Monastery of the Scarlet Order. Description of location. Updated monastery of the Scarlet Order in Mists of Pandaria Scarlet Monastery 3.3 5 Where is

Scarlet Order leads war, and their position is very unimportant in the part of the monastery, which everyone knows well as a cemetery. Everywhere, the floor was torn off by the corpses of the undead, which the followers of the Order are diligently burned. Everything around burns with a flame, creating a special gloomy picture. The investigator of Vishas, \u200b\u200blike most of the Tresh Mobs, is no longer here, and the graveyard itself, if you believe the tip on the dungeon boot screen, now is part of the cathedral.

In addition to the cemetery, the library also ceased to exist as a separate dungeon. Now it is part of the weapon, which is renamed into the Scarlet Halls). There you are ready to break into the shreds of the mastiffs planted on the chain, and the archers are just waiting for the opportunity to shoot you from their bows. To survive, you will have to hide from the grade of arrows at the training shield. Now this part of the dungeon is a bit buggy.

Lissi and Herod no longer - other NPC came to replace. They look almost the same as their predecessors, but the names still wear others.

What has changed, and what remains the same:

  • The dungeon level for the normal remained the same as it was.
  • The heroic is designed for level 90 characters.
    At the moment, the dungeon is not yet completed - the voices are not recorded, there is no lute too.
  • One or two subzones disappeared forever. The weapon became part of the library.
  • The corresponding bosses moved to a new place of residence.
  • The cemetery was the "cathedral of the monastery of the Scarlet Order."
  • On the cemetery is now only one boss - blood wizard Talnos. The Vishas Investigator disappeared.
  • You can no longer get into the mausoleum behind Talknos - where a rare mob named after Zhelenespine sometimes appeared.
  • Now in the cemetery you are fighting not only with the undead, but also with the scarlet order. Scarlet Order, in turn, also fights with a whip and with you.
  • The new mobs of the scarlet order carry explosives with them, which you can undermine, exploding the undead nearby.
  • United to one entire library and weapons are now called aluminum halls.
  • The scarlet halls begin with the entrance to the library, but then intertwined with the guns and the guns, and ends also the final room of weapons.
  • A swordsman Harlan and Psar Brown came to replace Irod and PSU.
  • You will need to pick up the target, and, hiding behind them, wade through the hail of the burning arrows flying in you.
  • Scarlet Order is trying to use guns against you to push you from the gun. These acceptor they took from their colleagues in startholma.
  • In the chests, the weapons are no longer stored fireworks.
  • Rooms located in front of Herod's room are removed by making the way to the boss substantially shorter.
  • After the victory of NAD latest Boss Newly Ordine recruits no longer escape ... And it may mean that it may be the eloctal coat of the scarlet order in Mists of Pandaria.

  • In order to pass this dungeon, you need to kill 3 bosses.

    1. Talnos Raughty Souls
    2. Brother Korloff
    3. Supreme Inquisitor Waitmaine

    Tactics on Bossov

    1) Talnos Raughty Shower

    The boss during the battle periodically calls on 5 zombies, these zombies tank must quickly complain about himself, DD-shares at the same time should be as soon as possible for Oo-sew these addors. Zombies on the tank are grown to rotting the soul, however, the chieler can dissolve it, the healer needs to squeeze the expulsion of the soul.

    If Hill does not have time to squeeze the exile of the soul, then the Address of which will have to quickly grab and kill. This Address will apply Aew damage. From time to time, Talnos will caste the whirlwind of the shower, but the caste is knocked down, but if the boss comes the spell, then the puddle from which will need to run out on the floor.

    Periodically, Talnos will cause the Spirit, the Spirit will enjoy in the dead zombie and resurrect it, a lot of hp has a resurrected zombie, as well as he hits much. Recommended by the resurrected zombie pick up the tank and DD-shakes do not spend time at him, but continue to beat the boss. In the extreme case, the tank will have to live protective cooldowns.

    2) Brother Korloff

    The boss will jump to a random player making a blow from Lot, after him immediately blows a fiery storm, it is better not to flee directly to the boss, and wait until the storm end. The tank should trace the caste of fiery fists and run out of the lesion zone.

    After the boss has 50% HP, they begin to spawn the puddles, it is impossible to enter these puddles, they hurt. Also, the smaller HP from Carlofa, the stronger it causes damage from fire.

    3) Supreme Inquisitor Whitemeign

    Your fight will consist of the 3rd phases.

    First you need to deal with Durand. Stand scattered and bump damage, as it will apply a steel flash and stunning strike. After the murder of Durandom, Waitmein will run out, she will cool the word strength: a shield (it is better to squeeze it), healing and divine cara (it is best to interrupt healing).

