A project in the library for board games. Library project "Literary quest game" Night in the library "

Board games: new format reading promotion

In 2016, our country approved the Concept of the National Program for Children and Youth Reading. The program is based on the formation of modern reading competence of children, adolescents and youth.

So how do we get our kids to do more than just read good books but also did it as often as possible?

It's no secret that the shortest way to draw attention to anything is through play. And now they are especially popular board games.

Among the innovative game developments of the Reading Center of the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library and the School of Methodology and Game Engineering, three literary board games can be distinguished, designed for readers of junior, middle and senior school age... All in order.

“Few people know that in addition to the well-known heroes of Dunno and Znayka, there was also ... Chitayka. And he is little known because he spent all his time reading interesting books ... "

"Chitaika" - the hero of the eponymous board literary game designed for the youngest readers from 6 years old. The game consists of 80 cards with images of literary characters from twenty of the most beloved and popular children's books. Here you can meet Buratino and Mukhu-tsokotukha, Winnie the Pooh and Mowgli, Moidodyr, Puss in Boots and many other favorite heroes. The game includes a series of 5 reaction minigames that can be played in a specific order or randomly. The main thing is to have fun! With the help of the game, you can arrange real literary tournaments, both with your family and with your friends.

For older readers - from 10 years old the game "Pochitayka" is designed. The set includes 150 cards with images of literary heroes, 25 elements (tiles) playing field with 25 all the favorite works of children's literature. The player must complete certain tasks in accordance with game plot, and the Mad Hatter and the Shamakhan queen will help him in this, The Snow Queen, Gulliver, Dwarf Nose, Thumbelina and many others. The fastest and most attentive reader wins the game.

Finally, to add to the reading addiction of the most "difficult" audience - from 14 to 18 years old (and older), the game "Time to Read" was created. It was first presented at the All-Russian Library Congress in Kaliningrad in 2016 and received a lot of positive feedback from specialists from different regions of the country. The game is based on 75 works of world literature, as well as 75 biographies of great writers. The game cards contain stylized illustrations from the works and portraits of the authors, but no names or titles are indicated. Each player must guess them. The playing field includes the zones "Russia XIX century", "Russia XX century", "America", "Europe" and "Random choice". To get the correct answer, use mobile app to read QR codes. The game can be played by teams of 3 to 6 people.

Those who read books will always rule over those who watch TV.

Zhanlis F.


The decline in the status of reading as a means of the intellectual, spiritual life of society is one of the most alarming and dangerous phenomena in the development of modern Russian culture. According to research data, the number of people who do not read is increasing every year in our country.

Children's reader's negativism is becoming the norm today: children do not want and cannot read, they have a loss of interest in full-fledged fiction, classics, poetry, and fairy tales.

"Electronic culture" has a negative impact on the reading of children and adolescents. Computer literacy is becoming an attribute of a modern person. Young people began to read less, they "have no time", but there is always time for a computer and TV. Yes, this is the age of new technologies. Let's not, like ostriches, hide our heads in the sand and not notice that computers are replacing printed materials, and the Internet is already connected even in the homes of residents of distant villages.

How do you get your readers back to the book? Who in our society introduces the child to the world of the book? These are, first of all, parents, then a school and a library. It has long been noticed that in those families where parents do not pick up a book or read from time to time, even children who read at a certain stage of development are at first lazy and then stop reading altogether. Then these children grow up, create their own families, and everything is repeated from the beginning.

Of course, the problem of children's reading is relevant today and will always exist. And we would like to contribute a bit of our help to solving such a global problem. It is for this reason that this work was created, which is part of our conceived two-year reading project.

Goals and objectives of the work:

- make as many of our students as possible active readers, turn reading into a habit;
- to contribute to the formation of reading as a means of self-realization and active interaction with the outside world;
- to introduce our lyceum students to reading through the formation of its new image.

The two-year project consists of 5 parts:

1. Literary quest - a game "Night in the library" for the 8th grade.
2. "School of advertising books" for lyceum students of grades 7-9.
3. Drawing competition for your favorite book among grades 5-7.
4. Writing essays, reviews and annotations for the 7-B grade books read over the summer.
5. "Reader's portfolio" for grades 5-6.

Part 1. Literary quest - the game "Night in the library"

"Quest" is a search for adventures, a journey, characters to a specific goal through overcoming difficulties. Literary quest is a journey through the genres of literature.
While working on a program to attract our lyceum students to reading, I decided to find something interesting and unusual. Therefore, it was no coincidence that the idea of ​​holding a literary competition in the evening came to mind. The practice of carrying out this type of work has been known for a long time.

