Pioneer of the drainor. We are preparing to take off in Dratenor. The most important tasks

Drenorsky pioneer Hyde Just needed. Because without a guide, this achievement, which is possible on the Dtenorm expanses, do not run, but to fly, any pioneer seems very difficult. But with the guide everything looks not so scary. Let's go on points.

Hyde for Dretenorsky Pionery: Achievement "Dretenor"

Since the discovery of all areas, districts of Drazers, the first condition for obtaining "Dretenor's pioneer", our guide, of course, advises to open them all. And to find out what exactly the drinor corners, our foot has not yet arched, strongly recommend Addon: he paints unopened places on the green card, so it becomes difficult to miss.

Hyde for Dretenorsky Pioneer: "On guard of the draenor"

This component of the "Drenorsky pioneer" of Hyda does not particularly require, and requires the implementation of 12 Dtenorm additional tasks. To find out which of them are not passed, click on the lower bar icon "Achievements"on the left in the menu choose "Study", then "DREENOR", and then look at the right "Drenorsky pioneer". Open there "On guard of draenor" Yes, we look at what the upcomings we have not yet been made. Well, and we perform them by taking from the table from / inside the main hartss of our garrison. And if there is no need there, we buy for 200 garrison resources for them (each!) U /, which are drunk at the entrance to it.

Hyde for Drenorsky Pioneer: "Keeper of Wisdom Draenor"

"Draenor's wisdom" is the end of all the main plot lines of Draenor. There are different ways to do this, but our Hyde of Drendorsky Pioneer advises to go through the simplest. That is, open again through the bottom bar. Achievement "Dretenorsky Pioneer", Find there "Keeper of Wisdom Draenor" Yes, to see what locations are not closed. Further open the map of one of these locations, we look at where it is an exclamationable or question mark, but we go, respectively, this quest to take or take. And then try to stick to exactly this chain of quests until you close all the plot lines here. Well, after, naturally, we do the same on the next location.

Hyde for Dretenorsky Pionery: Achievement of Tananarian Diplomat

For its receipt, the "Dretenorsky pioneer" requires 3 respectful reputations:

Help to Dratenor Pattern from the hunters for the heads of Vitzhin / Dlanni Prophet

In theory, it is stuffed automatically as other drine tasks are fulfilled (construction, etc.). If not - we take yelling Daeliki Volmar / Lion's watch.

Help to Dratenor Pattern from Sableon Hunters

The reverence of supleron lovers Pioneer of the drainor can be mined in several ways. Let's go with the trump card:

Trouble in the jungle

Once a week brings 3,500 reputation at once. This quest issues, and later takes the creature from the Walckerel.

He lives in jacket coordinates 55 - 75:

He also needs to buy 3, which later in turn stick into the arena with coordinates 54 - 81, so that these very black fangs cause it to beat (and then it is definitely filled!):

Totems for who will also be needed to perform the following quest are purchased.

Daily, brings 1,500 reputation. Give (volmar) with (lion ward). The best coordinates for blass of teeth are considered to be 40 - 78, although they can be stuffed in the vicinity of the jacket.


(63 - 72), (64 - 81), (52 - 84) and (49 - 73) give 500 turnips each.

An ordinary composition

Any destroyed, or a black fang gang bring 25 turnips.

Help to the Dretenorsky pioneer from the ordinary

This Order, despite his loud name, consists of a single representative (however, a managed to divide the one for the Horde with the Alliance) -. I stick out this chrispec everything in the same Volmar / Lion's dosor, issuing a differential - the only way Link a reputation with him. The quest itself implies a collection of 10, which are falling from the Tanan Ranniki and Treasure to 1-22. And the whole 3 pieces can be immediately obtained using the already mentioned. But only the biggest. And only once a day.

Hyde for Drenorsky Pioneer: "Hunter (workshop) for treasures"

Here our guide Drendorsky pioneer again recommends the path of the simplest - download Addon: it shows on the map all the drinorsk treasures plus points the arrow simple. It is worth noting, by the way, that this achievement does not count the Tanan treasures.

Well, that's how and the entire Hyde of Draenor's pioneer. The only thing that our guide can still advise the pioneer is to unite different Dtenorm achievements. For example, the study of drainor, the passage of its plot lines and the search for treasure is quite possible at the same time. And how to download all the reputations immediately, God himself ordered. The main thing is not to rob, my bold pioneers!

