Armored vehicles from secret basements. Armored vehicles from secret basements German PT sau 10 level

- PT-SAU Germany 10 level. German military designer thought during the Second World War. One of the representatives of the ambitious plans of the Germans can be considered self-propelled anti-tank installation of JagDPZ E-100.

Characteristics of PT-SAU Jagdpz E-100

Possessing the most powerful in the game 17 cm pak46, PT-saau jagdpz e-100 It is able to plunge into fear and horror any tank in the game. One-time damage from each shot from this gun is 788-1313 HP. At the same time, JagDPZ E-100 due to high caliber, easily thick up to 224-374 mm. The combat machine is capable of shooting with a frequency of 2.33 shots per minute.

It is damage and a serious note german PT-saau jagdpz e-100 Allow it does not feel like a "robust monster" on the battlefield. The maximum speed of the car along the horizontal direct is 30 km / h. Ideal for defense of the most difficult directions on the battlefield. At the same time, PT-SAU Jagdpz E-100 is equally good and when counteranately on enemy tanks in several cover tanks. PT-SAU E-100 Can quickly break through the deaf defense of the enemy.

How to play JagdPZ E-100?

Playing in world of tanks in german PT-SAU level 10, Jagdpz E-100, do not seek to sit in the rear. Go to the place of the main combat clashes with the tanks of the enemy. Take the frontiers, well-protected from shots of enemy sau. When attacking the enemy, accurately shot on it, Jagdpz E-100 is recommended to adjust the fodder close to the terrain or edge, not allowing the enemy to come back to you from behind. Never move forward, with a direct meeting with the enemy's tank. Spice in one place around your axis, constantly holding a windshield armor in front of the enemy.

Try to defend on closed hills. In the attack - constantly move forward. Surrounding yours PT-saau jagdpz e-100, Allied tanks, after you are shot in the tank, will "pick up" for you frags. This will allow you to quickly provide a team victory. Try to shoot from JagdPZ E-100 in the most powerful enemies first, especially if they have less than 50% HP.

Friends, today our guest is a very interesting PT-SAU, which has a serious combat power, but at the same time having a large number of weaknesses. Speech in Guide will go about the French PT-SAU of the tenth level in World Of Tanks - AMX 50 FOCH B.

This machine replaced in the French branch of research PT-SAU AMX 50 FOCH (155), at 10 level, with update output 0.9.20.


To begin with, I will draw your attention to the fact that we have a margin of strength less than many PT-SAUs at the level, and the basic review of 380 meters leaves much to be desired, although this parameter can be significantly increased due to perks and equipment, but about This is lower.

Now consider the characteristics of the booking AMX 50 FOCH B and there is nothing to be proud of it. The fact is that the strongest part in our armor is VLD, which occupies almost the entire frontal projection. This site has an excellent tilt and in the shift reaches approximately 314 millimeters of armor, which is very good. But our PT-SAU to break through the enemy will not be difficult, because he will focus Nld and turrets, and they are not so well protected. It is also worth noting that VLD can calmly be punched by another PT-SAU level 10. Bords are also not particularly protected, so the diploma will not particularly help this car.

Regarding mobility, the situation is good. PT-SAU AMX 50 FOCH B in World of Tanks gave a good maximum speed and, honestly, the electrical power of the engine makes it pretty cheerfully to develop maximal speed, and the dynamics on the backdrop of PT-sau classmates are decent.

AMX 50 FOCH B gun

The most important argument in the dispute! The tool at AMX 50 FOCH B is really outstanding and affairs not in a means of neglect and armor, the fact is that this PT-SAU has 6 shells in the drum. With an average damage of 400 units, we obtain 2400 medium yield damage. It turns out that in a shootout one on one with most tanks 10 levels we have a good chance of picking up the tank opponent from one drum. I think no longer arguments and do not need to start downloading this car. And besides, the reloading of the drum also occurs quite quickly, about 35 seconds.

Advantages and Disadvantages AMX 50 FOCH B

As you can see, AMX 50 FOCH B in World of Tanks really has a big advantage in its TTX, but the car is not deprived of and flaws, so let's struggle them.

