Diablo 3 where to find. Cuba Cuba recipes. Return to the new tristram

Character: Barbarian (man).

Difficulty: Normal.

Fallen star.

After choosing a character and viewing the entrance roller, we go to the fallen star, which was in the vicinity of the tristrama. In the upper right corner there is a mini card so that we do not get lost. Management is very simple and responsive: Click on any area and there will move our character there. If you constantly hold down, then the hero will constantly run into the direction you need. We meet the first enemies - rebels. Click on each enemy to destroy everyone. Arriving in a new Tristram, we communicate with the captain Ramford, which is at the gate. We ask him pro fallen starHe reports that she landed on the old cathedral, and the only survival was Lia. Before talking to her, deal with the rebels. Then we can enter the city and get to the tavern. It is marked as an increasing circle on the mini card. Next is the chest (cache), inside which we will find two flasks of weak healing potions. We enter into the "short calf" and communicate with Leia, over which an exclamation mark hangs. During the conversation, the nearby contaminants turn into undead. We destroy them and continue the conversation.

We go back to the goal and speak Ramford. Then we go to the north and move along the path, passing the many enemies along the way, as well as occasionally found damned mothers. It is enough for us to kill three to perform an additional task. We get to the ruins of the tristrama and are separated from the queen of damned mothers. She wanders somewhere nearby. Next, we use the gates of the wanders, choose the "new tristram" and find ourselves in the city. We communicate with Ramford, standing at the tavern and complete the task.

The legacy of Decard Cain.

We speak with Leia and go to search for her uncle. To do this, we use the gates of the wanders and fall into the ruins of the tristrama. Follow the girl, she will open the path to us. We get to the Adria's hut, where a small house will stand inside which there is a secret basement. We go there and find Captain Datin. We destroy it and several more rebels. We speak with Leah, we get the key from the cathedral and the diary of her mother. We choose out and continue the movement. Get to the cathedral and enter inside. Go down to the lowest level.

Now you need to find traces of stay of Decard Cain in the cathedral. To facilitate the task of destroying enemies, use an interactive environment. For example, various mechanisms on the walls that cover chandeliers on the heads of the enemies. Having passed along the lower level, stumble on the Luorik hall. Skeletons attacked Decard, you need to urgently save it. During the battle, do not forget to follow health, if on the outcome, then press "q" to restore it in potion. Steaming with enemies, we communicate with the culprit of the celebration. Decarian opens a secret passage to the cathedral garden. Selecting the outside, in the old way we use the gates of the wanders and get to the new tristrama. We watch the movie and communicate with Leia. She is undoubtedly glad to see his uncle alive and healthy, but still could thank us. Asking Descharge about the fallen star. Liya seems to never believed in the old man in "Bedni". But for us, his stories can become very useful information.

Broken crown.

We are talking to Decard and go to the Blacksmith Hedrigi Ion, which is a little further in the city. He will help us find the crown, but unfortunately, so far only one problem is cared - the wife, which turned out to be trapped. We will have to help, for this follow Hedrig and descend to the basement, where we destroy the crowds of enemies, and then the wife turned into a terrible monster. We speak again with Hedrig and find out where we should move on.

We pass through the northwestern gate and moving along the path. We get to the cemetery of the damned and enter into one of the available crypts, in the most east. We move on it until we find the passage to the second level of the crypt. Here we will meet a huge fruit. By destroying it, enter the tomb of the adviser. We get to the crown, and when trying to pick it up, an angry adviser Immon will appear. Quickly thoromize him and take the crown. A new icon will appear at the bottom of the screen - teleportation. Move directly to the city and give the crown to repair Hedriga.

The Board of the Black King.

