Full passage of Call Duty Black Ops. Call of Duty: Black Ops. Legendary series of games

ATTENTION: The article contains spoilers!

Difficulty - hardened.

Pyrrhic victory.
Province of Kunen, Kunen.
Alex Mason.

July 2, 1986.

We look at the entrance roller. The events of the game are unfolded both in the past and in the future. The CIA was attracted by Alex Mason to Operation on Salvation Frank Woodson in Angola. Before each task, we can choose equipment - from the main weapons to various additional equipment. It all begins with the fact that we do not have time to save the burning person. Savimby pulls us out and reports that it is time to move on. We move around the field, destroying tens of opponents. Periodically, we get orders - to deal with mortars or destroy machine gunners leading the overwhelming fire. Separate support from the air several times and launch the rocket on the enemy technique. Finally we force enemies to retreat. MPL has not yet been defeated to the end, but it's time for us to fly away to save Woods.

Speed \u200b\u200bto the barge and jump down the team of Hudson (the button forward "W"). We clean the deck, then open a wooden box and put on the spermnoe vest. From the side machine guns shoot the boats approaching us. If this is not done on time, the enemies will go to the board. Machine guns are at different levels, so shooting boats still when they are far away. Open the container and see the decomposing corpses. Among them, we discover Woods, noticeably exhausted and on the verge of madness. Quickly select Valkyria and destroy Mi-24. Girls in the other side where the plane flies. Shells managed, so there will be no problems.

I pull out Woods from under the water and taking to the shore. Divide into the jungle, it is impossible to find us. Therefore, we do everything exactly as Hudson says. We lie under the log, then the mesmer on the grass. We overcome from one secure area to another. Get to a small building, from where you pick up the trap. We run to radiation, penetrate inside and try to intimidate the young Menendez. But he was not out of simple and disabled a walkie-talkie. Enemies fled, shoot in Menendes and rushing to the river. Overlooking the cabins, and in small interruptions we can replenish the ammunition and restrain the enemies slightly. Savimby arrives at the rescue, thanks to which we successfully save.

Mountains Hcababo once, Myanmar.

April 20 2025.

Move into the future. Give the Harper signal, then press the move button to the left to dig a partner. Similarly, it will come with us, we will have to clamp two buttons to cling to sticky gloves. We meet with Salazar and Crosby. We go to the free flight together. Adjust the movement buttons your flight. Turns in advance in advance so as not to face cliffs. In front of the landing zone, we open the parachute.

Let's follow the enemies, they use a disguise, which makes it difficult to determine their location. A collimator is built into the rifle sight, which detects invisible opponents and even those who hide behind shelters. Also, the invisible enemies can be revealed using Emi grenades. Relieve forward to the temple, mainly on the left side. The weapons of enemies are very dangerous, so actively use shelters. Quickly destroy the helicopter being prepared to take off. We are separated by the door of the temple and penetrate inside. Go down to the research center. There are small robots with built-in machine guns. They are separated in the first place. For the rooms we get to the lift and go down to the lower laboratory. Follow the partners, clearing the room. We open the locker, where to remove the robot. Then open the drawer and pull out Eric. It is not time to interrogate it, first undressed with the arrived enemies. The robot will help us in this. Next, we get a kerity disk and break through to the evacuation group.

Old wounds.
Province Host, Afghanistan.
Alex Mason.
CIA Division of special operations.
September 5, 1986.

We arrive in the desert in order to find out about the links of Menendes with the Soviets. We meet Zhao, harbor the horse and follow him. We arrive at the Mujahideen camp, who need help to reflect the attack of Russians. In return, we get information you are interested in.

First of all, we will go to the West and clean the ruins from the enemies. At horse, we are quite vulnerable, so you quickly get to the specified place. Climb upstairs, select Stinger and destroy BTR'y. It is advisable not to throw out this weapon, since now we need to get to the northern gate and keep the onslaught arriving to the camp technique: from BTR'ov to tanks. Stinger has several aiming modes, additional suitable against airplanes.

The enemies occupied the weapon warehouse in the East, we will go there and clean it. Then return to the base and seek to meet the largest representative of the Russians. Horse dies, so we are released from his body with holding two buttons at once. Throwing a hatch from RPG to the hatch tank, it's time to jump out ... Kravchenko. At the interrogation, he admits that the CRA is "Mole". All this time, we must resist quickly by pressing the corresponding button. Woods kills Kravchenko and the Mujahideen pounce on us. They leave to die in the midst of the desert.

Base spectrum.
Himachal Pradesh, Northern India.
Shock group of oxo.
May 21 2025.

For a start, we will pass learning. We follow the instructions specified on the screen for which we learn to manage the detachments, as well as technique. Go to the strategic regime and distribute troops on the territory.

Within ten minutes, we must hold the plant. We give three external points - A, B, C. From the strategic regime we send to each of them by one type of troops. The main d zone will open after the previous points will be captured by enemies. Being inside is much easier to keep defense. We play for any of the soldiers and from the top floor shooting penetrating opponents. It can be both soldiers and flying drones. We also do not forget to constantly lead to us new soldiers, alone we can hardly handle it.

By completing this task, we can take on the following from the "Shock Group" series. These mission are optional for execution, and are only additional.

Time and fate.
Vasa King, Nicaragua.
Alex Mason.
CIA Division of special operations.
September 25, 1986.

From afar, we see Menendes. Office goes to it. Chinese soldiers are broken into the room, grab us and sister Josephine. Menendes as if from the chain fell out: a sharp jerk kills the offender sister. Waking up, the Chinese commander frees us, attack him, but do not have time to kill - the sister is more important. Under the action of rage and the desire to accomplish the self-seeing, destroying everyone on their path. The enemies often enter the near combat, so they are promptly separated with approaching us. We get to the mansion, enter inside and climb upstairs. Hudson is trying to stop us, and Woods throws a grenade into the room where Josephine was.

Fifteen minutes ago. Now let's look at the situation on the face of Mason. After watching the capture of Menendes, go down the slope to the river and clean the village of cartel. We move forward, destroying all encountered enemies. Machine gunners settled in the house, and on the roofs - snipers. They must be priority purposes. By killing everyone to one, we enter the mansion through the side door. Go down and clean the basements. Climb upstairs, trying to keep Woods from firing. He leans us and throws a grenade.

Fallen Angel.
Lahore, Pakistan.
David Mason // Call sign: sector.
Anti-terrorism group of oxo.
May 29, 2025.

Quickly with a robot and skip it forward. I do not climb on the Rogger, but we move, being behind the flaw. The streets flooded the flood, so it makes no sense to rely on Iron friends. Clean the road across the whole width. Then we will need to go left in the alley, quickly press the corresponding button to open the grille.

Drons appeared, to come across the eyes, which are not recommended. We do everything exactly on the instructions of Harper. We get to the sewer pipe and we separate with two on the upper positions. Penetrate inside, communicate with the admiral.

