What mods contribute to the rapid increase in efficiency. How to improve your efficiency. Simple time management techniques. Installing mods on WOT

As time went on, fewer and fewer people began to pay attention to the game win rate. And this is not strange, because achievements, as well as technological progress, do not stand still and are gradually developing. It so happened historically that previously everyone was betting only on the percentage of winning, but the times are changing and now this wonderful gathering place for tankers from all over the world is guided by many indicators of achievement at once. Chief among them is the gamer's efficiency. And this is not just that, because it is thanks to the appearance of this coefficient that you can learn more detailed information about each. What is this efficiency and "what is it with?" All people are accustomed to the name efficiency, but in order to more quickly say what you want, and not to pronounce with difficulty this complex and sometimes twisted phrase, many people use its abbreviated form, known to everyone as efficiency. This is a number that is based on many indicators and is calculated using a rather complex formula. You can find this formula on the Internet without much difficulty, but it will not become very useful, since no one will calculate it manually using it. Firstly, it is a very long and difficult job, in which once you make a mistake, and everything will go awry. Secondly, if you want to see the dynamics of this number, then it will take a whole month to calculate it each time, and maybe more. And, thirdly, there is no need to sit and count your own or another player's performance indicator, if there are already special programs and online services for this, which will only require the introduction of a game nickname and will immediately give out all the necessary information. It is very important to know that if you are on the website for calculating this indicator and you are asked, in addition to your login, for a password, then you should know that these are definitely scammers who want to gain access to your account. As a result, you run the risk of losing your account during this seemingly most common procedure.

Efficiency Improvement Methods

Most players are interested in how to increase efficiency in world of tanks in order to automatically become better than now. This gives whole line advantages, of which the main ones are respect and the opportunity to join most prestigious clans. In addition, the high efficiency of the player raises his morale and makes all sorts of crayfish shudder during the battle. To understand how to improve this indicator, you first need to figure out which achievements during the battle are included in the calculation, and which are simply useless to raise. The main thing to know is that if you seriously think about it, then you need to learn how to act not only excellently, but also accurately. Each battle is worth its weight in gold and is taken into account in the general calculation formula. In this regard, if you drain the rollers in vain, then nothing will work out for you, since in the end the next time you will need to earn twice as many units of efficiency in order to cover the previous attempt. Learning how to minimize the number of unsuccessful attempts will greatly facilitate the overall task. As for the game indicators that are taken into account when calculating the efficiency rating, they are as follows:

  • the first and most important is the player's average damage over his entire career (the higher it is, the better for statistics);
  • the second is considered to be the average number of frags, however, it is less important for the previous one, although it has its own certain weight in the overall picture of calculating the WN rating;
  • the third in value is the average level of the gamer's technique, which was researched and pumped during common history account;

these three figures are followed by the average number of capture and defense of the base and the average number of illuminated tanks.
Of course, we can say that in some way other numbers are taken into account, but they are taken into account much less than the above ones and will not be able to greatly affect the change in the efficiency rating.

Considering all this, the answer to the question: “how to quickly raise world efficiency of tanks? " lies on the surface and is elementary, because in fact all that needs to be done is to maximize all these numbers over and over again. Quantity gaming sessions should be minimal in order to influence the numbers as effectively as possible. But, the main thing is to understand in time that before entering the next battle you need to think about what you would like to get in the end and set this as your number one goal. For example, you went into pain, as the famous modders say, and first of all set a bar for yourself, for example, get 1500 damage units. Participate in this way 100 times, trying to achieve the desired effect as much as possible, and then raise the bar, but not very sharply. First, add at least 100 damage and a few frags to this and play around a little more. Do not rush to increase the boundaries, if you cannot achieve these, at first learn to achieve small results and only then you can think about something grandiose.

