Travel between worlds. Journey Between Worlds Chrono Cross Walkthrough Secrets

Chrono cross

The PSX sequel to the famous Super Nintendo game Chrono Trigger, released in 1995 and the best RPQ for a long time. We hope that the modern version will not disappoint you. The game is very difficult, and we had to spend a lot of time and volume of the magazine to describe it in sufficient detail. But it's worth it.

* Management.

Start- the beginning of the game, as well as the pause mode at any time.
Select- change of the leader in the squad.
D-pad- moving characters around the screen, choosing options, viewing menus and inventiry.
X- confirmation of the choice, as well as examination and inspection of various territories and objects.
O (Circle)- canceling and running.
Triangle- enters the menu screen.
Square- opens the Key Item Window.
L1 and R1 have the same functions as buttons X and Oh (Circle) respectively.
Buttons L2 and R2 practically not used.
Obviously, you can always change the button control setting of your choice in the Customize submenu.

* Basics of the game.

- Traffic.
Movement plays a very important role in the game as you need to explore the world to progress further through the story. While on the world map, you can easily jump from one place to another in the direction you want using the D-pad. You can also use the analog stick, which is much more comfortable to play with.
When you are in dungeons, caves, cities, villages, etc., you can choose your own button configuration in order to more easily control the movement of the character. To do this, enter the customize sub menu and select convenient buttons for moving characters.
- Attacking and combat systems.
The attacking system is quite original and, apparently, in other role-playing games not yet used. During battles, each of your characters has a time bars, but you cannot see it. When this indicator of any character is full, he can perform a move.
When the battle menu appears, you can select one of four options on it. The first, second and third options have a number on the right that denotes the percentage (%) probability of a successful attack. Note that the first option has the highest hit rate, the second has less, and the third even less. These are essentially physical attacks. At the same time, it is natural that the attack of the first level is the weakest, and the attack of the third level is the strongest, so the probability of a successful execution of a more powerful attack is noticeably less.
When performing attacking actions, the life force (Stamina) of each character must be taken into account. She is denoted by the letters Sta in the character stats. The number to the right of these letters determines the number of attacks that this or that character can perform. For example, if the vitality is 7, then you can carry out 7 attacks of the first level. If, for example, the life force is 4, then you can carry out two attacks of the second level. Vitality can be restored, and this ability depends on the Stamina Recovery stat of each of their characters.
After the fight, you will receive a request: "Do you want to use your elements?" (this is the fourth option) to heal your character. Typically this should be done, but try not to use consumable items. This will allow you to approach more serious fights that cannot be dodged better prepared.
Try to use attacks of the 1st level at the beginning, then the 2nd and, finally, the 3rd level. This sequence will be most effective.
Your enemies also have a time indicator, and if it fills up during attacking actions, the enemy will immediately counterattack and will not wait until you finish your attacking actions.

- Elements and the Innate system.
Chrono Cross has some innovations in the element system. Each character, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, has a certain elementary affiliation. For example, Innate Serges White (white), and its elemental accessory is also white. Here is a list of the opposite elemental accessories of the characters. White versus Black, Red versus Blue; Yellow versus Green. An elemental system is essentially an Ability system and, to a certain extent, a magical ability. Items are of two types: consumable and non-consumable. Consumable items disappear after you use them, and non-consumables are kept with you. In addition, there are two more types of elements, one of which can only be used during battles. These are the so-called attacking elements that inflict damage on the enemy (Attack Elemens), and the latter, which can be used both during the battle and in "peacetime". These are called Curative Elements.
To use offensive elements, you must "place" them on your characters. To do this, use the Allocate command in the Element Submenu when you press the button Triangle... In this case, you place the element in any free space (available to the character), which is called Allocation Space. Remember that these spaces have their own levels. The higher the level, the stronger the effect of the element. For example, the Cure Element placed on the fourth level of Allocation Space has a significantly stronger healing effect in terms of HP recovery than the healing element placed on the first level. Innate level, i.e. the level of "elementary accessory" is indicated by the letters Lv. combat menu these levels resemble tiny bars, just like the equalizers of a sound system. So, for example, if the number 4 is near Lv, and you are using the second level of elements, then you will "spend" only two levels, and two will remain.
Remember a very important rule, non-consumable items can be used only once during a battle. However, in the next battle you can do it again, etc.
Each of the elements has its own Innates, and try to use this if you understand how it is done. For example, if you use an attacking element against an enemy that has the opposite elemental affiliation, you will inflict much more powerful damage on him. For example, if you have a PhotoRay that represents a White Innate and you use it against an enemy with a Black Innate, the damage will be significantly more powerful than usual.
During the battles, you will see the word "field" in the upper left corner of the screen, and next to it there are three circles. The element you are using can produce a so-called field effect if you can fill the circle with the same color. Then the elemental availability will become much higher. For example, if you can "fill" a field effect with white, then all elements that have a "white" identity will become much more powerful when you use them. Naturally, all elements that have a black affiliation (Black Innates) will act noticeably weaker and become more sensitive to attacks by white elements. You can use this as an important strategy to take out enemies. Items can be purchased from Element Shops located in the city or obtained from defeated enemies.

- Items and key items.
Items can be used to make (Forge) weapons, armor, and other accessories. And key items play a crucial role in the development of the game. To use key items, press the button Square, and a menu will appear on which you will see all the key items that you have at your disposal. Press the button to select or use the item you want. X.

- Weapons, armor and other equipment.
To upgrade or craft weapons, you must go to the Blacksmiths. It's kind of like a gun shop. And he will prepare weapons for you. You cannot buy weapons and other auxiliary equipment. The blacksmiths will make it themselves. However, remember that you will have to pay for all this. You can also Disassemble the weapon into the parts of which it is composed. This can be useful when you want to create a very powerful weapon, and one of the necessary elements is already included in the existing weapon.

* Character indicators.
On the main menu, you will see Character Stats in the upper right corner. Here is their description.
Innate. Elemental affiliation of the character. It is indicated by a colored circle.
HP. Hit Point level. Indicates the total amount of damage that the character will be able to "sustain". If the HP level drops to zero, the character is considered killed.
Str. This is an abbreviation for strength. Determines how powerful the character's physical attacks are. Other notation Atk. or Attack.
Acc. It characterizes the accuracy and determines the likelihood that your character will successfully carry out an attack. If the level is 99%, then almost all of your attacks will be successful. This is essentially the Hit probability.
Mag... Characteristics of magic. Determines the power of your character's attacks using elements. The higher the level of magic, the stronger the elemental attacks. The designation Mgc may be used.
Res. Characteristic of stability, resistance. Indicates the likelihood that your character will be able to resist physical attacks. If the resistance level is zero, then you have no chance to endure a physical attack.
Agl. The characteristic of agility (Agility), or rather, speed (Speed). It characterizes the speed with which the time bar indicator fills up for each character during the battle. Although you don't see it on the screen, you can quickly figure it out.
M.Res... This is a characteristic of magic resistance. The only difference is that it is resistance to magical, not physical attacks. If it is at the level of 50%, then half of the enemy's physical attacks will pass you. On the Status Screen, you can find additional information regarding your character's ability to restore life force (Stamina Recovery).

* Status Ailments / Abilities.

Ailments can be called Abnormal Status in the sense that the unhealthy character moves much slower, fights weakly, and makes a bunch of completely meaningless movements. On the other hand, Status Abilities enhances your character's ability during combat.

* The main character.

- Serge.
Weapon: Swallow. This is something like a spear-spear.
Element accessory: White.

This young man is from the city of Ami. He never intended to become an adventurer, but that is how destiny is, and he must move through space and time to discover who he really is and what happened to him. This is a very silent character. He does not speak, but he makes quite meaningful decisions.

Weapon: dagger (Dagger).

A young mysterious girl will help Serge in all his adventures. He will help him escape from the dragons and find out all the secrets that are shrouded in his life.

- Fargo.
Weapon: Sword.

The captain of a very interesting ship. He is practically invincible and has a very high rank, but he is also a rogue type. For example, he disguised his ship in such a way that it turned into a ghost ship, which is almost impossible to see. He is genuinely worried about the fate of Serge, and he will help him during the game.

