South Park Brother Kyle Jew. Zfreek: "Kike Kyle did not particularly affect our relationship. He is still my brother. Spirit Bob materialized on the set

When the girl was fifteen, Samantha died in a car accident. And grandmother remained the only close Fabi man on earth.

Mother's loss broke her little world to thousands of small fragments. In the hope again glue it in parts of March Rei surrounded his granddaughter with care and love. Meeting with Kite Blackburn helped Fabian to heal still bleeding wounds.

Young people have found a relative soul in each other. Kyle almost all days spent in Low Place. Threesome, together with March, they drank tea on the terrace, admiring the sunset, listened to the crossbars and talked, talked about everything in the world.

Kyle helped an elderly woman in the garden - it turned out, he dismantled in the breeding of dahlias. Together with Fabi, they often disappeared on lakes, bathed, sunbathe, rode on catamarans. They climbed all the surroundings, and there were not a single path in the mountains, not a single path that would have known young adventure crafes. They shared with each other almost all: with their dreams, hopes, plans.

Kyle was openly admired elder brother. At that time, almost seven years have passed, as Brickburnes brothers lost their parents and faced a difficult problem of managing a huge mansion. Inheritance tax, plus kyle training fee and monthly salary people working in Edelflai, a serious burden lay on the shoulders of a young man who had just received an architect's diploma. From Kayla Fabi found out that many old things and paintings had to sell. Matthew Blackburn was on the map, when he decided to buy several nearby houses to rebuild them in the bungalow and open something like a tourist resort in Lakeside.

Fortunately, the risk justified himself, the place was loved by tourists who did not bother to spread huge money for rest on the picturesque lakes. Matthew Blackburn business quickly went uphill. The only spoon of tar in the barrel of honey of an energetic entrepreneur was his younger brother, categorically refused to take part in the family business.

Kyle Blackburn more attracted the art of photography. After graduating from college, he stayed in Sydney, where she got a job in the prestigious Art Studio Lorenz Gordon Tilly, a very famous masters of photography. And although Fabi had no relation to the decision of his friend, Matthew did not hide what he believed that she had a bad influence on Kaila. He did not even convince his brother's assurance that nothing in the world would make him tie his future profession with tourism and services.

But the new work fully corresponded to the artistic nature of Kayla Blackburn. Lawrence Gordon Tilly, a charming, witty elderly man, heard his business aside and dotted to each student. He knew absolutely everything about the photobusiness, and for Kayel, working in the studio "Outstanding Day of the Twentieth Century" became a real gift of fate. The novice photographer took an apartment with a friend in one of the prestigious areas of the capital, he was engaged in his beloved thing, traveled a lot. In addition, he had Fabi. What else do you need a person for happiness?

The blessing of His Majesty, she grabbed.

Why don't you love my brother? - asked Kyle, hugging her shoulders. - Well, confuse. We have no secrets from each other, right? What kind of black cat between you ran?

And once Fabi could not stand and laid out Kyle, as one day in Eddoflai, stopping around open door In the kitchen to stroke the cat, she accidentally heard how Matthew read the notation of the younger brother.

He called me a prompt! He said that I am not a couple you, and advised to stay away from me.

Kyle laughed.

Matt just bothered that the whole circle of communication closes on you.

I heard what heard was - Fabi's lips.

Matthew Blackburn considers it a unclean girl only because among her friends there are men, although he does not lead to a monastic lifestyle. In any case, Fabi paid attention to what glasses are thrown on Matthew Blackburn, and strongly doubted that he was trying to confront them. And why on earth? He is not married, he has no obligations to anyone. Another lone wolf, like her simple dad.

... The next morning Fabi called his girlfriend Page to announce that the buyer Low Place was already found.

Brother Kaila wants to attach the estate to Eddoflay, but I refused to sell it. I just can't imagine how I parted with the grandmother's house.

What are you? - exclaimed Page. - Yes, Mrs. Rey left a small amount in a bank account, but this money is enough only to support the house in a normal state for another six months. And what then?

