Map GTA 5 with street names. Grand Theft Auto V game map with secrets and military base. Map of hidden packages

The GTA 5 collective edition contains a card on which there is a hidden Message from Trevor, which contains prompts, secrets and places on the map. On the one side of the map, the description of the passage to a certain place is recorded, and with another many secrets and marks, the values \u200b\u200bof which will be explained below.

Weaponry + Narcotics + Intimidation + Casual Wear

Lago Zancudo.
Great Ocean Highway North
Through North Chumash.
0.5 Miles Past Raton Canyon
Follow The Dirt Road
Bring $ 500,000 Cash

The place on which the instructions indicates is an abandoned dock available for purchase. There is a mini-submarine, and you can purchase several Nuclear Waste Barrels.

Inverted image map with all marks

Legend Maps from special edition GTA V

GTA Online.. Property available to purchase can only be owned by one.

Fast Cash
Stores with alcohol, refueling and round-the-clock stores for robbery.

Custom Rides.
Pay and Spary, Los Santos Customs.

X submersible
Locations where you can find Nuclear Waste Barrels. On the map only 10 crosses, and in the game 30 Nuclear Waste Barrels.

Ø Gruppe 6.
A visit to these localities leads to random events, allowing to steal money from collector machines.

GTA Online. Simeon will send a list of machines that he needed; You can deliver it only one of the list. Car damage will reduce the amount of remuneration received. From time to time, Simeon will have a priority car to receive, which will be marked on the map.

Visiting the place indicated by a flying saucer allows you to detect a very carefully hidden SpaceShip Part.

Titan / P.996 Lazer / Buzzard
Fort Zancudo, Army base, where you can buy military aircraft, such as Titan (cargo plane), P.996 Lazer (fighter), and Buzzard (combat helicopter).

2 strange cylindrical buildings covered with alien figures and symbols, with several people on the roof engaged in yoga. Spaceship Part on the protrusion of the mountain.

BOLINGBROKE PENITENTIARY, which is very difficult to examine, even using the cheat code to lower the search level. All that was here was found. This Machine Gun is found in the upper pass connecting the block 9a and the watchdog. Perhaps Trevor believes that it was here to hold Brad Snider.

Rail Cabin.
The only object found here is Sawed Off Shotgun.

SW Rooftop.
National Security Management. Destroy the gate and take the roof to find RPG and Buzzard (combat helicopter).

Galileo Observatory. You can find Sniper Rifle for a telescope and Body Armor for the electric forwarder.

Body Armor on the top of the road and Letter Scrap on the bottom.

A small marijuan farm guarded by several gangsters. Inside the barn, you can find a case with money that appears every week.

Open Grave.
Freshly won land with pistol inside.

Pink Pool.
Body Armor in the pool

Backyard Davis & Grove St
Various items can be found in the backyard Davis & Grove St. Health, Body Armour, Carbine Rifle and Letter SCRAP.

Frank Mathers.
After purchasing Sonar Collections Dock in Paleto Cove, the Stangers and Freaks mission will be available for Michael. The wife of the deceased Frank Mathers will give a task to find the Submarine Parts.

Between The Crates.
Strange sect in which everyone runs in underwear. Be prepared for a fight, going on their land. Go to the far home to the right, on his porch there are Assault Shotgun, RPG and Armor. Baseball bits lies near the stone. You can also bring a cult of any suspect sacrifice for money reward.

CBL-Omega-Flying Saucer
Carbon Based Lifeform. The symbol next for CBL is Omega. Most likely points to the location where the mission of Strangers and Freaks begins, in which Omega is needed to find the Spaceship Parts of the ship.

Bridge with arrow
At the top of the bridge you can find RPG.

Explosion in Aloamo Sea
Only Grenade at the end of the dock.

Hello, dear readers. In touch with you, the team of the GameBizLubblub, and today we are Pogim about such a component of the game, as a card in GTA 5. It would seem that the element has long been familiar for everyone, and most of the games are already difficult to imagine without it. Someone uses this functionality in the full program, and someone is familiar with its azami. In this article we will try to summarize all interesting information on this topic.

