Open Test Server World Of Tanks. Test Server World Of Tanks. Changes in the sounds of the environment

Server general dough Stopped.


  • Fixed the problem, due to which the FPS indicator sharply decreased, after which the central processor was loaded up to 100% and the game spontaneously closed.
  • Fixed others technical errors.

The first total update test 1.3 started, which includes significant changes in personal combat missions, maps changes and much more. Go!

Exterior of technology

Updated 1.3 in the section external view The techniques will be added by large decals that you will find in the new tab (see below). With their help, you can add even more individuality to your car. Evaluate new opportunity And use it!

Note: The cost of decals on the general test is equal 1 . The final cost will be closer to the exit 1.3.

A whole set will be available - up to 40 original decals (both historical and non-historical), which you can apply to premium level VIII level and all level X level. To apply decals, a maximum of two slots will be available for each type of cards, and the decal size may vary.

Personal combat tasks

For several updates after the release of the "second front", we continued to improve combat missions, based on statistics and your feedback. Version 1.3 will not be an exception. The first thing that will be improved in this update is the LBZ interface, the elements of which will become clearer and more noticeable.

Terms of the tasks of the "second front" will also be slightly adjusted. In addition, we bring a major change for the first campaign. All "platoon" tasks will cease to be such, and their conditions will be adjusted so that they can be easily accomplished, playing "solo".

And finally, now you can track the progress of execution in all tasks, and not just on the LBZ "second front", as before. In the near future, we will release a separate article dedicated to the LBZ changes - follow the news.

  • Alliance
  • Coalition
Task number Now in 1.2. Will be 1.3.
2. Leaving, quit light

Basic condition:

Apply 8,000 units of damage to enemy tanks.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Nan 6000 units of damage to enemy tanks.


Apply 2000 units of the enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

5. Raid on the reasons

Basic condition:

Apply 3500 units of the enemy SAU damage.


Apply 2000 units of the enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Nan 2500 units of the enemy saau damage.


Apply 2000 units of the enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

7. Heavy blow to middle tanks

Basic condition:

Destroy 15 middle enemy tanks.


Apply 2000 units of the enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 10 middle enemy tanks.


Apply 2000 units of the enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

10. Raise the flag!

Basic condition:

Take part in the successful seizure of the base 3 times.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Take part in the successful capture of the base 2 times.


Get into the top 5 by experience in your team 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

11. Stable result

Basic condition:


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 2 tank enemy 10 times.



Multiplier \u003d 3.

12. My defense

Basic condition:

Block 2 times more damage than the strength of your own car, 5 times.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Block 2 times more damage than the strength of your own car, 4 times.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 4 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

15. Sailing Union

Basic condition:


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:


Get a "Master" class sign 3 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

task number Now in 1.2. Will be 1.3.
3. The spy will not pass

Basic condition:

Destroy 10 light enemy tanks.


Apply 3000 units of the enemy technology 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 7 lung tanks enemy.


Nan 2000 units of the Entrient Technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

8. All without disaster

Basic condition:

Destroy 3 units of enemy technicians 2 different types 7 times.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 3 units of enemy equipment 2 different types 5 times.


Take the first place on the damage in your team 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

12. On advanced

Basic condition:

Destroy 2 enemy machines in the first 3 minutes of battle 5 times.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 2 enemy machines in the first 4 minutes of battle 5 times.


Destroy the enemy / capture the database / protect the base (if you are in the protection in the Sturm mode) 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

13. For a common good

Basic condition:

In 10 battles get to the top 3 in the damage in both teams.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

IN 7 battles get into the top 3 by damage in both teams.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

14. Self-propelled fortress

Basic condition:

Block 2 times more damage than the strength of your own car, 7 times.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Block 2 times more damage than the strength of your own car, 5 times.


Take the first place on the blocked armor Daughte in your team 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

15. Chest in orders

Basic condition:


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:


Create a total of 2 awards category "Hero of the Battle" and / or epic medals 3 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

task number Now in 1.2. Will be 1.3.
5. Suggest the tip of attacks

Basic condition:

Destroy 15. heavy tanks enemy.