I know I know. But Low Place is the last thread that connects me with the grandmother. I can not decide to cut it yet.

So what will you do with this eater income?

Maybe I will move here, we will not live here for a while.

After a short pause, Page cautiously asked:

What about our dance club?

I will sell you my share, I will give private dance lessons in Lakeside.

We can see him on weekends.

Not deep. Fab, it seems to me, you will make a big mistake if you stay in Lakeside. You just remember how we have long dreamed of purchasing our own building for our studio and no longer rent a room. I understand it is too bold on my part, but if you sell Low Place, then we will unfold so! Wow! Please do not take hasty decisions, guided by one emotions.

Fabi was still chatted with her friend, then went to the Ember Lake, went shopping, met old friends, chatted with them, told about his affairs, learned the last local gossip.

The day was wonderful, the Ember Lake, the wonderful mountain lake, which gave the name and the whole area, glittered in the sun as a new silver coin, Fabi decided to return home longer, but but a very picturesque route. On the other shore of the lake had fun and raged their bodies in the sun, resting their lucky laughter to Fabi. Having reinged the lake, she walked along the mossy shore of a small river Light Spring, arising from the Ember Lake, holding the shade of the trees. On the side of the low hill, the possessions of Edelflai, adjacent to her native Low Place begins.

Obeying a sudden gust, Fabi removed sandals and stepped into cool water. Oh, what a pleasant silence has sunk away from everywhere! It would be possible to spend the rest of the day here, listening to the rustling of trees and the ombut of running water. Fabi remembered that sometime, with Kyle, Light Spring Vyod, but, apparently, she forgot about cold underwater flows. By turning to get back to the shore, she swayed, losing equilibrium. Newspapers, that she bought in the kiosk, slipped out of her hands. Fabi clung to sandals stronger in the sandals, as if they were a support that allowed the balance, and at the same second noticed Matthew Blackburn, leaning toward the reached on Times.

Help is not needed? He asked, and his mouth broke into a wide smile.

No, thanks, - she said through her teeth.

To her annoyance, he went around and confident steps headed towards her, stepping with lazy grace Panthers.

Let's hand, - he commanded.

A second of having fallen, Fabi extended her hand and took a step. What is his big and warm palm! Update in dangerous intimacy from his Savior, she swung again. Matthew grabbed her with one rapidly dexter movement and moved to the other coast.

Well, I suppose, I deserved a small reward for saving you from a shameful fall, "he said with a smile. - Would you be a company for lunch?

Fabi followed his suspicious look.

If this is a tricky trick to convince me to sell you a Low Place, I must warn: do not waste time.

I even have nothing like that in my thoughts. I just thought that it would be time for us to make friends. For kyle. - His lips twisted. - In addition, if I conceived someone in something, to convince, then let me go to the course of lunch with caviar and champagne.

The creators of Twin Picca David Lynch and Mark Frost met in 1986, working on Bayopic Marilyn Monroe on the order of Warner Bros, which in the end did not take place. Over the shoulders of Frost, the series "Blues Hill Street" has already been revolutionary for his time, so he wanted to drag the director of the "head-crop" and "blue velvet" on television. After the failure of Dunes and Bankruptcy Studio Dino de Laurentis in 1988, Linch was nothing to lose, so he quickly agreed. Lynch and Frost began to prove the television landscape, meet with televisions. The NBC director, for example, they tried to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Lemurians" series about the FBI agent, which, with the help of various gadgets, was looking for residents of the ancient sunken mainland Lemuria. Then, completely different images were attached to the idea with the FBI agent: a small town, a killing of a girl and a mysterious forest. After a few months, they looked into the office of the ABC channel with the ready-made pilot scenario under the working title "North-West Passage" ("Northwest Passage"), which was then renamed Twin Pix.