Information that is not owned by each

There are several different variations of cards for GTA 5, for example, topographic and satellite, but within the framework of this article we will use the road map, since it is it displayed in your default menu.

To view it, open the pause menu and select the "Map" section. You will appear in advance of the map depicted from above, depending on the area where you are currently.

In the upper right corner of the screen will be displayed a legend, explaining the values \u200b\u200bof the icons located directly on the map itself (and if there are no icons - press the left Ctrl for PC or right-matted consoles).

You will also be available to change the scale of the map using the PC, LT and RT on the Xbox, L2 and R2 on the PlayStation. Page Up and Page DOWN. Each Icon is responsible for the designation of a certain place - it can be hairdresser, clothing stores and weapons, as well as much more.

Despite the huge game world, territorial developers divided the map to the city - Los Santos and the suburbs - the Blein district. Almost everyone knows that you can put the GPS mark on the map, which will display the shortest path to the destination - the purple segment will appear on it - this is an alleged trajectory of movement.

It happens that the label is set, however, the trajectory itself is not visible, then you need to go to the game menu, the settings tab, the video section and there, on the "GPS route", select the value "On".

In addition to the route point, there is another option as a label or marker - by pressing TAB (Y on the Xbox or triangle on PS) and it appears where the cursor was installed.

It is simultaneously on the map you can accommodate up to 10 labels - it is very convenient if you found something interesting during a mission or free ride around the city, and there is no time for the study - put the label and go further on your affairs. The marker will continue and you do not have to circulate in the same area for a long time.

So, as you already understood, at a time you can mark 11 places on the map (1 point of the GPS + 10 route), but it is not all. It is also possible to remember absolutely any place you need, and not just a label, but clearly.

Just make a photo and save it. If you ever want to stroll through the places of the victim, it will be enough to go to the pause menu and select the gallery (1), then choose the photo of you (2).

From the bottom will be displayed information about the place in which the photo was made, and you will clearly demonstrate on the right on the map, where this place is located.

Secret places with vehicles

From the very first versions of the game, the developers practice one interesting chip - there are always places where you can find unusual vehicles. Immediately recall car dealers with supercars in GTA 3, Vice City. and GTA IV. Of course, in the fifth of the large car, theft also have such places in which you can find a lot of exclusive transport:

  • Let's start, perhaps, from the area called Rockford Hills, on one of the streets of which you can find the ADDER car, the body resembling the notorious Bugatti Veyron. (Point a)
  • A little west of Richmann is parking where you can find various rare cars. At different times you can stumble upon Infernus, Cheetah, Bullet, Colt Voltie and many other cars. (Point b)
  • Slightly east of the port of South Los Santos you will find the space of the spoony already tuned cars. (Point C)
  • And if you suddenly need a tow truck, it can be found nearby Los Santos International Airport. (Point d)

Military base

"It's simply inconceivably that such a huge territory, like Los Santos and Blein District, we managed exclusively by police departments!" - Probably, it was this way that the guys from Rockstar Games were thought of the whole military complex in which you can find many different vehicles about which we will tell below.

It is not a secret for anyone that military facilities on the map are not marked, and Fort Zankudo is no exception. Therefore, since it will not be possible to find it on the usual road map, we use a picture from the satellite:

The legend is as follows:

  • Under the numbers 1 lies Titan aircraft;
  • Twos - Military trucks, they are Barracks;
  • Troika - Military jet fighters P996 Lazer;
  • The number of four marked helicopters with weapons on board, and in the people of Buzzard;
  • Behind the five hides a cargo helicopter equipped with a hook, better known as cargobob.

It is quite possible that someone wants to mention that we did not specify the tank, however, we hurry to get ahead - first, the tank runs on the database, and it will not be able to figure out the exact location, and secondly, you don't need to look for a tank Believe me - he will find you yourself, as soon as the alarm rises.

