Table football do it yourself drawings. Vintage table football with their own hands. Instructions for assembling with your own hand board games kicker

Hi, something for a long time there was no new records, so catch. The next part of the creation of the game table. This time it will be about the game field. In fact, our table is almost ready, it remains quite a bit, follow upgrades \u003d)

Necessary drawings
The game field is made from 29mm sheet MDF. It is necessary to strengthen both sides of the workpiece, so we glue HPL sheets on both sides. It is done to avoid the material warning later.

First cut blanks for gaming field From MDF and HPL. The field sizes should turn out about 121x70 cm. As you can see, it is allowed to allow a small error in the drawing. Be careful, further explains why it is necessary.

We evenly apply the glue layer on the MDF surface and the inner side of the HPL. It should pass about 15 minutes for drying, after which the upper layer of glue will seem dried.

MDF with applied glue.

When the glue snacks a little, we impose a blank from HPL on the MDF. We do it carefully, as it will be difficult to correct the imposition. Next, ride the entire surface of the HPL roller to fix the compound, as well as for the residue perm.

After the field is covered with HPL from both sides, we proceed to the surface grinding one of the sides. It is necessary to do this with a grinding machine with small emery paper. You should not apply excessive effort, otherwise you can wipe the coverage through.

The coating will be ready as soon as it becomes uniformly matte.

Then we proceed to the markup of the protection area and midfield. For convenience, you can use a stencil or masking film. It is preferable to use a masking film, since the paint can be tested under the stencil and ugly divorces.

After all lines are scheduled, you can remove the masking film. To cut the circle, you can use a zirkul with a sharp knife or scalpel at the end.

(You can enlarge the picture)
In this photo you see a part of the removed masking film.

Then, all unprotected parts of the playing field are closed with paper. Check the gaps left nowhere.

We cover the necessary places with white paint. You can use the usual spray. Paint is applied in a few thin layers so that no ilk and bubbles are. Give the paint to dry before removing the film.

(You can enlarge the picture)
That's what we get after removing the film and paper.

After the paint finally dried, we use a circular saw to make a pressure from the bottom side of the playing field under 45 degrees near the corners. Depth washed should be selected in such a way that it remains to the end 3-6 mm.

In this guilt, we insert auxiliary rails with a thickness of the saw equal to the saw disk.

Using glue, rails are attached to the grooves. For better consolidation, slightly pick them up with a hammer.

Now that the playing field is ready, you can bring it to the sizes indicated in the drawing: 119.5x69cm.

In order to be confident that the ball will roll from the edges of the field, we made another dutiful along each of the two sides. To do this, a tool was used, which was described in the last part. The depth was cut around 2.5-3 cm, the distance from the surface is 3-5 mm.

(You can enlarge the picture)
In the propuls, we insert the slave of the rails, as in the previous steps.

Thus, we see that the edges are slightly raised relative to the rest of the field, thereby preventing the ball stop at the field walls. I want to note from myself that it is not on all tables there is this kind of elevation, so I think, you can do only to the cuts in the corners.

Now we insert the playing field into the "body" of our future table. Through the holes in the side walls of the table, we told pencils, so that our field holds. This is done in order to outline the places to drive the holes for special screws on the bottom of the field. Later we will attach special racks-holders to the side walls on which and will hold the playing field.

(You can enlarge the picture)
In the planned places, we spend the holes in a depth of 20mm for special screws, as in the photo above. The groove for the screw can be made of hacksaw.

The final type of playing field.

Board sports games - long-standing passion, which is equally interesting both to children and adults. One of these universal-exciting games is table football. And by the way, it would be wrong to relate to this "fun" down - like sports game Well develops the eye meter and the accuracy of movements, teaches the ability to play the team and make actions agreed with it.

The playing field is a box, in the walls of which metal rods are fixed, which can rotate and move in a horizontal direction, from one edge of the field to another. On the rods recorded figures of football players painted in different command colors and located in a particular order on the field. At the edges of the field there are gates.

The box is made of solid wood, bottom of durable plywood. The finished gaming field is painted with green paint, like grass, and make white labels. The players figurines are cut from plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and paint into the desired colors. From iron, copper or brass produce bars (diameter of about 8 mm) and with the help of metal rivets attach footballers figures. At the ends of the rod, it is better to wear small wooden balls to not scatter during the game.

In order for the ball to be rolled into the corners of the box, where the goalkeeper figure does not reach, these places are separated by a plank or any other barrage element.

A couple of months ago it was decided to make a table for playing table football from wood and aliexpress. 5 sellers purchased 9 products. Under the cat a lot of letters and photos, how I got to that, and what happened from it.

On one of the youth drinkers in a rented cottage, instead of traditional billiards, the owners were delivered table football. I hooked me, and all night I spent from the table, forgetting about the party and getting enough Tumakov for it. Over time, the desire was imposed in confidence, and since the place for installation was just found on the attic, from which it was decided to make a rest room with football and aeroeocker (You can see on the backdrop of the finished product).

