Svetovid "Cubes for all" - "Tetris in a new dimension. Useful lessons for everyone according to Nikitin's method. " Nikitin's game "Cubes for all" wooden (Svetovid) Svetovid cubes for all

I try not to buy trendy interactive toys for my kids. There were sad experiences of buying such, but they played with them for a month and a half, then these toys were sent to a dusty corner. I try to buy ordinary high-quality dolls, constructors, mosaics, in general, such where the child has to invent something himself or build his own storyline games. And not on everything ready-made.

One of my last acquisitions was "Cubes for All" from "Svetovid". These cubes are designed according to Nikitin's method. Cubes are packed in a plywood box, there are also cardboard packages, but plywood is more durable.

This is a puzzle game consisting of cubes of various shapes and a booklet with tasks, which suggests the shapes to be folded from these cubes. Everything is simple at first glance.

The cubes themselves are a copy of figures from the familiar Tetris, straight nostalgia breaks through))) Made of well-processed wood. There is not a single jaggedness and unevenness. There is no foreign smell either. On the contrary, when you open the box, you can smell the sawn wood.

The booklet contains tasks "from simple to difficult". If the first pages are not difficult for an adult, then the last figures will make you think.

The beginning of the book

Assignments from the end of the book:

My eldest daughter (4.5 years old) is just mastering the construction of the first figures from this book. So far, it is difficult for her, but over time, I think, we will build everything with her.

Price at the time of purchase is about 400 rubles

The simplest of Nikitin's cubes "Fold the Pattern" - you can practice from the age of two.

Nikitin's games are educational aids for children of all ages. Their peculiarity is that the tasks become more difficult as the necessary skills are mastered. Such aids allow you to determine yourself how to apply your abilities. The development of creative, mental potential occurs effectively and systematically. The basis of knowledge and skills laid from early childhood contributes to the formation of a harmonious personality.

The inventors of the cubes are Nikitins, Boris and Elena. They are convinced that classes should stimulate spontaneous creativity.

But for parents with no teacher education, it is difficult to determine at what age what skills should be developed. Cubes, manuals are aimed precisely at stimulating intellectual and creative activity. They contain a general idea, as well as a certain set of features that distinguish Nikitin's cubes from other developmental activities.

  • Each Nikitin game consists of different objects (circles, bricks, construction set details). Each of them is accompanied by instructions, which are transmitted in different forms: drawings, three-dimensional or two-dimensional drawings. Such a variety of manuals, methods of transferring information contributes to the development of abilities for analysis, synthesis, abstraction, logic.
  • All Nikitin's cubes are created according to the principle "from simple to complex". Both children of 2-3 years old and children of 5-6 years old will be able to study with a manual corresponding to the level of training. And even adults cannot cope with some tasks! The level of difficulty is chosen so as to stimulate the desire to perform more complex logical operations, and not just to simply copy actions.
  • For parents are also set certain rules... Help verbally to build a given model. In no case should you demand a result or criticize the actions of a preschooler. If he cannot assemble this or that model, it means that he simply has not yet reached the required age. The preschooler himself must intuitively understand what is required of him. It might be better to wait a while. The only thing that an adult is allowed to do is to encourage the baby, any of his actions.
  • The instruction itself prescribes a way to solve the problem. But not in an abstract form, but in a visual form: in the form of a two- or three-dimensional drawing, drawing, or in verbal form. This method makes it possible to check the correctness of their actions.
Nikitin's cubes do not limit creative possibilities. On the contrary, they allow you to come up with your own new designs, that is, to develop creative, constructive activity.

The methodology, together with games, is based on the following characteristics:

  • All developmental tasks have their own order. The child performs them by folding figures, patterns from cubes, squares, bricks, and other details.
  • Depending on their complexity, they are presented in different forms. From a visual representation of a finished model or drawing to detailed written instructions. They are presented in an accessible form, introducing the kid to various ways of transferring information.
  • The tasks become more difficult as they are completed: from easy to difficult.
  • Classes will be useful for children of different ages. With the lightest, 2-3-year-olds can cope with the forces, and the most challenging tasks sometimes they are not even given to adults. Nikitin's games will not lose their relevance as they grow up.
  • The child independently solves more and more complex tasks from Nikitin's games, develops the skill of self-study. Self-development creativity much more effective in comparison with detailed explanations of teachers, educators.
  • The kid must learn to think for himself, he cannot be helped in completing tasks. Thus, he will learn to see the logical connections between description and implementation, will clearly learn the principles of design in the construction of models and figures.
  • Don't expect everything to come true the first time. It is normal for some tasks to be too difficult. Perhaps the baby is still too young, in which case it is worth waiting. Sometimes it will take a child a couple of weeks to find the correct solution to the puzzle assembly, and sometimes several months, the main thing is not to rush him. He has to get to everything himself.
  • All tasks have a practical solution that can be seen and touched. It does not matter what is required: build a model, fold a pattern or assemble the details of the constructor - the child will always see a visual result, the correctness of which is easy to check.
  • For almost all of Nikitin's games, you can come up with your own tasks. The assembly of figures, patterns, designs is not limited only to the given examples "out of the box". Having fully mastered the implementation of all the exercises, the baby can begin to create his own options, and this is the purpose of the teaching aids.
  • Games allow you to develop your abilities up to maximum level according to age.
  • develop the speed, complexity of thought processes;
  • stimulate the development of creative, constructive opportunities, offering exercises that may slightly exceed the baby's abilities, but are quite feasible to perform (which stimulates their active growth);
  • presuppose absolute freedom of action without coercion.
Nikitin's cubes also play an important role for parents, teaching them to give their children complete freedom in the implementation of projects, to restrain themselves from criticizing actions and prompts. Thanks to all of these benefits, building blocks will help you:
  • unleash the creativity of the baby;
  • to develop his mental abilities for creativity, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, anticipation of the result;
  • develop short-term and long-term memory, attention.
Nikitin's educational games are based on the gradual complication of tasks, their independent mastering. Following the method of games, the baby not only develops his abilities, but also stimulates the development of new skills. This allows Nikitin's games to simultaneously solve several problems at once:
  • development of intelligence from an early age;
  • step-by-step complication of tasks allows you to create conditions for advanced development;
  • the child is not limited by the framework of typical tasks for his age group - he can solve the most difficult tasks for himself;
  • a wide variety allows you to choose the most interesting, exciting options: the baby himself and without coercion will choose which task to solve for him;
  • playing with the child, parents will learn patience and an understanding that he must think and make decisions on his own and stop striving to do everything for him.
Nikitin's games create conditions for the maximum development of the creative and mental abilities of children. Self-development will teach you to think and come to the solution of the problem on your own, which contributes to comprehensive development intelligence.

Why do some children grow up talented and capable, while others experience difficulties in learning, finding a hobby, communicating with peers, etc. throughout their lives? This question, for sure, is asked by all young parents, but not all of them find the correct answer. According to the Russian teacher Boris Nikitin, a child's success is directly related to his early development. He argued that over the years, a person's abilities for development become less and less pronounced until they completely fade away. That is why it is so important that the development of the child begins as early as possible and takes place under the guidance of conscientious parents who are distinguished by great dedication.

B. Nikitin, together with his wife L. Nikitina, developed a large number of educational games aimed at the early development of children, and also wrote a number of books recommended for reading by parents, teachers and educators. The educational games for children offered by the Nikitins are based on three main principles:

  • Providing children with favorable conditions for mental and physical development.
  • Parental attention.
  • Providing children with creative freedom.

It is worth noting that all the games developed by B. Nikitin were personally tested by him when raising his own seven children, in whose opinion their life with their parents was as complete and interesting as possible, and they also received everything they needed for further development.

Today, thanks to the online store "Little Country", each parent can pay enough attention early development your baby, using games, manuals and Nikitin's cubes, presented in the catalog.

Assortment of Nikitin's games in "Little Country".

Nikitin's educational games are puzzles, the main purpose of which is the development of logical and imaginative thinking, as well as the formation of the child's creative abilities. So, children in game form it is proposed to recognize, complete and conjecture various images, which they usually do with great pleasure.

In the online store "Little Country" the buyer can buy Nikitin's games, and moreover, the most diverse.

Whichever of Nikitin's educational games you choose, remember that they require a creative approach from the child, and, accordingly, time. Therefore, do not rush your baby, let him independently solve various tasks, think, make mistakes, realize and correct his mistakes. Do not expect the child to solve the problem instantly, but if he cannot cope with it for a long time, try to postpone it for a while and offer the child a simpler task.

The early development of a child is the foundation of his further maturation. Experts recommend many techniques, one of the most popular is Nikitin's cubes. An educational puzzle-type game perfectly influences the logic, attentiveness, imagination, perseverance of the child. You can start practicing as early as one and a half to two years and, increasing the complexity of tasks, play up to school age.

What are Nikitin cubes

The famous teacher Boris Nikitin, when creating his unique intellectual tasks for children, adhered to the principle that the child must figure out the rules of the game himself. Among its main tasks are the development of independence, the desire to create something new, the training of logical and abstract thinking. Wooden or plastic Nikitin cubes are sold in 16 pieces in a set.

Each shape has 6 faces, which are colored differently. Typically, these are red, green, blue and yellow. The child needs to collect one-, two-, three- or four-color pictures, based on assignments from a special album. Nikitin's technique assumes different variants problems, for example, "Fold a pattern", "Cubes for all", "Bricks", "Fold a square" and "Unicub".

How to play

The essence of the games is to add pictures from cubes to a pattern or figure. The tasks differ from each other in terms of difficulty. The simplest task is to fold the shapes into a 4: 4 square. Later, when the child is comfortable, you can fold patterns with many faces. For example, you can build a turret or a snake, a herringbone, a house, a flower, a tree. The finished outlines of the drawings will look like an object or just resemble an interesting pattern.

