Diablo 3 strong guide hunter on demons. Hyde for the hunter for demons: what you need to know. Briefly about pumping

The demons hunter will not be difficult to move away to the safe distance from the approaching demons in the blink of an eye, and continue to shoot them from a safe distance.

As resources, the demons hunter uses hatred and concentration. The concentration is gradually restored by itself, but there is also the ability that restores you completely. Hate is used to apply damage, some abilities are consumed, and some opposite are restored.

The demone hunter in Diablo 3 is a quick and merciless killer of demons. Below you will be waiting for Hyde on the Diablo 3 demons.

In WoW, a new class will appear in the Legion add-on. Not surprising, but this is a demone hunter. By the way, you can click on the link. Delivery will be fast.

The main features for the hunter on demons in Diablo 3

1) Dexterity - This is the main characteristic for the class of the hunter on Diablo 3 demons, it increases the damage applied. One unit of dexterity, it is 1% base damage.

2) Attack speed - What is more, the more shots you have time to apply before the enemy is suitable for a close distance.

3) Critical damage - This indicator when the critical effect is triggered, an enlarged damage is an enemy.

4) probability of a critical effect - What is more, the more often the critical damage will be opened.

5) Maximum concentration stock - This indicator will increase your basic concentration supply. Initially, it is 30. The concentration is necessary for the installation of traps, the labels of the raising damage on the purpose and jumps that allow you to quickly move away from the enemy.

6) Vitality and resistance to all types of damage. These indicators are certainly good, but the demone hunter in Diablo 3, this is exactly the class who should not allow shocks by itself and quickly deal with the enemy applying a big damage. If these indicators go plus to the main characteristics present on things, they will definitely not be superfluous.

Abilities of the hunter on demons in Diablo 3

So, as mentioned above, the hunter uses 2 resources for combat - hatred and concentration. Below we present exactly the description of the abilities, without data on the damage from weapons, since the abilities often change.

Abilities consisting hate:

  • Throw kinjala - The hunter throws a dagger into the enemy.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bshooting - A very fast series of shots.
  • Shakram. - The demons hunter launches spinning chakram (Syricen), damage to all the enemies on the way.
  • Arrow elements - Shot of an element arrow (the element varies depending on the chosen rune).
  • Fan Krinkov - Looks fan blades, which causes a damage from weapons to all enemies of Radom with you.
  • Snapped trap - Installing the trap to the specified location, which is activated, after 1.2 seconds and explodes when the enemy gets into it.
  • Shelling - The hunter on the move shoots along the nearest opponents.
  • Volley - Releases the hollow arrows striking all opponents in the field of action.
  • Burst Arrow - Release the arrow, which explodes, and then disintegrated with grenades.
  • Shower Retribution - release a powerful hollow of arrows, striking everyone around, the arrows will fall from the sky, for some time, inflicting the minds damage.

Abilities restoring hatred.

  • Waste under cover - Attack, damage. If the enemy is nearby, the hunter will make a rebound back.
  • Self-watering boom - a shot of a magic arrow, which is on the enemy and causes damage from weapons. With some probability an arrow can slip through and hit additionalenemy.
  • Slow shot - The hunter on the demons makes a shot of an arrow endowed with dark magic, slowing up to 2 opponents throwing them with chains.
  • Throw Boles "The hunter throws the Bolu, which when hitting the enemy after 1 second explodes, inflicting damage to all enemies within a radius of 7 meters.
  • Throw grenades - Throw 3 grenades, which during the explosion will cause damage to opponents.

Abilities consisting concentration.

  • Kulbit - Acrobatic jump by 35 meters.
  • On manufacture - Instantly restores all your concentration.
  • Pet - Call the pet that will help you (the pet varies depending on the rune, and each performs a certain action).
  • Tag of death - Announced enemy receives 12% more damage.
  • Turret - Install turret on Earth, which will attack the nearest opponents.
  • Spikes - The hunter installs, siley, when hitting them, the opponent slows down.

Protective spells (concentration spent).

  • Smoke curtain - The demons hunter disappears in the smoke curtain and becomes invulnerable.
  • Power of darkness - Hunter draws strength in darkness, restoring 20% \u200b\u200bof health from damage
  • Demone Hunter in Diablo 3 It has many passive skills that reduce the consumption of concentration that increase damage and accelerating the hunter.

Greetings, dear readers.

I want to be able to immediately warn - this guide is written only for the "Softkore" game mode and is not recommended for use on "hardcore".

The hunter on demons there are two ways of development. One of them implies the search for things with endurance (vitality), resistance to all types of damage (All Resistance), Armor (Armor). Perhaps for greater vitality it will be necessary to put on the shield. But in this guide it will be about other ways.

The second option for the hunter is the way of rapid destruction. Damage - everything that has such a character, and it should be decent. This is the reason for writing the first line of administration.

If you choose for yourself the path of the so-called "glass cannon" (Glass Cannon), you should get along with the idea that any winding of the wind can kill you (approx. - In the second act, this expression acquires literal meaning). Damage is your defense. You must kill opponents before they reach you. Before you make a mistake. Before you have completed resources. And in this guide we will find out what you need.

Surely, many will want to ask me: "And what about patch 1.0.3?". Yes, all right, Metelitsa does not like the style of glass guns, which many hunters found the most optimal. Nevertheless, it can be survived. Read more - in the Equipment section.

Logovkov dictionary

The Abilka is an active skill, put on the 1-4 buttons and the mouse button.

Lassion - passive skill, put in special slots (only three)

Dex - Dexterity

Inta, Intel - Intellect

Strain - Strength

Vita - Vitality

HP - Health / Hit Points - Life Glasses

Hatred - Hatred - Hate

Discipline - discipline, discs - concentration

IAS, ASPD - Increase Attack Speed \u200b\u200b- Increase the speed of attack.

LOH, LPH - Life On / Per Hit - Restoration of life for every blow

DPS, DPS - Damage Per Second. Averaged number of damage per second, subject to continuous shooting. Spherical horse in vacuum, is written in the column "damage" in the inventory.

Alpha, Alpha Strike - the number of damage for one shot (first).

Kite, Kait - the murder strategy "shot - ran away"

Vaine - whining on the forum and not only

SO / IO - Skill Order / Item ORDER - Bild / Shmot - Set of abilities / Equipment

APM - Action Per Minute - Actions per minute

BIS - Best in Slot is the best thing in this slot.

SS - Smoke Screen - Smoke Curtain

SP, Wings - Shadow Power - Darkness Power

Volt, Wault - Vault - United

Tentacles - Cloud - Elemental Arrow + Nether Tentacles - Element Arrow + Pull Tentacles

Preparation - Preparation - to manufacture

Mouse - Companion - Pet with rune bat.


Shsh (SharpShooter) - Tagged shooter

Advantage, Tactics (Tactical Advantage) - Tactical Superiority

Stali Eym, Stledik (Steady Aim) - Solid Hand

Archer (Archery) - Archery

Briefly about the character and characteristics

Demons hunter - a character specializing in Far Boy and traps. If you pose an analogy with Diablo II, then this is a cross between Amazon and Assassin.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

Hunter requires game attention and control from the player. If you want to destroy the hordes of the demons, drinking beer, then you can hardly succeed. Style game of this character - hit "N" Runthat translated from English means "hit and run". In other words, after the shot, we move a step back either aside, after which they make another one or two shots.

In the characteristics window, we will be able to see four main:

- strength (Strength) - increases armor;

- dexterity) - the main characteristic of the hunter, increases its entire damage and increases the likelihood of evasion;

- intellect (Intelligence) - increases the resistance to all types of damage;

- vitality (Vitality) - Increases the number of HP.

Armor (Armor) - current reservation value Damage (Damage) - damage per second (calculated taking into account the things and the abilities taken). "Details" button ("Details") will show us more detailed information About the character.

Ability Overview and Bild Choice

I will give my builds that I use for Inferno:

As well as a selection of bilds of other players:

Selection of weapons

To begin with, I will immediately note: the fact that the demone hunter can wear a melee weapon, does not mean that it should be done. In principle, on the Internet you can find a guide on a swamp-sword, but let's leave perversions to perverts. Are we normal people with you?

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

So, our character knows how to wear one-handed crossbows, two-handed crossbows, bows, quiver and shields. Archery's passive skill gives us a 10% chance to apply a critical damage with a one-handed crossbow in your hand, with a bow with a bow by 15% increases the general damage, and two-handed crossbows increase our critical strikes by 50%. Thus, we have several combinations:

    Two one-armed crossbow;

    One-handed crossbow and shield;

    One-handed crossbow and quiver;

    Two-handed crossbow and quiver;

    Onions and quiver.

