Billiards rules - Carom (French billiards). Three-breasted carom Rules of the game of carom billiards

I, m. Carambole f. 1. In a billiard game, hitting several strangers with your own ball. SIS 1954. Since yesterday, you know, in my head there are some volts, maneuvers, cannons, the devil knows what it is. N. Novosiltsev Fragments of the old nobility. // Case 1877 3 1 196. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

CANNON- (French carambole). A red ball in a billiard game, as well as the touch of a playing ball to another. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. CARAMBOL 1) in a billiard game there is such a move in which a playing ball ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Cannon- came out (inosk.) collision, noise, revelry (a hint of a cannon in a billiard game, a blow of a game ball on two other bounces). Wed The owner stood at the door and looked around his office with a contented look. Whatever the argument ends, only ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

cannon- major collision, scandal, incident (SSRLA, v. 5) See ... Synonym dictionary

CANNON- CARAMBOL, carom, husband. (French carambole) (sports). A blow in a billiard game, when a ball bounced off another hits a third one. || The most game based on such blows. How will we play: carom or pyramid? Explanatory dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CANNON- husband. in a billiard game: hitting the game ball on the other two, bouncing. Cannabis, related to cannon. Carambol, make a carambole, beat a ball with a carambole. Caramoblacier husband. who makes cannons. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

CANNON- (from French carambole red billiard ball) ..1) in a billiard game, hitting a few strangers with your own ball2)] Billiard game in three balls; party of 48 points with carambola ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CANNON- CARAMBOL, me, husband. In billiards: a rebound hit into a ball with a ball, which bounced off another ball. Make to. | adj. cannon, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

cannon- Two consecutive collisions of balls. Billiards topics ... Technical translator's guide

Cannon- Cannon tables This term has other meanings, see Cannon (disambiguation). Cannon bi ... Wikipedia

CANNON- I am; m. [French. carambole] A shot in a billiard game where a ball bounces off another and ricochets into a third. Make k. // Three-ball billiard game with the use of such a blow. Play k. ◁ Cannon, oh, oh. K th party. * * * CARAMBOL ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Billiard tricks and tricks. Poole and Carom, Robert Byrne, A new book by the acclaimed luminary of modern billiard literature, Robert Byrne, pays homage to the entertaining aspects of billiards. The author describes and helps to learn the "masterpieces of the genre" - the most ... Publisher: Grand, Buy for 480 rubles
  • Carambole-lines, Sergei Tsimbalenko, Sergei Tsimbalenko - a poet who challenged not only Russian poetry, but also the Russian literary language. The author does not just destroy the established perception of versification - he creates his own ... Publisher:

The main form in all manners of playing (except for the artistic strike) is the party, i.e. a duel with an opponent. Before the start of each game, it is determined who starts the game. In this case, both players simultaneously hit the ball in the direction of the far short side of the billiard table.

The player whose ball is closer to the other short side can determine who starts the game. The player who starts the game always plays with the ball marked with a dot. The opponent's ball is an unmarked white ball. If the player makes a mistake, the right to play passes to the opponent.

If the player who started the game is the first to score the required number of points, then the opponent has the right to a so-called retaliatory strike in order to be able to equalize the score. In this case, the balls are set in the same way as during the initial impact. The European and World Championships are held as individual championships only on a large billiard with at least 8 participants.

Manners of the game.

According to the degree of difficulty, the following playing manners differ: free game with corner lines, frame games, playing with one side, playing with three sides, artistic blow.

Free party.

Its features are angular lines drawn with chalk (protective fields). On them, the player has the right to make only 2 cannons one after the other, including carom when both balls come into play.

Then one of the game balls - at least temporarily - must be drawn out of the drawn triangle. If this fails, then the right to strike passes to the opponent. In this case, the last carom does not count.

Frame parties.

The play area is divided by chalk lines into protective fields. The numbers 47 and 71 in front of the oblique line mean at what distance in cm the lines should be drawn on the big billiards. The number 2 after the oblique line means that only one cannon can be carried out within one barrier field and that at the second hit at least one game ball must be knocked out.

The number 1 after the slanting line means that one of the game balls must be knocked out immediately on the first stroke. Therefore, both styles of play are referred to as a two-hit frame and a one-hit frame. In addition, there are square barrage margins marked with a side length of 17.8 cm, for which the same restrictions apply as for the margins of the frame.

