Who did not meet Kasparov. Harry Kasparov about his wife and children: I lead an extremely exemplary lifestyle & quot. Political Career and Scandals

The life of the famous chess genius of Harry Kasparov is just as diverse as his analytical mind is brilliant. The worried world of victory in chess sports, sudden care at the peak of glory, literary and political activity is only a small part of the achievements of the great grandmaster. Truly, the great representatives of humanity are multifaceted and talented in everything.


On April 13, 1963, Baku announced infant crying of the future chess champion. Parents, Weinstein Kim Moiseevich and Casparyan Clara Shagenovna were immensely happy. Both were people of engineering specialties, but they loved to rush in the evening, playing chess.

Little Garik Kasparov (chess player in the future) from an early age demonstrated a non-free mind and grabbed everything on the fly. It is imperceptible to all the curious kid watched the chess battles of mom and dad, absorbing as a sponge, all sorts of tricks and solutions. Once, quite unexpectedly, at the age of 5 years, suggested the way out of the chess task, which parents broke the head. At this point, Kim Moiseevich saw the Sound of the Future Champion.

In 1970, after the death of his father, a small chess lover begins to attend the section of the local Palace of Pioneers. In the first year of study, the 3rd category receives and it opens the road to international competitions.

From this point on, constant connectors begin. Kasparov (chess player), whose nationality from the birth of a Jew, at that time he had a sonorous name Vinstein. His mother understood that he would be quite difficult for him to achieve success in chess activities. And in 1974 there is a change of surname to Kasparov. Now the little Garik is an Armenian. Now such a position may seem strange, but at that time it was the only right decision. Anti-Semitic persecution would hardly allow Jew to win and conquer himself a fame in chess sports.

The first victories of the young chess player

The beginning of a career for a small chess player was pretty light. Success accounted for a talented child. In 1973, in Vilnius at all-Union youth games, Casparov-Chess player acquires a mentor represented by the master of sports of Alexander Nikitin. Conquered by the young talent, Nikitin gives him a recommendation to enter a deep study of chess art under the start of a short time, in the same year, Garik along with his mother goes to Dubna, where without any special problems arrive at training. After some time, the Botvinnik himself notices the boy and takes it under his wing, providing all sorts of support.

A year later, Kasparov - a chess player with a capital letter - for the first time becoming a member of the Youth Championship of the USSR. This time it takes only the 7th place, which leads to the delight of observers, because the age of the rest of the participants at least 6 years is ahead of the age of a small chess player. Next year, the stubborn child returns to the tournament and wins the brilliant victory. At that moment, the young talent notice the highest circles on the game of chess and since then they are not rapidly looking, following the achievements of young Garik.

Already at the age of 15, having received the masters of sports on the game of chess, a brilliant child participates in the selection of the country's highest league. And again she won. In 1980, in Baku, at the next tournament, Garry Kasparov chess player receives the title of grandmaster, defeating Igor Zaitseva - coach of his future opponent Anatoly Karpova.

Fight of two "k" for the title "World Champion"

In 1984, Kasparov (chess player) enters confrontation with the current Anatoly Karpov. Fight and desire to become the best absorbs both and is delayed for 10 years. All this time, the world with voltage monitors the battle of the two greatest chess players.

The first duel begins in the fall of 1984. What attention to the game is watching the whole world. The fight has no time limitations and the final should be 6 victories of one of the participants. Complex parties, incredible tension do not dissesect anyone. The fight is delayed for 159 days and maybe it could last longer, but the President of the International Chess Federation decides on the interruption of a chess battle. The result becomes a draw and title, according to the rules, remains at Karpov. It is the epochal duel of two entering as the first and only unfinished chess game.

After six months, Kasparov and Karpov are again found for decisive contractions. This time the duel has a limit in 24 batch. November 9, at the score 13:11, Harry Kasparov - a chess player, whose biography is interesting to his fans - wins well-deserved victory and becomes the most young world champion. At this point, he is only 22 years old.