Fast reloading drum;

Big damn damage;

Good circuitating parameters;

Strong front armor VLD;

High maximum speed;

Good nonsense coefficient

Basic overview is below average;

A large number of vulnerable places in booking.

Small amount of hp.

Equipment for AMX 50 FOCH B

In view of the foregoing for this unit, the choice and installation additional modules Plays a huge role, and I will emphasize the deficiencies on the leveling. In addition, it is worth remembering that the rate cannot be installed due to the drum processing system and on AMX 50 FOCH B in WOT. Therefore, the equipment is as follows:

- The most useful module in our case, because it acts comprehensively, allowing you to improve the review, reduction, recharge, etc..

- Also an extremely important choice, because only with it speed information can be closer to comfortable.3.

- Good increase in the range of review, especially in the complex with the first item and correctly selected peppers.
As usual, the third point is an alternative, or rather two:

- An even greater increase in the review, especially relevant, if you do not have a pumped crew.

We will get acquainted with the features of the technique, analyze the TTX, will understand how to play GRILLE 15 in the conditions of modern random and is it worth pumping this branch in general.

For a clearer understanding that the technique came to our hands, we turn from the TTX numbers to the full compared of all GRILLE 15 indicators with the rest of PT-SAU level 10.


One-time damage 750 units average for PT-SAU level level 10, but the Basic Proofing of the Baseline is one of the lowest 279 mm, worse only in French FOCH B. The rapidity allows 3.5 shots per minute, which is also within the normal range.

Quite comfortable angles of vertical guidance -7 ... + 15 °. Among PT-SAU GRILLE is allocated to the tower of incomplete rotation with the angles of horizontal guidance -50 ... + 50 °.

Exceptional features of GRILLE 15 were the excellent accuracy of the gun 0.26 and the time of information 1.44 seconds is the best performance among all "classmates" at 10 level.

Weapon and ammunition

Even special shells have a weak armor of 334 mm, so relying on excellent accuracy will have to fill the least protected enemy zones.

The ammunition includes 30 shells, which is quite enough for one battle, taking into account a long recharging. Shell flight speed:

  • armor-piercing 1200 m / s, which is quite good;
  • cumulative 900 m / s and this is certainly not enough for level 10 with one-time damage 750 units;
  • explicit-fugasic 1000 m / s.

For comparison, Jagdpanzer E 100 cumulatives with damage 1050 units fly at a speed of 925 m / s.


In the German ambush PT-SAU, as well as the Swedish "neighbor on the Kuste" the smallest stock of strength points of 1800 units. At the same time, GRILLE 15 is absolutely deprived of the booking, on all sides of the cardboard and also has an open logging. This means that from artillery and other opponents on the Fugasas will fly a lot of damage.

In front projection is the engine, and on the sides of it fuel tanks. Therefore, often when hitting the forehead at best, the car will slow down, and in the worst possible fire is possible, which is rather often.

Also in front, a radio lane and a driver mechanic are located. If there is no first to do without the first, then at contusion the second car becomes completely disgusting in terms of maneuverability.

Other indicators

With a mass of 40 tons, the specific power is 21.25 hp / t and allows you to type the maximum speed of 60 km / h, thereby making the GRILLE 15 the fastest. Overview of 390 meters, and a range of 751 meters, as in most PT-SAUs at this level.

Despite the lack of booking, Grille received one of the lowest masking coefficients.

Advantages and disadvantages

By comparing the top PT-SAU level 10 and closerly familiarized with the technical and tactical characteristics of GRILLE 15 can now highlight its strengths and weaknesses.


  • best accuracy;
  • very rapid information tools;
  • comfortable UGH and UVN;
  • good dynamics;
  • big alpha strike;
  • decent damage per minute.


  • lack of booking;
  • open cut;
  • bad stabilization of guns;
  • problems with medium and soft soils;
  • very low masking coefficient as for "cardboard" PT-SAU;
  • frequent engine crituch;
  • medium fire hazard.


This PT-SAU has both pronounced pluses and tangible flaws. However, the car is very functional due to the characteristics of its TTX, therefore it provides for two sets of equipment depending on the preferred gaming style.

If desired, you can experiment with their combination to choose the best option.

