Where the kegli originated. The history of the game. Bowling: GENERAL CONCEPTS

Usually, when mentioning the word Bowling, many people think about what the new and unknown form of entertainment, which entered our life recently from the West. But as soon as they learn that it is about the game, essentially the same with a well-known senior generation of people in the Soviet times of Kegelbane, they immediately come to life and remember the mass of pleasant memories related to this, slightly forgotten in the swarm of the game. Surely many more remember how, being a child, rolled bowlban balls in a city park on Sundays with parents. After all, it was, almost single gamewhere children and adults and chiefs, and subordinates could also play, and in one word, regardless of their social status. Maybe people attracted exactly this brightly expressed democratic character of the game? But no matter how there is no bowling and there is a kind of the most well-forgotten coherelbana. The rules here are very simple. The essence of the bowling game is to knock the ball with the maximum number of Kegel for one throw, thus gaining glasses.


The history of bowling leaves its roots in deep antiquity. The prototypes of balls and kegel were found by archaeologists on excavations of ancient Egypt and dating 5200 BC. A few small stone balls were found in the tomb, three pieces of marble and nine thin kesel. Sir Finders Petri, Professor of the Egyptology of the University of London, in his monograph "The Formation of Egypt" (1939) suggested that the ball had to be thrown through the gates folded from pieces of marble. The goal was nine cerebrals built into rhombus. Thus, the first 9-koheling player may have threw the ball over 7,000 years ago.

Even the kings were playing bowling. It is said that the king Edward III put bowling out of law, because his troops were reduced by bowling troops from a bowling alley! And almost certainly Bowling was popular in England during the times of King Henry VIII.
By that time, there were many options for the game in "Kegley", as well as games in which the balls rushed to other items. This suggests that the game has modified over time.

One of the most unusual species of the game exists so far in Edinburgh. The player shakes smooth, ballped balls from the foot without holes and throws it into the bow. During such a throw, the player falls the stomach on the track. In Western Europe, there are still many options for the game with nine bowls. Bowling roots are traced in the Italian game "BOCCE", in french game "Petanque", as well as in British bowling on the lawn.
In Germany in 4 c. n. E - Bowling was part of a religious ceremony. They said that the one who knows how to sneak the kegli possesses a good character. On who missed, the Epitia lasted. Even Martin Luther played bowling. British kings Eduard II and Richard II banned bowling, because they believed that people spend wasted too much time on this game. However, Sir Francis Drake played in bowling, before going to war against the Spanish Armada.

Bowling is popular in America since colonial times. The British played Bowlipg on the grass, but the Germans introduced bowling with nine kegs, ancient gamewhich was transformed into modern bowling with ten bowls.

In the 19th century, the leading players in bowling, wanting to play in accordance with the standards, decided that the sport was needed by a set of standard rules. In 1895, they first held the American Bowling Congress. And in 1916 the first Female International Bowling Congress took place. In Russia, the popularization and development of this sport since 1996 is engaged in the "Bowling League"
In Russia, the first bowling center was equipped in Moscow at the Sosmos Hotel in the late 70s.

At the moment, Russia is a hundred-tenth member of the International Bowling Federation in the World, and the federation of sports bowling of Russia is engaged in the popularization of bowling in our country. In the regions there are sports bowling federations, subject to the center in Moscow. All without exception, regional federations with one or another periodicity are carried out tournaments and balloon championships.


The Bowling game itself goes on the system of ten kegles and consists of ten frames. Now the ball player is fed automatically, but before the machine appears to automatically feed the kegles and the ball, the kegli was installed manually. To do this, even a special position - Ping battle - from the English word PIN - KEGL. The player throws two balls in each of the first nine frames, unless at the first attempt did not happen a strike (when all the kegli are knocked down at the first throw of the ball), the strike is estimated at 10 points plus the number of kegiles, shot down by the player for the next two balls of the ball. If the side did not happen, the player is accrued as many points as he knocked down. In the tenth Frame, the player throws three balls if a strike is counted.