Apply 3000 units of the enemy technology 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 10 heavy tanks enemy.



Multiplier \u003d 3.

9. Reduced staff

Basic condition:

Destroy 10 enemy tanks belonging to the Alliance.


Apply 3000 units of the enemy technology 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 7 enemy tanks belonging to the Alliance.


Nan 2500 units damage enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

12. Deaf defense

Basic condition:


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Block 5 hits in 15 battles.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

13. Counteroffensive

Basic condition:

Destroy 15 enemy machines in the first 3 minutes of battle.


Apply 3000 units of the enemy technology 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 12 enemy machines in the first 4 minutes of battle.


Apply 3000 units of the enemy technology 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

15. Hero Alliance

Basic condition:

Get the "1 degree" graasing sign or above 7 times.


Get a "Master" class sign 3 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Get the "1 degree" graasing sign or above 5 times.


Get a "Master" class sign 3 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

task number Now in 1.2. Will be 1.3.
6. Top Olympus

Basic condition:

Take the first place on the damage in your team 10 times.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Take the first place on the damage in your team 7 times.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

10. Exicimate battles

Basic condition:

Take the first place by experience in your team 10 times.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Take the first place by experience in your team 7 times.


Do not be destroyed in the total battle 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

11. Extermination of tank fighters

Basic condition:


Apply 3000 units of the enemy technology 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Destroy 10 PT-SAU enemy.


Nan 2500 units damage enemy technique 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 3.

14. Not time to sit

Basic condition:

Damage shot 8 times in the first 3 minutes of battles in 10 battles.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

Damage shot 6 times in the first 4 minutes of battles in 10 battles.


Destroy 2 tank enemy 5 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

15. I am a legend

Basic condition:

To earn a total of 10 awards category "Hero of the Battle" and / or epic medals.


Multiplier \u003d 2.

Basic condition:

To earn a total of 8 awards category "Hero of Battle" and / or epic medals.


To earn a total of 2 awards category "Hero of the Battle" and / or epic medals for a fight 3 times.

Multiplier \u003d 2.

Premium Machines for the implementation of LBZ

Two premium machines for the implementation of the LBZ: T-55A and "Object 260" - will receive a number of small improvements. You will find detailed information in a separate article about the LBZ, which will soon appear on the portal.

New card: "Orlovsky ledgeยป

We continue to work on " General Battle"And follow the statistics on this type of battle and its capabilities, as well as your reviews. It's time to test new mapwhere the terrain is typical for the Central Regions of the USSR (Belgorod-Kursk-Oryol) in 1943. We are waiting for your feedback on the map itself and according to the regime as a whole.

Changes on maps

Update would not be full without changes in cards. This time, edits will affect four locations.


When leaving the lifting, an intermediate shelter was added, which will give the opportunity to take additional positions for leading fire on the enemy. Also, decorative vegetation was removed to facilitate the shooting, which did not have a game value.

For the upper team, the departure has changed from the corner of the house at the beginning of "Banana": now it is more convenient and safe for fire.

The top team will receive an additional shelter to connect to the side of the railway paths: the house with braces is shifted to the side to increase the safety of traveling and increasing the tactical significance of this position. Now it will become more convenient for the leading fire on the enemy.


Added houses that will be used as intermediate shelter when developing attack from hangars in position for PT-SAU.

To improve the comfort of combat actions, the location of the Kuch of Rubble is adjusted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small hangar, which is under the control of the upper base.

In this part of the card, the house has been added and removed lowland. It balances the position with a similar position of the team from the bottom base.

A slightly changed the location of coal caps in order to improve the protection against strokes from the central hangar.

Changes to the location of bushes and metal pipes on the alley in order to balance the teams in this direction are made to balance the commands in this direction.

The angle of the hill slope has been changed to reduce the possibility of shot through the pass between large and small hangars.

Mannerheim Line

At the "Balcony" for the team from the top base, defensive positions are improved: the number of possible races from the center of the map has been reduced.

Removed dot located at this point of the card. Now the entrance to the "Balcony" located on the top base will be more convenient.

An intermediate defensive position has become more convenient: the landscape is aligned, the stone is increased and the bushes are added as an additional shelter.

