Oblivion plans. Oblivion and plans of the Oblivion. Portal in dead lands

The article reflects the personal opinion of the author. I do not exclude another position of things, because there is no more accurate information. However, my point of view seems to me the most objective and finds feedback in the gaming literature.


Oblivion (oblivion) \u200b\u200bis one of the plans of being, something like a different dimension in which Daedra dwells. In the general sense, Oblivion is a cosmos - black emptiness - oblivion that surrounds the material plane of being. Princes Daedra changed it and created Dedric plans to become their entities.

Oblivation is divided into areas that the Daera Prince or some essence of the type of committed lords rule. Each plan is a reflection of the essence of its owner, it is possible that the plan itself is a prince of Daedra.

"We will create new world From themselves, but we will not separate anything from ourselves and will not allow us to mock - we will create this world within ourselves, in our eternal property and under our full control "

Based on these lines, the obligation plan is inside the prince itself. Then those whom we see them see are just their incarnations, such as their mortals represent. Be that as it may, the prince and its plan are inextricably linked.

The black blade of the Oblivion is made by the stars - passages to Eterius, the world of magic. Through these doors, magic enters Mundus or how it is more common - NIRN, the planet of mortals.

So, Oblivion has two values:
1) Cosmos, endless emptiness between material worlds.
2) The measurement in which the Dedric Prince lives or another Liminion Lord.

Both concepts are closely intertwined. If you present space in our usual understanding, the plans of the Oblivion are most likely in black holes. These are peculiar dimensions created by Daera for means of changing void. For in the nature of Daedra only changes, they cannot create.

On the "intangibleness" of Oblivion also say "36 Vivek lessons". There, Aurbis - the Universe appears in the form of a wheel, eight spokes of the wheel correspond to the eight Gods of Alessian Pantheon, and the area between the wheel spokes is Oblivion.
We can all imagine a wheel with eight knitting needles and perfectly understand that there is emptiness between the spokes. Such an emptiness is Oblivion in Viveka's representation.

Oblivion and Mundus

Those who in life serve Daedra in the mortal plan - Mundus, after death, most likely, go to the lord of the Oblivion, which served. Such an example can be Vervol, the souls of which after death fall into Hunting grounds Hirsina or famous Mirac, the first dragonborn, who after his death was sharpened in the apocrypha.

The relationship between oblivion and the mortal plan is carried out only by means of portals. It is not known, however, how there are the souls of mortals who served Daedra in life.
There are short-term and long-term connections with the lvin.

To the short term, the spells of the School of Witchcraft can be attributed, with the reading of which the caster receives a Dedric weapon or armor to a short period of time or encourages younger dam. The power of the spell after a short period of time is dissipated, the short-term communication is stopped.

Long-term communication is carried out by means of special rituals or treaties from Deadra. At the same time, Dedric Artifacts and Lower Daera remain in mortal terms for a long time. The process can be accelerated if you destroy the physical shell. After such actions, artifact or lower damades fall into Oblivion. This once again proves the intangibleness of the oblique and its plans.

Mansion standing portals in Daedar plans. Secrets of opening such portals are known very few mortals. One of them was a Divait fir, such a secret knew Esuar Sul, he used Oblivion to quickly move along Tamileu, another name was Morian Xenas. The last truth has fused in Oblivion by making crazy travels.
Portals allow Daera to come to NIRN in unlimited quantity And for unlimited time. It was a direct threat to the residents of Tamriel before the advent of the amulet of kings - relics with the help of which dragon lights are lit in the temple.

Oblivion plans

Apocrypha - measurement of the prince of Daendre Hermeus by the sea. This is a knowledge treasury - a gigantic library filled with books and melting a lot of dangers for the mortal mind.

"Morian Xenas told me that he was in a huge library - in all directions endless shelves were leaving, tired by the books. The invisible wind was broken by their pages. Each book was in black binding, and none of them had the name. He did not see a single soul But I felt like ghosts roam among the shelves and leaf books, looking for something, driven only to them alone.