Talk to Decard. You need to go to the place where we saved the old man and open the passage leading to the royal tomb. We use the gates of the wanders and move to the catory garden. Entering inside, print the patterned door and move to the north-west, breaking through the crowds of enemies until we get to the third level. At the next level, we meet dark sectarians who spend a ritual over some person. We kill them and free the warrior. His ammunition is nearby, slightly passing to the north-west, he will lead us to the location of the chest with things. Now together will go to destroy Yondara. It takes place near the passage of the fourth level of the Cathedral, it should also go to the north-west, bypassing the abyss. By destroying it, go down the stairs and go further. Moreover, we will have a choice, take a temple with you or not. Excess hands do not prevent, so let them go with us. it last Levelwhich will lead us to the royal tombs. On the road to the king of the skeletons, we will meet the most important opponent, you will need to destroy the columns to go further. Once in a dead end, we go to the northwest and open the sealed door. On the map she has not been noted. It remains only to get to the throne of the king and to impose a crown on his head. The king skeleton comes to life and the fight begins. Attack it, using all our skills. Constantly emerging minor enemies will serve as a source of health restoration. After all, with their murder, red items appear, which just fill the lost life. After the victory, we collect everything and we enter into secluded chambers through the passage on the throne. Here we find a fallen star, or rather a stranger, which is the most unknown object, filled with heaven. It is urgent to show it decardo. We use the gates of the wanders, move to a new tristracy and communicate with Decard.

Sword stranger.

Speaking with Decard, we use the gates of the wanders, fall in the cemetery of the damned. We go to the north-west and turn ourselves on the gibe fields. Search for Logova Khazra. Inside, we encounter sectarians conductive ritual. By killing them, a Magda Witch will appear, who does not wish to give part of the broken sword. We will take it by force, shaking with a large number of sectarians. We return to Decarian and tell him about what happened.

Broken blade.

We speak with Leia and through the gates of the wanders we go to the glible fields. We follow the arrow on the mini-card and we celebrate the villain. He asks to help him liberate his bride, which has a dear relic. We pass through the gate and we are painted with a bunch of gangsters and their leader. After freeing the girl, together with the scoundrel, we get to the goal of the wanderings, after which we will be able to take it with you, replacing another satellite - the temple. After a few meters, we will be in the flooded temple, we communicate with Alarik and follow him.

In the rotting forest, we search for the last refuge of warriors, where we find lights of glory. Then, here in the forest you will find the crypt ancients and inside the Sveta's Sveta. We return to the flooded temple and arrange the Svettern on the pedestals. Alaric reports that we can enter the temple. Here we are separated with the enemies, first we destroy the creators of ordinary skeletons, and only then kill smaller enemies. So far we will not destroy all the opponents, we will not be able to pass further. Behind the next goal, we see the shining swallow of the sword, as well as meet Magda. She raves his wards on us, won, taking a fragment and return to Tristram.

The fate of Toram.

We communicate with a stranger to learn about the location of the last debris. Here in the city we will find a feromer who can deliver us in Core. The city buys in the fire, and in the district a full-complete sectarians. By destroying them, make their way to the center. Here we will meet Magda, which will make even more enemies on us. When three Berrisker appears at once, they go back, because if they immediately smash us, then we can perish. Next, we communicate with the priest and follow him. He will take the way to the cellar of the church, there should be the last chip of the sword. But it does not turn out here, since Magda managed to pick it up. Moreover, this villain went to Tristram, captured Decard and Leia.

In the basement there are gates of wanderings, with the help of them we return to the tristracy and enter the House of Decarian. Sectarians hold our friends. And Magda at that time tries to break the old man to restore the sword. Her plans are becoming known, she serves Belial, who needs this sword. The old man is not aware, then Magda strikes Decarcho and he finally weakens. Leah escapes to freedom, frightened Magda runs away, taking a stranger with him. Finally, Decard managed to collect a full-fledged sword from the wreckage, gives faithful instructions where to seek the truth, and dies.

In the footsteps of the Dark Cult.

Speak with Leia and go in Core. From here get to the caves of Aran. Inside, finding the quarters of Queen Arana. Once there, we go to a woman shrouded in a web. Soon there will be a huge pachery. This is another boss, it is quite easy to destroy. Attack by all the might, the occasionally Aran will leave us, leaving their cubs to replace. Seveled with them, the queen will appear again. The most important thing is to not allow us to be closed in the corner. Thanks to the huge sizes, she does it easily. Further, we exempt Karina, taking a little poison from the puddle, and pass forward to the passage of the highlands.

Outside we communicate with a girl. She reports that he saw someone dragged Loryik to the castle. We will be able to go further by finding the wagon on which the Hazra staff is located on this area. However, this staff does not have some kind of magical properties, it is simply necessary for the enemies that are on the other side of the gate. Next, we get to the castle and make your way inside, separated with Magda servants, that is, with sectarians. They finally, they themselves understood that they were more expensive to contact us.

