Blanes on the map spain russian. Blanes card in Russian. Local festivals and traditions

Here is a detailed map of Blanes with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or by clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the "+" and "-" signs located on the map to the right. The easiest way to adjust the size of the image is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In which country is the city of Blanes

Blanes is located in Spain. It is a wonderful, beautiful city with its own history and traditions. Blanes coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on a large map).

Virtual walk

Interactive map Blanes with sights and other tourist attractions is an indispensable assistant in an independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see the city plan, and detailed map highways with track numbers. Also you can see the railway stations and airports of the city marked on the map. Nearby you see the "Satellite" button. By including satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you can study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google maps).

Move the "little man" from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can make virtual walk by Blanes. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out on the image.

15 sights of Blanes

Blanes is the oldest town on the Costa Brava in Spain.

general information

The city is part of the autonomous community of Catalonia, province of Girona. It covers an area of ​​17.68 sq km.
The city's population is 40,168 inhabitants according to the 2010 census with a density of approximately 2,270 inhabitants per sq. km.

City view (Blanes)(Photo)

Nearest resorts:

Tossa de Mar -19 km,

Sant Feliu de Guixols - 43 km

Official site of the city:

Blanes was first mentioned in Roman chronicles in the 3rd century BC. Previously it was called Blandae, Blanda.

After the decline of the Roman Empire, the city was raided several times by the Arabs in the 8th century.

In 1583, the Capuchin monks founded a monastery here.

During the war in 1652, Blanes was again destroyed.

But some buildings have survived to this day.

What to watch

The main attractions of Blanes are:


Palaces, castles, fortresses



Fish market

Streets, boulevards and squares

Gardens and parks

Statues and Monuments

Blanes attractions on the map:

Things to do

The beaches

Local festivals and traditions

In July, there is a fireworks festival in honor of the patroness of the city, St. Anne.

For families with children, a visit to the water park and the Marineland Dolphinarium will be a wonderful holiday.

A gnome park with a swimming pool and an obstacle course will appeal to both adults and children.

How to get there

How to get from Blanes to Sitges?

You can get there by regional trains with a change in Barcelona. Read more in the article:

Tags: Blanes, attractions and interesting places Blanes, Blanes, Catalonia, Spain, Europe

Blanes has been marked on the map of Spain since time immemorial. Therefore, it is a mistake for the Church of Santa Maria to assume that the whole history of the country is concentrated in Madrid and Barcelona. This compact city, made for romantic walks, has a lot to say about the earliest events on this coast.

Helpful information

  • name: Blanes;
  • location: 60 km to Barcelona, ​​northeastern coast of Spain, Costa Brava, Mediterranean Sea;
  • a typical feature of the city - everything is in moderation here. There is no excessive congestion with attractions, the number of young people roughly corresponds to the number of elderly people, all the most familiar features of a small resort town are available;
  • climate: mild, no extreme temperatures. In summer, the maximum is +28, in winter less than 10 indicators do not drop. The terrain here is quite windy, it is impossible to see the calm at sea (only in the bays).

History of the city

Historians claim that the first settlers here were still the ancient Romans during the colonization of the Pyrenees. These events refer to the 3rd century BC.

Later it became known about the Forcadell castle, located on the site of the modern city of Blanes in Spain. In the 12-14 centuries, power belonged to the Blanes family, whose surname gave the name to the settlement. This period was the most favorable for the flourishing of the city.

In the 13th century, the castle itself was built, not far from it - the gate of the Virgin Mary, later, a hospital and a monastery were founded. 19th century marked by construction railroad, gas lighting, then the introduction of electricity. Civil War became destructive for the city. Only after the end of World War II, the local authorities appreciated all the benefits that the city can bring as a tourist center. Thanks to this, the population has increased and the influx of tourists to this region has increased.

The beaches

Costa Brava Blanes has pebble and sandy beaches. Length - 4 km. Separated from each other by quiet bays.

  • S'Abannel is 3 km long and 60 meters wide and is considered the most popular destination among fans. beach holiday... Equipped with showers, changing rooms, slides. Here you can find many water activities, children's areas. Great location for beach sports as well as windsurfing and sailing.
  • The city beach covers an area of ​​625 meters long and 30 meters wide. Volleyball players and beach soccer fans love to spend their time here. There are playgrounds for children, and adults can rent a jet ski or catamaran.
  • San Francesc beach is marked with a "blue" flag, which speaks of its exceptional cleanliness. This area of ​​200 meters is surrounded by pine trees and is distinguished by a rather shallow descent into the sea.
  • Treumal is more of a natural area, although equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. Takes up little space - 115 meters by 30.
  • Santa Anna is the smallest vacation spot - 75 meters long. Lovers of sea hunting and diving gather here. The beach is well equipped and comfortable.