The next point in this case is the question of playing on higher-level tanks. If you would like to raise your WN6 rating, then it’s not hard to understand that you are obliged to enter the battlefield as much as possible, using Tier 6 vehicles, and it is on this that you achieve the best results possible. Accordingly, in order to raise WN7 and WN8, it is necessary to operate the corresponding equipment as often as possible. A little help in completing the assigned task can be provided by good fellow platoons. This is especially good for the one who wants to achieve the goal, when in a team of three there is someone who plays much better. Then you not only try to take an example from him, but also learn many secrets from such a gamer.
The use of gold shells has not harmed anyone yet, and the chance that the gun will blunt at the most crucial moment is much lower. So do not be afraid to use them and the result will not be long in coming, because after the next time you will notice the result of your efforts and the work of gold shells, the penetration of which is not only higher, but there is also a chance to damage the module. And finally, let us remind you that the great advantage of how you play is the availability of the correct modules on the vehicle, as well as an experienced crew that has seen many thousands of battles. The higher the number of skills on it, and the better they match the tactics in the game, the type of vehicle and coordination with the modules, the higher the likelihood that you will roll off the next battle one hundred percent.

A very important point is also how you know how to behave in a particular situation and on a particular type of machine. If you just can't play on the technique of some eighth level, take a simpler car for a start and become a master of the game on it. It is easiest to learn how to behave in battles, in the so-called sandbox, that is, at the fifth level. So go ahead, take such a tank and play on it until you improve your skill to the maximum, so that you know every position, the loophole is where it is better to move away and where it is better to play in order to achieve success. If you show excellent results every fight, then very soon you will be able to start on more serious machines and repeat the same thing on them. Perseverance and the desire to become better always wins, only training is needed, as in any sport. Esports is far from the last place where you need to constantly train, become more experienced and explore new moments of the game. So be bolder! Gather all your will, desire and patience into a fist and go back to the battlefields in order to show exceptionally the best results in the end and achieve an increase in your efficiency ratio. Enjoyable battles, more damage, frags and fewer spills that await everyone around the corner, if you take battles lightly!

Other interesting news on this topic

Many players who have been participating in the battles of World of Tanks for a long time, eventually come to the conclusion that it is time to raise their statistics. However, they remain at the same level, because they do not know how to achieve the best results. Today we will talk about this topic and try to give effective advice for all newbies.

Rule of Success Statistics

What is the point of bringing the tank to the field? Of course, it's about staying in a combat-ready state for as long as possible and at the same time doing something useful, for example, inflicting incredible damage, lighting up enemy tanks, preventing the capture of the base, and so on.

You should not immediately merge, even if your nickname is at the end of the list. You need to be patient and wait. As soon as it becomes clear what positions the tanks are in, you can start planning your actions.

If you are a top player, then try to save more HP until the end of the confrontation, since everything is only in your hands.

It also happens that the players on the team merge, and you have to stay face to face with enemy vehicles. Just do not give up immediately, even if it seems that you will not be able to cope, continue the game. Sometimes this tactic helps to get the number of tanks not killed, to recapture HP.

Join the platoon

During the time that you are a "tanker", most likely you have already met many gamers and even became a member of a clan where there are those who will gladly participate in the battle with you, regardless of the result - victory or loss. Be sure to unite with your friends and comrades in platoons, but remember that you can only win if the team acts as one well-coordinated mechanism.

If you still can't find friends, then go to random and try to join skillful gamers.

What about the sandbox?

Another way to increase your stats is to switch to low-tier tanks, where you can use the entire skill at full capacity. Many tankers quickly abandon Tier 1 vehicles, having driven them only once. This error needs to be corrected. However, remember that there will be many such freeloaders on the field.

What will lead to success?

First of all, it is skill... Only personal experience will help you to win in the future.

In second place is top technology... Experienced gamers do not recommend using stock cars, as slow tanks that do not provide effective fire support are too boring. That is why it is important to improve tanks to the top with the help of free experience.

An important factor is. Training and retraining is best done at the expense of gold.

Do not skimp on consumables, as only they can help in decisive battles. It is advisable to purchase automatic fire extinguisher, a large first aid kit and a repair kit.

In every battle, you must have gold shells that penetrate opponents more efficiently. The more often this happens, the better the team's result.

