How to use the witch's table in minecraft. Enchanting table. How to get the maximum effect

Minecraft game- a real find for lovers of a variety of magic tricks. Here you can create the most diverse magic inventory that will make game process really rich and dynamic. The main item for creating magical items is the enchanting table. In this article we will tell you about all the features of this device and show you how how to make an enchantment in Minecraft.

What is an enchanting table?

Before deciding on the construction of a table for this purpose, it would be nice to understand what it is. As the name implies, the enchantment is designed to enchant a variety of items in Minecraft. Such things will be a valuable asset for any player. They will find application both in battle and in simple everyday crafting of things.

How to make an enchanting table

In order to create an enchantment, you need to stock up on the appropriate set of ingredients. For this we need: two diamonds, four obsidians and a hand-made book. Those who already have experience playing Minecraft will probably notice that these ingredients are not so easy to get. Yes, the creation process itself is complex and time consuming. But the results are well worth the time.

Do you already have the ingredients you need? Well, let's start crafting, the apogee of which will be a fairly original table for enchanting items. The enchanting house itself takes up a little less space than an ordinary block ¼. A book is placed on the table, which is now and then turned over on the sides. When the character approaches the table, the book begins to open, and its pages begin to move. This fascinating spectacle will impress absolutely no player.

Material base for creating a table

You already know that finding the right ingredients is difficult. This is understandable game plot... Magic was never too easy and simple. Therefore, you will have to make a lot of effort. We will show you where to find required elements to create a charm.


Naturally, diamonds are mined in mines. It makes sense that in order to find these ingredients, it is worth going into these careers. Diamonds are placed in areas of underground lavas. To get them you will have to work with a special pickaxe. Also, don't forget about torches. Take them with you, as there is no lighting in the mines.


Got Diamonds? Create a pickaxe out of them. It is essential to mine obsidian. The material itself is so durable that it is not possible to work with them without the above equipment. Take a bucket full of water and extinguish a small section of lava with it. Obsidian can be obtained from the resulting mixture.


To get the book, you need to get the skin and a few pages of paper. To obtain the first ingredient, it is worth killing several cows.

Item enchantment


Let's go directly to the witchcraft processes. If you are lucky enough to see enchantment tables from more experienced players, you will probably notice that they are almost furnished with bookcases on all sides. There is absolutely nothing strange in this: these items multiply the effectiveness of enchanting things. Therefore, it will be quite rational to create several such items, for which it is worth stocking up on boards and books. We place them on the board in the required order. Voila: craft started! Try to create as many of the indicated items as possible.

Improving the sword

Now let's move on to a process that many players around the world dream about: enchanting the sword. In order to be able to get several times more experience, you can try to engage in a fight with mobs. In order not to suffer in such a difficult battle, you can use this type of weapon. Place the common sword on the table in one of the empty slots. Several options for enchanting weapons will appear on the screen. It is worth choosing the one that best suits the level of experience earned. Taking into account the nearby bookcases, the weapon will be enchanted several times stronger.

As you can see, creating and using an enchant table is not that difficult. Just be patient, and the gameplay will reward you a hundredfold.

If during the game in Minecraft you often use melee weapons, then sooner or later you will have a question with its upgrade, especially when a diamond sword falls into your hands. You can pump it using an enchanting table, by building which you can improve almost any melee weapon. With the help of enchantments, you can increase the power of weapons and add various features. Unfortunately, not all swords lend themselves to total upgrade. For example, those dropped by zombie pigmen have a 20% chance to be enchanted. The diamond sword, on the other hand, is freely enchanted, and, in addition to the obvious benefits, it also gives an aesthetic pleasure - it shines beautifully and shimmers.

How the enchanting table is made in Minecraft

You need to craft an enchanting table on a workbench, but this requires certain items: obsidian, diamonds and a book. You need to arrange these items as follows - we put three obsidian blocks in the bottom row of the crafting grid, and the fourth block is placed in the middle of the second row. Place two diamonds on the sides of this block, and on top, above it, place a book. The location of the table itself relative to surrounding objects also has great importance... For example, by placing it next to a bookcase, you can more effectively enchant armor and tools.

