Hobby WORLD Hobbit. Board game Hobby World Hobbit. Card game (2nd edition). Card game Hobbit: Rules and Features

Hi-Hi, my gambling reader!

Most recently, a card game was translated in Russia, which - suddenly! - So it is called: "Hobbit. Card game"(The Hobbit Card Game. Next - just" Hobbit "). The IFO administration managed to negotiate with Hobby World, which is responsible for the localization of these cards, but ... about everything in order!

Chapter 1: On Hobbits

Of course, we did not wait for the results of the competition, and it was already time to buy, and play a card hobbit. What should be known about him?
First, the author of this venture is Martin Wallace. If you are an experienced foster, most likely, for you this name is a solid recommendation. If not, it is enough to know that this is not the first of his game, and the past were quite successful.
Second, the author of all the illustrations - the famous Ted Nesmith, the classic illustrator of the professor.
Thirdly ... What to do if you have never played role-playing card games and have an idea only about classic - or do not know anything at all?

Buy this toy or play with someone from friends, who received it.
Here should be done small retreat, And notice that among the sentries of some of those who truly fond of similar games and managed to intend to understand all their rules. That is why we can confidently write the following lines: Hobbit - not tightened, moderately complex and beautiful game. This is exactly what you need to start to get involved in such things. Or at least try out yourself on this field - suddenly you will like it? We liked. Now here is a lesson, followed by the long winter evenings with honey wine.

You can play together, but the game provides modes on three, four and five players, in accordance with the correct rules, why the game itself becomes rather balanced, complex and interesting, but, however, is not so difficult to scare the newcomers of the genre.
A total of five heroes are offered: Bilbo, Torin and Gandalf will perform against smog and hospital. Everyone has its own features of the game, for example, he was able to be so strong that he protrudes alone against good characters in the game on four, and Torin, always having a stroke initiative, could harm her and his own. Bilbo always kits something and always shares, but Gandalf - may not block pockets, being far-sighted.
But all other components are simple enough and remind ordinary game For bribes, how, say, "Cherbs" in your Windows. It is simple to get comfortable enough, and the good quality illustrations add interest.

If you ask about is it worth a game of money requested for her, we will reply: Yes, more than. At a minimum because for 300-350 rubles (namely, it stands in the official store "World of Hobby", and there are also regular discounts) you get not only the game, but also monthly subscription (and the price of the old subscription has already been comparable to the price of the game) along with unique jacking guardwhich in foreign servers is offered for the usual price of several thousand marks. Well, if you read this article immediately after writing it - you still have enough time to participate in the hobby draw and get it for free. In addition, there will be new contests for sure: it seems, and in Economics, and the world has liked the world. At the very least, we hope for new shares.

Couple words about promotions and other maps

It should be noted that the Card hobbit, about which we have told - not single game series. In addition to them there is a big "Hobbit" on the film and the "Lord of the Rings" card, both games are completely independent; They are in them and the rules and filling itself. The good news is that they will be gifts for all users of East Kazakhstan or those who still want to play. The bad news is that Hobby World has not yet localized them and these games are not yet available in Russian. Of course, the true lovers of the vendors probably have already ordered them through the Internet, well, we will wait a little more.

Even if you do not participate in the competition in the official forum of the East Kazakhstan, buying the game you are guaranteed to be waiting for both a subscription, and the horses of the guard. Of course, if you buy it not with the hands - but it is not yet for sale and samizdat. The action was conceived at the earliest phase of localization of cards, so a cute gift is waiting in every box.

Illustrations of cards (Pickabil's insides)

Well, you - as you wish, and we will go and play another time;)
See you in Mediterranean and yes Kama stores you!

About card game Hobbit., the Russian version of which is about to release World of Hobby. The reviewer responds to the toy positively, writes that it is pretty simple, but it was pleasantly surprised. I offer my free translation:

I purchased the Hobbit for only £ 8. This is a fairly low price, so I risked a little if I didn't like the game.

In truth, I did not expect anything special. Little box with two stacks of cards inside, only 66 pieces (of which one empty and five player cards). And one sheet with the rules. However, Martin Wallace came up with the game, who has a very decent portfolio.

In essence, we have a game for bribes. In the game there are cards of five masters, numbered from 1 to 12. The purple suit is a trump, you can use it if you have no suitable cards in your hands. Everyone discovered under the same card and the one who posted a map of the greatest dignity or a trump card, picks up a bribe. Simply and easily. And then this player distributes the received maps between the rest. And in this - main feature Hobbit.