It was a apocrypha, the home of Hermeus Mora, where you can find any forbidden knowledge. "

Proconion gates

One of the famous ways to get to the apocryon is to find a "black book." There are several such books and they are a kind portals. However, in contrast to ordinary portals, the book transfers to the apocryon only the mind reading, while the physical shell remains in Nirne. In order to get knowledge hidden in the book, you need to find a steam book in the apocryph itself and the same book with hidden knowledge will lead back to the mortal plan.

Apokrifa Portal Book

The plan is guarded by the Lurkers and the siders - the lower Daera belonging to the Hermeta sea. In addition, from darky water Apokrifa attack the squalus dark tentacles of unknown origin, they do not have relations to the vegetable world. Most likely it is a certain part of the dark waters of the apocryph or the very Hermeus of the sea.

It is known for certain that Miarak - the first dragonborn, got into the apocryon and spent more than three thousand years there, all this time he studied forbidden knowledge until he found a way to get out of it. Hermes Mora did not want his liberation from the apocrif, and therefore in 201 4 I found him a "more devoted" replacement, and Mirac was killed.

Dead lands - measurement of the prince of destruction, Merune Dagon. The plan is a boiling lava with islands from the melted rocks, which in turn siste the lower Daera, traps and even aggressive plants that will whip the mortal to death or be poisonous to poisonous evaporation. On the islands there are gloomy towers with sharp spiers and terrible mechanisms inside. The crimson-red sky and smoke clubs are banging over these towers.

During the crisis of Oblivion, Mankar Kamoran created a small plan "Paradise Kamoran" inside the dead lands. Plane of Kamorana is not much different from Nina, except that the vegetation is a bit different there, and only familiar outlines of the white-namey Isleid town are visible from the buildings.
"Paradise of Kamorana" was destroyed during the invasion of Daera in Tamriel.

In 433 3E there were resistant portals in dead lands. They were created by members of the cult of mythical dawn with the help of Sigil stones. With the help of these relics you can enact various subjects.

Portal B. Dead lands

Shave Islands - Measurement of God Madness - Sheorat.

The trembling islands are divided into two halves - mania and dementia, reflecting the true essence of their lord. Both halves have a different flora, identical monsters living on trembling islands change only a color depending on the half in which they live. The Pearl Islands is the city of New Sheyot, which, like all the islands, is divided into two parts of the crucible and blis. In each part there are their guards - the golden sacnesses and dark seductants, despite the open enmity among themselves, they are committed to their lord. Blis and crucible - two contradictions, unite in the Palace of the Sheorat.

The islands are amazed by a variety of animal plants, they are very picturesque and full of miracles. The only thing that overshadows the place is the insane population.

It is known that once in a thousand years, the trembling islands are attacked by Jiggaga and his knights of order. The plan is completely destroyed and the next thousand years is restored after the invasion. And then the cycle is repeated.
A similar order of things was broken when the champion of the Sheoratus destroyed the prince of order. Becoming a new crazy God. The plan was not destroyed, but unknown whether Jigglag was defeated forever or it will return again after the last time.

Portal in trembling islands

Cairn Souls - The place of imprisonment of prisoners who fall into Cairn, after the soul stone in which the soul of the victim was used. Only black souls fall into this place, that is, the souls of rational beings - the beasts, people and merries.

Cairn Souls - the measurement of the dead and captive shower, they rule the perfect lords, whose true nature is unknown.
There is an opinion that the perfect lords are huge stones of souls - crystals, which are many in Cairne; Others believe that this is some kind of infrequent creation of invisible to anyone, one more opinion says that the perfect lords are Cairn Souls. Be that as it may, the rulers of this plan do not show themselves in the world of mortals, except for their transactions with necromancers, which are very deplorable for the latter.

