Scenario of the intellectual contest "Umnichka" "Mystery of the Third Planet" Methodical development (preparatory group) on the topic

This is the final contest "Student of the Year 2010"

The purpose of the competition: the development of creative abilities, identification of gifted children.

1 Presenter Good afternoon, dear guests and participants of the competition!

Today we are holding a contest "Umnitsa and Magnikov"

According to the results of district, school Olympiads, participation in regional and district competitions, our participants have the following points.

2 Moderator: So, we start our competition. It will consist of three rounds.

First tour, qualifying - theoretical competition. All contestants are members of this tour. The one who first raised his hand answers. For each correct answer, the player receives the Order. Four of the contestants who will raise the greatest number of such orders will move to the second round.

The second round is the competition of the best theorists. Three contestants, which, according to the results of this tour, will raise the greatest number of orders, will go to the final.

Third tour - final. Three best theorists have to go through red, yellow and green paths. We hope that the audience will like our competition. You have tokens in your hands, and with their help you for the contest define the audience awards of visual sympathies.

1 Presenter: We start the first round of the competition.

(Leading ask questions, the jury monitors who first raised his hand to answer. For each correct answer - 5 points)

Questions of the first round

  1. He knows almost everything. He was an artist, a musician, a poet, doctor, traveler, astronaut. Who is he? (Dunno)
  2. Name the Russians folk tales, in which the main character At the end of the fairy tale dies? (" Kolobok "," Snow Maiden ")
  3. What buildings in Ancient Greece Were inscriptions: "Do you live dead here and say dumb"? ( On libraries)
  4. What is the hedgehog on the bear look like? ( Slies in a hibernation)
  5. Savior Fly in the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky? ( Mosquito)
  6. What month is 28 days? ( In all)
  7. Continue the proverb: "Labor feeds, and :( leng Portith)
  8. How many times did Gwidon fly to the king Saltan? ( 1, 2, 3, 4
  9. What is the longest river in the world? (Nile))
  10. How many flea wings? ( 0)
  11. What are the highest tree in our forests? ( Pine)
  12. What birds wings are not covered with feathers, but scales? ( Penguins)
  13. What measures of length in the old people used Russian people? ( Arshin, elbow, soot, top, verst)
  14. What word is the fruit and part of the eye? ( Apple)
  15. What mushrooms eat hedgehog? ( No)
  16. What many consists of seven elements: seasons, days of the week, months?
  17. What a felt boots are lying? ( From sheep wool)
  18. How many performers in the duet? ( Two)
  19. State emblem. (Coat of arms)
  20. Where is the grasshopper ears? ( On the foot)
  21. What waterfall is the highest in the world? ( Angel in Brazil)

2 Host: While the results of the first round are summed up, you will find a pleasant surprise - song.

(The jury summarize the competition)

1 Host: We present to you the participants who moved to the second round of the competition.

2 Presenter: For each correct response, participants will receive the Order "Magniki and Mistnie". Three participants who received the greatest number of orders will become the winners of the second round and come to the final.

1 Host: "Our Motherland - Mother Russia" "Our Fatherland". "My Malaya Motherland." How much heat and love in these phrases! And the love of the Motherland is manifested primarily in respect for her symbols. And our second round is dedicated to symbols Russian Federation, Belgorod region.

Questions of the second round

  1. What is the symbols of the state? ( Flag, coat of arms, anthem)
  2. Who is the author of the word anthem of the Russian Federation? (S. Mikhalkov)
  3. Who is the author of the Music of the Anthem of the Russian Federation? (A. Alexandrov)
  4. The state coat of arms is one of the three main characters of any sovereign country. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation? ( Golden crowned double-headed eagle in a red field)
  5. When is the Day of the State Flag of Russia?
  6. First State Flag Russian Empire Also was tricolor. What color were the stripes? ( Stripes: Black, Yellow, White)

2 Host: While the jury summarizes the second round, we will see the hobby of the participants of the competition .

1 Host: The following participants came to the final. Now you will choose a path in which you have to go through the third round of the competition. The participant who has chosen the Red Track should answer two questions and cannot be wrong. On the green path you can make a mistake once, and in yellow - twice

The first participant chooses the track, who scored the most orders.

