How to make a coin ring without a drill. We make jewelry with our own hands - a stylish coin ring. How to make a ring out of a coin

Today I want to give a master class on making a coin ring.

I myself have only recently learned to do this by watching videos and reading foreign authors.

Since I live in Israel, for example, let's take an Israeli coin with a face value of 10 agorot - a tenth of a shekel.

Before we start working with the coin, we must warm it up to red, this process releases the metal and it will be much easier to work with the coin. There is one important point - you need not to overdo it with heating, as the coin can be deformed and not all elements will be clearly visible on it.

When our coin has already turned red and turned a little white, you can stop the heating process and abruptly lower the coin into cold water. She will puff so terribly, but do not be afraid.

Everything, the first stage is completed, now we are moving on to the second stage

In the second step, we must make a hole exactly in the middle of the coin, this is very important because the ring may come out uneven. Also, an important aspect is the size of the hole in the coin, if it is large, then the final product (ring) will turn out to be very thin and may simply burst in the process of further actions.

For punching holes, I use such a machine made to order, but many have their own systems - a drill or a cutter disk, as it suits you.

The next step, we take the bolt (my bolt is slightly modified on top, as you can see, for my own needs (hahaha), we put our holey coin on it.

Now we take a plastic hammer, it is very important to take just such a hammer, if you use a metal one, then the elements of the coin will, as you understand, be destroyed and the ring will not have an effect.

Now, with even hammer blows, we begin to pull the ring down, very carefully, do not apply strong blows so as not to deform the ring. We bring the whole thing to the sizes we need, there is a markup on the crossbar and, accordingly, stop pulling the ring. Another small nuance, the ring needs to be removed and turned over from time to time so that it does not turn out to be such a strongly conical shape.

Our ring is already half ready, the next step is processing. It can be processed on sandpaper, and then polished on the appropriate equipment, right now I will show you the photos. Personally, I use Dremel and appropriate brushes (goyi paste).

Everything, our ring is ready, let's list the equipment used:

The first is the coin itself.

The second is the crossbar.

The third is a plastic hammer.

The fourth is a tool for making holes in a coin, a drill, or whatever it is convenient for you.

Fifth - sandpaper and everything for polishing.

In principle, this is all, if there are any comments, please write, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer. If I remember something that I forgot to say, I will definitely write, do not judge strictly.

I can offer the idea of ​​home production of rings from coins.

With a certain skill, you can master the almost mass production of rings. As you all know handmade, the so-called handmade is now appreciated and will allow you to have an additional source of income for the family.

Using the simple technology described below, you can make excellent rings of different sizes at home and even decorate them with patterns. Fortunately, in the markets and in various commission stores you can find plenty of material for the production of rings at low prices. For work, you can use both recommended and other tools that, in your opinion, will simplify the process. But this is not the point - the main thing is the process itself and its stages. I tell it, I do it, and you already decide - as it is more convenient for you, you can improve my technology

To begin with, you will need a small, solid metal platform that will act as an anvil substrate, a small hammer, an ordinary steel spoon and the coin itself. At first, it is recommended to choose coins minted from soft alloys.

Take a coin, put it on its edge, cover with a spoon, the spherical shape of which is ideal for the first stage.

With light blows of the hammer on the spoon, begin to flatten the edge of the coin. At this stage, do not rush and strike hard, be patient. Try to process the edge of the coin evenly, periodically look at the intermediate results.

Then take a drill and start drilling a hole in the center of the coin. At this stage, there is one very important point. It is necessary to make a hole "slightly not completely", i.e. stop the drill at that moment, as soon as it "pecks" from the back side. Thus, you will save yourself from the need to attach the coin to the axis of rotation for further processing. The drill will jam in the metal, allowing the process to continue.

Then take fine-grained sandpaper and start processing the outer part of the future ring. See photos - comments are most likely unnecessary.

Upon completion of this operation, it is necessary to carry out the final surface treatment. Take a piece of cloth and apply an abrasive compound. Polish the surface to a mirror finish. It may be necessary to repeat this operation several times to achieve the best result.

After that, prepare some kind of grip that can securely hold the coin. It is desirable that the gripping lips are not straight, but curved for a more secure hold. To protect the freshly polished surface from scratches and dents, use paper-like pads (cloth, rubber, felt, or other soft material).