The ball of the ball should be done only manually. Counting points occurs at each ball throw. Except when a strike occurred at the first throw, the number of kegles, shot down by the player during the first throw of the ball, is noted in a small square in the upper left corner of the corresponding frame on the monitor, and the number of cowned by a player with a player when the ball will be shot in the square in the upper right corner frame. If none of the kegles standing in the frame, not shot down when the ball is touched, a dummer is put in the field counting field. The total account for two attempts is calculated and highlighted on the monitor immediately. The winner is the one who scored the greatest points.

In each of us laid thirst for impudent destruction. What could be more pleasant than with a crash to roll a ball in a dozen kegle? And simplicity of the rules of the bowling game makes the fans of this sport millions of people!

Bowling is a magnificent sport, outdoor activities or just entertainment. IN lately The bowling game truly has become a popular pastime and rest all over the world. Each person, at least once in his life, must try bowling on the "touch", and who experienced this pleasure, repeatedly wants to enjoy another party again and again!

History of origin

Bowling is an exciting and gamblingwhich has more than 5 thousand years. The first bowling balls were discovered in the tombs of Egypt's pharaohs. And the tracks intended for this game found by archaeologists on the territory of the ancient Polynesia are a confirmation that in the 6th century the locals actively played bowling. By the way, the length of these tracks fully coincided in length with modern - 18,228 m.

For the history of its existence, the bowling has survived many contradictory stages. For example, a long period in Germany, the game was part of a religious rite, and Kegli was identified by the pagan gods. It was believed that the more the Kegel would someone, the cleaner of his soul and motives, the better his human qualities.

There were also periods when Bowling was considered a gambling and vicious game. People played money, made bets. And since the church assured that precisely the excitement generates banditry and fraud, the game was prohibited.

And only at the end of the XIX century, bowling has become like people know this game now. General rules have been developed, the standards of the game have been established, as well as the size of the cow and balls. By the way, it was at this stage that it was decided to use for the game we are familiar to the ten boxes (previously there were only nine).

In 1895, the first American Bowling Association was formed. As a result, official rules of the game were installed. From this point on, every year the Bowling game tournaments were held in Chicago. The first tournament was held with the participation of 41 teams.

In 1916, the first congress of International Women's Bowling was held. And at the end of the 30s of the last century, the light saw special equipment for automatic lifting and placing the kegles and return balls. Prior to this appearance of these inventions, street boys often earned, performing the functions of the "Lifting of Kegel".

What is Bowling?

Bowling is a game in the balls, where the main goal is to knock down the bowls exhibited in a certain order, the launching balloon on the undercoat. Each bowling party consists of 10 stages - frames. Each player during the next frame can throw a ball twice. Depending on the number of shot down kegles, their combinations, the player earns points.

The most common combinations of shot down kegles are:

  • Strike (Strike) - 10 downed kegiles first throw in the frame
  • SPARE (SPARE) - 10 shot down kegiles in the amount of both throw in the frame
  • Split (Split) - After throwing a ball in the frame, there are no adjacent kegli


There is a huge set of bowling varieties around the world. The most popular types of this game are:

  • Bowling with 10 kegles (Classic Bowling)
  • Bowling with 5 kegs (very popular in Canada)
  • Skittls with nine kegles (popular in Europe)
  • Kendlpine Bowling (game with candles that do not have pronounced bases and peak)
  • Dakpin Bowling (game with clarition centers)

Useful tips for beginners Bowler

Before starting the game in Bowling should be familiar with not only with official rules, but also with the label of the game. This will help not only get a full pleasure from the process, but also avoid injury and other misunderstandings.

Tip No. 1.

Never throw a ball if a person stands on any of the tracks, it is dangerous, because the ball can eliminate and please in a person. In the history of bowling, there are many cases when the serving staff of the bowling has received injuries.

Tip number 2.

Bowling is positioned as a game that will suit absolutely all people. But this is not quite so, people who have problems with the back and lower back, it is better to abandon this sport, because these parts of the muscular corset get the greatest load in the process.

Tip number 3.

On the track, the sand is unacceptable, it violates the trajectory of the ball, so people always put on special shoes for the game.

Tip number 4.

Do not take bowling balls brought by another team to play and, especially, the personal balls of bowling lovers, which they independently buy and fit under their hand.

Tip number 5.