Having finished with the creation of the table, you can begin to enchant the sword. To do this, you need to place it in a slot on the table, but before that, check if you have enough experience to enchant it. If you have a high level of experience, then, accordingly, your sword will be many times more effective. The enchanting cost can be seen after we place our sword in the slot of the table. It will appear opposite each of the three enchantment options, which are randomly generated. Accordingly, we choose the option that suits us the most and for which we have enough experience. The more expensive the enchanting option, the more effective enchantment combination we can give to our sword. If you placed the table in front of the bookcase at a distance of one block, then you have the opportunity to increase the maximum level of experience that can be used to enchant your sword. Accordingly, the more cabinets around the table, the greater the level of experience - however, this only works if the number of cabinets does not exceed 15, and there are no blocks or objects between them and the table. Even torches and snow do not provide an opportunity to get an additional bonus to enchantments.

Enchanting Difficulties and Enchanting Effects

Since the enchantments are generated randomly, enchanting our sword for the required effect is not so easy. To do this, you need to repeatedly place the sword in the cell of the table.

The table allows us to cast 6 enchantments on the sword:
1) Sharpness
2) Heavenly punishment
3) Scourge of arthropods
4) Knockback
5) Aspect of Fire
6) Looting

The first three of them are combat, and the remaining three are special. Combat enchantments increase sword damage when fighting mobs. So, for example, "sharpness" applies to all types of monsters; "Heavenly punishment" strikes at all kinds of otherworldly evil, but the "scourge of arthropods", as the name suggests, will help you in the fight against spiders and silverfish. These three enchantments work strictly separately from each other, and the damage from them is determined randomly, with each hit. All of these enchantments can be upgraded to level 5, however, the "sharpness" enchantment of this level can only be applied to a golden sword. Although, if you really want to have a sword made of any material with a level 5, no one bothers to forge together two swords with a "sharpness" of level 4.

Special enchantments also help us in the difficult fight against mobs. "Knockback" throws them in different directions; The "aspect of fire" roasts them until crisp, which, by the way, is applicable not only in combat. For example, when mass slaughtering animals, using this enchant, instead of raw meat, you will get fried, thereby saving on resources that are usually spent on cooking. "Looting" not only gives us the opportunity to increase the drop from mobs, but also increases the likelihood of a unique drop. This enchantment can be pumped up to three levels. The previous two swing only up to the 2nd level.

With the use of enchantments in battle, as a rule, no one has any questions, but with the imposition of these enchantments on a sword, not everything is so simple. To enchant a sword correctly, you need to adhere to the standard scheme for working with an enchanting table. Simplified, it looks like this - enchantment points are equal to the number of experience points spent. Bonuses from bookcases are also a plus. If you have enough enchantment points and you try to cast several enchantments at once, the enchanting process is more likely to be dominated by the one with the higher "weight". If you try to impose both "heavenly punishment" and "sharpness", then, most likely, the sword will be enchanted with "sharpness", since it has a weight of 10, against 5 units of "heavenly punishment". "Knockback" and "arthropod scourge" also weigh 5 units. The lightest are "looting" and "the fire aspect". They weigh only 2 units.

If you have accumulated enough experience, then the sword can be enchanted many times. To do this, you need to use the function - re-enchanting. Using the above algorithm, the sword will be upgraded to maximum level... As a rule, two or more different enchantments are applied to it, but there is a small chance that the sword will immediately be enchanted at 5th level of "sharpness".

Now, by the way, you can enchant a sword for a moderate fee from the villagers. This became possible after the addition of the trading mode to the game.

Enchanting table video

Greetings to all minecrafters, great magicians and novice wizards of our mysterious world minecraft. Today, my friends, we will reveal to you the great secret of blackening things in minecraft. By the way, the correct thing is not "blackening", but "enchantments", we wrote this on purpose :)

Why do you need an enchanting table

So, my friends, why make an enchantment table and what is it in minecraft? By the name, you probably already guessed: we are talking about magic. That is, about the ability to improve the characteristics of our items with the help of spells.