The next step will require accuracy and patience. It is necessary to increase the hole in the center of the coin. Make sure that the drill does not "play" to the sides and does not ruin your previous efforts. When performing this operation, you should not rush, feel like a jeweler at painstaking work.

Then you need to smooth the inside of the ring with an emery roller.

Having achieved a good result, we proceed to the final stage of processing. We take a polishing wheel with an abrasive material applied to its surface and polish the inside of an almost finished ring, which no longer looks like a coin. Be neat, trim unnecessary elements, etc.

That's basically all - enjoy the result! If everything works out, you like it and your hands grow from where you need it, then you can earn money on the production of such rings. For serial production (even when working alone), I recommend performing all operations in stages. Those. first perform the first step on all the coins, then move on to drilling and grinding, then to reaming and finishing.

Well and more....

You can also wear the ring yourself.

The history of the idea

Once upon a time with silver coin and hammer designer Nicholas Heckman created a homemade ring for his girlfriend. Nobody expected that it would turn out so well, and the relatives and the young lady herself were truly delighted with the work done. Subsequently, Heckman released a whole series of author's rings, which added to his fame and recognition. It happened that he had to suspend the sale of products, because they were in amazing demand. His practical guide Heckman shared with the public and now everyone can become a home jeweler in comfortable and convenient conditions for him.

Hand tools for making a ring

It is obvious that initially it is necessary to choose a tool for making a hole in a coin, here the choice depends solely on the ease of use in the preference of the manufacturer, for example: a drill, a hammer (plastic) and a bolt - a completely standard set for this type of work. In order to give the coin ring shine and completeness, you need a piece of sandpaper. It follows from this that, technically, there should not be any difficulties in finding materials, everyone can act to the best of their skill and ingenuity.

Coin selection

In reality, the requirements for choosing a coin are not so extensive. There is a set of qualities that it must meet and, according to it, be processed to create a future product. First of all, it should be as strong as possible and not harmful to human life. In this case, brass, silver, bronze and steel are absolutely harmless. The color of the coin for the ring depends on individual preferences, but the size is a general indicator - coins with the equivalent of less than 1 ruble will not be suitable for work.

"Crazy hands" or "I myself"

When choosing a coin for a ring, pay attention to the choice of material, it is silver that has a big advantage. The first step is to heat the coin until a bright red hue appears, but here it is important to find a middle ground and not overdo it, as the elements may suffer, and the coin itself will take on a shape that is not desirable for further work. At the end of this procedure, the coin must immediately be lowered into cold water, a characteristic sound will be heard, but you should not be afraid of this, because this is considered an absolutely normal manifestation during such an interaction.

The next step in making a coin from a ring will be making a hole - this is a rather crucial moment, since it is important to monitor the symmetry and thickness here, the larger the hole, the correspondingly thinner the product. Then the hammer and bolt come into their own. For those who do not know what a crossbar is, it is a tool for making chain links, which visually looks like a rod expanding towards the bottom. The coin should be placed on the crossbar and be accompanied by accurate accurate hammer blows to the lower part, increasing in width. This is a rather laborious process that requires concentration and patience. You need to focus on the mark that is on the crossbar and reports the completion of work. Why a plastic hammer? Because any other risk of damage to the product increases tenfold. There is another subtlety that must be taken into account. So that the product does not visually become like a cone, it must be periodically removed from the crossbar and shifted with the reverse side.

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Grinding process

Grinding a coin ring is the most enjoyable process in making such a product. When the desired shape appeared and the coin turned into a real work of art, it only remained to bring the matter to mind and give the ring a marketable appearance. Sandpaper not only adds shine, but also levels the surface of the ring, after which it becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch.

There is another secret of how to add extra smoothness to a coin ring. For this, an ordinary spoon is used, which is needed for light tapping on the surface of the ring. Here, again, it is important to be careful and careful, because any intervention with an excess of more than necessary force can ruin everything that can be created up to this point.