If you take into the bowling of children, choose children's balloons for them and ask the service staff to raise the sides, so that the children's game becomes more coordinated.

Tip number 6.

Choose a ball so that your fingers are easy to enter the holes, and the palm remained straightened. But with this ball should not slip or be too heavy.

Tip number 7.

For bowling, sportswear or Casual style - dresses and costumes are inappropriate.

Tip number 8.

Follow the apparatus that the kegli exposes. You can throw a ball only after the end of his work. Otherwise, you can get into the scarlet shield, pay a fine and spoil all the impression of the game.

Bowling is a game calculated not only for a special room. Fortunately, for those who are afraid of a closed space, there is a bowling - in the fresh air.

For Bowler with fresh air phobia ...

Now the most common bowling is with 10 kegles, the size of which is 38 cm long and 12 cm - diameter. The balls are usually different - from 1.7 kg to 7.3 kg, and 2 or 3 holes for the fingers are drilled in each.

Kegli candles are popular in Eastern Canada and New England. In this case, 10 kegles participate in the game, distinctive trait which is the highest ink "Growth". The ball for such bowling does not exceed 1.7 kg and does not have holes for the fingers.

Dacpine Bowling - named so because the kegli is like ducks - it is small and low. Such a game is distributed in the south of New England, in the Central Atlantic and Eastern Canada of the United States. Kehel, also - 10, and the height of them is 24 cm, the diameter of the kegley is 10 cm. There are no holes for your fingers in the ball, and it does not exceed 13 cm in diameter and 1.7 kg.

Skittls is the name of the bowling, which laid the beginning of the development of bowling with 10 kegs when they banned the game with 9 kegs. Now 9-khegel bowling is especially popular in Europe.

3-6-9 Bowling - In a sense, a lightweight bowling form using 10 cakes, in which the 3rd, 6th and 9th frames are already with the result of the Barn.

Five cakes prefer to use in Canadian bowling.

If you do not manage to establish contact with the kegs during the game - ignore them. But already consciously. Bowling - Low Ball (Low-Ball Bowling) was created for those who are predominantly waving. At the same time, Strike and SPEA - remain under the rights of winners. But in this case, each promach is a strike ... The most desirable result in this form of bowling is to shoot down 20 cakes - one by one throw.

11 frames - for those who want to correct the mistakes during 10 frames played. You choose the least, in your opinion, an unsuccessful frame, and play again. Only from you depends, it will help you this additional "frame-exchange" or vice versa.

Bowling takes (Bouruit Bowling) - to play two tracks with 10 candle-shaped bowls. In this case, all participants of the game must knock off the airship. Two players throw balls on their path. After the player won the strike, the next participant becomes in his place.

For those who, to the side, as a rule, lacking one shot down bowling, a bowling was created with a lightweight strike, in which a strike can already be considered a frame at which 9 or even 8 cakes is shot down. Spread can be considered SPEA under certain conditions.

Bowling for the team - Baker Bowling. With such a game, 5 people are involved. The first of which participates in 1 and 6 frames, the second - in 2 and 7 frames and so on. If a person is greater or less per, then, in accordance with these conditions, the order of players' output is also corrected.

Paired bowling is popular in Scotland. The first player throws the first ball, the second, respectively, the next ball. In this case, the second player is interested in the fact that the first does not knocked the strike, since the right to throw a ball for the second time under such conditions, as is known, it is lost.

Bowling with 10 kegs, which created exclusively for entertainment, not one. Among those - "Extreme Bowling", "Nitro Bowling", "Hot Bowling", "Disco Bowling", "Lunar Light Bowling" or "Space Bowling". The main part of the bowling centers and offers for its visitors such types of bowling in which is used optional equipment To create a favorable atmosphere - music, fluorescent kegli, backlight and other marketing capabilities.

Bowling for those who are afraid of a closed space ...

Such a bit, because, control the processes of games on the lawn or lawn is less convenient than indoors. Most often, players in this case are trying to get a ball at a certain point, and not for kegs. Among them are "LAWN BOWLS", "BOCCE" and "PETANQUE".

Drilling (drilling) - Individual abuser bowl under Bowler's grief.