If frame games are played on tournament billiards, then the division playing field set exactly in relation to big billiards; frames 35/2 and 35/1 correspond to frames 47/2 and 47/1, frames 52/2 and 52/1 correspond to frames 71/2 and 71/1. The lines then pass 35 or 52.5 cm from the sheerline.

One-board game and three-board game.

One-board game and three-board game. When playing with one side, the ball is expected to come into contact with at least one side before the cannon is played. In a three-board game, the ball must hit the board 3 times before the cannon follows. At the same time, there is no marking on the billiards.


Errors, as a result of which an opponent enters the game, are:

  • his ball flies off the table;
  • carom is not performed;
  • the game is played with the opponent's ball;
  • during the impact, the striker's leg does not touch the floor;
  • the balls remain motionless on impact;
  • the rules that are binding for frame parties and board games are violated.

Special rules.

Specific rules set out how a player should behave when the ball is pressed and how he should act in such a case.

So, for example, in a free party there is a "forced" stop, while in other manners of the game the right to choose is given. In addition, there are special rules for placing balls in a three-sided manner of play. Strict rules also exist for demeanor during games and during competitions, often of many days.

So, for example, a player, while the opponent is in the game, must be at the appropriate distance, in his intended place, and refrain from any utterances that interfere with the opponent.

Violations can lead to the loss of the game and, under certain conditions, to the exclusion of the delinquent from the general competition by the tournament director. During the party, there is an absolute ban on alcohol and drugs.


By analogy with others sports games each game won is estimated with 2 points, a draw game with 1 point. If, after the end of individual competitions (consisting of several games), both best players equilibrium on points is found, then an additional game is assigned.

In the event of a tie, the overall average, the best individual average, and the maximum streak achieved in that competition are decisive. If there are 3 or more players with the same points, then in this case the best average result decides, and in case of equilibrium, the above criteria are used.

The best individual average is the best average that a player has achieved in a game won or tied. The maximum streak is the highest streak of cannons. In team competitions, in the same way - by analogy, for each victory of one team over another - 2 or 1 point is scored.

If the number of points is equal, in each case the greatest number of points in the games during the entire competition is decisive. If a balance is observed here, then the best average team result decides. The scoring is done in the same way as in the singles competition.

Cannon Is a type of billiards game. This is also the definition of a blow, when the cue-ball (the ball on which the blow is struck) successively collides with two aiming balls.
The game of billiards Carom and the following rules (for tables, balls and equipment) are as described in the equipment specifications. BCA standards.
Balls used in the game Carom, one red ball and two white ones. Each player has his own white ball, which serves when executed. hitting a chock. The red ball cannot be crammed.
As distinctive signs for the cue ball, there is a mark on each of them: two or three dots.
The 4-ball carom game uses 4 balls.
It is considered correct to hit the cue ball if it is applied with a cue stick. Player performing. strike is selected as follows:
1. The rolling procedure (it is only rolling that is used in official competitions).
2. By lot.
The player who wins the toss or roll is made by the boss himself. blow or succumb to his opponent.

Roll, i.e. drawing chief blow in the game "Cannon".

A red ball is placed on the back mark (except for the game Cannon with 4 balls). A blow is carried out from behind the front line "from the hand". One player is on the left, and the other is on the right in relation to the front mark. Strikes are made simultaneously, heading to the rear. side and back to the front side. The right wins first. hitting the player whose cue-ball is closer to the front board. The ball must touch the tailgate at least once. Other side impacts are not taken into account. A roll is considered to be automatically lost if:
1. The ball is in the opponent's half of the table.
2. The ball did not touch the rear. boards never.
3. The ball jumped out of the table.
4. The ball is touched. until the red ball.

The roll-out procedure is repeated once more if both players have violations (see above) or it is difficult for the referee to determine which of the balls is closer. During the roll, the players strike at the same time (there may not be absolute synchronization).

Choosing a cue ball in the game "Carambol".

The one who won the roll has the right to choose. cue ball (marked or solid white). He will use this cue ball throughout the game. With an odd number of players, a ball is used as a cue-ball, which was not a cue-ball at the previous stroke (the game “Carambole with 4 balls” is an exception, in which balls are placed according to a different scheme).

