Shooting guide world of warships. Shooting and armor penetration. Does World of Warships have anti-aircraft guns?

World of Warships is a popular arcade naval battle simulator, and in order to achieve high results in this game, you need to know how to shoot correctly.

WoWs - continues to be one of the most entertaining games about sea battles. Developers periodically delight gamers with new and interesting content. All those who start are asked questions of this kind:

  1. how to shoot correctly;
  2. where to shoot World of Warships;
  3. how to aim correctly;
  4. how to take the lead;
  5. how to shoot on a battleship.

Let's try to give some advice on these issues. Check out the World of Warships Shooting Guide... It is important to know the vulnerable points of the ship, as well as how to destroy them. These tips will help not only beginners, but also experienced players. After all, it will never be superfluous to get acquainted with the experience of other gamers. By the way, if you like browser games, then we can advise you to play the next sea battles with.

Shooting training in World of Warships

There are three main ways to achieve a quick victory over another player:

Sinking the ship using artillery fire, aerial attack and torpedoes is quite obvious, but the best way to fire the artillery is at the citadel, where the most important compartments of the ship are located. Difficult to execute, and at the same time the most effective way is to destroy the engine room or artillery cellar. To implement it, you need the ability to aim shooting, because you have to break through the most armored part of the ship. This is a risky method, but this way you will be able to defeat rivals whose ships are much more powerful and stronger than yours.

BURN THEM ALL! - very effective method war, set up a fire on your opponent's ship using high-explosive shells or aerial bombs. A fire entails certain negative effects: a decrease in combat effectiveness, a slowdown, an increase in visibility for enemy vehicles. You can cope with a fire using repairmen, but they are not endless, and restoration takes a long time. So, high-explosive shells can pretty much fray the nerves of your opponent. When playing on a battleship, when the distance to the enemy ship is more than 10 km, use land mines against it.

Sink the ship! Damage to the hull below the waterline may result in the gradual sinking of the ship. The most effective projectile for this is torpedoes. Submersion will cause a loss in HP and deceleration of the ship, which will be a one-way ticket. Having limited the movement of the enemy, you can finally finish it off with your arsenal. To sink a ship with torpedoes, you need to consider factors such as speed and type of ship. If you notice that the enemy does not change direction for a long time, then you can safely use torpedoes.

If you are completely desperate and do not know what to do, then your choice is a ram. Use it only as a last resort, as in a collision, ships take colossal damage, and a direct hit at full speed is suicide. If you really learn shoot correctly at World of Warships, then it will hardly come to a ram. share your secrets on how to play warships in the comments.

Characteristics of high-explosive bombs WoWs
Type 99 N6 mod. 1damage up to 2600
Type 99 N25 mod. 1damage up to 2600
250 lb. AN-M57damage up to 5400
500 lb. AN-M64damage up to 7500
1000 lb. AN-M65damage up to 10800

Tips for Beginners on game World of Warships Blitz, shooting, aiming, action

Shooting Guide

Hello everyone, both beginners and experienced players! Today I will tell you about the basics of shooting and aiming in World of Warships, also this guide applies to World of Warships Blitz as well, but remember that the keys change. Well, I will not hesitate, let's go!

So, the game has several types of sight - arcade, which you see immediately along with your ship, and there is an artillery sight, which you enter after pressing the Shift key. At distances up to about 2 km, it is best to be in an arcade sight. See the picture below.

Of course, for almost all ships, firing with an artillery sight is considered the most effective. It can be used with the Shift key or zoom in with the mouse wheel. To start firing, you need to aim at the enemy, and then press the X button. Now a white circle will appear around the enemy, which indicates that the target is captured. After that, wherever you turn the camera, the guns and cannons will be aimed only at the enemy ship. Now let's get to the hardest part. You need to bring the sight vertically in such a way that the entire distance to the enemy corresponds to the possible range of your guns - this can be viewed by pressing Alt or in the characteristics of the ship. Don't forget about the projectile flight time. After finding out all the distances, it remains for you to make a lead if your target is now on the move. This is the most difficult thing in the game, because the choice of lead directly depends on your knowledge and understanding of the game as a whole.