Everyone who is going to create a ring from a coin should understand that this is a rather dangerous process,
which requires a certain approach and compliance with technical rules. The most important thing that a novice master should remember is about safety glasses that should not be removed at all stages of the work. A mask and specialized gloves are also important, since when interacting with heated metal, each mistake made can result in a big injury. The working area must also be suitable for the occasion and be protected from unwanted interference by production costs. All materials must be in sight, and the process itself must be carefully planned in advance. It should be remembered that when choosing a coin, preference is given to coins made of soft alloy, they are more suitable for work and appropriate for creating such a product.

Experience of professionals

In order to achieve the maximum shine of a coin ring, sandpaper alone will not be enough, and more experienced craftsmen suggest using an abrasive composition. This can be considered quite reasonable advice, since this composition is used to treat the surface of solid materials, whether it be metal or rocks.

In any case, only by mastering the initial techniques, you can create your own unique approach to making a ring and choose your own improvised means, which only you can masterfully handle.

In our time, when it is difficult to surprise people with something, but you really want to, you can do stylish ring from a coin that will amaze those around you. Especially if you choose an unusual copy. For the first time, a way to make rings from metal pennies was invented in America, and the person who did this was called Nicholas Hackman. It is said that when Lenin married Krupskaya, they exchanged coin rings. Now this idea gives enterprising people good earnings, because such rings are sold for good money, and they are in demand.

There are two manufacturing technologies: one is simple, and the second is a little more complicated, but everyone can master it if they wish, they just need more tools. Let's start with the easier one.

How to make a ring out of a coin

A ring can be made from absolutely any coin. If desired, you can take silver or gold. To turn a ring into a coin, we need:

  • A spoon.
  • Drill.
  • Zeal.

In the process, everyone will have additional tools with which it will be convenient for him to perform actions at a certain stage. If the ring is planned to be thick, then the appropriate coin should be taken, for example, a penny, in general, it should be larger than a finger in size. It is not recommended to take multilayer pennies, at least until there is sufficient experience in manufacturing.

So let's start. You need to take something metal, you can, for example, a hammer or another even piece of metal, put a penny on top of it on the edge and, holding it with your fingers, beat it along the edge with a spoon. This will take a long time to do so, so be patient. Only in this way will you be able to understand how to make a ring out of a coin and whether it is worth it. It is better to take a massive spoon so that it is more convenient to work with it. You need to beat about three times, then turn the penny and start working further on the new site.

Production nuances

In this case, the main thing is to knock often, but not very hard, so that the surface from the blows expands gradually and is smooth. If you hit too hard, dents can appear that ruin the whole look. Another nuance is that you need to evenly tap the coin from all sides so that the surface is flattened evenly. It is worth developing a rhythm and moving in it constantly.

You need to continue to knock until the penny reaches the desired size. Making a coin ring requires a good eye. When the size of the jewelry becomes visually close to the desired one, you need to start measuring the diameter with a caliper in order to maintain the exact parameters.

Drilling a coin ring

To drill a coin, it must be fixed. This can be done in a vice, after placing wooden bars so as not to scratch the surface. If there is no vice, you can take two pieces of the board, drill a hole in them a millimeter or two smaller size pennies. Connect two bars and make small holes in the corners for self-tapping screws. After that, we insert the ring between the boards so that through the drilled opening there is access to the coin. We fix it securely and, holding this massive structure well, we drill the money. When we make a ring out of a coin, it is better to punch it before drilling so that the drill does not come off and scratch the surface.

Enlargement of the hole in the ring

Not pulling out of the clamp coin ring, you need to expand the hole in it. To do this, you can use a large drill or a round file of a suitable diameter by inserting it into the drill. In a word, if there is no special instrument, then you just need to improvise.

Sanding the outside

Now it is already known exactly how to make a ring out of a coin, and it remains to polish it to a mirror shine. To do this, you need to take a bolt and nut of a size that is very close to the diameter of the inner circle of the decoration. We put it on the bolt, placing a piece of fabric, and then fix it with a nut. It is very important that the ring does not come into contact with metal and is not scratched. We clamp the bolt into the drill, turn it on and grind the ring, first on the finest sandpaper, and then on felt or dense fabric. So the appearance of the ring will be dazzlingly perfect.

The inside is easy to grind by inserting an even piece of stick into the drill instead of a drill. You can hold the ring with pliers, after wrapping them with a dense cloth in several layers. That's all - the do-it-yourself ring is made from a coin, now it should be sanded by hand, and the fashion accessory is ready.