Raising the percentage of victories

This is very easy to achieve - just play every day, but only just one session. Of course, not everyone can do this, since the game is addictive, and you enter another battle again.

Do not strive to collect a large number of games, since the number of victories is more important here, because the percentage is made up of them and systematicity.

Which tanks should you give preference to?

Many are convinced that it is better to use imbe tanks, which have excellent characteristics. In different periods of the game, such machines were different, but soon they were nerfed by the authors themselves. Therefore, give preference to those tanks that you like the most. Even if he does not bend, but you enjoy the fight.

Tired of the hustle and bustle and chronic lack of time, the most active of us are trying to apply modern methods of time management. And they always start the same way: they read articles and, well, draw signs for themselves, record the duration of each telephone conversation, etc. And after a while they notice that the process of such "optimization" takes longer than the work itself. Plus the complex “apparently I'm a complete fool if I can't do it”. Don't panic! You just need to find your own picture of Time, like puzzles, to “assemble” your picture of Time using well-known techniques. And the parts of the constructor are the tricks. For everything to work out, you need to see the picture, in the language of business they say "what are the prospects?" And we will start with the prioritization, because this is the only way the picture of Personal Time begins to take shape. Choose 3-5 techniques that you personally understand and like, and go!

We prioritize

I will not reveal a secret if I once again quote the principle of strategic management: "From a successful future to a successful present." And we will start - do not be surprised - with drawing. Take a piece of blank paper, a pencil and sketch out your plans for the next 6-12 months.

Do you think that your life is impossible to depict on one piece of paper? To embrace the immensity, we use the Mind Map method. This is a way to write thoughts in the form keywords or images in one space (a piece of paper). Mental map is a kind of block diagram: a core (main idea) with various branches.

Why is the method good? Lightweight, practical, visual, it is useful in moments when chaos reigns in your head, and you need to systematize work zones and create connections between them. In addition, as you know, pictures and symbols are remembered more strongly and easier than words. So it is easy enough to cover all your cases on one sheet. Moreover, by drawing, you relieve some of the psychological stress.

Well, let's finish it all with a picture called "The Matrix of Time".

Eisenhower's Time Matrix in S. Kovi's processing


1. Crises.

2. Urgent problems.

3. Projects on the verge of failure.


1. Prevention, actions to maintain balance

2. Building strong relationships.

3. Search for new opportunities.

4. Planning, rest.


1. Interference - for example, calls.

2. Correspondence, miscellaneous messages.

3. Meetings.

4. Upcoming events.

5. Popular activities.


1. Time-consuming little things.

2. Correspondence.

3. Calls.

4. Goofy visits.

5. Idle pastime.

Keep in mind that if you write all things in square 1 (urgent and important), then this is a direct path to rush jobs, stress and illness in the very near future. How to prioritize? In military medicine, all the wounded are divided into three groups: those who will die anyway, regardless of the assistance provided; those who will survive in any case and those who will survive only if they receive timely medical assistance.
Divide all your projects on the same principle.

Projects are subdivided into:

  1. projects that will not provide meaningful results, regardless of whether you engage in them (by focusing on the first group, you will begin to idle pedaling, while important things will remain unfulfilled);
  2. projects that will be successful, regardless of whether you do them (by focusing on the second group, you will spend energy without getting a meaningful return);
  3. projects that will only yield meaningful results if you complete them on time (if you focus on the third group, you will be spending your time and energy in the best possible way).

Takeaway: To focus on the most meaningful actions, you must forget about the first two groups for a while.
The practice of sorting tasks is very difficult because it requires you to constantly say "no" to those tasks that, at the instinctual level, may seem to you. the right choice... It is like refusing to help the wounded. However, if you don't master the art of sorting, then many of the projects you really need will never be realized.

Pay special attention to square # 2. This is your investment in the future - learning, relationships, relaxation, life purpose. Otherwise, you just take a step into nowhere, solving and being distracted by urgent matters that behave arrogantly and constantly require attention. And modest important, but not urgent matters humbly await their turn.