Perfect lords serve the revived bones belonging to the most likely mortal who once concluded transactions with the insidious owners of this plan.

Portal in Cairn Shower

Plan of key of the Vial - measurement whose name is unknown to us. However, we are not known not only the name, there is quite small information about it.

In the time of 2E, Cyrus was visited in terms of Keylux Waila, the head of the uprising against Taiper Septim on the Starros M Kai.
It is also known that Umbriel, a flying city-island is a part of the Wail keyfield. Which was separated using Umbra.

Umbrie invaded in the Blacksheye in the 40th year of the fourth era. The city flies, thanks to Inzhenium, for which the constant arrival of the shower is needed. Live creatures turn into the abduction of the soul in the undead, which follows the island if it is not far.
Skyrime has a sleepy tree. According to the local legend, it has grown out of a seed that has fallen from Usbriel who flown past by, although no one can confirm the accuracy of this legend. However, the tree does not seem like anything that is in nirne. And his juice became a popular smuggled product.

Sleepy tree

Cold Harbor - Prince Daeter Molla Bala's plan. It may be a full copy of Nurna, only everything is frightening and frightening. These are the earth of death and suffering.

"Heaven in fire," he said, moving to another world. "The ground is covered with a thick layer of dirt, but it can be held on it. Around me charred ruins, as if the war went here. The air is frosty. I create magic heat flows, but I still feel how cold air pierces me with ice dials. "

It was a cool harbor, where the rules of Prince Molhag Ball. Xenas said that this will look like NIRN under the fifth king-villain - empty, dead earth, performed by suffering. I heard how Zenas cries, and felt his shiver at the sight of the imperial palace, filled with blood and donated with excrement. "

Quality of Oblivion

After the explosion of the souls in the imperial city, which happened in 579, portals in the presence of huge hooks of Mlarah Bala had fallen on the Earth. These hooks tightened NIRN into a cloak harbor until the invasion of Mlaraga Bala was not stopped at the end of 2 eras. During this period, many residents of Tamriel lost their souls.

Captured souls in a cold harbor

Quagmir (Bog) - Prince Daeter Vermina plan. Represents a set of nightmares. The constantly changing world of the essence of which torture and horror.

"Every few minutes glittered lightning, and it was transferred to another place, each of which was terrible than the previous ones. Dark castle, a pit with wild beasts, a swamp, filled with moonlight, a coffin in which Xenas was buried alive. These vision scared my host before half seeming, and he hastily stepped into a new world. "

Quality of Oblivion

Moon Shadow - measurement of princess azura. It is excellent gardens, shrouded with a light haze with a silver castle in which Azura happens to take mortals.

"Too beautiful," Zenas exhaled overwhelmed in the next world. - I am half a blind. I see flowers and waterfalls, majestic trees and a silver city, but all this is shrouded with a foggy haze. The colors here flow like water. Now it is raining, and Air is categorized with fragrances incense. Without a doubt, it is a lunar shadow, the abode of Azura "

Quality of Oblivion

Solnik - Measuring Malacate. There is no sky, no land, no air, it represents the world that is full of dust, smoke and ash. Even the palaces here consist of smoke, and in the center the house of Malacata is towers.

"The dust," he whispered to me on the first day of his journey. The word was devoid of emotions, but I felt his voice trembles from excitement. - I see the whole world - from the edge to the edge, millions of shades of gray. There is no sky, nor Earth, nor air - only the dust that flies, falls, circling around me. I have to levitate and breathe with the help of magic ... "

Xenas some time investigated this foggy world, his ghostly inhabitants and palaces built from smoke clubs. He did not meet the prince there, but we decided that he was in the ash butter, the house of Malacate, where the suffering, betrayal and cheating fill the bitter air, like ashes. "

Quality of Oblivion

Foci of pleasure - Sanguine measurement. Foci is a fabulous place resembling evening forest glade. There would be a peaceful setting if there were not a rampant crust of his inhabitants who are constantly singing behind the large tables.

