Quest for 12 year old on a children's court. Quest Scenario for Children at Home - Gift Search! What is a gift gift search

All of them are successfully conducted by active mothers and beginner animators. Thanks for the good comments!

This quest is designed for children of 10-13 years. Many in this age love dinosaurs, therefore the scientific fiction story of my beloved Conan Doyle "The Lost World", based on which a game was created, will not disappoint them. I very much hope that after the quest, the children will run to read the book itself.

I can not pass, with what pleasure I myself reread the battered paper book when I prepared the material for the script ... I envied myself!

The essence of the quest

  • This quest, which can be carried out in the apartment of any size, in the cafe, in the country, in the classroom and in nature. The props is the easiest, and nothing needs to hide anywhere. Conveniently! .
  • Children can be only two (these are two teams), 6, 8, 10, etc. If the area allows, the quest can be carried out for 30 people, dividing on commands.
  • I prepared sheets with tasks (download them for free), but you can easily remove extra and add your tests. In the first sheets, the riddles are more complex, on the latter - simply merry tasks so that children have fun and "released steam", they danced and cried.
  • The purpose of the quest is to get admission to the Lost World (Mpel-White Country). It will be just a sheet of paper with the appropriate record, but you can put gifts for a birthday room or all guests with a certificate.

For the tasks of the team received glasses that I suggest issuing in the form of marmalade worms (in the story of Conan Doyle were poisonous snakes Yarakaki). Yarakak for testing tests to separate banks for each team. If the task is performed without a hint - 2 worms. If with a hint - 1 worm. I could not have done - the worm does not rely.

At the end of the gifts, we give the same, but the winner team can be additionally awarded dinosaur chocolate eggs.

Where to begin?

In my scenario, the names of the main characters of the story are used. In principle, you can play right away, but it will be better if you though in two words tell the essence of the book. I suggest to plant children in front of the computer screen and show shots from the old Soviet diameter "Lost World". It will take about 10 minutes. Everything is very short but game will go differently.

What do you need to do lead?

1. Distribute to each team a sheet with a task, auxiliary materials and props.
2. To ensure that the children read and understand the task or independently read and explain the essence.
3. Take up time when necessary
4. Monitor the progress of riddles and give tips on time.
5. It is friendly to announce the winner in every test and lay marmalade worms in different banks.
6. Monitor the progress of the game, help and cancel hard tasks, if children do everything very slowly.

What do tasks look for teams

I tried to prepare everything so that you can just download and use. I remind you can edit each sheet by adding or simplifying tasks.

These are 8 sheets with a brief dossier and tasks from all the characters and characters of the story of Conan Doyle "Lost World".

I give you 10 folders in which it will be:

1. Task list itself from one of the heroes of the story (this is a text format, on viewing is not visible pictures, you need to download for editing)
2. Auxiliary pictures, if needed for the quest
3. Film Film Part 1 and part 2 (you can watch directly from my Yandex disk, using the arrow, you can download myself to your computer)

Quest script and instruction for the lead

In the left column - briefly about the task for children (completely it is on those sheets that I give to download).
In the right column - comments for the lead. I do not write a riddle in detail - everything is in that wonderful folder.


Greetings to you, coup. I am a descendant of Professor of the Chellaner, who proved its contemporaries the existence of a lost world. Nature's laws lost their strength in this place due to complete isolation from the outside world. This is an amazing plateau with dinosaurs, pterodactiles and ancient plants.

My great-grandfather was carefully encrypted all the coordinates, and only the favorites can receive the tolerance! Are you ready to take a chance?

If you can easily cope with all these tasks, get a certificate from me. Put it to our faithful assistant living on Amazon, which will show you the way to the Lost World.

Quests of the artist MEPL-White

Who found the artist

In the task "Who found an artist", children must compare the fingerprint on a bottle with prints that they get on an additional sheet.

One imprint must be cut and glued the square to any bottle. Children compare drawings. The correct answer: the artist found Professor Challenger.


Each team receives one any book and word (phrase) of 8 letters. Children encryp on words and change books and ciphers to solve the opponent's code.

The presenter gives one team the word "help", the other - the phrase "diamond here." Makes up the correctness of actions, gives a command to exchange encrypters.

Album with drawings

The team gets coloring with dinosaur. But you need to paint it ... Plasticine! Tear down small pieces and quickly flip dinosaur itself and background. It is necessary to work with everyone at the same time, in order for 5 minutes something worthwhile.

The presenter flows exactly 5 minutes. According to the results gives teams. At the end of the quest, you can make an exhibition of plasticine paintings.