Added additional bushes for making fire from disguised positions.

Not far from the position for PT-SAU from the top base, an intermediate defensive position was added to the end of the opposition to the opponent over the coast.

The position for controlling the entrance to the base has become more convenient, which increases defensive opportunities in case of loss of control over the coast.

Fisherman bay

Cover entrances to the city for each of the teams: now getting to urban development will be safer thanks to the change in the relief and add new shelters, which will tailor equipment from early detection. Also to prevent the early destruction of technology in the battle of the venue of the vehicles at the beginning of the battle will be shifted closer to the red line.

At the outskirts of the city, which at the beginning of the battle are under the control of the upper team, the defensive positions are improved: races from the upper city will be closed, which will focus on containing the attacking the city of the opponent.

New buildings will appear in the eastern central village. They will serve as a shelter from detecting and striking for technology heading to the city, and will also allow you to safely move from the village to the city.

In the city between the houses partially closed races from the village. This will allow the attacking team more actively approach the enemy's position, without fear of sharply from the center of the map.

In the central part of the field, vegetation was removed for both teams, which served as an additional shelter for technology leading a passive battle from the center of the map. Additional shelters for an attacking team when developing an attack from the city to the Circuit of the base.

Technique, managed AI (only with the launch of the second total test 1.3)

Each common test on all regions will be added techniques controlled by artificial intelligence (bots). As with the total update test 1.2, they will appear on certain cards and i-V technique levels. Do not worry, you will always know when playing with bots: at the beginning and at the end of their nicknames will stand colon ":", and next to nicknames will be depicted special stripes.

Testing artificial Intelligence On the server, we will be able to create more game modes against it, similar to the "Dark Front". Soon the bots will be added on the South American server of the Na-region, as well as on the Australian server, which should solve the problem of long-standing battle at low levels.

These changes will not affect EU, RU servers, APAC regions (except Australia) and NA servers in the United States.

Technique levels I-V.

Maximum number of bots in the team

Waiting time: 20 seconds before the balancing driver will be added to the battle technique controlled by AI
How to distinguish: Colon (":") at the beginning and end of nickname and special stripe
Cards: "Karelia", "Prokhorovka", "Rudniks", "Redshire", "Steppe", "Rybatskaya Bay", "Ensk", "Lasville", "Ruinberg", "Mugged", "Erlenberg", "Siegfried Line", "Rotz", " Sand river", El Hallulif," Airfield "," Pass "," Mannerheim Line "," Shtil "," Quiet Beach "," Overlord "

Full list of changes

Changes in personal combat tasks

  1. The tasks of the Excalibur operation tasks are rebalanced.
  2. Now, for the first campaign of personal combat missions, you can also track the progress of tasks in battle.
  3. Advanced notifications have been added when the task is from the third operation of the campaign "Second Front" after the fight.
  4. In the campaign "The long-awaited reinforcement" are removed all the "platoon" conditions. All combat missions are now personal. The conditions of these tasks are simplified.
  5. Improved display of all tasks with composite conditions of type "Perform X or Y".
  6. Added notification that you need to implement the basic condition for the task for progress in the additional.
  7. The information window "Description and Tips" in the tasks cards is improved.


Added Map "Orlovsky Progress" (for the general battle).

Balance directions are made to the following cards:

  1. Khimmelsdorf
  2. "Rybatskaya Bay"
  3. "PROMZON"
  4. "Mannerheim Line"

Fixed bugs on the following maps:

  1. "Minsk"
  2. "Studyanka"
  3. "Westfield"
  4. "Ensk"
  5. "Silent Beach"

Change of appearance

For premium technology VIII level and whole level technique adds new Type Elements of the appearance - decali, they are projection emblems. Their cost is not yet final.

Changes in the in-game store

  1. Filters have been added to the warehouse: now you can quickly find the right item.
  2. The store began to work faster.

Corrections and improvements

  1. Fixed a bug in which the impetus of the IP-projectile when damaged is displayed as breakdown armor. Now it became easier to understand, the opponent's feet full damage or simply drove on the armor. This editing will affect the execution of combat missions in which there is a condition to punch armor.
  2. Based on the previous paragraph, a description of the Aircultural Award is adjusted.