Thousand Lun. - Measure mefala. It is a dozens of oblast areas associated with each other "threads of the magic ghostly web." In these areas reign debauchery and murder.

Colored rooms - Measurement of Meria. Only one thing is known about this plan - in it centuries hid at the inextricated, who received from the Meridium of his servants of the Aurianians.

Dangerous shadow - measuring nocturnal. It only knows about him that the plan was plundered by the Merune Dagon. Netlaws - the servants of the Nokturnal after death merge with the shadows of this plan, to bring good luck to the thieves, now living.

In addition, it is known about the existence of a crow forest, which is part of the plan nocturnal. This underground is controlled by the Mother's Crow, the youngest Daedron, which serves a nocturnal

Voroniy Forest

Mount Snake - Measurement of boaathy. Known also called the section. There is no other information about this plan for oblivion.

Hunting grounds - Measuring Hirsin. It is quite familiar for the mortal world. True chances to be killed here much more. The first mortal, who had seen from his plan received from Hirsin the skin, from which the armor was created now known as the ski of the Savior. The souls of the Vervolphs after death fall into hunting grounds in order to be hounds in the eternal hunt of Hirsin.

Pits Periate - Measurement of periate. This is also not known about this plan for it has always been closed for mortals.

Order plan - The Plan of Prince Daera Dzhiggalaga. We know that this kingdom was on the territory of the trembling islands of the Sheorat.
It was an eternal winter where snow constantly goes. About the flora and fauna of this plan is not known. Dzhiggaga's servants are inhabited in him - knights order. It is known that it is known that there are peculiar crystals throughout the plan - crystals of order.

Moon Nekromanta
After the "West Deformation", Manimaro became God of Oblivion. And according to the book "Luna Necromanta", this plan is a heavenly body that covers the necromancer altars once a week, with which you can create black soul stones.

Heavenly body based on my own observations can not be a plane of Oblivion. But there are people who adhere to another opinion.

This is the second part of the Series of the Universe of Oblivion, but it can be viewed as a separate addition. Nevertheless, I would advise first the first part - the gate of the Solitude, if you have not tried. Prepare yourself to the fact that you survive in the plexus of the worlds of the Oblivion (38 levels are required). You can take your followers with you, but you will need to take care of them if you want them to survive.

To completely experience the mod, we advise you to play a high-level character and put a heavier option. What awaits us:
- Big World of Oblivion
- New locations
- Battles, awards and artifacts
- surprises and traps
- New potions, weapons, scrolls, books, spells
- New sounds and music
- Many mysterious
- The forge of Oblivion
- Continuation of the story about who gave the beginning of this war.

History :
(Not read if you have not played first)
New evil arrives from Oblivion. Mysterious Vladyka is going to throw the last curse on Tamriel, using the gates as a connection and as catalysts to absorb Tamriel into the emptiness. Alone, you went to Oblivion to find the Citadel and protect it to close the gate, you killed the keeper and took the stone evil from the wicked temple. TOT gemstone... Black heart of Oblivion ... and you do not know what to do with him now ... Dark forces in it are responding in your heart, a remote crude anger and pain. But you have to wait. You understood where the roots of this evil, and who is trying to enslave your homeland. You know the place, but not the time. Go now in Morphal and be prepared for everyone ... Are you a knight worthy of virtue? Or are you - a killer, a thief or a worm that crawls on the ground? Never mind. Anyway, the hero or glory ... Oblivion has no compassion. He will absorb your friends and enemies, destroy your home and destroy you. If you fail, your world will disappear and you are with him, so take yourself in your hands and let's do what you can. Requirements:
Skyrim 1.9 or higher

Unzip and copy the files to the Skyrim / Data folder or in Steam / Steamapps / Common / Skyrim / Data. In the "Options" folder, there are patches to fashion with different levels of complexity:
-ADEPT (Easy)
-insane (medium)
-INFERNO (heavy)
Connect Fashion Files in Launcher.
Note: The patch must be after the main file in the loading order.