Players who only installed new patch 6.2.3 B. game world. Of Warcraft, first of all ask the question: how to fly in Dratenor? This is a new continent, where the orcs lived in ancient times before meeting with people. The developers allowed users to reappear into the depths of the narration. Now everyone is waiting for the battle with the leaders of the orc of the clans, which are not distinguished by friendly. Transportation plays a key role in pumping and dressing the character.

Description Supplement

To understand how to fly in Draenor, it is necessary to study the entire content that has brought an addition. In new territories, pumping from 90 to 100 levels. It is here that there are new topical raids called the "Citadel of Hell Flame", "Foundry Clan Black Mountain" and others. In addition, the Location Ashran is intended only for players who like fights with gamers of the opposite fraction. One of the main innovations was a garrison - unique stronghold Each user on the grounds of the continent. To learn how to fly in each location, you must perform four conditions alternately.


The easiest stage in the way of learning how to fly in Draenor will be research. It is so called the discovery of each individual land in locations. Mainland includes seven separate regions. The ridge of ice fire is considered the easiest, and the complexity is distinguished by GorgronD. Tanan jungle are not taken into account, and traveling on them is not needed.

After the opening of all local locations, the player counts the achievement. You need six such, in order to have started the main, called "Dretenor". It is worth paying attention to some hidden places that will have to detect on the path of research.

In Talador, there is a path of glory - where the transition to the Gorgonhron. The island of Shadows near Plateau Sokartar in the valley of the Ghost Moon will also have to find. In addition, you should go along the edge of the same region to get to the pond, which is called the larger nesting anza. It is worth being attentive, and then the achievement will not deliver problems with the user.

Passage of missions

If at the stage of obtaining knowledge about how to learn to fly in Dratenor, the research was the simplest stage, then the passage of missions will become, on the contrary, as complex as possible. The thing is that you have to fulfill each scene mission In all locations. For this, six achievements are given the same for two factions, except for one - "if I go and the Ghost Moon Valley" for the Alliance and "will be covered by ... Ice Fire! " For horde. For this, the player will give a fortune "Keeper of Wisdom Draenor".

The second Achiva "on the guard of the draenor" provides for the execution of twelve different daily quests for the sake of preparation of the apeccite \u200b\u200bcrystals. You can do it even in your own garrison with the help of comrades.

hidden treasures

Along the new continent there are caches, and it is necessary to find them in the amount of one hundred pieces, if you want to know about the WWI as flying to Draenor. In the process of research, the territories attentive players will sometimes find caches, but this is not enough. After reaching the title "Keeper of the Wisdom Draenor", the treasure card will become available not only as a prize for tasks in the garrison, but also open to purchase. They trades Breakis in the location of the wind bar for the Alliance and Shrick on the spear of the war with the warriors of the Horde. The price of one acquisition is a hundred gold coins.

At this stage, you can smear with two additions to the game, in order to learn faster, how to fly in Draenor. The first modification of HandyNotes shows all the treasures of the world, and with an additional plugin, Draenortreasures offers secrets and this continent. After proper installation (read when downloading), small marks will appear on the world map. It is worth the cursor on them, and the player will open a description of this place. It remains only to run there, if you need to enter a brief fight and take the treasure from the cache.


The last stage of learning in WOW, how to fly in Dratenor, the reputation with three fractions will be pumping. At the same time, for the two fractions, the list of peoples is different. It differs on one point - the hunters for the heads of Vitzhin and the foreman of the Prophet. The first one refers to Horde, and the second to the alliance. In this case, the method of pumping does not change.

It follows in the location of Tanan jungle to pass a garrison campaign. Each new mission will add points, and the reputation itself will become gradually. Reputation with the second people called Sableron-catcher rises automatically. It is easy to kill monsters in all locations. The last fraction that the rating requires, the order will be awakened. Increase the number of points in these creatures, you can kill elite monsters, finding treasures and daily missions.

When all the conditions are fulfilled, the main achievement will open, and with it and access to flights. This hard way Only the most animal fans of the game will be able to pass. Make it worth at least in order to continue to save your time.

