Domino that develops. Board games (lotto, domino, mosaic, desktop, electrician). By what rules to play "Children's domino"

Svetlana Sergan

I want to present to your attention didactic game"Domino"

This IHE can be made with your own hands.

The manual includes " Domino"Enter Chips

The purpose of the game " Domino": develops memory, attentiveness, speed of reaction

Stroke Game: 4-5 people play. All participating receive 6 chips, the remaining chips are in the "bank", the front side down. A player who has a chip with paired pictures, begins the first. The remaining participants in turn lay out their chips with similar pictures. If someone from the players have no chips with a similar picture, then he takes chips from the bank. If the chips are over, and in the bank, this player misses the move. Player who used to end all the chips, becomes the winner

Benefit " Domino"I use in working with children with the general underdevelopment of speech, in free activities and individual work with preschoolers. The proposed visual material can be successfully used in studying with the surrounding world, for the development of speech and thinking, in speech therapy games, for the development of logical thinking, when teaching children of preschool and junior school age. This manual is recommended to use educational groups in its work. kindergarten and elementary school.

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Abstract Node for speech development. Didactic game for pronunciation of sounds [m] - [m '], [b] - [b']. Didactic game "Who left?" Purpose: The development of the articulation apparatus. Tasks: 1. To form the ability to clearly utter the sounds of Mm, BB in sounding, distinguish.

The pedagogical process is a combination of urgent training, extracurricular and out-of-school educational work carried out by pedagogical and student teams for one plan. The training uses mainly lessons-seminars, practical and laboratory lessons on which various methods and learning means are used.

The increase in mental load on the lessons makes think about how to support students interest in the material studied, their activity throughout the lesson. You have to look effective methods Training and methodological techniques that would activate the thought of schoolchildren, would stimulate them to independently acquire knowledge. It is necessary to take care that the student's lessons worked actively and enthusiastically, and use it as a starting point for the emergence and development of curiosity, deep cognitive interest. An important role here can be removed by didactic games.

The dominant activity of the child in the early years of study is the game. And, although, with age, she loses its position, in middle and high schools, it can preserve its influence as a means of stimulating interest in the teachings.

Game - creativity, game - work. In the process of the game, children produce a habit of focusing, thinking independently, attention develops, the desire for knowledge, a variety of gaming actions, with which one or another mental task is solved, supports and strengthens the interest of children to the learning subject.

A wide understanding of the term "enormity" is still from N.I. Lobachevsky, Creator Nevklidova Geometry. He justifies the didactic principle of "teaching proven to age." Lobachevsky believed that the enraged - the necessary means to excite and maintain attention, without it, the teaching is not successful.

Modern didactics referring to gaming forms Learning in lessons, rightly sees in them the possibility of an effective organization of interaction between the teacher and students, the productive form of their communication with the elements of competition, genuine interest.

One of these games can be "Domino": students are offered cards consisting of two parts, it is necessary to find the relationship between different cards.

The speed of the information flow is measured in the bit / s. Channel bandwidth - max. Speed \u200b\u200binf. Flood.

Size of the symbolic computer alphabet; The size of the memory occupied by the symbol.

256 characters; 1 Symbol - 1 byte.

Numbered symbol alphabet. Symbol code is the sequence number of the symbol (from 0 to 255). Internal code - sequence number in binary S.S.

What is a coding table; What is the symbol code?

Sample encoding table; Structure of the encoding table.

ASCII, Koi-8. Codes from 0 to 127 - the standard part; from 128 to 255 - alternative part; From 0 to 31 - control characters.

Lexicographic order (principle of sequential coding).

The letters of the Latin alphabet and decimal numbers in the code table are always located in order of increasing numbers. Russian alphabet - not always.

Image structure on the display screen.

Compiled from luminous points - pixels.

Structure of a color display pixel.

Consists of three grains glowing red, blue and green. All other colors are obtained by mixing three main colors.

Appointment of video memory

Information storage: information about the color of each screen pixel.

The relationship between the size of the pixel -b code and the number of colors - K (palette size).

How to determine the minimum video memory size (VM)?

Types of color models.

Representing graphic information.

Raster, vector, fractal graphics.

What is the alphabet, the power of the alphabet?

Alphabet - a variety of characters used to present information in some language. The power of the alphabet is the number of characters in the alphabet (K).