1. Never shoot, as they call it, from the guardhouse. With a turn without checking the lead, you can shoot at close distances, by eye. Of course, the best way is to check. You can shoot one of the guns to see how the projectiles will fly. Well, then it's up to the little things.

2. When shooting at an enemy at long distances, do not be afraid to take a good lead. Projectiles for long distances, namely more than 9-10 km, can fly for about 10 seconds. Of course, the lead depends on the speed of the moving ship.

3. If you are firing AP rounds (AP), then it is better to expect the shells to hit roughly in the center of the ship. Usually the engine room or citadel (main center) is located there. It is in such places that the greatest damage is inflicted. Shooting high-explosive fragmentation projectiles (HE), the best goal there will be the upper parts of the ship - superstructures, turrets, etc.

4. To zoom in on the camera, you should roll the mouse wheel up, while lifting the camera up.

5. Of course, in certain cases the enemy may approach you at an angle, so that you only see his nose, etc. In such cases, it is better not to fire all the guns at once, but to try to guess the actions of the ship, and only after that take a lead and shoot.

6. In aiming mode and not only, look more often at the mini-map and the diagram of your ship, where the positions of all towers and other cannons are shown, also on the diagram you can see if all the cannons are ready to fire. The mini-map, by the way, is best enlarged in order to see all the islands, allies and enemies, better understanding the tactical location of all objects in the game. In addition, you can look around in arcade mode by holding down the right mouse button. Thus, the weapons will remain in the place when the key was pressed, and you can calmly look around.

7. Of course, the most common way to shoot at an enemy is to shoot at the side, because it becomes easier to aim, which increases the chance of hitting. Again, remember to aim at weak spots... There are times when you can sink a ship with one salvo from all the cannons.

8. If you calculated everything and chose the lead well, the shells will still not completely cover the enemy, because there is such a thing as horizontal and vertical spread. Accordingly, if the range is large, then the spread will be greater.

9. In addition to various cannons, from which you can destroy enemies, your ship is equipped with air defense and secondary battery. This is an air defense that works in automatic mode, but only if planes hit your radius. You cannot control the defense, but you can point them to one target in order to increase the effectiveness of shooting.

Torpedoes and their shooting

To shoot torpedoes well, you need to learn how to calculate a torpedo triangle, but fear not, this happens automatically in the game. By selecting torpedoes with a specific key, you can change the width of the torpedo spread by pressing the same key several times in a row. The aiming of torpedo shells is caused by the displacement of two sectors - the gray one, which shows the necessary lead, and the green one, which shows where your torpedoes are now directed. Just like aiming with turret cannons, you can lock onto the target. A white marker will appear again to indicate that the enemy has been captured. After that, you just have to aim at the gray sector and shoot, just keep in mind that torpedoes will not pass through the islands and stones ...

1. The details described above apply here - do not forget about the range and speed of the torpedo shells. However, remember that the higher the speed of the torpedo, the shorter its travel range. 2. Remember that torpedoes cannot be fired, again, from the guardhouse, and especially if there is an ally in front of you. For example, Japanese torpedoes can travel as much as 20 km, and at the same time crash into an ally. So be more calculating. You will have to get used to it for a long time until you learn it, it is difficult for beginners even to get on a ship 5 km from it. 3. For you to understand, the gray sector is calculated from your position on the map and the speed of the enemy. If the enemies at this time quickly change their trajectory, then the sector will quickly change. Thus, it is best to shoot by hand. 4. Do not forget that not all torpedoes can be fired at once, but with a delay. This method will make it difficult for the enemy to dodge, because each of the torpedoes will block movement. This article covers only the basics of combat. I hope this guide will help beginners figure it out faster.

How the “Refer a Friend” system works

Let's talk about the Invite a Friend promotion, which will take some time to understand. I will try to tell you so that you do not have any questions.

Be aware that you can invite even those people who have never played World of Warships, as well as those who have had more than 3 months since the last battle (respectively, game client). So:

2. On the top panel, you will find the Refer a Friend tab to click on.

3. Go to the page with the promotion.

Now click the Copy button, after which you need to select the appropriate social. the network through which you will send the invitation. For example, let's choose VKontakte, by the way, here you can also see how many friends have already accepted the invitation.