Before we proceed to consideration of various weapons wearing options, we will get acquainted with the mechanics of calculating damage from abilities. Damage from abilities, with the exception of high-speed firing and rainfall, is calculated from arms damageFor the notorious skills, it is enough just to overclock your DPS. In case you use two weapons, the damage will be calculated alternately from each hand, and therefore a large variation of damage may appear if one weapon is much more powerful than the other (approximately equal damage). Consider each of them.

Two one-armed arbalet - This is a business card of the hunter for demons. On the forums you will most likely find a common myth that this is a very useless set of weapons, but I will tell you that it is not. First, this is an extra 10% chance of a critical impact. Secondly, two crossbows allow us to make more attacks per unit of time, as well as insert two stones in weapons (as a rule, it is an emerald who seriously overclocut the critical damage). Become particularly effective when you have a high damage, allowing you to stand for a while in the submachine pose.

One-handed crossbow and quiver - It makes sense only if you have not yet found a suitable crossbow in the second hand and / or have an excellent quiver, as well as on the condition that you are vital 10% of the chance of Crete. The attack speed increases seriously, the damage is somewhat more stable than when using two crossbows. Quiver, however, is considered armor.In connection with what the emerald inserted into it gives us a dexterity.

Two-handed Crossbow and Quiver - The most popular set of weapons. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the tank, the arrow, the figures of critical strikes we will see much more often than without it (with the exception of those who have a lot of their chance on the critical strike), and the two-handed crossbow gives us the opportunity to make them indecently large. Also this type of weapon is the most stable and tall One-time damage, which is indispensable when you, when you do not give a lot of shots - you make one, but powerful.

Bow and Quiver - The choice is more rare, however, has the right to life thanks to Archery. The problem of Luke is that the scatter of damage is great, as well as the one-handed crossbow, but he is still higher. Luke raininess is a little inferior to the one-handed crossbow, in connection with which things on the speed of attack can be neglected (but it is better to have).

conclusions: Our choice depends on the game style, and solve you exclusively. If you want to shoot quickly, then your choice is two crossbows or one-handed crossbow and quiver, but one-time damage will be lower and the scatter of damage will be large. If you need a high one-time damage, take a two-handed crossbow and quiver, sacrificing the attack speed. Onions is a compromise between these extremes. To begin with, I would recommend a two-handed crossbow or bow + quiver.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

Parameters on weapons that are interested in:

First of all, of course, damage, and, speaking of the damage, I mean precisely the maximum and minimum damage of weapons, and not DPS, which uses us a game helpfully; This is due to the fact that there are parameter on some guns Increase Attack Speed.which is taken into account in the DPS of the weapon, the actual damage will be lower than that of an analog without the speed of attack;

Socket (socket or hole, as you like) for a stone, any weapon without a socket is a passage;

Dexterity - our damage depends on this characteristic, it is advisable to see it on all things;

XX% damage - an increase in damage will never be superfluous;

Critical impact damage - given that the critical strikes we will have much due to the "Making Arrow" or your own chance, it will be very useful to assemble this parameter;

Maximum concentration - discipline is extremely important for our survival in the harsh conditions of Inferno.

The parameters of the quiver (the speed of attack on it will always be, do not take into account it):


Maximum concentration;

The chance of applying a critical strike - than it will be more, the faster the "Tag shooter" will be stuck; Upon reaching high values \u200b\u200bfrom this passive ability, it will be possible to refuse at all;

Increasing damage y for xx% - I will explain, under Y meant the name of the ability, XX - percentage of increasing damage; I think further explanations of unnecessary;

Selection of equipment, stones

As already mentioned in the introduction, this section should answer the question - as the "glass gun" will live after patch 1.0.3. And he is with me.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

For a start, dispel the next myth. The conviction is widespread that how much the hunter in the vitality doesn't wear, it will still be to fall from one post. This is not true. And now the main thing is why I mentioned it in a guide on a character who lives at the expense of discipline and his damage? Everything is very simple. If we raise the HP and resistance to at least to the extent that the usual opponent does not kill us from one strike, our survival will rise at times. This, however, is optional. If you are able to pull the game, as they say, "on Skille and a mad creative", you can forget about protective characteristics at all. In the event that you are not confident in your reaction, control, ping or just want to play more relaxed, it is worth paying a little attention to your protection. In particular, for the first act, approximately the following values \u200b\u200bshould be enough:

12,000 - 20 000 hp;

150-250 resistance.

By typing such characteristics, you will lose a little in the damage (if you lose at all), but learn to worry one or two stumps.

For later acts, more hp, resistance and armor will be required. These figures are examples, this should be enough to not die from one hit.

15,000 - 20 000 hp;

200-300 resistance.

20 000 - 30 000 hp;

300-450 resistance.

25 000 - 35 000 hp;

400-550 resistance.

Also, the survival requires such parameters as the speed of movement and discipline. It is recommended to keep at least 12% speed on boots; It will be better if you find this characteristic on other things. Maximum discipline occurs on one-handed crossbows, quiver, class rascoats.

Now go to the main thing - what we need to increase damage. We are interested:

Dexterity - Comments Excess, increasing the general damage and by-way - increase survival due to evasion;

Attack speed - the higher the speed of the attack, the more convenient the hit end-wound; Also, in the submachine posture, we make more shots before we make changing the position; It is not worth it, however, to feed the illusions relating to DPS - despite the fact that the attack speed is beautifully increasing the numbers of this parameter, the actual damage does not increase;

The chance of applying a critical strike - its value depends on your selection of build, as well as the bit depends on the value of this characteristic; Someone completely refuses things with an increase in the chance of Crete in favor of the Metage Arrow, someone refuses Shsh when a certain level of its chance reaches;

Critical impact damage - in one way or another (see above) we type a good chance of Crete, and the increase in damage from it greatly increases our DPS.

On different things we can find various parameters. Consider each slot:

Amulet: Attack speed, Crete's chance, Crete damage.

Belt: No properties for damage.

Shoes: just like with a belt, there is nothing to apply damage on the shoes.

Bracers: Attack speed, Crete chance.

Bib: Unlike the raincoat (see below), does not have useful properties.

Cloak: maximum discipline.

Gloves: Attack speed, Crete's chance, Crete damage.

Helmet: Crete Chance.

Pants: no properties for damage.

Ring: Crete Chance, Crete damage, attack speed.

Shoulders: no properties for damage.


What concerns precious stonesThe most important for us will be emeralds. Take a look at his parameters:

In the helmet gives a bonus to search for gold;

In the armor increases dexterity;

In weapons increases damage from critical strikes.

If the characteristics of the emerald in the helmet are still controversial, the two other parameters are needed by a hunter. Other stones we do not need - except that amethysts to increase the HP in the event that you decide to experience one blow and other ways do not see.

Let's summarize. For a comfortable pharmacy 1 Act Inferno you will need:

1700 dexterity;

150% bonus to critical damage.

Next, it all depends on your build, game style. If you are going to abandon the Metaging Arrow, then you will need to have about 25-30% of the cattle's own chance. If you continue to play with this passive, you can not search for things with this characteristic at all.

Attack speed also depends on what you prefer to fight:

2 strikes per second in the case of using a one-handed crossbow and quiver or two crossbows;

1.4 blows per second with a two-piece crossbow;

1.7 shots per second at Luke.

Selection of mercenaries

First, let's decide, but do we need a companion in the solo game? Consider the pros and cons.

pros: For a while distracts the attention of opponents, has the ability to control, entertain the hero and player with periodic dialogues.

Minuses: Weak damage, lives little, Knokbeck can discard the enemy directly to you, knows how to bullet a group of opponents or goblin before you morally prepare for battle.

If the pros for you outweigh the minuses, then we turn to the meeting with satellites.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

Templar (Templar)

Satellite class Tank-Sapport. It breaks into the crowd of enemies, distracts attention, stuns the opponents, treats us. Recommended Build:

Intervention (Intervene) does not interest us, because The temple uses it only when it was already reached.

An intimidate is useless, because Opponents prefer to ignore the kormak and run tvsvo to us.

Onslaught, generally looks like a joke from the Metelitsa, because Damage at the allies is so negligible that we take the ability to draw an ability to draw an ungrateful occupation.

Cheerfulness (INSPIRE) - in principle, it is useful to a little more than those described above the ability of a temple, however, we have enough of our rejuven.

Key abilities when using feed - Jerk (Charge) and Guardian (Guardian), stunning and discarding can save your life.


The thief is able to slow down opponents, blind them, and also increases us the likelihood of critical impact. Build:

By analogy with the temple, we ignore the ability of the thief to apply damage and take only the control of opponents and an increase in the chance of Crete.