How to create an enchantment table

So my friends, how can you make an enchantment table?

To make an enchantment table, we need: two diamonds, four obsidians and a book, which will also have to be done in advance. I want to note that craft is not easy in terms of the materials required for this. But more on this in more detail a little later, dear friends.

If we have all the necessary items, we lay them out on the workbench in such a way as in the picture:

And we get into use a beautiful, not like the others, block, the height of which is only three quarters of the usual. There is always a closed book on it, or rather it does not stand, but rotates slowly. And when we get closer to the table, the book opens and the pages begin to move.

What is needed for crafting

Now a little about the materials required to create a witch table: how you can get them or make them. I must say that they are expensive and very difficult to obtain. Yes, my friends, doing magic in minecraft is not easy and expensive, but it's worth it.


For diamonds you will have to go down into the mines. Where lava is deep and already found, rich diamond deposits are often found. You must have a pick, at least an iron one. Yes, I almost forgot, bring some more torches with you, my friends.


Now that the diamonds have been mined, it is imperative to make a diamond pick and go for obsidian with it. Since obsidian is the most durable material in minecraft and it cannot be destroyed with any other tool. And in order to get it, it will be necessary to first fill in lava with water: a certain natural phenomenon will occur, as a result of which obsidian will arise. But this must be done carefully, friends, so as not to fall into the lake of fire ourselves.


The book, my friends, we will not have to extract, but to make on a workbench from leather and paper. We get the skin by exterminating the cows in the area, and for the paper we need to chop the reeds and put them on the workbench.

What is a bookcase for?

Why make a bookcase as well, and not immediately start enchanting things? The point is that lockers enhance enchantment. So be patient, dear friends, a little more, and we will have everything ready for enchanting. I warned you: magic in minecraft is difficult and does not tolerate fuss.

To make a locker, we need boards and books that we have previously crafted. We arrange them as in the picture and the cabinet is ready.

How to enchant things

Finally, my friends, we have finished all the preparations and can already proceed directly to the enchantment processes. How does the enchantment take place and how to carry out this witchcraft ceremony as efficiently as possible. What you need to get the best characteristics of items that can be enchanted, such as armor, weapons, tools and books.

How to get the maximum effect

So that our enchantment gives maximum result, that is, several effects with high levels, instead of one, some conditions must be met. This is the will of the main magician of our great minecraft world.

So, my friends, do not worry, these conditions are not at all scary and you can easily fulfill them. It is necessary to build a small room where the walls will be made of cabinets, the floor and ceiling can be omitted from them. There should be at least 15 lockers, and earlier, before the 12w23a variant, 30 were required. They should be located so that the table was in the center, at a distance of one block from them.

Before you start enchanting, you need to gain a certain amount of experience, since each chark will "take away" thirty experience points from you. It can be obtained by killing monsters, as well as other, more harmless animals, mining ore, smelting it, creating farms for animals, fishing. In short, doing whatever it takes to survive in our harsh world minecraft... And with the option 12w21a, it is possible to buy a potion in the village, which will give a certain amount of experience.

Directly the charka process

Now, my friends, after long and difficult preparations, the long-awaited moment has come: we proceed to the mysterious rite of enchantment. To do this, we approach the table, while the magic book opens itself. Click on the PkM book and its menu opens:

The process itself is not complicated, but it requires patience and a little luck. It is necessary to put the object that needs to be enchanted in the box under the book, while some mysterious magical letters appear. Don't be alarmed friends, this is just a galactic alphabet, ignore it and look at the green numbers. They show the "price" in terms of experience that we have to pay for a glass. The higher the “price”, the better the char's performance will be.

If you have already acquired diamond armor, have the most durable diamond sword in your arsenal of the pixel world, but feel that something is missing - it's time to start enchanting your items.