- Greco.
Weapon: Glove.
Elemental accessory: Red (Red).

Lives in the city of Termma. He is a cheerful, cheerful and friendly guy who will gladly join Serge and the company.

- Grobyc.
Weapon: Glove.
Elemental accessory: Black (Black).

He is, in fact, a cyborg, but he knows how to think and act independently. He never accepts orders and comments from those who are weaker than him, even from officers. When he discovered that Serge and company were very strong, he gladly joined the squad.

- Karsh.
Weapon: Ax (Ahe).

One of the four Devas who reside in Viper Manor. He is the first of them who will meet Serge in the Other World and after a while will join him with the other Devas, as he will be very grateful for the help of their mother Miss Riddel.

- Korcha.
Weapon: Lure (Knows how to lure his opponents into a trap).
Elemental accessory: Blue.

This guy is from Guldove. Known as a very moody and unpredictable person. He manages the boat perfectly, but the fisherman is completely useless. In the end, he will join Serge and help him understand the mysteries of Time and Space.

- Leah.
Weapon: Ax (Ahe).
Elemental Accessory: Yellow (Ye / tow).

This girl is terribly strong and can seriously compete with any of the characters. Although very similar to Ayla from Chfono Trigger, she's actually just a pack of girls living in the village of Gaea's Navel who will join the squad in the hopes of finding her family.

- Marsu.
Weapon: Glove.
Elemental accessory: Blue.

Another of the four Devas who lived in Viper Manor Village. Do not underestimate her strength and abilities, although she looks rather ridiculous. At first it will be your enemy, and then with the other two Devas will join Serge in gratitude for his help.

- Norris.
Weapon: Pistol (Gun).

A young soldier from the city of Pore. He literally worshiped this bastard Lynx, but finally found out the true intentions of his devilish plans. Then he joined Serge.

- Rierre.
Weapon: Sword
Elemental accessory: Yellow.

A young but already famous hero. He will first meet Serge when he first enters Viper Manor, and then he will join and take part in the adventure.

- Radius.
Weapon: Staff.
Elemental accessory: Green.

Very respected leader of the village of Arni Village, the home of our hero (Note World). He is one of the four great dragons (Great Acacia Dragoons). Once he had a serious fight with Masamune, which ended tragically, and it left its mark on him.

- Orcha.
Weapon: Frypan.
Elemental accessory: Red (Red).

He was once one of the best chefs in Viper Manor, but somehow he was turned into a monster. Then he will volunteer to join Serge and provide him with a variety of assistance.

- Pip.
Weapon: Unknown.
Elemental affiliation: unknown.

Some experiments were done on it in Viper Manor. You will catch him when he tries to ride the Fargo ship as a hare. He will join your squad, will provide various assistance during your adventures. Never mind that he's kind of dead. In fact, he is a decent fighter.

- Riddel.
Weapon: Rod.
Elemental accessory: White.

Riddel is the daughter of the most powerful man in El Nido. She will join your squad, because she shares Sarge's beliefs and is ready to provide him with all possible assistance.

- Sprigg.
Weapon: Staff.
Elemental accessory: Green (Green).

Quite a strange old lady. She did not see this world for many years, because in some mysterious way she found herself in another dimension - dimension. Nevertheless, she will help Serge and his squad get out of this dimension, and at the same time, she will have her say in other situations.

- Steena.
Weapon: Sword.
Elemental accessory: White.

The pretty young girl is, in fact, Guldove's chef home world Home World. She knows a lot about this world, has information about dragons and fate (Fate). He really wants to help Serge, will join the squad and at the same time show his mastery of the ball.

- Viper.
Weapon: Sword.
Elemental accessory: Yellow.

The most powerful person in EI Nido. He was deceived by the grim traitor Lynx, and although he is quite old, he is strong enough and will be useful to Serge and his friends.

- Zappa.
Weapon: Hammer.
Elemental accessory: Red.

Zappa is a blacksmith and works at Termina. Get the Smith Spirit from him, which will allow you to summon the blacksmith any time you want, and, of course, he will join Serge.

- Zoah.
Weapon: Glove.
Elemental accessory: Yellow.

The fourth from Devas. He will join Serge and his fellow countrymen in gratitude for Miss Riddel's help.

* Hints and tips.

* You always see your enemies and can decide whether to fight with them or not. And thus choose the enemy by forces. If you are weak, you can dodge the fight. However, even if you see an enemy, you do not always know how many there are. Therefore, you always need to have a certain amount of HP in stock in order not to be defeated.
* Try to talk to everyone you see. In role-playing games this is necessary because you always get the information you need.
* Don't miss shipping points. They are sparkling green pyramids. Here it is best to improve your health, get medical treatment, relax in a tent, and you don't even need to use magic for this purpose. And of course, be sure to remember the game.
* During the battle, carefully monitor your HP level, and when the indicator warms up, it's time to heal this character as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it will not be possible to fulfill the set goal. Not only will you lose your comrade, but you will also miss a turn, since you will not be able to attack your opponent.
* Examine all the most secluded corners, pick up all the items, because you will only later find out how important the item you missed was.
* It is very good to fight enemies near the shipping point. You can easily increase your level here, even if your HP is not up to par.
* You don't always have to buy all the new items you see. Buy weapons and armor if necessary, save a lot of money, and attack and defense will be at their best.
* It is not scary to lose only one of the members of your squad, because after the battle he will be automatically revived, but he will have only one point of HP. Remember this and heal your wounded comrades in a timely manner.
* The enemies in this game are very similar to the hero. They have the same weaknesses. They will limp when weak. If their HP indicator is at the level of 20%, it means that you have almost won. Use this situation and finish off your opponent.
* The field effect in the upper left corner of the screen changes frequently. Use it to build the right battle. Use black against white; green versus blue; red versus yellow and, of course, vice versa.
* Try to always buy at least 7 or 8 pieces of each item. Especially those with which you heal your comrades and yourself after the battle.
* You can dodge battles quite often. Take advantage of this when HP is very low or you need to regroup your squad. In this case, you can even run away from the boss.
* Be sure to find all the treasure chests, but keep an eye on your HP all the time. When it is low, and you see powerful monsters blocking the path to the chest, then the wisest thing would be to step aside and not fight with them, but wait until you feel better.
* It is very important to keep a close eye on the Field effect in most boss fights. If the boss uses the red element spell in the attack, then it may be advisable to return back here after the next shipping point, bringing with him two comrades who belong to the yellow element. He is very good against red.
* All enemies have weaknesses, many of which are often determined by the field effect. You can always find out by looking at the upper left corner of the screen.
* The game takes place in two worlds. They are quite similar, but there are significant differences. Try to remember them and then you will know which world you are in and will not wander through the same areas, thinking that you are in another dimension.


When you insert the disc into the console and start the game, watch a great video intro. And when the screen will be able to enter a name, then enter it as Serge, then it will be easier for you to use the passage.
Each time you start a new game, your squad will have different characters. However, Serge and Kid (the girl in red) are always in your squad, but the third one will change randomly. This has absolutely no effect on the development of the plot.
When you get control over Serge, go to the right and in the next room you will see a whole bunch of stair boxes and the like. Try to move down to the left, go through these "steps" and go to the door with a light bulb. You will, of course, see the guard, but try not to catch his eye until you are ready to fight. In the next room, go left to the door and you will see a fork. Take the path leading forward and approach the door with torches on both sides. Go to the next room and see a beam of light. Use an action button on this beam and it will go out. Then go back, get to the center of the platform in the middle of the flight of stairs, go through the central part and press the action button. Your squad will be transported to the upper platform and, after a few conversations, proceed to the doors above. When Serge tries to open the door, a scene flashes in his head: Kid is stabbed to death, and he himself is holding a bloody sword. When Serge comes to his senses, he will be in a brightly lit house.