If you have completed box # 3, look carefully at whose priorities your actions are based on. If this is not important for you, then for whom is it urgent? Maybe these are requests, instructions from other people? Why do you devote so much time to unimportant matters?

Square # 4 often serves as an escape from square # 1. Otherwise, a wave of stress will cover your head. Indeed, often square number 1, like a giant tsunami, covers life, and we use all our strength to get out of this wave. We are floundering, floundering, just to stay afloat. And there is no qualitative improvement in life.

It is in order to realize this that it is worth taking a pen and drawing your matrix.

Simple rules optimization

Setting priorities correctly is the main, but not the only work that we need to do. It is necessary to make sure that every day of ours is fully used, and every activity brings maximum benefit - whether it is drawing up a sales plan or going to the rink with a child. At the same time, we must take into account the characteristics of our own body so as not to bring ourselves to exhaustion or stress. To do this, you must remember and observe the following simple rules.

Rule 1. Maintain a balance between work and rest periods.

A regular lack of strength can accumulate imperceptibly, then manifest itself suddenly, knocking you out of action for a long time with sudden illnesses and ailments. Therefore, a good weekend getaway and vacation are a must. Take long breaks between big things. For example: 2 hours working on a project, drawing up a strategy, then a long break - you can drink tea, have lunch, walk along the street, have lunch. The body needs time to recover. If you work non-stop, your productivity and the quality of your ideas decrease.

And small things - calls, replies to letters - combine into groups so that there are no costs for switching actions.

Rule 2. Switch to other activities throughout the day. The smarter your job, the easier your switching should be. Fell down - wrung out, without an elevator ran to the 10th floor - great! This is our physiology, and you need to take on board: there is nothing better than a walk. It follows from this that the day off on the couch is not our option. Gym, walk in the park with children or a dog. Rollers, skates. Any physical activity. It is also a good prevention of Burnout Syndrome. Remember the square number 2, health belongs exactly there.

Rule 3. Catch kairos, "tamp" time. I catch kairos in the gym (running in headphones - listening to English lessons). If your activity is connected with frequent business trips - generally great! Travel time belongs only to you - you will not be distracted, and therefore you can do a lot. Or just get some sleep.

Rule 4. Consider your natural biorhythms. I am an early riser, so I plan all important strategic affairs in the morning, and in the afternoon - meetings and affairs that do not require special involvement. I know that if my brain falls asleep at 22:00 there is no point in thinking about a sales strategy at 21:00 - I will spend a lot of energy, and the effectiveness is “minus one”.

Rule 5... If you are seriously busy with business, have entered the "stream", you should not be distracted. One must be able to calmly and respectfully say “no” to all chronophages. I will tell you more about chronophages below.

Rule 6. Make the most of modern means of communication and communication - the 21st century is in the yard! IPhone, netbook, tablet - you can always reply to an email with one hand. All questions that can be resolved via e-mail are resolved in correspondence. If you need a business conversation - always Skype, even if you are in one city, not to mention another country. Modern communication methods allow you to gather several people in one virtual meeting room, moreover, you can upload a presentation, any document, video, all in one virtual space. This is a huge savings in time and resources.

Rule 7. Delegate. Transfer work tasks to your subordinates. Leave strategic tasks to yourself. Delegate also if you can “buy” this time, for example, hire an agent to search for air tickets. Do not engage in personal affairs, the time for which you can "buy back".

What are the chronophages - "time eaters"

Types and features Ways to fight
Delay. This is a psychological state when a person seeks and finds reasons not to do something. This is a lack of motivation, fear or fear of making a mistake. In postponing, we often expect the problem to go away on its own. Yes, sometimes this happens, but when your meditation on the topic: “to decide for yourself” does not work, it means that you have entered the Cycle of Procrastination, which will repeat itself every time in a regular sequence. 1. "Burn the bridges", cut off the escape routes. Make an appointment with the investor to which you must bring your presentation. You will have no choice but to make this very presentation, because you have already promised.

