Formula 6x6 Rubic Cube Cube. Impossible is possible, or how to assemble the main models of Rubik Cube. The movements of medium layers are tied to external faces

One of the attributes of the garden or recreation area on the countryside is a bench, sitting on which you can read the book alone or, on the contrary, spend some fun hours in the circle of friends. How to make the usual bench be comfortable and at the same time turned into an element of the garden decor? The output is simple - a bench for giving done with your own hands. Only their own exclusive creation will fully satisfy personal aesthetic requests.

Before you have a sketch or drawing of the product, you need to think about the place of its installation. Production material depends on it. For example, in the old garden with big branchy trees, a wooden bench in a wrought framing is good (as an option - a log product on a stone base), and in a young garden - an easy, even openwork bench in a romantic style.

A small white bench is highlighted by a contrast against the background of dark green albinding

If it is placed in a quiet secluded corner, near or surrounded by blooming flower beds, it will be a great place for privacy and recreation, where you can spend a few pleasant minutes alone with you after the workout "workout" on the beds.

Old brick wall, a bench from a snapped tree and flowers look mysterious and romantic

Often benches are an integral part of the veranda, arbors, summer sites For a picnic. In this case, there must be several products weathered in a single style. One example is a garden table with two bears on the sides, after which the summer evening can be arranged a family tea drinking or fighting board games.

Deliberately rude and comfortable wooden design - table, two benches and armchair

The bench is better to install in such a way that the view does not open up the neighboring fence or garage, but on the pond, flower bed or. The surrounding picture should please the eye, and not remind you that you need to fix the car or update the paint on the gazebo. It is also appropriate to arrange benches on the playground, by the pool, near the front entrance to the house.

Bench at the pond surrounded by flowers and greenery - a great place to relax and ponday

One of the successful places is in the garden, near the beds. It is better if the bench will stand in the shade, for example, under a shistful crown of a tree or under a canopy, as it is designed to relax from physical labor - koking, weeding, watering or harvesting.

Holidays in the shade of a flowering bush - real pleasure

You can think over the decorative frame: a garden bench, made with your own hands, looks good in surrounded by low flowering bushes, specially arranged flower, on a small elevation or on a platform from natural stone or.

Preparatory work - half of the case

First you need to take a piece of paper and make a sketch or drawing of the intended product. Even at this stage, questions may arise: what kind of height will be optimal or how many legs should be the bench? There are general standards that should be followed during the compilation of the scheme:

  • 400 mm - 500 mm - seating height;
  • 500 mm - 550 mm - seating width;
  • 350 mm - 500 mm - backrest height.

If plans to create a product with a back, should be determined for yourself how the back will be attached to the seat. Depending on whether the laptop is laptop or not, the legs are planned: they are fixed in the ground in the ground.

The legs of the bench is easy to fix: it is necessary to drench the pits of the desired size and fill them with cement mortar, lowering wooden parts there

According to the drawing, you can estimate how much the material is required for work. Usually, this kind of product has a minimum of financial investments: there are always many wooden billets left from the construction of a house or bath, fasteners (self-tapping, nails, bolts, brackets), paintworks for wood processing.

If you collect the remnants of wooden products and blanks from all over the cottage, you can come up with an unusual model

There is in the back and the necessary tool. If the main material for the manufacture will be a tree, you should cook: plain, saw, jigsaw, hammer, sandpaper, roulette and pencil.

Making benches: six simple projects

Never lose, choosing a tree - soft, malicious in the processing and at the same time durable, capable of serve not one ten years. From wood you can create elements of various shapes and size, curly inserts, volumetric and miniature parts.

Project №1 - simple bench with a back

If there are difficulties with drawing up sketch, you can use the finished drawing of the garden bench.

All parts are cut according to the dimensions in the drawing.

This bench is traditional for urban parks, similar specimens can be found in river stations, near theaters or shopping centers - in those places where you have to spend some time waiting. The advantage of this option is the simplicity of the preparation of parts and the speed of the assembly. The work will require thick bars for support (3 large and 3 smaller), bars or boards for seating and backrest.

The color of the details can be changed using the impregnation or lacquer of a darker shade

This model is portable - it can always be rearranged on another, more convenient place. So that it always stood smoothly and did not swing, when installing the supports, it is necessary to monitor the exact location of the parts - even a small inconsistency will cause a skew of the product.