Each character has its own way to distribute cards, and on many maps there are symbols that allow damage, heal or get additional cards in the next round. White star is a damage to evil players and treatment for good, orcohi helmet - on the contrary.

Torin (2-5 players) - distributes all cards in random order;

Bilbo (2-5 players) - takes one card to itself and gives one another player;

Dragon Smug (2-5 players) - can distribute all maps (but not more than one on the player);

Gandalf (4-5 players) - the effect is the same as the smube;

Bulg (5 players) - can give one card to any player.

Damage cards are led by a hero map - so noted by the wounds. Wounds are taken into account only at the end of the round, then the conditions of victory are checked (evil destroyed, good players survived), if not, the next round is played.

Assymmetric game, at the very beginning, evil players can choose cards, and smug distributes them non-lane and sane. The ability of Torin may not be useful, especially if he distribute damage cards to good players and healing - evil.

From the point of view of tactics in the game there are a number of solutions that need to be taken depending on who can take a bribe. Sometimes you are forced to pick her up to avoid damage or healing the enemy. There were a party when I thought my hand was absolutely lousy, but managed to play the cards so as to provide an advantage to my ally. For good players, a good option to give all damage to one so that the second survive (I remind you, this is a victory condition). What at first seem to the game for good luck is actually a very smart show, in which the skillful use of cards can level the random distribution.

Preparation for the game: very fast. Distribute cards to players.

The duration of the party: about 15 minutes (we have the most quick game lasted 7 minutes);

Accident factor: present but good player will be able to reduce its influence. And remember that you work in a team!

The overall impression: I am pleasantly surprised! I expected something like Lotr: The Duel, and discovered simple game With a simple strategy. It is fast, suitable for non-tables, compact (fit in pocket). I will gladly take this game to our next game meeting.

Product description

In the board game, the hobbit you get up to the side of the good, go, risking life, on a lot to return the gnomes of their home. However, someone will have to play for the hospital or, as a last resort, for the evil Dragon of Smog - the leaders of nasty goblins. The story of Bilbo Baggins implies the distribution of roles in the closed, but also more interesting!

Card game Hobbit: Rules and Features

The gameplay consists of rounds. In every move, you can attack, hurt the enemy, help the allies to restore strength and energy, to be treated. To do this, there will be special cards in the deck. Tube on the card indicates that the next move brings a player additional map. If I got orochi helmet - representatives of evil forces can improve health. White star helps only good heroes.

The main characters - Torin, could and Bilbo. In the case of 4 and 5 players, they are joined by - Gandalph or Gandalph and Bug. Those who represent good, is distributed by 9, 8 or 7 cards (if players 3, 4 or 5). Evil forces are obtained at 12, 13 or 9 cards in hand, depending on the same options for the members of the playing table.

At the very beginning of the villain, a certain number of cards must reset (registered in the rules). It is better to get rid of OT. gaming elements With a small face value and white stars. Rounds can be no more than two. The goal is to weaken the enemy and help your allies.

The first walks Torin. Each subsequent player must lay out the card of the same color. If such does not turn out, then boldly choose a purple - it's like a trump card, overlaps all the others. Maps won from climb are distributed among the participants of the group.

Each character has its own features and dignity. And the ability to play the team should bring victory! Woned cards can be redirected to your friends. You have to constantly think how to dispose of the available opportunities so that the action worked for the overall benefit. After all, the main goal of Torin and his satellites are to snatch a lonely mountain of the dragon claws and return the land to the same owners.

Who won?

Good restores justice, and evil carries the destruction and all-consuming chaos. If you play on the side of the dark forces in the game Hobbit, then we must easily weaken the strength light side Go to the latter But the Hobbit himself, together with the team of friends, should try to return the peace in his native land, rearing him from Smog's paws and ill-fated hospital.

What is included?

The set includes the rules of the game and 65 cards (60 gaming and 5 individual - 1 for each hero). A small compact box will easily fit into a backpack, bags or even pocket jackets. It's just take to visit or in nature. To deal with the process is quite simple, a little time goes to full dive. The share of the chance and calculation is approximately equal, therefore should not be reed only for good luck, and to move the brains! We recommend buying an inexpensive, but interesting card game Hobbit as a gift to everyone who likes the story of the Lord of the Rings, who reads fantasy, and also seeking something new and fresh to update his game.