Tasks Professor Challenger

Three riddles

Mystery 1.. Conduct the sequence with, o, n, d, i, f, m (on the sheet there are details)

The host prompt gives in case of difficulty: remember the calendar. Correct answer: These are the first letters of months, starting from September. Next letter - A (April).

Mystery 2.. If you call her name, it will disappear ...

Correct answer: silence.

Riddle 3.. Five round gingerbreads need to be divided into 6 people to robbing. But! You can not divide each gingerbread on 6 parts.

To solve, distribute paper and pencils, let them make mugs on paper. Correct answer: If 3 gingerbread will be cutting in half, then we get 6 identical parts. The remaining 2 gingerbread is cut to 3 the same parts and again we get 6 identical parts.


Children get materials and instructions for making a ball with basket for flights

The presenter distributes each team to one ball with helium, thick threads, sticky tape and one-time cup. The team that has done everything quickly and efficiently is defeated.

My daughter took 4 minutes to make such a ball. So that he does not fly away, they planted there dinosaur.

Quest journalist Nada Melone

Map of the Lost Mira

Participate 2 people from each team. One holds an outdoor feltaster stationary, the second leads a piece of paper on the tip of the marker, trying to repeat the negative card.

The presenter gives markers and sheets of paper on a solid basis - the sheet should not bend. The winner is determined by the quality of the drawings.

Task Professor Summerley

Riddle of ice balls

Children get balls that need to be unforged under the jet of water and find a note with a task about the father and two sons.

Ordinary balls are tensioned on the crane, filled with water to the size of the tennis ball, are tied and freezed in the freezer. With the toy they look very cool! In one ball, place a note with a job, after wrapping it into the package. If there is no such possibility, inflate the balls and give me to head.

Correct answer: Initially both sons are shipped. One sons return back to the Father. Father moves on opposite shore To son. Father remains on the shore, and the son is transferred to the original shore behind his brother, after which they are both transferred to the Father.

Extra phrase

Children should find an excess phrase among 7 sentences.

Correct answer: All phrases - palindrome, i.e. Read from left to right and right left equally. All except one: "Just I am so."

John Rockstone Traveler Task

Fruits and roots

We choose one representative from each team and tie his eyes. They should try 5 different fruits and vegetables and guess that it is.

All products are cut into small pieces, we give in the mouth, burning on the toothpick. Apples, pears, plums, grapes, carrots, beets, cabbage, bell pepper, garlic, onions, etc. Oh, they are choking such face ... it's fun!

Color and name of stones

Just connect the lines color and name. There are 2 stones for each color.

Wins the fastest command, since the task is very simple.

Quest of the black sambo servant


It is necessary to quickly, efficiently and firmly link 10 pieces of linen rope.

Quests came to Russia from Western culture, where the so-called salon detective games are widespread. The game has gradually gained popularity and began to be applied towards any categories of individuals, including children. What is it?


The word "quest" came from of English languagewhere this word means "question". it group gameFor which the script is written in advance. However, the development of events games goes Not strictly according to plan, but according to the results of the players. The script is needed to outline the plan and the course of the game.

A group of participants, usually about 10 people, seeks to achieve one or more goals set by the game theme. It can be a search for treasures, killers, maps, etc. To bring Participants to the right conclusion, the organizers throw them prompts in the form of evidence, mysteries, questions on the smelter. The response of each participant depends on how soon the band will get to the target.

An excellent example of such a pastime can serve as Quest Fort Boyard, which another decade ago was demonstrated on television. Participants were allegedly in Forte, were looking for a treasure, and each of them had to show a smelter or physical agilityTo get a hint. Not always the group turned out to be the winner.

Today quests are held in Moscow for children 12 years and older. This age category is optimal for such games, as well as quests for adults and for the whole family. But if adults are difficult to turn on the game, then adolescents are 9-13 years old and are worse. We present the rating of the best quests for children in Moscow.