the Red carpet

  1. When was the coat of arms in our country?
  2. During the campaigns on Azov in 1695 - 1696. And in the first years of the Northern War (1700 - 1721) Peter I established white - blue - a red flag. The location of its bands reflected the ancient Russian understanding of the structure of the world. What did these colors mean for the ancient Rusch? ( Downstairs physical, red; Above - heavenly, blue; Even above - the world is divine, white)

Yellow track

  1. "Rides", what did this word mean in the old days? (Rider)
  2. In 1705, Peter I establishes the Andreev flag for the Navy. How did he look like? (Blue oblique cross on a white field)
  3. Where and when did the first coat of arms in the world appear? (In the Middle Ages in the knights)

Green track

  1. What are the people who give the description of the coat of arms and are followed by their correct compilation? (Geroldy)
  2. How in ancient times oriental Slavs, the Rusa called the flag? (Banner)
  3. It is known that the February Revolution of 1917 passed under the red banners. In 1816, the flag of Russia becomes the Red Plot, in 1954, a blue strip is located along the Tree. On August 21, 1991, the emergency session of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR restored Belo - the Red Flag as a state. What do these colors personify in our time? (* White - frankness and nobility, blue - loyalty and honesty, red - courage, courage, love)
  4. What words were in the state hymn of many countries of the world? (God, King's store)

2 Host: While our Areopag is summarized by the final, let me continue the presentation of the hobby of the participants.

(The jury summarizes)

1 Presenter:

You tried how could
Your talents show
Let someone be ahead -
Others do not lose heart!
We spent a wonderful evening
Not easy competition behind:
And the results of this meeting
Now will announce the jury to us.

(Speech by the President of the Jury, the awarding of the winners).

All participants receive diplomas for nominations and a prime of audience sympathies.

Intelligent game for children of older - Preparatory group Dow

Scenario Intellectual Relay for Senior preschool age "Magniki and Mistnie"

Buzwakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, educator of Madou "Kindergarten No. 88" Berezniki Perm Territory
Purpose: Promoting the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking of pupils, identifying the intellectual gifting of pupils.
- to intensify the existing knowledge;
- develop curiosity, independence, responsibility of children for the results of their activities;
- to learn to negotiate with each other, establish a dialogical communication when performing tasks;
- To form the ability to enjoy the success of comrades.
Description:the event will be interested in teachers and teachers who want to hold an intellectual contest among their pupils.

Intellectual Marat is he- This is the form of an intellectual competition of senior preschoolers, allowing to identify not only certain knowledge of children, but also the ability to apply them in new non-standard situations requiring creative thinking.

Music sounds.
The day is unusual today with us.
We are glad, so glad to welcome you.
For smart games Gathered by defores
It is time to start it.

Music sounds, children run.

All day, all children ask questions:

1. Why in the river water?
2. Clouds sail where?
3. Why fly birds and can not get lost?
4. Why should we save, tomorrow again get up?
5. Where do you live in the winter bears?
6. Who left a piece of the moon?
7. Why is the car rides?
8. Why do the elephants?
9. How to write a line in the notebook?
10. How to read from the word sheet?
11. Why do flower flowers?
12. What is the owl feed?
13. Why should we eat, brushing your teeth, wash?
14. Why so smart to be very necessary to try?
One hundred questions, one hundred answers
What else to say ...
It's terribly interesting to know everything about everything in the world.

Music sounds "terribly interesting, all that is unknown ..." Children sing and dance.

It's time to see, it's time to know
Heroes of the day - participants of the tournament.
Entrusted which now
Yourself and the garden to represent
And in the future, the country is in the tournaments of the world!
And so cheers to participants of the tournament!

Leading. The team "________________" of kindergarten number ___ is invited
Teams show a presentation - this is the first competition.

The presenter invites all commands for the presentation.

Leading. We met the teams of participants, and now we present you another team - the team of a fair and objective jury.

Leading. While the jury sums up the presentation, we begin the warm-up.
1 Workout contest - Drawing.
Go to easers. Now we learn how our players are oriented on a sheet of paper. Choose one person who will draw, and the rest to help him. Draw, please:
In the upper right corner - the sun,
In the lower left - wood,
Right under the tree - Mushroom
Down in the middle - the house.
On the left side of the roof of the house - the pipe
In the upper left corner - tucca.
To the right of the house round flower bed.
In the center of the flower beds - 5 flowers.
Above the flower beds butterfly.