Gutter (Gutter) - Plastic grooves on the sides of the track, where the ball gets with an unsuccessful throw. Getting into the chute can be prevented using bumpers.

FOUL - The line between the scattering zone and the track itself, crossing which is prohibited by the rules of the game. Compliance with the rules is monitored by the photocelement - the cape detector (foul) connected to the score counting system.

Pocket (Pocket) - The distance between the first and third shredded kegs. Increased in your pocket increases the chances of Etyk. For left-handed, such a distance (respectively, between the first and zone kegs) is called "Brooklyn".

Kehel (PIN) - 10 kegles set in the form of a triangle on Ping Dach, make up a target that is knocked down by a bowling ball. The height of the keg should be 38.1 cm, width - 12.065 cm; Weigh the bow should be within 1,531-1,644 kg.

Kingpin (Kingpin) - 5th Kehel, located in the middle of the 10th-kegel's most exhibited. Bowl in Kingpin Increases the likelihood of a woman.
Air conditioning (Conditioner) - Oil of a certain viscosity, applied to the track: 1) for its protection against overheating and damage when the ball is dropped into the track.

SPARE) - The game situation when the kegli is knocked out from two shots. And the second drop is shot down by all the remaining kegli.

Split (Split) - This is the position of several kegles that remained after the first throw of the ball, in which the first (head) of the bow dropped and at least one bow fell between two or several standing kegs (for example, between the 7th and 9th or 3- th and 10th), or at least one bow dropped immediately before two or more standing kegles (for example, 5-6). Split knocking does not give additional advantages, the usual sphere is counted (Spare).

Strike (Strike) - The result of the frame when all 10 kegles are shot down from the first attempt. For a strike, 10 points plus the points of the next two throws are accrued.

Strike Shot (Strike-shot) - The format of the game, when in every frame is given only one throw. When moving the first bow, glasses double. If the first bow of is not shot down, the glasses are considered in the number of lined kegiles. The game, as in the classic version, consists of 10 frames. Maximum result In this game, 200 points (10 strikes).

Arrows (Arrows) - Tags on the path intended for aiming when a ball throw.

Tournament (Match Play) - The method of the game, in which each player (team) plays against another player (team). The winner, determined by the comparison of the results with or excluding a handicap, receives tournament points for victory.