What you need to create an enchantment table in Minecraft

First of all, let's take a look at the required ingredients:

  • book;
  • four blocks of obsidian;
  • two diamonds.

Create a book for the enchantment table in Minecraft

For this we need three pieces of paper and a leather. The latter easily falls out of the cow: we find a small herd in the nearest meadow and kill the animal with a pick / sword / hand / ax, taking a unit of raw meat and skin.

It takes a little more effort to extract paper, because we need sugar cane. You can stumble upon it only near water bodies. Using scissors we cut several units of sugar cane from one plant. Next, on a workbench from three units of cane, create one unit of paper and so on three times. You can leave the leftovers unused for crafting (creating) paper for your garden, because the reed is a pretty beautiful plant in the Minecraft universe.

Obsidian mining for the enchanting table in Minecraft

It's worth remembering right away: you can only get obsidian with a diamond pickaxe, so stock up on equipment and provisions well before going into the mine. Finding it is quite simple, but long. Look for such a confluence of water and lava sources together, they form obsidian. To prevent your character from burning in the lava, you should take several buckets with you and scoop up the lava source, from which the entire stream comes, it will not be difficult to notice it. Also, blocks of earth or cobblestone will not be superfluous: you can protect yourself with them in case of danger. When you are sure that nothing threatens the character, start collecting obsidian.

How to collect diamonds for the enchanting table in Minecraft

Perhaps the most expensive and rarest ore in the game. To extract it, you will have to go around a lot of mines to the very bottom. Pay special attention to treasures that are hidden in places with greenish cobblestones. Of course, you can stumble upon diamond ore completely by accident, without digging deep, but this is a rarity. You can only break it with an iron pickaxe, so make sure you have it in advance. By the way, if looking for diamonds is too tiring for you, you can simply buy them from other players or exchange them for something of equal value.

The process of creating an enchantment table in Minecraft

So, you have collected all the necessary items. Now it's small, just follow the instructions:

  • go to the workbench and right-click on it;
  • drag a book, four obsidian blocks and two diamonds into the opened window exactly as shown in the screenshot below;
  • a small icon of the enchanting table will appear on the right, take it with the mouse and drag it into your inventory. Ready!

The secret to enhancing spells in Minecraft

If you put a table next to the bookshelves, all enchants will be strengthened! The more shelves the better. To do this, create fifteen blocks of bookshelves:

  • craft books, more books. You already know how to do this;
  • from blocks of wood create blocks of planks. This is easy enough to do by simply placing the tree in the workbench window;
  • arrange the items in this way: on top there are three blocks of boards, in the middle there are three units of books, and on the bottom again there are three blocks of boards;
  • drag the finished shelf to inventory. Create fifteen of these shelves.

  • Why fifteen? The answer is simple: this will maximize your spells, because bonuses to their strength go for each squadron, but it is considered no more than fifteen. Arrange the shelves around the enchantment table as follows:

If chaotic letters appeared around the table - you did it! Do not forget that you cannot put anything between the enchantment table and the bookshelves, not even glass and a torch. Otherwise, the bonus to spell power will be lost.

Now you are ready to equip your character with improved armor and weapons, create enchants and safely visit the deepest mines game world... For a better understanding of the sequence of actions, see the instructions in the video below.

Welcome, all lovers of the wonderful world of minecraft. This article is devoted to players who liked minecraft and since this game has no restrictions in its capabilities, magic has not been left without attention. It will be about the latter.

First of all, absolutely any gamer who decides to follow the difficult path of magic begins with crafting an enchanting table. Why difficult? Because, any item to be enchanted, passes through the "hardening" of magic precisely through this table. And crafting it, for beginners, one might say, is not available. But don't despair! Next, consider the step-by-step achievement of your goal, as a bonus - a couple of tips.

Collecting ingredients

So, the "enchantment table" itself is crafted from the following materials:

  • 1 Book
  • 2 Diamonds
  • 4 Obsidian


The subject is not very common, but it is not difficult to find it either. There are three options here: find it in the mine, buy it from a villager-librarian, or craft it yourself. Mines and villages are not always "close at hand", therefore the best option will craft it. This requires cows and bamboo. Cows can be found in the steppe or forests, skinned from them. Bamboo - grows on any river banks, from which we create papyrus (paper). In total, there is cowhide, there is paper. It remains to reach the workbench and the book is ready.