2 Competition - Designing.
Go to your workplaces (We used empty rolling stands). Before you, the details from which you need to create construction according to the scheme. You take your scheme. Work is performed on speed. You collect while music sounds. As soon as the music is over - you cease to work, and the jury assesses your work.
Performance time - 1.5 minutes

Leading. The warm-up ended. And now the first stars from our jury.

Leading. Our relay consists of three stages.
1 stage - "ABC security",
2 - certificates,
3 - the edge of his native forever beloved. (Slide 2)
Each participant must be answered by five questions. Answering the question correctly, you are moving to the finish. The team that answers the question first, gets extra star. You already know that they can affect the result at the end of the competition.

Leading.You need to answer questions with stars (show). Let's try. Attention on the screen. (Slide 3)

So, the first participant answers the questions of the Safety ABC section (Slide 4).
The presenter sets questions on Slides 5 - 9. I recommend reading a question twice with the answers. Participants raise the star. The jury records who gives the right answers.

Leading. And now you need to independently perform the task (slide 10). Consider carefully a picture and note those children who behave wrong. You work while music sounds. (1 minute).

While the jury summarizes the "ABC security" stage (slide 11), we all play together.

I will ask questions, and if you agree, answer "this is me, it's me and my friends with me." If you do not agree, keep your legs and slap into your hands.

Which of you, noticing the smoke, is gaining "01".
Who does not ignite candles and does not allow others.
Who, amateur in the old manner over the fire to dry shoes.
Red defill ran. Who played with matches?
Smoke seeing, does not yawning and firefighters causes.
The smoke pillar rose suddenly. Who did not turn off the iron?
Which of you go ahead only there, where is the transition?
Does anyone know that the red light means - no stroke?
Which of you walking home walks on the passing pavement?
Which of you from kids, walks dirty to ears?
Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
The rules know exactly and always keep them.

Leading. The participant of the second stage of "Dimensions-ka" is invited (slide 12).
The participants of the second stage also respond to a trial question (slide 13).
The presenter sets questions on slides 15 - 19.
Leading. And now you need to independently perform the task (slide 20).
Consider carefully pictures and cross out an excess picture in each square. You work while music sounds. (1 minute).
Pictures and pencils fold on jobs.
Leading. Thanks to all participants of this stage.
While the jury sums up the stage of "Dimensions" (slide 21), we will conduct a contest of mysteries.

It meets the spring - earrings dressing.
Thined on the back of a green brazer.
And the dress is striped. Learn. You -…. (birch)
He long dropped a tree and destroyed all the bugs.
In vain, he did not spend time, long-skinned motley (woodpecker)

Good-natured, dellow, all the needles are covered.
Do you hear the topot of the shock legs?
This is our buddy (hedgehog)

I wake up in the morning early
Together with the sun ruddy,
I fill the bed itself,
Quickly do (charging).

The sun warms and bake
River from the mountain flows.
Melting snow around water
So it came to us .... (Spring)

Wasya rain cheerful,
We are friends with you!
Good to run barefoot on ............. (Puddles)

It is round and red as a traffic light,
Among the vegetables there is no juicy ....... (Tomato)

On the back its house is house. Does not need anyone.
With you always belongings from slow ... (snails)

Neither triumpual arches nor cathedrals
Neither spiers go to the clouds
But I love all my heart this city.
I am happy that I live in Berezniki.

With the words of the famous Bereznikovsky poet Alexey Retaetov, we begin the final stage of the "edge of native forever beloved" (slide 22).

I invite the participants of the last stage. As well as your comrades, the first question is a trial for you. Attention on the screen. (Slide 23)

The presenter sets questions on slides 25 - 29.
Leading. And now you need to independently perform the task (slide 30).
You need to assemble the coat of arms of the city out of pieces.
You work while music sounds. (2 minutes).
On workstations cut pictures.
Leading. Thanks to all participants of this stage.
While the jury sums up the stage "The edge of a native forever beloved" (slide 31) Let's dance.
You can organize dance for showing any fun music.

When summing up the number of stars, for every 5 stars - 1 point.

Leading. All you deserve respect.
The most honorable you are here
Take congratulations from us
You want to count all you again.

Good luck to you guys, new victories and see you.