You can book in Quest online. Group costs from 2 to 4 people will cost 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Quests rating

  • The Wizard of Oz. The quest for children from 12 years old was created based on the fairy tale of the same name. The script is slightly changed to adapt the plot under the form of the quest. The team passes through the sandy path and fall into a fabulous city, where friendship and kindness reigns. However, the evil sorcerer became the inhabitants, they became sad and sullen. The task of players is to argue the inhabitants and return friends. The duration of the game is 1 hour.
  • Major's priests curse. This ancient Indian civilization still remains a mystery. Why bars do not try to solve it? This is a good summer quest, the script of which is based on the idea that Maya launched the wheel of time once a thousand years to prevent the death of the world. However, a few centuries ago, the last priest Maya died. And now the time has come again to run the wheel. Participants of the game should understand how to do it to save humanity. The quest is held near the m. Kurski. Duration - 1 hour.
  • Alice in Wonderland. This Children's Quest for Birthday is perfect, if your baby is twelve years old. Bright scenery and low complexity of questions will definitely like the child. The rating of previous participants of this event is extremely high. The script is based on the fact that Alice girl falls into a fabulous sleep, where everything is inverted over on the head. The task of the players is to help Alice wake up to bring everything into place. Thanks to the organizers of the quest Tale, loved by us since childhood, will come to life for the whole family. Duration - 1 hour. Venue - near m. Prospect Mira.
  • Harry Potter and the Slytherin Dungeon. In the dungeon of Slytherin hidden the race of the one whose name cannot be called. Players must kidnap the race for an hour, otherwise they will forever trap. Children accompanied by adults may take part in Quest. After 14 years, support is not required. Quest is located near the m. Kurskaya.
  • School of magic. A 12-year-old child will be happy to take part in Quest. The tasks are not very complex, the first of them require the use of magic chopsticks. Participants fall into the castle of the Grand Magician, who prepare for them the test. To prove that you are a real magician, you need to open all the doors in the castle. Duration - 1 hour.
  • Lord of the Rings. Quest was created based on famous modern saga. The event will be held near the m. Taganskaya. Ring of power falls to the participants. They should get to the mordor to destroy it, otherwise it will poison their souls. The path is to have a long, because you have to go through the city of elves, the cave of the gnomes, the marsh of the dead and the lair spider. Children who have already fulfilled the 10th year can only be accompanied by adults. After 14 years, children pass on their own. The quest lasts 1 hour.
  • The Simpsons. Quest is held near the m. Sukharevskaya. You can bring children from 4 years accompanied by adults, after 12 years the child can visit this quest himself. The script is created on the basis of a popular cartoon about the funny family of Simpsons. Participants are invited to find out who of the characters they represent in fact. Lasts a quest for 1 hour.

Quests for children in Moscow suggest visiting them not only by children. You can order a quest for the participation of the whole family to enjoy spending the weekend. Holidays that you celebrate in a warm company can also include visiting the game.

From the stated site there was practically nothing but the darkness itself. The location is tiny, and two teams play on it simultaneously, which is strange and cramped. Since we paid for a transfer to some Yandex Wallet, there is a chance that these employees are so legaging. Then: there was a place on the location where 3 of 4 people of our team beat the current. Also, from the claimed heap of actors there were two of some girls, never terrible, which stupidly snorted and made a riddle of the riddles from yes, and how to guess them without leading issues?), If you play according to the rules of yes, and guess them, then It will take more than half of the game time. Also forced to sing songs and read poems. All this took a bunch of time, and all this could be done at home for free, but in the end we as if we went to the children's matinee for 4400

Disgusting event and disgusting company! 12/14/2019 The quest submitted by the Kest-for-all company called Sherlock was held. A disgusting room, the old props, the shapper, not to mention the fact that his catastrophic is not enough. 15 minutes before the start I called me a girl and asked to stay for 20 minutes, because They have repair work. Despite the fact that 16 people were planned to participate. The room is absolutely not equipped for receiving participants, brought into a dark room with 2 hooks on the wall for clothes. In the course of passing the tips were at every step. We did not even have time to look around. It seems that we tried to pay from there faster. The quest itself is not at all interesting. I received only answers to my numerous requests to contact me "with you will contact you." As a result, my phone number has blocked. Payment is received only by Sberbank-online on some kind of non-resident card, as a result of which the Commission was also written off for the translation. Work without checks. Disgusting work! No compensation for the torn event did not wait, even apologies!

The quest plan was held with friends, fled in 48 minutes, this success) At the beginning, it was a little terribly fastened with handcuffs in a prison chamber, and in general it was very exciting. Interestingly, the quest rooms consist not only of prison.

Fascinating quest, personally, my child ran on emotions) told me in Zakhleb as their team tried to escape from the captivity of aliens, in the fault of which and "stuck" on someone else's planet. Quest children were held with an animator-astronaut, which was very pleased. I recommend the company and quest.