The first target ball in the game

The kicker must first touch the red ball and then touch the opponent's cue ball. It is considered an error if the cue-ball first touched the opponent's cue-ball. In this case, the streak for the player ends, the point scored will not be counted (the game "Carom with four balls" will be an exception). The sequence of contacts with the red (and in the game "Cannon with four balls") and white balls is unimportant for all subsequent strokes. In the next shots, the first aiming ball can be selected both the red ball (pink in the game "Cannon with four balls"), as well as the opponent's cue ball. The Red Ball is an exception.

Foot on the floor while playing Cannon.

At the time of contact between the cue ball and the sticker (i.e. at the moment of impact), one of the player's feet must be on the floor, otherwise the hit will be considered a foul. The size, shape and way of wearing the shoe must be optimal.

Have you ever wondered how you perceive the outside world? First of all, you must start with yourself and understand yourself in this world.

Impact while the balls are moving

If any other ball on the table moves during the execution of a hit, the hit being executed is considered a violation. A ball rotating in place is considered to be moving.

Completion of the blow.

Until then, the blow is considered incomplete (and therefore not counted), until the balls on the table stop (all, even rotating in place).

Foul on contact. balls.

A hit is not valid (i.e. it will be a violation) if the cue ball is in play and any object ball touches something (clothing, crayon, body, etc.) other than the cue stick, the contact of which with the cue ball during execution a correct hit is allowed only once.

Double hit foul in Cannon game.

It is considered a violation if during the stroke the cue stick touches the cue ball more than once. A referee's decision that the cue stick touched the cue ball when it touches the target ball is a foul.
If, in the opinion of the judge (and he proceeds from the nature of the position of the balls, their behavior, sound during the blow, there were two separate contacts of the cue ball and the stick of the cue, then such a blow is considered a violation.

Foul when pushing

If, in the process of hitting the cue ball with a cue sticker, it is pushed through so that the contact continues for more than an instant, which corresponds to a normal hit, then such a hit is considered a violation. A hit will be considered a foul if during it a player pushes or pushes the cue ball with a cue stick.

Jumped out cue ball.

If, after hitting, the cue ball jumped out of the playing surface of the table, then this is a violation.

General rules for a foul.

Penalties for violations in different games differ. However, a number general rules still exists:
-The one who broke the rules ends the streak.
-Previous points are not counted.

Wrong jump in the game "Cannon".

It is considered a violation when a player, when striking below the center of the cue-ball ("tossing" or "picking" the cue-ball), lifts it off the table in order to bypass the interfering ball. Such a jump is called accidentally and is not always considered a foul, but when the tip or the shaft touches the cue-ball during the shot, it is still considered a foul.

Intentional foul penalty.

Strikes on the cue ball, which is in the game, are applied only with the cue stick (tip, shaft, etc.) and nothing more. According to the rules, such strikes are a violation.
If the blow is struck deliberately, the referee warns the player and warns that, repeating a similar violation, he will lose and the defeat will be counted.

Spontaneously moving balls in the game "Cannon".

A ball that is rolling, turning, shifting, or otherwise moving spontaneously must be left in position. Then the game continues.

Responsibility of the player for violation of the rules in the game

If the player has brought crayons, cars, cue stick editors or uses other objects near the table, then he is responsible for them. It happens that the player knocks the tip of the machine or drops the chalk. In the event that an object touches any ball that is in play, the player is also responsible.

Popped balls.

The balls that jumped out are those that, after the impact, went beyond the surface of the table (board, floor). In the course of the game, balls sometimes jump out onto the surface of the board. If they independently, without touching any object that is not part of the table, returned to the playing surface, then they will not be considered as having jumped out.
And if the balls touched, for example, the fixture of a lamp, a crayon on the side, etc., that is, they touched something that is not the surface of the table, they are considered to have jumped out, although they independently returned to the surface of the table. After the balls have stopped on the table, the popped balls are exposed (see the item "Exposing the popped balls").

Intervention not caused by the player.

If during the match there was a movement of the balls that was not caused by the players (even when the player is pushed, as a result of which the position of the balls will change), then the previous position is restored as accurately as possible. No penalty is imposed. Game continues. In an official competition, the referee restores the position of the balls himself. In the event of any impact of the elements (hurricanes, earthquakes, power outages), this rule is also valid.