When you wake up, look around the room, find items and 200 gold. Then go down the stairs, talk to your mom, her name is Marge. She will tell you that Lenna is expecting you. Talk to the man under the giant sawfish, select the Your probably right option and get the Komode Shell. Check out the store for interesting items (located in the city center). Then go up to the right, go to the huts, enter one of them, go downstairs, talk to the fisherman, and he will tell you a variety of stories from his life, and then he will give the shark a sign - SHARK TOOTH.
While talking to Leena, she will remind you that she needs to get the Komodo Scale neckless necklace, complain about the kids' pranks and ask you to go to Lizzard Rock to fulfill her request. Choose any option, it doesn't matter, and then Leena will visit you at Opassa Beach as you walk through Lizard Rock.
Talk to the guy sitting downstairs, then select the option and get some more items. Go left, enter the forest, talk to the guy in blue and white, choose the first option, fight him. During the battle, he will give you some advice, but if you do not understand Japanese, then there is no sense in them. In fact, he is not very strong, defeat him easily, and even if you lose, do not be upset, because this is a training level. Look around the house on the left, but there is nothing interesting, then head back to Market Square, take the right path past the old man and exit the city.
Be sure to talk to Poshul (pink puppy). He will join your squad soon enough. Find the Heckran bone under the bed and show it to him. It'll be enough.


This promontory is on the upper left of the west coast. There is not much to do here, but pay attention to the rock on which the names Serga and Leena are carved. Enemies here are real weaklings, but hot geysers can be very dangerous.


Walk down to the right, enter Lizard Rock, where you must find a necklace for Leena. As soon as you enter the mountains, walk up to the purple rock that is in your path and Serge will automatically move it. Head left and see a rainbow lizard. She will run away. There is another purple rock on the left here, slide it so that it blocks one entrance to the small tunnel. You will need it to trap the lizard a little later. Now head up left to the next area. Here you will see another rainbow lizard. She, too, will run away, chase her, and she will run in a circle, and after catching up with her, the fight will begin. However, these stupid lizards are very weak, and after the fight you will receive the desired item. Then go to the very end to the left, enter the hole in the ground, take the treasure chest and go to the very bottom, where you will deal with the purple Nus, and then slide magenta block straight into the water. As a result, the treasure chest will go upstairs, and you can get it. Then return to the room you were in earlier. Go back to the starting point, you will see the lizard again, and in order to catch it, you must first go down to the place where it is located, and then, when it rushes past the tunnel, you must move the purple rock on the left side to block the tunnel ... Then go around, scare the lizard in the locked tunnel. She will have to take the fight. After straightening out in it, go to the very bottom to the right and in the next zone climb up the tree in the middle and move to the ledge. When you find yourself on the cornice, you will see a lizard walking around here, the one that you scared a little earlier. Click the button Oh (Circle) to jump right in front of her. It's pretty straightforward. After you deal with it, a giant lizard will appear and attack you.

- Fight with the boss Mama Komodo. HP: 160.
Element: Blue.

This fight is not difficult. Attack continuously, but beware of her water attack, as she will immediately deal damage to you for 25-30 HP. She only has 60 HP, so it is not difficult to deal with it. After the battle, head left and move until you exit the zone. Then walk along the coast to the left to Opassa Beach.
When you meet Leena at Opassa Beach, she will ask if you got her necklace. Then he will put the necklace around his neck and immerse himself in memories. Select the I REMEMBER option, otherwise you will never be able to achieve a high level of martial art for leena. When the girl talks about their future together, select the WELL NEVER FORGET THIS DAY option and before Leena can tell Serge anything, watch the scraps of memories. An aura surrounds Serge, and a giant tidal wave rushes along the coast. Serge loses consciousness.
A little later, a man brings Serge to his senses and informs him that Leena has returned to the Ami village. Go there, but you have to go through the mountains again. This time the enemies will be different and much stronger. Do not forget to look for treasure boxes, there are very necessary items.
Return to the village, do not forget to collect various items along the way. At the same time, you will notice that the area has changed very dramatically since your last visit. Leena doesn't know anything, but nobody even wants to believe that you are alive. As if everyone had conspired and arranged some kind of conspiracy. No matter what you tell Leena, she will still think Serge is dead and will advise you to go to Cape Cowl to see his grave and tombstone.

* CAPE HOWL (To a friend).

Note: If Poshul is in your party, you will see a very funny scene in which Solt drops Poshul right off the cliff.
Cape Howi is still in its original location. You, as a player, already understand that he just found himself in another dimension. When our hero gets to the grave, he will notice that Serge died 7 or even 10 years ago. Then Karsh, Rerror and Solt will appear. They will decide that this is a real ghost. A little later, Kid will appear, who will join Serge in the next battle.

- Boss Fight: Karsh, Rerror and Solt
HP: 320.
Elements: green at Karsh; yellow at Rerrog and Solt.

This battle is pretty simple. Attack, attack and attack. Ignore the talk about items, just keep in mind that you always need to carry items of every color with you. Attack and the battle will be over soon. Enemies will flee, and Kid wants to join you. But if you want Leena to be in your squad, refuse Kid (REFUSE) and keep refusing despite her requests and she will go to Termina. And you will automatically find yourself in the village of Arni. If you allow Kid to join you, then Leena will never participate in the game with you, and if you refuse, then Leena will go with you to Termina. Even if Kid does not join your squad, then Poshul will join you regardless of whether he agrees to join you in the Home World. However, all this will only happen if you refuse Kid. After that, head to the Fossil Vallet, which is directly to the north.


Talk to the guard in the mountains, select the options YES, WE, ARE, and he will let you pass. When you climb to the top, a skull will approach you, say YES to it and you will receive a key item. Go further down to the left, quickly grab the egg and climb up again. Dodo is very strong and you can't handle it yet. To the left of where you picked up the Heavy Skull is the Bellflower. Take it and continue on your way. A little later, you will meet Rerror and Solt, and again there is a fight.

- Fight with the boss Rarror, Solt.
HP: 52 (Solt); 60 (Rerror).
Element: yellow for both.

This fight is very simple. They will try to attack you, thinking that they are using the Black element, but in fact, they will use the white elements, and they cannot do serious harm to Serge. Attack, heal in a timely manner, and the victory will be yours.


When you get here, you will find out that Glem needs Bellflowers. You can then look around and visit the hotel in the far right corner. Then, if you refused to accept Kid into your squad, then she will appear in front of you after Glem leaves and makes a few comments about Leena (assuming that she is your sweetheart), and then leaves upset.
Now go to the right, move on until you see a man in a purple robe who is performing some kind of magic trick. Then you will see Riddel and Glem, who will ask you to sell them the flowers that you found in the mountains, and will buy them for 500 gold. But you can give them to them for free if you like. Leena will inform you that everything has strangely changed after a mysterious monster appeared in this land. After a long conversation, go under the wooden bridge and talk to Korcha near the boat. He will offer you a ride where you need, if necessary.
Head to the city center north of the bar and hotel. Talk to the guy who is polishing the viper statue. He will tell you that Viper is the defender of the city of Termina, and it is unlikely that your squad can enter the house. When Kid appears and hears a conversation, he will want to go with you into the possession of Viper and, regardless of which option you choose, he will give you a teleporter, and you can include him in your squad if you want.
Here, the game has three different sequels, depending on which character you join your squad.

Option A. Pierre.
Enter the forge, talk to the man in black and see Pierre from behind. He wants to go on a journey with you, but he definitely wants to get a hero's medal. Exit to the left, enter the wooden house, talk to the children here, then go outside and talk to the boy in red clothes. He will give you a hero medal. Go back to the forge, talk to Pierre and, this time, give him the medal you received from the boy. After this conversation, he will join your squad.

Option B. Nikki.
Talk to the man in the dressing room on the ship, on the western side of Termina, and then Nikki will appear. Expand her, explain what you are looking for and ask to distract the guards from the Shadow Forest.

Option C. Guile.
This is the easiest option of all. Just go to the bar, talk to the man at the back of the room and select the ASK FOR HIS HELP option. He will talk to Korcha, and he will take you to the Viper Mansion house.

