Klondike Solitaire, three cards each. Klondike Solitaire, three cards each Tips for passing

Klondike Rules

The object of the game is to arrange cards by suit in order from ace to king in four piles (sometimes called base or "houses"). The card can be shifted to another one of higher rank, but of a different color (black or red). In each of the four basic piles (houses), on which all cards must be laid out, aces are first put, then deuces, threes and so on up to the king. Cards can be dealt from an unopened pile on the left, either one or three, depending on the modification. Only a king can be placed on an empty square. The game ends when all cards are laid out. The object of the game is to arrange all the cards in four piles in ascending order, starting with the ace so that the cards of the same suit are in the same pile.

Tactics and strategists

When Maria, for lack of work, was playing solitaire for Kosynka, senior manager Alexander entered the office. Knowing that he himself was engaged in a similar business in his spare moments, he did not scold his subordinate, but asked how often she wins? Masha barely remembered a couple of successful accomplishments. Sasha just smiled, feeling satisfied, knowing about his more frequent successes. What is the secret, you ask? It comes with a few simple features that are easy to use. The example with the manager is great, because life is the same game in which people achieve more who have spent a couple of extra minutes learning. We promise that the lesson will not be boring, because this is one of the most addicting games.

On the site you can find different online solitaire games - "Spider" in 2 suits, "Klondike" and others. The rules in them may differ, but they all have the same foundation - a deck and an area for laying out cards of the same type. Take a look at the basic rules that apply to any subgenre:

  • Take care of the deck - first we need to deal with all the objects on the field. Only then use spare cards;
  • Free the ranks - this way you can quickly move unused elements to the free area. Better if they are kings;
  • Think ahead - count 2-3 moves so that there is no situation where required element becomes blocked.

These rules always work. Already with them, you can start enjoying yourself. Trust me, your chances have increased significantly. Sure you will remember more, read the instructions below.

Solitaire strategies depending on the type of game

The same "Spider" in 4 suits may have its own characteristics, which should be taken into account. Take a closer look at some of the details of individual variations of card fun:

Free Rug Solitaire: one of the most difficult varieties, when playing in which the whole deck is open in front of us. Move 2,3,4 to the beginning - the main task is to fill in the left edge. The algorithm on the site is designed to eliminate dead ends and make the game as fair as possible. Therefore, when using the "Shuffle" function, the first rows are freed, which significantly increases the chances. Do not be afraid to throw cards at the end, especially small ones, because they can always be returned to their place. Do not use the shuffle function until the system writes that there are no moves left. Remember, there are hints in the menu on the left.

Spider Solitaire 2 suits: here we are encouraged to put 10 spades on 9 worms. The suits are not obligatory, but this is just a trick. If a row of 5 cards of clubs is blocked by an element with a different image, the closed line cannot be dragged. Therefore, always try to stick to the purity of the suit. There are other tips too:

    • Free the line, because on empty place you can put any card. It's great if it is the king - the rest of the elements are placed on it;
    • Don't be afraid to block the ranks - you can't go anywhere without it. Your task is to free long stacks and transfer them to a suitable element of a larger value. This is half of the gameplay.

Now you know how to play solitaire. Just don't try to brag about your success to your boss, as most bosses love their staff to work. But you know logic games quickly improve the brain, which does not go unnoticed by others. Have fun and get better.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you familiarize yourself.

How to play - rules and description

The second most popular, but one of the first in terms of the number of options and designs, incomparable Solitaire" in a tablet-smartphone version (although it also works great on a PC). We will not go into the history of the appearance of this online solitaire game, let's just say that Windows users have been familiar with it for a long time, since it appeared in the earliest versions of this operating system.

Of all the variations of the "Klondike", it is perhaps worth noting only two main ones, in which the rest of the deck is scrolled through either one or three cards. The second option is more difficult, but the player has an idea of ​​the cards that he will receive at his disposal the next time he flips.

The conditions for the successful convergence of the Solitaire Solitaire are not achieved in any scenario and do not depend on the player. But at the same time, there is also no guarantee that you will fold even a successful layout, since in this case a lot depends on your attentiveness.

The version of solitaire presented by this game is configured by the player: deal one or three cards - you specify. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for assembling "Klondikes" on the pages of almost any of the similar versions.

Can download the game KOSYNKA 1 AND 3 CARDS on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games that develop logic and imagination, allow you to have a pleasant rest. Relax and take a break from business!

Klondike Solitaire ... All these words are well known to fans card games... There are less and more interesting options that do not get boring and continue to be in demand. Klondike Solitaire with three cards is exactly the case when you want to lay out suits from ace to king again and again.

Card game for real pros

If the classic version is tired and seems too easy for you, you can look for other games online. What is the essence, what are the rules of the "3-card" version? Everything is simple enough. As in the regular version, you lay out the deck on empty fields. Solitaire starts with an ace and ends with a king, collect all the suits. The sequence of dragging can be changed in any field.

The chances of winning are complicated by the fact that the game involves the issuance of not one card to move to choose from, but three at once. In this case, you can only drag the top online. And here appearance almost did not change - it looks like it's all the same good old solitaire.

Right in your browser, without getting up from your chair, you can play the famous headscarf, and even for free. We hope you enjoy this puzzle as it is designed for players of all ages and genders. In addition, the rules have become a little more complicated - if necessary, you can always use additional options from the deck in the upper left corner. However, they will not open one at a time.

The most interesting type of Klondike Solitaire is 3 cards: play without registration as soon as possible and make sure of it for free! Task: to decompose card deck from 52 cards in columns by suits, using active ("flashed") cards.

Klondike Solitaire Rules for Three Cards

On the field of play, 28 cards are laid out in seven columns: in the first 1 card, in the second two, and so on in ascending order. The shape of the layout resembles a double-folded kerchief, which served as the name. The remaining 24 make up the base and are issued at the request of the player. You need to fold them into a suit, starting with aces in 4 "houses" located on the upper right. The sequence is descending: we put two on the ace and up to the king.

The main difference between Klondike Solitaire in three cards from the usual classic in a limited number of active cards, which stimulates the analysis of the situation and the search for the most profitable move. Only the top card from the "trick" can be playable, it is important to attach it to the base or to open card in a collumn.

It is allowed to shift cards over playing field, observing the color change and descending order. The vacant place can only be occupied by the king: alone or with a stack of sequence.

Klondike Solitaire Strategy Three Cards

The method of issuing three cards in solitaire dictates its own patterns of composition. In the classic version of Klondike Solitaire, the number of moves matters (all cards of the additional deck can be used at any time).

Access to only one card from the triple layout forces you to calculate the situation: it is worth picking up the top one from the issue, the rest are shifted by exactly one. Thus, you can calculate how many cards should be removed in order to get the desired one with full scrolling.

In the old days, it was this method of composing Klondike Solitaire with three cards each called "prophetic" because of the need for serious logical efforts. It was believed that a person who is able to concentrate efforts on sequencing can distract from vain thoughts, concentrate on the main thing and get the only correct answer to a question of interest. Believe it or not in the miraculous property of solitaire is up to you. Anyway, it's a good vacation! Have a nice game!