Over the next 10 years, two ingenious chess players face another three fights. But each of them ends with the victory of Kasparov.

Championship life

From the moment the title of the world champion in the game in Chess Kasparov has repeatedly confirms its unique talent. Wins tournaments, defeats ingenious chess players.

At the same time, Kasparov stands for the opening of a professional chess organization (PSH), which conducts some matches and tournaments.

In 1993, the genius of Chess comes out of FIDE (international chess organization) and almost listened to all titles, rankings and places in the world ranking. But some time justice triumphs, and the title returns to the legal owner.

At this time, Harry Kimovich is actively engaged in public activities. Opens schools for young tagging, all means supports the development of chess sports in various countries. Photos of Kasparov chess player will learn around the world.

Fighting man and computer

In 1996, the creators of computer technology challenge the champion and he, without thinking, takes it. Based on curiosity and interest, the brilliant chess player enters into a fight with the car. The first match leaves a victory for a man, although Kasparov loses one party. And in May 1997, during the second match, Kasparov suffers defeat and the winner of the fight becomes a computer.

After losing, 2 times the grandmaster comes into chess battle with the machine. Both times the result becomes a draw.

Years, the interest of Kasparov to computer technologies does not fuss and from his behalf produce several interesting chess programs.

Political career

Despite the tremendous employment in the development of sports career, regular training, the conveyor, Kasparov incursively entails politics.

After crushing actions in Baku in 1990, the champion moves with his family to Moscow and is involved in the political action of the country. The chess player stands for the introduction of democracy and is engaged in promoting the Democratic Party.

At the moment, the political career of the famous chess player is in full swing. Participant of electoral companies, activist in the creation of parties - the brilliant chess player is no longer thinking of life without politics, the main direction of which democracy remains.

Sports Career Care

Autumn 2000 becomes to some extent a milestone in the life of the grandmaster.
As part of the next tournament for the detection of the leader in ancient gameIt turns out to be more successful and defeats the Great Chess player. Kasparov ceases to be a world champion, but only officially.

After losing, Harry Kimovich, being a multifaceted person, not particularly sad and for another 5 years continues to take part in all sorts of chess tournaments and championships. Naturally, wandering numerous victories.

And 2005 suddenly announces his intention to finish his career as a chess player. From now on, the main direction of his activity is the policy in which Kasparov is immersed with head.

Literary activity

At the beginning of the movement on Chess Olympus Kasparov quite often wrote articles that were published in various editions.
In addition, it is written several books by maintaining chess games And their end.

In 1987, the Avtobiography book "Child Change" is published. The book was published by english language And not written itself, but by dictating the local journalist. After that, Kasparov released several more books devoting their hotly beloved ancient game.

Personal life

The hearty life of the famous chess player is as diverse as the directions of its activity in the external world.

In 1986, acquaintance with Maria Arapova. Young and lovers enclose the official alliance after two years, and after three in the family, replenishment takes place. And a wonderful daughter is born - Polina. But household problems, conflicts of his beloved wife with an equally expensive mother lead to the collapse of the family, and in 1993, the spouses are divorced. After some time, the former wife and daughter of Polina leave the country and at the moment they live in the United States.

Three years later, the chess player Harry Kasparov, whose biography is described in the article, begins to feel feelings for a young student and concludes official marriage with it. Kasparov's son is born. But this marriage does not bring happiness and ends in a divorce in 2005. After which Kasparov marries St. Petersburg Darius Tarasova. In marriage two children are born - the son of Nikolai and the daughter of Aida.

At the moment, the name of the Kasparov chess player is known all over the world. Harry Kimovich remains an unsurpassed master of chess art, which entered the story. The owner of several chess Oscars and many awards. A person who, with unshakable persistence, inherent in a strong character, defends his opinion in the world. A person who, after the end of the life path, will speak and give legends.

The hobby of Harry Kasparov is a weak floor of the legend, he knows a lot about women's beauty, appreciates mind, talent and gloss. Ladies always played a big role in his life. The expression "King makes a switch" in its case it would be possible to reailed in the "king makes the queen."