Main part.

And now I will tell you in more detail about the first part of our project: the literary quest game "Night in the Library", which took place within the walls of the Lyceum. The main participants were lyceum students of the 8th grade. Were involved not only the reading room of the library, but also three classrooms of literature, specially designed. “Night at the Library” is a big event that requires thorough preparation: thinking through and writing a script, decorating the library and other auditoriums involved using computers, audio and video equipment, creating costumes, selecting props and many other important issues that we had to solve. First, we drew up a work plan and appointed organizers. There were 4 of them (according to the number of planned stations). We discussed the terms of the competition with the participants of the game. They were given the task of breaking up into teams in advance and choosing a captain. In addition, a list of literature was compiled, which the guys had to read in advance. For those who could not get home at such a late hour on their own, a bus was ordered.

The organizers were looking for material for their station, exchanging ideas. We have carefully thought out each station. Since our competition involved the use of theatrical scenes, we had to involve children from grades 9-b and 7-b. We decided that our event would be in costume. Everything kept in the subject. Costumes of literary heroes were invented for the leading stations. At the end of the event, we planned to hold a competition for the best costume.

We have been working on the scenario of our quest game for a long time, reworking and modifying it several times ( Annex 1 ).

According to the scenario, the main goal of the quest game is to search "Messages to a young reader of the XXI century" N.V. Gogol (Appendix 7 ) hidden in our library. First, all teams, having received route sheets, had to pass through four stations: "Russian folklore", "Adventure literature", "Monuments to literary heroes", "Tale after tale" and pass all the tests, showing their knowledge of literature. We also thought about the prizes and for the correct answers decided to give tokens with images of items that fit the theme of the station. The guys were happy earning points for their team.

The game was played using slide presentations that revived and diversified the quizzes we were used to. Since the event was held in the evening, the overhead light was dimmed in almost all rooms, which created an extraordinary atmosphere of mystery. The teams enthusiastically performed tasks, actively answered the questions of the blitz tournament, showed the breadth of their horizons, the ability to get out of difficult situations, and simply be happy for themselves and their friends.

Having successfully passed all the stations, the teams met in the library, where the final part of the quest game, the captains competition, took place. The team captains were given the task: using encrypted hint keys, to find N.V. Gogol, which calls for reading ( Appendix 6 ). This task seemed to us the most exciting and interesting. Team members worried about their captains, trying to help them. The captains worked together and found the Message without difficulty.

All the guys were satisfied and received certificates for participating in the literary competition, and the most active were awarded additional gifts. The winning team was presented with a cake. Then all the participants of the game were photographed for memory.

We were in the library for three and a half hours. The day of the event coincided with the birthday of a classmate, and, at the end of the event, we decided to organize a tea party. Everyone had a lot of fun. Some parents were also present at our party. A surprise from them was the fireworks arranged for the children. He gave our evening a solemn completeness and further raised our festive mood.

The next day in class, we discussed our "Night at the Library." Each participant was given the opportunity to express their opinion about the quest game. The guys shared their impressions, noted all the pros and cons of the game. In general, everyone was satisfied, and we think that this holiday will be remembered not only by the quiz participants, but also by everyone who came to the library this evening.

Now we will tell you about each station of our quest game in more detail.

We asked the facilitators to describe their station, analyze their work and evaluate the work of the team members.

The first station was called "Monuments to literary heroes" (Appendix 2 , Presentation 2 ).

“We have thoroughly prepared for this station. We thought over the original design of the office, prepared an interesting presentation and suitable props. We also chose the costumes for the presenters. For this we have remade the wonderful fairy tale "The Musicians of Bremen" in a modern way, and the presenters in the costumes of The Little Mermaid and Baron Munchausen will be the managers of this musical group.

The most interesting task there was an explanation of the meanings of the Krylov expressions. The teams were offered phrases from Krylov's fables. After 30 seconds, they needed to explain their meaning. We came to the conclusion that the fables of I.A. They know Krylov well.

The question turned out to be difficult: "Which of the heroes of the books can be called Barons Munchausen?" The guys thought for a long time, but after leading questions they recalled such heroes.

Each of the mentioned heroes of our literary quiz has a monument erected in one or more places. We introduced the children at our station to the history of the creation of these monuments. Thus, we not only tested the children's knowledge of literary works, but told them a lot of new and interesting things.

We were somewhat upset by the stiffness of the guys. They knew the correct answers, but they spoke them softly and uncertainly.