Changes in the technician parameters

  • The spread of the gun when turning the tower is reduced by 17%.
  • The aiming time is changed from 2.1 to 2 s.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases and Towers.
  • The speed of the UBR-412D projectile flight is increased by 20%.
  • The armoredness of the projectile UBR-412D is changed from 201 to 221 mm.
  • Engine power is changed from 580 to 750 liters. from.
  • Strength has been changed from 1700 to 1750 units.


  • For testing by super sensors, the M41D machine has been added.


  • For testing by supertexts, the T-50-2 machine has been added.

Change settings:

Object 260:

  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the chassis is reduced by 12%.
  • The spread of the guns from the rotation of the chassis is reduced by 12%.
  • The spreading of the gun is changed from 0.36 to 0.35 m per 100 m.
  • The spread of the gun when turning the tower is reduced by 25%.
  • Participation in testing
  • Run the set test version.
  • To participate in the test can only players who have registered in World of Tanks until October 29 23:59 (MSK).
  • Due to the large number of tank in the test server, a restriction on the user input is set. All new players who want to participate in the update test will be queued and will be able to go to the server when it is free.
  • If the user has changed the password after October 29 23:59 (MSK), authorization on the test server will be available only by password, which was used before the specified time.
  • Payments on the test server are not made.
  • On this testing does not increase the earnings of experience and loans.
  • Achievements on the test server will not switch to the main one.
  • During testing version 1.3, scheduled technical works are held on test servers (25 minutes on each server starting from 7:00 (MSK)).
  • Please note: on the test server there are the same rules as on the main game. Consequently, there are punishments for violating these rules in accordance with the license agreement.
  • User support center does not consider applications related to the common test.
  • We remind you: download wORLD client Of Tanks, as well as its test versions and updates, the most reliable in the official portal of the game. Downloading the game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of infection with malicious software. The development team is not responsible for references to game client and updates (as well as for their contents) on third-party resources.

Time to go into battle and test changes!

6.5.2017 17840 views

A total test update test 9.19

General information about the test server:

  • Due to the large number of players on the test server, a limit on user input is set. All new players who want to participate in the testing of the update will be queued and will be able to go to the server as it is released.
  • If the user has changed the password after 23:59 (MSK) on April 28, 2017, authorization on the test server will be available only by the password, which was used before the specified time.

Test Server Features 9.19:

  • Payments on the test server are not made.
  • This test does not increase experiences of experience and loans.
  • Achievements on the test server will not switch to the main server.

We also bring to your information that for testing 9.19, planned technical works will be carried out on the test server:

  • The first server is 7:00 (MSK) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Second server - 8:00 (MSK) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Note! The test server applies the same rules as on the main game, and therefore, they are punished for violating these rules in accordance with the user agreement.
  • User support center does not consider applications related to the common test.
  • We remind you: download the WORLD OF TANKS client, as well as its test versions and updates more reliable in a special section on the official portal of the game. Downloading the game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of infection with malicious software. The developer team is not responsible for reference to the game client and updates (as well as for their contents) on third-party resources.

Participation in testing 9.19:

  • Download (4 MB).
  • Run the installer that downloads and installs the test version of the client 9.19 (7, 45 GB for the SD version and an additional 4.85 GB for the HD version). When you start the installer, it will automatically offer to install a test client into a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify the directory for installation.
  • If you have the previous test version (9.18_Test3) installed, then in this case, when you start a common test lanech, it will be updated: 372 MB for the SD version and an additional 186 MB for the HD version.
  • Note: Installing a folder containing test client files previous versionsmay be entrusted technical problems.
  • Run the set test version.
  • Only the players who have registered in World of Tanks until 23:59 (MSC) on April 28, 2017 can take part in the test.

List of changes in the first total test 9.19:

  • The "Retail Fight" mode is removed from the game.
  • Skills "Combat Brotherhood" and "Combat Girlfriends" will work in mixed crews.
  • Added new regime - rank battles
  • Combat tasks revised:

    As part of the first iteration of the processing of combat missions, the visual and functional part of the combat missions and shares window was significantly changed.