The most interesting, in my opinion, satellite. I subordinate opponents by your will, scatters them on the parties, turns them into chickens, and also knows how to increase the values \u200b\u200bof the armor and speed of attack. I will not give you an optimal build, because, depending on your needs, all its spells can be useful, except, except, enhanced armor (Powered Armar).

Online game

So, did you decide to play a group of players much more interesting and more cheerful than alone? Fair. In the group there is always someone to cover the fifth point, comrades are constantly communicating among themselves, and even generate local memes (approx. Of the author - for all 4 difficulties we called the emperor Hakkana prince small and very surprised by learning who he really is). However, do you need a group of hunter? What can he be able to offer brothers and sisters on arms?

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

What I will write now is my personal opinion and should not affect your decision - play for the hunter or not. I believe that this class is designed exclusively for solo games. The history of the hunters on the demons, the style of the game - all this indicates that our characters are solid fighters, occasionally going to fulfill particularly complex missions.

However, if you are interested in more good reasons for choosing a solo game, I have them. The demone hunter, described in this guide, lives exclusively at the expense of his damage, and that's all he has. When a new player joins the group, the health of monsters increases, in connection with which the usefulness of our damage falls.

You can ask me - what about the tanks? After all, there are those who can distract opponents on themselves, while we are damage. Fair remark, however ... here is the most suitable case description from the game.

One day, my friend with my friend went to try the second act of Inferno. At first everything was fine - he flew into the crowd, I ran out of the screen, I did a few shots and we were looking for the next crowd. However, we went to the ground underground creature champions. It was worth it to make one shot, as they immediately hidden under the ground and fled after me. About twenty minutes of running, a couple of deaths beat off our desire to pass the second act together. No tanks in Dyablo 3. Forget.

In the event that you are still sure that you want to play in the group, the optimal option will take the same glass cannon as you. Suitfully soldier. Your damage in a pair must compensate for the buildup of HP in monsters.

Strategy and tactics

The philosophy of the hunter on demons living only one blow, but killing opponents before they struck him, was born from a banal acquaintance with the character's abilities. Most of them imply that damage you should not receive at all, you must avoid it. You will have a lot of hit-n-harden, calculate the abilities and consumption of discipline. If you have previously had the experience of games in which you had to make many actions per unit of time (as an example, SC from the same Metelitsa), and the APM above 150 for you - the norm, then you will be quite comfortable to play this character. If this is new to you, it will take some time to get used to the mad to click the mouse.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

General Tips:

1. Avoid damage. Go on time to smoke.

2. Take care of resources. If hatred is not so important, and you can not be particularly followed by it, then discipline is your HP. The discipline will end - and you are likely to die if you do not be able to perform paragraph 1 to a rollback "to manufacture."

3. Clean locations. For a fight with champions and elite, you will need a lot of space, and quite the same way will be a randomly outstanding "white" mob, blocking the path.

Consider two situations - when you are dressed in bis-things, and when you make the first steps in Inferno, shuddering from each row.

Tactics in these things comes down to the following. You see opponents, you make 1-2 shots, you do not see opponents. We meet the champions - shoot them from a safe distance, and if you understand that damage cannot be avoided, use smoke. Bosses - fly in seconds.

Normal gear

This section will be somewhat thicker than the previous one, because We will look at the tactics of making battles against different opponents. As the workers, I will use my own builds that I pointed above. Let's proceed.

With simple enemies, the problems would seem to be. And there are really few of them, most fall from 1-3 shots. However, there are certain types of opponents that we are unpleasant for themselves.

1 act: There are no problem opponents in principle.

2 act: Invisible Nagi and underground monsters. The method of struggle is proposed the same. A snap-free trap is taken in front of him. We expect until the enemy seems, after which he either dies, or we do everything possible to not get the only blow that will send us to the next world. It is suitable for smoke or rapid enemy achieve. If these mobs are found in the form of champions or elite, everything is much more difficult. With Nagami, you can fight - this will require a lot of free space for hit end-wounds and doomed patience - you have to expect when the snakes crawl into the light of God to say their arrows. Underground monsters I, alas, I miss, because I do not see paths to their destruction, except for a long and tedious lubrication on traps.

3 act: Problem for us will be Soul Ripper (so-called "Lysunks") and teleportable creatures. The Council can be given only one - keep the distance, constantly change the position to shy away from languages \u200b\u200band increase the distance between you and opponents.

4 act: Fallen angels and oppressors (Opressor), who will treat us all the act with their jerks. As with the previous opponents, the Council is easier to give than to perform it - the reaction is required to either leave the attack line, or in time to go into the smoke.

Now, when we figured out with simple monsters, we turn to champions and elite. Here we will analyze every affix that we can meet.

Invulnerable Minions (Invulnerable Minions): Very heavy affax. Depending on the type of monster and the set of other properties, we either skip it immediately or try to kill it. Occupy it can 10-15 minutes kite, because It is necessary to display the main mob on line and avoid its retinue. Tactics - run from minions, shoot on the leader.

Reflected Damage: The second in difficulty affix for us. Taking into account the fact that the HP we have a little, and the damage is a lot, we will rather kill themselves about them, rather than die of the opponent. In this battle, Smoke Screen comes to help, under the action of which we beat reflectors, without fear of getting back your own damage. When using awning, we produce 3-4 clouds, we wait, when the first one flies to the enemy, after which we go into the smoke. On low difficulties you can fight with Shadow Power - wings convert our damage to healing.

Fast (Fast): The only way to combat this affix is \u200b\u200beven faster. Here we helps to break the distance Tactical Advantage and / or Vault. You need to kill them quickly until the discipline has run out, otherwise we run before rollback Preparation or go to another level if you are near the door.

Teleporter (Teleporter): Several easier than the previous affix, teleport, however, may cause inconvenience. Tips for increasing the distance between you and monsters are the same as FAST.

Vortex (Vortex): Not the worst thing that can happen. At the moment when you begin to delay the funnel, live haze and run out of the danger zone. Also in some places it will help you positioning - if there will be an obstacle between you and the funnel, you will reach you only until the latter.

Mortar: Despite the seeming complexity, the affix is \u200b\u200bpretty simple. The main thing is not to stand still and not give aim to you. If the situation allows, stand and shoot, but as soon as you see the beginning of the volley, change the position.

With shield (shielding): This affix is \u200b\u200bmore tedious than complicated - you need to wait until the shield falls, then tear off the opponents.

Puts the walls (Waller): The complexity depends on how precisely the walls will be put. It happens that the wall is put between you and the enemy, which allows breaking the distance. If you locked you in a P-shaped piping, do not hurry. It is possible - just run away. No - wait until you come to you, then run away under the smoke and / or using Vault.

Jailer (Jailer): The cage itself is not terrible - you can get out of it with a haze. Do not hurry if there is such an opportunity - for example, if the opponents are far and attacking only in the near battle. It is better to stand a couple of seconds, accumulating the discipline than a used to use Preparation.

Fire Chains (Fire Chains): Given the fact that we are in constant movement, it will be difficult for us to omit the chains. Just avoid getting between the mobs from the same group and do not drive yourself in a dead end. In extreme cases through chains by overpaying under the smoke.

With fiery trail (molten): It is dangerous only in the melee zone, keep the distance, and there will be no problems. After the murder of Maltenov, do not hurry to pick up prey immediately - they explode after death (although it is possible to blew up to swee their group in the cooperative).

With a health margin (Extra Health): The problem can be submitted solely if there are any other affixes; Just thick mobs are killed in the same way as the usual, only a few longer.

Adept secret Magic (Arcane Enchantments): Not a difficult one does not represent yourself by itself, because we will still shoot opponents from afar, and Arcane Sentry will not disturb us. If necessary, use the smoke to run on the beam without any problems.

Illusionist (illusionist): With the help of a death mark, you can designate the main goal - the label on it will even after call illusions. The latter, in any case, are destroyed by fast any, for example, awkle or spike trap.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

Shoot on camera of butcher, throwing Massukhuk - Dangerous

Plagued (Plagued): Like Arcane Enchantments (and Desecrator below), do not pose a threat while you move. If you were drunk in a dead end, running around the puddle under the smoke.

Desecrator (Desecrator): Tactics are similar to Plagued and Arcane Enchantments. Be careful, in contrast to the previous affix, the puddles are put under you, even if you are in the distance.

ELECTRITIED (ELECTRIFIED): For the most part, the Middle Fight Fighters suffer from this affix, but we can hurt us a random electrical discharge, which can lead both unpleasant loss of HP and to death. Run, avoid discharges, if necessary ... That's right, smoke.

Throws back (knockback): Our affix data does not care at all. We try not to get damage, and if we do not get it - we do not get a knockeck.