On the expanses of the well-known store found quite a lot of items on this subject. In terms of size, everything was taken at random, and in the end I was successful. In stock There are several sizes of goods on Ali, which differ in the thickness of the rod to which they will be worn. I tried to find information as better and more correct, but I could not. The choice fell on 5/8 inches, that is, 16 mm in Russian.

Total was bought:

Excellent players, the pipe sat down perfectly and tightly. However, the hole under the screw is calculated for 4 mm, on the reverse side there is a 6-graded groove for the nut, the usual 4 mm nut is hanging there. Ideally sits there 5 mm nut. (Perhaps on sale you can find 4 mm nuts of increased size, but they didn't come across such eyes). The problem was solved - under 4 mm, the nut was put 5 mm, the benefit of the height allowed it so that nothing was frantic and did not interfere outside.

With the handles everything went without problems. In the hand do not slide, sit tight. The hole for the entire length of the handle, so that the sides will not bend.

It turned out to be the most problematic part with the rods, but I will tell you below.

Work as springs. The rod with a sharp push can bounce from the walls 2 times.

The same problem is that with figures of football players, we had to put 5 mm nuts. Otherwise, everything is fine.

All right. Protect perfectly. Sitver got a barbell on hand without a plug, I do not take it more.

Consider correctly. Dissensions did not notice :). Selected exclusively for reasons of low price.

The balls turned out very well. Having read about the types of balls for football, I decided to order both kinds. White plastic, jump perfectly, friction is practically no. But it turned out to be too small, and now lie by the dead cargo.
Cork jumps are noticeably weaker and very deaf, but plus are not yet polished, but it is good for size well, and you can play with them. However, the seller turned out to be generous, and put 3 plastic purple balls in addition to them, and here they were the best. The size is slightly smaller than cork, but due to the fact that the plastic they are very comfortable to play.

I will describe the assembly process, focusing on the most memorable moments.
Somewhere on the Internet, demolition drawings were found. I started to do on them, then I switched to independent calculations, as the assembly methods were ancient there, like a caveman. Used the fatal plywood that I was able to find in your city. Bashed corners. HPL plastic was pasted on the table, bought from furniture makers. Purchased roll. On the background photos you can see the table for the aeroehockery, which I do from the remaining piece of HPL plastic (washers and bits also took on Ali, I will write the review as you finish). Cutting the stencil of borders on the protective film, and painted by a canister. There were certain difficulties with the internal device of the gate, I had to break your head. It was all done before the coming of the players themselves. It remained only to wait for these little men.

Bearings and football players came. And then the most interesting thing began. I knew what I was doing, I decided to buy the rods. 16 mm Chrome pipes in everyday life are sold as furniture accessories for the kitchen. In the furniture store they were bought. Only furniture makers there are no special difference from the thickness of the walls of these pipes, they also do not suffer from a nonideally round section of the pipe, and the fact that their pipes are not 16 mm at all, but from 15.8 mm to 16.1 mm in diameter, they also do not care . So the first purchased pipes were sent to the basement, where everything is stored to throw out a pity, and the search for new, more appropriate. And it turned out to be a difficult task. Tolstown pipe (1.5 mm or more) Only under the order with expectation of 2 weeks, and not the fact that they will be 100% round and exactly 16 mm. The price also did not attract.
As a result, it was bought in bulk 60 meters of pipe (For the price they came out as much as 8 meters of pipes from 1 batch, i.e. about 2 tr.). The walls with a thickness of 0.9 mm, the diameter approached perfectly for football players, the pipes were round, with a slight discovering seam. In the later the thickness of the walls turned out to be not enough, the rod of defenders (the longest) With a sharp attack from the extreme stretched position, bent and clamped in the bearing. The pipe was filled with epoxy, which gave them and enjoy the weight and so necessary to me stiffness.
Bearings are a separate topic. I cleaned them at least 5 times, because I was afraid to remove too much. Apparently it was the bearings that were made on all the canons of metric systems, and were precisely 15.8 mm, which corresponds to 5/8 inches. The pipes also did the Chinese, and in diameter some samples selected by me reached 16.2 mm. But it spread, smeared with silicone lubricant, and now go like oil.
Still peeled with the corners of the table. After watching the Internet, in the table there were diagonal feeds on the corners, and the angles are raised by 5-7 mm so that the ball will roll out from the corner back to the players. In the same Internet, I read that it would be nice to still do it along the side wall, but it seemed to me excessive perversion and everything remained as it was. As a result, the shock absorber turned out to be a little thicker than I would like, and if the ball was at the wall, then pick it up from there with a player of the same line. You have to grasp the enemy. Everything is solved by installing a small side.
She spent on everything about 2 weeks, the benefit of his free time is enough. Assembled, sabrel, painted. I play with younger sister. Satisfied like an elephant.