We use a hook to cling to the roof and climb up. Neutralizing the turned away fighters. Scan the territory by holding the zoom button. Menendes stands directly opposite us in a white suit. We recognize goals and listen to the conversation. When they hide in the building, we will go to the left and carefully proceed for the Harper. It is impossible to come across the fron spotlights, otherwise instant death. We jump down down, moving Clarice and continue to record the conversation. We rise under the boxes upstairs, near the helicopter we scan another personality. We continue the entry and get a second data package. I hide under the door arches and wait until the drones disappear. Jump down, separated with enemies.

We enter the station and conduct a video surveillance until the train appears. The third package of important data is recorded. We go down, sailing under water. When attempting to observe members, he detects us and shoots shooting. We swim on the other hand and hold the defense while in the garage. Switch between Claw-Ami and shoot enemies until you are destroyed.

We leave out and sit down in transport. Management periodically switches behind the drone, which we calculate the path for SUVs. Leaving AnTee and meet with the aged Zhao.

Colossus, Cayman Islands.
David Mason // Call sign: sector.
Anti-terrorism group of oxo.
June 12, 2025.

Penetrate the colossus and pass through the checkpoint. Anxiety worked on the next track, but she will not touch us. Show the certificate, pass to the elevator. We go down to the lowest floor, quickly dealt with the security. We put the suitcase on the table, from which I remove the robot bug. We send it to B. ventilation mines and manage it remote.

We move forward, jump over a small abyss. The wave cannon is out of construction. We continue to move, go around uneven surfaces. In the lattices we are looking for holes in the corners through which you can pass. We are moving along blue-red pipes, jumping through the abyss. Stun the opponent with a wave cannon and scan his retina. The sample is obtained, we can go into the server. We are racing mercenaries, then use the main computer. Downstairs shows what actions need to be performed. Rug the mouse and press the motion control button. We learn from the girl who we saw earlier when Harper came out on the intermediate floor and ran into her - it's karma.

We return back, just not to the elevator, and go further around the rooms. In the end, it will still be necessary to rise on elevators. We go to the club, on the dance floor I find karma and Harper. Defalko appears and begins to kill one girl demanding that Chloe (Karma) gives out itself. Karma breaks away from us and the definer dismisses its unknown direction. We move to the left and slowing down to destroy enemies. We are chosen in the trading rows, we kill even more mercenaries, pursue goals. Open big doors, go out. We continue to stubbornly run behind defalko, but they will not catch them.

Suffer like me.
Military base Fort Clayton, Panama.
Sergeant Frank Woods.
CIA Division of special operations.
December 19, 1989.

We meet with Mason, together we go to the backyard, where we communicate with Muskim about the upcoming operation. We return to the car, which the local youth managed to paint.

We jump from the boat, climb upstairs and throw a knife in the opponent. Putting into the building, climb upstairs. Go down and moving straight to the hotel. Penetrate the room where there is a false propeller. Hudson reports that the Strong "valuable product", so it needs to be delivered to the checkpoint.

We are growing with the enemies that beat civilians. We go to the building and chose to the street. We go along it, separated with opponents. Follow the roofs where garnettoles and machine gunners were set. Do not be ahead and not behind the partners, so as not to be under dense flaws. Storm the building and make your way to it. We discover the girl threw the wrecks. When trying to save it, an infrared enemy immediately attacks us. Situego escaped, pursue him, pass through the opponents. When they throw blindhead, we run away away, but do not come across the partners, otherwise we will not be able to snap up to the balcony. Get to the checkpoint, climb upstairs. From the sniper rifle, we produce a shot on the prisoner. Going down, we realize that not Menendes was killed at all, but Mason's best friend. Appeated Raoul, taped Woods his knees. Then it costs Hudson in the same way.

Achilles curtain.
Socotra Island, Yemen.
Farid // Agent CIA under cover.
Entered the environment of Mendes.
June 19 2025.

Menendes plans to attack at once several megacities of the two countries. Thus, he will destroy two superpowers at once - China and America. Admiral sends us to Yemen, although we understand that this is a trap. Playing for Farid, come to Menendes and go to the podium together. Then he will hide and say where we will meet. Break through the Citadel, preferably on the flanking parties. Since from there we will be able to catch the surprise of numerous opponents. Reaching to the location, Mendendes brings the transport where Harper was. We make a choice who kill - it will be Raul Menendes. Unfortunately, he blocks our hand and shoots us.

Achilles curtain (continued).
Socotra Island, Yemen.
David Mason // Call sign: sector.
Anti-terrorism group of oxo.
June 19 2025.

Slightly shoot in enemies and, landing, we will assign to Harper. Apparently Menendes spared him. Let's go through the alley. We use the flooring for drones so that they cleanse the way. Walking in the center is unsafe, so we move through the buildings on the left. Outstanding Menendes and make capture.

Ship Barack Obama, Mexican bay.
David Mason // Call sign: sector.
Anti-terrorism group of oxo.
June 19 2025.

We pass into the interrogate room, as Menendes wants us to personally talk to him. Meanwhile, unknown forces are approaching aircraft carrier. It cost us to turn away how immediately Menendes grabbed Salazara. Throw weapons, we put your handcuffs and turn out to be stunned. Waking up, we leave the room and replenish the arsenal by any affordable equipment. Open the door and go out into the corridor. We destroy many enemies, also primarily separated with turret-sipped on the ceiling. We rose to the upper deck, get to the captain's bridge. We try to restore control over the system, but the attempt is vain. Go down to the lower decks, then rising again. Get to the system of video situations. Briggs in danger, as she wants to restart the system.

Playing Menendes, climb upstairs and capture the general. Salazar turned out to be a traitor. He kills two soldiers, and asks us to spare Briggs and just shoot him in his leg. But we, nevertheless, kill Briggs a shot with a head and then drive a kerity chip in which the virus, to the main system.

We play for Meyson. On the ventilation system we will fall into the server. Let's go down to the hangar where Salazara grabbed and hold. Harper without delay kills a traitor. Ride on the platform, go upstairs. Break through the rescue shuttle. There are quite a lot of enemies here, carefully follow the wreckage of aircraft - pomegranaters are located on their roofs.

Cordis di.
Los Angeles, USA.
David Mason // Call sign: sector.
Anti-terrorism group of oxo.
June 19 2025.

It is necessary to accompany the president to a safe place, as it is a priority goal for Menendes. The helicopter in which we were, including the president, bother. Successfully digging and continue to move on the armored personnel carrier. However, the armored personnel carrier turns out to be under fire. Jerk k an anti-aircraft gun. We can spin on all three hundred sixty degrees. Numerous drones are marked in the Red Framework, we will only have pressure on the shot button. We have a choice, go down or cover, being at the top position. In the first case, we will slowly go to transport; In the second - to shoot the upcoming enemies from the sniper rifle, whose scope gives even those enemies who have hidden behind the shelter. Let's go down and catch up with allies.

In transport, make your way forward. Avoid blocked road sections. As a result, we are confronted by a huge wagon. After waking up, we are chosen from the armored personnel carrier and the first thing I grab RPG. We move forward, destroying enemies. Priority goals - Claws. We get to the allies, help them beaten from grenadeometers at the heights and remaining mercenaries. Soon the territory will enhance the smoke, watch the movie.

