdoor play as a means of development

preschooler's speech

“Speech is an amazing powerful tool,

but you need to have a lot of mind to use it "

Georg Hegel

The problem of language proficiency has long attracted the attention of various researchers and educators.

Speech is one of the important lines of the full-fledged development of the child. She is closely related to his intellectual development... The richer and more correct a child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognition of the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full-fledged relations with peers and adults, the more actively he is carried out. mental development.

Our speech is very complex and varied, therefore it is necessary to develop it from the first years of life.

Communication is the leading means of speech development, it is carried out in different types activities: educational, household, labor, game.

I work with a team of older children of different ages (4-6 years old).

Level speech development preschoolers - insufficient.

In my work, I pay great attention to the development of speech of preschoolers through an active game with vocabulary support.

The topic of my speech: “ Outdoor play as a means of developing a preschooler's speech "

According to PF Lesgaft, "outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life."

Preschool age is a unique and decisive period in the development of a child, when the foundations of the personality emerge, will and voluntary behavior are formed, imagination, creativity, and general initiative are actively developing. However, all these most important qualities are formed not in the classroom, but in the leading and main activity of the preschooler - in the game.

Play is an effective means of all-round development of the child's personality, is effective method and one of the forms of education and upbringing that stimulates the speech activity of children.

In the game, the child in practice gains useful knowledge about the surrounding reality. Like any creative activity, play brings joy to children, has great importance and contributes to the development of all the qualities necessary for further training.

The advantage of play over any other child's activity is that in it the child voluntarily obeys certain rules, and it is the fulfillment of the rules that gives the maximum pleasure. This makes the child's behavior meaningful and conscious. Therefore, play is practically the only area where a preschooler can show his initiative and creative activity.

It is in play that children learn to control and evaluate themselves, understand what they are doing, and want to act correctly.

I would like to pay special attention to mobile games with vocabulary support. These games have an impact on the enrichment of the vocabulary, the education of sound culture.

Word games for kids are not only engaging but also rewarding. Speech games are of great importance for the development of speech and thinking in children; they activate, enrich their vocabulary, improve phonemic hearing in children, instill interest and love for language.

In outdoor games, a literary text is included, a rhyme that prescribes a particular game action ("Owl", "Horses", "Shaggy Dog", etc.). Initially by offering new game, I myself clearly and expressively read the rhyme related to her. During the game, verses are read several times. Children quickly memorize the text of the verse and, during the game, pronounce it themselves.

In the course of the game, I strive to induce imitative speech activity in children, to expand the volume of understanding of speech and vocabulary. This is achieved by reciting poems, nursery rhymes, verbal accompaniment of outdoor games with children.

Each game has its own rules.

A sensible, thorough, repeated explanation of the rules of the game to children, a joint discussion with them of the conditions for its implementation is already a path to the development of their language. I lead the children to explain the rules of this or that game to their comrades who are still unfamiliar with it. Sometimes I invite the whole team of children to talk together about how we conduct this or that game. I attach great importance to such statements.

In my work I use methodological literature, Internet resources. And also ready-made development of outdoor games "Games and exercises for the development of general speech skills in children" author: Bizikova O.A. with texts, for example: "King", "Kite", "Snake", "Liski", etc., with various movements and singing: "The neighbor has better", "Smooth circle", "Carousel", "Hen and chickens" , "Sparrows and the Car", "Owl"; round dance games: "Echo", "Pots", "Mousetrap".

I have made a selection of outdoor games with verbal accompaniment and drawn up an annual plan for the study of outdoor games. Every month we learn a new outdoor game with the children.

I would like to bring to your attention a video recording of the outdoor game "A bear in the forest ...", "The sea is worried."

I believe that such a form of speech development of preschoolers as a mobile game with verbal accompaniment encourages children to make contacts, is a motive for communicative activity. Children develop the ability to play and business communication with peers, the desire to participate in joint collective activities.

Outdoor games are the most versatile and affordable means of children's development. Games have a comprehensive, complex effect on the child's body, contribute not only to the physical, but also to the moral, mental, labor and aesthetic education preschoolers. With the help of various play movements and situations, the child learns the world, receives new information and knowledge, and learns speech.

The use of outdoor games with verbal accompaniment can give a positive dynamics of speech development.

The game is organically inherent childhood and with skillful leadership

on the part of adults, it is capable of working miracles.

Playing - developing - teaching - educating

An active game with rules is a conscious motor active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to P. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

The specifics of the outdoor game consists in lightning-fast, instant response of the child to the signals "catch!", "run!" "Stop!" and etc.

Outdoor play- an irreplaceable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When carrying out an outdoor game, unlimited possibilities are created for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. In the course of the game, there is not only an exercise in the already existing motor skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of personality traits.