At the end of the work - and this applies to any wood from wood, which is on the street, - all wooden parts need to be treated with a special impregnation from mold or to cover varnish, also containing protective components. The treated wood is not amenable to moisture, longer serves and looks like a new time for a long time.

Project №2 - Bench in classic style

This option is more solid than the previous one. The bench with a rectangular seat and the same back looks great on the background of the house built from any material - wood, brick, stone.

Collection of armrests and backs of the classic bench bench

For a variety, you can change the color, pick up a shade, closer to the dual buildings. The back of such a bench is a real find for lovers to dream and embody their ideas in the wood. Straight vertical bars can be replaced by placters located crosswise.

On such a bench can easily fit several people

The upper horizontal crossbar looked nicely if it was covered with elegant carvings or color ornament. Armrests and legs can also be figured - but it all depends on the desire and skill of the master. To make such a bench for summer cottages, you will need only a few evenings, and you can enjoy the rest on it not one year.

Project №3 - Table with benches

The garden kit for resting the whole family consists of a convenient table and two fixed benches.

A comfortable and practical table with a pair of benches will be useful at any dacha.

All major parts (table, shops) are collected separately, and then collected in a single whole with 4 lower bars - 2 on each side.

The assembly scheme of the whole set

The table is a tabletop with legs installed crosswise.

Table assembly scheme

The benches are going to easily, from bars or boards of various lengths.

Lovel assembly scheme

At the last stage, first fix the benches - to give the design of stability, then the table, exactly in the middle.

Initial assembly - buckle

A simple look, but a comfortable table will be a place to collect family and friends in the evenings - for communication, evening tea drinking, relaxation.

Such a table with benches can be placed right on the lawn

More detailed drawings and photos of this project you can download.

Project No. 5 - Video Master Class

Variety of material, shapes and styles

Tree - traditional, "warm" material for the manufacture of benches, so products from it are so different. Instead of processed on the machines of bars, you can take the natural material of natural forms - and we are not just a bench, but a real masterpiece.

The original bench is made of large parts of sawdust and processed logs.

It turns out that there are also stone benches, but they are rather valued for functionality rather, and for aesthetics. You want to sit on the stone product only during the warm season, but you can constantly admire it.

A small stone bench harmoniously fits into the floral landscape

Exquisitely and elegantly look, but only a professional blacksmith can create a bench for the garden with their own hands.

An forged bench among the violent mess looks more than appropriate

Combined shops and benches, built of stone and wood or decorated with objects from textiles, pillows look interesting.

Small pillows in pink and white gamut, neatly laid out on the bench, make a garden corner cozy and home

Today everything. We hope that you have found something useful for yourself. If you have questions or wishes - please please in the comments.

For children and adults sometimes the task may seem to collect rubik 3x3 cube. Scheme with pictures for beginners in this matter - one of the main assistants.

Also that everything is clear and transparent, you can use video instructions. Both of these aids we will actively apply in practice so that you are finally learned to solve an eternal challenge with Rubik Cube.

Collect the rubble cube can be in different ways and methods. You can do it in 15 moves, in 7 moves and even in the whole 20. For many years, all sorts of smarters are fighting over the search for the optimal solution to this task. After all, the rubble cube is a mechanical puzzle that can be quite a logical solution. You only need step-by-step instruction, as well as a small stock of logic and patience.

Before you start, directly, the assembly algorithm should be Examine key concepts.

The very name of the toy speaks for itself - the cube consists of 6 sides (faces), 12 ribs, 8 corners. The edges of the cube consist of 9 small color elements that can rotate simultaneously, but only clockwise and against it. Letters of the Russian alphabet the names of the faces will be referred to:

F - facade;

T - rear;

P - right;

L - left;

V - Top;

N - bottom

In many descriptions and schemes there are designations of the graves of a cube in English.

Next Secret Rubik Cube
lies in the location of small color elements.

  1. Central cubes Determine the color of the entire side of the Rubik cube. It is these cubes that we will call it by analogy with the name of the faces (F, T, P), etc.
  2. Rib cubes are adjacent to two glandsTherefore, the name will be double (for example, FP, PV) - depending on the faces with which they interact.
  3. Corner cubesit contains 3 letters in the title, since it belongs to three farements at the same time (FPV).