4. Now in a new window you can choose how to send out invitations. For example, you can send all your friends and subscribers, or just a personal message, as in the picture.

Select the person you need from the entire list.

Now send your message.

Thus, your actions are over, you just have to wait for your friend to open the message.

After that, he needs to go to your sent link, and in a new window, log in and himself, by the way, if he is not registered, then he will be able to create an account and the action will work. Now you just need to click the Accept invitation button.

But there is a condition. A friend needs to play at least one battle on a Tier 6 vehicle, and only after that you will receive a reward.

That's all, but finally, some small secrets.

P.S. Be aware that the Big Set of Treasures can only be obtained 3 times. For example, if your invitation was accepted by 5 people who played a battle on a level 6 vehicle, then you will still be credited with only 3 Large Treasure Sets.


By clicking on the Invite a friend tab and generating a link for the invitation, after sending it to your friend, and after accepting this application, you will receive a special Veteran status. However, the status will be lost if your friend has not played a single battle within 3 months.

I will describe the situation with the bug, but keep in mind that it could be fixed, depending on when you read this.

If at this stage the problem is not resolved, and you, the players, have it, then just write to the manager on the official forum.

Shooting and armor penetration is one of the most important aspects of mechanics in World of Warships. Dealing damage and destroying enemy ships is the most important task of any player in battle if he wants to bring victory to his team. However, this section of mechanics is not as simple as it seems at first glance, therefore, in this article, all the nuances of penetrating armor and dealing damage will be disassembled and studied. The mechanics of inflicting damage are fundamentally different from WoT and WoWp, first of all it is dictated by objective historical realities - the ships are much larger and are arranged differently.

The value of ship parts

The ship is essentially both military base, and a combat vehicle, because it is designed for long-term autonomous action. Therefore, it is not surprising that on a ship a significant part of the internal space belongs to the daily life of the crew and does not affect its combat effectiveness at critical moments of the battle. Unlike a tank or a military aircraft, created only for battle, and therefore having nothing superfluous for battle, a ship can survive a fairly large number of hits without losing its combat effectiveness, because a shell that destroyed a galley or a clothing warehouse for sailors, and a shell that got into a machine a squad or artillery cellar will affect the course of the battle in completely different ways, even if they are exactly the same shells. However, do not forget that if you destroy all such premises, then after the battle such a ship is still doomed, and therefore such an event can also be considered a victory.

In our game, the ship is divided into many compartments, each of which has a different value to ensure its combat effectiveness, and this directly affects the number of HP of this unit. Compartments of absolutely equal volumes, but affecting the course of the battle in different ways, can differ in the number of RP by several times.

The sum of all the points of combat efficiency of the ship's parts is about twice the nominal RP of the ship: this was done on purpose to make it easier to destroy it - after all, in order to disable the ship, it is not necessary to fire it methodically from bow to stern, destroying everything that is possible. However, half of these points are contained in the citadel - as a rule, the most protected part of the ship, which includes all the most important mechanisms necessary for conducting a battle.

At the same time, a large number of modules are located on the ship, which directly affect its combat effectiveness, and these are not only internal devices, but also external ones. The artillery fire control system, air defense systems, towers and auxiliary caliber cannons - all of them are located outside and, although they do not carry a large number of ammunition because of their size, they have a very strong effect on the combat state of the ship. Often their only protection is their multiplicity and duplication of functions, their small size and distribution throughout the ship, rather than being concentrated in one point.

In order to destroy a ship, you need to hit its center below the waterline or at its level - this is the easiest way, most often there is the engine room - or hit at the same level under the towers, there are artillery cellars. And vice versa - you can shoot its superstructures, bow or stern for a long time and carefully, disabling all auxiliary elements of the ship, turning it into a trough that is barely afloat, capable of anything - an easier way that does not require the defeat of vital parts, but and much longer, because you need to destroy everything, everything, everything.

Reservation system

An example of a battleship booking scheme.

The ships' booking scheme is different from the others. military equipment- it is almost always multi-layered. That is, the projectile can meet up to four or five layers of armor on its way and stop or ricochet off each of them. In this respect, the game strictly adheres to historical realism and models all layers of armor of any significance.