Do you have your favorite chad for more than 4 years? Diaper, dispensers and "children's diseases" are already far behind? Does your Wunderkind surprise "deep" phrases and pearls from the category of "children's humor"? With him it becomes interesting to "chat" on different topics? Congratulations, you together with him enter the interesting period of life. This is the age when intelligence begins to form when your baby becomes already "slightly adults". In no case we urge to rush this process, but you just need to participate in it. And how to build communications with a child, how not in the game?!

Games from the "wise owl" are invented and designed in this way. We made this project, based on more than 10 years of experience using game learning techniques in children's clubs early Development. We are sure: our games will help you make moments of communication with the child useful and fascinating.

Your crumble has not yet grown to school bench, but already "learning"? Take pictures of it in the process of "study" with school supplies and participate in the "Mokhpers and Mistnik" contest.

All contestants who want to receive a diploma for participating in the competition should fill in a special form in the Personal Account. Mandatory data for filling diplomas: FULL NAME, who you are (teacher, mom, child, pupil, student - place of study or work and necessarily locality).
Attention! For one photo you can get only one diploma. If you are a teacher and you participate in our competition with your group of children, then to obtain an individual diploma to each child, you should create all pupils personal cabinets (It is necessary to use email parents with their prior consent or ask parents to create personal offices independently).
Diplomas will be available for downloading in the personal account of each of the participants who fill in a special form immediately after the completion of the competition.

Reception of photos and vote visitors: from 05.03.2017 to 05.04.2017

Definition of the winners of the contest: 04/06/2017

The winner of the first gift will be the participant who will be chosen by the Competition Commission of Mudra Owl, the second gift will receive a participant who will choose the competitive commission of the portal about games and toys, the owner of the third gift will be chosen among the participants who will raise from 30 likes.

All participants wanting to receive a diploma for participation in the competition should report it to the post office. Mandatory data for filling diplomas: FULL NAME, who you (teacher, mother, child, pupil, student - place of study or work and be sure to settle).

Attention! One video is issued for one photo (regardless of the number of children in the photo). If you are a teacher and you participate with your group of children, to obtain an individual diploma to each child, you should create personal accounts to all pupils (you should use your parent email) and download his photos.

Data for diplomas should be sent only during the period of the competition, diplomas are discharged after the end of the competition within 10 days and are sent at the request address. All requests that will come after the end of the competition will not be considered. All diplomas are issued for free!

Our winners!

I place: SEKWOIA

II place: umka11

III Location: Ivanovo

Intellectual game B. children's garden For senior preschool children 5-7 years old

Author: Thardeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, practical psychologist, educator-methodologist, pre-school educational institution of combined type No. 9 "Sunrise", G.Shachtersk.
Methodical development will be useful to teachers preschool institutions. The game contains a variety of tasks for children of senior preschool age, which develop mental processes, intelligence, independence. The main purpose of the game: Diagnosing the level of training for children to school.

Subject. Intelligent game for senior preschoolers "Mokhpers and Umnikni"

- maintain interest in cognitive activity;
- develop memory, thinking, attention, communicative skills;
- to educate in children the ability to exercise the initiative to obtain new knowledge, perseverance, purposefulness, smelting, mutual assistance

1. Cares with tasks
2. Music ("Dancing Teacher", "Fanfare" (Start, Rewarding, Disk With Music Fragments from Children's Cartoons)
3. Presentation
4. Aero - Mary Poppins

Game traffic:

Music sounds.
Early early Sonse rose,
Good morning wished everything.
And I have children, congratulations,
Wonderful mood to all of you.
Unusual day today we have
The game called - her hour came.

Music sounds, children come.

It's time to learn closer
Heroes of the Day - Intellectuals,
Imagine cute friends
We all need to meet.
Presentation of the game participants

- So, we met with the team of the participants, and now we present you another team - the team of a just and objective jury, which will have to take difficult, very important decisions.
Presentation of the jury

Music sounds. At the umbrella "arrive" Mary Poppins.
Mary Poppins
I will open the door in the fairy tale
All learned Poppins Mary?
And for adults and children
I am always full of ideas!
So that you can develop,
With any difficulty to cope,
I have a hurry to help you
I will invite knowledge to the country!
Reoxolate, tighten,
Look all on me.
We repeat with me together
Oath good words:
Swear friendly we be
And the tears are bitter not pouring.
With a smile difficulty meeting.
Everyone boldly overcome.
Leading: So, our intellectual game is open, and we will start it with a small warm-up (slide number 2)

Mary Poppins
Slide 3.