And one more mini secret - when you study the schemes turn the faces, letters without any additions will mean rotate 90 degrees clockwise, And letters with an additional sign '- counterclockwise.

Having understood in all these legend symbolsYou will be much easier to fold Rubik's cube and you make it right and fast. Also, for a variety you can learn to do.

How to collect a cube rubik 3x3: the easiest way, the assembly scheme

The easiest I. reliable way Assembling our rubble cube begins with the bottom crosse. Collect cross on the bottom of the cube And proceed to a gradual solution of the task, how to collect a cube rubik 3x3: the easiest way, the scheme of which is right in front of you.

And, of course, the most understandable manual for the assembly of a cube will serve a video lesson with detailed description experienced virtuoso.

3x3 rubble cube assembly for beginners in pictures

In the first stages of the practice of Rubik Cube, we will use the same method of the cross, but this time we will have a cross from colored cubes on top face. As you understand, the high-speed assembly of Rubik's cube is waiting for you ahead, at this stage it should learn to correctly determine the location of the faces and moving them in the plane of the cube.

Cube assembly methods are different, and now you have to learn how to collect a cube rubika 3x3: Scheme for beginners consists of 7 stages. For each of the steps, pictures with a description of the assembly process are available for you. You may have spend more time on this puzzle than it was supposed, however, you decide a problem, available to all residents of our planet! It costs and sweat.

By the way, the last world Rubic Cube Assembly Recordthe speed was set in 4.73 seconds. And he belonged to the Australian Student Felix Zemdegsus, who defeated the previous record holder just 0.01 seconds. We have no place in this business, so we carefully study the instructions and begin to collect the first layer.

Principle of Building Cube Rubik from the initial cross Not so complicated. Here it is necessary to correctly explore the location of the faces. And then - the case of technology, as they say. The main concepts and rules for assembling a cube Rubik for teapots, we have already passed.

We are confident that the 3x3 Rubik Cube Assembly Scheme for beginners in pictures helped you install your own record and in further attempts you will reduce the time to a minimum.

If all these stages and formulas seemed to you complex and confusing, we propose to revise the video in which the entire process is shown in detail on the example of a virtual rubble cube.

Formulas Cube Rubik 3x3: We calculate the moves

If you think that previous assembly methods of the notorious cube were intended exclusively for stupid, catch a few formulas.

L - Rotate the left side
R- turn right face
U - Turning the upper face
D - Turning the bottom face
F - rotate frontal face
B - Rotate the rear (rear) face.

Small letters are denoted by the inner faces of the cube - R, L, U, B, F, D.
All turns with such designations are performed on 90 grams. clockwise.

"- Stroke after the letter, indicates that the turn is directed counterclockwise. For example - U", L ", R" ...
Figures 2 or 3 Ahead of a large letter means the number of lateral faces rotated at the same time.
For example - 2L, 3R, 2U, etc. ... clockwise, and 2l, respectively, "3R", 2U ", etc., and so on counterclockwise.

Figures 2 or 3 Ahead of a small letter means the sequence number of the reversed internal face.
Figure 2 After any letter denotes a turn of the face twice, that is, 180 degrees.
For example:
2L2 - means turning two left faces 180 degrees clockwise.
3r "2 - a turn of the three right faces of 180 degrees counterclockwise.

F "- turn one front face counterclockwise

U2 - Rotate one top face clockwise 90 degrees

2b "- turn two rebels counterclockwise

3D2 - turn of the three lower edges of 180 degrees clockwise.

You need to turn the face to yourself to navigate in the direction of rotation - or counterclockwise.

The simultaneous rotation of several internal faces is indicated by 2-3 numbers, for example - 2-3L or 2-3r.

Stage 3. Assembling the latest ribs.

You have passed the steps 1 and 2 and came to the situation when all the ribs besides two are collected, and it is impossible to substitute the insufficient edge to take advantage of the formulas of the stage 2. To build the last two ribs, you will need special schemes separately for each case.

2R2 B2 U2 2L U2 2R "U2 2R U2 F2 2R F2 2L" B2 2R2

2L "U2 2L" U2 F2 2L "F2 2R U2 2R" U2 2L2

3L "U2 3L" U2 F2 3L "F2 3R U2 3R" U2 3L2

Also, the formula 4x4 may be applicable to the 6x6 cube at this stage.

Stage 4. Final assembly and parishes.

