Best Friends Easter eggs where to look for. Passage of Best Fiends - Tips and Tactics. Gold Egg Guide

If you were looking for, but could not find all hidden in the game Angry Birds. (Angry Birds ) “Golden Eggs” (Golden Eggs.) - You turned to the address.

Gold Egg Guide

We are glad to present you the most complete guide to collect gold eggs On the expanses of the Russian Internet. Using this guide you can collect all 28 Golden Yaitz. And, of course, to enjoy the passage of new funny (and sometimes requiring brainstorming!) Levels.

2011-06-17 - Added 23rd Gold Egg in Episode Mine and Dine (v1.6.0)
2011-08-12 – Added 24th Gold Egg In the episode Mine and Dine (v1.6.2)
2011-09 -08
Added 25 and 26th golden egg In the episode Mine and Dine (v1.6.3)
2012-02-20 - Added 27 Golden Egg in the Birdday Party episode (v2.0.0)
2012-12-12 - Added 28 Golden Egg in the Birdday Party episode (v3.0.0)

Use a guide to simply - the numbers in the picture above indicate what it is Golden Egg And comply with the instructions for finding it or activation below. Just follow the instructions to find and get Golden Egg. After opening each egg, you need to go through the appropriate level to get the star. In this case, we have a separate passage that can be viewed here (so far, unfortunately, not ready - in the process of translation and adaptation).

Lazily read? - no problems! Scroll down and look at the video ride Golden Eggs. If you like to use the paper version more - you can print the PDF version of the passage and keep it with you! ( currently, the PDF version is translated into Russian, so while it is not on the site)

Special thanks for the provided video passage and the PDF version express the English-speaking site of the game

Where are golden eggs hide?

#1 - In any level, put on the game by pause and click on the button " ? "(Help) in the lower left corner. The egg will be on the instructions with a white bird.

# 2 - level 5-19 episode Mighty Hoax (rocket): The egg is on the right side behind the screen. If you reduce the screen and run a yellow bird in this direction, you will see it when the screen moves slightly in this direction. To "assemble" it, use or yellow bird, or a white bird will leave the eggs on the right side of the wooden strengthening of the first tower, after which the bird shakes and knock the egg (but it seems to me, it's a yellow bird easier and more easily).

# 3 - level 2-2 episode Poached Eggs: Just spawned an inflatable ball for the beach.

#4 - Get 3 stars in all levels of Poached Eggs.

#5 - In the main screen, click " i."(About the authors), look at the credits to the end - and the egg will appear under the white bird.

#6 - Level 1-8 episode Poached Eggs (Chest): Pleak the treasure chest (sometimes you have to poke several times in a row). PC and Mac users: To open the chest by clicking and clinging the left mouse button on the chest dial the word on the keyboard open. .

#7 - Get 3 stars in all levels MIGHTY HOAX.

#8 - On the Episode Selection screen, twice pull the sun (center of the bottom of the screen).

# 9 - level 4-7 episode MIGHTY HOAX: Reduce the screen and the egg will be on the edge of the clock on the right. Aim and get into it with a yellow bird.

# 10 - level 6-14 episode Danger Above: Take a yellow ball under the house on the tree. Try to replenish a yellow bird from a tree or use the Bird-boomerang.

# 11 - Danger Above Episode Selection Screen: On the "COMING SOON" screen, scroll the screen until you stop right and pull out in the same direction - the egg will be right. Even if all levels are open, you can still scroll the screen to find the egg. Note, PC / MAC users - you need to click inside the window.

#12 - Get 3 stars in all levels Danger Above.

# 13 - Level 8-15 episode Danger Above: The egg is under the launcher. To assemble it, run yellow in the spring-trampoline to the right at the bottom of the egg or use the boomeranga.

# 14 - level 9-14 episode The. Big Setup: Reduce the screen and you will see the egg in the helmet below the right. Get it boomerang.

# 15 - Level 10-3 episode The Big Setup: Spread the opener under the bridge.

# 16 - Level 11-15 episode The Big Setup: If you reduce the screen so that the whole level is seen, the egg will be left under the pad. Fly by his boomerang bird.

#17 – Get 3 stars in all levels The. Big Setup.

# 18 - Level 12-12 episode HAM 'EM HIGH: Spice the Cup, surrounded by diamonds in the construction center. Immediately I warn you that it is not very easy!

# 19 - Level 13-10 episode HAM 'EM HIGH: To start, reduce the screen. Now start the white bird and at the right time pull the screen to start it in the egg.

#20 – Level 14-4 episode HAM 'EM HIGH: First, completely reduce the screen - and you will see the golden egg on the top of the clutch highly shludrava. Run the yellow bird (← On the screenshot, the correct trajectory is shown) Pulling on it at the right moment and sending on Parabole so that it will gather an egg.

#21 – Get 3 stars in all levels of HAM 'EM HIGH, including three "Facebook-levels".

Super Bowl / Rio # 22 - Level 13-12 episode HAM 'EM HIGH:

# 23 - Level 15-12 episode Mine and Dine: Reduce the level, and you will see a golden egg located on the upper rock shelf. Run (see the screenshot) and at the right moment apply acceleration to knock down the golden egg. You can try and white bird, but it is harder.