Determining the correct wagering in the game Cannon.

If, after the contact of the cue ball with the object ball, at least one ball is brought to the side, the wagering will be performed correctly. However, according to the rules of the Three-Breasted Cannon game, deliberate wagering is prohibited (according to the United States Association (USBA).

Limit on the number of wagering.

You cannot perform several deliberate wagering in a row. If the last series ended with a wagering, then the player is obliged at the beginning of the next game approach to make an attempt at an effective hit. It would be a violation of this rule not to comply. (The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to the rules of the game "Three-breasted cannon".)

Impact after roleplaying

If a player commits an intentional role-back or an offense, that player must take the “post-play shot” at the start of the next streak, i.e. strive for a productive blow. A foul is called against the player who starts playing again. A foul call in this case does not depend on whether the conditions of correct wagering have been met or not. (The requirements of this clause do not apply to the rules of the game "Three-breasted cannon according to the version of the United States Billiards Association.)"

Spotting popped balls.

The cue ball is set to the front mark if it has jumped out.
If the front mark is occupied, then it is set to the back mark, and if it is also occupied, then it is set to the middle mark.
If the white aiming ball is popped out, it will be positioned to the front mark. (If it is busy, then the cue-ball is set to the back mark; if it is also busy, it is set to the middle mark).
If the red aiming ball pops out, then it is set to the rear mark. (If it is busy, the ball is placed on the front mark, if it is also busy, then on the middle one).
In the case of both the aiming ball and the cue ball jumping out, the cue ball is set first, followed by the aiming ball (according to the rules described above).
When both pop out aiming balls they are set according to the rules described above.
If the mark is intended for placing an aiming ball, and the cue ball occupies it, then the aiming ball is set first, the mark of which is not occupied. The next one is set according to the rules described above.

Types of carom.

1. Single-breasted.

The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points before the opponent.
a) the cue-ball touched at least one side, and then successively two target balls.
b) the cue ball touches an object ball, then the side, and then another object ball.
In case of an error, one point is deducted from the player's account. It is allowed to continue the approach with a successful hit.

2. Three-breasted.

The goal is the same as the goal of the single-breasted cannon.
A hit is considered effective if
a) the cue-ball touched three sides (at least), and then successively touched two object balls.
b) the cue ball touches an object ball, then three sides, and then another object ball.
c) the cue-ball touched the side, then the object ball, then two more sides, and then another aiming ball.
d) the cue-ball touches two sides, then an object ball, then another side, and then another object ball.
A foul is called if, after hitting, several balls (or one) go off the table. Performing deliberate wagering (provided that the aiming ball is close to the side), it is necessary that after the collision of the aiming ball and the cue ball, each of them touches the side (the cue ball - any, and the aiming ball reaches the other side).
You can continue the approach after the effective strike. The right to strike passes to the opponent if the player makes a mistake. In this case, points are not deducted from the account.

3. Open party.

Features of an open party.
The cue ball does not need to be in contact with the balls. One point is awarded for a hit. In the triangular zones outlined in the corners of the table, only one cannon can be made, after which a blow is necessarily made, after which the partner's cue ball or the red ball must leave this zone in order to continue the series of blows. The blow goes to the opponent if the ball has not left the zone. In this case, no penalty will be charged.

4. Frame 47/1.

There are 9 zones on the table: three zones are rectangular and at short sides (side 47 cm) there are six squares. With the balls collected in each zone, only one cannon is made, then the cue ball or the opponent's red ball must leave the zone. The ball that left the zone has the right to return to continue the next cannon (one) in the same zone.

5. Frame 74/2.

There are 6 zones on the table: the table is divided in half along the long sides by one line. Two more lines run parallel to the short sides (at a distance of 74cm). It is allowed to perform two cannons in a row in each of the zones.

6. Artistic carom.

This game requires that the number and sequence of collisions of the cue ball with the boards and aiming balls are strictly defined for a particular case. The position of the balls for each hit is determined. One or more chips can be placed on the table (in some positions) to determine the trajectory of the balls.
The player is allowed three attempts to hit. If the ball is successful, then 4 to 11 points are awarded (the number of points depends on the degree of difficulty). A random sample of 76 required positions determines the positions for any competition. The hit will be unsuccessful (although all conditions are met) if, after the hit, one of the balls leaves the table.