Vampiric (Vampiric): This affix also does not represent a threat, because We are too fragile to seriously heal opponents.

NIGHTMARISH): as in the case of Knokbeck, we are not interested in affixes that work when hitting us.

In conclusion, the affixes are only worth mentioning the most dangerous bundles:

Molten + Fire Chains + Vortex / TELEPORTER / FAST + RANDOM

Jailer + Mortar + Fast / Teleporter / Vortex + Random

Waller + Desecrator / Plagued / Arcane Enchantments + Vortex

And, by itself, REFLECTED DAMAGE and INVULNERABLE Minions are dangerous in any bundle.

Briefly about pumping

We are not born at once level 60, in connection with which I present to your attention a set of builds for lifting levels:

Detailed information on the abilities can be found in the appropriate section of the guide and choose something else if these options you did not like for one reason or another.

In principle, the character pumping up to 60 problems should not occur. Perhaps it will be hard on Halle, but all difficulties can be solved with relevant equipment - good, the auction is always full of things to low levels. If you are an ardent an opponent of the auction, then everything is done in the old manner: the good farm of those acts that you can farm.


So, we finished disassembled our bones of our hunter. At the exit you should get the ruthless killer of demons, from which the enemies do not run away in fear - they do not have time to get frightened. You will have an average damage of about 150K - 200k, and if you wear the best things, and insert the stones of the last level, then the net damage should be about 250k. Nevertheless, as you could make sure the path of our glass cannon and a thorny. Things that you will be needed is difficult to buy and almost impossible to get yourself alone. You will shumble from every rustle and constantly keep your finger on Smoke Screen, for it is all that separates you from unexpected and fast death.

If you are not ready to pass to the end, you should consider other options for the development of a hunter for demons or pay attention to another class.

In the work on this guide, my own class knowledge was used, as well as information issued during the discussions on the official forum.

Thank you for familiarizing yourself with the work of those who read to the end. Special thanks to Adelaide and Kitty Venom for help in writing guide.

Remember - patience and discipline. Have a good hunting.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

[Hyde] Demons Hunter. The attack is the best defense.

"Fearlessly straighten with the hordes of the underworld, and if in your case it is not the case - this Diablo 3 guide on the hunter on the demons will help express everything into its places.

And the first thing you should understand: I'm not right. When you drive a location of the location of about a few minutes, for which no less difficulty could pass it all killing at the same time a couple of hundred monsters, you lose both a lot of experience and a bunch of gold. Make sure you look at it.

Bild Optimization

Use the advantages of flexible buildings of Diablo 3, picking up talents to your demons hunter in such a way that each of them is useful in what you are going to do and in what location to play.

For example, for pumping, there are several popular options and special builds, which effectively cope with the task as possible - you can get acquainted with them in the article. Here you will find and not tied to the location of the Universal Bild, in two versions - for solo and group, the latter is shown in the picture.

With a patch of 1.0.8 DH, they beat not only from far away, and this novelty wants to allocate separately - Miles Bild Hunter on demons, which allows you to farm experience on the packs of SM10 rather quickly, even with 130K DPS, but requires a particularly well-learning equipment that turns it In a real tank. For more information about this development, you can also find out the link above.

Dress up correctly

By the way about equipment: on the link you can see - a set of things that in the perfect version can be better than any other clothes. And if you still do not know that the armor on the mechanics of work is identical to the resistance to everything - there you will find a link about the statists specifically for DX.

Do not forget about the satellite

Many players underestimate the role of a satellite, and use them only for the sake of a small bonus to the damage
and search for items. And all because they never thought that it would be if you give a Maximus clerk, but a scoundrel - Buriza (you can see the result on the video).

Well, about the peculiarities of equipment and other options for interesting weapons you can learn from. By the way for a hunter for demons From the satellites I recommend to take Lyndon, because it gives the best BAU for DPS, and its weapon will allow the monsters longer. However, Eyrina is also a good option - it not only gives DPS, but also reduces damage, and maybe even better at high cm.

At this guide on the hunter for demons, I consider the completed, and you advise you to find the right way for the farm, if you did not find it in the description of a specific build, and enjoy the murder of monsters. Successes to you, and most importantly - good luck!

The first two parts of the diablo game had an incredible success, and, precisely, they, perhaps, gave a good stimulus fans to expect a third-party output. And here it is, the third part is already banging on the shelves of shops and stretches with might and main from the network. The game was installed on the battle.net-e account created, and before you there is a choice of a character that will be devoted to a lot of time. Someone chooses contact characters, to someone with impressive castes and control of the crowd of servants, and others prefer a variety of intricacies of traps and shooting at a distance. This article will be considered pretty interesting class - demons hunter in Diablo 3.

If we are talking about joint passage, the Hunter is designed for the frank sludges standing behind the Rock-like Varvara and watering all opponents with a hail of arrows and various kinds of grenades. You don't need to run from the enemy to enemy dh, you should only catch up with my team and pick up the fallen Lout. However, if you catch most of the aggro, it is possible and paying, because hunters in the near battle are very weak.

If you consider exclusively Singleer, then DEMON HUNTER is not for lazy people and passive game manner does not tolerate. Just stand and attack from both crossbows you will definitely fail. Demon Hunter constantly has to control his enemies and do not allow them to approach. And if after all, it came close, then get ready for running. Playing a hunter for demons, you will need to be touched on the buttons responsible for skills and move through the territory, like a blocker. Quakers 100% will appreciate the similar style of the game, but lovers sit and pour a coffee maker for the game. Boldly can order a spare keyboard, as coffee will definitely spread.

So, Hyde on the hunter in Diablo 3. Play for Hunter will have to be pretty unpleasant, however, a long-ranging strategy - Bay, and then run away that there are strength. We detect a vague mob, we begin to attack it until I will end the hatred, we run away a little and quickly start to fill with an additional skill

and, clamping the SHIFT key (so that the hero does not shit from the place). Then we move again and restore your hatred stock. The ideal tacty of the battle, in general, will be such at which monsters to your hunter will not have time to travel. At first, while you are not used to the dynamics of the battle, you will die so many times as if you were released only for some kind of sadistic crash tests. Later, when the keyboard and mouse will almost smoke, you will learn from the battle to come out without the use of Shklayanok.

If you compare with the second part of the game, then the demone hunter in Diablo 3 is a kind of amazon hybrid and killer. The same principle of battle and tactic. Do not let the opponents, feel free to the retreat, slow down the enemies and put traps. The only thing - you will have to use exclusively long-range weapons for the hunter for demons in Diablo 3.

A little from Hunter history in Diablo 3:

DH in Diablo 3 is a kind of community of fanatical military soldiers who set themselves one goal: mercilessly revenge for their friends and loved ones who were killed by demons and other generations of the hellish tribe. Each shot, every blow, every murder carries anger and hatred. It is with the help of this hate that you have to apply special techniques. The main goal of Hunter in Diablo 3 is the death of all demons.

The main feature of the hunter is the use of shadow magic, a long-range weapon, special tactics of fighting and various traps. The maximum damage can be applied to exactly the remote tool: you can equip grenades, a long bow, various kinds of throwing knives, two-handed and one-armed crossbows. The use of shadow magic provides the possibility of a hunter in Diablo 3 on the demons to hide for a while, and to approach the enemy stated in invisibility.

So, will continue the guide on Demon Hunter. DH in Diablo 3 is very clever and quickly move, but they have an extremely small margin of health. In the game community they are called cardboard due to the fact that they are murut like flies. In order not to approach the enemies, slowing traps can be applied, then roll back and put the enemy to the fullest. Installing mines having a deceleration effect, scattering a grant ligaments, hanging in various kinds of Debuffs - this is the entire demons hunter.

Features of the game for Demon Hunter in Diablo 3. Demon hunter - a unique class in Diablo 3, since it uses two resources at the same time for the attack: discipline and hatred. Hate is applied to the use of attacking abilities and is quite regenerated rather regenerated. The discipline, on the contrary, is very slowly restored and is used for various kinds of defensive skills and to carry out the installation of traps. All salt will be to correctly consider balancing between discipline and hatred. It is important not only to die, but also send the maximum number of hellish creatures to that light. The hunter for demons on difficulty peckelo will be able to postpone with the right player strategies.

Characteristics of Hunter in Diablo 3. Fans of previous versions of the game are simply in bewilderment because Blizzard has simplified the characteristics system. The game has become more reminded by the well-known children's toy when cubes are issued and need to be determined in the appropriate openings of the geometric shape. From now on, even the fool will be able to cope with the distribution of statists, since they cannot be simply distributed. You can now do not even think about how much to leave the skills of points to agility as in resistance or on how to make a build for a hunter on demons according to certain stats. You can also forget about calculating the optimal number of secondary skills, the optimal amount of Aguil. Playing was much easier, however, at the same time, less interesting.