By the way, about the alarm - as soon as the hero turns out to be in the territory of the military base, the piercing howl of sirens is distributed and it is assigned four stars of search.

Remember the scene from the movie Matrix: Reboot, where Neo has to resist the army of the Smith agents? This is exactly what you have to experience your character, only instead of the gear in the face of our guys will begin to stuff from all sides by lead.

How to penetrate the military base

First of all, we will also tell about the safest way to penetrate the Fort Zankudo. When passing scene line For the Trevor, you soon or later come across the mission in which you need to hunt deer.

During this task, you need to call a taxi straight to the fort, and take the car from the taxi driver and go straight to the base. Of course, in fact, it is a baagomerism, because, oddly enough, no alarm will happen, you can safely walk through the territory of the base and choose exactly what you need.

All subsequent options will make to take a fair portion at best of the cartridges, and at worst - missiles, so we strongly recommend to do the following exclusively by Trevor, because thanks to its special ability, you can get out anything from anywhere.

Second option - treat or buy a helicopter and fly to the database. Try to keep as high as possible above the base, since the air defense system works here very well. After your vehicle It will be above your goal - landing.

Option Third - order the Maryuel helicopter and fly with their pilot to the base. What is noteworthy - the military will not attack this vehicle, so choose the target for which you need to jump over (the pilot refuses to land) will be more convenient.

And the fourth option for feltout lovers. Get the car more powerful and go towards the town, called North Chumash (North Chumash).

Shut up 180 degrees there and follow the road toward the tunnel, however, to the tunnel itself there is no need to drive it - a little to the right to the right and a holmik will appear on your way, which will perform the role of a natural springboard, thanks to which you can Mount the fence.

There are other springboards, but climbing the base through them is difficult and very uncomfortable, so we decided to limit the description of only one.

Be sure to read our article about, it describes in detail missions on which you can raise the cache in the game.

We all have everything today. Subscribe to blog updates, and share the article with friends in social networks. So far.

This section contains Los Santos and Blaine Cards, which will help better navigate the world. GTA V. As while walking on a huge open peaceand when passing the game. Maps, in a slight exception, are given in the maximum possible resolution.
For ease of use of a mid-resolution card, the traditional is collected.

Normal map

The usual clean map of Los Santos and Blein County. Attention

Road map

Map of roads that can be useful if you are looking for a way to get into the remote corners of the world by car. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map from satellite

The most useless of the cards, nevertheless, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bgeneral geographic gTA world V. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Thematic maps

Traditionally gTA series You can not spend money on weapons and body armor, if you know where they are just lying. All the main places of pickups are indicated on our map. different species Weapons and armor. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map of unique jumps

Los Santos has a very difficult geography, the Blein district and is located in the mountains. And all these natural and artificial height differences can be used to force the vehicle to feel like an aircraft. Performing all unique jumps is necessary to pass the game by 100%. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map of random meetings

For the passage of GTA V, 100% we have 58 tasks of random passers-by. All places of meetings are indicated on our map, and the procedure for the appearance of opportunities for meetings with them will be reflected in the passage of the game.

Map of random events

For the passage of GTA V, 100% we have to participate in 14 random events. These include robbery stores, ATMs, armored vans and other random events. In total, 57 such events, and all places where you can participate in them are designated on our map. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map of toxic waste

Barrels with toxic nuclear waste that we have to collect, flooded along the coast of Los Santos and Blein County, and for their collection you will need a submarine, so you have to suffer about the middle of the game. After the adventure of the mission Merrryweather Heist. We will get a mini-submarine, we can buy a pier for her and automatically get a telephone application that will help in finding barrels. On our map, all barrels are marked with numbers showing the depth of the barrels.

Map of Bridges

Power under 25 bridges is necessary for one hundred percent passing of the game. At the same time, 50 bridges located throughout Los Santos and Blein County are underway. With our card, you can choose the suitable for you. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Flight Test Map

With the return of aircraft returned and dangerous complex stunts in the air. In total, in the northern part of Los Santos, you can find 15 reasons to experience your pilot skill. For one hundred percent passing of the game, perform 8 tests. Attention: High resolution card!