Ring with external coin design

To turn the design of the ring outward, you need to apply a slightly different approach. This method is more difficult, but the result is many times more interesting.

The manufacturing scheme differs radically from the first option. It is necessary to immediately drill a hole in the coin of such a size that the rim matches the thickness of the ring. After that, it will need to be expanded using a metal cone. It is firmly installed, a coin is put on top, on which we put a plastic tube and beat it from above with light movements. The coin gradually decreases, expanding at the same time. When doing these actions, you need to feel the metal and monitor the product in order to prevent the ring from breaking. After the coin has dropped a little, it must be removed and heated. This can be done in the fireplace or with a gas cutter.

After the penny is heated, you need to continue the same steps as before, only with a hot product. We do everything gradually, each time removing and heating the future ring. When a large circle, which is closer to the bottom of the cone, becomes the required diameter, the product is turned over and also put on the cone in a red-hot form. Work continues until both circles are the same diameter. Here's how to make a ring with a pattern on the outside of a coin. After that, you need to grind the ring, as described in the first method.

When grinding, it is not necessary to completely remove all carbon deposits. With a combination of shine and soot, the metal looks very impressive, and the pattern of the coin gives the ring a special charm. Such a stylish accessory will definitely be noticed by everyone around.

The history of the idea

In the recent past, American designer Nicholas Heckman decided to create a ring for his girlfriend out of a silver coin and a hammer. No one could have imagined that it would turn out to be exclusive and original. jewelry, which will delight not only the young lady, but also her relatives.

How to make a ring from a coin with your own hands at home?

First of all, you need to prepare for the process. You need to choose not only a coin, but also tools for work. The requirements for the coin are not that extensive. Of course, coins with an equivalent of less than 1 ruble are unsuitable for work, as they do not fit in size. And the rest of the qualities are quite standard for metal.

Choosing the right coin

When choosing a coin, pay attention to the following set of qualities:

  • Maximum strength. The coin will be processed to create a piece of jewelry, so the metal must withstand all mechanical and thermal effects.
  • Safety. A handmade coin ring should not cause any harm to human health.
  • Color. This setting depends on individual preference. According to the color scheme, the coins are: bronze-yellow and silver-steel.
  • The size. From small coins it is impossible to make a ring even of medium diameter.

Important! The larger the coin, the wider the ring will be.

A do-it-yourself coin ring at home can be made from the following materials:

  • Silver.
  • Brass.
  • Bronze.
  • Steel.

All these materials are absolutely harmless and strong enough.

Important! Be careful with coins containing copper and nickel. Metals are not safe. They can cause skin diseases, allergies and body poisoning.

Improvised materials for work

In addition to the coin, you need to pick up tools. If you have a whole workshop available, then making a piece of jewelry will not be difficult using special tools. How to make a ring out of a silver coin under such conditions, we will describe further. In the meantime, let's hold a master class for "crazy hands" who prefer to do everything at home.

Coin ring. Method number 1

So, for work you will need:

  • Drill or bolt and plastic hammer.
  • Vice.
  • Sturdy stainless steel spoon.
  • Anvil (or piece of rail).
  • Coarse-grained and fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Drill.
  • Power tool with attachments for grinding and polishing.
  • Pliers.
  • File.
  • A piece of woolen cloth.
  • Abrasive composition for polishing.

As you can see, there are no technical difficulties with finding tools. Now let's get to work, acting to the best of our skill and ingenuity. However, do not forget about safety.

Prepare the following protective equipment:

  • Protective glasses. Do not take off your glasses until the work is completed.
  • Mask.
  • Specialized gloves. In the process of work, you will deal with heated metal, and this is not safe.

Coin ring - step by step instructions:

  • Take a coin in your left hand, put it on the anvil with an edge.
  • Take a spoon in your right hand. Applying the convex part, start tapping evenly along the entire edge of the coin. For example, tap one side three times, then twist the coin a little and tap the other side. Everything should be even, if they knocked three times on one side, then the same number of knocks should be on the other side.
  • Periodically check the shape of the workpiece. Stop when the edge of the coin is large enough for the width of the ring.
  • Mark the center of the coin using a nail or other pointed object.
  • Make a hole in the center of the coin with a drill and a metal drill. Stop the drill as soon as it passes through the money. The tool will jam in the metal and this will allow you to move on to the next step.