He went with the younger sister and her classmates to the quest "School of Magic". It's amazing that 10 years of children know everything about Harry Potter)) I came in handy and spells, and the magic sticks went into the course) the quest is not difficult, but Animator Hermione helped us

For a long time I wanted to take the children to this quest, chose the quest from Eczitheim. Among all quests of the company, Avengers are designed for the smallest, as I need - I have 5 and 7 children. Took for the additional feet of the animator in a suit Iron man, I really liked the children. Without animator tips, children would be complicated. Rights are good.

It was great! The hour of the game flew unnoticed. We threesome tested deja vu, looked around in magic world Harry Potter - everyone had his own magic wand, magic spells opened the doors, and the distribution hat determined me in Gryffindor))! To be honest, not all happened immediately, it was possible to get out in 55 minutes, although the riddles would not say that difficult. Calling for the rescue of all his smelter and "" Magic wand "" found finally a magical potion)

Were on children Quest For the first time, the child chose the "Eugene Plan" himself, we supported. We were 4, three children and me. Quest quality and puzzle are chosen so that all the children are busy to get into the next room you need to solve alone, but several. The quest is small, perfectly suitable for 3-5 people. We coped, but took tips. I pleased that you could be photographed in Quest. After the quest drank coffee with cakes in a cafe at the center, but I would like more diversity of food - if you did not order in advance, there is no hot dishes.

For the birthday of the son of 14 years old made a gift - he went with his friends to the Quest Ring of Nibelung. I went myself, sharing his impressions. The quest I liked, it was complicated, the guys did not have time until the end, did not have enough, as they say, a couple of minutes, but the administrators suggested and explained at the end of the last task. Quest detective, tasks for logic. With a gift guessed. Thank you and I recommend)

Together with the sons and her husband, this quest was held by the secret of the "flying Dutchman" - I can actually fond, the entourage is wonderful - there is a mast with a sail, and steering wheel, and the cabin and the captain's bridge. The only moment is a little small room, but we were 5 people, but it would be more closed) I liked it, the riddles were not difficult, passed in 45 minutes.

Quest "The Wizard of the Emerald City" Designed for children of age 6-9 years. The goal is to find a gift / congratulation, following the prompts in the notes. Passage time is about 30-50 minutes (maybe more or less). If the quest participants still do not know how to read, the leading helps perform tasks.

What is a search for a gift for memories?

The participant is given / finds the letter / message itself, where he is invited to participate in the quest - the game and in the final to find a cache with a gift. To do this, it is necessary to consistently find and solve tips. Tips are cards with tasks and various logical puzzles. Each note is encrypted the location of the next tip.

Quest by memorization - This is an interesting and unusual way to present a child's birthday present (or any other occasion), as well as an excellent option to entertain guests of this event at home. Also, making some adjustments (replacing some places of hires), you can spend this quest, for example, in a cafe. As a treasury there may be various treats, small souvenirs or a large cake at all! 🙂

The quest can be organized both for the company and for one child.

What will take: ballooniR, Pen (you can make paper), puzzles (on a small number of pieces.), Bottle, thread, envelope, box, decanter with water.

Quest topics: The Wizard of Oz

Quest Quest for Children

Start: Children to hand the envelope, saying that he was sent a wizard from Oz. Or you can make it more creatively, for example, make a balloon ( balloon Glit to a small basket / box with beverage tubes) And to invest in it. After all, the wizard flew in a balloon.

Letter: Dear Guys! He writes Goodwin. I am a wizard from an amazing country. I need your help! This night, the winged monkeys stole my magic treasure chest. One me can not cope with cunning monkeys. Help me find the chest and then all its contents will be yours. Monkeys left traces of tips that you should find and solve. My friends will help you: ruined, Dorothy, Woodcutter, and Totomy. Step by step you will come to the cherished chest. Search for the first prompt in this envelope.

I wish you a good way!

Your Goodwin is a great wizard of the country.

  1. In envelope task-mystery from the Totomy:

There is a portrait in the room
Everything is like you.
War down - and in response
He laughs too.

Answer: Mirror

For lead: You need to breathe in advance to the mirror so that it fits and write the word pillow!

So that the inscription manifested itself on the mirror again, the player (s) should guess to breathe on it! If you do not guess, the presenter can suggest.

As an option is easier: Hide a note with the word "pillow" (or any other word - a cache) behind the mirror (or nearby).

  1. Under the pillow lies the air ball (blown) with the inscription take me!

For lead: In the ball note with the task. To get a note, you need to inflate the ball and burst it (or blow, until it burst).

In the ball note: The next tip will fall to you straight out of the air, but for this you need to push it (air) with your hands and legs! To do this, you have to perform an incendiary dance. Ready?