2. The Procrastination Cycle indicates that you lack positive motivation. Going to ... does not motivate you. Think about what will happen if you do not do it right now - perhaps your case is the movement "from ...", that is, negative motivation. What happens if you don't immediately start doing this work? Even at school we did our homework on pain of getting a "deu". It works now too.

3. Cut back on your daily rituals - coffee, Yandex news, talking to your secretary. Just coffee - and into battle! Chronophages, seeing an unstable personality in you, will immediately appear: "And, by the way, how much are the tickets to Vienna now, that's just the mailing ..."

4. Set yourself deadlines - deadlines by which the task must be completed.

Fuzzy goal setting... For example, if a person goes to business negotiations, proceeding from the logic: "I orient myself along the way," then the probability of success of this meeting is sharply reduced. In addition, if a business person does not think over his goal, i.e. does not build an image of the future result, then, most likely, he will waste his time and, moreover, “squander” the time of his business partner. Remember, in business, all impact is target. You can't even pick up the phone “just like that” - what if there is an important person on the other side of the line, then your goal is to form the first pleasant impression. Make it a rule to form an image of the desired result. Proactivity is an important quality of a successful person. At least mentally - visually. Ideal: Written Day Goal - Week Goal - Month Goal. Those who clearly see the goal will always be able to correctly determine whether they are moving there.
Personal disorganization. The overwhelmed "writing desk, the somehow organized business space of the office, chaos in the documentation, exhausting searches for business papers tell others about frivolity and irresponsibility. It is well known that order on the table, in the briefcase, prepared business papers before the appointment indicate respect for the partner, contribute to establishing contact and creating a climate of trust. 1. Even if you are not a fan of Feng Shui, it is useful to rake the table from time to time. You look, and useful papers will be found.

2. Form your own "order". Usually the table is littered with creative people, pedants have no such problem at all. So creative person you need to come up with your own "order system". Place important folders and documents on the table at least in piles.

Disruptive phone calls... Here is the same version from the matrix of time, when we confuse "urgency" and "importance". Phone calls unscheduled visitors rush in beyond our will. These are undoubtedly "urgent" matters, but are they important to you? 1. No one has yet fainted from the words: "I am uncomfortable talking now, I will call you back a little later." Learn to say NO.

2. If you cannot avoid visitors, then you need to build the dialogue correctly: "You have five minutes, will you keep within?" or "Tell me in ten phrases what your problem is."

Protracted meetings... People sit for hours, experience stress, conflict, but often nothing is resolved. Time is wasted, the situation is not improving. A clearly defined goal, a detailed agenda, distributed roles of participants and, of course, the desire of participants to work together - these are the components of saving working time at a meeting. Only in this case, an hour of meeting can give a tangible business result and motivate staff. 1. See paragraph - "goal".

2. Prepare for the meeting in advance. Write an agenda and send it to all participants of the event in advance. So that everyone understands what topics to prepare for.

3. See paragraph - deadline.

4. Hire a moderator or learn how to lead meetings yourself.

5. Select a “Timer Person” that will warn you 5 minutes in advance that the allotted time to speak is running out.

Long waiting times(for example, an appointment). To be late for a business meeting, meeting, negotiations, to make business partners wait for oneself means to encroach on their time. Expectations can always be used as kairos - call a long-term partner, send an e-mail, view the abstracts. Take advantage of these precious minutes of waiting.

Hello, today I will tell you how in game WOT increase your efficiency. First you need to figure out what is efficiency? Efficiency - coefficient of efficiency. This coefficient includes all combat effectiveness player from the very first battle. Many have such a problem: there are a lot of fights and top equipment, but the efficiency is poor. Because of this, such players cannot join a cool clan. Today I will help you with this problem.

First way: create new account in World of Tanks. Having played about 10-20k fights on the old account, you learned how to play correctly and competently, but the first 5-10k fights were training. Therefore, half of these fights are "Nubovskaya"). By creating a new account, you will immediately play like a pro from the first battle. Your efficiency on this account must be at least 1200-1400. With such efficiency, you can join good clans with estates. You just need to get to the top technology.