The main queen, and, at the same time, and the gray cardinal Kasparov is his mother, Clara Shagenovna. They say all his novels and marriages were under her sensitive control - as she says, so it will be. Someone from the relatives of the chess player even joked: "Harry Kimovich marries often, in marriage lives long, and his mother should please this" ...

Classic Wunderkind

In Baku, where the future genius chess was born and grew up, his family caused admiration. The father-engineer and mother doctor belonged to the cream of society. All noted the similarity of Clara Shagenovna with Sophie Loren, her husband, Kim Moiseevich Vinstein, walked prominent handsome.

They talked about them: "What a beautiful couple!", And be sure to: "Yes, a brilliant child!". Garik in children's games did not play, but read books and newspapers. Parents were fond of chess. According to a family legend, a 5-year-old son somehow suggested to them the decision of a chess task - it became clear that the boy had a great future in front.

Over time, Harry began to take part in local tournaments, at first he was recorded under the name Weinstein, but Clara Shagenovna considered that the creative fate of the Son would be easier with the name of Kasparov.

The father of the future chess player dies from the lymphosarcoma. Clara Shagenovna will say that their family was smoothed. More woman married will not come out, she will quit from work and completely devote himself to the child. The Sport Committee will decide to pay her wages similar to the salary of professional coaches.

Irrepressible love

In 1979 after the international chess tournament In Yugoslavia, the head of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev officially will officially take the young grandmaster for personal care.

Harry from 13 years will begin to receive a scholarship. They will settle with her mother in a large apartment, and will spend time on the luxurious dacha in the throat on the coast, next to the cottages of Aliyev himself. In the absence of Kasparov, Muslim Magomayev rested there.

Clara Shagenovna will be a personal press secretary of the Son, in its jurisdiction phone calls, negotiate, solve with whom you can connect, and who is not. It will not move away from the son.

"Call Clare Shagenovna"

For all the questions about the former call, the parents of one of the wives of Kasparov Yuli answered: "Call Clare Shagenovna." In person questions, the effect of energetic mom was also very large.

To the hobbies of temperamental harry, it treated calmly - the main thing is to follow the regime. They wrote that the future champion could calmly bring two prostitutes at once. Mom only carefully watched Garik not violated the schedule of classes and training. If he left the house, he was constantly in touch.

About their relationship with women in the young years of Kasparov responded like this:

"At 22, I became the world champion, I had money, status, opportunities. All this created a lot of temptations. Therefore, life, let's say, was pretty messy. Fans of the entrance did not precipitate, but there is something to remember. Sumbura was less than we can assume, but still enough. "

Roman with Marina Neelan

In 1984, Kasparov got acquainted with the actress Marina Neelan. He was 21 years old, she was 37 years old, but did not feel the difference in the age of lovers. Their romance lasted two years and ended with a gap. The actress admitted to his beloved man, which is pregnant, did not accept the kasparov. Since then, they never communicated again.

The first meeting of the new actress and the youngest challenger on the title of world champion in the history of Chess occurred in the theater. He saw her as Masha in Chekhov's "Three Sisters". But a personal acquaintance occurred in the star of the Star Sophisticate Couple - the coach in figure skating Tatiana Tarasova and Pianist Vladimir Krasov.

Neelova was in the hall during all his matches, sitting next to the grandmaster, Clara Schagenova. They say they were called them: "Two moms."

However, exactly the mother of Kasparov and prevented their novel. She believed that these relationships could be a hindrance in the career of the Son. Harry listened to the mother and broke with Neelan. Marina at that time was already pregnant. "This is not our child," said Clara Shagenovna Press. And she said to her son: "You marry only Russian Masha!"

Proud actress once and forever crossed the man who made her man from his life. In 1987, Marina Neelova gave birth to a daughter, the girl was called Nick. She was almost forty when she became a mom.

Masha's wife

Kasparov married Maria Arapova, when it came to be cooled. Settling in Moscow, Kasparov lived in two "suites" of Azerbaijani post prunes. All the time with the young wife he spent there, but they went to a small-sized one-bedroom apartment of Spouses, where she lived with her grandmother.