Captive angel.

We kill everyone to one and communicate with the wounded at the door. Then go down and get on the first level of agony halls. Then we are looking for the way to the next level and finally, we choose in the passage of highlands. We get to the damned castle, we communicate with the ghost of Queen Asilla, who in the past was Loryik's wife. She asks to free the souls of six prisoners. All of them are scattered throughout the hall. Then go to the center and fight with the overseer. It is only a warm-up before the upcoming battle, so if we easily mastered this enemy, then with the following handle with a bang.

We get to the landing room and we celebrate Magda here. She produces another boss from the cell - butcher. The butcher has universal attacks, but most of all it is dangerous in the near battle. Our character is also well fighting only on a short distance. No one hits us, so right in the forehead attack the enemy. Occasionally shy away from its additional tricks, in the form of Taranans and garpunov burials. Also much attention should be paid to the floor. Some parts are flammable, and at this moment they are not desirable at that moment. For cure, there are integers here two cure wells that are constantly replenished. By destroying the boss, we go further into the cameras doomed. Save a stranger from sectarians and hand the sword to the true owner. Angel immediately remembers everything - he is Archangel Tyrael from heaven, wheezing justice!

Return to the new tristram.

We enter the portal and find yourself in the city. We communicate with Tirael and all together we think about the plan, as we will deal with Belial. We are talking to a caravan charter located nearby and go to the second act. The new tristran is cleared of enemies ... for a while, go to hot and sultry caldera.

Shadows in the desert.

We go ahead and get to Lii. After talking with her, we go to the Kaldea Bazaar. Here we communicate with Ashira and on her advice are moving through the deserted canyon. On the way we will meet the girl over the head of which an exclamation mark. This means that we can take it with you, no extra help will prevent. Ahead of us is awaiting many enemies, first of all destroy deftly jumping monkeys. Getting into the ambush, we are growing with the sectarians. We speak again with the clerk, she clears the way. We help the detachment of steel wolves to destroy the enemies and then speak with Jarulf.

The next goal is to interrupt two ritual, passing somewhere in the desert. According to our companions, we learn that one of them takes place in the north, in a hidden conclusion, and the second in the east - over the secret altar. We go to study the region, sooner or later we will note the traces in the sands, if you go through them, then we will go to goals. It is very easy to interrupt rituals, it suffices to destroy all sectarians. Having done this, we get to the bridge and communicate with the clerk. Then our ways will be able to disperse, unless of course we will not want to take it with you as a satellite.

Road to Alcarn.

Having passed on the bridge, we are looking for Hasima. It is approximately in the north. Here we communicate with Lieutenant Wahema. Then go down to the command center. Follow with Magda and its servants. We destroy them, open the cage and exempt true warriors. We go out and are separated with the remaining opponents.

Blood city.

We speak with captain David, so that he opens the gates leading to Alcarn. We pass through them and study the terrain in search of alcarna. Entrance to the city is guarded huge monster, destroy it and enter inside.

There are also many enemies, as an additional task you need to free eight prisoners. Make it easily, almost all cells are near. In Alcarnas, find the lair of the witch, i.e. Magda. Finally, we will deal with her once and for all. She herself does not represent a special threat. But her slaves are quite capable of destroying us with a couple of powerful attacks. Having exhausted a quarter of the health of Magda, slaves will appear. We run away from their powerful attacks and try to deal with them as soon as possible. Magda will be protected at this time, so it is useless to attack it. By destroying everyone, we return to the secret city. We communicate with Tirael and find out how we can free the lee.

Emperor's audience.

We go to the Kaldea Bazaar and communicate with Ashira. She will hold us to the emperor, which in turn is dissatisfied with our presence. Lyi lead here, the fight begins. Guardi actually turns out to serve peers. We raise with them and quickly leave this place. We follow the bridge by continuing to kill the occurring snakes. Then it will be necessary to destroy four devices so that we can go on. Finally, we get to the Kaldea and detect the hatch. Before going down down, we are separated with a lot of enemies.

Unexpected help.

Follow along with Leia. Need to find the damned pit. We go ahead and be sure to get to it. There we will find the captured snakes ADRIA, Mother Lii. We liberate her and talk to her. Through the portal we return to a secret city where we can safely communicate again.

Horadrim traitor.