    However, when Waitmein remains 50% HP, it will hold the whole party (shifted). At this time, she will resurrect Durandom and embrees him to FUL HP and himself too. After that, the Stan will decline from the group and you will have to deal with both. It is necessary to monitor the custom mass resurrection and knock him down at the first opportunity if it hovers the crowd of mobs to save, and most likely will happen Wipe. It is recommended to kill Waitmeyn first.

    In general, the dungeon is not heavy, the main thing is to shoot down on time the caste and do not stand in all naughty.


    In that little review We will tell about the classic dungeon, designed for five players, which is called the monastery of the Scarlet Order. In the game location you will find a lot of adventures, several bosses and a lot of useful things available only in this area.

    Description of location

    Before you go to this dungeon, the player needs to reach at least the 23rd level. After updating Mists of Pandaria, this location can be held in heroic mode. But the player needs to be pumped to the 90th level in order to get into the monastery of the Scarlet Order. Where the dungeon can be found in the northeast once this place was the temple of the world, but then he was captured by the insane fanatics of the Scarlet Order. These crazy people consider the enemies of all representatives of other races, very much do not like non-crushed guests, considering their potential carriers of the plague. So do not wait for the joyful reception. The dungeon is divided into four locations: a cemetery, weapon, library and a cathedral. In each of these parts you are waiting for a fierce battle. About what you have to face in these areas, we will also tell me further.

    Monastery of the Scarlet Order: Cemetery

    All fighters of the Scarlet Order were buried here, which died in endless campaigns against the "incorrect." Before getting to the cemetery, you will have to go through torture chambers. Here the first mini-boss game location lives here - the Vishas Investigator. It will be easy to cope with it, so we go further and go to an abandoned monastery. Here you can meet Azshire of the unquesting, fallen warrior, iron pannery or rider without a head. Any of these opponents will not deliver special troubles and will become a seed for the main boss of the cemetery - the Talnos of the District of Souls. This opponent is able to call shadows and zombies to their side, which is better to kill right away, after which the damage is damaged to the Boss itself.


    The monastery of the Scarlet Order is conditionally divided into gaming zones, so that all the dungeon is a weave of corridors, buildings and rooms. Before you get to the library, you will need to go through Crane, where the warriors of the Scarlet Order are trained their dogs. Do not think that ordinary soldiers along with animals will become the only obstacle on the way. After all, one of the location bosses is inhabited in this place - Psar Loksley. And only after the victory over him you can go to the library.

    This area is one of the most beautiful places of the monastery. Many rare books, dull flame candles, high ceilings and elegant furniture - all this impress. In the treasury you will find a lot of useful things, but they are protected by the magician of Dan. The opponent is strong enough, and to defeat it will be problematic alone. But if you correctly use the advantages of a well-cohesive team, the battle will end quickly.

    Armory monastery

    This unique location, where the monastery of the Scarlet Order trains its soldiers, is simply stuffed with useful objects, durable armor and excellent weapons. But get ready for what to get them is not easy. If earlier the priests and magicians were predominantly in your way, then real warriors will meet in these corridors. In addition, the boss of this location, Herod, a rather strong opponent. After the victory over it, 30 recruits of the scarlet order appear, from which you can easily knock out a unique emblem cape.

    Monastery of the Scarlet Order: Cathedral

    The most difficult area of \u200b\u200bthis location is designed for players who have achieved at least the 32nd level of development. The cathedral begins with church gardens, the path of which lies in the heart of the monastery - chapel.

    Here you have to meet and take the battle with three mighty bosses of location: Inquisor Fairbank, commander of the Mograin and Supreme Inquisitor Weitmeign. All these opponents are able to come to the rescue to each other, so it is necessary to destroy them alternately. In addition, before entering into battle with the boss, it is better to clean everything wing from any opponents, because they can come to the call of the enemy. Full passage All the locations of the dungeon will give you the opportunity to receive not only experience and reputation, but also excellent gear and weapons.

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    The monastery of the Scarlet Order was reworked in WoW 5.0 Mists of Pandaria. Now he is available to the players of the 90th level in heroic mode. In this article you will find tactics for each boss of the monastery of the Scarlet Order, and you can also watch the video on the passage of this dungeon in the heroic mode.