The success of strikes in many positions is due to the use of rare techniques (mass strikes, extreme cutting). They are just not used in other billiard games, in other types of carom. These blows are like tricks. They are very artistic. That is why they called the cannon artistic.
World championships have been held in this game since 1986. The maximum number of points (447) was scored by the Belgian in 2006. In 2008, the championship took place in Belgium. In the final, the player Hasi Arap Yaman (Turkey) defeated the titled Javier Fonellos in a five-set match. (Spain).

Historical excursion

Mankind learned to play with balls so long ago that history has not preserved any, even an approximate, date of their origin. Many researchers of the history of billiards believe that this game came to Europe from Asia.

Exists great amount ways to play billiards. There is an American, there is a Russian billiards, there is an English version of billiards - snooker, and there is a French version - carom. That's what we'll talk about, since this is a non-standard game that requires special skills and abilities.

Fans of billiards associate its popularity in Europe with the French king Louis XI, since at the end of the 15th century he ordered a personal billiard table. However, the first recorded mention of the game of three balls (one red and two white with colored marks) dates back to 1775. At first, carom was played on ordinary billiard tables with pockets, but already at the beginning of the 19th century, special holeless tables were made for this game.

Women got the right to play billiards much later than men. And most likely, thanks to the love for this "male" game of female crowned heads. As you know, Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots), Empress Anna Ioannovna liked to play billiards, with whom billiard tables were in hotels, taverns and even barracks. Actually, billiards appeared in Russia under Peter I, who brought the first table for cannon from Holland. And only much later in Russia they began to play on tables with pockets, after which the "Russian pyramid" appeared.

Basic types and rules of the game

So, carom, like other types of billiards, has several subspecies. While the overall goal of the game is to score the most points, the way you score them varies by species.

In "Single-breasted carambola" they usually use a white, yellow and red ball. The game is played up to 30 or 60 points.

The players carry out a series of blows, each of which must end in contact of the cue ball with the aiming ball either after hitting one or more sides, or after hitting the aiming ball, touch the side and hit the second aiming ball.

You also need to score from 30 to 60 points in "Three-breasted carambola". Each hit is worth a point, which is awarded if the cue ball touches an object ball, then touches three or more sides and hits a second object ball. It is also possible that the cue ball hits three or more sides and then touches two object balls. Or the cue ball hits the target balls interspersed with the touching of the boards.

Cannon "Open game" is played up to 400 or 500 points. It differs in that corner zones are allocated on the billiard table, in which only one cannon can be made, after which the partner's red ball or cue ball must be knocked out of this zone.

The difference between the following two types of cannons "Kadre 47/1" and "Kadre 74/2" is in the table layout and the number of cannons that can be made in each zone (the size of the zones and the number of cannons are clear from the name). The player must score 15 points in each game to win, and the game scores up to three wins.

In the Mediterranean countries, the game "Cannon with chips" is popular, the meaning of which is that points are gained not only by performing correct blows, but also by knocking down the chips.

The most interesting and entertaining variety of the game is Artistic Carom, which is gaining in popularity. Since 1986, even world championships have been held in this type of billiards. In this type of cannon, there are 76 mandatory positions, for each of which you need to perform a blow with a strictly regulated number of contacts of the cue ball with aiming balls and sides. Points are awarded for each correct hit from 4 to 11 (depending on the difficulty). To achieve the result, blows are used (extreme cutting, blows to the mass), which are not used in other types of billiards.

Features of the carom billiard table

The peculiarity of carom tables is that they are made with a heated plate. For what? Since, when hitting a carambola, the ball makes rotational movements along fantastic trajectories, its sliding on the felt must be flawless, and heating increases the roll speed three times. The dimensions of the carom table are standard - 9 or 10 feet, height - 74.9 cm.

Billiard balls for carom can weigh from 198 to 220 grams, and have a diameter of 60 to 62 mm. Billiard cue for carom can be either whole or composite, weighing 480-520 g, length from 1350 to 1500 mm and made of any material.

Where is carom played?

Carom is most widespread in Europe (Spain, Holland, Greece, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Austria), Russia, North and South America (USA, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador), Egypt and Turkey, Vietnam, Korea, Japan.

This year, Antwerp hosted the 66th World Three-Breasted Carom Championship, and the first took place in 1928 in France (Reims). The first world title in carom belongs to Edmund Soussa (Egypt).