Variant A. Viper Manor Entrance.
When you find yourself at the entrance to the house, Pierre introduces himself as a security guard, and you have three possible choices. If you choose the "deadand" option, then the guards on the other side of the gate will come up, open the gate, but as soon as you try to break through, more guards will come up, so you will have to beat them all. After the battle, wait for Rarror and Solt to appear, fight them, and only then finish off another guard whom they will call for help. It is clear that this battle will be much more difficult.

- Boss Fight: Solt, Ketchop, Rerror.
HP: Solt - 80; Rerror - 90; Ketchop - 260.

In this battle, the first thing to do is deal with Ketchop, he has very powerful attacks. After you inflict serious damage on him, approximately 140 HP, he will summon Rarror and Solt to help him, who will stand next to him and use their attacks on your squad members and will be able to inflict at least 60 HP damage. Therefore, make sure that all your comrades are in perfect order. Deal with Rerror and Solt, and then get to Ketchop.

Option B. Nikkl, Shadow Forest.
Walk as far east as you can from Termina Square into the Shadow Forest. You will notice that the guards have gone somewhere (if you come here earlier, they will just be there). Move further deeper into the forest and find Nikki, who is trying to persuade the monster to listen to his song. It is clear that he has serious problems, and, apparently, he cannot cope with the demons. Help him, and in the battle of four against three, you will certainly win. Then follow Nikki under a small waterfall, let him join your party and tell his secret. In fact, in order for your squad to be able to get into the house, you need to lure the monster so that it will be devoured by the Quaffid.
Go inside, read the letter, find out numerous details of your further actions. Take Angry Scapula and then Aroma Pouch in the chest. Examine the round plants. The lower plant has green pollen, the upper plant has red pollen, and the plant on the right has blue pollen. Take a little of each type of pollen.
The pollen will fly around the plant for a very limited time, so you need to act quickly. It will be useful to you for monsters of the corresponding color. The red monster is at the entrance to this place, the blue monster is near the small waterfall, and the green one is in the previous room in front of the Quaffid. You must plant the pollen close enough to the Quaffid so that when the monster gets close, he can devour it. In this case, each time he will move forward a little. Press the Eschen button above him, and he will be okay. If you feed him green or blue pollen, then you will have to fight with him. But if you feed red, then for some reason he will suddenly shrink, become small, apologize and will give you the Skull Daggery Flame, go through the middle of the forest and get ready for a fight with the next bosses.

Boss Fight: Zoah, Rarror, SOIL
HP: Solt - 80; Rerror - 90; Zoah - 200;
Elemental accessory: yellow (for all).

Now you already understand how the elements in the game work, attack enemies in the usual way. This battle is not particularly difficult. After the victory, meet the spirit (Wraith), defeat him. Then move the huge rock to block the exit, move forward a bit and stay here overnight. It will be much easier to act at night. Option

C: Guilt, Viper Manor Bluffs.
This place is not very extensive, but it is perhaps the most difficult in the game. The guard upstairs will hurl boulders at you, each of which can do 10 HP damage. They are, however, fairly easy to dodge, but beware of small geysers that release very hot jets. Climb the rocks, stop just below the geysers and, when they stop gushing, quickly climb up. Please note that sometimes some useful items can be found near the geysers. When you get to the top, take out the Acacia soldiers and then prepare to face the boss.

You are on the page for the RPG game Chrono Cross, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was released by the studio SquareSoft. The Chrono Cross walkthrough we found will help you solve in-game problems faster and get tips on difficult moments. Also, for the game Chrono Cross, codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

Considering that the Chrono Cross game was not released in Russian, you obviously need a crack to make the game clearer, because the passage in your native language is much more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without any help.

Reader reviews and reviews will help you figure out if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2010-02-01, we can say that it may look uninteresting.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

Chrono cross
* Hints.
* At the very beginning of the game, go to Arni in your home world, talk to the girl who dreamed of becoming a poet, and when you get free access to any of the worlds, go to Arni again, but in a different world, and talk to the same girl in the cafe. Then go to Arni in the home world and talk to the same girl again, and she will give you a collection of poems. You will return with him to another world and once again talk to this failed poet. She will not demand the book from you, but will hand you the Rainbow Shell.
* Collect a large egg in the Fossil Valley (guarded by a huge bird) and deliver it to the Otherworld. Then, whenever you want, enter the Dragonia Fort, take the elevator down and you will find 5 incubator machines there. Place an egg in a working incubator torus in the middle, and a wonderful dragon Draggy will hatch from it.
* To get Glenn and
Macha, answer "No" to the offer to save Kid when she is poisoned. And then Glenn and Macha (mother of Korcha) will join your squad. Glenn and Serge can spend joint attack called "X strike".
* In Termina, talk to the man polishing the statue, then go to Korcha, he is the ship's captain. Talk to him and he will advise you to go to the bar and find someone who could help you get to Viper Manor. Go to the bar and see a man standing near the door. This is Guile.
* After talking to Lenna, head to Cape Howl, and when you leave, Karsh will come up to you and Kid will appear. You can invite him to your squad.
* Select the "No" option when, after Cape Howl Kid asks for permission to join you. Then go back and be able to include Lenna in your group.
* Luccia works in the Viper Manor lab. To "recruit" her after Kid is poisoned and you need a hydra, do not go to the Hydra Marshes in the home world, but go to this gate in the other world and follow the path to the end. Here you will find two monsters guarding the Life Sparkle. This is a wonderful flower that seems to grow on poisonous soil and is magically able to heal anyone who is poisoned. Deal with bosses, take a flower, go to Viper Manor in another world, but you will not find anyone. So go to the laboratory, release the spy from the cage, then go to the terrace and meet Luccia. She will tell you that she is experimenting with flowers in a small pool. But she doesn't have a Life Sparkle flower to complete the experiment. After she leaves, put the found flower in the pool, the flower will immediately come to life and become Neo Fio. She will join your squad. Return to the lab and talk to Luccia again. She will also join you. By the way, when you enter the laboratory for the first time, free the animal, which is locked in a corner cage.
* After the concert, defeat all the Marbule monsters, return to the Fargo ship, go to the restaurant and talk to Niki. She will join your squad.
* In the home world, take a shark tooth from a fisherman, and then in another world, show this tooth to the scarecrow Mojo, and he will join you.
* Skelly is a skeleton found in another world in the Fossil Valley. He will join you after you find all of his bones. Some of these bones are found in the Shadow Forest, the Cursed Island of the Dammed, Water Dragon Island, Galdove, and Hydra Marsh. After collecting all the bones, he will leave, and you follow him to his grandmother's house in Termina. This house is to the right of the statue of General Viper. Skelly will talk a little with his grandmother, and you leave and come back a little later, then he will join you.
* In another world, head to El Nodo Triangle. Go to the very bottom. Take the Star Element on Sky Dragon Island. People will tell you that there is a monster here that attacks everyone with a star element. Climb up the stairs, open an empty chest, and then Starky will attack you. Defeat him and he will join you.
* This trick will only work in the early part of the game. After you wake up in your room, go down to the restaurant, find the Heckran bones in the Orcha chef's room, give Pochu (this is the pink dog you see in front of the Radius House) and he will join your company.
* Head into the mountains after Cape Howl and see a brown monster. Do not fight him, try to find purple flowers, pick them, and then return to Termina. Go to the place where Glenn's father and brother are buried. Here you will see him together with the daughter of General Viper. Glenn will come up to you and ask you to give him flowers for free. Do not refuse your friend.
* Press the Start button on the world map to jump into your home world from Opassa Beach. Go to the Hydra Humor Swamp and find Hydra Humor there. Give it to Kid.
* When you get Serge's Flying Arrow, go to the Bend of Time and fire it. Then from Chrono Trigger, instead of the big Serge, there will be a big Ozzie.
* After finding all six Dragon Relics, add Karsh to your party and travel to the Island of the Damned in another world. Go to the place where you fought with Garai and Solt, see Rorror here, deal with the enemies and get the Momento Pendant and Tech Skill level 7 for Karsh's called Axomatic. Then return to your home world with the Riddle in your detachment, get into the ship and go to the island, which "smokes" a little smoke. This island is located near Vipor Manor, it is called Forbidden Island. Go ashore and go to the house. In this House you will find Dario. Talk to him, and Riddle will give you the Momento Pendant, and he will start to remember some amazing things, then the Nastermune sword will appear, Dario will grab it, and the fight will start again. Defeat him one more time, and your Sea Swallow will transform into Mastermune. Then he will go to Viper. Manor and start restoring it, but keep in mind that the Mastermune is essentially the second most powerful weapon Serge can have, and is capable of delivering a lethal blow to almost any enemy.
* Double and Triple Tech Skills.
1.Serge Lv5 + Leena Lv7 + Razzly Lv7 = Delta Attack (White).
2. Guile Lv5 + Snelf Lv7 = Sword Storm (Back)
3. Serge Lv3 + Glenn Lv3 = X-Strike (Red).
4. Kid Lv3 + Mel Lv3 + Double Take (Red).
5. Norris Lv7 + Grobyc Lv7 + Pitch Black (Black).
6 Radius Lv7 + Vlpert Lv5 + Vital Force (White).
7. Karsh Lv3 = Zoah Lv7 = Dragon Spike (Green).
8.Nlkkl Lv7 + Mlki Lv7 = Flamenco (Red).
9. NeoFio Lv7 = Turnip IV7 = Tossed Salad (Green).