Soundtrack came up before the filming

Lynch asked his permanent composer Angelo Badalamths to write a musical theme for the series when there was no single frame. Work on a well-known composition "Theme Laura Palmer" It was built in about this way: Lynch brought out loud visual images in the Spirit of Twin Picca, and the intuitive chords sitting next to the synthesizer of Badalmenti intuitively selected chords to this interference to the director's metaphor. Actually, many other soundtracks for Lynch films were also composed.

William Burrow and Isabella Rossellini should have played in the series

As a bow, William Berrouza Lynch was planned to attract a writer in a small role of Brother of the Mayor Twin-Picza, who, we recall, was the publisher of a local newspaper, he twisted the novel with a young nymphatcher and died during sex with her, - but something in the end did not have grown . There were other casting inconsistencies. For example, the star of the "blue velvet" star Isabella Rosselini was planned for the role of the mysterious Joselin Pakard, so in the original scenario, this heroine was not at all Chinese, but by Italian. Josie replaced the nationality, when a star of the "last emperor" was found to replace the refused Rosselini, Joan Chen.

Spirit Bob materialized on the set

The appearance in the plot of an evil spirit named Bob became the result of the confusion on the set. Full Frank Silva, although he possessed a specific appearance, was originally a simple working film crew, in particular, answered the props in the house of Laura Palmer. On the set of the scene from the pilot, where Mother Laura pursue the vision, Silva was inadvertently lit up in the reflection of the mirror. Lynch noticed this, but did not move, and on the go adds to the scenario of the Infernal maniac Bob, which appears in the mirrors, absorbs the soul and delays in the Black Wigvam. He began to portray the former working Frank Silva. So spontaneous barcode significantly influenced the Mythology "Twin Picca". However, the fans of the series are prone to the hoax, they do not believe in coincidence and explain all this by the intervention of the other forces: it is no coincidence that Frank Silva and the actor who actually played the role of dwarf from the Red Room was born on the same day in Halloween.

Photo: ABC Photo Archives

Even the actors did not know the junction

The question "Who killed Laura Palmer?" The world was crazy, the audience turned them to the management of the canal, the film crew and actors, but in fact no one knew the answer to this question - Lynch and Frost until the very end hid from all the name of the real killer. Even when, under pressure, they had to remove the series, where all the secret became apparent, they kept a rays in the conditions of strictest secrecy to the broadcast. Surprisingly, neither actors nor teleboats nor anyone else knew the junction until she was shown on TV. To remove the eyes of Lynch with Frost, the editors of the scenario with the fake finals were sent, and the clarifying scene of the murder was specially removed in three versions: at first heroine killed Benjamin Horn, then Lyland Palmer and, finally, Bob.

Gorbachev tried to learn through Bush-senior who killed Laura Palmer

One of the participants in the scenario group told an incredible story: the answer to the ill-fated question about the murder of Laura Palmer tried to find out even Mikhail Gorbachev. He asked to learn this from the American president George Bush, the older, he was friends with the financier from the television company, the financier called the scenario office, and already from the office called Linch. True, even the first persons of the intelligible response did not succeed.

Elizabeth II exchanged McCartney concert on the Twin Pizes series

Composer Angelo Badalamerty told another funny bike about the status fans of Twin Pizes. During the peak of the popularity of the series Badalamenti, McCartney became acquainted with Paul, who asked him to put on the arrangement of a new song. Between the case McCartney told how Twin Pixes once prevented him from opposing the queen itself. To celebrate the birthday of Elizabeth II in the Buckingham Palace McCartney specifically composed a forty-law program - however, when Sir had to go on stage, the queen apologized and reported that he would miss his performance: "Mr. McCartney, I apologize, but I can't stay. Now without five eight. I have to climb and watch Twin Pix.

Photo: ABC Photo Archives

The second season was supposed to shoot Stephen Spielberg

The producers had plans for the next series of the second season "Twin Picca" removed Stephen Spielberg, who became a big fan of the first. However, when Frost Runs this idea to Lynch, engaged in the production of "wild hearts", he opposed and said that he wants to put this series himself, and Spielberg can entrust any episode at the end of the season. As a result, Spielberg left to shoot his next film.