What is the symbol information in the alphabet?

Number of informationwhich carries one character in the text. Located from the equation: k \u003d 2 i, where k is the power of the alphabet

How to measure the information of the text from an alphabetical point of view?

I \u003d k x i bits, where k is the number of characters in the text, I - the information weight of the symbol in this alphabet (in the equilibious approximation)

What is byte, Krib, MB, GB?

1 byte \u003d 8 bits; 1BB \u003d 1024 bytes; 1MB \u003d 1024 KB ...

Information message speed and channel bandwidth

Julia Slautin

Bright multicolored pictures make the game attractive even for the youngest children. The game develops attention, visual perception, combinatorial and logical abilities, teaches to find the same pictures and connect them to the champ. chki.


1. Fasten and expanding children's knowledge about color.

2. Develop attention, memory, perseverance, observation, orientation in space, small motor.

3. Intensify the speech of children.

Game set: Domino "Transport" consists of 60 plates divided into two halves, each of which is marked by the image of a butterfly or a flower of a certain color.

Age: 2-4 years

Number of players: 1 - 6 people.

Rules of the game:

Very small kids can simply view pictures and get acquainted with flowers: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and blue. Older children can offer to build tracks according to the rules of Domino.

Learn the baby game in Domino is better individually. First lay out all the plates with pictures up. Consider them, let the kid call what is depicted in the pictures. Then take one plate, put it in front of yourself and offer the child to find the same kind of records. Show how to put it on the source plate. Next, in turn, pick up suitable plates, laying out them in a row. Once once ask the baby to call an image and color.

We wish you good luck!

We have repeatedly said that board games help the development of the baby, contribute to the formation of a vocabulary, develop logic, thinking, speed of reactions and other qualities, depending on the characteristics of a particular game. Domino is one of the most popular board games, despite the fact that there was a game of 1100 to our era, it is still loved by many. It is believed that Domino appeared in China, the classic Chinese version has 32 knuckles, in the usual version of the bones only 28. Let's try to master this game and talk about the main rules and features.

How can you play this game:

Rules of the game

We have already mentioned the knuckles, they are the main element of Domino. Sometimes they are called "bones" or "stones", we will use the classic name. All bones are separated into two equal parts, points are applied to each of these parts. The number of points varies from zero to six, therefore, in some cases, points may not be at all. At the beginning of the game, the knuckles distribute participants, usually they give out seven or five knuckles in their hands, depending on the number of players, which can vary from two to four. The more participants - the less knuckles give out ones. For example, if two people play in Domino, it should be seven bones, if four are five.

The knuckles that remained after the distribution go to the reserve, that is, they are postponed to the "digits" down and subsequently take if necessary. When the dice is retrained, it's time to start the game. The first step by a player with a knuckle "Six-Six" or "one-one", if suddenly such knuckles did not turn out to be in the hands of the players, and they got into the distribution, the move was doing that player who has a double or the stone with the greatest number Points in sum, for example, eleven (that is, six plus five).

The first player puts his knuckle, after that the move does the following. His knuckle must have the corresponding previous number. For example, if the player put the "Four-Six" knuckle, the next should put a knuckle, on which there are one of these numeric values, respectively: or four, or six. If the participant did not have such a knuckle, he needs to take advantage of the distribution and pull the knuckles until he falls suitable. If such chips did not turn out to be in reserve, the participant must miss the move and give it to the following. This situation is called "Fish".

Children's domino

Children's dominoes are essentially similar to the game for adults. Its basic distinctive trait - Colorfulness. On the knuckles in the children's domino instead of the points, various drawings are deposited, for example, images of animals, birds, transport, nature, toys and many others. In addition, numbers or letters sometimes apply on the knuckles, it allows the baby to quickly learn to count and learn the alphabet. Children's knuckles are very beautiful, playing with them, the baby will not only master domino, but also replenish his vocabulary, it will be able to learn better the world And learns a lot of new things. Therefore, it is impossible to consider board games with something old-fashioned and forgotten. You should not write off the "Classic" from the accounts, the domino will definitely like your baby, just once to acquaint him with this game, and he will definitely ask you to play it again.

Tatyana Dolchishina, 09.11.2014

Developing Board Game "Domino: Yellus"

Developing Board Game "Domino: Yellus" will help your child in the game of the game learn to compare images and find the same pictures.