* Always win at roulette.
The following trick allows you to win at roulette at the Zelbess casino every time. When the roulette pointer starts spinning, pause the game action when the red tip is between the west and south points of the roulette wheel. Then, press repeatedly Oh (Circle), and resume the game. The ball will stop at the northern point of the roulette wheel each time, allowing you to double the money you bet.
* Using Feel elements.
Use the Feel element, and then use the element that has the opposite color of the Feel element to inflict more damage on the opponent. Example: Feel element is yellow and then Green Element is used.
* Feed 100 dragons.
Note: This three requires a Turbo controller.
When you meet the person feeding the dragons in the barn, you can earn prizes depending on how many dragons you feed for him. Feed all 100. Set Turbo to X and, use the D-pad to move back and forth.
* To resume the game very quickly without any problems, hold down the L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Start buttons at the same time
* Unlimited Money, Dragon "s Glory" s, Viper "s Lvl 7 Tech Skill.
After Serge is "reborn", visit Termina (in the home world). In this case, Viper must be in your squad. Talk to the bartender, go to the back room, examine the flag on the back wall. Viper will briefly talk about the flag and then pick up the Level 7 Tech Skill, "FlagBearer". He will also receive Dragon's Glory. Leave the room and re-enter, look at the back wall. Viper should be in your squad, and although there is no more flag here, he will say the same phrase as before and will receive another Brearer flag. and Dragon's Glory. Repeat this procedure as many times as you like. Note that Dragons Glory can be sold for 4,000 gold. Moreover, Dragon's Glory adds 3 points to the attack, hit probability + 3%, magic power +2 points. In addition, it can be disassembled, having received: 1 Denadorite, 2 Scale, 2 Fur and 2 Fang.


A lilac oval platform with a screeching noise came to a halt in front of the openwork forged bronze doors. Serge looked down at his feet. There was a strange sign on the floor of the platform ...

Serge and his company: the Kid girl and one of the remaining 42 characters to choose from - leave the elevator into a gloomy room with six dragon statues at the entrance. From their conversation, you will understand that, firstly, Serge's remarks are only implied, and, secondly, that Kid hates a certain Linx with fierce hatred. After gaining control, go down the left path and find yourself on the balcony under the ceiling of the room, in the middle of which a smoky purple obelisk rises. This room is your immediate target. Return and follow the right path to the glowing entrance. He will lead you into a room with many stairs, paths and platforms hanging in the air. Move along the path to the left down, go up to the site on the right along the ladder and leave the room. On the way, you will meet a robot. You don't need to fight him - it will not bring you money and trophies. If you do collide, do not panic - he is quite tough for you (besides, you can always tactically retreat from the battle with the help of Run Away). Do not be fooled by the amount of HP (HP) - this is only a dream, and in a dream that does not happen.

After passing the door, you will find yourself on the outer wall of the tower. Go to another entrance and you ... "again found yourself on Deribasovskaya" - that is, in the same room with stairs, only a level higher. Run along the path without turning anywhere to the door, above which the hieroglyph is burning.

Here is your first goal and achieved. Press X near the obelisk and head back to the stairs.

Have you noticed a healthy cabinet in the very center with a shimmering pink and lilac platform at the top? This is goal # 2. Got it? And even the robot was soaked along the way? Fine! Get on the platform, press X and ...

Well, yes, high technology! What do you think? Maybe not quite teleportation, but very close.

You are standing on top, and the building ... O-la-la! .. flies! Go to the gate.

(HW) VILLAGE ARNIE - Conversations

Do not be alarmed, you are not playing as a negative character. Serge only dreams that he is a villain, but in fact he is white and fluffy.

So, the young man was awakened by the voice of his mother. Serge wakes up in his room, dressed and on an unmade bed. Apparently the guy had that evening ... Having received control over him, do not rush to leave the room. There is a "tablet" element in a jug by the door, and a 200G stash at the head of the bed. As a result, your initial capital is 300G. Dispose of them wisely.

Leave the room and talk to Madge - Serge's mom. You will learn from her that Serge is a terrible sleepyhead and that his girlfriend Leena has already come in and was wondering when he would deign to wake up?

Leaving the house, do not rush to Leena - it will wait. Talk to the fishmonger at the house. In response to his question, select the option: "you are probably right" (the second). In return, the fisherman will give you the first Dragon Scale Key Item. Go to the woman who sells items and rummage at her counter - you will find a new frame design. Buy the elements from her. Optimal: 3 "fireballs", 2 "aqua rays" and 5 "pills" - for everything and without change. Don't even look at the weapon - you don't need anything there. Place the "fireball" and "aqua ray" in the net and dive into the arch next to the fish seller. You will be taken to the training field and to the office of the headman of the village of Radius (has nothing to do with the circle!). Radius himself, a grandpa in a long skirt, conducts martial arts classes. Chat with his students. One of them, Gonji, will tell you how to use key items. Then refer to Radius. Grandfather will invite you to listen to his lecture. Don't give up - it's helpful. You will, of course, lose the battle (as planned), but do not be discouraged: in the "New Game +" you will be able to recoup. After training, go to the office. There, right in front of the entrance, you will find a glowing green pyramid. In the game, this thing is called "Fate Records" and plays an important role in the plot. This is actually a shipping point. Talk to the people in line, then go to the room at the bottom of the screen. There are sayings in the Japanese spirit on the wall. The meaning of the long adage is not clear in purely Japanese. A lone hieroglyph in a frame means "Loyalty", and underneath is the "medicine" element.

There is nothing more for you to do here. Return to the square. By the way, offer "Dragon Scale" to all women you meet and cross - young and old - quite funny dialogues will follow. In fact, this item is intended for a boy who stands at the front right of the house on the top right, but do not rush to give it away.

Go to the lower right house. This is a cafe. Chat with the girl at the counter. She is a waitress and writes poetry in her free time. The girl does not doubt her talent and dreams of becoming famous. It looks like she has a chance. This conversation is important enough, although you will not get any serious information. On the right side of the cafe there is a staircase leading to the door. Go there. In the large "chumodan" you will find an accessory "elephant helmet", and under the bed, where baby-Dingo is rummaging around, there is a key item "Heckran bone".

In the next house, get a ton of useful advice on catching Komodo dragons from the old man. After talking with him, go down to the basement and chat with the fisherman. As a result, he will give you the Shark Tooth Key Item. Contact the fisherman again and he will ask Serge to give the "other me" talisman to the fisherman. Pretty crazy request, albeit doable.

The last house remains and you go there. At the house, chat with Grandma Leena. She will tell you that Leena is babysitting at the dock. Pet the cat - learn interesting facts from Serge's biography. It turns out in early childhood (about three years old) Serge was attacked by a panther demon (and where did the parents look?). The boy miraculously survived, but since then he could not see the representatives of the feline family without tears. With age, the fear has passed and now Serge is able to bravely pet almost any cat.