Some photo of the assembly process

And what happened from it

In conclusion, I can say that all the goods are pleased. In Russian online stores, everything is much more expensive, and there is no something at all. Play nice. Houses are all satisfied. After the final assembly, an understanding came that it was necessary to do everything on a metal frame. Would avail many problems with the backlash and tree bends (I think I will insert the side of the frame from square pipes in the near future, to give pleasant gravity and rigidity to twisting). If there is time, desire and hands, and most importantly to put, then I advise.
P.S.: To fully consider the assembly with all the subtleties, dimensions and types of compounds I see no point. This is not a profile forum for this. Considered goods purchased on Ali, and it is shown that it turns out an excellent kicker for the house.

P.p.s.: The photo shows quite a lot of jambs of assembly and my cruelle, but I ask you to abstain from the Soviets as you could do better.

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Football do it yourself "manufacture board games Football"

Tattern Tatiana Nikolaevna

Relevance : From early childhood, the beloved and one of the first toys and the fun had a ball.Football - Sports ball game, one of the most popular games In our country and the world. Children love to play infootball .

Problem : Not always kids can play infootball in the street . Board games for sale in children's stores« Football » who are expensive and not everyone can buy it. So I decided to try to make a desktop gamedo it yourself From the primary materials.

purpose : Create a desktop game "Football " .

Master class tasks:
1. Submit pedagogical experience on the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the education of children preschool age.
2. Motivate teachers to use methods, techniques, game assignments in their practice.
Hypothesis : I suggested that if you make a board game yourself« Football » This is interesting and you can play at any time of the year.

Methods research : Conversations about the history of the occurrencefootball , reading information, drawing, viewing photos.

Main part : In 2018, the World Championship will be held in our countryfootball including in g . Rostov-on-Don. Children like to play infootball but in winter you will not play this game. I decided to make a minifootball To play with children in the group. I propose to make a minifootball From the cast material. Houses with parents watchedfootball on tv And my children and I discussed this game. Children painted pictures aboutfootball we read a fairy tale about the ball, the riddles guess, considered pictures with the imagefootball field how it looks like.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention didacticboard game " Football ", recommended to make together with children.The game Consists of a large playing field with tags.The game Designed for children of middle and senior preschool age. At the same time canplay a subgroup of children .

Master Class

For the manufacture of tablefootball We took : Box, scissors, glue, colored paper, wooden spanks, colored pencils and markers. We cut the box and blocked with colored paper, made the markup of the field, made the gate and installed them. Two teams drew on cardboardfootball players , glued the figures among themselves and dressed them on the skewers. From the sides of the box made holes inserted there shrinkles so that they moved freely. We made balls different from foil, paper and scotch, foam rubber. Our minifootball is ready .

I offer you several game options.

for example : Removefootball players and replace them to finger fingerfootball , put the ball from the cotton in the center of the field and blew it into the gate turns out of breathingfootball , can be replaced with cardboardfootball players On the figurines from Kinder Surprise.

Well, now a little about the benefits of thisgames : After all, as much important development small MotorikiWith the help of it you can achieve many other goals. You can use figures from kinder surprises to play, players are attached on a magnetic basis and a soccer ball is also a painted magnet, so now my children have been experimentally found that magnets can not only attract, but also repel each other.

Players of different commands are distinguished by the color of the form, so in the process you can consolidate the name of the colors.

On the T-shirts of our "football players" there is a room, so you will not repeat the account too much.

Since our footballers are animals, you can repeat wild and domestic animals. Of course, with the help of this game, you can expand the horizons of children and replenish their vocabulary, and the most important thing to cause them the desire to play sports well, and of course positive emotions.

And we are in senior group Match the boys against girls, the children really liked the fun.

Output : I came to the conclusion that the game madedo it yourself interesting , informative, and you can also play at any time of the year.

Thank you for attention!

At the beginning I decided to make a trial model to identify difficulties possible in the manufacture of a more complex version. All the material was found at home. The most difficult thing was to come up with something to make rods for football players. Aluminum tubes at 10 mm came up, though bought for another homemade.

The main material for the manufacture of this fascinating game Steel plastic panels and sandwich panels. And for the assembly, gluing and decorations approached Scotchi different species and multicolored tape. It was useful and no longer children's markers. No complicated tool was used - everything is simple and fast enough.

The basis has become ready coffee table 61x43 cm with a small side. On the size of the table depend on the parameters of all other materials. The football field itself is collected from plastic panels, connected with a color scotch. Side walls from sandwich panels I pasted with a locksmith tape and pasted homemade labels of soccer club logos.

For the manufacture of the gate applied a mosquito net to the frame from the same sandwich. With figures of football players, I did not really bother - all the same sandwich. The highlighter has fun pictures of football players. The assembly was to glue the side walls with the inserted rods with players and the playing field especially durable tape. From markers made sleeves in the side walls under the rod (760mm.) And the handles themselves.

So from the construction garbage in a short time and without unnecessary costs in our house there was a long-awaited toy for the joy to everyone.