All teams scored many points at the station. Two of them coped with all the tasks quickly, and we had free time. The guys played the guitars. "

The second station was called "Adventure literature" (Appendix 3 , Presentation 1 ).

This station was the most difficult for the guys, so it took a long time to prepare for contests and quizzes. But despite this, the process itself was very interesting. “Several times we had to change everything, because there were a lot of ideas. But, in the end, we came to a common opinion. The quiz was based on such works as "Treasure Island" by R.L. Stevenson, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" by R.E. Raspe, “Robinson Crusoe” by D. Defoe, “Children of Captain Grant” by J. Verne and “The Three Musketeers” by A. Dumas. Many questions were also compiled according to the favorite childhood book of all the children - "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino" by AN Tolstoy.

By the way, excellent knowledge of this book helped one of the teams to earn a record number of points and become the winners. "

The host of this station was fitted with a splendid suit: a vest and a pirate's hat.

Station "Adventure Literature" was distinguished by its unusual attributes: on the table there was a mysterious chest, an unusual-shaped bottle with nautical notes of travelers and sailors, a parrot taking tasks from envelopes for the participants of the game.

I would like to note that the participants in the literary game worked collectively, everyone had the opportunity to express themselves, to offer their own answer. Thus, the guys showed how closely and harmoniously they know how to work in a team, achieve their goal, no matter what, get out of a difficult situation, help a friend who is in a difficult situation. As a result, the game turned out to be interesting and informative.

A quiet melody perfectly filled the pauses, while the guys were thinking about the answers to the quiz questions.

The third station was called "Sailing on a ship "Russian folklore"(Appendix 4 ).

The presenter had a suit of the corresponding theme: a shirt - blouse, belted with a belt.

“The guys worked actively. All questions of the quiz were composed according to Russian proverbs, sayings and riddles. The guys were especially active in answering riddles. Some of them were simple, known from early childhood. But there were also quite complex ones, the answers to which the guys could not find for a long time. I remember that many could not solve such a simple riddle as "There is a piece of bread hanging over grandmother's hut", because not everyone knew what a "edge" was. And only one of all the participants in the game was able to answer the riddle about the wolf "From under the bush." The guys have never heard the word "grab". At the folklore station, the guys have added new and interesting facts to their knowledge base ”.

The last station was called "Tale after tale" (Appendix 5 ).

The presenter was wearing Little Red Riding Hood's costume.

“The guys worked actively. Sometimes we had to give hints that we came up with together with the guys who helped at the station. This was the manifestation of all our creativity: to build an associative array so that it leads to the desired concept. It was a challenge for the head, and we did it successfully. And on blitz questions with limited time, the presenter, like Tina Kandelaki, tried to speak words clearly and quickly so that the team would not ask again, wasting time. Everything went perfectly.

I hope the guys were able to consolidate their knowledge and discover something new for themselves, increase their interest in creativity, reading and literature in general.


So, we talked about all the stations that the guys visited, participating in the literary competition, about the work we have done, about our unforgettable impressions. Of course, while working on this part of our project, we gained tremendous experience, gained new knowledge, learned a lot of interesting, exciting and useful information.

In our opinion, we have successfully completed our tasks. Having held a literary event of this kind, we thereby tried to turn the guys' faces from newfangled gadgets to books and reading; forced to re-read, read before and read a lot of new and interesting; make the participants of the game active readers who know how to reflect on what they have read.

We tried to show our readers that life in the library does not stop for a minute. Even at night, the book kingdom does not sleep, and its inhabitants go about their business: communicate with each other, go on trips.

After analyzing our literary quest game, we identified the following pros and cons:


We learned a lot of new things. All questions of the quiz were aimed not only at checking knowledge, but also at obtaining new information.
+ In preparation for the event, we read a lot of new books.
+ Remembered what was previously learned in literature lessons
+ Spent a lot of time with our friends, which contributed to the even greater rallying of our cool team.
+ We made our old dream come true: to take part in some unusual lyceum event.
+ Once again, the children were reminded of the necessity and importance of reading.


- The stiffness and uncertainty of some team members. The guys were not able to fully demonstrate their knowledge.
- We didn’t think over the end result of our event: to get the children interested in choosing a new book to read at the end of the holiday. It would be possible to prepare advertisements for several books so that the guys want to read them. For example, nowadays such type of book advertisement as "book trailer" is widely used. These are videos about the book. We could use them in our event. We think building book trailers will be another part of our reading project that we will finish next school year.

The development of reading activity is one of the most important tasks of the school and library. The reading preferences of schoolchildren are convincing of the growing importance of the influence of the school and the library on the development of the student's personality. There are both positive and negative trends. Therefore, many teachers are preoccupied with bridging the gap between learning literature under the guidance of the teacher and independent reading by the student.