Lynch did not take any participation in the second season turning moment

After the topic with the murder of Laura Palmer was closed, the audience did not understand why the series was watching the series, Lynch did not in touch, the scripts broke their heads over the new plots that could revive the Twin Pixes. In a narring plan, it was an important turning point that was supposed to lead the series in the new direction. Writer Trisha Brock, who wrote the next episode after the closure of the affairs of Laura Palmer, assures that he has never seen with Lynch and did not appeal for help. The director of the episode of Tina Ratborn also says that at that moment the show did not control the frost, nor Lynch. Just during this period, "Twin Pix" began to fever: Cooper took the icon, Major Briggs was dragged in White Vigvam, and David appeared in the plot in the female.

Kyle Maclachlen imposed a ban on Roman Audrey and Cooper Agent

In the second season, the authors of the series planned to develop a relationship between the Cooper agent and Audrey to a full-fledged love line. But Kyle Maclahlen, the performer of the role of Cooper, opposed it, as he believed that his character was too exemplary and correct for novels with schoolgirls. However, he did not oppose the Roman Cooper with the new heroine performed by Heather Graham. However, there is an opinion that in fact the actor pressed Lara Flynn Boyle (she played Donna), which at that time met with Maclahlen and so much jealous of him to Sierlin Fenn (she played Audrey), which did not allow to develop this plot.

Photo: ABC Photo Archives

All the directors were Kameo

In addition to David Lynch himself, who played a bright role of the hearing head of the Cooper agent, the other creators were lit in the series. For example, Mark Frost noted in a small reporter Kameo in the scene on the asset asholk. The director Leslie Link Glytter, who removed several episodes "Twin Pizesa," flashed in the frame in the image of a humpback maid in the brothel "One-eyed Jack". This directorial exit became a surprise for the entire film crew, moreover, not everyone still knows who hidden for the appearance of Gorbuni.

Japanese actor Fumio Yamaguchi was not really

Another draw with unrecognizable reincarnation occurred on the shooting of the second season, when the actress Piper Laurie (she played Catherine Martell) in the plot gave himself for the powerful Japanese Toyamura. For the sake of preserving secrets, none of the other actors knew that Laurie was hiding under the mustache, make-up and dark glasses. The actress was pacing along the shooting area in makeup and successfully pretended to a famous actor from Japan. Even in the weekend of the series, there was a certain fumio Yamaguchi in the role of a mysterious Mr. Toyamura.

Photo: ABC Photo Archives

Mystery Brothers Horn and Sister Fincher

Until now, there is a mystery, who played Horn's little brothers in Flashbekes of the Second Season. None of the reports have no reliable information, the search for some hooks did not give results. It is only known that a dancing girl from the children's memories of Horn played the younger sister of director David Fincher - Emily Fincher.


In the series you can find a lot of funny related links. The first sacrifice of the Earl Windom, which was packed in a huge chess figure, played Brother Kayl McLakhlen - Craig Maclahlen. Artist Rosenfield Agent Miguel Ferrer - Son actor José Ferrer and the cousin of George Clooney. Parents of the famous actress Zoe Diafell took an active part in the series: Father Caleb Deshenel was a director, Mother Mary Joe Desgel played the mother of Donna. By the way, Father Donna played Father Frost, Warren Frost. Both official books from the Twin Picca Universe composed relatives of the Showranner series: "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer" came up with Lynch's daughter, Jennifer Lynch, and "Memories of a special agent FBI Dale Cooper" composed Brother Mark Frost, Scott Frost.