We speak with Leia and watch the video. Adria knows how to destroy the bleel - with the help of a black stone of the soul. We go to the Kaldea Bazaar and from there we get into the flooded move. Communicate with the emperor Khakan second. He apologizes for what happened in the castle, and a goodwill sign opens the gate. We go down to the destroyed reservoir and search for a way out to the Dalgur Oasis. Next, you need to find entrance to abandoned ruins. The portal found us will lead us to them. Then we find the head of the head of the Zoltun Kullah head and take it. An ancient guarage will appear, destroy it or not the point of choice. In any case, we can teleport back to the secret city. We communicate with Adria, then Leah is activated by his spell and the Zoltun Kull appears in front of us.

Blood and Sand.

We communicate with a cooler and ask him to act black stone souls. In return, the traitor asks to revive him, mining his blood from two different dungeons. Using the portal, move to the Dalgur Oasis. We find the entrance to the ancient drain. His probably guard the strong opponents. Having passed on the bridge, we will be at the gate that will open Kull. Inside, we will meet the hakan second, he will tell you how we can open the gate of the flooded passage. To do this, turn the lever of Western and Eastern flow regulators. First of all, we get to the Western regulator, pull the lever and depart from here to the Eastern Canal. We also get to the eastern regulator and from the room with the lever we get into the ancient drain. After talking with a surprised kullet, go down to the flooded passage.

We go ahead and detect the speaking barrel. It is Shen Mekupsy, talking to him. He asks to go with him in the bowel aqueduct. People will listen to the naive stories of the old man about his assistant hymena. But we know that he acted for mercenary purposes. Looking for a thief and deal with it. We take the crucible and go out in an ancient path. We are looking for a cave of the traitor and the tomb of the mercenary. In them we will find the blood of Zoltun Kulla. The cave is two-level, at the second level there is blood. Similarly, take blood from the tomb and return to the secret city.

Black stone soul.

We communicate with a gold cooler and go to the endless sands. His archive is located approximately in the north-west, bridge leads to it. After passing through the portal, we turn out in the archive and move to the limit. From here there are several bridges to several portals. For a start, we will visit the mysterious abyss and, finding the castle of the mysterious abyss, activate it. Then, from the limit, we will go to the halls of the storm and in the same way activate the castle of the halls of the storm. We return to the limit and enter the last central portal leading to the world of shadows.

We find the body of the Zoltun Kulla and through the open portal we go to the limit. Communicate with Leah to start a revival ritual. By fulfilling its part of the contract, we enter the storage of the black stone of the soul. We speak with a cooler and proceed to the battle. Who would have thought, the villain will keep his promise - it doesn't look like the truth. So however, it turned out, Kull raves two huge guards against us. First, we share with them, running circles. They evaporate from the vortex emitted by the golden, and also we try to get out of the spheres that slow down as soon as possible. Having finished with the guards, go to Kulla. Attack it with all the forces until we completely destroy. Then we get up on the central bridge and look at the cat-scene. We return to the secret city and communicate with Adria.

Pogrom in Caldea.

Speaking with Leia, she reports that Emperor Khakan will help us to find Belial. Before embarking on the fight with him, you need to free the city from the locals so that they do not hit the Demon's Hand. In the Kaldea Bazaar we communicate with Ashira. Beliel, together with his servants, already attacked the city. We need to save the inhabitants to a limited time. We run through the bazaar, collecting helpless citizens. All of them are marked on the mini card. Some will have to be killed from under the wagon by clicking on them. All those saved are summing up to flooded go. Then we go down.

Vladyka Lie.

From the Kaldea Bazaar get to the gate. Liya breaks them, and we can go straight to the imperial castle. On the way, we destroy many enemies, as well as those that create an illusion on the road. Leah, Using recent power, I will break another gate, and we can get to Belial. To begin with destroying the sentries, while the Vladyka observes from above. Soon he will go down to us. We are divided into it, no longer paying attention to the sentries.

Leaving the Belial, very little health, he runs away and takes his true appearance. Indeed, the size is impressive. So, to kill his barbarian, you need to try well. At the time of writing, the characteristics of the characteristics are as follows:

Armor - 642.
Damage - 65,79.
Health - 1598.