Important! Be careful, the coin can get hot while drilling, so hold it with pliers.

  • Take coarse sandpaper to process the outer part of the ring blank.
  • Turn on the drill so that the coin spins on the drill. Finish the edges of the workpiece.
  • Take fine-grained sandpaper. Turn on the drill, repeat the grinding.
  • Prepare a cloth, apply an abrasive composition to it.
  • Carry out the final stage of polishing the outer surface of the workpiece with a cloth with an abrasive composition. To obtain a mirror finish, polish several times.
  • Clamp the workpiece in a vise. To avoid scratching the coin and to protect it from dents, use paper or cardboard backings.
  • Enlarge the hole in the coin to the required size using a drill or other tool (bolt and plastic hammer). This is the most difficult and painstaking stage of the work. It is very important to monitor the symmetry and thickness here. Everything must be done carefully so as not to spoil the product. Periodically remove the coin mount, check the diameter of the hole.
  • Turn on the power tool with the grinding roller, level the inside of the workpiece. After processing, the edges of the product will become sharp.
  • File along the edges of the workpiece on all sides at an angle of 45 degrees until they become more rounded.
  • Sand the inner surface of the product with a polishing nozzle with a small amount of abrasive material. Remove any remaining roughness.
  • Homemade ring is ready.

  • If you only have a drill, a bolt and a plastic hammer at your disposal, then to make a hole, place the coin on the bolt (a rod that expands towards the bottom). Accurate, accurate blows of the hammer accompany it to the lower, expanding part of the tool. Focus on the mark located on the crossbar and informing you of the completion of work.

Important! To prevent the product from becoming like a cone, periodically remove it from the crossbar and shift it with the back side.

  • To grind the workpiece from the outside, you can make a homemade nozzle from a suitable bolt and two nuts. Insert a drilled coin into the bolt and secure it with nuts on both sides. Attach a homemade nozzle to the drill and sand the product using fine sandpaper. Next, using the same technique, polish the product with a piece of leather.

As you can see, making a ring out of a coin with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can use other methods, which we will discuss below.

How to make a ring out of a silver coin. Method number 2

This method is for those who have specialized tools, such as a press and a punch (applies pressure to the material during stamping).

So, proceed as follows:

  • Insert the coin into the punch.
  • Punch a hole with a press. The hole can also be drilled with a suitable drill.

Important! You can measure the wall thickness around the hole using a caliper.

  • Remove burrs inside the hole with needle files and sandpaper.
  • Place the blank in a solution of denatured alcohol and boric acid to protect the metal from flames before firing.
  • Pick up the coin by the center with a metal wire and bring the blank to the burner to burn out the alcohol. As a result, the coin will be covered with a protective white film.
  • Heat the workpiece with a torch until it takes on a dull orange color.
  • Submerge the coin in water. Repeat the heating and cooling process several times.
  • Decide which side of the workpiece will be outside the ring.
  • Place the coin face down in the frame.
  • Place a large ball from the bearing in the center of the workpiece.
  • Place the frame with the coin in a vise, squeeze slowly.
  • Remove the frame from the vise. The coin must have a conical shape.
  • Put the blank on the conical shape. Using a wooden mallet, lower the ring as low as possible while rotating the mandrel.
  • Remove the ring. Now you need to align it and check the size on the ring mandrel.
  • Slightly align the ring in a vise.
  • Take the mandrel with the smallest cup, set the product with the wide side down.
  • Squeeze the vise very slowly.
  • Check the ring after alignment.
  • To level the surface, set the ring in the mandrel and squeeze in a vise.
  • Check the ring from all sides. Put on a dimensional mandrel to make sure the diameter of the product is accurate.
  • Finish the edges with a file.
  • For polishing, use aluminum oxide powder mixed with water. Apply the composition to the rough side of a piece of leather and polish the product.
  • The handmade ring is ready and shiny.

There is another interesting way to make a ring with your own hands. We propose to make a decoration from a plastic bottle familiar to everyone. This method of making a ring will appeal to the female half of our readers, since no special tools are needed to create a unique accessory.

How to make a bottle ring

Many are made from plastic bottles. original jewelry and crafts. For example, necklaces, bracelets and rings. Different materials are used to decorate products, and the method of making unique jewelry is quite simple.