I will ask questions to each participant. For each correct response, the participant receives one score.

1. What tree is afraid of wind? (aspen)
2. What bird is called a forest doctor? (woodpecker)
3. Who flies faster: chicken or duck? (duckling)
4. What is the day of the week now?
5. What is the name of the birdhouse made by the hands of a person? (Buncher)
6. How many times do you know? (four)
7. In which month, children go to school? (September)
8. What drink can be obtained from the animal? (milk)
9. What lasts longer: year or 12 months? (equally)
10. What flower colisfies fingers? (rose flower)
11. On what planet do we live? (Land)
12. What kind of cereals are pilafed? (Fig)
13. Animal that pulled out of the Marsh Aibolit? (hippopotamus)
14. What can be seen in the sky in the warm season after the rain? (rainbow)
15. What vegetables are necessary for cooking borsch?
16. What can be seen with closed eyes? (sleep)
17. What time of year is the blizzard?
18. How many people pulled a repka? (3, other animals)
19. Home Santa Claus. (Refrigerator)
20. What can be prepared, but you can not eat? (homework)

- The warm-up ended. The jury summarizes the first results. And we invite the participants to take their places.

Leading: Smart, funny and resourceful guys gathered in our hall. And the jury and our contests will help us to choose the smartest. Slide 4 (presenter lists competitive tasks)

Mary Poppins chooses the square "Entertaining Mathematics"

Leading: Guys, and here is the first task - unusual fruit examples.
Task: You need to solve each example and in empty cells to write a figure corresponding to the number of fruits in the example. Slide 5.

Mary Poppins collects cards, gives them the jury.
Leading: Dear Mary Poppins! Help us, please choose the next contest on our colorful square.
Mary Poppins chooses the square "Think - Guess"
Slide 6.

Leading: And again task with cards. Guys, consider the picture. On the left there are different items, and on the right - the graphic image of their parts.
Task: Find a pair of object and its graphic image and connect their straight line.

Leading: Our guest chooses the next square ... ..
Mary Poppins chooses the square "Mysterious World of Nature"

Leading: And ... We will have to work a little more with cards. So, Task: Determine what grows, connecting the straight line slide 8

Leading: Mary Poppins! We again ask you to name the next contest.
Mary Poppins Selects the Safety Safety Square Slide 9

Leading: Guys, we ask you to approach the screen.
Children are suitable for the screen.

You have to answer the questions you will ask the doctor, the traffic police inspector and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For the correct answer you get one score. Who will be the first to answer the question?
Children in turn respond to asked questions.
Inspector traffic police
1. The place allotted for walking pedestrians is called ... a) sidewalk; b) highway; c) Street. Slide 10.

2. How to go correctly, if there is no traffic light nearby. Slide 11.

3. On which machine is "Volvo", "Audi" or "Mercedes" - would you agree to ride with a stranger? Slide 12.

1. What to do if smoke appeared in the apartment: a) wrapped the face with a wet cloth and quickly leave the apartment; b) Open windows and doors so that the smoke will disappear. Slide 13.

2. What puts on firefighter face, entering the burning room, and why does he do it? Slide 14.

1. Schools (locker), in which medicines are collected in the house. (First aid kit.) Slide 15

2. With the help of which organ a man breathes: a) the brain; b) heart; c) lungs. Slide 16.

3. Cold body workout. (Hardening.) Slide 17

The jury summarizes the results of the contest, and our guest of Mary Poppins calls the next contest.

Mary Poppins chooses the square "on fabulous paths"
Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then we suggest you stroll through fabulous paths.
(On the screen balloons under the numbers. The child chooses a ball with a number.)

Slides for tales Slides 18 - 27:
1. "Golden Key" - Cap, Alphabet, Theater

2. "Sister Alenushka" - Kopytsz, Kozotok., Girl

3. "Tsarevna-Frog" - Arrow, Boloto, Ivan-Tsarevich

4. "Three Bear" - Plate, Chair, Bear

5. "Masha and the Bear" - box, pies, girl

6. "Snow Queen" - Palace, Sani, Boy

7. "Thumbelina" - Mole, water lily, swallow

8. "12 months" - bonfire, basket with snowdrop, stepmother and sister

9. "The fairy tale of fisherman and fish" - a trough, nemid, an old man.