We run to Andersen, she is still alive. Sit down to FA-38 fighter. Accompany the president from the air. We destroy all and everything, then switch to the real fighter mode. We catch up with fast drones and separated with them. When we are like, they catapult, and on Earth, Harper meets us.

Judgment Day.
West Coast Haiti.
David Mason // Call sign: sector.
Anti-terrorism group of oxo.
June 19 2025.

The main command post, and at the same time Menendes, is located on the island of Haiti. Forced to take a jump, a little earlier than planned. Fly down, evading fragments of fighters and fiery flashes. Landing, immediately proceed to the fight with mercenaries. From a powerful sniper rifle, it is quite easy to destroy Claws and transports from which machine gunners are overwhelming. Get before military base, penetrate inside. We paint with everyone who gets up on the way. We fall into the command center where we view the appeal of Menendes.

Menendes deliberately destroyed all the drones, thereby hoping to weaken the troops of defense. Follow the Harper, shooting enemies. Paul under feet collapsed, Harper breaks down. I jump behind him, in slowdown we kill the progress, the right hand of Menendes, and then his own. We look at the final roller. After the titles, we have an interesting idea.

If you have problems with passing call games Of. Duty Black Ops.You can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. Call Of. Duty Ops. . In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Call Of Duty Ops. Read on our site.

Operation 40.

After the introductory video, we transfer to the Cuban bar, where they discuss the action plan with comrades. People run up, the shootout begins, armed with a rifle and go outside. To clear the way and quickly deal with enemies, we use a grenade launcher. Do not fall behind Woods, sit down in the car, on which we leave from the chase. Next, we will need to get into the mansion in which Castro is hidden. Our mission is the murder of this bearded Cuban.

Woods again, without raising noise, remove one of the guards. We skip the truck column, put on. Soon our quiet procession on the territory will end and will have to be pretty happy. We will have long and persistently cut the path to the personal rest of the Castro, destroying the dozens of his soldiers. Reaching the goal, in slow motion we make one sight shot. After that, we choose from the mansion, through the field and in the hangar. There are a plane for a machine gun and conduct continuous fire on the enemy. Slight later jump out of the plane and provide the cover with our comrades, and we ourselves are captured.


The mission begins with the fact that it is very impulse of the face of some kind of cutting, which, unexpected, turns out to be our close friend. The guard comes here and begins to beat our comrade. Taking advantage of the chance, grab the stone and from all the Duri, the guard by the head of the head. From this, our escape from Vorkuta begins. On the way we select a gun, shoot it. All that remains for us is to follow the scan and the rest of prisoners.

Soon we will get to the likeness of the slingshot, from which we will have to shoot three tower. Then we go down, replenish the ammunition in the weapon room. After the rubber breaks the welding machine, we run to the armored door. Here we only need to cover the comrade. When the door is converted, we take a handful minigan in your hands and pour enemies with lead rain. Shooting a bunch of people, prey to the garage, sit on a motorcycle. In the pursuit of the cutting sacrifice their lives to protect our skin.


Here, in essence, and nothing will have to do, only to listen to the dialogues. Go ahead.

Special task

We run behind Woods, silently straighten with two soldiers, thawing one of the bodies, we move. Moving further, we meet Brooks and Bowman - follow them in the building. We clean the rooms and halls, climb on the roof and continue to be pressed there. After we get a crossbow, we begin to undermine everything around. Then shoot the window of the building, where you hold the guy by name Viver, free it. We continue the path, we install explosives on rockets, underminate.

Soon we will fall into the underground room, where there will be a real slaughter with tons of corpses. We use all sorts of means to destroy the enemy, including a grenade launcher, grenades themselves and so on. Already soon we will see how four armored soldiers come out of smoke - we shoot and run there, where the enemies came from.


The beginning of the mission is solid turmoil, everything explodes and turns over, because our base is captured. We descend the stairs, hiding behind the shelter and shoot the enemies while Woods and the rest break forward. Next, we will need to run to the rest, run down the hill. We clean the bunker, jump into the trench, are preparing to the car, sit down. By destroying a couple of tanks and a dozen Vietnamese, we look at the following movie.


Armed with a shotgun, put forward to search for a defector, which is, as it turned out, rubber. On the streets we run to the evacuation zone, we destroy the zenith, keep the position until the turntables arrive. Sit down for a large-caliber machine gun, mercilessly shooting enemy. When the tank arrives, hiding for the barricades and expect the arrival of the boat.


This time, trying on the hudson skin. We will need to be chosen from Clark information. As the enemies will appear, hiding at the table, the room will be all in Gaza - we climb the stairs in order not to poison. Next, we run on the roofs, then fall down, grab the gun, shoot, sit down in the van.

Project "Nova"

Now we reincarnate in the rubber. It is necessary to clean the German database and find some Steiner. We follow Dragovich, we clean the first building, go to the ship, grab that Steiner itself, make it swaying on board the ship, we find Nova-6. Suddenly, the British will appear, who want to capture deadly weapons. Selecting from the chamber, we set the charge to FAu-2, shoot the luminous pipe, we are chosen through the hole to the surface. The countdown will begin - quickly melted from this ship.

Victor Charlie

In the broken helicopter we come to myself, killing a couple of Vietnamese, jump into the water. The cutters will help us to get out, then we will meet the group "whiskey". By installing explosives in the village, quietly and without noise move on, undermine. We are growing with pomegranaters that they hid on the roofs, we kill the rest, jump in the tunnels.

Place fall

Casting for the steering wheel of boats, we float along the river and pass the number of enemy forces along the river. Soon we will land on the shore, pass on the mouth of the river, get to the collapsed aircraft. Having waited for comrades, go further. After some time we will fall into the ambush and we will be in the paws of dragogic.


Taking under the management of Moose, we fly on the fighter, we describe the situation with a small detachment that is now on Earth. You just need to talk about the location of the enemy and moving in their area. Then the management move towards Hudson. We will wait until the patrol passes a little further, moving on. After leaving the radar station, we avoid the fate of the snow under tons of snow. Then we jump from the mountain range, we reveal the parachute, we land on the basis of the enemy, we produce stripping the area. In general, nothing complicated, just need to be met and promptly affect the goals.


Having enlisted support for Woods, freed from the captivity, running for Russian. There will be a fork in front, choose any of the paths. We kill the goal, we are chosen on the surface. We install the helicopter platform, sit down in the turntable, shoot the remaining enemies. Do not forget to leave missiles, which can seriously affect our helicopter. Sit down in the woods, then continue the path on your two to the next opponent base. Freeing the rubber and the rest, we get to Kravchenko.


We leave from the car, head towards the laboratories where Steiner is hidden. Armed with tomahawk, do not fall behind the rubber. Inside the building, we all cut out, find Steiner, observe the cat scene. After that, we are transferred twenty minutes ago and playing Hudson. Shot the opponents from the machine gun, we put on the mask and rapidly break into the shelter to avoid the attack of the helicopter. We are dealing with it with the help of a homing boom. Already quite soon we will get to Mason.