I'll look a little further and imagine that you have already pumped your DH in Diablo 3, to the sixtieth leisure. And now there are thoughts about to accomplish some kind of unique build of Bild, choosing the unique skills of the hunter in Diablo 3, and brag about everyone, for example, on the forums. Yes, yes, you can forget! You will be the same "individual" as all other hunters. The only difference will be in the equipment, covered in it stones, and the abilities that you will actively use. And even this uniqueness is pretty doubtful.

Select the gear for the hunter on the demons is very simple. The main thing is to pay attention to the characteristics:

Armor - everything is extremely clear here, armor will reduce the damage that the character is applied and protects the opponent from attack;

Dexterity - significantly increases the chance to apply from the attack of the enemy and demag;

Endurance is an important survival rate and increases the number of your lives;

Resistance is a resistant indicator of certain types of Demag;

Attack speed - this characteristic affects the use of special techniques and on your attack speed.

The higher the characteristics, the more respectively the power of your hunter. Now you can put on any gear and do not think about whether you will have enough strength and dexterity, so as you push her in the same second. The only thing that could be a limitation is a class limit of hunters or a certain level requirement. In addition, the Planck was removed from the game to the maximum resistance value. In Diablo 3, the resistance is measured not even in percent, but in units and borders does not have.

Other characteristics and skills for the hunter in Diablo 3 are completely useless. Strength will be able to completely increase protection. Intellect will give an increase in resistance, however, meager. A clear case, meaningless to think about these characteristics.

We dress our dh. Each class has its own unique pieces of equipment that other classes cannot wear. For demons hunters are raincoats, quiver and crossbows. Crossbow is a fairly powerful weapon, sending opponents back to hell. You can use both two one-armed crossbow and one two-handed crossbow. Despite the peculiarity of weapons, you will not need to constantly track the number of shells for weapons. The quiver here serves only as bonuses for stats. The hunter shoots endless archers, and their properties depend on spells that you use from the magic properties of crossbars. Coldesia give a kind of entourage appearance Hunter.

It is very important to correctly interfere with the selection of stones for the free sectors of your belongings. As you may have already guessed - the top stones for the hunter on the demons - Emeralds. If you place it in the helmet, a solid bonus for the search for gold will be received, which means that it is possible to fairly farm well and acquire a new equipment at auction. If you place in the helmet, the bonus for agility will be obtained, and this is, in any case, the main parameter. If the emerald will be placed in the crossbow, then a good bonus for damage from Crit will be received at the exit.

Of course, in the helmet, the emeralds are far from the most important thing, but here in armor and weapons are very necessary. As a bonus, several amethysts can be applied to the amount of health, but solely in cases where you dying too often. In order to be acceptable to farm the first act of the bake, you need to be at least 1700 dexterity and about 150% of the absorb to damage from crit. Otherwise, the calculations will need to be performed on the basis of the method of conducting the battle and pumping skills. If you do not apply the shooter, it is best to have about the reserve at least 25 percent of Crete's chance. If you use it, you can not focus on this characteristic. In many speeds, the attack generally depends on the weapon you have. Two shots per second will be made of two crossbows or one-handed crossbow. A slower attack will be performed using a bow or two-handed crossbow.

Best demons hunter. Skills. We will have a lot of different kinds of skills, but still you will have to choose only some of them. You will have to make a choice based on your own game style and depending on the game mode: Multiplayer or Singleer.

Basic skills. Self-leading arrow. This skill is one of the most popular, because with quite a good damage does not require a fitting to a certain goal, and when they are very useful. From the runes it is worth paying attention to the "piercing boom" and "destructive arrow". These two runes will add an indicator of damage to each of your shots. The ability is useful not only during shooting on solitary purposes, but also for small groups, because piercing goals several times, and the damage will be double.

Slow shot. It may be, and in the damage you can hardly seek, however, the enemies will be barefoot. When using certain runes, you can slow down the whole groups of enemies.

Throw Bolas. This is a kind of shots having a slow motion. The hero produces shooting with some balls, which are sprinkled around the enemy, and for a second exploding. Damage from the data of the Bowls is higher in comparison with the homing arrow, however, the damage delay is very infuriated by many hunters and will significantly hurt the fact that the damage is not instantly applied. Bolshes are very useful to apply against large packs of "cardboard" opponents or against bosses, where the second does not play the second. In order to increase the damage applied by the Bolars, use the rune of a bitter pill, and to quickly restore the discipline - an inevitable rock.

Grenades. This ability is pretty cool animation of destruction, however, damage does not match graphical effects at all. Normal build for this ability to pick up difficult, and it is also necessary to apply it in a certain situation.

Top hunter for demons. Secondary skills. Throw dagger. This ability causes the greatest damage, but only with a small dubbing interval. Throwing a dagger with an active manual bleeding well established himself when dealing with champions and bosses. If you are fighting with the average number of monsters groups, it will not be sense from it. Too much need hate, and many enemies. It is stupid to rush to knives when the whole horde of opponents is against you, it will be better to throw them with grenades. Chemical burner, rather hard increases damage (it, unfortunately, will not grow, therefore, the skill is re-used to use after a few seconds). Rune hit can be used to stun the annoying enemies.

Speed \u200b\u200bshooting. This skill is elementary in use. However, it is almost impossible to use on high difficulty playing Hanter. It is simply amazingly lady, and if you use it simultaneously with a high speed, the enemies of the hunter turn into a sieve.

Shakram. The damage is completely incomprehensible, besides, the animation is disorienting. It seems to be released the chakram directly to the enemy, and it makes his flight in general in general on what trajectory, so our offender and not taper. Of course, you can get along and get used to the incomprehensible flyer of the projectile, but what's the point? Isn't it easier to use something more faithful?

Arrow elements. Another pretty helpfulness of the Hunter in Diablo 3. The elements arrow can break through at the same time several enemies standing on one trajectory, and in use with certain runes, damage will be duplicated at all, rushing through the corpses of enemies with plenty of health. This ability should be used for DH to destroy ordinary mobs and bosses. If you apply the rune of the tentacle of emptiness, then the released cloud so slowly stretches that he has time to apply 2-3 times full damage to Mob. In order to high-quality opponents of the elements arrest, you can use the rune crying skull and frosty arrow.

Protection. Spikes. Excellent used for hard kite. The only negative is instead of using hatred, the ability "lies" to discipline. In general, it would be wonderful if you could throw a mine where he would like, but to throw it right under herself. As a result, it is necessary to do either by either alder right in the crowd of mobs, and then back either on the set trap to lure them. Here you can use different runes, so it makes no sense to steam especially.

Smoke curtain. With the help of a smoke curtain, a large number of damage is absorbed. If you use this Hunter's ability to Diablo 3 in reality the right moment, that is, the chance to avoid seemingly imminent death. Using the rune a thick fog you will noticeably extend the duration of the effect of invisibility.

Power of darkness. This is a kind of lighting version of the smoke curtain. Only at the first level of complexity from it will be a sense, and on the bake it will be completely useless. Suppose you made a decision to use dusk, a rune that reduces the entire incoming damage by 65%! And sense? In any case, you say from one blow of the first mob that hit. Well, no, of course, if you like to Full HP, you can feel free to it, and the rest of it will not be completely.

Traveling Kulbit. Dulbert is a kind of chief of each Demon Hunter`a, since it does not use it. The ability allows you to quickly move. Or you dive lightning up in the crowd of enemies, or on the contrary, sparkling heels, avoid danger to be killed. In order to use the Kulbit, you will have to spend the discipline and expect the interval of fifteen seconds.

Due to the deficit of discipline, it is better not to be extended to the thumbnail. Use this ability only for maneuvers during battle. In order to significantly reduce the cost of discipline, the runes of acrobatics and flip can be applied.

To manufacture. This ability is present in most of the well-known builds and it is quite difficult to underestimate. The ability to conduct a qualitative battle to a greater extent depends on the number of discipline. Our death is designed to postpone into a long box. If you have a lot of discipline, then boldly activate the rune plan "B", and if it is very small, then turn on the concentration. If you are more or less absenteeism and can stand a few shots, then you have a rune fighting scars.

Pet. A pet is used to restore hatred, it is no longer needed for anything. If you apply this ability, then pay attention to the runes. Ferret or bat? The ferret is suitable for those who are very lazy to play, and a bat for those who prefer to play more actively.

Fixtures. Waste under cover. Not very clearly, for which this ability is intended, because we have such a wonderful thing, referred to as the auld. Its essence is that when the enemy comes to you quite close, then the hero jumps back, and only one way. In addition, not particularly interesting utility, each use of the ability burns quite a lot of discipline, and this is not very good.