# 24 - level 16-9 episode Mine and Dine: Reduce the level, and you will see a golden egg located on an empty cave right. The first yellow bird need to remove the stone construction over the slingshot. This will make it easier to relieve a shot into an egg, but is not a mandatory requirement. The second yellow accelerates at the right time to collect the golden egg. It does not always work the first time - train!

#25 – Get 3 stars in all levels Mine and Dine.

#26 – Level 17-12 episode Mine and Dine: Reduce the level and you will see the treasure chest high upstairs on the second cliff. Get rid of the red and white birds, then run the yellow bird on a high trajectory so that it flies over the first rock shelf. Further - use the acceleration on time so that the bird goes over the protrusion of the second shelf and hit the chest.

# 27 - Level 18-6episode Birdday Party: Reduce the level and you will see the golden egg on the shelf at the top in the right corner of the level. Shot two blue birds and run egg yellow.

- Level 19-14.episode Birdday Party: Immediately the egg is not visible. You need to blow up the "cake" TNT, after which the egg will appear behind the starting platform below (there is an air ball). Latest Boomerang Collect it.

In the near future, the section will be fully recycled, video passage - updated and supplemented.

For your convenience, we broke the video output into separate blocks, so you will not have to ross a long-native video in search of the passage of one single egg. The video passage is extremely easy to use: just decide which egg you want to open and follow the toak to find the egg. If you do not have time - just put the video pause. If they are completely stuck - write in the comments or on the forum.

Golden Eggs: Video Passage: Levels 1 - 5

Golden Eggs: Video Passage: Levels 6 - 10

Golden Eggs: Video Passage: Levels 11 - 15

Golden Eggs: Video Passage: Levels 16 - 19 + Rio / Super Bowl (Rio / Super Bowl)

And once again, we express my gratitude to the English-speaking site of the game for the video passage provided.

Super Bowl / Rio - 17-12 episode HAM 'EM HIGH: Reduce the screen and run one of the white birds in the opposite direction and throw eggs on the back side of the hill. This step is shown in the video transfer below. If this is not enough and need more detailed video - Look at this video (soon!).

BEST FRIENDS - casual game in the genre of MATCH-3 with rPG elements With simple gaming process Warranty will take all your free time.

The Best Friends will collect the collection of steep bugs and use them in battles against the invaders of your land - slugs.

The game has exciting plot adventures, many puzzles and RPG-shaped development of characters.


The gameplay in Best Friends is a lot of puzzles in the genre - "three in a row".

Your task will be the connection of the elements of the same type, causing their destruction. Unlike ordinary kasualok, the rules in Best Friends are simplified. You can connect items located not only on straight lines - vertically or horizontally, but also diagonally.

The restriction acts on the number of moves, so before connecting the elements, it is necessary to think over its future moves, not forgetting about the level of level.

Another difference of the game is the best friends in what you can see what damage will do without making a move. Spend a line according to the coinciding elements, and above the enemy's head, the damage and HP digits remaining after the strike.

Therefore, the player can choose the most devastating moves with a maximum damage. If you inflicted an enemy damage, superior to his HP, then the surplus moves to the next enemy.

Some elements on the field are broken from the first time. Tile, drawers and snow will require a different number of moves.

For their destruction, it is possible to use bonuses - bombs and similar destroyers. In addition to the elements that need to be destroyed, the field is useful things - diamonds, keys and mite meteors.

Since they are saved even with loss, if notice that the battle does not win, start collecting useful items.

The choice of the character depends on the level of the character. Choose a hero with the ability that has more chances to bring it to victory. If the task is to destroy the lodge, the best choice will be the characters with a good stock of bombs.

Well, if the task is to collect violet mushrooms, you will need a hero, converting this color. The color is important in the destruction of slugs. If the hero is violet, then blast the items of this color, it will give extra damage to the power of attack.

For example, the bug packer has green colorTherefore, destroying green elements (leafs), you will apply a blow to slugs with a greater force of attacks.

Heroes of the game "Best Friends"

New characters B. Best friends Opened using a special draw. In Best Friends more than 20 heroes, and each has unique skills that need to be developed and strengthened. Increases level using tick meteorites. With each increasing ticks, it will be more and more, and if they are not enough, you can use diamonds collected on the board.

Raising the hero will not only become stronger, but also evolve - it will change appearance. Evolution occurs every 5 levels. When passing the levels, the player will be abandoned by claysters to the chests with new heroes, currency and meteor ticks.


pros: Characteristic and interesting for the genre of gameplay. Funny characters. Easy control and gameplay.

Minuses: Donat, which can be circumvented, if you download the mod multiplying in tens of times the currency after rebooting.

Where to find Easter eggs in "BEST FRIENDS"?