In this segment of the game we only need to go ahead. The cat scene will shed light on many riddles and oddities that we stumbled during passage.


We take the control of the helicopter, destroy the enemies on the deck, ensure the cover of the group. Soon we land on the helicopter platform, moving on, not forgetting to shoot in opponents. The arrived helicopter is knocked out of the rocket. We descend on the lower deck, we find the number of numbers, interrupt the transfer, kill dragogic. Passage completed.

It all started many years ago, during the Great War. Two German scientists decided that they could curb dark forces buried in the distant past. These people believed that their discovery would provide Germany victory, but they could not even assume what fruits would bring their research. On the front line, it was an ancient evil, and only three fighters could stop him. The fate of the allies depended on them.

Legendary series of games

Despite the fact that this is the ninth game series, the originality of the feed is preserved, the game is very high quality and developed in detail. You can read about the plot and the features of the gameplay on myGameCore.com, but I advise Call of Duty Black Ops 2 download on PC - it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

Tactics of passage

So that the onslaught of the crowd of undead did not turn out to be a fatal, a well-thought-out strategy, a well-coordinated team and honed skills. Here are some tips, which you can gain more points and, in general, to hold out longer. Work with a knife. Given that at first the enemy is quite weak, so the ammunition is inappropriate on it. When the zombies type force, make a few shots, and make a knife. It will bring more points than just murder. By the way, it's better to shoot - on the finish line is the only way win a victory.

Buses exist so that the characters have the opportunity to change the location to a quieter place, but it is also not worth using each bus. Examine the surroundings may be good weapons and ammunition, and the bus will definitely erupt again. In general, it is not worth a hurry in other cases. For example, a nuclear bonus is better to use when Zombies will gather more, and before restoring the cartridges, it is worth fully consumed by those that are. Useful tactics when finding a bonus, take it when he spoils. Just be late - disappear.

I'll finally finally. At the beginning of the games you can thoroughly earn at the repair of barricades. Let the zombies destroy them until it is possible to take care of both the repair and security - then the enemies will be so much that so risky actions will lead to an instant defeat. If the crowd managed to get too close, shooting on the legs and grenades, thrown into the group, slow down the impending danger. During this time, you can translate breathing, and examine the card. Just look for bonuses and weapons, keeping away from the crawling zombies.

So, hello simple people and users site. Today I bet you (what is visible by the name DOX) passage. And I will add a piece of plot into every mission so that you understand the game better (I take the plot from Wikipedia.ru materials).
Throughout the game, the main character is Alex Mason. Only in three missions is Jason Hudson, SR-71 pilot and Victor Rubn.



Minor characters

To begin with, part of the plot:

The main character of the game - Captain Alex Meysson, woke up in a room with a bunch of monitors, tied to the chair. Before him, a small window that opens the room where two people are located. Their persons are not visible, and their voices are distorted. Aleccia merry figures that also shown on monitors. Alex will ask questions about where he comes from, and he lies say that he is from the USSR. But they know everything about Alex: everything, except for the cause of the appearance of strange numbers. People are trying to achieve explanations from him and ask about General Nikita Dragovich. Mason begins the story from the very beginning ...

1) Operation 40

During our communication with the agent, the police broke into the cafe. With the help of a gun we kill the copper standing right in front of us. We pass through the streets, eliminating opponents. Arriving on machines supporting the enemy shooting from the bait. Following the partners, turn in the alley and sit down in the car.

Taking advantage of the cable, penetrate the complex. We follow the Woods and Bowman, carefully jumping in so that we are not noticed. Having met resistance, deal with the enemies. Finding Fidel Castro, in slowly mode, we are straightened with him and his girlfriend. Let's leave the complex through the main entrance. RPG lies right on the porch --- take it. Get to the airfield and quickly run to the plane. From the machine gun shoot soldiers. Noticing the barrier on the runway, we jump and head to the zenith. From it we shoot on trucks interfering with an airplane. We were neutralized and tied. It turns out we killed the doubles of Castro.

Cuba. 1961 year. Mason along with Woods and Bowman (this Trinity is the best friends). They are in Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro. They are in the bar, in which the blass Carlos explains the details of the upcoming operation, but unexpectedly in the bar the police are watched. Having broken through the police that surrounds them, they reach Castro and Mason kills him. After, they must leave the base on the enemy plane. Reaching the airport and navigation to the plane, the team discovers that the way to take off is blocked by fuel trucks. Mason jumps out of the plane, and clears the way to his friends by Zenitka, but he himself fell into the hands of the enemy, who stunned him. Alex woke up near some pier, where the huge ship "Rusalka", Fidel Castro, Generals Dragovich and Kravchenko. Killed Alex Castro - Double, and the real Castro with the words "This is my gift to you in the sign of new relations" gives Mason to the hands of the generals.

2) Vorkuta

Savor carved from the guards. We kill all your enemies by the knife. Climbing the elevator, after which we select a gun of the killed overseer. When the gate open, after the cuts shout "running!" - Moving right over the carbon trolley.
While our friends pushed her forward, we shoot enemies that appear then on the left, on the right. Blowing up the tower, penetrate the building, inspect the second floor. Ice in three buildings from a large crossbow and destroy them.
Go down to the first floor where we get a shotgun. Shoot on the castle on the gate. We start breaking forward until you get to the next building. Climbing the roof and quickly, picking up the harpoon, weigh into the helicopter on the right. Penetrate the next building.
Near our allies lies AK-47 with a bait grenade launcher. We go for the rubber. After finding cylinders with propane, we will go the elite enemy troops. We use a shotgun on them. We protect the carved while it reveals the arms door. We select a machine gun and go out to the street. We move on it, painting with opponents.

Then again the room and two people, and Alex tells the next that he was in Vorkuta. To escape from there, he was helped by the former captain of the Red Army Victor Rubnov, who was also concluded in Vorkuta. Alex helped the rubber to make a shoot plan, but only Mason ran away. The cutters did not have time for the train, which was supposed to send them away from this hello place.

3) Pentagon

We go to the meeting with the president of Kennedy.

Room. Alex reports that he was restored to the service, and invited to the Pentagon to President Kennedy. Mason took to the president his curator Jason Hudson. Mason, Hudson, Kennedy, and the US Prime Minister were in the refuge of the Pentagon, where Kennedy gave Alex, the task of killing General Dragovich. However, Mason meant that he brought the gun to Kennedy.

4) special task

Follow Woods.
Our second partner Weeve grabbed Russian. I liquidate two soldiers with a knife and take the form. I am also a corpte and moving on. Next to us join two more. Without breaking disguise, penetrate the cosmodrome.
We are waiting for the partners to destroy two near the door. We pass inside and, breaking through opponents, climb the roof. From there we cover your own, shooting around the enemies from the crossbar with discontinuous projectiles. Next, from the same crossbow, we shoot the window by releasing the rope, we descend on it and in slow motion we destroy opponents. We liberate Weriver.
For limited time, we must have time to reach the command center and stop the launch of the rocket. But in any case, we do not have time ... Therefore, you are withdrawn the "Soyuz-2" missile from the rocket, with controlled shells. Penetrate the tunnels and moving on them, we are painting with a large number of enemies.