Breakfast, the young people returned to Clara Shagenovna, who did not trust anyone to take care of the son's diet. As before, she watched Harry's wardrobe.

Clara Shagenovna will not forgive Masha her mistakes. For example, the fact that that will offer her husband to buy a mother's mom separately from them. As soon as Harry and Masha had a daughter of Polina, a young family finally gave a crack. All the car attention switched to the daughter.

Harry rarely visited his wife and daughter abroad, where she left to give birth. Soon he said to the spouse that matured for a divorce. They began to communicate only through lawyers.

After the divorce, Maria is recognized to journalists: "I was disappointed in Harry. I would not want to hang labels. God him judge. "


Many chess players were betraying: how much will the new marriage of Harry Kasparov - half a year or a year. Kasparov married 18-year-old Julia Vovk in 1996. A few months later, the son of Star Pair Vadim appeared. But in 2005, their union broke up.

Third marriage

In the summer of 2005, Harry sent his second wife Julia with her son to rest abroad. And himself in St. Petersburg connected himself with Darya Tarasov's Uzami Gimenta.

The woman was nineteen years younger Kasparova, a bright brunette, finished school with a medal and received a red diploma of economic college.

In the middle of zero in New York, the twenty-five-year-old Dasha gave birth to Harry daughter. The girl was called Aida, in honor of Mother Kasparov, so the name of her closest people. On July 6, 2015, their son Nicholas appeared.

The third marriage of the ex-champion of the world could be called successful, but a few years ago it became known that 33-year-old Daria Tarasova was delivered to one of the hospitals of New York with injuries. Doctors diagnosed in her nose fracture, brain concussion, eliminating the right shoulder and numerous bruises.

The victim told that she was attacked by unknown persons with her daughter during a walk. However, according to the police, the nature of the injuries contradicts the testimony of the victim.

Neighbors confirmed that in the family of Harry Kimovich a long time had serious problems. Tarasova, allegedly, repeatedly complained about the acquaintances on the soldiers from the spouse, mainly relating to financial relations.

The investigation had no direct evidence that Harry Kimovich was involved in the beating of a spouse. But police officers were inclined to this version, noting that Kasparov is inclined to impulsive behavior, and had previously appealed to a family psychologist with complaints about a sudden loss of self-control.

Based on materials: compromat.ru, in-sider.org

In the chess world, it is different as the "great and terrible" Harry Kasparov and were not called. The famous champion left the big sport at the peak of his fame. Some are convinced that in vain, and others say that on time. Nevertheless, the great grandmaster has something to tell about himself, because Harry Kasparov's biography, personal life and children are interested in many of his admirers. And today's championship activity causes a lot of sense in society.

Today, the former chess player has almost entirely to provide himself with politics and is a bright positioner accusing the Russian government in the junction of the armed conflict in the Donbas and the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. But first things first.

So, the Biography of Harry Kasparova will be given below: personal life, children, sports achievements and other interesting moments From the life of the Great Grassmaster.


There was a future champion in Baku on April 13, 1963. The parents of the boy were people intelligent and kept separated from the lowest, so to speak the working class. As for the nationality of Harry Kasparov, this moment caused a lot of disputes in sports circles.

The fact is that the father of the chess player (Kim Moiseevich) is a Jew, and Mom (Clara Schagenovna) - Armenian. And he, and the other almost to the fifth knee were purebred. Therefore, in sports society and Jews, and Armenians, what is called, they pulled the blanket each on themselves, challenging the nationality of Harry Kasparov in their favor. Nevertheless, in the Soviet Union he was considered an Armenian and just a Soviet citizen.

Parents of the future grandmaster worked as engineers and almost every evening arranged chess battles. It is thanks to them, Harry Kasparova had such enthusiasm to this sport. Starting from five years, he began to master the basics of chess art. And it absorbed him so much that he did not need either toys or street, nor other yard charms. Only chess, books and newspapers.