    Tactics on the bosses of the monastery of the Scarlet Order:

    1. Talnos Raughty Souls:

    • Hill should displays the expulsion of the soul and rotten the mind from the tank as soon as possible.
    • The boss will be Periodice to caste the whirlwind of a shower, sending the Spirit to one of the players. When the spirit reaches the goal - it is converted into the whirlwind of a shower, applying an instantaneous damage within a radius of 2m and further will cause damage to everyone who remains in the zone of the spell. Wich shower - you need to quickly shoot down.
    • In the course of battle, the boss will call the zombie group. The tank must collect them, and silent souls quickly.
    • Periodically, the boss will resurrect zombies. Raising zombies tank holds to the end of the battle.

    2. Brother Korloff

    • Task tank keep the boss and leave the zone of fiery fists in time.
    • Periodically, the Boss will use a blow from the summer in a random player and immediately casts a fire storm strikes any damage. At such moments, hold the boss away.
    • After the health of the boss falls below the level of 50%, it will start to leave fiery traces that make a serious damage increasing as the health of the boss decreases.

    3. Supreme Inquisitor Weightmain

    • At the beginning of the battle you need to defeat the Durand commander. He will beat the random players with a steel flash, which need to be eliminated, as well as the boss uses a stunning blow, at this moment just leave the boss road.
    • After Durand's death, Waitmein comes into battle. She will be treated, throw on the shields and beat the Divine Carray. From that moment on, it is especially important to follow the custom mass resurrection. It is necessary to interrupt it, otherwise the boss is resurrected large Army Zombie, which promises the big trouble. Approximately after 50% of Health Weitmein resurrects Durand. Now you have to simultaneously fight with Durand and Waitmeign.
    • First I recommend killing Waitmein, while knocking her treatment. Then finish Durand.

    Video on the passage of the monastery of the Scarlet Order in the heroic mode:

    Video author: naurplay

    Scarlet Order is known for its fanaticity. But Wrath of The Lich King events and the cataclysm strongly undermined the power and the authority of this organization. Silver dawn occurs not only on the undead, but also on the fanatics of the scarlet order, almost all of their fortifications are defeated, and even the last stronghold - the monastery of the Scarlet Order is under threat. Silvana, Queen Banshi, decided to capture these lands. In fact, it is not very pleasant to have such uncomfortable neighbors under the side. Yes, and the corpses to continue experiments will not be superfluous.

    Today we will talk about the monastery of the Scarlet Order, its past and the future.

    The monastery of the Scarlet Order is located in the north-east of the Tirisfal Forests and is one of the largest fortifications of this mysterious organization. Militant monks and paladins, obsessed with passion for higher justice, live and train in the walls of the monastery.

    The corpses of incorrect, who risked to come too closely, serve as a warning for adventurers.

    The monastery inspires respect: it is built of a reddish marble, and its tiled roof stands out sharply against the background of the grim scenery of the Tirisfial forests. He could be an excellent place for calm thoughtful and classes of philosophy, if it were not a dark past and present.

    The monastery consists of four parts:

    • Cemetery
    • Armory
    • Libraries
    • Cathedral

    And today for each of these parts there is a fierce struggle. Employed led by the dark tracker velonora seek to seize the monastery of the Scarlet Order by order of Silvana.

    Monastery Cemetery

    The cemetery is a place where ordinary soldiers of the Scarlet Order were buried, fallen in countless campaigns on "incorrect." Doodle rooms are blocking the road to the cemetery.

    In them, the Vishas Investigator is trying prisoners who have renounced, trying to extract the necessary information. But Vishas pursues not only practical goals: he is a sadist who enjoy the process of torture itself.

    All the room is styled torture torture.

    And heaps of skulls filmed in boxes serve as a living confirmation of the cruelty of the scarlet order.

    The cemetery itself is filled with spirits of dead warriors and monks. They did not find peace and, perhaps, this is their punishment for the crisp.

    It can be seen that behind the cemetery is not careful for a long time: the statues of frightened moss, thick stone slabs crackled, and the crypts collapsed ...

    Blood Wizard Talnos, turned into a skeleton, looks at the dead in the catacombs.

    Library of Monastery

    Conditional division into sections in the monastery, since all the construction is a complex complex of premises, transitions and rooms. So, to get to the library (this is three o'clock in the morning? !!) You need to go through the dog. On the lawn, Psari Scarlet Order trains their four-legged pets.

    Huge dogs, similar to Mastiffs, are ready to confuse anyone who will indicate their owner. What they are fed unclear, but somewhere the corpses from the torture chamber ... the meat does not smell.

    The chief dog of Lissi is managed immediately with three dogs and it is he who is responsible for the search for a prisoner, if it succeeds to slip away from the investigator of Vishas.

    The library itself reminds about the golden days of the Scarlet Order: transitions, richly decorated with portraits, giant shelves, leaned by books.