Plot for 4 and 5 mission:
Again room with monitors. Alex says that he, Woods and Bowman, should penetrate the Baikonur, destroy the Soyuz-2 missile, as well as kill the generals Kravchenko and Dragovich. Help them to get, the US spy in the USSR Weaver. However, Weeve caught, and Kravchenko cut off his left eye. Soon the group finds Weriver and knock down the rocket, Soyuz-1 managed to take off. Then the room with monitors, where Alex says that he and Woods blew the limousine dragogic, but confirm that he did not die. After that - Vietnam.

5) Moroi

After the accident, help Hudson get to the bunker. We are moving around the trenches, eliminating opponents that appear in the most unexpected places.
Next, we protect bunkers. To destroy the tanks, we find rocketans. We go behind Woods and descend deep down. From the bait shelling the arrivals of the enemy's forces.
Go down, along the left edge and break through the trenches. Once in the burnt forest, we go on the left edge again.
Upstairs we dramatically lose consciousness, and come to ourselves, we see that Woods are trying to kill. We have to get ahead of the enemy at all costs, we have for a few seconds. We pass through another bunker.
At the exit, we sit in the car and patrol the terrain, destroying tanks, and kill in the breaksvietnamese from Grenomatoe.

6) Defector

We get SPAS-12 with discontinuous cartridges and go to search for a defector. Unfortunately, the opponents also have shotguns. The reunion was our friend.
Now our task is to get to the evacuation zone. We move through the streets at the right moment using aviation. Zenitka is destroyed by substituting explosives under it. We defend the position before the arrival of helicopters. Get up for a machine gun and shoot the enemy forces. When the tank appears, hiding behind the barricade, while the rescue boat does not light up on the horizon.

Plot for 6 and 7 mission:
In Vietnam, Mason and Woods must find the Soviet Delets. Having found him, Mason finds out that it is a rubber. However, there is no time for questions from Mason, since the enemy is everywhere. Leaving the city, again the room. Alex says that thanks to the rubber they learned about the British scientist who worked for the USSR. Hudson and Wiper are sent to catch and interrogate. Dr. Daniel Clark, said he worked on the chemical "Nova 6", which will kill a person in seconds. Clark agreed to cooperate if he was provided. Trying to evacuate, and running away from the enemies, Clark talks about the fact that Dragovich will soon launch gas in the United States. He even wanted to say that it was for the numbers, and from whom and for whom they, but was killed.

7) Numbers

Play Hudson, try Clark.
We smack the glass and stick to him in the mouth of the fragments (cruel, but necessary). Then we hit several times.
When opponents appear, shelted behind the tilted table and quickly climb up the stairs, poisonous gas called Nova-6 deathly for you. This and then we are moving on slippery roofs, discovering caches with weapons. Without keeping Clark, he falls, never have time to inform us important information. Jump down and fall through the roof of the tent. We select a gun right in front of us and eliminate enemies.
Sit down in the van.

8) Nova Project

We play the rubber, follow Petrenko.
Jump onto the truck. Dragovich and Kravchenka go to another way, and we need to clean the German database and find Steiner. Without finding it in a building, put forward to the ship. Now we can use smoke bombsTo marry goals for destruction.
Grabbing Steiner, we combine with dragoic. Together penetrate the ship and find the weapons of the Germans "Nova-6" --- the most poisonous gas, which was in the seventh mission. Dragovic wished to experience him on our people. Petrenko dies in the next chamber.
British attack the ship, who also want to have this super retention with themselves. Selecting from the chamber, we move forward and install the charge for Fow-2. Shot along a highlighted tube and through the path formed we go to the surface.
Let's leave the ship for limited time.

Room. Alex continues the story, and tells that he told the cuts. After the Second World War, the rubber under the commodity of General Dragovic is sent to the Arctic to capture the German scientist. Together with the rubber, his best friend Dmitry Petrenko (Soviet company protagonist in Call of Duty: World At War). Capturing a scientist named Steiner, Dragovich as if talking to a friend leads to a conversation with Steiner. Then he takes them to the ship, where Nova 6 is stored. Inside there are cylinders with this gas. Dragovich, wanting to see the action of the gas, orders to put in the rooms of the people of the rubnow, and release the gas. They were planted in two rooms, in one Petrenko, in another rubber. Petrenko and all the people who were with him in the room died, the zwnow queue. But suddenly the Russians attack British special forces, with the desire to get "Novu 6" into their hands. Grenadenet's shell knocks out the door of the camera and cutters, and the survivors in his chamber escape, killing everyone in their path, Russians and the British, mining the ship and undermine him, so that the cutters put it, "" No one got this hellish weapons. " However, he could not leave, and they were caught and referred to Vorkuta.

9) Viktor Charlie

Waking up in the broken helicopter, inspect the pilots.
I liquidate two enemies and dive under the water. Clean the rubber helps. I donate near the boat and, using the enemy, shoot the rest on the shore.
We go behind Woods until we meet with the group "whiskey". Discussed a further action plan, install explosives in the village. Moving silently, not attracting attention. Chifsticking explosives, begin to break forward. On the roofs are pomegranaters, we are dealing with them first.
We get to the shore, we select a rocket and shoot in SPP. We go on, (!!! Save the rockettrum with you !!!) .--- It will be needed to destroy the machine-gun nest. Jump down in tunnels. Move the safer than just aiming so that with a sharp appearance of the enemy, it was possible to instantly kill it.

Plot 9 and 10 mission:

Again a dark room. Alex again tells about Vietnam. Alex, Woods and Bowman, Plus, helping the rubber to them should find the Soviet broken plane, which would see for Nova 6. Having reached the aircraft, friends understand that there is nothing there, and at the same time they are captured to Dragovich.

10) Fall Place

Sit down on the boat behind the steering wheel.
Moving along the river, eliminating the numerous enemy troops. We have a machine gun and rocket installation.
Looking around, we begin to break through the mouth of the river. On the trees snipers, it is possible to distinguish them by sparkling the light, after a shot of a rifle. We get to the crashing plane and go along the wing, carefully balancing, so as not to fall. Then jump down and wait for the partners near the box with a dangerous substance "Nova-6". We go further and watch what happens at the bottom. Near lying sniper rifleWe select it and kill opponents from below. Next, the aircraft is again fired from helicopters.
We fall down and get into the hands of dragogia.

11) OMP

Playing Moousley. Driving a fighter, take off by pressing the corresponding buttons.
We are at our disposal a small detachment that we will control from the air with the help of a repeater. We are waiting until the car feeds, and indicate the path to the first goal. Next, we place a detachment in the shelter in the north. Having understood with curious opponents, pointing the path to the next place. Since there is a patrol nearby, you first bring the repeater on them and only then where we want to move. During movement to the barracks, a patrol will appear. Right and wait and wait until it goes. We clean the barracks and set the charge on the panels, thereby disabling the connection. We move on to the north.