Kyle Schwartz (English Kyle Schwartz), voiced by Trem Parker, Kyle Broflovski's cousin for the mother, stereotypical Jew. Kyle Schwartz lives in Connecticut and has a very stupid appearance - he has a fat head, little mouth and huge glasses. In addition to poor vision, Kyle Asthma, so he breathes very hard. Kyle Schwartz appears in the episode "Essence" - his mother, her sister Sheil, is seriously ill, and he moves to Broflovsky. At first Kyle Broflovski worries how he himself will lead with a walking stereotype about the Jews of his friend Cartman - Anti-Semit. He promises to give him $ 40 so that he links, but in the class Cardman does not stand and jokes about concentration camps. Later, Kyle Schwartz learns that his cousin tried to pay, in order not to laugh at him, but not offended, but he says that it was necessary to offer not $ 40, and $ 12.50. Gradually behavior, bunching, inability to communicate normally and the stereotype of Kyle Schwarz is bored by Kylo Broflovski, and he tries to get rid of him: send by train to Connecticut, by plane to Antarctica, throws in the woods, but every time Kyle Schwartz returns home with a cry: "I at home!" Finally, it turns out that Kyle Schwartz thanks to a successful investment of money earned $ 5,000,000 and leaves home. The main characters begin to beg it to stay, but he leaves with the words: "You know, you are full of supercoile. With you as if stereotypes wrote. "

Later, Kyle Schwartz appears in the Episode "Kill Santa Claus" - it works as an accountant of the Cardman on good deeds and gifts of Santa and concludes that even if Eric finds medicines from AIDS and Cancer, he will have to Santa Two Gifts. In the episode "All for the Defeasure", a children's baseball team of the South Park calls Kaila with a view to participating on their side of the worst possible player, as they want to lose.

The premiere of the 21 season of the series "South Park" ("South Park") will be held on September 13th on the COMDY CENTRAL channel. Sinemphia recalls the most colorful characteristics of the series, which often remain in the shadow of the main characters.

South Park ("South Park") - the American animation series about the life of school friends, who has been raising the problems of the United States and the entire world community for 20 years. Two: Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who they themselves write the script for the series, are voicing and directed.

The center of attention, as a rule, are 4 main characters: Eric Cartman (Eric Cartman) is a fat and vulgar type that conflicts with all its surroundings; Stan Marsh - one of the most adequate inhabitants of the town, albeit a child, but has the ability to critically think and pronounce smart speeches; Kyle Broflovski - Jew, which repeatedly focuses Cartman, and at the same time he is the smartest student in the class and the best friend of Stan, with whom they often save the city and each other from trouble; Kenny McCormick (Kenny McCormick) - the poorest of the fourth of friends, he is constantly manageable to fall into various grows, because of what he always dies, but the next morning, as anything happens in his bed.

Also next to friends, you can often see Butters (Butters Stotch), which in the first seasons often replaced Kenny. Extremely naive and most good-natured from class, Butters constantly suffers from the actions of the Cardman, who tries to humiliate in every possible way and mocking over those who cannot confront him. But the entire list of the heroes of the series has not one tens of characters, and the very colorful of them are preserved attention to readers.

1. Wendy Testaburger (Wendy Testaburger)

Wendy is a classmate of the main characters and a round feature. At the beginning of the series, she is the secret love of Stan, but then they are tied romantic relationships. Almost both adults, they will break up, then converge. Wendy is an activist, the captain of the secreting team. She is not afraid to openly confront the card, who repeatedly chose it with the object for his ridicule. Despite this, in one of the episodes, they publicly kiss, which leads the thoughts of Wendy in the complete chaos. Although she called the Cardman last on the list of the most pretty boys, he still periodically appears in its fantasies.

2. Lena Cartman (Liane Cartman)

Len is the only parent of Erica Cartman, at least in the series it is repeatedly emphasized. She doesn't have the soul in her son and trying to indulge in his numerous whims. Eric for her then "sweet", then "piglets", and that she tries to strengthen the opinion of the Son that he is just a broad bone. Eric is wet from the mother of the rope, and in one of the episodes of Len, it takes an attempt to put the Son - but nothing happens. In addition, the creators of the series are constantly reminded that Len is a very loving woman and slept almost with all the male population of the town.