To start passing the fashion, it is necessary to be in the morpheal in the range of 12.00 am - 6.00 am. Sometimes it is necessary to wait a day.

Disable mod in the launcher and delete Fashion Files.

Bugs / Conflicts:
At the moment there is a small problem with HAVOK using the subject (Lvnion stone); Do not throw it out of the inventory as soon as you picked up another to avoid departure from the game.
Do not quickly save near the ashtar to avoid CTD. We will replant this in the subsequent update.

There are mods that modify the color gamut of the game (for example ENB). This may cause water, mapping or other FX. And if you use them, you will not see the mod because we have conceived it.

Changes in version 1.5:
-Fix navmesh "s and poinnames events
- Fix the errors of early versions.
- Added several details.

Changes in version 1.3 A:
Files are re-cleaned
Some minor corrections and improvements
Improved Navmesh.
More details
Improved animation
Improved NPC
Added a book with a description of custom potions
Fixed Malacata Malacate
DREMORA UPDATE - ESP, requires the original. Makes stronger than all game default dormors.

Shadowgamer (Official Ors Composer): Custom Themes and Audios
Narphous: Writings Chec k. Published with the written permission of the author -Mannygt. .

Version: 1.7

Demand: Skyrim.

Want to return to the skin skin Syroidial and remember the good old days? Or maybe you do not have enough shuttle battles for titanically powerful heroes of further levels? Or maybe just interesting adventures in other worlds, riddles and cunning devices? In any case, Horror-Quest of the Gate of Solituda will open for you not only the notorious gates, but also many opportunities

The quest will begin at the gate of the Solitude, where the gates of the Oblivion will erect and under the accompaniment of terrible lightning under the Red Sky will be abandoned by evil dam. Close the gates to save the digestive humanity.

Adventure quest for 35+ heroes (the authors clearly joked, better - much more)
- Plan of Oblivion with His famous bloody-fiery design - for research
- Quest with cunning riddles and different traps - break not only iron, but also your head.
- Haling enemies - Daedra, ghosts, etc., the strongest bosses in different terrible locations that you have to pour for passage
- awards, values \u200b\u200band weapons - by itself
- Several notes and books that shed light on what is happening. Including a luxurious recipe explaining how the gates were open.

Notes and Bugs:
- It is best to start until / after the quest "Battle for Solitude" to avoid any conflicts.
- It is better to approach solitude from the stables, that is, "from the street."
- Do not drag with yourself partners. Dizhively falling, teleports, traps and terrible battles them are not on the teeth!
- Follow everything you need. The alchemical table will get only once. The locations are scattered barrels with potions and supplies, but they may not be enough.
- Do not use codes! The mod is not designed for cheats. The quest line is directly based on the work of the triggers, so that TGM, TCL or KILL is completely contraindicated. If you are so difficult - roll back, the mod will pass at higher levels. It is better than getting stuck in another world.
- Make the basic conservation more often. And in general conservation. Special effects in many locations can cause bugs with textures display and so on, but this is a small trouble compared to possible departures. They are very few, but they happen.
- Try to carefully apply shouts so that the bosses do not fly from you to where you cannot explore them.
- Dundora sometimes start talking like Nordes. Fix of this disgrace - in optional patches, and if you do not use them, you have to listen so.
- If the sky is not blushing during the opening of the gate, your ENB is guilty.

- Patch that reduces the power of enemies. If you are not sure that you can go through hundreds of Daedras - patch for you.
- patch that increases the power of enemies. Love difficulties? Then you will be delighted.

Patch, terribly boosting the power of enemies, maniac mod.
Of course, you need to choose one patch and install it after the original, since patches require it. Do not forget about the download order.
- boot screens with images from fashion.

Improving game Dormar.