At twelve years in the biography of Harry Kasparov, a turning point was happening: Young Wunderkind became the champion of the Soviet Union on chess among young men. Since then, this sport has become the meaning of all life for him.

Already to seventeen years, Harry Kasparov (photos are presented in the article) received the title of master of sports. At the same time, the chess player graduated from school, and with a gold medal, and then entered the local pedagogical university to the separation of foreign languages. The Harry Institute was taken after the surrender of one single exam, which he, by the way, passed on solid five points.

In 1980, Harry Kasparov's already known throughout the Union was assigned the title of grandmaster.

After the death of the Father in 1970, the mother of a talented chess player became more for him than the parent. She was his coach, a mentor and devoted his whole son and his career. Clara Shagenovna was almost everywhere with him. Championships took place not only in the Union, but also abroad, and Mom Harry Kasparov followed his son everywhere and solved all his problems, ranging from domestic and ending with some professional frictions.

It was then that she decided to radically change the image of the grandmaster, replacing not only the nationality of Harry, but also his last name. So after 1980 he has already ceased to be a Jewish chess player Weinstein, and turned into Armenian Kasparov.


Career Kasparova Harry Kimovich Pestrith victories and all sorts of awards. The Mastyd Grossmaster for 13 years held the first places in all sorts of championships and in chess competitions. At that time, the Elo rating of Harry reached 2800 points, and this is an exceptionally highly professional level.

After unpleasant events in 1990, when he had brutal violence with Armenians in his homeland, he was forced to leave Azerbaijan and moved to the capital of the USSR. Low later, in 1993, Harry left the international chess federation, while creating its analogue - a professional chess association.

Later, in 1996, the grandmaster organized a virtual sports organization - Kasparov Club. Resource from year to year was gained popularity, and already in 1999, the famous chess player beat all users on the Internet on the match, which was organized by Microsoft. At that time, this game with all non-professional chess players, which lasted almost four months, looked at more than 3 million worldwide web users. This indicator still can not beat any virtual chess resource.

Casparov against Deep Blue

In 1996, the leading IBM corporation rushed Kasparov, offering him to oppose the most modern computer - Deep Blue. Designers assured users that the machine is capable of processing up to 200 million moves per second and with due literacy to make decisions.

Kasparov's competition won with a good score - 4: 2, but gave way to a computer enemy in the first batch.

Next time, Deep Blue and the Great Grandmaster met a year later - in 1997. The game was heavy and tense for Kasparov. And at 46 progress, the famous chess player recognized the defeat and surrendered to the computer. After the game, Harry asked detailed logs Parties, suspecting a person's intervention in the process, but the company refused him, referring to a commercial secret.


In 1985, the chess player officially became the thirteenth world champion. Sports experts called the game Karpov and Kasparov - enchanting. But the past champion was unable to keep his title and gave him a newcomer. Kasparov managed to trust the lowest protection of Nemtsovich's small proliferated defense and win the first batch. None nor another inferior and kept to the end, bring the shapes in a draw. But by the end of the 16th Party Harry won a spectacular victory and won the World Cup.

Kasparov became the youngest grandmaster. During the game with Karpov, he was 22 years old. Only an athlete from Norway Magnus Karlsen, who also turned 22, was able to win such a "youth" record, who took the champion title.

Career completion

In 2005, the grandmaster decided for himself for himself that he had reached everything in chess, and he said to his fans, which leaves this sport. As an alternative to the board and figures, Harry preferred a policy, stating that in Russia, Colonelov and Generals at least a pond of a pride, but too few intelligence.

Just last he decided to compensate for his presence, deciding, with the help of his talent for comprehensive and, including strategic thinking, change his homeland for the better and contribute to its development. Some perceived such gusts very enthusiastically, but a good half of the grandmaster fans, as well as politicians, reacted pretty skeptical.

Over the next years, the chess player almost dinner and dinner gave his forces to the "United Civil Front" created by him as the same opposition movement. The main policy of the party was aimed at counteracting the current leadership of the Russian Federation. From this movement, the serious political life of the famous chess player began.