Ash Sniper:

  • large-caliber gun - the best choice for lifting the DPM by accelerating reloading tools by 10%;
  • masking Network - in a stationary state will increase the imperceptibility of the machine, which a little leverals a weak standard disguise;
  • stereotrub - standing on site will add to the basic review of 97.5 meters, which will achieve the maximum value.

The disadvantage of this assembly is a complete dependence on the team. When you need to move, the car becomes vulnerable without disguise and review. In the conditions of modern random, it is better to count on ourselves, and not on the allies. Such a choice of additional modules can be called "economy option" if there are not enough loans to the next selection of equipment.


  • eastern rate - always relevant;
  • strengthened drives Putting - will help to fight with bad stabilization of the gun and more effectively implement damage;
  • enlightened optics - adds to the basic review of 39 meters, but will work constantly and will not leave the car "blind".

Due to open logging, the installation of improved hematlation is impossible.

Education crew

To the selection of skills on level 10 technique, it is necessary to approach responsibly. The correct placement of priorities will help make the game more comfortable and efficient. Grille 15 One of the best damage machines, it is based on this we will choose the peppers to increase its effectiveness in battle.

The priority of learning skills and their influence

Masking will fix a bit of the situation with a bad imperceptibility ratio, without this GRILLE skill for a long time will not live

The combat fraternity will increase all the characteristics of the machine and to the level 10 should already be damaged.

The study of the radio equipment and eagle eye will increase the review by 19.5 meters.

Combination of smooth stroke and smooth turn of the tower Reduce the scatter in motion, which will increase the stabilization of the gun slightly.

King off-road It will help to quickly gain speed on soft and medium soils.

Contactless smoking tab It will increase the strength of the BC, and accordingly survival and DPM, because with a broken BC recharge will be very long. Sniper will allow critical damage to the enemy technique.

When the margin of the strength is less than 180 units, then the skill is desperate will accelerate the reloading of the gun by 9.1%. Intuition will allow with a certain share of the likelihood to change the projectile without recharging, the effect is summarized when you master the two charging and with full study will be a chance of 34%.


When playing "dozens" is better not to save on consumables, because they can significantly increase survival, efficiency and just comfort from the game. For GRILLE 15, we recommend such a choice of equipment:

  • remkomplekt;
  • first aid kit;
  • automatic fire extinguisher (will reduce the likelihood of a fire by 10%)

Instead of a third slot, you can take a national dish of chocolate, it will increase all the TTX techniques, but will entail a greater consumption of loans and in the event of arson will hope not to hope.

How to play grille 15

Before we proceed to the analysis of tactics in battle, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the final TTX, which will receive a car according to our configuration:

Comparison with stock options:

Grille has excellent potential for damage. Although the alpha strike is not the largest, but get 750 damage units will even be unpleasant even with full strength points. But thanks to excellent accuracy and note, you can promptly get the "shoes" of enemies, which hoped unnoticed to make a shot and roll back to the shelter. The review reached the maximum value of 445 meters, and everything else will go to the demo to the enemy, but for an appeal PT-SAU, this radius is quite enough.

This PT-SAU is a danger at any stage of the battle, which is why each lights it, and especially artillery will try to destroy. Because of the weak booking, it is even feared even the awake from the art, which will be in addition to possible damage to give a stunning, reducing our TTX.

Maintaining fire and distance. Damage is our main task. At the same time, it is best to place on the third line, as a last resort on the second. Before the end of the battle, you should not climb ahead, and if it comes to this, then the recommended configuration with installed optics will help detect the enemy in motion, which is very important at this stage.

Mostly the game comes down to supporting and covering the allies. Thanks to the good indicators of the gun, you can conduct aiming fire on the far distance. Priority targets Must be primarily the most dangerous tanks, for example, the same enemy grille. The second goal is "shoes" opponents with a margin of strength of less than 650 units.

In the protection of GRILLE 15, too, it can also show well, having charged a cumulative projectile and aiming in a vulnerable zone is not a problem to damage the forehead even well armored heavy tanks.

Security and mobility. On the cardboard technology should be played carefully, choosing a position to keep fire so that later it is possible to quickly drive into the shelter. For reinsurance, you should not wait after the shots of the lamp response, because it turns on with a small delay after lighting, so it's better to immediately drive away.