Second way- bend over in the sandbox. If your own account is dear to you or if you are too lazy to create and start a new account from the beginning, then consider this method. All players have a favorite sandbox tank, mainly the MS-1. But I would not advise you to try to raise statues on a tier 1 tank, because a large number of players play at the first levels and you will not be good with them. The most optimal option is 2-3 levels. If you know how to play well, then you can easily raise the statues on the same BT-2, Pz.1c. Indeed, at 2-3 levels, there is a huge number of noob players and they are poor at using tactics and tanking well. You need to use this, pull the fight, fill medals, frags, which is very valuable for efficiency.

The third way- improve individual parameters. This method is the most optimal for me and I hope that it will work for you too. First you need to figure out which parameter you have low. Take damage per battle, for example. Suppose you have it 550-650 with an average level of 5.5-6. In order to have an efficiency of about 1200-1400, the average damage should be 900-1100. How can you raise it? Very simple, it takes time and a damage tank! Choose the tank with the highest average damage. Top PTs work best. But if you don't have such, then the same KVAS, IS-3, ISU-152, KV-2 will do. And so it is possible with each parameter: percentage of victories, average killed per battle, average experience, etc.

I also want to advise you on a station wagon technique that raises each parameter quite quickly: Hellcat, Bat Chat (ST), T-54, SU-152 (Shaitanka), AMX 50-100, IS-3, KV-2 (Shaitanka) , Hetzer (strongly affects frags), Marder, Foch 155, T57 Heavy (damage will grow instantly). Well, these are probably the best tanks for increasing efficiency.

This concludes my material, good luck on the battlefields!

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How to increase the win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks? The topic is very important and relevant for many players who would like to know how to do this. Now we'll talk about the basics. What do you need to start raising your win rate and efficiency for sure?

The most important thing is that you need this desire to win, the desire to develop, think in battle and benefit your allies. You also need good initial statistics, which will mean that you generally know the basics of the game and play well. Look at your statistics, if you have less than 48% of wins and less than 900 efficiency, then it is too early for you to think about the percentage of victories. You need to read guides, learn some tricks and tactics of playing on different maps and different types of equipment. If you have good statistics and you are generally overwhelmed with the desire to develop and raise the percentage of victories and efficiency. What do you need? Solo you can never have a high win rate. Of course there are exceptions, but these are very rare cases. So you need a platoon to reach your goal. At the same time, the platoon should be one of those people who want to raise the percentage of victories with you. Friends who are obsessed with this idea. Even with not very good statistics, having 2-3 such people in a platoon, you will definitely make a high percentage of victories! Of course not right away, but over time you will learn to play together, you will win and achieve everything!

You might be asking, "why can't you play solo now?" No, of course, you can still do it, although most of the battles you should be fighting with a platoon. When playing solo, remember that your win percentage in a session or six fights must not fall below the critical mark (your overall win percentage). If the total percentage is 50, and the session is 30, you understand that there is no point in playing further. You need to either stop or change the technique, look for a platoon. You can’t continue to merge. But what if you don’t have good playing friends and don’t even have an idea of ​​where to get them? Now we will talk about this in detail. You need to find such people by creating a company. If you write your cap correctly, you will be able to find the right people. We advise you to choose a junior or intermediate company, depending on whether you are a beginner or not. If you just started playing, you know the basics, but you still don't know how to play at all levels, choose from these two leagues. Then, over time, it will be possible to switch to the champion or absolute. And so, we compose a cap, write a platoon and the level of tanks, while we need the same level for all players without light tanks, which usually throws high. We indicate the percentage of victories on the tank or the total that you are looking for. For example, if you have 50% total, you need to take people with 50% + with about the same efficiency as yours. You can write the damage on the tank, see this characteristic using the Olenemer mod (if you do not use xvm, we advise you to install it). You cannot demand much more from the players than you have. Look for players like you with a desire to bend, win, play as a team, and improve efficiency.