Now with skills, in brackets of the appearance than it will be effective:

The main is rabies (with each shock inflicted, our hero increases the speed of attack)
Auxiliary - seismic blow (you can apply powerful wave attacks from the distance)
Protection - Pain resistance (makes a character less vulnerable for a while, try to activate this skill when you flied the rain attack)
Power - fierce jerk (quickly approaching the enemy and make a good damage)
Tactics - throw of weapons (very useful to attack from distance)
Rage - earthquake (activate this skill when the treadmill of the enemy will be on Earth)

Thus, I achieved the destruction of the enemy, although not so quickly as follows. Do not forget to collect the most valuable spheres, which almost always will appear near Belial. When the rain attack begins, run around the perimeter, and not just in the center! I do not enjoy running away from the green areas, otherwise, so the fight will only delay. Having finished with the enemy, taking it to the soul. Our allies appear and enter it into a black stone. We return to the secret city and speak Tyrael. As usual we communicate with the drivers to go to the next act.

Siege of Bastion.

We speak Tyrael, go down and enter the weapons. From here you will get to the main tower of bastion. We get to the transcendental walls where they face serious resistance. We search for all five signal lights, and set on them in the first place to run the guards, at least any help. Then destroy the daisy of demons and everyone else. Thus, we set on all five lights, and we go to the sergeant Dalien. Approaching him, the vision of antimoduna will appear in front of us.

Refrigerate the battle.

For complete happiness, you need to raise the catapults that will be very valuable in the fight against demons. We go to the stone fort and get to Captain High. He reports that reinforcement will arrive with the lift, it is necessary only to wait for it. At this time, we are divided into demons that manifests from the pit. This is how the surprise, the demons are provided in the lift, and not at all reinforcement. We are growing up with them and go further. Get to the first catapult in the northeast. On the right way indicate just a huge number of enemies. We meet Sergeant Burrow, help him release recruits, which will later raise a catapult. We have to protect them, losses, of course, cannot be avoided, but if we are constantly spinning near the helpers and kill the attackers of their demons, the process of raising will go much faster.

Moving further and soon we will meet Lieutenant of Livel. Similarly, we protect recruits, only this time from the hordes of the demons that appear from daisers. Of course, first of all we are shared with the source of the troubles, and only then with conventional enemies. We go further and meet Lieutenant Clifton. Now we must simultaneously destroy the enemies and turn the lever raising the catapult. We return to the main tower and see the restless antimony.

Break in the fortress wall.

We communicate with Tirael and go down to the lower floors. We did not have time to do this, as the enemies have already broke into the main tower. We go to the first level, where the second level later finds. Then we find the gap, from where it will fall on the third level. Along the way, we will displays many enemies. They are rather taking a number than quality. Therefore, we choose the corresponding skills. At the third level, the situation changes dramatically. There are huge strollers that can probably slow down only in narrow aisles. In the open space, if a couple of people surround us, we will clearly not survive. We do not use the ability to "kick in a jump", for it, on the contrary, moves us to the environment of enemies. Before the storeroom, we will meet even more frightening monster. We go back and use our most powerful swelling sweat.

In the storeroom, we are waiting for the Vladyka of the Greater - Kux. Its main weapon is a mucus that is dangerous by itself, as well as minor slugs appear from it. Despite their size, they are able to deliver a lot of trouble. For example, they can block the path, and we will easily trust in the arms of Khoma. Against the very lord, I used such skills as the call of the ancients - it causes three powerful heroes, resistance to pain - will help to fit the pain from the opponent's attacks. Having won, return to the main tower.

Shivering stone.

We speak with Lieutenant Lavelim. He reports that Tyrael went to the weapons to find out what the terrible sounds are coming from there. You need to go there and help him. Entering the weapons, we destroy the sacchade of darkness. We speak with Leia, which is now calm for the stabilizing situation.

Machines of war.

We enter the Arretful gates and watch the video. We move forward until I get to Sergeant Peila. Get to the bridge Corsica and cross it. On the field of the bloody slaughter, it is necessary to find three demonic ballists and one requested. Here are mainly inhabited by large opponents, therefore we use the appropriate skills. Next, we find the Rakkis Bridge and communicate with Tirael.

Storm beast.