Good speaker allows you to change the position after lighting, you should not neglect this, because the enemies will be waiting for you old on the old location. If the situation on the flank acquires a dangerous outcome for you, the high maximum speed will help you to leave or return to the capture of your own base.

Brief results

Grille 15 One of the best PT SAU support. Depending on the team, therefore, in the interests of its owners to provide maximum support to the allies. With a shootout 1 to 1C, any opponent is a guaranteed exchange of strength points, because it is very unlikely to dissolve on the shots or something to repel.

Hello Dear Tanker, Today we will look at the best anti-tank self-propelled

As everyone knows, PT-SAU is one of the most dangerous classes in the game (if not even the most dangerous) and in skillful hands can cause huge losses in the enemy team. The list was compared compared to the main characteristics for PT-SAU, necessary for competent support for the allies and applying a huge damage to the enemy tanks - this is the ability of SAU to survive (masking, dynamics) and to support the fire team (damage, DPM, shooting accuracy and rapidity). So, proceed to the review:

At the second level, we have T18, the most imbus at its level. Every time I am introduced a gift tank level 2 in the game, the owners of T18 go out in random for freephs and static, because his frontal armor is simply not pierneled by most guns in the battles of 2-3 levels, where he falls, not to mention machine guns that are not Create even his board.

Among the advantages:
● Elegant Fugasant, able to destroy one shot of any tank level 2 and apply a huge damage of 3 levels
● Impact, peers in the stop, armor
● Best Radio Station
● Good speaker
● Large mass at 2 levels (not counting T57), in combination with its dynamics and armor, it allows the taper of the tank opponent

Among the minuses:
● 240 meters disgusting overview
● Bad accuracy of the gun

Despite the poor booking and low strength, this self-propeller can easily be with opponents even 5 levels, thanks to a good disguise and a magnificent tool. A good damage is associated with excellent armored armor makes it possible to effectively break through even such monsters as a sq-1.

Among the advantages:
● Powerful, fit gun
● Excellent UGN in -32 ... + 25 gr.
● Excellent masking indicators
● Good speaker

Among the minuses:
● Low accuracy and long reduction
● Thin armor that compensates for disguise and straight hands

Possessing modest dimensions, strong inclined armor and a whole range of tooling tools, an unlikely machine literally annigulates the enemy team when entering the top of the list and delivers big problems Tanks, level above.

Among the advantages:
● Windshield booking with inclination giving approximately 100mm efficient armor
● Selection of two excellent guns: 10.5 cm. A gun with a huge damage and low rapidity or 7.5 cm rainflake gun with excellent break. At "Fugasnice" it is recommended to carry 15 gold shells and 5 fuzasnyh.
● Little dimensions and low silhouette, contributing to excellent disguise and complicating entry to you enemy machines

Among the minuses:
● Cardboard armor of sides and feed 20mm and 8mm, respectively
● Small UGN in -5 ... + 15 gr.
● 260 meters disgusting review

A small silhouette, small dimensions, gorgeous dynamics, the presence of a tower and an excellent tool completely compensate for the tank cardboard armor and turn it into a monster that can disassemble any single-level tank without any problems, and if necessary, and play a role in battle.

Among the advantages:
● Surprisingly good dynamics due to excellent specific power in 31l.s. / t and maximum speed of 61 km / h
● Magnificent rapid tool
● The presence of a tower that increases the combat potential of the machine
● Large UVN in -10 ... + 20 grams.
● Compatibility of modules with other US tanks

Among the minuses:
● Small ammunition forcing to count each shot
● Zero armor compensated by the rest of the machine characteristics
● Not the best maneuverability

Even despite the recent essential nerf, it remains one of the best tanks At the 6th level, in demand in medium rates due to its dynamics, small size and powerful armed armament, however, weak armor and low speed of the tower rotate the potential of the machine and forcing caution when playing on it.