Secrets of an exciting board game - checkers!

The history of the appearance of this species board game how chessmata is still unknown, but still there are many different legends and versions. According to one of the many legends, shashmat was invented by an ancient Greek hero, whose name is Palamed, a participant in the siege of Troy. As we know, the siege of Troy lasted for 10 long years, and in order not to get bored, Palamed began to draw cells on the ground, as a result of which such an exciting game appeared.

Russian billiards

Almost all experts agree that the birthplace of billiards is Asia. But some argue that billiards appeared in India or China. We can safely say that, according to the nature of the national character, almost all inventions that were made by the Chinese were rarely brought to any perfection. So Chinese billiards has remained the most ordinary uncomplicated children's toy to this day.

- this is one of the varieties of a billiard game, and this is also the name of a blow, after which a ball (cue ball) is struck with a cue, alternately in contact with two aiming balls.

Inventory for playing Carom:


On carom table there are no pockets. The standard length of the playing field is 2840 (± 5) mm, and the width is 1420 (± 5) mm. The playing surface of the table is based on a slate plate with a thickness of 45 mm or more. The height of the rubber boards limiting the playing field is 37 (± 1) mm.


Cloth for carom coarse, made from pure worsted wool, this cloth gives the least resistance to rolling and ball rotation imparted. the color of the cloth is usually green.


Kit balls for cannon consists of three balls (one white ball, one white ball with black or red dots, or a pure yellow ball, and a red ball). The size of balls for playing carom is 61 - 61.5 mm in diameter, the weight of the ball is 205 - 220 grams. The difference in mass between balls from the same set should not exceed two grams.

Carom cues can be of any size and design (one-piece, composite), they can be made of any material. In one meeting, a player can play several cues.

General rules for playing carom:

Arrangement of balls

When placing balls, a red ball is placed on the back mark, the opponent's cue-ball is placed on the front mark, and the player's cue-ball is placed on the front line at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters from the front mark.

Starting kick in carambola

The kick-off must be taken so that the cue-ball first touches the red ball. In all subsequent strokes, the cue-ball may touch the red and white (yellow) ball in any order.

Roleplaying in carambola

When performing wagering, it is necessary that after touching the cue ball and the aiming ball, at least one of them touches the board. The rules prohibit wagering twice in a row.

Spotting balls in carambola

In the case when the cue-ball, after hitting, stops outside the playing surface of the table, it is put on the front mark, if the front mark is occupied, the cue-ball is placed on the back mark, if both the front and rear marks are occupied, the ball is put on the middle mark. If, after hitting, a white (yellow) aiming ball is outside the playing surface of the table, it is placed on the table according to the same principle as the cue ball. If, after a blow has been performed, a red aiming ball appears outside the playing surface of the table, it is placed on the table, depending on the occupancy of the marks, according to the principle of rear mark - front mark - middle mark. When, after a hit, two balls (the cue-ball and an aiming ball) are outside the playing field, the cue-ball is set first, and then an aiming ball is set, the setting is carried out according to the above rules. In the event that, after a blow has been made, both object balls are outside the playing field, they are placed on the table in accordance with the above rules. In this case, if the place of one of the targeting balls is occupied by the cue ball, then first the target ball, the place of which is not occupied, is set, and then the second target ball is set at the middle mark. Well, if, after a perfect blow, all three balls leave the playing field at once, they are placed on the table as when performing the initial blow.

Cue ball close to the aiming ball

When, after a stroke, the cue-ball comes to rest close to an object ball, the player taking the next stroke may:

- place contacting balls: red to the back point, your own cue-ball to the front point, and the opponent's cue-ball to the center point. When the corresponding mark is occupied, the ball is positioned on the point that is intended for the interfering aiming ball;

- execute a blow to the side of the aiming ball, in other words, the cue ball must touch the board or a free aiming ball, and then come into contact with the aiming ball, with which it was standing close before.

Cue ball close to the board

When, after a hit, the cue-ball stops close to the board, the player performing the next hit can play from the same board, but if the rules stipulate a mandatory number of collisions with the boards, then the first collision with this board is not counted. All subsequent collisions with this side are taken into account.