Do not delay this moment, but you will have to go and apologize to Leena. The passage to the pier is in the back of the screen. In fact, everything will not be so scary. The girl will only slightly scold Serge for the late awakening, will philosophize a bit and move on to the main thing. Serge must travel to Lizard Rock and retrieve three Komodo Dragon Scales for her necklace. Choose any option in response. It is more interesting to refuse - Leena will show itself in all its glory. Offer her the "Dragon Scale" and she will advise you not to cheat, after which she will make an appointment at Opassa beach. "And without scales, - he will say, - do not come, but with scales, - he will say, - come back."

Alas, your generous gift has been rejected. Offer the "Scale of the Dragon" to the young admirer Kiki (porch by the upper right house). In response, first select the "Sell for 1000G" option (the last one). The boy, of course, does not have that kind of money, but your vocabulary will be replenished with the vocabulary of the younger generation of Arnie. Offer the scales a second time and just give them away (second option). Get the yellow "lift" element in return.

Lizard Rock is a dangerous place and it is better to find a company for yourself, and therefore we will recruit. Someone here will lay the soul for the bone of Hekran? Of course, the big pink dog Poshul, which has fun on training ground... Give her "Herkan's Bone" and your dog forever. Now you can go get a necklace for the "princess".

Walking 1

Before going to Lizard Rock, record the game on the World Map and dash around the area. Serge will not be allowed on the Hydra Marshes - he is still small. The Fossil Valley is blocked by soldiers. However, it will not hurt to go to Cape Howl to the west of the village. In the grids of the Serge and Poshul elements, set each non-consumable healer and a pair of "fireballs". In the near future, you will encounter exclusively "blue" opponents. Do not avoid combat. Practice, save up some money, get trophies. Collect the chests. At the end of the cape, read a touching inscription on the stone. There is nothing else to do here.

(HW) LIZARD ROCK - Hunting Komodo

Don't forget to record the game.

Lizard Rock will take you to a kind of tropical paradise. Roll back the stone at the entrance (no need to push, just press X). Immediately, you will find the first Komodo dragon, a yellow-green lizard with large red wings instead of ears. Don't touch him yet. First, kick the monster that guards the chest and take the treasure away from it.

It's time to remember the advice of the "Komodo connoisseur". We put a trap on the animal. To do this, go to a dead end and use a purple stone to close the hole into which Komodo escapes (button r). Go around the rock and drive the dragon into a trap. The battles on Lizard Rock are not difficult. One full attack (1 + 2 + 3 + Element) is enough for any inhabitant of a tropical paradise. Do not waste any consumable healers - you will still need them. Better try to end the fight with unspent healers set in the grid and the rest of your magic.

We wound the dragon's tail - the first scale is yours.

Walk down the path and you will soon encounter a second Komodo. First, fight the monster by the backwater. Push the stone into the water (here you have to push it) and open the chest. Accessory "Silver Loupe" () increases the accuracy of the strike. Set it to the one who, in your opinion, misses the most.

Remember super-duper tip # 2 - use the terrain to attack. You need to climb up the green trunk to the left of the rock under which the dragon is wandering. On the way, you will meet two more monsters - you will have to fight. Climb to the rock and see the dragon walking under you. All you have to do is jump on top of it. I guarantee it won't work the first time, but go for it! After the fight, get the second scale.

The path on the left will lead you to the lagoon with a bridge and the third Komodo. Just below the bridge, go down into the water and take the chest. Walk around the lagoon clockwise. From the crossroads behind the bridge, the upper path leads to the exit from the Skala. Follow the left path to the dead end and jump into the black hole in the ground - you will find yourself in the lagoon. Take two more chests. Give the Elephant Helmet to Poshul. Return to the shore the same way. If you want, you can go to the World Map and record the game - you will have a fight with the Boss. At the same time, heal completely.

Tip # 3 - run fast. Rush with an arrow after the dragon until you catch up. Here the battle tactics are different. Kill opponents with physical attacks only. As soon as the latter "throws off his hooves" - meet Mama-Komodo (the fight will not be interrupted).

The fight is very easy. Three or four full attacks and the dragon is at your feet. Mommy-Komodo's physical attacks are weak, and she will not have time to apply the elements if you do not drag out the battle. In fact, Serge can handle it easily even without Poshul.

So the timpani are beating, the fanfare is thundering, the orchestra is playing carcasses. You raised your level, got a new cell in the grid of elements and your first star (there will be 48 of them in total). With fluttering banners, we leave Lizard Rock (do not forget to record the game) and move to the tip of the cape.


Serge will meet Leena on the beach. Having received the scales for the necklace, she will shine into memories. To her first question, select the option: "I remember" (I remember), and when the girl starts talking about family life, choose: "We will never forget this day." If you answer otherwise, Leena will subsequently not receive her tech element level 7. Before Leena can ask the next question, Serge hears someone calling his name ...

Serge brings a stranger to his senses and says that Leena was not here and in general she should be in the village. When he leaves, Poshul returns. The dog is also at a loss: how the girl could leave and leave Serge unconscious on the shore. We'll have to demand an explanation from her, unless, of course, she "spontaneously burned out."

Set the "aqua ray" into the grid of elements - now you will need it.

Something is wrong on Lizard Rock. There is a sign on the broken fence warning of the danger. There are new monsters and dragons are not afraid of Serge at all. Run across the territory, collect treasures, fight with opponents - the latter will raise your status a little more and add some money. Then leave Lizard Rock and go to sort things out with the bad girl Leena.

(AW) VILLAGE ARNIE - Something is wrong in the world ...

Something has also changed in the village and this can be seen with the naked eye. Flowers on the entrance arch, no big fish, but worst of all, nobody recognizes Serge. And the headman in the village is not Radius, but the curmudgeon Gonzha, although a present is also hidden under the hieroglyph "Loyalty". Serge's house has changed beyond recognition. In Serge's room, search the boxes and find your first weapon. mass destruction- element "magma bomb" (magma bomb). Set his Serge to the second level. At the exit you will meet the owner of the house and he will announce that he has never heard of Serge or Madge.

What is being done?

In the cafe, talk to the girl at the counter. Once she wrote poetry, but someone convinced her of the lack of talent and now she is very disappointed with her life. In the back room, the chest is hidden behind a blue curtain, and there is nothing under the bed.

In the next house, in the basement, there is a real sanctuary. A fisherman is no longer a fisherman, and you can't understand who. It is too early to give "Shark Tooth" to him.

Leena stands at his post, guarding the diving kids. Reproach her - do not reproach, she simply does not recognize you. Moreover, she will tell a tragic story about a boy named Serge, who (what a shame) drowned to death seven years ago, and soon his mother died. Poorly proving to a girl that you are Serge? Maybe not, but she has a counterargument: a grave at Cape Voy. Don't believe me? But go and see!

(AW) CAPE VOY - Kid and Karsh

The sun tilted towards the west as the boy and the dog entered the cape, wondering ... had they forgotten to record the game?

On Cape Howl (aka Howling), in one of the chests, you will find the "electric shock" element (). Set it to Serge on the third level. On the second, he has a "magma-bomb", on the first: "medicine" and "fireball" - the best option.

The stone at the end of the cape, alas, is indeed a gravestone. While Serge ponders this paradox, a male voice calls out to him and asks a rather strange question: is he the ghost of the boy who lies in this grave? Considering that Serge is 17 years old, and the boy died at 7, then the question is really strange. Hedgehog is clear that ghosts do not age.

Serge is approached by one of the most colorful and charming characters in the game (this is not only my opinion). Love and favor, Sir Karsh is one of the four Acacia Dragoon Devas. Just don't expect him to happily join your company. In fact, he and a couple of other "comedians" were sent to arrest Serge. Poshul, sitting peacefully on the sidelines, will do somersaults from the cliff and Serge will remain with the dragoons face-to-face. However, help will come unexpectedly in the face of the already familiar blonde in red named Kid. After a rather rough debate, she did get Serge into a fight.