In his book "Steps of Creativity, or Developmental Games" Nikitin recommends organizing the game so that the lessons are pleasing to the child himself - the puzzle should interest the kid so that in the future he will be drawn to collect new figures. The smallest ones can be told a fairy tale or a fascinating story related to the figure being assembled at the same time. Nikitin's blocks are suitable for collecting any multi-colored patterns.

However, you should not interfere with the children with prompts: it is better if the kid himself comes up with a figure, even if it differs from the given sample. It is also better to look for errors on your own.

In addition, Boris Nikitin gives parents some advice:

  • During class, refrain from comments if the child does not succeed in something.
  • If the child cannot cope with the exercise, it means that it is still too difficult for him and it is too early to start performing it. It is recommended to take a break and then start with easier examples.
  • If the family has several children, it is better if everyone has their own kits.
  • Don't oversaturate children with this game. Over time, she will get bored, then you should return to the cubes in a couple of months.
  • When the baby moves on to the figures, it will be possible to offer him to draw sketches of the resulting objects.
  • You can arrange a competition for collecting figures for a while, so the children will feel a slight excitement and a desire to do their best.

Types of Nikitin cubes

Practical teacher Boris Nikitin developed his own method of developing games 40 years ago. The first children who grew up on his toys were the teacher's own grandchildren. Nowadays, educational games are known not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Before deciding to buy, decide what qualities you would like to develop in your child: logic, eye, imagination, logical and spatial thinking, etc. Based on this, choose a set. Nikitin's method for children leaves room for choice for every taste: decide in what colors the edges will be painted, how many parts the manual consists of.

Fold the pattern

The easiest option is a set of 16 plastic or wooden cubes and an album with tasks, packed in a box. This technique is also called Nikitin's puzzles. It is suitable for beginners.

  • Model name: Fold the Pattern Set
  • Price: 550 rubles
  • Characteristics: developmental technique for children preschool age, the product is presented in different colors.
  • Pros: develops imagination, color perception, the ability to combine, mental operations of comparison, analysis and synthesis.
  • Cons: the cubes are very small (2: 2 cm).

Fold square

For children who have already mastered the simplest tasks, play options with uneven coloring of figures are suitable:

  • Model name: "Fold Square Set"
  • Price: 3500 rubles
  • Characteristics: a set of three parts, each containing 12 squares of different colors, which are divided into parts (triangle, rectangle, etc.). This game is intended for children from two years old. The child has to reassemble the cut square.
  • Pros: develops logical thinking, the ability to finish building to the whole, an eye ..
  • Cons: the presence of small parts, chips and burrs on the squares, and the high price.


A useful skill will be the ability to collect three-dimensional shapes - from geometric to funny houses or animals. There are special sets for this:

  • Model name: "Set" Unicub "
  • Price: 680 rubles
  • Features: The puzzle consists of twenty-seven universal hexagonal identical cubes with colored edges. It is necessary to collect three-dimensional shapes from them. The game can be offered to children from one and a half years old.
  • Pros: develops spatial thinking, the ability to combine, self-control.
  • Cons: not found.

Cubes for everyone

When the child becomes comfortable with the cubes, you can offer him one of the most difficult games series. At an advanced level, children can collect objects from two or three figures - animals, a house, cars. The estimated age of the child is 5-7 years.

  • Model name: "Bright Cubes Set"
  • Price: 590 rubles
  • Characteristics: The puzzle consists of seven complex shapes, differing in shape and color. Includes a brochure with sample assignments.
  • Pros: ability to combine, attention, imagination.
  • Cons: the presence of chips on the edge of the cubes.


For those parents for whom great importance have environmental characteristics and safety of toys, you will like the variation with wooden blocks. They are more durable, although your toddler may like fewer brightly colored lightweight plastic cubes.

  • Model name: "Little Bricks Set"
  • Price: 400 rubles
  • Features: Includes eight solid-colored wooden blocks and an assignment pad. Child's age - from three years.
  • Pros: helps to develop visual-effective and spatial thinking, eye.
  • Cons: not found.

How to choose Nikitin cubes

Like any other toy, Nikitin's educational cubes should be chosen based on the wishes of the child. If he liked wooden blocks, no need to impose multi-colored cubes or squares. When choosing Nikitin's cubes, it is worth considering the age of the child and the complexity of the game, the psychological and physiological characteristics of the baby.

You need to start simple. Even if the task seems elementary to you, let your child put together an example: let him feel the taste of victory, and only then move on to a more difficult level using task albums.

The game is easy to find on the free market. You can buy Nikitin cubes in toy stores, order in online stores. Another option is to buy it on the official website of the Nikitin family with delivery from Moscow or St. Petersburg by mail. The price of Nikitin cubes varies from 350 rubles to 3500 rubles: the exact cost from the manufacturer, materials, set size. On the official website it will be more expensive, but of better quality.