However, it should be borne in mind that designers of all times have tried to save the used weight as much as possible, because armor is an extremely heavy thing, so on battleships the weight of armor can be 40% of the mass of the entire ship, and it is very expensive to arm all the compartments in the same way. Therefore, the thickest armor covers only the parts that are significant for combat - the engine room, the ship control system, the artillery cellar and ammunition storage, the armament tower, and the conning tower. Many other compartments remain unarmored or covered with minor anti-splinter armor.

How to determine the booking of an opponent's ship if it is on an unfamiliar ship? There is no universal option here, except for reading historical literature. In general, one can only be guided by the fact that the vast majority of ships of the Second World War were built according to one of the generally accepted booking systems: the so-called American (French) or Anglo-German.

The American system, also known as "all or nothing" (eng. "all or nothing") assumed booking the most important parts of the ship with armor of maximum thickness, leaving everything else uncovered. This scheme assumed long-range combat, when it would be impossible to hit the ship from medium and small-caliber guns, and not all of the volley of large-caliber shells would hit. The Anglo-German system calculated on the contrary, rather close-range combat, hence the more significant side armor, protecting against medium and small calibers, but also slightly smaller used thicknesses, and therefore greater vulnerability to large-caliber guns.

The most important and useful parts of the ship are often booked to the maximum, and therefore it is rather difficult to destroy the ship in one salvo. You always need to measure the strength of your cannons and the level of armor of your opponent's ship. A fast and agile destroyer or light cruiser from its main caliber will not be able to destroy the battleship with a few shots, but at the same time it will be able to bring a well-armored enemy out of the battle, methodically destroying the extremities, superstructures and all parts not covered by armor.

Projectile entry angles and impact zones

Another feature and difference of ships is the very different combat ranges. If we compare with the same tanks, then almost all ships can shoot practically in the "art mode" - at extremely close and short distances, the flight path is close to horizontal and strikes first of all the side, and at medium and long-range, on the border of possible aimed fire, the projectile flies already in an arc and can hit the deck. When the projectile arrives at an angle of 20-40 degrees to the armor, its penetration drops to one and a half times. Along with the chances of ricochet, which occur starting from a certain critical angle, and taking into account the slope of the side armor, the probability of being hit by an armor-piercing projectile at these distances drops sharply. This zone, which is commonly called the "free maneuvering zone" (ZSM), is individual and depends both on the armor of the target ship and on the characteristics of the gunner's system.

Normalization, armor penetration and ricochets

When hitting at an angle, shells turn slightly perpendicular to the armor, which leads to a decrease in the effective thickness of the armor, which must be pierced. This effect, well known to players in World of Tanks, is called "projectile normalization".

Many ships have armor belts at an angle. When a projectile hits at an angle to the surface, its path in the armor is lengthened and the effective thickness of the protection becomes significantly greater than the value specified in the performance characteristics.

If projectiles hit at sharp angles (more than 50 ° from the normal) or if the armor is thick, they can ricochet without causing damage. In this case, the behavior of different types of ammunition is somewhat different from each other, but in general the player must take into account that armor-piercing shells tend to ricochet more than others.

So, the angle of normalization is at the caliber:

  • up to 139 mm - 10⁰;
  • 140-152 mm - 8.5⁰;
  • 153–240 mm - 7⁰;
  • 241 mm and above - 6⁰.

Armor penetration without damage

All modules or some parts in the game have their own durability, which is not related to the durability of the ship. If a projectile deals damage to a module that is not enough to destroy it or there is no chance of damaging it, then a penetration tape is displayed, which does not increase the amount of damage done by the player.

This phenomenon occurs only in case of hitting secondary or air defense modules, main battery towers or ship bullets.

Dispersion of shells

Scatter ellipse

Because Since the ships are on a water surface that is not stationary, then the game has an ellipse of the projectile dispersion. It is built at the moment of firing with the center at the point of intersection of the sight and the surface of the water separately for each installation of the main battery guns.

To simplify vertical guidance an automatic target acquisition system is used - the enemy ship's icon will be outlined in a white circle. If the player wants to switch to another ship, he needs to aim at it and press the key X... And it is worth remembering - shooting without locking the target increases the spread ellipse by 2 times.