Playing Hudson. We are waiting until the patrol passes. Follow the partners and repeat their actions. Go down on the ropes and in slowing the enemy's enemy. Penetrate the station: This can be done both in a hidden and aggressive method. Inside also eliminate opponents. Then we are delayed radar. Leaving the station until the avalanche covered us. We jump from the mountains, reveal the parachute and land right near the base of the enemies. It's time to have time to have time. We use bursting arrows and deal with soldiers from afar. We also destroy the approaching trucks with the reinforcement of Russians. Next do not pass, because a machine gunner fell in the building. Turn to the left and go through the house. We get to the base "Nova 6" and leave it. At the output, we meet serious resistance. We again use bursting arrows. On the street kill the machine gunner and capture vehicle. Let's leave Yamantau.

Scene 11 and 12 mission:
Again room. Alex told how Hudson and Weaver with the help of support from the SR-71 BlackBird aircraft could capture an enemy station, and as Steiner proposed to cooperate, as he was afraid that Dragovic would kill him. He told that he was hiding on the island of Renaissance. Also marked places in the United States, where charges are hidden from "New 6", and from the words of Steiner, it becomes clear that they must activate the "sleeping" agents of dragogic. Then he told how he and Woods escaped from captivity. Bowman was killed in captivity, when he did not want to play Russian roulette. Woods and Mason liberated the captives and went for Kravchenko. As a result, Alex, Woods and Rubber remained alive. Kravchenko beat Woods, and then he wanted to shoot Alex, Kravchenko looked at Alex and said with the surprise "You're from Vorkuta," and then Woods jumped at Kravchenko and hooked him a knife in the back. Kravchenko with the words "you will die with me" pulls out all the grenade check. Woods, not confused, along with Kravchenko jumps out the window. Died Woods or not, but before the end of the game about him is unknown. The explosion occurred almost after they jumped, but the chances of Woods are saved, the same as they die, equal (and if in the main menu to run away from the chair, and then approach the computer behind the back of the chair and enter in it Cat Notex2.Txt then we We find out that Woods stayed alive). After that, the cuts appear, and says Alex that everything is fine with him.

12) revenge

Together with Woods, we wonderfully dismissed the captivity. Pursuing running Russian.
In the tunnels two ways: upper and lower. Go along the bottom, there is a lot of weapons. We take AK-47 with a grenade launcher. Kill Russian and chosen on the surface.
The helicopter platform is shelling from a grenade launcher. By destroying everyone, sit down in the helicopter. First shelling small camps. Then destroy the Kravchenko complex. In moving, it is difficult to get enough hard, but it is also necessary to dilute. Our helicopter is strong and machine-gun attacks tolerates easily. But from rockets you need to constantly vive on the sides, in order to avoid dangerous consequences. The closer we approach the goal, the easier it is to destroy it. Sit down in the forests, we select a weapon if the cartridges ended. We are moving inside the base of the enemy, destroying encountered enemies. We liberate prisoners, including carved. Get to Kravchenko. Woods saves us from the faithful death, sacrificing.

Scene 11 and 12 mission:
Room. A man says Mason is the only one who survived after the slaughterhouse, and that there was no znowing there, Mason denies everything. Then Mason says how he and the cutters killed Steiner, and also the words of Steiner "Are you from Vorkuta? I recognized you. You still do not know anything, "despite the fact that the CIA is needed. Alex says that Steiner killed the rings with the words "I am Victor Rubber, and I'll see," but a person says Steiner killed Alex and this confirms Jason Hudson, who, together with Wuer and the US forces, went to capture Steiner, and Alex Killing said Also, as, according to his story, rubber. After that, a person says that the numbers actually are there, and to know where to find out where the place is needed that Alex told everything. Alex says that the numbers drive him crazy, and he does not remember anything else. After two people in the window begin to argue, one of them says that it needs to be released. Then from the room comes out Hudson, and Waiter screams to him, "Do you want to die with him? You are welcome!" Waiter and Hudson were those people who were all the time behind the glass in the interrogation room. The interrogation was conducted by Weaver. Hudson comes up to Alex and frees it. Alex stuns Hudson, and runs away from the room. He is walking, the numbers do not give him peace. Then he passes by some operating room and recalls.

13) Revival

Our goal is to penetrate the laboratory and find Steiner.
We are chosen from the car, by eliminating the guard and take the toporist. We follow the rubber, not attracting attention. Quickly destroy one more and take the weapon. We are waiting until the helicopter flies, and we climb upstairs. From the roof penetrate the laboratory. We endure all the soldiers falling on the way. Reaching Steiner, we look at how the cutters beat it and then directs a gun on it.

20 minutes before. We play Hudson. Showing the machine gun and grenade launcher. Next, the helicopter will attack us. We put on a protective mask and move along the streets, from shelter to shelter. We destroy the helicopters using a self-watering boom. Penetrate the laboratory through the main entrance. We find Steiner and Mason.

Steiner lists in Alex what should force him to obey dragogia. But Steiner says that he resists, and nothing will come with him. Dragovich orders to return it to the camera. After these memories, Alex goes on, to the corridor, again some memories, and Hudson's blow to the face. After that, Hudson tells him that the bursts were killed in Vorkuta when shooting, that all this time there was no zagna, and that the brains were not dragoic with Steiner, and the cutters, which from hate to Dragovich (for the death of Dmitry) "comes" Alex on the fact that he should not serve as dragoge and Steiner, but kill them, and the fact that he was sent to kill Kennedy, but somehow coped with it.

14) Revelation

We free from the chair and go on corridors, learning new details about the mysterious numbers.

The plot (continued of 13 mission):
He further says that somewhere there is a number of numbers, and when the report, "Sleeping" Agents of Dragovich will activate charges from "New 6". Gradually, the flow of numbers that are constantly heard by Alex are transformed into a speech of dragogic, in which he transfers that all instructions come from "mermaid". Alex began to remember and remembered the day when he was caught in Cuba, when Castro handed him as a gift Dragovich, and he also remembered that the moored ship was standing behind the spins of the speakers, whose name is "mermaid". He says Hudson that the ship is located in Cuba and Hudson, Werouver and Mason are sent to stripping and cancel the report.

15) Atonement

Driving a helicopter, clean the deck of the ship "Mermaid". Accompany the group protecting it from emerging enemies. When you see an enemy helicopter, keep it away from it. It will not be able to destroy it, he will like us. We land at the helipad. We move forward, bringing all enemies. Know the helicopters from the rocketing rockets. Go down to the lower decks. Finding the number of numbers, get to it. We stop the transfer of data and eliminate dragogia.