Together with his associates on the movement of Karpov, he opposed the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his team. Harry Kimovich organized where only you can the marches of disagreeable under our own banners, for which it has repeatedly delayed the law enforcement authorities.

Few later, in 2008, Kasparov created a new democratic movement and called it "Solidarity". The latter, again, was aimed at combating the current government, where the presidential resignation was the main priority.

The cardinal plans and ideas of the chess player did not like everyone, so he did not receive support from the media. He did not become a member of the Opposition Coordination Council. Harry Kimovich with a pretty big margin ahead of Alexey Navalny.

After all these peripetics, the chess player moved with his family to America and Donkey in New York. In 2013, he stated that he was not going to return to the Russian Federation and would fight the Russian authority where he lives. Harry Kasparov continues to fight with the "Kremlin crimes" from abroad at the international level. It is also worth noting that in 2014 the main website of the chess player was blocked by Roskomnadzor for appeals to extremist actions.

After the events that occurred in 2014, Kasparov openly supported the leadership in Kiev and with the help of all available funds accused Russia in the seizure of the Crimean Peninsula and the support of military militia in the Donbas.

Kasparov urges Europe and the United States to strengthen the pressure on the President of the Russian Federation through sanctions and other political instruments. At the same time, in 2014, Harry Kimovich repeatedly visited the capital of Ukraine and gave a session of simultaneous game to everyone in support of the authorities.

A year later, Kasparov wrote a book where he represents readers their vision of the situation in the world and the problems of modern Russia in particular. In his publication, the chess player extremely negatively responds to the powerful power in the Russian Federation and specifically about Vladimir Putin. One of the key roles in the modern history of Kasparov was distinguished by Ronald Reagan, which in 1980 a lot did a lot to end the evil empire.

Harry Casparov's personal life

The children of the Great Chess player are much more willing about their father, while he himself tries to avoid uncomfortable questions about his personal life. As a personal life of the grandmaster began when he was 21 years old.

The famous chess player at one of the secular events met the popular actress - Marina Neelov. For many, she remained a little capricious princess from the "old, old fairy tales". The actress was different from other scenes of his miniature, plump sponges and a subtle taste.

Marina Neelova

The young chess player was not confused and suggested a "princess" to walk. So began Roman Harry Kasparov and Marina Neelan. Literally, the nearest environment of both the chess player and actresses perceived such relationships in the bayonies. The fact is that Kasparov was 21 years old, and Nelova - 37 years.

The mother of the future grandmaster was obsessed with the Son and his victories and, of course, no actress, and even more older than him for 16 years, she did not even want to see closely. Nevertheless, at the personal life of Harry Kasparov still cut out several hours and even days from his dense schedule and devoted entirely to Marina.

The actress introduced the future grandmaster to the highest circles of Soviet bohemian youth. In secular raids, he was represented by the most talented people. Thanks to magnificent games and similar acquaintances, the name of the chess player began to appear not only in profile media.

But as mentioned above, Mom Kasparov was categorical against such relations and soon the Roman actress and the chess player came to no. Marina Neelova, after some time, gave birth to a daughter and called her nickname. But a strict mother banned his son to recognize the child, even though Nick was like two drops of water like a chess player.

Maria Arapova

In 1989, Harry Kimovich officially signed Maria Arapova. He worked as a translator guide at the Intourist Hotel Complex. Few later in 1992 they had a daughter - Polina. A year later, Kasparov's marriage began to fall apart, and the spouses decided to part. The marriage process lasted for whole a year and a half. The former chess player's wife, together with her daughter, decided to leave Russia and settled on PMG in America.

Julia Vovk

The next selected Kasparov was the 18-year-old student Julia Vovk. From her at the chess player there is son Vadim born in 1996. The couple lived together for 9 years, after which the marriage began to give the crack and subsequently collapsed.