Everyone starts their acquaintance with the city from the castle, which once belonged to the de Carbert family. Today only the ruins of the castle can be seen, but even they attract tourists, mostly because of their age.

In Costa Brava Blanes, everyone wants to visit the watchtower of San Juan. A more picturesque view than from its observation deck is difficult to find here. The building dates back to the 11th century. From the antiquities of the town, you still need to visit the Basilica of St. Barbara in the vicinity of Blanes. It has been preserved since the 12th century.

From the churches it will be interesting to look at the Church of Santa Maria (14th century). Its beauty is difficult to describe. The Gothic Capuchin monastery is also famous for its unusual facades and courtyards.

You should definitely visit the "Old Town" area. Here, medieval monuments coexist quite peacefully with modern buildings. Narrow streets paved with medieval stones captivate their guests.


It will be no less interesting to visit numerous excursions. One of the most interesting is the Salvador Dali Museum. Flora lovers will appreciate the beauty of the two botanical gardens. To do this, you will need to climb the hill where the castle is located. If walking is not fun for you, buy a ticket for the sightseeing bus. Departure every 20 minutes.

Not far from the city is the Marineland water park. Here you will be delighted with the performances of sea lions, dolphins, parrots. This place is considered more of a children's entertainment, since it is equipped with slides specifically for young tourists. The second aqua zone near the town of Lorente. This park is already designed for an older audience.

Well, if in Spain Blanes seems too small for you, you can always go to Barcelona. It is close, and you can get there without problems, and there is more entertainment.

 in Russian from the company Google, allowing, with a sufficient level of approximation, to consider every street in the city and make out almost every house.

To zoom in on the image, move the cursor to the area of ​​interest for you on the map and double-click the left mouse button, to zoom out - with the right; or use the scale bar on the left.

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At the top right side of the image, you will see a menu. By default, the item “ Cards », Which allows you to see a detailed map of the city with street names, numbers of some houses and the designation of the main objects of urban infrastructure.

Paragraph " Satellite »Will give you the opportunity to see high quality photos of Blanes taken from space. If desired, satellite photography can be combined with a schematic designation of various objects (for example, numbers and names of highways; metro stations and stops public transport in cities, etc.).

By clicking on the item " Earth », You will still have access to the service capabilities to view the map of Blanes Google earth search.

Blanes Tourist Card

Below is located tourist map Blanes. To enlarge the image, click on the picture; for additional enlargement - click on the "Expand to actual size" icon that appears at the bottom of the picture (a square with an arrow).

Plaza Catalunya is a small but very picturesque square located in the central part of the Spanish resort of Blanes. The square is the starting point for the tourist exploration of Blanes, and from here you can easily get to the city beach.

Plaza Catalunya is considered the central square of Blanes, but this place cannot boast of its large size. The square is a small circle of green area, surrounded on all sides by a transport ring. In the center of the square there is an interesting flower bed, the flowers on which are planted in such a way that from a height the whole area looks like a big compass. In the middle of the flower bed there is a sculpture in the shape of a fishing boat.

Plaça Catalunya is the center of Blanes' tourist life - numerous sightseeing buses form and depart here, as well as an information center where you can get maps, brochures and inquire about popular tourist routes and city attractions.

Marimurtra Garden

Marimurtra Garden - Botanical Garden, one of the best in Europe. The garden is divided into three parts: subtropical, Mediterranean and temperate zones.

The plants in the garden are planted in a way that shows their historical development in different parts of the world. More than 4 thousand plant species grow here, including 200 endangered species.

In the garden there is a gazebo with a pond with aquatic plants, benches from where you can admire cacti, palms, begonias, hydrangeas, fuchsias, jasmine, etc.

The garden is located on the cliffs, which offer gorgeous views of the Costa Brava. You can get to the garden by tourist buses with the sign "Bus botanic Marimurtra", which leave from Blanes.

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Basilica of Santa Maria

The Church of Santa Maria is a Gothic church with a long history located on the Costa Brava.