Further, everything is simple, collect 3x3 cubes. But when assembling the last layer (cross), there may be not standard situations called parities. Which cannot be in a 3x3 cube, but similar situations are found in the 4x4 cube.

3R2 B2 U2 3L U2 3R "U2 3R U2 F2 3R F2 3L" B2 3R2

2-3r2 U2 2-3r2 3U2 2-3R2 2-3U2

2-3r2 U2 2-3R2 3U2 2-3R2 3U2 R U R "U" R "F R2 U" R "U" R U R "F"

All finishing assembly stages, including parishes, you can also look at the video.

Stage 1. Assembling centers.

At the first stage, you need to collect centers on each face of a cube 6x6 (Fig. 1). The center is 16 elements of the same color in the middle of each face. The first four centers are simply assessing and interesting, it is not necessary to know the formulas at all, it is enough to understand the basic principles. But the remaining two centers are easier and faster to collect with the help of formulas. Rotate external faces Space the elements of the centers you want to change places. You need to rearrange middle cubes. Put the desired cubes opposite each other and perform a suitable formula. At the same time, the elements of the remaining centers collected earlier are not violated.

And do not forget that the centers in the 6x6 cube are not strictly fixed! They must be set focusing on the angular elements, according to their colors, and you need to do it from the very beginning.

3R U "2L" U 3R "U" 2L

2R U "3L" U 2R "U" 3L

2R U 2R "U 2R U2 2R"

3R U 3R "U 3R U2 3R"

3R U 3L "U" 3R "U 3L

The first four centers are simply assessing and interesting, it is not necessary to know the formulas at all, it is enough to understand the basic principles.

Also the entire first stage of assembly, you can look at the video.

Stage 2. Assembling ribs.

At the second stage, it is necessary to assemble the fourths of the rib elements of the cube. The initial positions before applying the formulas are given in the pictures. The cross is shown by rib couples that are not yet docked and will be affected in the process of applying the formula. The use of formulas does not affect all the other previously collected ribs and centers. Everywhere in the drawings it is believed that yellow is the front (front edge), red is the top. You may have another location of the centers - it does not matter.

The result to which you need to come in the second stage.

r u L "U" R "

3R U L "U" 3R "

3L "U L" U "3L

l "U L" U "L

It is important to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthis stage. All formulas consist of 5 steps. Step 1 is always turning edges (right or left) so to combine 2 rib elements. Step 2 is always turning the top. Where to rotate the top - it depends on which side there is a insufficient edge, which you substitute instead of docked in step 1. In the pictures and in these formulas it is a rib on the left, but it can be on the right. Step 3 is always a turn of one right or left face so that instead of a docked edge to substitute uncooked. Steps 4 and 5 are the reverse turns of steps 2 and 1 to return the cube to the original state. So they docked, removed to the side, stained insufficient, returned back.
For a more visual demonstration, watch the video.

A puzzle, invented as a visual allowance for algebraic theory, unexpectedly fascinated the whole world. Already, no one decade far from higher mathematics people gambling over a complex and exciting task. Magic Cube is a great tool for the development of logical thinking and memory. Those who first wondered how to collect Rubik's cube, schemes and comments will help support enthusiasm, and perhaps discover the World of Speed \u200b\u200bCooking.

Six puzzle faces have certain colors and the order of their location, patented by the inventor. Numerous fakes often give themselves to unusual colors or their position relative to each other. Educational schemes and descriptions always use standard color design. The beginners are quite simple to get confused in explanations, if using a cube with another color scheme.

Colors opposite faces: White - yellow, green - blue, red - orange.

Each side consists of several square elements. According to their number, the types of rubble cubes are distinguished: 3 * 3 * 3 (first classic option), 4 * 4 * 4 (the so-called "Rubik revenge"), 5 * 5 * 5 and so on.

The first model collected by Ernu Rubik was 27 wooden cubes, equally painted in six colors and compiled on each other. The inventor has tried to group them for a month for a month so that the edges of the large cube are from the same squares. Even more time was the development of a mechanism that brought all the elements.