1. First on the main screen. 2. The second in the gold store, click on Queens to get it. 3. Third - in the store of crystals. 4. Fourth in coolest utility. 5. The fifth in the super-rare tab in the karma. 6. The sixth egg turns out automatically after using multiple keys. 7. The seventh in the energy tab, appears when the maximum energy. 8. Eighth Quinsi, click on i, information. 9. The ninth egg is given after changing the language. 10. The tenth in the tasks. 11. Eleventh tutor settings. 12. Twelfth Load the level and click on the butterfly.

Last changes

Vincent Beach Day begins:
Help Winsent to save the day off on the beach of the Barrier Bay. Pass 10 episodes and get a "Vincent Rescuer".
Ice cream race returned:
Collect ice cream in 30 tests and rewards - yours. Commier all 30 tests and getting Sunday Woody.
New bug: Dogs:
Silkwall-Garpy Dogs, welcome in the team. We defeat the breath 2nd converter.

- This is a game in the genre of MATCH-3 with elements of RPG, in which you will collect monsters and fight them against the invaders.

Perhaps this game will seem simple to you, but it has its own features, so several tips will be obviously not superfluous.

  • You can see what damage will apply before you make a move. To do this, you need to spend a line on those elements of the MATCH-3 puzzle, which coincide. Over your head of the enemy you will see the numbers applied by this course of the damage and the overall level HP enemy. So you can plan your actions and choose moves, damage from which maximum.
  • The damn damage is transferred. This means that if you managed to apply the next enemy an extra damage, exceeding its level of health, then all unused potential of this damage will automatically switch to the next opponent. So you can form chains, hitting enemies one after another. The exception is those invaders who are resistant to this type of damage - chains are interrupted on them.
  • Most obstacles in this game are destroyed far from the first time. It immediately breaks one tree, while the tile, snow and drawers require several moves from you. Only bombs are able to destroy even the box from the first time.
  • The subjects collected are saved, despite the loss. Therefore, you should not worry - diamonds, keys and meteors will remain with you. If you see that the level is almost lost, try to finally collect more useful things.
  • First check what is the goal of the level, and only then select a character that plan to put on the battle. To do this, tap on the level, being on the map. The window will pop up with a description of the upcoming tasks, it may be, for example: to destroy 8 slugs, open 2 boxes, collect 40 purple mushrooms. If tasks relate to the selection of color, then you better choose that hero that has the ability to convert this color. If the goal is to destroy a large number of slugs, then the hero with bombs will suit you more than others.
  • Do not try to deal with only the achievement of the goals. For example, do not collect only mushrooms - doing something alone, you miss other possibilities.
  • If you lose the level several times in a row, pay attention to which goals you cannot achieve. This case is an exception to the previous rule - if the losses are repeated, then you will have to focus on achieving one goal, the one on which you lose, and in any way.
  • By destroying slugs, follow what heroes you have. The fact is that each of the heroes corresponds to its color, which means that collecting the tiles of the desired color, you can apply a bigger damage - the attack strength of the hero increases.
  • Heroes-bugs will appear randomly, so you can get only two extra characters - tempera and Queens - to Frozen Hills location. But in this location, your chances of obtaining other heroes increase, especially for the level 21 - they appear in large quantities.
  • If you enter the "salvation" window, you will not be able to leave it without spending keys. Therefore, if you do not plan to use the keys, do not attend this window.
  • Collect the books you need will be able to be far from the first attempt because of their random appearance. Therefore, copy diamonds - you can buy extra-keys for them, which, in turn, will help you get bugs. As soon as you have the heroes of each color, you can stop saving diamonds and start finally spending them on upgrades.
  • Think before replaying the level. If you choose "REPLAY", then you will not be able to change the team of heroes. Therefore, sometimes it is better to go to the card, and from there return to the level to replay it. During your stay on the map you can regroup by choosing more suitable bugs.
  • You do not need to destroy all obstacles on the playing field to win the level. Good example This is the level 21 - its ice walls can only be destroyed, and this will be enough for victory.
  • Energy in Best Fiends is slowly restored. To get around the timer, you can use an emergency - to transfer time on your device. This can be done through the settings menu, in the Date and Time section. Just translate the time for 3 hours ahead, and then enter the game. Energy will recover, after which you can return the clock of the device to the correct position.
  • If you do not want to translate time, you can use special boosters to replenish energy, but they come across randomly, so we cannot guarantee their presence.
  • In most cases, choose bugs that can use bombs. They not only apply a greater damage, but they can destroy obstacles and destroy boxes. Choose those who change the colors only if you need to collect a lot (more than 50) of one color tiles.
  • Some levels are good for Grinda. This is especially true of the 30th level - in it you will find many boxes and diamonds, so in order to make more usefulness, it is worth choosing it.
  • If you have a bomb on the playing field, follow its lesion zone - it is circled. Remember that even the last tile in a row with a bomb is also able to explode, so on how you form a chain of tiles, depend on the damage that you can apply.
  • Large bombs are detonated only from small, so placing your bombs not far away and undermine them to destroy all the tiles on the field.
  • Bukashki able to change colors make it instantly. If you are tapped by such a buckash, you will see which tiles will change color. Learn a possible color shift to understand how it will affect other chains of colors - you can destroy them, and change the color back you will not work.