The church was built in the XIV century on the site of an old palace that belonged to the Blanes family in 1114. It has two entrances: service and front.

It is best to visit the church in weekdays when there are not so many people and there are no weddings in the church. At the end of July, during the feast of the patroness of the city of St. Anne, a festive atmosphere reigns in the temple. On this day, locals arrange fireworks right on the seashore.

Opening hours of the temple: from 9 to 20 hours, during the siesta it closes from 13 to 16 hours.

The Mar and Murtra Botanical Gardens are deservedly considered one of the most famous in Europe. This botanical garden was created for the future construction of an international center for scientific research. More than 3,000 plant species now grow in this garden on the Mediterranean coast.

The garden space is divided into three zones: the Mediterranean, the subtropics and the temperate zone. In each of these spaces, plants are planted corresponding to a particular area, as well as various phytocenoses of the five continents. Currently, the botanical garden belongs to the Karl Faust Foundation, which is engaged in scientific research, the conservation of endangered plant species, and the popularization of scientific knowledge. Some time ago, the Government of Catalonia included it in the list of national cultural monuments.

There are several observation platforms near the coast, from which magnificent panoramic views of the Costa Brava are opened. Sitting in a romantic gazebo, you can breathe deeply, inhaling the aromas of flowers, the smell of pine needles and the sea ...

Blanes seaport

Blanes seaport is a popular attraction in the Spanish resort of Blanes. There is a large fish market in the port, and in addition, a huge number of a wide variety of yachts are moored at the berths, and many tourists come to see them.

The seaport of Blanes has been known for centuries and is considered one of the oldest ports on the entire Mediterranean coast. Located in a secluded bay at the foot of a hill, this place looks very colorful and picturesque. Always winds over the port great amount seagulls who are attracted by the smell of fish. The same smell also attracts buyers - in the port area there is a large market where they sell the freshest fish and a wide variety of seafood delicacies.

In addition, the seaport of Blanes is worth a visit for the magnificent yachts that have sailed here from all over. the globe... At the height of the season, there are several hundred of them - sailing and motor, sports and cruise, luxurious and not so. Lovers of maritime transport will definitely have something to see here.

S`Auguer quarter

The s "Auguer quarter is one of the oldest areas in the Spanish resort of Blanes, formerly home to sailors and fishermen, and today this picturesque quarter is the center of Blanes' tourist life.

The Fisherman's Quarter s "Auguer" stretches from the city's port and is the most ancient part of the city. Unlike the southern districts of Blanes, built up in modern times, in the quarter "s" Auguer you can still admire old houses and narrow medieval streets. There is also a large number of various cafes and restaurants, where tourists are offered to try the most exquisite fish dishes and seafood delicacies.

From s "Auguer it is very easy to get to the city center as well as to the city beach. In general, the area is extremely popular with tourists and is a popular walking area - the s" Auguer quarter has a very special, romantic atmosphere that will captivate travelers.

Rock of Sa Palomera

Sa Palomera is a massive rock located in the bay of the Catalan resort of Blanes, on the northeastern coast of Spain. The cliff separates the port of the city from the tourist area and is considered one of the recognizable symbols of Blanes.

The rock of Sa Palomera is located near the coast and can be reached on foot, passing along a narrow sandy isthmus. Steps cut in stone lead to the top of the cliff, and a well-equipped observation deck awaits the tourist who climbs them, from which a wonderful view of the city of Blanes and the golden beaches of the Mediterranean coast opens. Also at the top of Sa Palomera is a tall flagpole on which the striped flag of Catalonia flutters.

Overall, Sa Palomera is one of the most popular attractions in Blanes. During the summer, this rock hosts an international fireworks festival, and all the rockets are launched from the summit of Sa Palomera, providing additional attention to this place.

Dintre Avenue

Avenue Dintre is one of the most famous streets in the Spanish resort of Blanes, located not far from the waterfront. The street is one of the centers of Blanes' tourist life and is very popular.

The length of Dintre Avenue is only a few hundred meters, and this street is not particularly wide. The avenue runs parallel to the coast and from here you can easily get to the city beach. A beautiful shady alley is laid across the center of the street, where a small fruit and vegetable market is open in the morning. After lunch, all trade is curtailed, and numerous summer cafes begin to work at the services of tourists, where you can cool off after sunbathing on the beach or just relax.