    A new "combat tasks" appeared in the hangar, through which you can get to the corresponding screen. The combat missions are conditionally divided into three sections: strategic, tactical, as well as tasks for the selected machine.

    Strategic tasks include tasks that will require considerable effort (for example, marathons).

    Tactical tasks include those that can be combined into certain groups in meaning (for example, daily combat missions, combat training, etc.).

    Each task is displayed in the form of tiles, and all of them are conveniently sorted - the first are the first priorities. A detailed description of each task can be seen by turning the tile. Thanks to the new task presentation in the hangar interface, you will be much easier to figure them out!

    The game constantly pass various stocks - most of them are decreasing the prices for equipment, equipment, translating experience and much more. And now stocks are available from the "Store" menu item. Each promotion is presented in the form of tiles with detailed description The subject to which the discount is valid, the size of the discount and other information. All tiles are interactive - by clicking on any of them, you can take advantage of the share offer directly in the game client.

  • Change Management:

    In the new version, the possibility of managing the clan is expanding. Now, without leaving the client of the game, you can:

    • distribute gold from the clan treasury;
    • change the positions of the clan players;
    • transmit control clap;
    • view advanced statistics on the players of the clan.
  • Improvements to reprimand 1.6:

    The following medals that were issued for activity in Stoligreyon to version 9.17.1 were transferred to the "Special" category:

    • "Warrior";
    • "For decisive battles";
    • "The Conqueror";
    • "Forty crushers";
    • "Constridar".
  • Changes in voice acting: An introduced female voice voice acting for all nations. Instead of the old version of the "national" voice acting in the settings window, you can now choose the "commander" voice acting. The choice of "commander" voice acting makes voice notifications with appropriate not only the nation, but also semi semi commander of the crew chosen by the machine player. Thus, if the commander of your car is a girl, then the machine itself "speaks" a female voice.
  • Recycled in HD as the following machines: KV-13, T-44, IS-2, BDR G1B, Renault FT 75 BS, Renault UE 57, Renault FT AC, Alecto, Excelsior, Vickers MK.E Type B, Sta -1, MTLS-1G14
  • Changes in the technique:
    • Change in the vehicle in Germany: SuperTesters Added Tank: Tiger 131
    • Change in the vehicle of China's Technology: SuperTesters Added Tanks - WZ-120-1G FT, WZ-120G FT
    • Change in the Department of Technology of the USSR: SuperTesters Added Tank: T-103
    • Change in the US vehicle: M4A3E8 Sherman - Strengthen Booking mask guns. M4A3E8 Fury - Booking gun mask. M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo - Strengthen Booking Masks

And finally, about rank battles:

Servers for the World of Tanks 1.6 game update test - this is a dedicated server where the playability of the cards, the characteristics of the technique, are checked general updates ordinary players WOT.. Test server Available only at a certain time, the entrance is possible only by developer readiness when checking the performance of gaming innovations.

Release date - Updates 1.5

Download Total WORLD OF TANKS 1.6.1 Test

As soon as the link to download appears test customer 1.6 published right here! Approximately, it is worth expecting closer in the evening after 18 hours on Moscow time. The release date of the client 1.6 should be expected by October 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How it works?

Consider what a test server is. In principle, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is a test and checking the possibilities of any innovations before turning on them in the main patch.
The first access to test domains receive WG developers. The super-testers are then connected to search for shortcomings and bugs. After correction, additional testing is performed with the maximum loading client loading.

To do this, a copy of the game is "poured" to the backup domain where anyone can get. After that, the detected flaws are reappeared again, after which changes are made to the main client of the game.

How to become a WOT test member?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download an installer with version 1.6 After that, the installer will offer the user to load a test game client. After the download is completed, a new World of Tanks folder is created on the desktop, with the directory of the graphics settings specified by the player.

Key features

For test participants, there are two main rules:

  1. Participants get: 20,000 game gold, 100,000,000 credits and free experience.
  2. Earned on the test server experience, gaming currency And the acquired technique is not transferred to the main client.