Organization of competitions, publication of readers' reviews of books, organization of literary quizzes, debates and discussion of books among young people with the skillful guidance of adults can move the problem of children's reading off the ground.

Encouraging children to read has a huge social meaning: before the book, all children are equal.


  1. Chudinov, V.P. Reading children as a national value [Text] / V.P. Chudinova, E.I. Golubev. - Sat .: Profession, 2004. – 197p.
  2. Golubeva, E.I. Family reading support is a common task of specialists [Text] / E.I. Golubev. - Sat .: Profession, 2007. - 136s.
  3. Loksina, M.V. Mysteries of the Thirtieth Kingdom [Text] / M.V. Loksina.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 138p.
  4. Romashina, N.F. Literature. 9-11 grades: quizzes [Text] / N.F. Romashina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 204p.
  5. Chudinov, V.P. Reading "computer boys": research results / V.P. Chudinova: [Electronic resource] / Access mode: http: /net.teacher.fio.ru/news.php (Title from the screen)

We sat at the table,
Opened the box
We cleverly divided who to walk,
We opened the field
Placed the chips
And cars galloped, bunnies,
We fought for a long time
Everyone to victory
The hour flew by, as if on a bicycle.
A. Kaikova

On June 8, 2018 at 14:00 in the Lida Rural Library, intellectual and educational educational games for schoolchildren “Day of Board Games in the Library” were held.
Did you know that board games predate writing, such as senet, which is the oldest board game in the world? Today, board games are again at the peak of popularity - new games appear, keeping pace with the times, old games are reviving.

Playing for children is the “main type of activity”, it is through play that children acquire various useful skills and study the world, it is through playing that they learn to be friends, love and have fun. Therefore, educational games were selected for the children.

The librarian invited the guys to plunge into fascinating world board games! Every Saturday from 13:00 to 15:00 Board Games Day is held in the Lida Rural Library, when you can come with your family, your friends and play!

There are games for people of all ages. Games made in different countries. Games develop attentiveness, observation, train memory, reveal Creative skills, teach to work in a team.
Purpose: development of intellectual abilities, creative initiative, activity; fostering friendships in the game. The children liked the event dedicated to board games in the library!
The event was prepared and conducted by: A.V. Kavetskaya

If you want to get acquainted with the world of board games - come to the library! Board games are a great way to develop erudition, replenish vocabulary, and improve logical thinking. But most importantly, board games are live communication.

We have a lot of games:


From the history of board games

In the old days, board games were played on the floor, on the ground and, of course, on the table. This fun first became available to representatives of the elite of the Roman Empire, and then conquered the whole of Europe. It is generally accepted that board games originated in the Middle East. The first board games were diplomatic gifts to the then rulers. They were too pretentious, luxurious and emphasized the social status of their owner.

Backgammon, dominoes, loto, checkers, chess have been known to mankind for over 5000 years.

Bones, for example, were originally known as magical items. In ancient times, they were made from fruit seeds, animal bones, nutshells and seeds.

In the days of Rome and Ancient Greece, bones were made from precious stones, bronze, ivory, marble and porcelain.

Humanity has been playing backgammon for more than 7,000 years, but still no one knows in which country this game was born. There is a legend about the Persian king, by whose order the royal fun was invented, which combined passion, attention and poignancy. The game took place on a board on which everything was a multiple of six. Checkers corresponded to 30 days in a month, points corresponded to 24 hours and 12 months.

There is no point in doubting the popularity of backgammon, since one of the oldest sets of this game was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. And the most ancient board for playing backgammon found in Asia Minor.

V Ancient Russia Backgammon was brought by the Vikings. Rusichi named this popular game- veli (tavlei). It was a mixture of backgammon, chess and checkers.

But checkers is a mixture of the ancient Moorish game of alquirque and chess. Checkers were invented around the 12th century by the French.

One more oldest game- dominoes. This game gained popularity in the XII century. The domino game got its name because of its similarity to the winter clothes of Catholic priests. These clothes were black on the outside and white on the inside, as were small playing records made of ivory with small round ebony inlays.

Nowadays, the selection of games is incredibly large. You can find both new board games and old ones, but at the same time improved, updated and supplemented.

We are waiting for everyone in the youth service sector of the Central City Library at 27 Metallurgov Ave. Phone: 7-21-70.

Working hours: Monday to Thursday from 12 to 19, Saturday, Sunday from 11 to 18, Friday is a day off.