Modern Rubic Cubics Classic Design consists of the following items:

  • Centers - still relative to each other parts fixed on the axes of rotation of the cube. They are addressed to the user only with one painted side. Actually, six centers and form mirror pairs in the color scheme.
  • Ribs - moving elements. The user sees two colored sides from each rib. Color combinations here are also standard.
  • Corners - eight moving elements located in the tops of the cube. Each of them has three colored sides.
  • The fastening mechanism is a cross of three rigidly fixed axes. There is an alternative mechanism similar to the sphere. It is used in high-speed or multi-element cubes. Especially complex design of cubes with an even number of elements on the edges is a system of interrelated click of mechanisms, sometimes combined with a cross. There are magnetic mechanisms for professional high-speed cubes.

The Rubic Cube game is that with the help of a mobile mechanism, color elements are reordered on the edges and try to assemble in its original order.

Puzzle fans compete in solving time. In addition to the dexterity of the hands, it is necessary to study, remember and bring to automatism hundreds of combinations of color elements and actions with them. This unusual sport is called speedcubing.

Records are regularly held regularly, records are updated. Constantly open new horizons for achievements. As part of the tournaments, the assembly competition is held, with one hand, legs, and so on.

The newest passion is the assembly of solitaires (patterns) on the cube.

Cube structure Rubik and rotational names

In order to describe the manipulations with a puzzle, write down the schemes of solutions, the movements of the elements relative to each other, and simply for the convenience of communication, the language of rotations was created. It is the letter notation for each face and for the methods of its rotation.

The sides of the puzzle are indicated by capital letters.

In Russian-speaking guides on the assembly of the Rubik Cube use the initial letters from the Russian titles:

  • F - from "Facade";
  • T - from "Rear";
  • P - from the "right";
  • L - from "left";
  • In - from "top";
  • N - from "Nity".

The world community use the initial letters from the names of the faces in English.

Designations taken in WCA (World Cube Association):

  • R - from Right;
  • L - from Left;
  • U - from Up;
  • D - from Down;
  • F - from Front;
  • B - from back.

The central element is called the same as the edge (R, D, F, and so on).

The edge is adjacent to two glands, its name consists of two letters (FR, UL, and so on).

The angle, respectively, is described by three letters (for example, FRU).

Groups of elements that make up the middle layers between the faces also have their names:

  • M (from Middle) - between R and L.
  • S (from standing) - between F and B.
  • E (from Equatorial) - between u and D.

The rotation of the faces is described by letters, calling the face, and additional icons.

  • Apostrophe "'" indicates that the facet or layer is rotated counterclockwise.
  • Figure 2 is indicated by repeating movement.

Possible actions with the edge, for example, with the right:

  • R - rotation clockwise;
  • R '- Rotation counterclockwise.
  • R2 - a double turn, no matter what way, since the verge of only four possible positions.

To determine which way to turn the face, you need to imagine the clockwork of the clock and follow the movement of the imaginary arrows.

The rotation of the opposite faces "clockwise" is on the counter.

The movements of medium layers are tied to external faces:

  • The M layer rotates in the same directions as L.
  • Layer S - as F.
  • Layer E - like D.

Another important designation "W" is a simultaneous turn of two adjacent layers. For example, RW is the simultaneous rotation R and M.

Turns of the entire cube are entirely called interceptions. They are performed in three planes, that is, in three axes of coordinates: X, Y, Z.

  • x and X '- turns along the axis of the X of the entire cube. Moves coincide with the turns of the right face.
  • y and Y '- Cube turns along the Y axis. The movements coincide with the rotations of the upper face.
  • z and z '- the rotation of the cube along the z axis. The movement coincides with the rotation of the frontal face.
  • x2, y2, z2 - denotation of double interceptions along the specified axis.

In addition to the generally accepted designations, the assembly guidelines are filled with slang, popular in the soundcubes environment, the names of technician, techniques, algorithms, patterns and shapes on the cube and so on. No less demanded schematic descriptions of algorithms in which only arrows are used. The more experience accumulates in solving the puzzle, the easier it is to understand the descriptions and explanations, many things begin to be perceived intuitively.

  • Cap - collected on one side of the cube colored elements. Assembling the puzzle is the same as the assembly of all six caps.
  • Belt - adjacent with a cap colored elements. The cap can be assembled so the belt consists of scattered colored fragments, that is, the angular and rib elements are not in their places.
  • The cross is a figure on a hat of five fragments of the same color. The assembly is often starting with the construction of the cross. There is no clear guidance. This step allows the greatest freedom of action and requires certain reflections. When the cross is ready, it remains to follow the memorable algorithms.
  • Flip - turn turning or edges in one place with respect to the center, this action requires the use of special algorithms.