    Elegant busts of prominent figures and heroes of the Scarlet Order.

    Among the books of the library, you can find very rare and unusual copies: legends about the ancient wars and events relative to recent, reports political life Azeroth and a description of future battles.

    For fanaticism of individual representatives of the Order hides a living mind, the ability to plan and analyze.

    The library is one of the most beautiful places in the monastery: a dull light, breaking through the narrow windows, tens of candles on elegant candlesticks, high ceilings and stained glass windows.

    Heads the library of the magician of Doan, one of the most powerful wizards of the Order.

    Armory monastery

    If magicians, monks and priests are predominantly found in the library, then the weapon is a place where the arrows and warriors of the Scarlet Order are trained.

    Everything is done here so that fanatics can perform their fighting skills: shooting off, where archers can practice on targets, sometimes even alive.

    And mannequins, as well as a sparringe platform.

    In the dungeons weapons you can see a rich arsenal of the scarlet order. All walls are set in different kind of weapons, mostly trophy.

    On the tables lie fragments of armor - also trophy.

    Shields with the emblems of the Alliance are reminded of those days when the scarlet order did not consider all living things in Azeroth.

    It is curious that among siege types of weapons you can find guns, as well as a ram. Taran of this kind we did not meet any among nor among.

    Even rockets - and those are available. Apparently they bought them or taken by force at goblins.

    Hero of the Scarlet Order - Herod stands in the last room weapon.

    Round spacious room decorated with stained glass windows. And near the walls stand the statues of other heroes of the Scarlet Order and those who contributed to its development. Surprisingly, how many heroes came out of the scarlet order, many of them have contributed a significant contribution to the history of Azeroth, more than once becoming the protection of the world from destruction. And what it is a pity that the names of these heroes today are pronounced as a curse.

    Monastery Cathedral

    The heart of the monastery of the Scarlet Order is a cathedral. The majestic constructions of the cathedral decorated with gear spiers. It feels some threat implicit, but well tangible.

    A luxurious fountain that surrounds the stairs is reminded of distant days and, it seems, still keeps the warmth of the hands of his masters.

    Today is the day of the battle, and therefore, the water in the fountain will be red.

    The cathedral is grand, he suppresses its size. So it should be. Even fanatics should occasionally remind that they are no one that they serve as a higher goal.

    Dozens of monks and warriors pray in the cathedral. No longer about victory, but to survive.

    In the transitions of the cathedral, you can see tombstones, covered with candles. Who lies under them that for unknown heroes awarded such honor - we do not know.

    Lambog weapons rejected once closer. And the commander of the Scarlet Order of Mogrein stands at the altar, gathering with the forces.

    The altar is covered with traces of sacrifices. Bloody spots on the sacred bedspread say that they brought the light at all do not fruit at all ...

    And the Supreme Inquisitor Waitmen, Gray Cardinal, perhaps the real leader of the Scarlet Order, is always ready to help his champion.

    Heart of the monastery: a steadmate room for the altar. The light breathes through the windows from almost opaque reddish glasses. Stained glass and openwork arches do not get rid of oppressive impressions. It smells like death and wickedness, whatever beautiful words of the highest priests of the Order.

    The walls are sarcophages. In them, probably lie those who still remember what the order was created, which goals he served and what means these goals were achieved.

    This is the end of the path of each fanatic of the scarlet order. His dream is to die for the light and turn out here. Well, this dream can be fulfilled.

    The monastery of the Scarlet Order is one of the wonders of Azeroth, an example of a cult facility, turned into a dwelling, a place for training and worship at the same time. It is all saturated with mystical beliefs in it and it is very difficult to resist not to contact the oblast ordine faith by entering the bloody-red vaults ...

    Future of the monastery of the Scarlet Order

    The monastery is under the siege of the troops of Silvanany. Let them even be with large losses, but still make their way through the ranks of the members of the Scarlet Order. They have advantages: the forces renounced not exhausted with a long war, and meanwhile, to retreat to the Scarlet Order.

    Most likely, he is waiting for an inglorious end. The monastery will be lost. The location of the monastery is very successful, so Silvana can make it his residence. Pay attention to the equipment of the royal guards: is it not true, does she really resemble the armor of the scarlet order?

    Probably, it is also not good: no one can ban the necromance to the Silvan. Yes, and in the dubious hobby of Queen Banishi

    Arsenal Order and its library can also be used for good (equally as in harm to the world). Who knows, maybe there may be an ancient magical work, describing how to cause Sargeras \u003d).

    We'll see. In any case, now you know that the monastery of the Scarlet Order is not just a dungeon for low-level characters.