Among the advantages:
● The presence of the tower, the mask of the gun of which has a good booking and only occasionally makes himself tanks even above
● A good Gold Perseter in 243mm allows you to fight even with 9 levels
● Fast reduction and good accuracy
● Excellent speaker and high maximum speed
● Small dimensions allow you to effectively use disguise

Among the minuses:
● Small ammunition
● Cardboard armor, even gloss from artillery criticizes half of the modules
● Low maneuverability that can be fixed with a "virtuoso"

Although this self-propeller and poor review, not the best dynamics and maneuverability, mediocre armor, but its 152mm is a burst (do not call this gun) roughly speaking "nightmares" even tanks level 10 due to tangible damage and crit modules with fugasic shells and excellent givalden breakdowns Cumulatives. We also note that a 122mm tool has the best DPM at the level. This weapon is great for direct allies supported on the second attack line.

Among the advantages:
● Higher Damage for Steering Stock Form
● Best at DPM level at 122mm d-25c (3163xp / min) without cheerful and perks
● Impact mask guns
● Average speaker not the best, but not the worst
● Punching with a cumulative in 152mm tools in 250mm

Among the minuses:
● Low Case Armor
● Bad Overview
● When using 152mm, the instrument dependence on the team, for even one atmosphere or promises may cost Self-propelled life
● Long Recharge (Be sure to put the rate)

Low silhouette, excellent review, small dimensions and most powerful tools turn this self-propeller in a "quiet killer", which can deal with enemy tanks And do not even light up, when using a disguise network, bushes and brassing perks.

Among the advantages:
● Selection of two most powerful guns, but most often I use a 12.8 cm tools for its high breakage, rapidity, accuracy and DPM
● The presence of the tower
● Low silhouette and gorgeous disguise

Among the minuses:
● Booking, or rather a complete absence
● Not the best speaker
● bad uvn

Having at the disposal a whole pack of magnificent guns and excellent disguise, this tank is a serious opponent. However, the lack of armor makes it very vulnerable to artillery. It is always necessary to remember that this tank is ambushed, therefore it is not worth climbing on it.

Among the advantages:
● Choosing between two excellent guns. Rapid and accurate 12.8 cm or powerful alpha damag 15 cm Pak L / 38
● Excellent UVN
● The presence of the tower will allow us not to be democating the corps of the case sitting in the ambush
● Good speaker and turning
● Excellent disguise

Among the minuses:
● Cardboard armor, therefore, even glossing artillery is able to dealt a lot of modules, in particular, the engine is subject to crit
● rear tower location

Having a good booking of forehead, high accuracy and rapidity, good review And the dynamics of this machine is quite universal, therefore it is capable of matching any individual style Owner's games.

Among the advantages:
● The best ratio of dynamics, damag and armor among all PT 10 Lvla
● Excellent DPM.
● Powerful frontal armor having some vulnerable places
● Low silhouette promoting disguise and difficulty in getting into it

Among the minuses:
● Open ride
● Cardboard boards in combination with a long housing
● Little Alpha Damag
● Bad UGN and UVN
● Cardboard NLD and weak gun mask
● Pulmonable branch of this wonderful tank is simply sad and wretched

I would also like to note the alternative for the 10 level that has a reservation much better than the object 263.

Having the thickest Booking of the forehead in the game and a good weapon, the car can cause considerable damage to the enemy team, while remaining invulnerable under the enemy's fire. At a distance of 250 meters, with hidden, the car is invulnerable to the shelter.

Among the advantages:
● Powerful tool
● Thick front armor in the game (311 mm)
● The commander turret has about 270mm
● Podkalibe Gold shells who do not fall on screens and caterpillars

Among the minuses:
● Thin armor feed and sides
● Low maximum speed 24 km / h

Outcome: Based on the perfect combination of characteristics and the demand of the tanks in the company and the opinions of the players, a list was compiled a list of the best PT-SAU from 2 to 10 level. It is worth considering that the opinion of each person may differ from the author's opinion, so if you like for example T110E4, and in the top 263 and e3 are indicated - this does not mean that E4 is worse.

Most recently, an update was renewed 0.7.5, the main change of which was the appearance of Art and PT of the 10th level. And since the test wORLD server Of Tanks plays almost a 10th part of all players, we decided that it would be nice to tell you about these machines, about their strong and weaknessesAre they suitable for your battle style, what skills and equipment will be most useful for them and what these cars differ from each other?