About Bowling

Bowling appeared in antiquity. The first prototypes of balls for the game Archaeologists have discovered in the grave of the child in ancient Egypt. The burial dates back to 5200 to our era. In another tomb dated about the same time, several stone balls were found, three pieces of marble and nine thin cue. The famous professor-Egyptologist Finders Petri back in 1939 suggested that in ancient times the ball had to be thrown through the built marble gates. The goal of the players was built in the form of Roma Kegli. Based on this, it can be assumed that the first ball of bowling player threw another 7,000 years ago. Then a long time about bowling was not mentioned. As a religious rite in the 3rd century, Bowling originated in Germany. Kegel was a symbol of the pagan who had to be destroyed and eradicated as a phenomenon. According to the German historian William Pel, during the rite he won the one who knocked a larger number of Kehel.
The first bowling paths were made of clay, slate or ash. The number of kegel varied from 5 to 17. Already in the 1200s, the bowling tracks became wooden, but they rarely had more to the width. At the end of the track was a rather wide platform for which Kegli was put. The width of the platform was a few feet. Traces of such tracks were discovered in Germany. But not some Germans played this game. English written documents of the 12th century contain references to a kind of game that has enjoyed great popularity in the troops. The game has become so popular that the military who should have been practiced in the archery from Luke, it left longer than at the exercises. That is why in 1366, the English king Edward III announced the game in Kegli illegal. In general, the game in Keyli was considered the game of ordinary people, but over time, became more and more popular and interesting. Back in the 15th century, the first so-called bowling centers opened in London, which were also called bowling alleys. They were a closed court for the game. After some time, such centers began to be located next to rest sites and in public places - In hotels, taverns, bars, since there are always wishes to spend time for the game. Therefore, the game in Kegley and the balls later began to change, avid players appeared, ready to give the last money to try again with happiness and smash the kegli. Repeated attempts by the authorities to ban the game led to the fact that it went to the "underground". So, in the 19th century, one of the judges decided to close all the alleys and bowling centers in London. In those time in the vicinity of the city played Skitles, Dutch Keheli and other no less popular types of bowling. That is how a new game appeared, called "Inflate Justice". Instead of 9 khegel, players were to get into one of the 9 dumped pits. Despite direct similarity with bowling new game The judge decided not to prohibit.
High popular game used in the Netherlands. In the 17th century, he got into America and acquired his modern appearance. That is why America is considered to be a place for the birth of bowling. By the way, the quarter in which the Dutch migrants lived in New York. The quarter got the name Bowling Green, which is translated as a lawn for playing balls. However, the Germans were made most to the development of bowling in America, which first appeared in the country in about the 50s of the 17th century. On comfortable lawns and in large mansions, in small alleys and quiet parks began to install wagons for bowling. Public censure caused that some bowling lovers began to play money. The authorities of some states decided to prohibit the game in balls with 9 kegs. But here there were people who went around the law - there was an option of playing with 10 kegles, which today is common most. The game got a name from the English word Bowl, which is translated as "roll balls."
In the 19th century, New York began to call the American capital of bowling. At that time, there was a huge number of immigrants from Germany. On January 1, 1840, the first closed bowling center was opened in Manhattan. The tracks in it were made of burnt clay. Over time, it began to open more and more bowling clubs, located not open-air, but in closed rooms.
In 1875, 27 Manhattan Bowling Centers united in the First National Bowling Association (NBA). The rules of the game are established, the sizes of the ball, the place of central bowls. After only five years, it was decided to publish the rules of the game in bowling, but they did not receive due attention and universal distribution. The concept of a game consisting of the already traditional 20 shots was introduced in 1890 the American Bowling League (ABL). As a result, in each round it was possible not to do three, but only two throw. Thus, it was possible to earn a maximum of 200 points. In addition, the height of the camp was reduced to 15 inches. The popularity of the game has fallen sharply due to innovations. The American League of Bowling Players (AABL), founded in 1891, has banned to play bowling for money. As a result, the game ceased to be interesting for the overwhelming majority of avid Bowler. The organization of bowling centers put forward a proposal to close the league. The proposal was supported and AABL stopped existing. Frequctaty Bowling clubs soon came to the conclusion that there is a need to create elementary rules of the game. As a result, in 1895 an American bowling congress appeared, but even this now succeeding organization then it took 10 years to conquer positions and authority.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, bowling balls were made mainly of a guy tree or bunch - solid wood species. Already in 1905, the first rubber balls appeared, and in 1914 the BRUNSWICK Corporation introduced the first rubber ball for bowling.
Gradually, the number of centers for the game in the loved bowling began to grow, but when opening new bowling centers, constantly arose technical problems. The lack of boys who installed the kegli sheds were acutely felt. In addition to the fact that young assistants demanded a high fee, were dirty, they were also hambili to visitors. But even such small workers were all gold. The decision was found quite by chance. In the 30s, George Berkeley was managed by one of the small bowling centers, and the institution often visited Gottfried Schmidt, an engineer from Dexter Foddera. Somehow Berkeley looked at the Schmidt when he was at work and became interested in the car, which sucking the paper and thus raised her, then putting it on pressing and packing cars. An idea arose to adapt these machines to raise the cue. Meanwhile, this problem was unsuccessful to solve Bob Kennedy unsuccessfully. The development of Schmidt and Berkeley, he liked, but he never managed to take advantage of them - the company did not show interest in the development, began to search for sponsors of investors and sponsors that would help in creating Pinspotter. When the second began world War, about bowling and forgot. In 1945, the Vice-President of AMF Morkers Patterson acquired a patent for the manufacture of Pinspotter, and after a year it was possible to look at the new invention at the exhibition. The first Pinspotter was installed in Michigan in 1951, and next year the first industrial models appeared. These simple cars allowed to save huge funds for the wages of boys, who when manually put Kegeli - one mechanic could easily monitor immediately behind several tracks.
Now the systems have become automatic, the number of bowling centers has grown at times. By the way, the largest bowling center with 141 track is located in Japan.