Schemes and steps assembly puzzle for beginners

Schemes for beginners will help learn and save nerves, collecting hopelessly tangled cube, feel the logic of movements and work out the simplest algorithms.

Before you make some action, you need to examine the cube. On competitions on the "presence", 15 seconds are given. During this time, it is necessary to find elements of the same color that will be collected in the "cap" at the first stage. Traditionally begin with a white side, that is, most of the guidelines assume that U is white. "Multi-colors" -spotkubers can start an assembly on any side, mentally rebuilt all the finished algorithms.

Rubik 2x2 cube

"Mini Cube" consists of 8 angular elements. At the first stage, one layer of four corners is assembled. At the second stage, the remaining angles are placed in their places, while they can be inverted, that is, color elements will be not on their faces. It will remain to deploy them with the desired side.

  • The PIF-PAF algorithm allows you to move the corner element and correctly orient it. If you do this sequence of actions six times in a row, the cube will come to its original position. Thus, if the cube is mixed, you need to apply it from 1 to 5 times to set the item correctly. Recording algorithm: rur'u '.
  • When one layer is assembled, you need to turn the cube to the second layer upstairs. Moving this layer in any direction, set one of the corners to your place. Next applies an algorithm that allows you to swap two adjacent elements - the right and left corner of the front face. The following sequence is as follows: Uru'l'ur'u'lu.
  • When all the angles are located on the ground, they are turned over (flipped) with the help of the PIF-PAF algorithm. At this stage, it is important not to intercept the cube.

How to collect rubble cube 3x3

  1. Build a "White Cross", collecting 4 ribs with white stickers around the White Center.
  2. Combine the color centers of the parties R, L, U, D with the suitable ribs of the "White Cross".
  3. Place corners with white stickers. Using the R'D'RD algorithm, repeated to five times, the angles will turn over to the correct position.
  4. To put the ribs of the middle layer on their places, it is necessary to intercept the cube - U2. Choose a rib without yellow stickers. Align it with a center that coincides in color with one of the parties. Using formulas, shift the edge into the middle layer: the edge goes down with the shift to the left: u'l'ulufu'f '. The edge goes down with the displacement to the right: Uru'R'U'F'UF. If the element was in its place, but incorrectly rotated, these algorithms are used again to move it into the third layer and re-establish.
  5. Not intercepting a cube, collect the yellow cross on the header of the third layer, repeating the algorithm: FRUR'U'F '.
  6. Align the ribs of the last layer with side centers correctly, as it was done for the first Cross. Two ribs will easily fall into place. Two others will have to change places. If they are against each other: rur'uru2r '. If on the neighboring sides: rur'uru2r'u.
  7. Place the correct positions of the corners of the last face. If none of them is in the place of place, apply the formula Uru'l'ur'u'l. One of the elements will get right. Catch the cube with this angle to yourself, it will be the top right on the frontal face. Move the remaining corners counterclockwise Uru'l'ur'u'l or, on the contrary, u'l'uru'lur '. At this stage, all collected areas will be rebuilt, it will seem that something went wrong. It is important to ensure that the cube does not turn over and the center f did not shift about the user. Combination of moves must be repeated up to 5 times.
  8. Perhaps the angular elements will need to be deployed by combing color fragments with the rest of the edges correctly. To expand (flip) them, the first formula is used: R'D'RD. It is important not to intercept the cube so that F and U do not change.

Rubik 4x4 cube

Puzzles with more than three elements in the edge suggest a much larger number of combinations.

Especially complex "even" options, as they do not have a rigidly fixed center, which helps to navigate in a classic puzzle.

For 4 * 4 * 4, about 7.4 * 1045 positions of elements are possible. Therefore, he was called "Rubik Revenge" or Master Cube.

Additional designations of internal layers:

  • f - internal frontal;
  • b - internal rear;
  • r is the inner right;
  • l is the inner left.

Assembly options: layers, from corners or impressions of 3 * 3 * 3. The last method is most popular. First, four central elements are collected on each face. Then the rib couples are customized and the corners are finally exhibited.