Daria Tarasova

But the grandmaster after a relatively fast divorce again confused in the Amour networks. And this time the bride Kasparov again got noticeably younger than himself. The age difference with the secular lioness Darya Tarasova was without a small 20 years. In 2005, they played a wedding, and a year later, Aid's daughter was born in a couple. In the summer of 2015, replenishment happened, Tarasova made his husband's her husband with the Son Nikolai.

Children Harry Kasparov are not connected with the world of chess and even as a hobby, this sport is not considered. But the great grandmaster and himself does not insist on this, believing that everyone should choose its vocation on their own and without a guardianship of the parents.

These days

Former world champion and to this day actively engaged in politics. The position of the chess player, thoughts, some conclusions and other information can be found in the Twitter service. There, he is divided by the last news with his subscribers and comments on what is happening in the world and in Russia.

Kasparov invariably followed the previously chosen political course and believes that the Russian Federation should return to the European family of peoples. " A good half of compatriots criticizing the ideas, plans and position of the chess player regarding Russia.

Kasparov, except for housing in New York, has more real estate in St. Petersburg, Moscow and in Croatia. In the latter, he often happens and lives in the town of Makarska with his wife and children. Basic sources of income former champion - These are master classes in chess and thematic lectures. This can also include literary activities. Political prose is not so claimed by the reader, but professional works concerning chess sports are ready to buy, and in decent quantities.

Since 2002, to this day, Harry Kasparov introduces its own, and a considerable contribution to the development of the chess sphere around the world. The ex-champion is trying to introduce chess as sports discipline into educational systems of different countries, along with the same physical education. For the last decade, Harry Kimovich organized an impressive sizes to cooperate with hundreds of schools in Europe, Asia and the United States.

Peterburg did not have time to discuss the savory details of the wedding of the famous figure skateman Evgenia Plushenko, as on the approach - a new gossip from Gimenta. According to rumors, in one of Northern Venice regulations, the chess king of Harry Kasparov registered his marriage. His chosen - famous in St. Petersburg Soskaya Lioness Daria Tarasova.

When it comes to the personal life of Kasparov, first of all recalls his novel with Marina Neelan. Harry was 16 years old younger actress, but managed to conquer her heart. Their connection in the mid-80s lasted for about two years, but the question of marriage did not arise. Clara Shagenovna, the mother of Casparov, convinced him that for the sake of the career should be broken with the beloved. When their meetings ceased, it turned out that Neel was pregnant. Having learned that she was not avoided, the champion and his mother were talking about Marina a lot of things. ["Clara Shagenovna made an official statement in the press: "This is not our child" [...] and convinced the Son: "If you want to marry the actress, it is better to marry at all the factory hostel." [...] Valentine Gaft stated in publicly that Kasparov is not fit to be taken in a decent house. "- K. Rou]

But the actress itself did not say a word, but just gave birth to a charming girl nick ...

With the first wife of Maria

In 1986, Kasparov got acquainted with the graduate of Philfak MSU Maria Arapova. Three years later they got married, and Maria gave birth to Harry Daughter Polina. However, after five years of family happiness, "the love boat crashed on life." When it was time to buy new housing in the center of Moscow, Masha made an unforgivable miss, allegedly offering her husband to purchase an apartment in the house in the neighborhood for Clara. Soon Kasparov sent a former wife and daughter to America ...

In 1996, Kasparov married an economy-beauty student Julia Vovk. At the end of the year she gave her husband to Vadim's son. It seemed that after the new marriage, the life of the champion stabilized, family harmony came ...

But at the end of 2004, Harry became more and more often to spark in the society of student union of St. Petersburg trade unions and superstar Dasha Tarasova. Kasparov visited with her different countries, Including America, and in the northern capital bought the apartment - before Dasha lived outside the city, and now moved to the center. It is known that she was practiced in Washington on a program supported by the American government. The money earned was enough to open her own store in the city on the Neva. The girl is well known in St. Petersburg. Her face and an extensive interview was decorated almost the full-time glossy magazine published in St. Petersburg.