For the ring you will need:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Scissors.
  • Scotch.
  • Iron.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Ribbons (lace).
  • Rhinestones, beads, chain (for decoration).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash and dry the bottle.
  2. Cut a strip 1-2 cm wide using the smooth part of the container.
  3. Make a blank from the strip to the size of your finger.
  4. Cut off the excess material.
  5. Secure the workpiece with tape.
  6. Turn the iron on to the highest temperature.
  7. Press down the edges of the ring with an iron. Process the workpiece on both sides.
  8. Decorate the base of the ring with thin ribbons. Wrap the tape around the ring and secure with silicone glue.
  9. Cut off the end of the tape, singe with a match and glue.
  10. In the center of the ring, glue a bead (rhinestone) with a heat gun.

Now you know how to create a unique piece of jewelry from improvised means and at no extra cost. In the same way, rings of various widths can be made using colored threads, lace or ribbons. You can decorate the finished ring with beads, rhinestones or a chain. Glue all elements with a heat gun.

Now in vogue different unusual jewelry. Things made with high quality by hand emphasize the unusualness of their owner. We offer you to get acquainted with the master class on how to make a ring from an ordinary coin.

When making a coin ring, it is very important to choose the right coin first.

When choosing a coin, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • safety;
  • strength;
  • color;
  • the size.

Coin rings made from materials such as silver, brass, steel, bronze are not dangerous. One must be careful with coins containing nickel and copper, as they can cause skin diseases, allergies and poisoning of the body.

According to the color scheme, the coins are bronze-yellow and silver-steel. Bronze-yellow coins include Russian 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 5, 10 and 50 rubles and Ukrainian 25 and 50 kopecks, 1 and 2 hryvnias.

It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the coin, since it will not be possible to make a ring of large diameter from a small coin. Regardless of the year of issue in Russia, coins of the following sizes: small - with a face value of up to 1 ruble, medium - from 1 to 10 rubles; large - 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100 rubles. In Ukraine, the size of coins in ascending order is as follows: the smallest - 1.2 and 10 kopecks, then 25 and 50 kopecks, the largest - 5 kopecks, 1, 2 and 5 hryvnias.

For example, 50 kopecks of the USSR until 1931 are made of silver, the American dollar of Sakagawea is made of a bronze alloy and it is good to make rings with a large diameter from it, some EU coins are made of bronze alloys and of various sizes.

DIY coin ring: master class

You will need:

  • coin;
  • vise;
  • power tools with nozzles for grinding and polishing;
  • drill;
  • steel spoon;
  • a metal platform that acts as an anvil;
  • fine-grained sandpaper.
  1. We put the coin on the “anvil” with an edge, put a spoon on it with a convex part and with gentle blows we pass evenly along the entire edge of the coin. We periodically check the shape of the workpiece.
  2. We stop when the edge of the coin becomes the right width for our ring.
  3. Using a nail or pointed object, mark the center of the coin.
  4. We drill a small hole in the center of the coin with a drill, stop the drill as soon as its end passes through the coin. The drill will jam in the metal, which will allow us to complete the next step. Be careful as the ring heats up when drilling and you can burn yourself.
  5. We take coarse-grained sandpaper, and, turning on the drill so that the coin spins on the drill, we process the outer parts of the ring blank. Then we take fine-grained sandpaper and repeat the processing.
  6. We carry out the final processing of the outer surface. To do this, take a cloth, apply an abrasive composition and polish the surface with it. To obtain a mirror shine, repeat this treatment several times.
  7. We clamp the coin in a vise, using linings in the form of cardboard or paper to protect it from scratches and dents.
  8. We increase the hole in the coin with a drill or other device. This is the most difficult and painstaking stage of work, as there is a chance of ruining the coin. Everything must be done carefully, slowly, periodically checking the fastening of the coin.
  9. Using a power tool with a grinding roller, level the inside of the ring. After this stage, the edges of the product will become quite sharp.
  10. We pass with a file along the edges of the product from all sides at an angle of 45 degrees, until they become more rounded.
  11. With a polishing nozzle with a small amount of abrasive material, we grind the inner surface of the product, removing all remaining roughness.

Our homemade coin ring is ready.