After stripping the ship, Alex convince Hudson to go with him to the line of numbers and kill dragogic. The station began collapsing, after Alex and Hudson "cleared" the way. They got to the report, Alex had already wanted to destroy the launching device, but suddenly an explosion occurred, and Mason was thrown back. Dragovich then appears, and he with the words "you would be my best agent, and everything would have ended in another," I wanted to shoot Mason, but Hudson did not give him to do it, while himself fell under bullets. Alex swings dragogic and accepted him to choke. During the fight Alex and Dragovich, there is a dialogue: - Mason: You tried to make me kill my president! - Dragovich: Tried? ... (I wanted to say that he did it) The Dead body dragogic was completely divened under the water, and Alex and Hudson successfully left the station. And above the water, the US military forces were already, and Alex and Hudson climb on a boat in which Waiter awaits them.

Plot (Epilogue):
This game still does not end. A video appears on which a woman says the very numbers from which Alex went crazy. Then the plane from which John Kennedy with his wife comes under the applause (it seems that it is from the day of the murder of Kennedy), and in the clapping crowd you can see a person who is just worth it, even his face and blurred, but it seems that this is Alex Mason.

You have passed the game. I put you.

Easter and other funny games jokes

  • In Game Call of Duty: Black Ops. There are Easter eggs, one of them: While in the main game menu, you can understand that the player is sitting, chained to the chair. If you get free yourself (for this you need to look at my feet using the right joystick, and then as quickly as possible, alternately press R2 / L2 on the console PlayStation 3. and lt / rt on console Xbox 360., or hold the "Space" key in the PC version) and get out of the chair, you can come up with a computer (it is immediately behind the chair on which the player was sitting). The computer can be turned on. When the keyboard appears, you need to enter Doa.that will open an additional mode called Dead Ops Mode.which is available when choosing a zombie control mode. The mode is a shooter in which you can play both one and together - players move from the bottom up, in this mode you can also earn several trophies. Second easter egg - Text adventure game Zork. To activate this mode on the same computer you need to enter the word on the keyboard Zork.
  • On the map Nuketown. There is a small secret: if within a certain time from the beginning of the game, knock off all the heads with mannequins on the map, then from the loudspeakers installed on the level of the level, start playing the track Sympathy for the Devil band The Rolling Stones. Also on this map you can see a special model Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Jeep Wrangler..
  • In the Mission "Vorkuta" on the task you need to use a manual version of M134 Minigun, although its weight without ampaid is 20 kg, and with ammunition - all 40. It remains only to guess how strong the protagonist was, who shot him from his hands.
  • One of the tests of the new part of the franchise is the use of only pair weapons when passing the "Number" mission in Kowulun. So why would not take advantage of the "thunder gun"?

    To obtain it, you need to listen to several films scattered along Cowloon's corridors. But, I am sure that such an explanation does not particularly facilitate your search. That is why we suggest to look at the video guide, published by IGN and fully dedicated to this unusual cannon.

    YouTube link:

You will find yourself in the bar and immediately attack cops. Get weapons and start politic for them. Be sure to shoot that corop that will be opposite you. Then you will have M16 in your hands with a bait. Rejoice, because this gun is very good. Select outward, passing along the cops, and move forward. On your way there will be machines that can be undermined using a grenade launcher. Moving down the street, do not forget to hide in shelters so that enemy bullets fly past you. When you see Woods, run behind him. Thus, you will find yourself on the Alley, where the car is worth it. In the further passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops You need to climb into this vehicle and leave it from here.

Your main task is now to kill Castro, which is now in your mansion. Continue to go behind Woods so that he does not notice you. When you find yourself in a small booth, then try to shoot a security guard without too much noise and advance more. Going to the road, be careful because the freight cars will soon go, which you need to skip and continue to move. When you see a parked truck, pass to him, just be careful because the enemies that need to be finished near it. After massacre over the opponents, go to the building and spend their stripping. As soon as you find yourself in the room where Castro hid, go to the door and embroider her. Go through the room inside and kill the scoundrel with a gun. Then you can continue to pass this task in Call of Duty: Black Ops and get out of here to the street. Once on the field, start running to the hangar. Purchase into it and find the workplane. After you climb into it, immediately stand up for the machine gun and shoot enemies. But then you also need to cover your comrades. Therefore, choose from the plane and hurry them to help. Deliver to large-caliber weapons and shoot the cargo cars. After the enemies are destroyed, your allies will fly away. And you will be in captivity.


You will go serving a punishment to the camp, which is located in Vorkuta. But immediately, everything will begin with the fact that you have to fight with a rubber, which will be the only friend here. Suddenly the guard burst into the chamber and starts to beat the rubber. Do not miss the moment and grab the stone lying nearby to kill the guard with it. Then grab the knife and pass very quickly for the rubber. So, begin to escape from this prison. There are still a few guards who need to kill and pick up a gun from one of them. After that, continue running over the rubber, while shooting opponents.

Then in the passing of duty: Black Ops You will meet Sergey, which will also be on your side. Moving along with it further until we drink to the door of the weapon room. Go through it and pick up the stairs upstairs. Once on the roof, pick a big slingshot and start to fill in three tower. After that, you can descend and choose the necessary ammunition in the weapon room. Then pass further for the rubber. It turns out that he needs to find welding. As soon as you find it, move it right away to a huge armored door. Now you need to try to cover the comrade from opponents while it will open the door with the welding. I advise you to get a weapon and aim to get out of the stairs and turn leading to the corridor. As soon as the cuts open the door, you will need to be armed with miniga, which you will see when you go out. Now it will be hot, many opponents attack you with a comrade. Try to finish everyone with the help of the miniga found. Then go to the next and disappear with everyone who wants to attack you. Clearing the territory, pass further, examining on the sides. Ultimately, in the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will find yourself in the garage in which there are motorcycles. Quickly sit behind the steering wheel and lift. Remember that you are armed with a shotgun, and apply it to fighters who will have resistance to you. By eliminating all mercenaries who pursued you on trucks and motorcycles, you will find yourself on freedom. Reaching the train, your comrade cuts will not go to the car and rush to enemy bullets to save you. Then you view a small cat-scene called "Pentagon".

Special task

Now you will meet Woods, followed by a quick step to go. There are two opponents ahead, which need to be silently eliminated, and then hide their bodies and move further. Soon you will meet the accomplices of Bowman and Brooks, who are also busy executing Russian mercenaries. As soon as the soldiers stop breathing, you can all go to the building together. There, too, you will have to clean the floors from the soldiers and climb on the roof. Be careful, because the mercenaries will also go on it, who will resist you.

Crashing with the enemies, go to Woods and take the crossbow to which the explosive is attached and start with it to undermine the enemy transport and mercenaries. Once all incorrect stop breathing, continue the passing of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops. Now you will need to be aiming at the window at home, because it is there that are held in captivity of the valee. As soon as they shoot there, the rope immediately drops, go to her and go down to the room with a prisoner. Liquid the mercenary holding the Valera Fly. Then you can find Woods and move with him further, along the way, shooting enemies and hiding from them.