3. Twee Tweek (Tweek Tweek)

Twitch - a quarter-grader with an excess of caffeine in the body. His parents own a small coffee house and are the main suppliers of coffee, which plays the role of reassuring for the child. Tweak is constantly twitching eyes, he often screams, and even his appearance Complies with behavior: the shirt is incorrectly buttoned, and the hair is always climbed. Tweak is inclined to paranas: it attributes negative consequences even the most harmless events. Surprisingly, the cartman does not express almost no hostility to tweak, although he, nevertheless, Erica dislikes.

4. Tocken Black (Token Black)

At the beginning of the TV series, Tokyn was the only black child in the town, and it was around him that the ridiculation of problems associated with racism was unfolded. The token is a confirmation of all the stereotypes of the Cardman - he has a bass guitar in the basement at home, and, moreover, he does not suspect himself, he plays first-class on it. In addition, when an African American girl appears in the city, a cardman first drives it with a token, and then tells everyone that it should be. By the way, it is the token once beating a cardman for jokes to their address. The token family is the richest in the city, and this is another hairpin on racism and stereotypes from the creators of the series.

5. Master Makeki (McCey)

Mr. Mankie - a school psychologist, to which all the guilty children are sent without exception. Its distinctive features are a big head because of the tight tie tied, the habit of saying "P-Nyatno" ("MMKay") and just bent. For various reasons, Mr. Poppies sometimes find himself as a teacher, and this role goes out of his hands badly - all his speech consists of the same "P-Nyatno?", "Drugs are bad", because of what he constantly becomes The subject of ridicule is not only for the cardman, but also for all other schoolchildren.

6. Ike Broflovski (IKE BROFLOVSKI)

Ayk - Cyle Single Brother. Despite the fact that in the family of Broflovski, he loved him like a native son, he was born in Canada in the family of Gintz. He is only three years old, but thanks to his intelligence, he already goes to primary schoolwhere all children are older than him, even knows how to write letters. Ike loves to play Minecraft, World of Warcraft, and even is an unrecognized computer genius. Together with the elder brother in the last season Ike trolls the whole world, and eventually contributed to the "discharge" of the Internet. In addition, Aka has many other talents - he sings well and is in good fitness.

7. Jimmy Valmer (Jimmy Valmer)

Jimmy is a classmate of the main characters. Despite the fact that it is a disabled since birth, his beloved occupation is a performance before the public in the format of Stand-APA, where it seems he even enjoys his disabilities. As a rule, the main characters often turn to him for advice or for jokes. Jimmy is very gifted, but, like all schoolchildren, often dirty swears and is not afraid to violate some rules. For example, he took steroids when preparing for Paralympic Games. If you pour it around, then he keeps his crutches, which in his hands become powerful weapons. Jimmy - friend Timmy, and the only one who understands it.

8. Hadi Turner (Heidi Turner)

Hadi - "Smart, and still funny" Cartman girl, who revealed as a character only in the last season. She became a victim of a troll under the Nick Skankhunt42 on the school forum and was one of the first girls who sat during the fulfillment of the national anthem of the United States. Heidi did not stand the battles on the Internet and deleted his twitter account. This event was perceived as a tragedy at school, because after her, and other children began to refuse social networks. It is the fact of caring from the Internet and a Cardman and Hadi. And at the end of the 20th season, she helped with the calculations of the Ilon Mask himself, who admired her mind, but did not understand why she was funny.


TUONG is the owner of the only Chinese restaurant "City Wok" and the only airlines "CityAirlines" in the city. He is an ordinary person who loves there is rice, but it did not prevent him from him alone try to build an analogue of the Great Chinese wall around the city and even reflect the attack on her Mongolian troops. TUONU LU KIM, in fact, concentrates all the stereotypes associated with Asia. His pronunciation of the letter "P" as "l" is not characteristic of the Chinese, but for the Japanese; And the surname Kim is common not only in China. He is married to the Chinese singer Ving (Wing) and paid a lot of money of the Chinese mafia to take it in the United States.