The scatter ellipse is individual for each gun - the maximum value of its width at the maximum firing range can be found either in the game in the description of the ship in the "Artillery" tab in the "Maximum dispersion" item, in the ship card in the World of Warships Wikipedia in the "Main Caliber" section, or in the main battery gun card.

In this case, the shells will hit only inside the ellipse, but inside it there is a special distribution of shells. And for each ship, it is configured individually and depends on the class of the ship, the number of main battery towers, the number of main battery guns and the caliber of the projectile.

Accuracy and Sigma

For this, the "Sigma" parameter is used, which is calculated from the parameter of the same name of the Gaussian distribution and associated with accuracy - the larger it is, the more often the projectiles fall closer to the center of the ellipse.

Dispersion can be reduced by using upgrades such as Guidance Systems, Central Artillery Post Modification 2, or a number of unique upgrades for some Tier X ships.

On the contrary, you can increase the dispersion of shells from the enemy main battery guns by using on your ship:

  • camouflage with this function;
  • Upgrading "Camouflage System Modification 1";
  • a number of unique upgrades for some Tier X ships.

Lack of variability of damage

Based on the features described above, World of Warships has managed to eliminate the random spread of shell damage. Ballistics and the complexity of the model architecture solve this problem. And do not forget that each volley is far from one shell, which is why situations arise when the damage of the volley differs tenfold. It all depends on the distance from which the shot was fired, how many shells hit and where, whether it was through penetrations of non-critical compartments or the defeat of the most valuable parts.

You can shoot a battleship of an enemy located in your ZSM for a very long time and receive stable ricochets and non-penetration of the main reservation, destroying only superstructures and extremities. Or you can destroy it with one volley almost at point-blank range, firing at the center of the side and breaking through the area of ​​the citadel with a whole volley. As a rule, in such situations, the affected player begins to get nervous and complain about the sudden explosion of the artillery cellar with a stray projectile. Although it also happens that it is not worth throwing off critical hits either, they exist and work, albeit not often.

Shooting efficiency is highly dependent on the level of the opponents. Good players knowing the shortcomings and advantages of their ships, they will actively maneuver, reaching the most convenient position for themselves, and, at the same time, substituting as little as possible, they will calculate the firing rate and many factors of the position of their target. The lack of variability of defeat gives all the chances to play as efficiently as possible if the player represents the structure of the enemy ship and the features of his own.

The player must be able to play not only in the ability to hit, correctly take into account the lead and predict the enemy's maneuvering, but also to know the minimum characteristics of the ships in order to understand at what distance the shooting with which projectiles will be more effective and what exactly it will hit.

Options for removing the ship from combat

The ship is a complex and complex structure, and it can be damaged in completely different ways.

Almost any ship can be destroyed with one salvo if this salvo hit its engine room or artillery cellar and exploded inside. Destruction of boilers, detonation of ammunition and rendering the main mechanisms unusable is a guaranteed withdrawal from battle of any ship.

Well, in the end, the ship can simply be taken out of the operational state simply by a large number of hits on all unarmored parts - the floating sieve is not suitable for further service, and often the ships that remained afloat after the battle were sunk by their own crew, because due to significant the amount of damage sometimes could not be brought to their ports.


The greatest effectiveness of shooting at classmates for you will be ten kilometers and closer, i.e. almost point-blank - then the armor penetration of the projectile is as effective as possible. This is if you take the BB. Landmines are equally effective at almost all distances, although it is certainly harder to destroy a battleship with them. For well-protected cruisers and aircraft carriers, it makes sense to take BB, and try to land a volley in the waterline area. And all lightly armored targets, including light cruisers and unarmored aircraft carriers, are excellent targets for land mines.


Your main target is other cruisers, aircraft carriers and destroyers. Most often you can only hit a battleship in the citadel with your main battery guns point-blank, but the enemy will not doze either - it is extremely difficult to reach this distance. Landmines will help fight the giants, causing fires and destroying everything except the citadel, although such a firefight will take time. Feel free to give BB to cruisers, to destroyers and aircraft carriers - land mines, that's enough for them.