I advise you to set C4 on the rocket and undermine them. Also when you see the Walkira rocket, do not forget to grab them with you, because with its help you can undermine all other rockets. You need to take the bottom of the weapon on the flour, and not the side, because it will be more effective. Now it will be very hot, so you quickly need to keep your feet in the dungeon, crowded with mercenaries. Get ready for a serious fight and to what you may die here more than once. It is worth noting that in the middle of this underground tunnel there will be a checkpoint, so rob in garnet and AK47 to easily destroy fighters. Also at the very end you will see another checkpoint, after the passage of which new enemies will not interfere with you. Then continue the passing of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops and move on the tunnel until you see enemies dealt with gas mask. They will come out of that room, from where pairs are called. Shoot them and go to that room.


Immediately need to say that this mission is not very interesting, it can be called boring. From the very beginning, enjoy the song that accompanies the landing of Woods from the turntable. Get ready for the fact that the jeep will now fall aside and immediately opponents will attack the base. Quickly destroy them and choose the steps on the mountain, which is captured by soldiers. Now in the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops Merpets together with Woods will begin an offensive on the enemy, but you do not need to run with them, because it is risky for your life. It is better to go for a tree partition and from there to shoot mercenaries. Then, quickly move to Woods and Hudson, with which you need to go down from the mountain, then I have a liquidation of soldiers. You will also see the bunker in which you should certainly go and clean it from the unclean. After the enemies are destroyed, pick up the cartridges and start running until you see the trench. Approaching it closely, jump out and destroy enemies from there. Perhaps you do not work the first time to jump into the trench, but you do not need to despair, try simply jump there without diving in the air. When there is no resistance around, select from the trench and pass to the transport. When climbing into the car, go on the location and use the tanks and soldiers who are still breathing with the help of a grenade launcher.


Now you will be given a shotgun, charged bursting bullets. In the further passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Opss your main goal will find the defector. It is worth noting that now the soldiers are armed with shotguns, so you need to be extremely careful. I advise you to shoot them at a distance. Then it turns out that the rank is the sheds. Hurry up to the evacuation zone. Go outside and move on it. You will cover allies, but you do not need to forget that now it is worth underminating the zenith, and then try to keep the position until reinforcement from the air will arrive. Deliver to the machine gun and send enemies to that light with it. As soon as the tank appears on the horizon, immediately run on the barricades and wait for the arrival of the boat.


Now you will be in the role of Hudson. The main task when passing this mission in the game Call of Duty: Black Ops will be found and subjected to Clark torture. You can torture it with the help of fragments, and then also begin to beat it. As soon as the soldiers appear, immediately hide at the table to shoot them from there. Then you can dig up on the top of the steps. Only I advise you to do it very quickly, because risks to poison gas. Once on the roof, you turn on another and so until you see the tent below. Jump on it. It is worth noting that it will not keep you and you fall into it. Drain on the sides and take to the hands of an overheet pistol, which flows nearby. With it, shoot opponents and run to the van. As soon as you find yourself near him, you can climb inside.

Project "Nova"

Now you will play the role of a rubber. So you should go for dragoic. Now you will need to deal with opponents who captured the German base, and then find some Shatteiner. Once in the house, eliminate opponents and inspect everything. But it turns out that Steiner is not here, so push the ship. It is worth noting that after Steiner is captured by you, you need to penetrate the ship together with dragoic to find "Nova-6". Once on board, the British will soon appear, who also sailed here to get this weapon. Win them and run forward. On the way, you should lay the charge and find the luminous pipe that you need to shoot. Thus, a LAZ will appear through which you can get out. In the further passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops You need to try your legs from the ship as soon as possible, because it will soon go to the bottom.

Victor Charlie

You will open your eyes on a helicopter who crashed. Quickly get away from it and shoot two opponents, and then dive. Now the rubber will help you. Then there will be a meeting with a group "Whiskey", after which you need to go into the village and lay the explosions. After the proceeded, try to move imperceptibly beyond its limits and undermine everything. Then raise to the shelter and remove the pomegranometer from the roofs, because they can finish you. Crashing with them, jump out and make your way into the tunnels. When you move on them, get weapons and keep it on a platoon to immediately finish off opponents that may appear at the most inopportune moment

Place fall

Now you will see a boat, go to him and sit behind the steering wheel. Continue Call of Duty: Black Ops You will be twisted by a river, along the way, shooting soldiers. Once on the shore, try safely and preservation to get to the mouth of the river. I advise you to observe the snipers that can be detected by the glow. As soon as you kill them, go to the place of falling the aircraft and wait for your allies there. Having waited for them, moving along together. It is worth noting that at the very end the plane will be shot by opponents and you will become a prisoner dragogic.


At the very beginning, you will have to visit Museli skins, which manages the plane. Try to stick to the instructions and keep the small detachment under control. There is nothing complicated in this, just follow everything that is written.

Then you will follow the role of Hudson. So wait a little while the soldiers from the patrol will be afraid of you. And then join the allies and along with them pass forward, copying all their movements. As soon as hear the sound of an approaching avalanche, quickly carry out legs from the radar station. Then in the passing game Call of Duty: Black Ops you will need to get into the mountains and find parachute there. Come to him and try to uncover to fall around the base, which is under the control of opponents. As soon as you destroy all the enemies, pacing on it, make your way further to undermine the cargo transport in which reinforcement arrives. Be careful because when leaving this base, you will be attacked by opponents armed to teeth. I advise you to deal with them as soon as possible and move on.


Now you need a couple with Woods to escape from captivity. Freed, try not to let out of the type of a soldier who tries to escape. It is worth noting that in the tunnels there will be two ways: upper and lower. I advise you to move along the bottom. So, climbing there, find the AK-47 with a bait grenade launcher and treat yourself. With it, remove the mercenary and choose out. Now continue the passing of Call of Duty: Black Ops and move to the helipad. Approaching, get a grenade launcher and, with it, shoot opponents who attack you. When the territory is cleared, you can climb into the turntable and shelling the attacking enemies from it. I advise you to beware of missiles, because they can cause special harm to you. By killing everyone in this location, start the motor and fly towards the forest. Reaching to the place, land and go to the next. Once in the lair of the enemy, read the territory and find the rubnow. As soon as you find him, free and do not forget about the rest of the prisoners. Then, along with everyone, pass to Kravchenko, passing off the attack of soldiers.


Now your goal is a laboratory. It needs to get into it and find Steiner. So leave the car and finish off the guard, from the body of which you can pick up tomahawk. Then continue the passing of the Call of Duty: Black Ops and pass for the rubber. It is worth noting that you can climb this laboratory through the roof. Update inside, disappear with opponents and go to Steiner. Reaching to him, browse the video.
Then you will play for Hudson. It is worth noting that all events will occur twenty minutes until Mason with a rubber has come down. Remove the machine and disappear with the soldiers who attacked you. Then you are attacked by a helicopter from the air. So put on the protective mask and quickly move into a safe place to shoot the helicopter from there. Then pick up the laboratory and find Mason and Steiner there. Then you can rest a little and watch the cat-scene called "Revelations".