He does not intend to sit aside, so will go with us in the bake. On the bridge, we seem to expect an infinite number of enemies, but it is not. Enemies are really a lot and they will ever end. However, the bridge in length is comparable to the Chinese wall, you have to go a lot. In the end, we are waiting for the edge of the abyss. Print the gate, and appears, in fact, the assault beast. This boss is practically no different from ordinary enemies. The difference is only in large size and, accordingly, the exceptional number of vitality. Attack him until complete destruction, no special threat of the beast represents. Having finished with the enemy, we communicate with Adria.

Heart of sin.

We go to the Arrayat Crater, from there we get to the tower of doomed. Further the path is already known, let down the lower and lower, until we find yourself in the heart of doomed. We go even lower and get to the heart of sin. A cedema will appear next to him - the boss, a little attacking it and it leaves the scene. We destroy the heart of sin and daughters of the Cidea. Let's go down to the next level of the Arrayat Crater.

We search for the tower of the damned and moving to the lower level until we find yourself in the heart of the damned. Here you find the second heart of sin and a full-fledged fight with the Cideya. The battle does not constitute anything outstanding, instead of powerful attacks of the villain prefers to run away and racing small spines on us that are destroyed on excellent. Having won, separated with a heart and pass on in the bowel of Mount Arreat. Finally, we get to the heart of sin, where the fight against the antimodine will have. Beying it from all that we have. The greatest danger represents rain from the plates caused by antodhane. Before that, on Earth there will be a circle that needs to quickly leave. Also on Earth, black circles will continue to appear, it is also desirable to run away from them. On the battlefield in different places there will be portals from which demons appear. It also emits fiery balls, a collision with them is better to avoid. Steaming with the enemy, take it to the soul.

Leah will make it in the stone of the soul, now we can return to the main tower and talk to Lieutenants by Lavelim. He reports that our friends are in the weapon. Let's go there and get to the Bastion Tower. We look at the roller in which Adria turns out to be a traitor. She uses Lii's body to instill in him the diabel! We enter the portal to heaven and go to the fourth and final act.

Fall of heaven.

After the roller, we move forward to diamond gates. There are defeated empires and Tirael. We communicate with the second and enter the lobby of light. Immediately begin the fight with the Debel Deader - I refort. He is a fairly easy goal, the main thing in time to destroy small enemies so that they do not bring trouble.

Hope glimmer.

I search for Iterael, it is very close, enough to go a little ahead. Our fate we will be left themselves, and therefore go further into the gardens of hope. It dwells exceptionally large creatures, so we use the appropriate skills. If the path was blocked, then a different path must be near. Thus, we get to the library of fate, where you fight with another Decade Diabla - Ricagid.

Attack him, as usual, we try to run off when the enemy swears into the air. After all, this means that now something is not good in us or a powerful blow awaits us. If the forces on the outcome, we can run off on the opposite direction. Boss for some reason passively hunting us. After the victory, we liberate Auriel and talking to him. We return to the gardens of hope.

As we remember, we could not go through the bad, blocking the path. Now we have to destroy them to find a demonic rift. This rift may be under any bad. So we study the whole terrain. Finding the portal, we go there and move to the OKU of the Underworld. Next to him is a hammer, a huge opponent, inflicting powerful blows. We use the skill of the Topot to stun it at the time and thereby attack. Next, get to the eye and destroy it. Auriel will appear, we leave this place through its portal.

We go to the second level of gardens of hope. Again, we search for the portal presenter in the demonic rift. Similarly, we destroy the crusher and, accordingly, the OKU of the underworld. Return back and get to the next portal. We communicate with Tirael and go to the crystal colonnade.

Before the spire.

We move forward and communicate with the angry empire. Next, we pass to the silver spield.

Single evil.

Get to the silver spire, here the enemies have become even stronger. We use mostly skills that are effective against large opponents. We find a silver spire span. It remains only to get to the traitor Izuala and donate with him. The enemy is strong and does not intend to surrender. From its capabilities it is worth highlighting a freeze from shock, which slows down and freeze from small balls, scattered on the ground, which freeze us completely. We try to avoid both of the other. From the skills it is worth taking persistence to pain (will help longer hold out in the right collision), Combat rage (It will increase the damage applied by us), call of the ancients (help to distract me out of us, and also disappear with conventional demons). Also in the main Bastion Tower will be purchased by exceptional potions of health. After victory, we return to the silver spire and get to the peak of the skies.