10. "By whining omen" - the oven, buckets, pike.

Mary Poppins: And now let me declare a creative contest "Show the Higher Class!"
Children dance to the music of "Dancing Teacher" with Mary Poppins

Leading: The jury is not easy will summarize this contest. You are all guys, such wellms!
"We suggest you to sit at the tables again, and Mary Poppins call the next contest of a multicolored square.

Mary Poppins chooses the Square "Dimensions".
Leading: To perform this task, you need to make sound analysis of words: cat, cock, fox and write the first letter of the word. Slide 28.

Well done, coped

The presenter collects cards, gives them the jury.
Leading: Dear Mary Poppins! Select, please, the next contest!
Mary Poppins chooses "Find too much"
Leading: Here, guys, we have the last card. Listen to the task: You need to cross in each group of items one extra.
Slide 29.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

Child Development Center - Kindergarten №1 "Sunny"

Municipal Intellectual Competition "Umnichka - 2017"

Among the pupils of pre-school educational institutions of the Left Bank

Prepared and conducted an instructor on physical culture Shishunova S.V. and music leader Tereshchenko E.A.

City District Khimki 2017.

Scene 1: enters Alice.

Hello guys. I, Alice Seleznev. Have you seen an ad? My dad and Professor of the Verkhovtsy collect a new space expedition To open new constellations in intergalactic space. Want to fly with us? Oh, just just a professor. Now I ask him to take you with me

Professor, professor, go here faster

Professor: Alice. What happened?

Alice: Look, I found us a team for the expedition.

Professor: Are you sure that these guys are suitable for us?

Alice: Of course. After all, here gathered the smartests from the smartest from all over the shore.

Professor. I, of course, believe you, Alice, but you understand that without special approval of the Commission of the professors of Cosmo and Microbiology, we will not be able to take them with you.

Alice: And they are already here. Let's handle them:

(Presentation of jury members)

Tatyana Filippovna - Educator MBDOU № 1

Jüba Natalia Gennadievna - Educator MBDOU number 10

Kulikova Natalia Gennadievna - Educator MBDOU № 19

Muir Nadezhda Nikolaevna - Educator MBDOU № 8

Carpenter Natalia Nikolaevna - Art. Educator MBDOU №57

Kariganova Oksana Viktorovna - Educator MBDOU №58

Sarak Irina Mikhailovna - Senior Educator MBDOU №59

Professor: Well, guys are ready to check our multiple professors of the KhimkiGrupplevostar Institute? Then appear, please.

(Presents participants)

Alice: and so let's start

1 tour

Alice: Hurray !! The guys coped wonderfully and can be sent on the road?

Professor: Wait, Alice. It remains to be convinced of their endurance and physical readiness for the flight.

Alice: Oh, this is my favorite test. Can I spend it?

Professor: Of course.

Game "confusion"

(Alice shows some parts of the body, but calls others. The guys should show that part of the body called Alice "

Professor: Now we occupy a place on the ship and on the road. Hold the course to the jellyfish system on the captains planet.

(Children are taken by hand for parachute and perform several circles with nor)

Professor: Here we are in place. Just for some reason I do not see anyone.

There is a bird Govorun

Govorun: Ki anyone? I'm a bird talker, I differ in mind and ingenuity. Greetings, you, friends.

Alice: Hello, Govorchik. We brought you a gift (Spider shows). You have long wanted a pet.

Govorun: Thank you.

Alice: Where are the captains?

Govorun: Captain Kim and Burane flew to explore the gray nebula and have not returned.

Professor: How to be now. We agreed with the captains that they will leave us the exact coordinates of the jellyfish system. Without them, we do not share to new constellations.

Govorun: the captains all have provided. They left you an encrypted message.

Professor: Alice, here we were useful to your guys - Umnichki. Guys, decrypt the post of captains.

2 tour

Professor: Epistle decrypted. We occupy a place on the ship and on the road.

Govorun: What about the Bird Govorun? I differ in mind and smartity and I can be helpful.

Alice: Let's take it. He is so pretty.

Professor: Good, Alice. We start the countdown 5-4-3-2-1-start

(children again take over the parachute and pass two circles and suddenly hear that "Barrachlit Motor")

Professor: We have fuel. Need urgent landing. Govorun, what's the closest planet?

Govorun: Planet Junior.