The point of the game is to gain a certain number of points faster than your opponent. For each correctly executed blow, one point is added to the player. A hit is considered effective and a point is awarded for it if:

- the cue ball touches at least one side, after which it alternately touches two aiming balls;

- the cue ball first touched one of the targeting balls, after which it bounced off the side and touched the second targeting ball.

Fundamental rules: Each effective hit gives the right to take another hit. For each incorrect hit, one point is taken from the player who performed it.

Three-breasted cannon

The object of the game is similar to that of the single-breasted cannon.

A hit is considered effective and a point is awarded for it if:

- the cue ball touches at least three sides, after which it alternately touches two aiming balls;

- the cue ball hit the first object ball, then touched at least three sides, and then came into contact with the second object ball;

- the cue ball hit the side, after which it came into contact with one of the aiming balls, and then, reflecting from at least two more sides, touched the second aiming ball;

- the cue ball bounced off two sides, hit an aiming ball, and then touched another side and another aiming ball.

Basic rules of a three-breasted cannon: In the event that, as a result of the hit, one or more balls are outside the playing surface of the table, a penalty is declared. When performing wagering, when the aiming ball is located close to the side, it is necessary that after the cue ball touches the aiming ball, it would reach the other side or the cue ball itself touches any side. A successful hit gives the right to the next hit. If a player makes a mistake, the right to strike passes to his opponent, while points are not deducted from his account.

Open party

When hitting the cue ball, it is not necessary to touch the boards. Each successful hit is worth one point to the player. At the corners of the table, triangular zones are drawn, within the boundaries of one zone it is allowed to make only one cannon, after which it is necessary to perform a blow in which at least one of the aiming balls leaves this zone for the possibility of further continuation of the series of blows. In the event that one of the target balls after the impact did not roll out of the zone, the impact goes to the other player, no penalty is imposed.

The playing surface of the table is divided into nine square zones (six squares 47 × 47 centimeters on each of the short boards) and three rectangular zones. In each separate zone, only one cannon is played with the balls collected in it, while one of the aiming balls must leave this zone. Then the ball that left the zone can be returned to the same zone to play the next (and again only the 1st) cannon. The marking of the table's playing field into zones during official tournaments can be done by drawing thin lines on a cloth, but nevertheless, in practice this is rarely done. For a purely visual definition of the boundaries of zones, special labels ( diamonds) in the form of circles or rhombuses applied to the edging of the sides of the table.

The playing surface of the table is divided into six zones (one longitudinal line divides the table into two equal halves, two more lines run across the table parallel to the short sides at a distance of 74 centimeters from them). In each separate zone it is allowed to play two cannons in a row.

Carom with chips

Carom with chips is very popular in Italy and other Mediterranean countries. In general, the rules for a cannon with chips are very similar to the rules for a single-breasted cannon. Main feature this variety of carom are the five pieces used in the game. The counters are wooden pins 7 - 9 millimeters in diameter, the height of the counters is 25 - 30 millimeters. One of the chips is called the "king", it is highlighted in a different color or slightly larger than the rest of the chips. The pins are set in the center of the table in the shape of a cross (along the axial lines), the distance between the chips is slightly larger than the diameter of the balls, and the “king” is placed in the center of the cross. Points are gained not only by the principle of a single-breasted cannon, but also by knocking down chips. Most points can be earned by managing to knock down the "king" without hitting the rest of the chips. The knocked-down chips are re-placed on the table before the next blow.

Artistic carom

Artistic carom differs from all other types of cannon in that when playing artistic carom, the player is obliged to produce blows with clearly indicated, for each specific blow, the number and sequence of impacts of the cue ball with aiming balls and sides. Before each hit, the balls on the table are set in a certain way. In certain situations, one or more chips can be placed on the playing surface of the table, which determine the trajectory of the balls.

A player is given 3 attempts to execute a blow, for each successfully executed blow he is awarded 4 - 11 points, the exact number of points depends on the complexity of a particular blow. The collection of positions for an individual competition is determined by randomly selecting from 76 mandatory positions. In the event that during a stroke all its conditions are met, but at the same time any of the balls stopped outside the playing surface of the table, the stroke is not counted.

To successfully execute strikes in many positions, players have to use techniques (incredible cutting, strong cue ball rotation), which are not often used in other types of carom and other types of billiard games. It is because of this that such strikes are often called stunt or artistic, hence the name of the game itself.

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