10. Barbredi Officer (Officer Barbrady)

Barbredi officer is the brightest representative of the law in the town. Initially, he was the only police for the whole city, but then the state of the police would grow significantly. Barbredy looks a bit rustic and even stupid, but this impression is deceptive. For example, one day he hid the appearance of black helicopters of the CIA in the city. On the other hand, it was he who told the children where you can find girls of easy behavior ... But when it comes to the security of the surrounding people, Barbredy always relates to their work. Outside service officer is enough alone: \u200b\u200bhe lives alone with his old dog that needs constant treatment. Nevertheless, there are suspicions that the officer has romantic relationships with the mayor of the city, because they were twice caught in quite compromising poses. In recent seasons, he was fired from the police after accidentally shot a Latin American child, but after Chaos reigned in the city, he was tried to return it to the service. Nevertheless, Barbredi refused to continue to shoot people.

11. Jesus Christ (jesus christ)

Jesus - good friend The magnificent four, always ready to stretch your hand to help or give some divine advice. Previously, he even led his own show on the cable channel, where he invited various celebrities and answered the questions of callers. It was also originally very conflicted with Santa Claus, but soon they put an end to their disagreements, and now they are strong allies. Of course, Jesus has super superconduct: the ability to treat wounds and split broken bones with a slight movement of the hand; Resurrection force after death he shared with Kenny; The destruction of his enemies with the help of weapons ... However, Jesus is not deprived of a lack - its biggest weakness is addicted to Internet pornography.

The entire season 20 was devoted to politics and ridicule over Donald Trump, in particular. The creators of the series promised that the 21 season would not be like that. And whether it is or not, and some of the heroes will open in a new appearance, whose secrets are not yet fully disclosed, we will find out very soon.

Participant Complexity Gaming. Zakari. "Zfreek" Freedman told in an interview about relationships with his brother after its exception from the team, the problems of the North American scene, the causes of the zero Warela Techies and many other things. Zfreek. also explained why David "Moo" Hull became the captain of the team, and told why he rarely gives an interview.

- For a long time you tried to build a team around you and your brother Kaila. Why did you decide to give up this idea?

- In fact, I don't really want to talk about the prehistory of this decision. Sometimes such solutions are accepted when you play for a very long time. The only players whose history is similar to me and Kayla is Tal Fly Izik and Johan N0tail Sundhane. They also played together for years, with Hon. And somehow in dota, the moment came when they had to be divided.

- Do you hope that when will you play together again?

- Well, I do not even know.

- Did it affect your relationship with my brother?

- Not really. He is the same guy, he is still my brother. We are still often visible on family holidays and fees. We just do not play together.

- Why did Moo become the captain of the team? You did not want to take this role?

- Just he was a man who most of all wanted. I never sought to it. I rather wanted to give the strength to my own game than coordinating the movement of the team. I do not think that Chessie or Limmp wanted or could take this role for themselves due to their position. Only Moo remained the only option, which I wanted to do this. Well, or look for someone to the role of Captain instead of Kaila.

- Have you already felt the difference between the captain Kyle and Captain David?

- Kyle capitalized for years. He is much more talking about the position in the game. Moo suffers from what he has to play for a critic. In the first 10 minutes of the game, the captains are important to monitor what is happening on the map, and tell your team what to do. Sappports-captains are completely engaged in lining. They are mainly watching what is happening here and there. "I have Ward, let me put it here, here you are two, change the lines." This is much more difficult to deal with the fourth position. And these small details are more often lost.

- Is there any problem in what Moo has to coordinate from the third position?

- We were talking about it. This such problem that causes the whole team to collect and make decisions together, and not to wait that someone will take it for you. And everything has been brought to the question, can we do this, and not to change the captain.

- You are a very rare guest on an interview. Did you avoid talking with journalists or just did it work?