Today we will consider an important question regarding the game WOW - how to fly in Draenor. When Warlords of Draenor came out, the possibility of flights on the new continent was covered by a secret, which was the cause of numerous disputes. Players requested developers to implement such an ability. Blizzard, in turn, believed that such an approach was inappropriate, and that he would negatively affect the plot. However, the decision was made in favor of players. A special addition adds the possibility of flights, however, in order to apply it, it is necessary to earn an achievement called "Dretenorsky Pioneer". Make it difficult.

Basic information

If you are interested in the question "How to learn to fly in Dratenor?", You should know that this supplement is very different from others. User disposal is only one single tool that can climb the sky on the specified continent.

So, to learn to fly in Dratenor, you need a "soaring horror of heaven" - award for the achievement described above. These capabilities are available in updating 6.2.x. Earn achievement for each character separately there is no need for each character, it will be available for all the characters who have crossed over the 90 level.


To resolve the question of how to fly in Draenor, you need a "pioneer". Therefore, we will talk about this achievement now more. It requires 5 aging. The last 3 depend on the fraction. So, we have to become a "master's treasure hunter." Next follows the achievement of the "Keeper of Wisdom Draenor". Next, we get the differences on guard and Tananarian diplomat.


To resolve the question "How to fly in Dratenor?", It is necessary to consider the achievements and methods for their preparation. Research difference "Dretenor" is not too complicated. It can be earned in the process of developing a character or in the study of new zones. To get such an achievement, it is necessary to explore all the territories of each region of Draenor, as well as obtain the relevant awards.

Next, consider the achievement of the "Peaks of Arak". To receive it we visit each of the empty spots on the map. Absolutely all characters can work on this. In this case, we are talking about the overall type of achievement. Only zones are taken into account without individual areas. Now let's discuss how to get the status of a "master's treasure hunter". The world of Draenor offers about two hundred different chests, caches, wals and forgotten weapons. These objects are scattered throughout the territory of all zones. This achievement was created specifically for those players who love to collect and look for treasures. With regard to the total number of hidden items, it is possible to find 100 without any difficulty. When performing this task, the treasures of the Tanan jungle are not taken into account. Significantly relieved the task can special cards. They are marked by the treasures of each Draenor zone. A map of a certain area can sell straight or shrica, based on the player fraction. However, for the acquisition, it is necessary to complete the tasks chain in this area and get the appropriate achievement. For example, Venndor can buy the Treasure Map of Nagredda.

The most important tasks

To resolve the question "How to fly in Draenor?" We will also be to become a "wisdom keeper." We have to complete each of the stages of the plot development in all areas mentioned in the task. It will be very useful if it was done during the development of the character to the hundredth level and the fulfillment of missions. In this case, most of the necessary steps will already be passed. Only full achievements in the zone will be counted. They will not be taken into account if the story stages are not closed. Very convenient to perform several achievements at the same time, for example, "wisdom keeper", as well as "Draenor's study". Next, we perform the task "guard". To do this, deal with 12 different daily missions. Tasks appear every day on the table at the commander in the main garrison building. The peculiarity is that only one character is counted. Thanks to Patch 6.2, it became easier to receive achievements, since it became possible to acquire a special report at the price of 200 garrison resources. So we figured out how to fly in Dratenor and what is needed for this.

The Warlords of Draenor published a new addition, which will allow players to fly through the expanses of Draenor on their Mounts. However, not so simple, because it is still necessary to be carefully prepared. How to do this we will try to understand with you so that in the shortest possible time you could be filled with Drtenor.

First of all, you must fulfill the main achievement: "Dretenorsky Pioneer". A achievement is done in several stages and you will leave for this not enough time. Therefore, in order to keep up with your hikers, start performing the "Dretenorsky pioneer" immediately. The achievement itself will consist of several parts that we will tell you: what and how to do to fulfill all the conditions for achieving.

"Indecent treasures" - part of the first

In all the Locations of Draenor, you will be given the opportunity to find lost treasures, which are more than 200 units. Among which you can find many exquisite toys, as well as you need to find five combat mighty pets. Their names are as follows: "Fructic", "Bagro Sphere", "Sphere of Tenetoki", "Splitter of pebbles", and "Insulav Chick".
As a result, you should find at least one hundred treasure units in such locations as: "Nagrand", "Talador", the peaks of Arata, "" The Valley of the Ghost Moon. " As soon as you do and find everything, you will have the achievement of the "Treasure Hunter", as the first part of the Grand Plan.