And in this review it will be about PT of the RAU of the 10th level. So, in the update 0.7.5, PT lovers received as many as five new cars - this is the object 268, Yak Panzer E-100, T110E3 and E4, as well as the 155th FOSH. Let's first be comparable to their TTX.

The greatest margin of strength in the Yak Panzer Age is 2,200 units - even more than some TT level of the level of level 10. Next, there are t 110 E3 and E4 - 2050 and 2000 units, respectively, a little from them is lagging behind the object 268 - 1955 units, and finally the 155th FOSH is only 1850 units. Overview of all other PT is equal - 400 meters without modules. Now you are represented by the dynamics of all PT of the 10th level. Unconditional leadership from the beginning of the distance in Fosh, it slightly behind the object 268, T110 E4 is held in the middle, and E3 and the German closure. By speed of reversal, the best fosh and E4, a little bit worse than the 268th, then it goes E3, well, the gentleman's gap can be seen with the naked eye.

You can also say a few words about the imperceptibility of our PT, compare it with a PT of the 9th level. The object 268 is slightly unnoticed on the go than the 704th, standing the same. Yak Panzer E-100 on the move glows the same as the Yak Tiger, standing with it is imperceptibly worse. Masking T110 E3 and E4 is slightly better than that of T30 and standing on the go. The inconsistency of the fosh of the 10th and 9th levels is the same.

Now let's talk about guns. The best rapidity of the object is 268 - 17 seconds, then there is T110 E3 - 17.5 seconds, then E4 - 20.2, then Yak Panzer - 25 seconds and finally fosh - 45 seconds. Fans of the French should not be sad, their PT in the presence of a drum on 3 shells, as a result of damage from it, it turns out a serious - 2550 units, this allows us to disassemble any tank in the game, except Musa. But do not forget that you cannot shoot all three shells at once, there is an interval between them in 5 seconds and during this time the enemy may have to hide from French Fri. All anti-tank guns are very accurate, which allows you to conduct effective fire at the distance up to 400-500 meters. The best sniper is the object 268, then with a small lag for scattering in 0.02, the other guns go. The armor-proof of all guns is also about the same, on average 300 mm. Such an indicator is better than all other machines. The Gold Pauseability reaches 400 mm and above, which makes it possible to aim almost in any part of the hull in the tank of the enemy. By damage, the unconditional leadership holds Yak Panzer E-100 - 1050 units, which compensates for its long charging, the remaining PT damage is the same - 850 units. It can also be said that all PTs of the 10th level without towers compared to the 9th level is a very bad angle. horizontal press, on average, 6-8 degrees are less, as a result of which they will often have to change the position of the housing.

Now let's look at the booking of new Fri, start with the object 268. In TTH, it means 160 mm and at the beginning it seems that this PT will be pierced to all who are not too lazy. However, the armorists are located at a very large angle, this car has the most random armor, but she also discovered several weaknesses.

At the near distance, this car is worth beating to the lower armorist, the rangeference or in these observation slots, there is a chance to damage the waggelading or contapulate the gunner. The top guns are also able to break through almost any part of the housing, you can beat the mehwod in the hatch, there is probability to cut it out. On the medium-long distance, it is better to shoot in the left or right side of the cut, even there is armor and thicker than on the housing, however, the angle of inclination is less, which means less the chance of smoking.

Next, the list goes Yak Panzer E-100. At the near distance, it is best to shoot in the roof turret that even the tanks of the 8th level can be punked, on the middle-far - to the lower armorist. Note, enter the clinch against Yak Panzeres is not recommended, with such a situation you lose the possibility of getting into the lower armorist, as well as in the roof turret, if your tower is not high enough. The mask is almost impossible to break, only the cutting will remain, which is given only to the tools of the 10th level, and not every time.

The next on the list of American PT T110 E3 and E4. The housings are completely identical to T110 E5. Weak spots They are the following - the lower armorist, as well as on the lid, E3 is the observation slots, and the E4 is a machine gun. The upper armorist is better not to shoot with these machines, as well as in the pancake, E3 and the brick, E4, is extremely large, the likelihood does not cause damage.