Fan blades. Use this ability to pair with dissection blade and fan of daggers. Thus, all mobs are slowed down and deceased. It is very bad that the ability of Culdown equals ten seconds. However, in any case, the skill is very useful.

In this guide will not detailed descriptions Game quests, history or plot. There will be no tons of text about all class skills. Instead, I will try to tell about the subtleties of the game for Demon Hunter (hereinafter - just DH), which will lead you to the tops of Silver Spire on the complexity of Inferno. Hyde is focused for the Softcore mode.

Part 1. Class features

DH - a specific class, not at all similar to everyone else. If you are accustomed to playing in the style "clamp a button and see what will happen next", this class is clearly not for you. DH is very demanding for control skills - you will always have to perform 150-200 actions per minute for successful game. Paradise for Starkrafters, Hell for Casual.

The main tactics of the game for DH - "Hit'n'Run" (Hit-N-RAS - hit and drop). We find a monster, shoot it, move a step back, shoot again. When the Hatred end (Analog Manna from other RPG games), we are already shooting with PRIMARY SKILL claft. And again we move. Thus, ideally, you will kill any monster without loss of health. At all. Of course, if for you the words ICCUP and WCG - a set of incomprehensible letters, the first week of the game will not get anything, and you will again and again see the "You Have Died" sign. But then…

The style of the game DH is a mixture of assassin and amazon from Diablo 2, a hunter and a robber from World of Warcraft. The main idea is the same. In the first place - tactics and thinking of actions, on the second - the murder of the enemy at the moment when he does not expect it. Everything is as usual. The only innovation - the appearance of the third hero resource is a Discipline spending on strategic skills.

Part 2. / DND Solo

Diablo 3, in principle, it turned out a single game. If you do not have well-leased friends who perfectly understand their place in the group, play solo will be much better than in the party. This is especially noticeable in the case of DH.

Public Games? Forget! DH is a bright Solo-Boss-Raper - a class for rapid passage (RASH) and scarecrings on bosses (MF wounds). Skilles Vault and Smoke Screen in a bundle with Tactical Advantage passives, Hot Pursuit and Perfectionist give us an unprecedented superiority in speed compared to all sorts of Barbami and sorcerers. Being a ranged class, DH easily grows with any bosses even in the very bad equipment.

Thus, our companions - Templar or Enchantress - will give us much more help than the random passers-by Sanctuary, managed by real people.

Part 3. Specifications

I am sure that you have already read the disputes on the forums that Diablo 3 did much easier than Diablo 2. Actually, no disputes are not a fact. You do not have to think - is it worth downloading a block, how many points to invest in virtue, whether Full Vita builds do how the dexterity is optimal, how much does FHR need, which thresholds of IAS, how to calculate the speed of installing traps, which skills are maxic One point ... I just started.

There is nothing in D3. To 60 levels, you will have exactly the same DH, as with another millions of players. The same stats, the same skills. The only difference is what skills you hang on the hot buttons and what clothes you wear.

Clothes to choose even easier. DH Interested in things with:
but) DEXTERITY. - gives a serious increase to damage and evasion
b) Armor - protects us from enemy attacks, reducing their strength
in) Resistance - resistance to specific types of damage
d) Vitality. - The main source of life, except the parameter "+ Life%"
e) Attack Speed \u200b\u200bIncreased. - Attack speed and spell caste. Yes, FCR is no longer no, one IAS remained.

Everything. The bigger, the better. If in Diablo 2 we had to pick things, focusing on the requirements of the characteristics (156 STR, 115 DEX), then in Diablo 3 you can wear everything that you want, the requirements of statists are missing. There is also no maximum amount of resistance (All Res), which are now measured in units, and not in percent, and, practically, do not have borders.

The rest of the stats we are not as interesting. This is a force, slightly increasing protection; Intellect, giving a very small increase to resistance. Characteristics, to put it mildly, not priority.

Part 4. Weapon

DH has several options for things that can be held at the same time:

a) One-handed crossbow (1h xbow) and shield - less damage, more protection, choice for hardcore (HC). So far, so us, softcursors, it is not interesting. In the process of developing the game, with the advent of the best things at the auction, this bill may become the main one. But not right now.

b) Two manual crossbows (Dual Xbows) - an option for Natalya Set, which in the first patch of the game (1.01, 1.02) looks very unattractive. Dual XBows - the choice of aesthetes. In practice, this option loses with two-handed weapons in the quality / price ratio.

c) bow or crossbow. Quiver arrows attached. The choice is notoay. The bow gives more IAS, which allows you to quickly perform Vault, faster to shine and move away. While the crossbow with a smaller attack speed is more efficiently spending Hatred, and this is the release of superfluous Silel company.Bat. But the most important difference is the advantage of using the crossbow in the hit-n-wound.

For example: there is a bow and crossbow with the same DPS, but in different speeds of attack - 1.6 and 1.1, respectively. To apply equal damage, we release 160 arrows from the bow and 110 arrows from the crossbow. The difference is 50 arrows - and there is an advantage in time. While Bow-DH shoots extra 50 times, Xbow-DH uses this time for maneuvers (the same microconrol, see part 1 of the guide).

I am sure, in the process of development of the game, opinions will change repeatedly. So far, the output is one - use what you will have above damage. You will find a good bow - wear onions. Buy a cheap crossbow - wear and rejoice.

Part 5. Satellites

Followers - the same measurements from Diablo 2. The choice is not simple. There is Templar, which gives the regeneration of Hatred, treatment and is the most important thing - the mill. There is Enchantress, which gives a tangible increase to armor. Scoundrel has not yet revealed its potential, waiting for new patches.

Personally, I prefer Templera. He more than once saved me in the 4 act of Inferno. In addition to an excellent mill, it always performs the role of a tank, so the required ranged class. When we play with Templar, most enemy arrows flying into it. When with a magic - arrows fly in us.

Of course, clothes strongly affect the choice (well, what about without it). My templar is successfully survived in the second act when I make MF wounds on Golden + Belial. Temple of my friend DH dies in the first skirmis with unique monsters in ACT 1, although the game resources we have approximately equal. Satellites, as ordinary tanks like Barba, are also needed by Armor, Resistance and Vitality. It will be great if you find things with the "Chance to Stun" affixes - the Follower-s should not be lady, they should help survive.

Part 6. NPC and Auction

Jeweler and Kuznets - a couple of gold extortionists. Funny Gopnik offering "buy bricks". No, these NPCs are useful to pump, if there are good schemes for crafting and a bunch of unnecessary gold. But in the first month of the game for this gold much more profitable to buy things at auction. If he, of course, works. And if not error 37.

Note: Horror, such a feeling that I write a guide to play on a pirate server, and not for an official game with 8 million players ... but the fact remains a fact - it is often difficult to get into the game. In case of error 37, I advise you to copy the password from the account to the clipboard and insert it into the form of login until you skip.

Auction - our all. Diablo is a game about trade. You can play and without it, but it's how to buy a Full HD TV with a satellite plate on 1000 channels, and watch exceptionally "First National".

In the current patch 1.02 auction is terribly inconvenient, but where better trade At D2JSP sites.

You need to buy everything. In the course of the first passage, you will have not so much gold, so I recommend first buying a weapon (every 4-5 levels), but only then the rest of the equipment.

Do not neglect magical things - they can be much more useful and cheaper than Rare doubles. The legendary things are currently, mainly inferior to yellow counterparts. Sets give meager bonuses. In general, the Council is one - look at the numbers, not on color. Naturally, it is not only about DH.

Note: After 40 layer, look for items with Reduces Level Reqs. Only a few know this "secret", which allows to receive incomparably the highest DPS at low levels. The problem is that these items are not included in the standard ranking of the levels of the auction. For example, there is a bow with 900 DPS initially having 60 level, but having Affix Reduces Level Reqs -10, then you will not find this bow in the list of items of your 50 level. Therefore, in the search parameters of the auction, it is necessary to set the level of 60-60 and affix.

About how to trade at auction can be written for years. There is a huge number of tactics and enrichment methods. Many of the mercenary players are trying to sell beginners. Do not give in to the temptation! What schemes were not, without real experiences of the game and trade, they will not bring you billions. For example, I, with six-year experience of active trading on D2JSP, can hardly earn even one million per hour, by resale. In addition, a great influence has a banal luck. If, besides you, the auction is monitored by another hundred of the same "snipers", and newcomers put good things on 100K, but once a day, the chances of success you have little.

Play, tramp, gain experience.

Part 7. Technical

DH has many interesting skills, but the skills of the Hunting group are the main. I often use Immediately Vault + Preparation + Companion. Therefore, the main advice: in front of the game go to the settings, find the elective mode checkbox, and turn it on. Without it, use several skills from one default group will not work.