Shiny pebbles, the rarest mineral in the world of minecraft, the cherished dream of any "Steve". For those who did not know, Steve is the character everyone plays for. To go in search of diamonds, the player must have a well-equipped shelter and a minimum supply of a couple of stacks: wood, coal, food and iron. Diamond mining is the most costly in terms of time and effort. They are located very rarely and deep underground. You can find them from the first to the sixteenth level (To see which user level is, press the F3 key and look in the upper left corner.).

These levels are very dangerous due to the presence of lava lakes, it is worth stocking up in advance, at least one or two buckets of water so that all your efforts and resources do not go to Tartarar. One of the most optimal ways of mining, which also affects the search for diamonds, is by digging tunnels "through 2 rows". In this case, the formation of diamonds, which are generated in the world from one to five, would be unrealistic to miss. Thus, even at any level, relatively enough diamonds can be found for the first pore.


The final and most time consuming "product" to mine. To get it, you need a pickaxe, which will be created from the ingredient from the second point. Diamond is the only material that obsidian lends itself to. To extract it, you need to find a source
lava, and stock up on either buckets of water or empty buckets to scoop the required amount of lava from the lake. It is believed that the easiest option would be to go down with buckets already filled with water. And so, with the reaction of a certain amount of water and one cube of lava, "Obsidian" is formed. Thus, one can spill one bucket on the shore of a lava lake and watch the first ball of lava transform into obsidian. After, with a diamond pickaxe (it is worth noting that the mining is quite long, since obsidian is the most durable block in minecraft), holding "Shift", you can safely go to collect the long-awaited obsidian. What is the Shift key for? In order not to collapse into lava, and not to waste extra nerves.


Do not forget about the "bookcase". One of the most useful "additions" to the enchantment table. Why not immediately set up a table and do some magic? As mentioned earlier: Minecraft is not a game for the faint of heart, but assiduous people. The bottom line is that each bookcase raises the level of the enchanted item by a certain percentage. For a full / maximum set of the table, you will need thirty lockers, which are located around the "enchantment table" in a radius, so that a circle in the size of one block remains around the table. Having gained patience and allowing yourself such a delicacy, you can enchant things up to level 30.

To craft bookshelves, you need the following items:

  • Boards. (Any tree)
  • Books. (Already mentioned)

One locker requires six boards and three books. Yes, this is a very time consuming process, but worth it. And so, all the necessary components are already assembled, the enchantment table is installed, bookcases are added strictly according to the rules. The moment of truth has arrived. The very process of witchcraft.

Enchantment. What, where, where?

What can be affected by magic? These are: armor, weapons, tools and, again, books. Before any enchanting process, you need to gain a certain amount of experience. The bigger, the better! How do I get it? Yes, in almost any way, just to survive. Kill monsters, breed friendly mobs, farm, cook, trade with the locals, and so on.

Approaching the enchanting table, the player will notice the following, the book levitating above the table will open and strange mongrels will begin to "flutter" around it. This is the norm, and these are the symbols of the galactic alphabet. Having approached the table, you need to right-click on it, a window will come out. Under the image of the book there will be a small slot for things that will be enchanted. By dragging the desired items from the inventory into this cell, you can observe that the aforementioned mackerel - the galactic alphabet will appear on three shelves next to it. With a lot of enthusiasm, you can decode it manually, so the player can know with precision what effect will be applied to a particular thing. At the end of the lines, numbers will appear, they also indicate the price of enchantment. It is worth remembering that the more expensive the spell, the better the effect.

After enchanting, the item automatically goes into inventory and takes on an iridescent blue-violet bright color, reminiscent of Golden Apple... In addition to buns, the player also gets beautiful things. To repair enchanted items, an anvil is required. But more on that next time.