What kind World tanks of Tank is it better for playing in a platoon?

Many players download one specific branch of technology, pump it up to level 10 and immediately start downloading another branch. Thus, it is unlikely that there will be a high win rate. Constantly playing with stock vehicles, you are unlikely to find a good platoon player playing the same stock vehicles. Your efficiency drops dramatically and so does your win rate. Of course, you can pump new technique, but if you are still serious about increasing your statistics, you need to choose a certain level, a tank and constantly play on it. You will study the tank thoroughly, understand all its good and bad sides, upgrade the crew, install all the equipment. Thus, having fully understood one machine, you can start bending. The tank must be good in due time.

What kind of tank to choose for such a game?

Already a long time ago, there was a certain opinion about each tank, many tanks are considered nagibator, while others are not very good. Remember, every opinion is subjective. Think your way. One and the same tank in different hands can kill everything that moves, or die in the first minute of the battle without piercing a single target. From the sixth levels, we recommend taking HellCat, KVAS. At level 7, you can choose from T29, is2. From 10 levels E-4, object 268. In general, pick up the tank that you like, on which you play best. Platoon comrades should also play on good technique with all the modules and equipment, in no case is it a drain! The crew must be top-end. So you get maximum effect from the platoon, getting to the stock players who are just pumping the next branch. To play in a platoon, you should choose tanks similar in style of play - all on medium, tank destroyer or heavy. It will be easy to interact with each other in battle. It is also worth noting that tanks of 7,8,9 levels very often fall into the bottom of the list. This is very sad. Choose tanks of the 6th level, or 10th. Premium cars of the 8th level and below (Valentine, T-27, etc.) are also well suited. Moreover, if you do not have a premium account and premium vehicles, you should pay attention to tanks of level 5.6 because of their good farming abilities, you will not leave minus in silver. It is also worth noting the servers on which, in the opinion of many players, the percentage of victories is higher - we recommend you servers 5,6 and 7 for playing in a platoon.

So how do you play in order to win more often in a platoon?

First, play extremely carefully. Do not think that since you are in a platoon you need to press and attack all the time. At the beginning of the battle, take a defensive position and wait for the enemy's actions. You've probably noticed that the extras play very carefully, they are in no hurry and often sit in a deep defense. And it’s not just that. The cost of making a mistake can be too high. You go somewhere, and you will simply be dismantled for scrap. So think 500 times before going somewhere. If you are confident in your abilities, you know what and how to do - the flag is in your hands. Well, if not, you better wait. Nobody drives you forward, coordinate your actions with the platoon, negotiate. Ideal when everyone in the platoon has a microphone. It's much easier, faster and more convenient. Many players rely on luck very much and say "oh, I'm lucky, I got extras and are now dragging in" or, on the contrary, "why are they so unlucky, why the percentage of victories is so low." You shouldn't count on luck in World of Tanks, it all depends on you and on the great Belarusian random! Try to drag yourself and in a platoon. Three people from the top seriously influence the outcome of the battle. Even if you are at the bottom, do everything to win and then you will win. The main thing is not to be discouraged, be in the mood for a good result! Analyze each loss, your strategy, technique, survival.

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

You just need to play well, do a lot of damage in battle, kill tanks. Also, the efficiency is influenced by the capture of the base, the capture of the capture, the spotting of the enemy and much more. Benefit your team and you will have high efficiency. Damage and frags have the biggest impact on efficiency. Take the vehicle that you damage well and destroy a lot of tanks in a battle. On the blind tanks efficiency lower, because you basically do not shine anyone and shoot at someone else's light. Best tank for improving efficiency- drum. To play on such a tank, you need a high skill.

If you take into account all of the above, find a platoon, take your favorite tank and upgrade it completely, learn the strategy of playing it on different maps - you will easily increase the efficiency and percentage of victories in World of Tanks! The main thing is not to give up, improve your level of play, work in a team, improve the game interface for yourself (install useful mods).