Many Russian scientists have been looking for ways of harmonious development of children. Thus, in the system of physical education created by P. Lesgaft, the fundamental principle was the principle of harmonious development, and the physical and spiritual forces of a person were considered as qualitatively different aspects of a single life process, which allowed the formation of people of "ideally normal type". According to P. Lesgaft, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically grounded system of physical education and upbringing, in which the principle of awareness prevails.

Awareness of movements provides the possibility of their rational and economical use, execution with the least expenditure of effort and with the greatest effect, and also contributes to the spiritual development of a person.

Numerous studies prove that the character, thoughts, feelings of a person are reflected in the form of a "muscular shell" on the body (M. Alexander, V. Reich, M. Feldenkrais, etc.), therefore, to implement the tasks of harmonious development, it is important to understand how our body works ... The teacher must teach children to move naturally, gracefully, in accordance with the constitution of the body and individual abilities.

Harmonious development occurs with a holistic, complex, balanced realization of all the potential of a person. One-sided development is detrimental to the personality and often borders on psychological or physical illness.

The child realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are a factor in the formation of physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child's all-round development. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in physical and spiritual life, their significance in the history and culture of every nation. An active game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing to both the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and cognizes the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural agility in movement is manifested, the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

Younger preschool children imitate everything they see in the game. However, in the outdoor games of children, first of all, it is not communication with peers that is reflected, but the reflection of the life of adults or animals: they fly with pleasure like sparrows, flap their arms like a butterfly with their wings, etc. Striving for Spiritualization inanimate nature is explained by the child's desire to give the image depicted in the game a living character. When he gets used to the image, the mechanisms of empathy are turned on and, as a result, morally valuable personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, involvement. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of younger preschoolers are of a plot nature.

In the fifth year of life the nature of the play activity of children is changing. They begin to be interested in the result of an active game, they strive to express their feelings, desires, to implement their plans, to creatively reflect the accumulated motor and social experience in their imagination and behavior. However, imitation and imitation continue to play an important role in older preschool age.

For outdoor games, the presence of moral content is characteristic. They foster goodwill, the desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, outdoor games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom. Outdoor games of various content make it possible to trace a variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. Conventionally, several types of outdoor games can be distinguished, contributing in different ways to the all-round development of preschoolers and carrying different social orientations. Games like "Catch" are creative in nature, based on excitement, motor experience and strict adherence to the rules. Running away, catching up, dodging, children mobilize their mental and physical strength as much as possible, while they independently choose methods that ensure the effectiveness of play actions, improving psychophysical qualities.

Games that require inventing movements or instantly stopping the action on a game signal encourage children to individual and collective creativity (coming up with combinations of movements, imitation of movements Vehicle, animals).

Such games are at the same time an exercise for will, attention, thought, feeling and movement. Particular attention is paid to the expressiveness of actions invented by children that activate mental processes, carry out sensory corrections, role training, form the psychosomatic and emotional spheres, developing the mechanisms of empathy. Children convey the character and images of the characters in the game, their moods, relationships. At the same time, mimic and large muscles are trained, which contributes to the release of endorphins (the hormone of joy), which improve the condition and vital activity of the body.

Ball games play a particularly important role in working with children. The child, while playing, performs various manipulations with the ball: aiming, bouncing, throwing, throwing, connecting movements with claps, various turns, etc. These games develop the eye, motor coordination functions, improve the activity of the cerebral cortex. According to A. Lowen, hitting the ball improves mood, relieves aggression, helps to get rid of muscle tension, and causes pleasure. Pleasure, in his opinion, is freedom of movement from muscle tension.

Games with elements of competition require correct pedagogical guidance, which presupposes the observance of a number of conditions: each child participating in the game must have good motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which they compete in the game. This principle is also fundamental in relay games. It is also important to objectively assess the activities of children when summing up the results of the game: it is necessary to assess the child's achievements in relation to himself, that is, his own achievements, because each child has his own characteristics, his own capabilities, determined by the state of health, sensory and motor experience.

Thus, playing and realizing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their bodies, their capabilities, invent, create, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Outdoor games have a healing effect on the child's body - he exercises a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. At the same time, respiration, metabolic processes in the body are activated, this, in turn, has a fruitful effect on mental activity. The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

It is extremely important to consider the role of the growing tension, joy, intense feelings and continuing interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Passion for the game not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. Play is an indispensable tool for the development and improvement of movements; formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play as a creative activity, nothing constrains the child's freedom of action, he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in mental education is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, consciously act in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them; master spatial terminology. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the available motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting-rhymes, and play ideas. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Outdoor games are also of great importance in the moral education of preschoolers. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. The guys perceive the rules of the game as the law; their conscious fulfillment forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions and behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other.

Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality. In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery; master poetic, figurative speech; they develop a sense of rhythm.

Outdoor play prepares for work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work activity.

Thus, outdoor play is an irreplaceable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him; development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When carrying out an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the personality of the child. In the course of the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, but also the formation of new mental processes, new personality traits.

Nadezhda Borisovna Kalitventseva
Outdoor games as a means of harmonious development of a child

« Outdoor games, how means of harmonious

child development»

Target: reveal the significance outdoor games.

Formation of children's health, full development their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, baby the foundations of health, all-round physical fitness and harmonious physical development ... Children usually seek to satisfy their enormous need for movement through play. For them to play is, first of all, to move, to act. Outdoor games are one of the conditions child culture development his intelligence develops, fantasy, imagination are formed by social qualities.

When conducting outdoor games unlimited opportunities are created for the complex use of a variety of methods aimed at forming a personality baby... During games there is not only an exercise in the already existing motor skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of personality traits.

The game belongs to one of the most important funds physical education of children. It promotes physical, mental, moral and aesthetic child development... What child in play, this is in many ways he will be at work when he grows up.

Various movements and actions of children during games, with skillful guidance, effectively affect the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the body, stimulate appetite and promote sound sleep. By using mobile games provide a comprehensive physical development and health is improved baby... During games, preschoolers develop and improve skills in the main types of movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.) Constant and daily exercise in walking, running, etc., and repetitions while playing allows for faster develop and physically strengthen the body. Such physical activity promotes earlier development of the child's body in terms of physical and mental. Child learns to live and play in a team. Playing in outdoor games, the preschooler learns to listen to the rules games, follow them, is attentive to the implementation of the rules by other participants in the general games, coordinate your actions with other participants. The game begins with friendship, the ability to concede and defend their positions. The greatest benefit outdoor games for preschoolers, they bring shy and uncommunicative children, giving the opportunity to overcome shyness and open up. Going into the process games, child forgets about their fears and embarrassment, reveal their potential for communication. A quick change of scenery in the process teaches a child to play use movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation. All this has a positive effect on the improvement of motor skills.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions child culture development... In them, he comprehends and learns the world around him, in them his intelligence develops, fantasy, imagination, social qualities are formed.

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy, active movements due to the content games evoke positive emotions in children. Exactly outdoor games create an effective environment for development interpersonal relationships baby preschool age. V outdoor games child may show his disinterested desire to help a peer, give or give in to him without evaluative emotional involvement in his actions.

For mobile games are characterized by morally valuable content. They cultivate benevolence, striving for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, holding mobile games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, a sense of freedom.

Games help the child expand and deepen your understanding of the surrounding reality. Fulfilling various roles, depicting various actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, about natural phenomena, about vehicles, etc.... e. In the process of games, opportunities are created for speech development, counting exercises, etc.

Big influence outdoor games also have a neuropsychic child development, the formation of important personality traits. They evoke positive emotions develop inhibitory processes: during games children have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from movement with others. In these games will develops, intelligence, courage, quickness of reactions, etc. Joint actions in games bring children closer together, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

Ball games play a particularly important role in working with children. Child, playing, performs a variety of manipulations with ball: aiming, bouncing, throwing, throwing, and so on. These games develop an eye, motor coordination functions, improve the activity of the cerebral cortex. Bouncing the ball improves mood, relieves aggression, helps to get rid of muscle tension, and causes pleasure.

Objectives of the outdoor games for preschoolers:

1 Wellness - solves the problem of qualitative improvement in physical development and physical condition baby

2 Educational - organically interconnected with the physical and spiritual development of preschoolers; development of morality, the formation of aesthetic views and beliefs.

3 Educational - teaching natural types of movements and development motor qualities.

For the implementation of positive results in the formation of personality, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To promote the manifestation of reasonable courage, determination, self-confidence through selection mobile games corresponding to the age and individual characteristics of children.

2. Create conditions for performance mobile games aimed at overcoming physical difficulties, patience and endurance.

3. Influence the formation of a sense of beauty, contribute to the formation of posture, dexterity, confidence in movements.

Recreational, educational and educational tasks must be solved in a complex, only in this case, each movable the game will be effective means versatile physical education of children.

Amusing game plot evokes positive emotions in the participants encourages them to do the necessary volitional qualities and physical ability. For the emergence of interest in the game, the path to achieving the game goal is of great importance - the nature and degree of difficulty of the obstacles that must be overcome to obtain a specific result, to satisfy the game.

So, outdoor games in combination with other educational by means represent the basis of the initial stage of formation harmoniously developed, an active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. When working with children, the teacher must remember that the impressions of childhood are deep and indelible in the memory of an adult. They form the foundation for development his moral feelings, consciousness and their further manifestation in socially useful and creative activities.

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