Map of religious brochures

The collection of brochures of the Epsilon religious organization is not required to pass the game by 100%. But if you want to get a complete alignment of not essential texts, our card will help you. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

The collection of hidden packages is not required to pass the game by 100%, but it will help you to deal with money. At the bottom you can find a suitcase with a random amount of dollars. Usually they are found not far from shipwreck wreckage, at the same time with weapon pickups. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

The collection of details of the submarine is not required to pass the game by 100%, and the reward for collecting all the debris more than modest. But at the bottom, in areas where the necessary parts are lying, it is usually a large amount of no less valuable things: hidden packages, aid kits, weapons. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

You have found gTA card Online

From July 23, 2019 to the present in GTA Online. on the whole map were scattered (hidden) fifty-four playing cards, for finding a reward in the form of chips, and for the collection complete collection Player is waiting for a unique suit.

Find the first playing card

Playing cards in network gTA mode 5 appeared as part of an update with a casino-hotel The Diamond.. It is logical that in the state of San Andreas a large number of players in a wide variety of places.


The map indicates the exact location (location) of all 54 playing cards In GTA Online.

It is always interesting to try to find all the playing cards in GTA online on your own, but it will take a lot of time and not always players can bring the case to the end.


Video with search cards in GTA Online

Even with the help of the map with the location of all points, the search process will be fascinating and takes several hours of free time. We do not recommend you to rush with search for cards, because Rockstar Games. did not establish any time limit to search.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, then you can play right now and free to play GTA Online with all add-ons from Rockstar Games.

The award for all players will be the same and does not depend on the number of time spent on the search. There is an exclusively numerical account since the first playing card is. In the interaction menu, you can see the number of already collected maps at any time.

Why do playing cards just such a quantity? Standard deck of cards contains exactly 54 cards.

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The last notes

Red Dead Redemption 2

Release Date Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4 and Xbox One.: October 26, 2018. PC version RDR 2 will not be released this year. Rockstar Games will continue to engage in the development of GTA V and release updates for GTA Online.

A series of games Grand Theft. AUTO has always been famous for the abundance of a huge number of locations on the map, where players spend the greatest amount of time. In this regard, the fifth of the game did not exception and brought a lot of interesting and exciting places and locations. To similar interesting places It is possible to include Mount Chiliad (the highest point in the game), a particularly protected prison, as well as various institutions, including banks.

Practically in every part of the GRAND Games series Theft AUTO. There is a small task or mission, one way or another associated with the bank. The fifth of the game is so generally starting his story with his robbery. The players often have the task of getting light money, however, the passage of missions is not suitable for this purpose. Therefore, one of the most faithful solutions for rapid money in the game will be the bank robbery. You can make this crime only in solitary mode of the game.

Location of the Bank

First of all, before you go to rob the bank, you need to know where it is specifically. Where in GTA 5 bank on the map is not a secret for experienced players, however, newcomers may have problems with his search. The bank in the game is at the intersection of the streets of Alta Street Boulevard Winewood. After reaching this intersection, you immediately find the bank building.

Remember that going to rob the bank, first you need to seriously arm yourself, it may even take advantage of codes. Banks in GTA 5 on the map are very scattered, but at least once visiting these buildings you will forever remember where which bank is located.
The possibility of robbery in the game was provided for a long time, but they do not always bring big money. In addition, robbery alone will allow adrenaline to themselves when committing such a crime. The Theater "Oriental" can serve as a good guideline for finding a bank, as this building of the culture could remember you with its greatness.

Initially B. computer version GTA robbery was not available. Lovers of modifications have created an addition with the ability to rob several financial institutions at once. With a successful coating of the circumstances and the skill of the player, you can get extraction at $ 70,000.

No matter how surprising it did not sound, but the robbery in the game is not so difficult. It is enough to go into the cellars of the repository and knock the main door with the help of explosives. In this way, you can get some money for further game