Well, finally french me. In the near distance, the weakest armor at the machine gun and the road barrier on the roof. At the middle distance, NLD is not bad, as well as an armorist below the arrangement. The above is somewhat more complicated.

Let's now tell, which modules should be put on our cars. So, for all PT, except for the Jac of Panzer - the rate, fan and the third module to taste. The camouflage network, if you like the game of bushes, stereotrub or reinforced actuators for shooting from afar or optics, if you like the melee. We also note that the Foca does not have the rate, it is better to put the actuators instead, because the Frenchman comes down longer, three seconds. German Fri is better to take modules such as the rate, fan, as well as to choose from - horns or optics. A note, with a short-range repair module, the crew will not be an excess box with tools, remember, shot down the guzzard in the battle of the battle can be the reason that you will soon find yourself in the hangar. As we have already been told, we have a bad angle of horizontal tip, here except that the T110 E4 has advantages due to the presence of the tower, and that it rotates only 180 degrees, that is, 90 left and right.

Now you can talk about the crew skills. A good idea will be in the crew scam from jagi with small additions. After studying the crew of the second skills, you can reset them on silver whether gold and put everything first of all combat fraternity, because the third round of study is twice as slower than the second. You can also add that the object 268 is more imperceptible PT in the game and the masking skill in contrast, for example, from the Polera Jak will be very useful on it.

So, the test time came to an end. Let's talk about the combat use of our PTs.

At the facility 268 there are two main tactics - sniper and a female warrior. In the first case, you can rely on our high accuracy and imperceptibility. The 268th is almost the only car that can stay on the hill, on the map of the Malinovka in the Sturm mode. The enemy will not see us even after the shot. For melee, we have ricochet armor, very high rapidity, as well as good speed and maneuverability that allow you to quickly change the position. The 268th no equal in the urban battles, he first comes to a position, shoots the opponent who disappeared and time to drive back, avoiding retaliation.

Yak Panzer E-100 is best suited to contain the occurrence of the enemy, little the enemy will voluntarily come out on our instrument, even from the enemy of the 10th level, only half of the strength remains, which is, to talk about the enemies less. Unfortunately, this PT due to very bad maneuverability and a long charge is extremely undesirable to be alone, the support of the Allies E-100 is needed as air. Yes, you can say that a friend is charged much longer, but after shooting the drum, he can just escape from the enemy, and the German does not know how to run. But it is not necessary to despair, playing German PT platoon is very interesting, paying the opponent's defense with its powerful guns. Any opponent is bursting from a powerful volley, and durable armor and a huge amount of health will help relive long charging.

Next machine for studying T110 E3. Because of our novelty, the enemy does not recognize that as mentioned above, our corps are similar to T110 E5 and persistently trying to pierce us into a mask or cutting. T110 E3 literally created in order to go to the attack in the first rows. Our rapidity is only slightly behind the object 268, and the presence of a strong armor and threshing maneuverability allows you to conduct active combat life. On T110 E4 you can fight as hard. Yes, we are PT, but PT with the tower. We are often confused with the same E5 gravity, and then they are very surprised how we manage to apply such a huge amount of damage for one shot. On E4 it is very convenient to use the terrain relief to hide our lower armorist. Even left with a small amount of strength at a small hill, you can live long and fun.

Well, finally, the last on the list, but not by meaning - fruch 155. The main advantages are the best speed and maneuverability and unconditionally - the drum. Do not forget that after shooting it, we remain completely defenseless, for half of 45 seconds. As a result, it is better not to even shoot tanks from the 1st to the 7th level without acute necessity. Our armor will save from their guns, beat your damage for more dangerous enemies. Playing a platoon you can arrange bold raids in the rear or in the enemy flank. They came, shot drums, ran to charge. For the fight you can do this several times or you can use another tactic: one shot the drum, the other covers the exclusion, while the first is charging.

Summing up It can be said that the appearance of PT of the 10th level is an important event in the history of the game, along with the introduction of a new nation. Each machine has an extremely powerful tool with high accuracy, beautiful armor and damage. But when playing a platoon, each of these machines can arrange a real chaos on the battlefield.