"Click Quests like nuts" - the second part

This time you will be needed and attentiveness, as you have to go into assignments through the whole scene line. All tasks will be built into a certain chain in which you will have to fight with various vendors of the war, to explore many places in Draenor, do not give lords to implement plans. In your magazine you can see at what stage you are in performing a certain achievement.

In order for you to get the "Dretenorsky Pioneer" you must finish all the chapters for each location. As soon as you do this, you will have another achievement from the "Keeper of Wisdom Draenor" series. It will help you to go through your card, looking at which you will understand that there is no confusion and everything is simple enough. Exclamation signs will be marked with those characters who you need to get the following task. Know that while you do not execute the previous, exclamation mark you will not see.

"Safety above all" is the third part

You need to get "on the guard of the draen". You need to collect five people in a party, but not moreover, and fulfill the task group that we call you, and which will be in the game:

- "Attack on the pit", "Attack on Schets"
- "Attack on the nesting of the dark tide"
- "Attack on Plateau Sokartar"
- "Attack of eternal flowering thickets"
- "Attack on Magnok", "Storming of the Camp of the Iron Horde"
- "Attack of the Broken Shore", "attack the harbor of Shattrath" and others.

These tasks are weekly, which can be taken from the commander table in their garrisons to the third level. You can also get any of these tasks from numerous reports of garrison intelligence, except for "attack on the pit."

"Universal Response" - the fourth part

Here you will not be easy to withstand this test. You must win the reverence of the three main factions that are in the Tanan jungle. In general, this is the "order awakened" and the "Sableon Sablery" faction. The third fraction for the Alliance is the "Final Flammable", and for the Horde, this is "Voljin's head hunters."

All factions presented have their powerful forces in the impassable Tanan tropical jungle. To win a revelation, you need to pass not only daily, but also plot tasks. When you finish with the performance you immediately get the "Tanana diplomat" - this is a new achievement from the overall storyline.

"Show yourself and on others to see" - the fifth

In the process, you will naturally explore the land of Draenor and for this to get the same achievements. You will not believe that even in the most remote corners of each of the locations, all locals will be glad you.

(YouTube) imr-fkwqfqy (/ YouTube)

In general, to get the achievement of the "Dretenorsky pioneer" for you will not be difficult, it is simply necessary to spend some time to spend it. This, in my opinion, nothing compared to the possibility to fly in Dratenor. In general, everything is as always in your hands, and even the "drinor pioneer".

Comment OT Ilaya.

If someone helps, when performing a garrison campaign, you are also sent to the same zones and a blue strip is filled out, but if it is not a differential, then there is no criterion to the current achievement. This achievement applies only to Dealikov (blue tasks).

When performing a garrison campaign, where the blue band is also filled, it goes to achieve. An example of such a campaign.

/ Revision: Spelling.

Comment OT lexThor.

Has anyone gained this achievement? It has long been the last challenge in the blood ring, which does not want to appear. It seems that this is another bug.

Comment OT ELLANF.

And if almost all the tasks of the garrison companies are made (11/12), then how to understand what of the zones is a differentia? (In addition to running to each zone)

Comment OT ivo1Ga.

In the Bourgeois comments it is written that this quest is currently renting only at the Alliance. There is a gaming error, write the tickets to error messages and waiting for the fix. Maybe 6.1 will be replete ....

Comment OT niffu.

If there are two tasks at once that you have not yet done, you can safely cancel one of them after performing and testing the criterion and take the remaining.

Comment OT danirkin2012.

In patch 6.1 Criterion for the presence of the quest Call in the blood ring will be removed.

If you currently stayed only one of the entire list, then in the patch 6.1 you will get it immediately after entering the game.

Comment OT Buter

This achievement will need to ensure that your characters can use personally flights in Draenor.
"In updating 6.2, you will need to study the land of Draenor - to collect all zones, collect 100 Draenorsk treasures, get the achievements of the Keeper of Wisdom Draenor and" on the guard of the Draenor "and ensure that all three new factions in the Tanan jungle will be honored. All received this Achievement will be awarded a flying rilac "Thunderstorm Heaven" - a local animal, able to fly in the heavens of Draenor. For some time, players will move in Dtenor only on the ground, but in mini-updating 6.2.x all the characters of the 90th level of the players who deserved this achievement will be able to move freely through the air over Dratenor. "
All patience!)