We meet with angels led by the empire. He does not intend to help us, and soon falls from the lack of light. This means only one thing that diablo close and decisive battles cannot be avoided. All responsibility falls on our shoulders! We speak with Tiarael and through the opened gate we enter the crystal arch. We pass forward until you detect diablo.

The battle can be divided into three stages:

1) Arena is a crystal arch.

Diablo has excellent endurance, so it will have to beat it for a long time. They evaporate from the appearing dark marks on Earth, and also go to the side when a flame circle will turn around in the center. Istiving half of his health, go to the second stage.

2) Arena is the kingdom of horror.

Here everything passes similarly to only some additions. It will be necessary to destroy the shadow of diabla, which completely copies its creator. Do not forget about the shadows of demons. It is necessary to divide with them as soon as possible, since the enemies in the tandem act much more efficiently!

3) Arena is a crystal arch.

Diablo has become even stronger, he has a new ability, such as electrically fiery breathing. Run by the arena will have much more. Do not forget to use two sources that replenish health.

Having won a stalk, communicate with Auriel. We look at the final roller with Tirael speech. Evil is defeated ... for a while ...

Towards unknown

Non-earth portals are areas of other reality, where the territory created randomly is inhabited by the most unpredictable combinations of opponents. In the portals you may be met, allowing you to strengthen the skills of your characters so much that no one can resist you. Okole, enough monsters, you can fight with the guardian of the portal - a unique boss with a random set of terrifying skills, which protects the tremendous treasure imagination. You can get into portals in adventure mode - this requires only to take advantage of Obelisky Nepholes in any city. A special menu will appear on the screen, which will allow you to open either an nephonian or a great portal. You can open the oil portals as much as you like, but to get to the Great Portal, you will need a special key (it can be obtained for the victory over the guardian portal guard).

Great portals

Opening of the nephonian portal

If you defeat the guardian of the non-farm portal, it will relocate the key from the Great Portal (or at once two or three keys at higher levels of complexity). With this key, being at the obelisk of nephylms, you can open the great portal and choose its level. At first, you will have access only to several levels of great portals, but, overcoming them, you can go to higher levels. During joint Game Your travelers will have to take advantage of their own keys from the Great Portal to join you. Guardians of the Great Portals go to battle when you won enough monsters enough. However, this similarity between the great and nephonish portals ends.

  • In the Great Portals, the number of difficulty levels is unlimited, and each more complicated the previous one. To achieve the following level, you need to call and destroy the serving of the portal for a certain time.
  • In the Great Portal, until it is passed, you can not change the skills or equipment.
  • If you do not put on time, you can still continue the stripping of the portal, but you cannot go to the next level or improve the gems of legendary quality.
  • Your record for the level of complexity and speed of the passage of the Great Portals is located in.
  • With monsters in great portals (except for guardians), prey does not fall, so your only task is to kill them as much as possible as quickly as possible.
  • Clauds in great portals can fall legendary gems.
  • You will not be able to teleport to players in a great portal if you have not yet opened this portal using the key in the network game.
  • If you work out the great portal much faster than required, you can get into the portal immediately into several levels above.


Development of legendary gems in great portals

The ancient Nefalemary Spirit of the Ursa appears when you kill the guard of the Great Portal, putting in the allotted time. It gives glorious warriors the opportunity to improve the gems of legendary quality.

In the Great Portals of the High Level, you will have more attempts to improve the gems of legendary quality. In addition, the obelisk of nephylms can be opened for a certain amount of gold to open an improved great portal and get an additional attempt to improve the legendary gem in its successful passage. Not all urcha attempts to improve your legendary gem will necessarily be successful, so that you may have to go through a lot of great portals before you achieve the desired result.

Legendary Gems

If you find the legendary gem and highlight it, you will see the figure denoting its value under its name. Every time you call Ursha (when you pass the great portal for the allotted time), it gives you the opportunity to increase the value of the gem. And the higher the value, the more additional qualities acquire the gem, if inserting it in the frame.

Mu-U-y, oh, i.e. Hi Wandering! Want to get to the secret cow level in Diablo 3? So know it is not! However, do not worry. I will tell you about the rainbow country. You can get into it in two ways: to find and kill rainbow GoblinOr collect a special staff.

Secret level: Miracle Valley

So, we will need to assemble the following items:

With 6 items you can assemble from Blacksmith (even level 1) Special staff.
After that, it is necessary to find the NPS by name ghost king cows In 1 act on the way to Old Tristram (Old Tristram).