Def / M.zash

(less often)

Bone Ax
Powerful glove

Elephant helmet

Elephant vest

(less often)

Powerful glove

Knee Pad

Silver magnifier

The battles involving the Spice brothers Sol and Peretz are educational, so don't let their dialogues go deafening during the battle. The fight is not difficult. First use "shock" () on Karsh and then "magma bombs" on everyone. Kid is a good fighter and well equipped, so it's easy to win.

After the battle, the cunning Kid will offer Serge to join the team. The girl breathes with trouble and she clearly wants to inculcate Serge in them. Refuse her on all counts, even if she is lying at her feet, otherwise you will not be able to recruit Leena into the team. The offended Kid will announce that he is heading to the city of Termina and make an appointment. After she leaves, Poshul will return.

(AW) VALLEY OF VESSELS - Spirit casters

From Cape Voy you will be automatically transported to Arnie and spend the night there. In the morning, the guy will wake up Leena and offer to look for answers to questions in the Term. The girl still does not believe that Serge is the same boy who died 10 years ago, but she is ready to help. If you haven't recruited Poshul in Homeworld (HW), she will join the team with Leena.

Purchase all items in Arnie and go to the Valley of the Vessels.

The dragoons at the entrance will advise Serge to stick to the lower road, but are you wondering what is going on on the upper one? Talk to the dragoon by the rope ladder. Answer the question: "Yes, this is us" (first option) and go upstairs. Inform the commander (the guy in the golden armor) that you are spellcasters and go to the large dragon skull. A skull in a clown's cap will jump out of his mouth. The guy's name is Skelly and he doesn't remember at all how he came to such a life that only one skull was left of him. Skelly will ask Serge to take him with him and help him find the missing pieces. You can refuse him once, but do not refuse the second request: Skelly is a future member of your team. This gives you the key item Heavy Skull.

Go down to the dragoons and talk to them. From one you will hear a slip of the tongue that Karsh was in some kind of trouble on the Isle of the Damned. Wind up the information on a mustache. Climb up the ledge and grab another Bellflower Key Item. Be careful with the yellow posts - these are monsters.

Return to the dragoons and start going down the dragon's ridge, ignoring the warnings. The ridge will lead you to the Dodo nest. Kemarite bird, burying its nose ... sorry ... with its beak against the wall. Among the fragments of the shell, you will see a whole egg. Take it and skip it. If you did not have time and were caught by an angry bird, do not be alarmed. Dodo, of course, is a serious opponent, but quite tough. The main thing to remember is that the bird is very offended by magical attacks, so use physical ones, and at the very end, when Dodo weakens, launch "fireballs" in a row at him, without physical attacks - and the roast is ready. You can return to the lower road. On the way, talk to the dragoons again: they are funny guys.

Now it is better to recharge the red elements again, and to transfer the "magma-bomb" Serge to the third level.

The exit from the valley is blocked by old acquaintances: Sol and Perretz. The Spice brothers are grieving over their defeat and yearning for revenge.



Def / M.zash

(less often)


Electric shock

(less often)

Elephant helmet

Elephant helmet
Trans. Chern

You will be taught another lesson in using elements, and then everything is the same minus Karsh. Hit the brothers with a "magma bomb" and finish off with "fireballs".

After the battle, Sol and Pertz will make the second of a long string of "tactical retreats" and clear the way. Your path lies in the capital city of Termina.

(AW) TERMS - Three ways of illegal entry

Right at the entrance you will see a young man talking to a flower girl. He needs bells, but the flower girl doesn't have them. Very upset, the young man leaves. From the flower girl you learn that the guy's name is Glenn and he is one of the Dragons of Acacia. The door on the right is the hotel. There is a recovery point (for 100G) and a shipping point (free).

Go up the stairs. If you turned down Kid, then meet her upstairs. The girl is clearly jealous and, having presented Serge with a couple of stinging remarks, will leave.

Climb even higher up the stairs and talk to the old man polishing the statue. He will tell you what an impregnable fortress the Viper mansion is. Kid will return again and offer Serge to enter the mansion and find out why the general decided to order Serge's arrest. Kid herself has some business there too and is definitely looking for an accomplice. You can refuse her - she will still insist on her own and join the team (if not already recruited), as well as give you the "Teleporter" with which you can change the members of the combat troika.

Kid claims that there is more than one way to get into the mansion and here she is completely right. There are three such ways, depending on who you recruit in the near future, and who will wait until the next game.

Look behind the house to the left of the statue. Someone is hiding there (he will not show himself). Answer his question: "Got it" (first option) and he will give you a frame.

Go down, go right and you will come to a large stone bridge over the bay. Visit the fortune teller's tent. The old woman immediately recognizes Serge as a stranger from another world and predicts different passions to him. In general, her predictions are pretty funny. Run to her from time to time with different characters.

Go a little further. There, a money changer demonstrates to the local boys a mermaid in an aquarium. It's outrageous to keep her in captivity, but you don't have to intervene. A half-naked boy with an orange "mohawk" on his head will appear on the top shelf of the rack. One can only guess how he got there. Throwing stones at onlookers and speaking in defense of the oppressed mermaids, the guy will jump from the bridge straight into the boat - a trick worthy of a Superman, because the height there is fifteen meters. The offended money changer will tell Serge that this is Korcha from Galdov - a disgusting, nasty boy, with whom in no case should you get involved. But you, too, sympathize with the oppressed mermaids, and therefore on the side of Korcha.

Go further and go down the long stairs. See Korcha on the shore. Don't try to jump to it - it won't work. At the bridge, a stern old woman will hint that there are altars and idle onlookers have nothing to do. Pretend to be a rag and follow on.

In the middle of a small lagoon there is an altar in the form of a huge scallop shell, in the center of which a sword is stuck. At the sword are Glenn and a girl with blue hair (not Malvina). The shore forks beyond the altar. Walk around the inner horn of the altar and engage in conversation.

Glenn just told the girl that he didn't get the bells. She is upset, but then Glenn notices Serge's bell and asks to give it to him. You can sell them for a maximum of 99G, but better, just give it away (1st option). Glenn thanks you so fervently that you start to feel the angel wings cutting on your back.

From the further dialogue, you will learn that the girl (her name is Riddel) is very concerned about the events that take place in the Viper mansion and the changes in the people close to her. Eventually Glenn and Riddel will leave. After gaining control over Serge, follow them between the piles of the house and get to Korcha. The defender of the humiliated and insulted tells funny stories to the mermaid. Talk to him and he will promise to take you anywhere in his boat for a modest fee.

Return to the bridge and immediately after the fortune teller's tent, turn up the path. She will lead you to the embankment to the smithy and the house of the merchant Gog. In the merchant's house (it is in the back of the screen), rummage under the stairs to the second floor and find the "Husky's Purse" accessory. Install it on any character and only remove it during boss fights. This will significantly improve your financial condition.

Take a look at the forge. If you got "copper" in the trophies, get Serge a new weapon. You can also sell or disassemble unnecessary equipment (for example, the "bone ax" Karsh). Then go through the door in the left wall and find yourself in a cozy light room. You won't find anything here, but pay attention to the baguettes on one of the shelves. Learn something interesting.

In fact, you need a tenant for this room. You will not overlook him - a guy in a costume of medieval France. And his name is Pierre and he speaks with a French pronoun. And yet, he is a braggart and a poser with a truly cosmic conceit. Talk to him and, after praising his beloved, Pierre will complain that he lost his hero medal, and without it he will not be allowed to see General Viper. Exit through the second door. She leads into the courtyard, where the boy cuts circles on the training ground. Talk to him and receive the Hero's Medal Key Item (). Give it to Pierre and he will offer Serge to accompany him to the mansion. Ask him to wait and go meet the next applicant.

You will find him in the bar to the left of the stairs leading to the Viper statue. Turn to a man in a white suit and gold mask contemplating the far wall of the bar. Name: Guile. Profession: magician Black color. Possesses devilishly strong tech. elements and in general, extremely high magical potential, which fully compensates for rather weak physical attacks. Guile will tell Serge that he made a bet with a fortune teller on the bridge that he will enter Viper's mansion and bring something from there as proof. He is ready to take Serge with him, but he needs a boat. You already know where to get it. However, select the second option again and ask him to wait - there is still a challenger.