For lead: The presenter includes any cheerful track. All children are dancing, and at this time imperceptibly throws the crumpled note on the floor (anywhere in the room to be searching)

  1. After dance, the master reads the next hint. In the tip of the mystery:

And here you are a mystery from the horror

The liquid in it is easy to store.

It is convenient to drink from it.

What would not flow water

Cover twist first!


Children are looking for a pre-prepared bottle with a ribbon.

  1. For lead: Prepare a blank bottle in advance, make a distinctive label on it, for example, tie a festive ribbon on the neck. Put the bottle in the room so that it can be seen, but it did not catch the eye (for example, on the closet, bookshelf, etc.). Roll into the next tip in the tube and wrap the thread, knotting the nodes. Lower the note in the bottle leaving the "tail" of the thread stitching out of the neck so that the children are more convenient to pull out.

Tip in the bottle:

But the task from the woodcutter!

To get the following hint, you have to guess and draw these animals. And after lay down from the first letters, the word that will indicate the place of further searches.

Answer: TO orova. - ABOUTuniana - INyerblyud - E.j Riba:CARPET

Print the picture and cut out individual animal pictures. Fold together, roll up, tie and also throw in a bottle.

For lead: The next hint hides under the carpet. If there are several of them in the apartment, then even better.

  1. Note under the carpet:

Flying monkeys love bananas very much. On the way, they were ate bananas and during the flight, many of them fell to the ground. Find these fallen bananas that can be anywhere. Tip: There are only 7 (equal to the number of players) pieces.

For lead: Hide bananas in the apartment. At each with a rubber or thread, attach the notes, folded so that the inscriptions are not visible. Warn players to make the one who find the banana should not show anyone that in the note is written. When all bananas are found, the presenter gives such a task: You need to eat a banana and depict what is written in a note without words (in the mouth of the banana), and the rest should guess who depicts a player.

Prepare a box in advance to put the following hint. Tell me the participants that it will open only after the task is fulfilled.

In notes :

  • Janitor
  • Singer
  • Juggler
  • Woodcutter
  • The hairdresser
  • Musician
  • Artist

For lead: When everything is guessing, the presenter opens a box with the next note and gives children or reads himself.

  1. In the box: Hint from Dorothy: Guys, you are well done! But you need to rush, as monkeys can open the cherished chest at any time and pull out all the treasures. To get the next hint you need to find a feet that fell from the wing of one of the flying monkeys.

For lead: Prepare a feather and tie a long thread to it, put a note on the other end. Hide a feather so that it is slightly noticeable (sticking the tip). When it is pulled out, the note will be pulled out. For example, you can hide under the sofa, or under the closet, in the pocket of the shirt.

If there is no real flock, then you can draw.

  1. Press with a feature:

Collect puzzles, and you approach one more step to the cherished goal!

For lead: Prepare in advance puzzles from a small amount of pieces (respectively, age), collect on the reverse side, write to the following tip (any suitable place) with large letters: for example, CACTUS (The name of any flower that you have in the apartment (better than the largest).Under the pot of this flower hide another note.

Disassemble puzzles and put in a beautiful box or bag (preferably not in the one in which they are bought) and hide not far from the place where it was a feather (we need more complicated;), or tie along with the note.

It remains quite a bit to complete our quest for children to search for a gift at home!

  1. Tip in flower:

To fall to the bottom,

You need to get drunk at first!

And, attention! - Do not wipe!

For lead: Prepare a jug with water (juice) and 1 cup (can be disposable - each your own). Fit the next note and put in the bag so as not to wet and lower the water in the jug (it should be drown J). To get a note, each participant in turns must pour and drink water from the glass until the jug is empty and it will be possible to get a hint.

  1. Tip from jug:

And now the final step is

And our defeated will be the enemy!

Rather, open the chest,

While he does not bother suddenly! (oven)

Or until he froze suddenly! (refrigerator)

Or until he wines suddenly! (washing machine)

For lead: Box hide in the oven (or in the refrigerator, washing machine)! Much more convenient and looking at what a treasure. It can be sweets, small souvenirs, cake TD. What you think! 🙂

As an option:If you have a private house with the courtyard, you can hide the treasure in the package and hang on the tree branch. Then the prompt version will be:

Here are our thieves in a cage!

Stashes are now on the branch!

Here is such a scenario of a quest for children to search for a gift at home! To prepare for him, it will take a little time, but it should be interesting!