DH very quickly spends Hatred, and often it has to fill in the Primary skill by holding the Shift button. In the Inferno, this skill often turns out to be Hungering arrow, which is also a self-watering arrow, which means it can be used more often than the same Elemental arrow. Therefore, with an active hit-n-wound, it makes sense to reassign the Primary skill on the right mouse button, and the secondary is on the left. Some players manage the character thus becomes much easier.

I advise you to enable Enemy Health Bar in the settings - so you will be much easier to find enemies among the riotiness of special effects and paints of Pony-Level. There you can also turn on the screening of numbers when applying a critical damage - so we can observe how efficient the skill of SharpShooter and whether there is no sense to use Night Stalker (from personal experience - no, while this skill is second-rate).

Part 8. Pumping

You can bring the character to 60 levels in 6 hours. This method involves helping two more or three, already pumping and well dressed, friends. The action takes place simply - the quest is selected, which is quickly executed and for which is given a stable amount of experience (XP, expand), and is performed by pumping characters until this exposure is obtained. Pacing the character only and remains to have time to go to the games of the "locomotives", complete quests (usually speaking from NPC) and get levels.

At the moment, the Black Soulstone quest is used with the killing of Golden and getting experience from Adria. I think, in the near future, the developers will fix it (as already corrected pumping on antimodane), and a new quest will be selected.

Nevertheless, sure most players pump their characters themselves. For them - the scented.

Describe the passage of the game on the difficulties of Normal, Nightmare and Hell there is no point. The task is one - go and kill everyone who will meet. And you will go and kill, before Inferno there will be no serious tests. However, the beginners will help to know which skills at what time the pumping is best to use.

At the very beginning of the game DH, we are somewhat puzzled - at the main DD (Damage Dealer) there is no Aoe Skeil (Area of \u200b\u200bEffect). Therefore, the crowds of zombies will fall under the arrows of Hungering arrow (HA) - a self-watering boom with the possibility of penetration (pier). HA is often compared with Guided Arrow from Diablo 2, however, in the initial Diablo 3, this skill performs a completely different function - the sweep function of the crowd. Rune choose Puncturing Arrow, giving an additional chance on the pier.

A unique monsters finish with Impale, the first rune of which also gives the mill.

Only using these two skills, we are going through Leoric and Bouther, and the whole second act.

Do not kill all the "white" (not unique) monsters. Run them. By killing hundreds of monsters on the first locations, you will receive the same experience as they give for killing twenty in later maps. Ideally, you must choose Vault Skilles and Tactical Advantage and run all monsters except for quests.

Thus, not tightening, you can go through all 4 Normal Act for 4 hours. On Hardcore, with a detailed study of the plot and the game world - for 6. It is possible and faster, the indicated numbers are taken from my personal experience of high-speed passage without preparation. But do not be discouraged if you do not put at 10 o'clock, for the first time it is normal.

The tactics of the killing of the Bouther, Belial, Proszodan and Diablo for all levels of complexity, the same. I will describe it further in the "Inferno" section. Before Inferno, you can mock the poor bosses as you like - they will die anyway, whatever incorrect tactics you have chosen. The main thing - more often go to the auction and waste gold you give for quests. Parameters required when purchasing: Dexterity, Vitality - at least 30 units for each armor item. Two-handed weapons with the maximum possible DPS - how much finance is allowed.

At the level 15 try to buy a sceted helmet and insert ruby \u200b\u200binto it (buy higher quality. So, for example, Square is just 800 gold today). It will give a good increase to the experience gained.

At 18, you will open a great rune - twin chakrams. This is truly an impressive AoE spell cleansing half-screen from monsters. The main thing is to have enough Hatred. To fill it, the most effective is the Entangling Shot skill with Rule Chain Gang.

Tactics are extremely simple - you find the crowd of a monster, shoot entangling shot, which slows down enemies and cover the entire chakrams field.

Level 22 will delight you by Runy Tinkerer Silla Grenades. Note - in just one shot of grenades you generate as many as 6 units of Hatred. It's a lot.

To 24 levels, more profitable to go to Elemental Arrow, Runa Ball Lighting. This is an imba skill, which, I think, will be degraded (ponerflen) in subsequent patch - too big radius of lightning, flying out of a ball, which flies through enemies. When I saw this skill immediately gave him a name - an orb - which later also strengthened in Diablo 3 communities. This is really the same Frozen ORB from Diablo 2, with the only difference - the explosion of the ORBA through the floor screen does not occur.

Ball Lighting You will use up to 59 levels when Nether Tentacles will appear - the rune of the same Silla Elemental Arrow, which gives the most effective damage. Not in numbers - in numbers damage should be higher Rapid Fire. On practice. The thing is that Nether Tentacles, from the point of view of the program Diablo 3, is a huge ball passing through monsters several times. Therefore, bosses in current patches are killed exclusively "tentacles."

Normal is usually held on 28-31 levels. Do not relax, consider that you just installed the game and passed the first learning mission.

For survival on Nightmare, we will need more often to go to the auction. Armor should already contain 50-100 dexterity, 30-50 Vitality and have sockets - holes in which we are inserting Emerald-s softcore, Amethyst-s on hardcore. The sockets are: at helmets (1 piece), amulets (1), rings (1), Pants (2), weapons (1), shields (1) and most importantly - in breast armor - already up to three pieces. By inserting a high (9+) level stones into the holes, we get a huge increase in damage / life. Unfortunately, so far in the game it is impossible to make holes yourself in the subjects. Analogue of Quest Larzuk-A, I am sure that will be in the following patch.

Now we actively use the scandalous SMOKE SCREEN skill with Ruju Lingering FOG each collision with a dangerous bunch of monsters (leaving invisible, thereby removing themselves agro - and mobs switch their attention to Templera). When the discipline is erected - Castaver Preparation. At 35, he, besides, acquires the rune of Battle Scars, which fills life by 60% - our main "treatment".

For the remaining buttons, I define a companion BAT (HATRED is no excess) and Vault with a manual Tumble - everything is also for quick location.

From the passives, select TACTICAL ADVANTAGE (Speed), Archery and Steady Aim, which later change the SharpShooter. In terms of passive skills, DH is extremely simple.

If there are problems with Belial - we go to the auction and buy onions with the 150+ Vitality affix. This will give a huge influx of life, from which a duel with the boss will turn into a farce.

Antzodan is already starting to kill from one shot (One Shot, Vanzot) with a fiery ball - we manage to run away, it's easy.

Rakanoth can also posh, if you ignored the auction for a long time. For the battle with him you will need 10K life.

It makes no sense to fight with Diablo up to 50 levels - you will simply not be allowed on hell.

After passing the Nightmare, the complexity of Hell will open. Excellent, you can count, you almost passed the training.

At 47 level, the rune Justice IS Served Sill Entangling Shot will open. We slow down the enemies and get 6 HATRED as well - excellent! Secondary Skill remains the same - Ball Lighting. With this set A1 Hell passes easily.

A2-A3 Hell may have problems in dungeons. It is time for passive PERFECTIONIST, which allows you to run difficult areas under Smoke Screen and with a Vault-Ohm, Casta Preparation.

In the fourth act hell-and will be much more difficult. The resulting gold will not be enough to buy good items that allow you to survive. However, up to level 60 we are locked on the hell, so we change the current quests for the murder of Antodun and begin to swing, at the same time getting good items (Drop, Lout). Bad magic items sell NPC, yellow - disassemble the blacksmith and sell ingredients at auction. Good immediately send for sale. Thus, we must accumulate money for items with 100+ Dexterity, 50+ Vitality, 30+ Resistance, 100+ Armor. It is not necessary to have all these affixes on all subjects, enough for two to three per unit. Weapons 50-55 levels are easily bought for little money with 400-600 DPS. To 60 levels need to seek 900+. After that, we easily kill Diablo on Hell-E and finally begin the game.

Part 9. Inferno. Skills

So, started.

Even at the level of the 50th level, the passive skill Tactical Advantage is beneficial to replace with SharpShooter, giving a good increase in damage. Damage in the character window with SharpShooter, of course, is shown incorrectly. This damage is just the first shot (with a 100% chance of critical damage). Nevertheless, this skill is the main along with Archery. STEDY AIM can be replaced by Tactical Advantage, especially the MF-wounds on the butcher, where the speed matters.

Major skills - Hungering arrow with Ru-hole Devouring arrow, which allows not only to gain HATRED, but also tangible to bite the usual (white) monsters. Elemental arrow with manual Nether Tentacles - the undisputed leader of the hit parade "the better killing units and bosses."