  • Collecting the central elements, it is necessary to remember which colors are opposed to pairs. Algorithm to change places elements from the middle four: (RR) U (RR) 'U (RR) U2 (RR)' U2.
  • When assembling, the ribs rotate only the external face. Algorithms: (LL) 'U' R U (LL); (LL) 'U' R2 U (LL); (Ll) 'u' r 'u (ll); (RR) U L U '(RR)'; (RR) U L2 U '(RR)'; (RR) U L 'U' (RR) '. In most cases, the ribs can be collected intuitive. When only two rib elements remain: (DD) R f 'u r' f (dd) '- to set them near, u f' L f 'l' f u '- to change places.
  • Next, the formulas of the cube 3 * 3 * 3 are used to permutate and rotate the angles.

Complex cases that require a special solution - parishes. Their formulas do not solve the task, and knock out elements from a dead-end situation, leading a puzzle in the form solved by standard algorithms.

  • Two neighboring rib elements in the wrong orientation: R2 B2 U2 L U2 R 'U2 R U2 F2 R F2 L' B2 R2.
  • Non-relaxed pairs of rib elements in the wrong orientation: R2 U2 R2 (UU) 2 R2 U2.
  • Couples of root elements standing by an angle to each other, in the wrong orientation: F 'U' F R2 U2 R2 (UU) 2 R2 U2 F 'U F.
  • The angles of the last layer are not in place: R2 U2 R2 (UU) 2 R2 U2.

Fast Puzzle Build 5x5

The assembly is to bring to classical mind. First, 9 central fragments are assembled on each cap and three ribs elements. The last stage is the arrangement of the corners.

Additional notation:

  • u is the inner upper face;
  • d - the inner bottom edge;
  • e - the inner line between the top and bottom;
  • (Two faces in brackets) - simultaneous turn.

The assembly of the central elements is easier than in the previous case, since there are rigidly fixed color pairs.

  • At the first stage, difficulties may occur if it is necessary to swap elements in neighboring faces. If they are separated by one edge element: (RR) U (RR) 'U (RR) U2 (RR)'. If they are on the inner central layers: (RR) 'F' (LL) '(RR) U (RR) U' (LL) (RR) '.
  • Combining the rib elements is intuitive, it does not affect the collected centers: (ll) 'u l' u '(ll); (LL) 'U L2 U' (LL); (RR) U 'R U (RR)'; (RR) U 'R2 U (RR)'. The complexity represents only the assembly of the last two ribs.

Formulas for parities:

  • swap elements in layers U and D on the edges of one face: (DD) R f 'u r' f (dd) ';
  • change the rib elements located on the middle layer on one face: (UU) 2 (RR) 2 F2 U2 F2 (RR) 2 (UU) 2;
  • expand these elements in their places, that is, flip: E R f 'u r' f e ';
  • expand the roar element of the middle layer on the spot: (RR) 2 B2 U2 (LL) U2 (RR) 'U2 (RR) U2 F2 (RR) F2 (LL)' B2 (RR) 2;
  • swap elements in the side layer on one face: (LL) 'U2 (LL)' U2 F2 (LL) 'F2 (RR) U2 (RR)' U2 (LL) 2;
  • flip at the same time three ribs elements in its place: F 'L' F U 'or U F' L.

The last task is to place the corners on the principle of classic cube.

Developed special techniques to facilitate this task. OLD POCHMANN method is one of the popular OLDCubers medium.

The assembly is not carried out in layers, but by groups of elements: first all the ribs, then the corners.

RU RU - buffer. Applying special algorithms, a cube that occupies this position is moved to its place. An element that replaced it in the RU position, is moved again and so on until all edges are in their places. The same is done with corners. The feature of algorithms for assembling blindly is that they allow you to move the element without stirring the rest.

Australian Felix Zemdegs updated the world record for assembling a classic Rubik Cube in 2018 at the beginning of the year recorded best time 4.6 seconds, in May the puzzle is solved for 4, 22 seconds.

The 22-year-old athlete belongs to a few more active records 2015 - 2017:

  • 4x4x4 - 19.36 seconds;
  • 5x5x5 - 38.52 seconds;
  • 6x6x6 - 1: 20.03 minutes;
  • 7x7x7 - 2: 06.73 minutes;
  • megaminx - 34.60 seconds;
  • one hand is 6.88 seconds.

The robot record recorded in the Guinness Book of Records - 0.637 seconds. There is already a valid model capable of collecting a cube in 0.38 seconds. Her developers are Americans Ben Katz and Jared di Carlo.