We wish you cheerful adventure! 😉 If you are questions, leave them in the comments under the article! We will try to answer soon!

Set of blanks for the quest

We offer for saving time when preparing to purchase a ready-made set of decorated cards with tasks. You will get all the materials immediately after payment (for 10 min.) On the specified e-mail address. Click on the "Order" button. After that, get to the product page where you need to fill the fields and select a convenient payment method.

Cost of set 65 rubles.

It is included in the kit:

  1. Cards with assignments in PDF and JPG format
  2. 7 cards for setting "Image"
  3. Pets with animals for task number 4
  4. Letter Goodwin
  5. Label on the bottle
  6. Card "Inflated Me"
  7. Pryony
  8. A full set of empty cards (if you want to change, add your tasks)
  9. Cards with text for the 1st participant
  10. Envelopes

From the stated site there was practically nothing but the darkness itself. The location is tiny, and two teams play on it simultaneously, which is strange and cramped. Since we paid for a transfer to some Yandex Wallet, there is a chance that these employees are so legaging. Then: there was a place on the location where 3 of 4 people of our team beat the current. Also, from the claimed heap of actors there were two of some girls, never terrible, which stupidly snorted and made a riddle of the riddles from yes, and how to guess them without leading issues?), If you play according to the rules of yes, and guess them, then It will take more than half of the game time. Also forced to sing songs and read poems. All this took a bunch of time, and all this could be done at home for free, but in the end we as if we went to the children's matinee for 4400

Disgusting event and disgusting company! 12/14/2019 The quest submitted by the Kest-for-all company called Sherlock was held. A disgusting room, the old props, the shapper, not to mention the fact that his catastrophic is not enough. 15 minutes before the start I called me a girl and asked to stay for 20 minutes, because They have repair work. Despite the fact that 16 people were planned to participate. The room is absolutely not equipped for receiving participants, brought into a dark room with 2 hooks on the wall for clothes. In the course of passing the tips were at every step. We did not even have time to look around. It seems that we tried to pay from there faster. The quest itself is not at all interesting. I received only answers to my numerous requests to contact me "with you will contact you." As a result, my phone number has blocked. Payment is received only by Sberbank-online on some kind of non-resident card, as a result of which the Commission was also written off for the translation. Work without checks. Disgusting work! No compensation for the torn event did not wait, even apologies!

The quest plan was held with friends, fled in 48 minutes, this success) At the beginning, it was a little terribly fastened with handcuffs in a prison chamber, and in general it was very exciting. Interestingly, the quest rooms consist not only of prison.

Fascinating quest, personally, my child ran on emotions) told me in Zakhleb as their team tried to escape from the captivity of aliens, in the fault of which and "stuck" on someone else's planet. Quest children were held with an animator-astronaut, which was very pleased. I recommend the company and quest.

He went with the younger sister and her classmates to the quest "School of Magic". It's amazing that 10 years of children know everything about Harry Potter)) I came in handy and spells, and the magic sticks went into the course) the quest is not difficult, but Animator Hermione helped us

For a long time I wanted to take the children to this quest, chose the quest from Eczitheim. Among all quests of the company, Avengers are designed for the smallest, as I need - I have 5 and 7 children. They took for the additional feet of the animator in a costume of the Iron man, the children really liked. Without animator tips, children would be complicated. Rights are good.

It was great! The hour of the game flew unnoticed. Threesome experienced deja vu, again plunging into the magical world of Harry Potter - everyone had her own magic wand, magic spells opened the doors, and the distributing hat determined me in Gryffindor)! To be honest, not all happened immediately, it was possible to get out in 55 minutes, although the riddles would not say that difficult. Calling for the rescue of all his smelter and "" Magic wand "" found finally a magical potion)

Were in a children's quest for the first time, the child chose the "Eugene Plan" himself, we supported. We were 4, three children and me. Quest quality and puzzle are chosen so that all the children are busy to get into the next room you need to solve alone, but several. The quest is small, perfectly suitable for 3-5 people. We coped, but took tips. I pleased that you could be photographed in Quest. After the quest drank coffee with cakes in a cafe at the center, but I would like more diversity of food - if you did not order in advance, there is no hot dishes.

For the birthday of the son of 14 years old made a gift - he went with his friends to the Quest Ring of Nibelung. I went myself, sharing his impressions. The quest I liked, it was complicated, the guys did not have time until the end, did not have enough, as they say, a couple of minutes, but the administrators suggested and explained at the end of the last task. Quest detective, tasks for logic. With a gift guessed. Thank you and I recommend)