And just, according to rumors, Harry acquired housing and his last wife of Yulia (not to kick her outdoors). After that, he sent with his son to rest to Turkey, and flew to St. Petersburg, where he registered the marriage with Dasha. This spectacular brunette for 20 years younger than chess king. They met during the speech of Kasparov in the mentioned University of St. Petersburg. By the way, in the early 2005, at one of the press conferences of Kasparov, where Dasha was accompanied by Dasha, she was asked an indiscreet question: "Who do you come to Harry?" "I am his wife," the girl replied with dignity. Then she hurried a little, but now, it seems, such an answer is just right.

"In the past, the world champion in chess, and now the opposition politician" Harry Kasparov left Russia, but intends to "continue to annoy [President of the Russian Federation] Vladimir Putin to the best of his opportunities," although now the main goal of his life is to become president of the world chess federation (FIDE ). He told about it and many other things in an interview with Südeutsche Zeitung Magazin, a Friday application to the Bavarian newspaper of the same name.

In Russia, according to Grandmaster, he could hardly threaten a prison sentence, but he could have to select a passport, as "happens to many opposition politicians in Moscow," and this would mean for Kasparov "collapse of all life", since its main source Earnings - "Reports on logical thinking and success strategies", which he usually reads abroad. "I come to Russia only to deal with the regime and protect the human rights," Kasparov described his lifestyle in recent years.

In Russia, Kasparov was not from February 22, 2013 - shortly before his mother called from the Investigative Committee with a request to provide his appearance for testimony. "Because of this challenge, I decided that it was not worth returning," he explained his decision. "I don't want to risk ahead of the prospect of getting stuck in Moscow." I wouldingly went to this risk if it was granted myself, but I next year. I nominate my candidacy for the presidency of FIDE. For this, I will need to turn around the whole world to introduce yourself to a variety of national associations. To go to high risks as a policy would be dishonest in relation to those who finance my candidacy in the world of chess. In addition In addition, from abroad, I can cause much more trouble than from Moscow. The won process in Strasbourg will help opposition politicians more than my seat locked in Moscow. " Kasparov believes that his October victory in this instance has a "symbolic" meaning and "someday will help the numerous prisoners of Russian prisons." However, "Putin spit on the reaction from abroad," he admitted.

Now Casparov, together with his wife and younger daughter, lives in New York, there is also his eldest daughter, but the son and mother remained in Moscow - for meetings with them he goes to Tallinn ("not far from Moscow and people speak Russian, "the oppositionist explained). Living in the US "conveniently", confessed to Kasparov, but he hurts in his homeland and in Russian.

The head of the "United Civil Front" said that during the last detention after another protest action he was injured: "Because of this, I still have an elbow, when I write or raise a bag to put it on a luggage shelf on the plane ". At the request of the correspondent, the Interlocutor Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin briefly spoke about his only administrative arrest, noting that his experience is "ridiculous" compared to the situation in which Mikhail Khodorkovsky is located.

In 2005, the oppositionist hired the bodyguards - the reason for this was the case during one of the last chess events with his participation: "A man came up to me with a chessboard. At first I thought that he wanted to ask me an autograph, but then I had no good Premonition. I was surprised by the smell from the board, she was new, and who will put an autograph on just a bought board? Usually bring the old one ... He hit me on his head ... The man was young, they must have hoped, What I will give delivery, so two cameras were installed there. This incident has become a warning for me. The next day I hired professional bodyguards. "

The ex-champion rejected the assumption that he is running into the presidents of FIDE because he was bored with a political struggle: "I will continue to fight with injustice ... Putin represents a problem not only for Russia. Any dictator poisons life and neighboring countries. But Putin is much Worse than the Belarusian Lukashenko: Putin everywhere, he controls more money than anyone in the history of mankind, and does not be bribed to bribing to conquer the sympathies of entrepreneurs and politicians. He supports the most tall regimes of the whole world. Without him, Assad could not destroy tens of thousands of their fellow citizens. Putin is a problem, and the scale of this problem is growing, because any dictator seeks to spread its power. Putin is becoming more daring, because he does not see anyone who could stop him. "