Purpose Test for Patch 1.6.1

Players will test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ Tank: an Early Object 279;
  • Translated in HD 3 cards:
    "Empire's Border" (Empire's Border),
  • Changes and edits on maps: Roerberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sand River and Paris;

Updated (20-09-2019, 09:38): Third Test 1.6.1

Test server B. game world. Of Tanks 1.6.1 is a regular server where new maps are testing, features, tanks and other innovations of the game. On test wOT. Server It is impossible to get when it wanted the player - it opens only at a certain time when the developers of the game will need.

The third total test is open!

What is a test server and why is it needed?

Test server - This is a repository where a copy is stored and reproduced, but with some changes. Of course, before making any changes to the game - they must first be tested.
The first see changes to the staff of WOT developers, then access super-testers. If there are shortcomings, they are corrected and tested by the version of the new client under load. "Pulling" the test version of the client to the backup server and open access to all desired. The staff of the developers is looking for errors and shortcomings. After - corrected and "roll out" new version client.

How to get to the test server wot

To get to the test server, you need to download a special installer 1.6.1 or install wargaming game center. After that, launch it. It will offer to download a test client - load it and install it. The following folder will be created World_of_tanks_ct. (In the directory where the player pointed to the installation).

Everything is ready for launch! Click on a test client label and get on the authorization and entry page. We go under your nickname and password, and choose one of two test servers.

Features test. Server

  • Each player is at the same time 20,000 gold, 100,000,000 free experience, 100,000,000 silver are accrued.
  • All that you earn and buy on the test server - will never go to the main one.

What's new in 1.6.1?

  • the ability to change the nation;
  • 11 new styles;
  • changes in rank battle.


The picture above shows the first multital tank T-34-85 Rudy, which will be added to all testers in the hangar.

What is multinationality?
New feature in the game World of Tanks, which allows for T-34-85 Rudy to plant a Polish crew.

Important! We can change the crew only in the hangar, it will be impossible to do this in battle.

Why do you need it?

In order to pump the crew of different nations on the same machine. If the idea enjoy players, the developers promised to add more multinational tanks in the game.

The third stage of the total update test stage is launched. We tell about the main changes.

The implementation of the wheel equipment is accompanied by the necessary adjustments of the characteristics. For example, changing the maximum speed of some machines.

It was also noticed that the mechanics of "jerk", which is available to French wheeled tanks, is used by players extremely rare.

  1. "Jerk" is not easy to use. Tankists can not always navigate and apply it on time, so that it has played positively on the course of the game. Those seconds that are spent on activation, can change the combat situation, why "jerk" becomes unnecessary.
  2. "Jerk" is unpredictable. Participants in battle, applying this technique, can not always predict its behavior. For example, on the slopes, in closed spaces, in areas with a complex relief you can miss control of technique.
  3. The current characteristics of low-level machines are not allowed to completely open the mechanics, which is why to speed up the tanks easier to switch to fast mode.

Considering the situation from different sides, the developers were thinking about increasing the effect of this mechanics or reducing the activation time "jerk". In any case, because of a poorly operating function, it would have to revise and change the characteristics of all wheelbarrows to obtain a balance.

Final decision

We see a clear situation in which the inconveniences outweigh the positive moments, why the developers turned off the "jerk" in French technology.

Changes relative to test version 1.4_Test2

The test mode is running the front line, as amended. It is available with periodic intervals allocated for technical work.

  • Modified player's progress in mode.
  • A renewed system of awards with prize equipment has been introduced.
  • Balanced adjustments are made to the game card.
  • The rental system for the "Front Line" is also changed.

Changes in the in-game store and warehouse

  • The section for unique styles opened in stock. There will be styles that are not suitable for angry technology, as well as open in boxes, if there is no necessary tank for them.
  • Added counter in set cards. Now it is immediately seen how much, for example, large aidhechki is included in the set.
  • Changed the voice of the commanders of Japanese equipment (when choosing "commander's" voice notifications).

Changes in the technician parameters

USA - SuperTest added premium

France - the possibility of "jerk" at the wheel technique is excluded.

And, of course, technical errors and problems are adjusted.