- No, I did not try to avoid anything. Previously, I was simply not called an interview. I just came with the team on an interview, but no one was interested in me.

- We know a lot about your brother, but we don't know almost anything about you. What is your main difference from each other?

- If you formulate the most simple as possible, then it is an extrovert, and I am introvert. In all the rest, we are the same part of the same. We grew up in one place, we lived together almost our entire lives. We played the same games and divided the hobby. Not so we are different, it is simply more easy on the rise.

- People consider you one of the most undervalued players of the fourth position on the stage. Did you receive invitations from other teams or regions?

- I do not think that I am underestimated. Just because everyone continues to firm about it. How can you be underestimated if people say so? I did not receive invitations to other teams for a very long time. Maybe because they touched me so closely with Kyl. So they rather came to us than I could leave somewhere.

- If you had the opportunity to go to another region, then what region would you choose?

- Probably Southeast Asia, because they speak English. It would be difficult to communicate with a team from another region. Maybe, except europe. But in Asia, I like the weather more and there are more friends there. Also, probably would go there. China and the CIS is not easy local languages Very complicated.

- And if you remove the factor of the linguistic barrier?

- I still choose Southeast Asia. Cheap, beautiful weather. In general, very pleasant place: a lot good teams and high competition.

- It is believed that the American region is not able to survive without European players. Do you agree with that?

- I do not think that this is just an incorrect opinion. If we had no European players, a team of all stars in America would appear. We would have to connect one or two acting composition. But in order to collect a team that will be strong enough from the point of view of qualifications, where five teams share slots, you will most likely have to find European players.

On the main problem of American pubs constantly write on Twitter. We have semi-professional players who enter the game and just fide the world. In Europe, semi-professional players, if you take the most famous, like Topson and GORGC are really laid out. They try to become stronger, try to find the right way to scene. And in America, people in this position simply fide the world. They just do not care. They do not try. So the base of the players has not changed for a long time.

- Per lately The game had a lot of changes, which, among other things, touched the heroes of your role. What characters are now most effective and why?

"It seems to me that now to be effective in the fourth position, you need to help your Offer." It is almost impossible to stand on a complex line alone. You need to have the opportunity at least somehow help him. That is why Earth Spirit is not so popular now as before. It is weak on the line, but Silen in Gankov. If you do not play something like Dark SEER, it is not too useful in a 2V3 situation. So now people began to pic heroes like Slardar, who may seriously fight enemy Kerry. Or Night Stalker and Nature's Prophet, for example.

- What do you say about Techies? You used this hero twice, but not too successfully.

"I don't think it should be taken in the first stage." We did simply because you wanted to play Techies. We used it in training, and there it clearly worked better than in official matches. He needs time to become useful in the game. It can crush a complex line, but he needed a level to make such jokes like ICEICEICE on a string. He quickly flocks the line and puts mines everywhere. And now you can't come to her. This is the main idea. But if you can not achieve this point and get into someone else's half of the card, this hero is very bad.

- Need some changes to the hero or the game as a whole, so that Techies is effective?

- It is just difficult to make it work. There is always some kind of hero, which contact him. Some hero with illusions, heroes with urgent creatures. Creeps from a detrotence that are constantly running around the map. And all this makes the hero worse and weaker.

- What distinguishes a good fourth player from bad?

- Probably case in decision making. When you play Sand King or Leshrac, you need to know when to fasten the lines, farm and be greedy, and when trying to kill, follow your team and create pressure on the map. It is very similar to the role of Kerry, where you need to make such solutions. And successful players on the fourth position make it more successful.

- Do you consider yourself a good player?

- I probably too greedy for this.

- Your following test is open qualifications on THE INTERNATIONAL.?

- Yes, we have nothing to do about 3 months. But in open qualifications almost all commands. Only Optic Gaming, Immortals and, Probably, Blue Pikachu remained in regional qualifications.

- Do you need a little good luck in qualifications?

- Not! Everything will be excellent.

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