Smoke Screen with Lingering Fog and Preparation with Battle Scars - two major skills present in any build. Even now, after SNP SS, this bundle is indispensable. Leave invisibility at the slightest danger. Use Preparation as soon as the Discipline fall down.

The remaining two slots under the skills and there are promised by the Blizzard "Diversity" and "Castomization". Here you can use:
Vault.Tumbe + Companion.spider / Bat is a classic build for ACT1.
Vault.Tumble + Rainofvengeance.flyingstrike - for MF-wounds on the location of type Warrior's Rest with a bunch of minions.
Spiketrap.longfuce + markedofdeath.mortalenemy - for MF-wounds on Yellow Monsters Act 4 Inferno (Aspect of ***).
Vault.Tuble + Sentry.SpitfireTurret - to kill bosses on which there is not enough good equipment (usually it is a bootcher and diablo).

For a fan game, arranging processions on unique monsters Act 2, I use this build:

Note: If your DH is killed by one blow, it makes sense to use Rune Backup Plan in PREPARATION skill. So you ship longer. If you are using onions instead of a crossbow, it is better to leave a crowdon-crow, which will give Hatred. With the crossbow, the same problems with the accumulation of HATRED should not be, especially using Hungering arrow.

Part 10. Inferno. Equipment

In the first act, the average DH is 30K HP, 15K DPS, 2K Armor, 100res. This is quite enough for the scarecrows on the Bouther. Next, you should build damage, buying things with 130+ Dexterity, + Attack Speed, + Crit.Chance. In the armor holes insert as much expensive Emeralds as possible, in the helmet - Amethyst, in the weapon - Emerald (critical damage will give a much greater increase to damage than rubies that we could use in the process of pumping).

Do not get involved in MF-things. No matter how much you have gathered MF, the non-governmental valor (Varla) will break all the bonuses. Make the focus on damage - the more you will have it, the faster you will kill the packs of champions, accumulate the valor right up to five, and get a good amount of Rare / Set / Legendary Luet. Remember that the decisive factor is still luck.

After throwing it to the butcher or goblins you will be bored, and you will head to storm A2-A3-A4. I will give below the equipment that is not difficult to get, but allowing solos without special masochism to clean the fourth act and approach Diablo:

Natalya's Gaze 80 + Dex, 1Soc or Andariel Visage 125 + Dex, 1SOC

125 + Dex 45 + Vita 55 + Res or Vile Ward

110 + Dex 70 + Vita or Lacuni or Strongarm

Chest Armor:
Natalya's Armor 3Soc, preferably C + Max Discipline

150 + Dex 16 + IAS XX + Fire Res

150 + Dex 70 + Vita 60 + Res

110 + Dex 50 + Vita 50 + RES 2SOC

170 + Dex 70 + Res or Boj Anglers

100 + Vita, 30 + Damage, 15 + Ias, 50% + crit.dmg

Natalya's Mark - no options.

The simplest - 15% IAS 70 + Dex, are sold even at NPC.

Manticore 200 + Dex or any blue bow with 1K + DPS

150 + Dex 140 + Vita 15 + Ias 9 + Discipline or Dead Man's Legacy

Thus, you must have: 30 + K HP, 3K + Armor, 300 + Res, 100K + DPS, 40% Dodge. The bigger, the better. I gathered such an equipment in the second week of the game. Now the auction is chosen far from the best objects with much better characteristics, so there is no problems to pass inferno. There is a problem to "survive on the inferno in the crowd of monsters", but so far it is not forces to any person in the world. I am sure that there will be a little time, there will be a good drop, and Intaver will be soaked without problems and pen.

Part 11. Inferno. Tactics

Butcher.. The main problem of the battle is the so-called "Enrade", when the entire floor lights up two minutes later. It is solved by a simple DPS set over 10K.

Tactics are predictable. Butcher attracts Arkan Ala Scorpio from Mortal Kombat - turn on Smoke Screen. From the buttcher, the red band is coming towards you - we make a jump aside and shoot the boss that is carrying along this strip. From chains tritely dodged / running / treated. Burning floor running under Smoke Screen with Tactical Advantage.

If it is completely difficult (DPS

Belial. Personally, I consider it the main boss in the game due to the complex passage.

Phase 1. Go to the angle; Not reaching a few steps, set Sentry. Templer and Companion.spider easily restrain born snakes. DH is in the corner and shoots the nearest. If you become in the left corner, at the end of the phase there should be one snake, which will remain in the right corner, not attacking you. Use it - change the spider on the brand + Hatred, and wait for Kuldown. Only then kill the snake.

Phase 2. If you already have 70 + k DPS, hang the brand on the whore and shoot it with tentacles without stopping. Go away from a poisonous wave, use Smoke Screen when you flier switches to you. Ideally, you should "wander" bleel before new snakes appear. If you play with someone, you will have to kill snakes - the same tactic as in phase 1. Having 90k + DPS, really "steam" newly arrived on the inferno friends.

Phase 3. Become to the right angle (bleva does not take it there with his "breathing." However, if this is corrected, the situation does not change - for the first time I passed the blean, not knowing this trick). Relieze from the puddle and its sucks, make a discipline for mass storm puddles. In the interruptions shoot tentacles.

It is not simple. But from 30 times it should work out.

Azmodan.. Boy for beating. We approach, shoot. When he rushes a fiery ball, or jump away, or turn on Smoke Screen. The totems appeared are destroyed by a pair of shots self-equipped arrow.

The main complexity is puddles that are greatly damaged and quickly spread. The principle is simple - Smoke Screen by + duration, Vault and necessarily (!) Tactical Advantage.

Ikatsu.. The complexity is not even in it, but in hundreds of small shadows. Most DH passes his tactics of swinging. He shot the tentacles / multi-handed, ran on the floor screen. Once again shot, rejected again. Even at the "best DH in the world" - Athene - in his famous video "FASTEST BOSS KILLS" it takes a lot of time. I do not want to upset him, but I killed faster. It is done simply. Sentry, Rain of Vengeance, Mark of Death. We go to the corner, put the trap a little closer from the corner to the center. When Ikatsu appears, hang the brand. ROV helps. Well, the most important thing. Crowds of small shadows are easily cleaned with ... old good twin chakrams!

Rakanoth. Mr. Vanzot. The problem in its instant teleportation with a blow that demolish all the lives. Some learn to anticipate this blow to Minikard. Some - by the growl. The easiest way to choose Rune Backup Plan at Silela Preparaion and patiently repeat the battle, while the trigger works for 30% and while simply evasion work. We hinder the brand, shoot the tentacles, Castow Smoke Screen with Preparaion and wait when Random turns into our direction.

Izual. Yes, Vanzhotit ice wave. The meaning is that in front of this wave, I looked swears on Tirael, and we have time to enable Smoke Screen. The rest is simply running with circles and shoot game. There is a small bug associated with the search path, which allows you to kill some semi-bosses (Izual, Zoltan Kull) without loss of health. The bug is that if there is an obstacle between DH and the enemy, our eccentric AI cannot get around him! So, Zoltan can not get around the central circle and dies from HA, and Izual - minerals scattered around the perimeter (it is easier to lure him into the trap at the bottom). Theoretically, we can approach the mineral, wait, when I was exhausted, turn on Smoke Screen and run off to the opposite part of the obstacle, leaving Izuala to fight with Tiramel. "Murder without a single shot" - than not achivka. Undocumented, of course.

Diablo. The main boss game. For now.

Phase 1. We put Sentry, run away from its fiery attacks, turn on Smoke Screen when it appears in a dangerous distance from us. Shoot it with HA and suckling. The main thing is not to come across "bone prisons". Easily easily.

Phase 2. In the same way, we swinging, but with one pickup, spoiling all the pleasure of last battle. Shadow Clone. This is your twin that suddenly appears and kills you from one shot. It is easy to fight with him and at the same time tedious - you need to enable Smoke Screen before the clone appears. After that, the banal hit-n-rock double is sent to peace. The problem is that the clone appears not one and not twice. Therefore, the success of all the battle is reduced to whether you will be in invisibility during the appearance of a twin or not.

Phase 3. Repetition of the beginning, but with the branded diabella zipper. If you passed the phase 1 and 2, then they will not come across the problems of passing the last part of the battle.

Part 12. Happy End

The game can be passed, but you can always find something else to do. There is a "secret" level with a pony, there are all sorts of competition "Who will raise the 60 level" faster ", PVP appears in future patches. Diablo 3 came to us seriously and for a long time. HAVE FUN!

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P.S. Screenshots

Inferno Leoric Drop.

First 60lvl Legendary

Inferno Izual Bug.

Inferno Diablo Shadow Clone

Diablo and 100K DPS