From the bar, go left and get to the pier. At the very end, climb the pink ladder to the ship and enter the door. The man at the table will tell you that he is the manager of the Magical Dreamers group. The band is scheduled to play a concert at the Viper Festival, but the band's lead guitarist and singer, Nikki, has unexpectedly disappeared. Dancer Miki went to look for him, but she hasn't returned yet. Here, very by the way, Miki will show up and say that she traced the singer to the Shadow Forest, but the guards did not let her there. Miki asks Serge to help her find Nikki. In return, ask her to wait.

Return to the entrance to Termina and stock up on items in the store (it's good if you have Leena in the top three at this point). Be sure to leave 100G - you need to pay Korcha for the trip.

Go down to the hotel at the entrance and record the game at the drop-off point. From this moment it is better to write the game to another memory cell. Then you can always return to recruit another character without going through the beginning of the game again.

After that, decide who is nicer to you: Pierre, Guile or Nikki (you will recruit him already on the way to the mansion), go and give your consent.

Walk around the city, chat with people, go into houses - you will find out a lot of interesting and useful information.

Now you are ready for illegal entry into the mansion. If you have chosen Guile, go to the drop-off point and sign up - the nearest "Destiny Notes" are very far away.

Chrono cross

Developer: Square

Overseas Publisher: Square

Year of issue: 1999

Platform: PlayStation 1

Similar games: Final series Fantasy, Chrono Trigger

"What was the start of all this?

When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,

from the deep within the flow of time.

But, for a certainty, back then,

We loved so mony, yet hated so mach,

We hurt others and were hurt ourselves ...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,

Whilst our laughter echoed,

Under cerulean skies ... "

They say a lot about this game: "Yes, this is the worst JRPG I have ever played!" - some say; "Chrono Cross is the best ever made," say others (and there are many more). But

I can assure you for sure: this game will provide you with a lot of emotions, and will forever take a corner in your heart.

The game was created by the Dream team as a sequel to the famous Chrono Trigger (1995 release). Also, the less popular game Radical Dreamers (1996) can be attributed to the Chrono series ... Chrono Cross Writer - Masato Kato (Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears and some other projects). Character Designer - Nobuteru Yuki (anime The Vision of Escaflowne, X, Paradise Kiss, character design from the ... of Mana series.). Composer Yasunori Mitsuda (took part in the voice acting for Chrono Trigger; wrote the soundtrack for Xenogears, Tobal, Shadow Heart, for the first episode of Xenosaga; as sound engineer worked on FF V and Secret of Mana.) Art Director - Yasuyuki Honne (Chrono Trigger, Front Misson , Xenogears, first episode of Xenosaga).

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

The plot of the game unfolds as follows. Our hero, Serge, lives in a small fishing village (Arni). While walking along the beach (Opassa Beach) with his girlfriend (Leena) Serge loses consciousness. He woke up on the shore of the same beach. Returning to the village, he sees that everything has changed. Leena does not know him, the headman has changed, familiar people do not notice him, and when he comes home Serge is indignantly kicked out by a completely unfamiliar person, saying that he has been living here for 5 years already. After walking around, after asking Serge, he learns that Serge really lived here, but he died 10 years ago, his mother - a little later. Serge heads to his own grave, where he is attacked by the Dragoons. He is saved by a charming stranger named Kid. She also offers Sergei friendship. In the course of the game, it turns out that there are two worlds - the Alternative and Home world ... What is it for these two worlds; what is the Frozen Flame; who are Lavos, Fate and Dragons; and what happened 10 years ago, when Serge mysteriously passed from one world to another - all this is for you to find out.

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

The game has 11 endings (not counting "Game Over") and different endings are achieved at different points in the game. During the first playthrough, only two endings are available: "Bad" and "Good", they are achieved only with a complete passage of the main plot. On subsequent passages, you are given 9 remaining endings, some of which can be obtained at the very beginning of the game; you will also have access to some interesting artifacts, you will be left with almost all items, elements, and money.

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Everything in Chrono Cross is built on the contradiction between the worlds. If in one world a person acted badly, in another world he acts very differently. Answers to the questions of one world can be given to you in another. If you need to find a creature, and it is extinct in this world - look in

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

There are 40 playable characters in the game, from a rock star, a cook, an unlucky artist, to a turnip, a skeleton of a dead circus performer and a straw idol. Each hero has its own story, its own goals, some even have an accent or a speech impediment :) The game will provide you with different paths more than once, the choice of which will determine which character will join you, and possibly leave. The group with the main character includes two more characters of your choice.

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Forget about random battles, like in Final Fantasy 9. Forget about locations infested with monsters, where 15 skirmishes with the enemy occur on the passage of 10 meters. In Chrono Cross, all enemies are visible in the location, and you can safely run around them. If you did not share some kind of treasure chest, or the monster does not want to move away from the entrance to the door you need, then the battle begins. The battle takes place on a separate screen, in the tradition of JRPG. But from any battle with monsters, and even with bosses, you can "make legs".

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Chrono Cross is devoid of the concept of experience. After each battle with monsters, you get a slight increase in stats and, possibly, which thread is a material or an item. The level is replaced with stars. After defeating the boss, you get one star, which gives a nice boost to your stats, and opens up new slots in the elemental grid.

About the combat system. In Chrono Cross, she is original. The menu item in tiva is divided into four parts: Attack, Element, Defense, Escape. A normal attack is divided into 3 types: weak, medium, strong. It is obvious that a strong attack deals more damage than a medium or weak one. But it is less accurate. With a few weak hits, a couple of medium ones, the attack accuracy rises to 99%, and you can already finish the enemy with a strong blow. Chrono Cross has an interesting stamina bar. Stamina is spent on physical attacks, as well as when using elements. How, then, is stamina replenished? Everything is very simple. With each simple hit, you expend your stamina, but replenish the stamina of your allies.

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

What are the Elements, and where is the usual magic? In CC, it is replaced by Elements. Items are consumable and non-consumable. Consumable - when used in battle, you spend permanent units. of this item, but the stock of consumable items can be safely replenished at the nearest store. Consumable items are various poultices, ointments, first aid kits and medicines. Non-consumable elements (various kinds of combat magic, upgrades and medicines) can only be used once per battle. After the battle, they are automatically restored. Items are obtained from chests, various caches, from vendors.

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

There are 7 types of elements: red (fire), blue (water), green (nature), yellow (earth), black (darkness), white (light), as well as the seventh, multi-colored, but you will learn about it in the process of passing ... Each element and hero belongs to some element. The elements are opposite in pairs: red-blue, green-yellow, white-black. Opposite elements act more effectively against each other. For example, the black element "Wild Cats" does much more damage to a hero with a white element (Serge for example). In battle, a color counter operates, it consists of 3 fields. If all fields are colored in the same color, then the strength of the element of this color increases, and the strength of the element of the opposite color decreases. The color counter is also needed when summoning creatures. With each application of any element (it does not matter, your element, or the element of the enemy), one of the fields is painted in the same color as

applied element. All elements are placed on the element grid. Several identical elements can be placed in it so that any element can be used several times during a battle. The element mesh is divided into several pillars. The more to the right the pillar is located in this grid, the more powerful elements can be used.

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Sponsored by Razer

Retro Review of "Chrono Cross" Game Powered by Razer

Throughout the game, you will be accompanied by a magnificent soundtrack, written by the famous Yasunori Mitsuda. In battles, you will be encouraged by battle melodies, and in sad and serious moments, calm and sad music will play. Even the most unremarkable locations are well-voiced. Razer-sponsored Chrono Cross Retro Review The end result is an amazing game, one of the best ever created, with a great storyline, great soundtrack, colorful graphics and no love story at all. And while Chrono Cross was created to warm up the audience before the release of the real giant Final Fantasy IX, it is worthy of comparison with this great series. Any self-respecting person should play it. Whether a masterpiece is a game or not is up to you.