Professor: take a course on the planet of the piece of iron. Get ready for landing.

(Comes out lousy, greets with all the guys)

Commmour: How glad I'm glad. Finally, the professor, as we have not seen each other for a long time !!! Alice, you're already big !! And I remember you still like such a crumb.

Alice: Yes, I already go to the second grade and getting ready to become the Captain of the Space Fleet.

Commmise: Well, tell me, it led you to our planet of the piece of iron. I walked so much(grabs for the heart), Wait, I need to take four hundred grams of Valerian. (Pulls the big bubble valerian and drinks it with a volley)

Well, already better. Now tell

Professor: We fly to open new constellations, but unexpectedly on our ship the fuel ended and we need refueling. Do you have cosmobenzine?

Loud: please, how much you want. Only there is one tiny problem with the size of the moon ....

Alice: Is it like?

Burma: And so. Someone has disabled the fuel station and changed all the calculations, so the pump is more cosmobenzine does not pump. And I can not figure out in the repair recordings. I am an archaeologist, not a mechanic

Professor: Let's see, let's see (takes leaves and carefully studying them)

Professor: This is exactly the case where the knowledge of the guys will help us to get out.

3 tour

Professor: Our ship is fully refilled by cosmobenzine, and we can continue our journey.

Burma: I also do not mind with you to travel. Maybe I will find a new form of life for your archaeological museum.

Alice: Professor. And let's get on the planet "Bluk" she is not far here. Professor: I do not understand why you need there, Alice?

Govorun: On the Bluk planet in the city of Palaputra on Saturdays, a real bazaar is operating on Saturdays, on which you can purchase real exotic alien creatures from all galaxies.

Alice: That's it. The guys have not seen this. Well, please, we just take a look at one eye and that's it.

Professor: I'm not against. And you guys?

Children: Yes !!

Professor: then occupy space on the ship. We start the countdown10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-takeoff ...

(children are taken for parachute and make two circles)

After landing, they are searched into place and alien beings appear on the scene and making the circle go. Bird Govorun is all of them)

Professor: Our journey comes to an end. Hold the path to the medus system constellation mirrors.

(children fly the same way as in previous times)

Alice: how beautiful here. Notes I do not see any stars, and even more than new constellations.

Govorun: You need to approach the mirror wall closer.

(children fit the wall with mirrors and look in them)

Commmise: What do you see in the mirror tunnels?

Children: nothing, only yourself.

Burma: I understood. Eureka. You are the newest stars that we have been looking for so long.

Professor: And together make up one big constellation "Left-Bank Umnichki"

Alice: And every star of you is good in your own way. And now we will be convinced of this.

(Children show creative numbers according to the foobion)

  1. Star Larionova Victoria.Poem Z. Alksandrovy "Snowdrop"MBDOU № 59.
  2. MBDOU NAME 4 star with number ""
  3. Star of Sainback Artemia MBDOU number 58 with the number "Kelmobot"
  4. Saint of MDOU № 1 Korneeva Daria with the number "Treasure of the Universe"
  5. Star Sazonova Anastasia with the poem "Stars" MBDOU №19
  6. Asterisk MBDOU №10
  7. Meet the Lariona of Larione Daria with the creative number "There is one planet - the garden" with its support group of MDOU number 57

Professor: What talents! How cool performed! Real asterisks, no wonder we were looking for you.

Govorun: Dear Professors! It has come an hour to choose the best and vivid star of our constellation "Left-Bank Umnichki"

Jury goes to discuss

Game with cumbersome "cosmic hedgehog"

Children stand in a face face, hands behind his back. In the center of the circle lousy. With the beginning of music, children begin to transfer the ball-hedgehog to each other from hand in hand. Bulk is trying to guess from whom the ball. Showing the child he is obliged to show his hands in cumbersome if he guess and the ball is found, then the leading changes.

Game with Govorun "Rubber"
Children become in a circle and take over the rubber two hands. Bird Govorun is confused "to peck" a child by hands, touching the index finger of the hands. If the child does not have time to tear his hands from the rubber, then drops out of the game.

Parachute "Cosmonauts"

Children hold parachute with two hands. On the parachute, the leading puts in turn 7 planets (balls) The task of children to ride them in a circle (as in orbit around the sun and do not drop.

The jury announces the results of the competition.

Winner's reward ceremony.