The destroyer's main weapon is torpedoes. However, the main battery can also be useful: it is more profitable to destroy classmates with the main caliber, and most often at long distances it is better to choose a BB, and switch to landmines at close range - the destroyer's caliber is small, but when fired at a short distance, an armor-piercing projectile can still pierce the enemy through and through. As for cruisers and battleships as targets, your HE shells are quite effective against them. Yes, you will not penetrate the citadels of these giants, but a hundred hits in all auxiliary compartments can also disable even the largest ship, causing a lot of minor destruction and fires. Armor-piercing can be useful against enemy light cruisers, destroyers are often able to cope with their armor.

Large caliber

If the task is to destroy the enemy, then, paradoxically, it is better to shoot exactly at the center of the ship, without any attempts to target a specific module - it is there, in the center, that the engine room is located, the largest destroyed module, which carries many HP points. However, its booking is usually the most significant.

see also


Game articles about World of Warships

Game Basics Admiralty Balancer Combat missions Sound Assets Interface in battle Campaigns Karma Clans Collections Ship commander Containers Overview and disguise Squad Movement Port Game account upgrade Game modes Unsportsmanlike behavior prevention system Aircraft carrier control in game In-game control Economy
Game modes Halloween 2015 Boss Battles Wild Battle Clan Blitz Clan Battles Team Battles Operations Operation Dynamo Space Battle Space Battle (2019) Operation Ray in the Dark Operation Rescue Transylvania Operation Terror of the Deep April Fool's Day Festive Battles Ranked Sprint battles Scenarios Community Twilight Bout Training Room Halloween 2016

The ships carry the most powerful weapons on board. In World of warships, players can directly control guns - main caliber, and torpedoes(). Today we'll talk about how to use your ship's artillery weapons.

How to aim in World of warships

For convenient aiming in WoWSh there is a special artillery sight to enter it use the Shift key or scroll the mouse wheel to the required approximation. The aiming mark and special indicators are shown in the following figure.

Pay attention to the indicators of the implements green sight means that the weapon is aimed at the target, bright yellow- the gun is aimed at the target, pale yellow- a target outside the firing sector, Red- the weapon is damaged.

To make a single shot, press the left mouse button, for sequential fire, press and hold this button, for a volley from all guns, double-click, when you press the middle mouse button, the camera will follow the trajectory of the projectile. In order to get into an enemy ship and inflict significant damage, you need to choose the right lead.

How to choose the right lead

Ships in World of warships are capable of fighting over great distances. This means that the projectiles will fly for some time to the opponent's ship. Therefore, in World of warships you need to be able to choose the right lead.

In order to choose the right anticipation you should take into account the flight speed of your projectile, the distance to the target, as well as the speed and direction of movement of the enemy ship. The less maneuverable your opponent's ship is, the easier it is to hit.

Usually choosing a lead in World of warships happens by eye. At the same time, the experience of playing on this ship is very important, because the shells fired from the guns of different ships fly at different speeds.

To get into an enemy ship, select initial lead and fire one shot, follow the flight of the projectile, if the projectile did not hit the target, make an adjustment and fire again, if the targeted projectile hits successfully, fire a volley from all the guns. When the speed or direction of movement of the target ship is changed, the sight should be adjusted again.

If an enemy ship is maneuvering, try to predict its location and take a test shot.

The recharge time can be seen on special indicators at the bottom of the screen.

Try to aim at the most vulnerable spots of the enemy ship.

How to control auxiliary caliber guns in World of warships

In World of warships, the player cannot directly control the guns auxiliary caliber... These cannons are controlled by the computer, choosing the closest and most damaged enemy ship. You can change this priority by specifying a target for the secondary caliber guns, to do this, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the target of your choice. If the indicated target leaves the firing zone, then the auxiliary caliber guns again switch to the nearest enemy ship.

Does World of Warships have anti-aircraft guns?

Many ships featured in World of warships have anti-aircraft guns... Directly manage them World players of warships cannot, they fire automatically. First of all, air defense guns try to destroy enemy bombers and torpedo bombers. You can independently specify a target for anti-aircraft guns, to do this, hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the aircraft that you want to attack.