You can use the staff of the infinite number of times, however each complexity will have to improve it. (for N-O, the amount of gold).

  • 200,000 gold for nightmare (recipe 20,000)

  • 500,000 gold for hell (recipe 50,000)

  • 1,000,000 gold for the baked (recipe 100,000)

For the passage of the level give the following Achievements:

The above option allows you to get into Wonder Valley At any time convenient for you and without restrictions. In addition, there is a second option to visit the secret pony Level: Kill Rainbow Goblin. The chance to find it is small, but with a high probability he will open you the portal after his death.

During the passage of this location there is a small chance that you will receive the following items:

The chance is very small, so be patient.

Secret Level with Game Developers - Development Hell

In addition to the ubiquitous unique monsters with the names of the developers Blizzard made a special level - Underworld developers. In this dungeon you can meet a lot of unique monsters with familiar names, including two directors of Diablo 3 project:

Jay Wilson and the company can be found in the cursed cemeteries, randomly generated as 4 levels of the crypt. Take a look at the names of unique monsters and ordinary zombies.

Want to personally beat the developers for the manifested negligence in the organization of servers? Or maybe you came up with a more terrible fate for them? You have a chance!

Secret Cow Level: Princess Cows

Remember I said that a cow level in diablo 3 is missing? So, I was a little selected. Cow level in Diablo 3 THERE IS! Who says no - that fool! How to get on it? This is not very simple. The cow level is randomly generated in the oil portals.

Treasury: lair greed

Want a lot of gold? Then look for a treasurer! The surest way to enrich yourself. For 1 approach, you can endure over 10 million gold (depends on the level of complexity). If this is not enough to you, then at the end you are waiting for fat - in the literal sense of the word - the boss. Greed - So call her. After her murder, you will give appropriate achievements, a lot of gold, unique subjects. Again little? What about the unique legendary gems Gift Charger? This gem is unique in that it can be only 1 on the account and falls only from the final boss in the treasury.

As can be seen in the screenshot above, this stone has the following characteristics:

    The killed opponent with the probability of "n" can explode and put everything around the gold
    The speed of movement rises by 30% for 2 seconds. After the selection of gold

n - This value depends on the level of the stone. The higher the level of the stone, the greater the value n. At the 50th level, this value is 100%
The second characteristic does not change and always remains so after reaching 25 levels of stone.

This secret Diablo 3 - the Goblin portal - became accessible only after the release of REAPER OF SOULS. The portal will open only In the "Adventure" mode. In the following regimes, goblin NOT The portal will open to you: History, Nefalemal Portal and Great Nefalemal Portal (chance equal to 0).

Bird's nesting

Funny secret level with chicken and pig.

Loryik, King Skeleton

Boss King Loryik, later known as the King Skeleton, was the ruler of Kanduras shortly before the events of Diablo I. He was a religious and righteous follower of the order, religion of light. Although he was an inlert and independently declared himself the king of Kanduras, people eventually accustomed to him and to his honest and bright board. He built his castle next to the Choradrim Monastery, under which the stone of the soul of Diablo was resting. At the same time, Diablo forces were enough to take possession of the intelligence of the Archbishop of Lazarus, the faithful assistant to the king, and makes obeying the orders of the lord of horror, manipulate anything suspected king. The mind of Loryik also underwent diablo attack. The king was strong, but he could not completely get rid of the influence of the lord of horror, and his mind climbed. His behavior has changed, and his face distorted.

Archbishop Lazar, who came under the influence of Diablo, did everything possible to preserve the blackness in the face of Loryik in secret, but as a result, suspicion of the nearest environment of the king broke out so much that a new plan was needed. Sleeping king suspected the friendly Kingdom of West Marsh in the fact that they are preparing to attack Kanduras. He collected a huge army and sent him to the land of the alleged opponent. This mission was the suicidal and army of Loryik suffered a crushing defeat. Soon people began to doubt their ruler and nicknamed his black king.

By the way, if you play in game world. Of Warcraft, you can buy at low prices.

Diablo, meanwhile, left attempts to conquer the mind of Loryik, he realized that he was not able to completely take possession of the king, and he simply left him broken and insane, and took control of the son of Loryik - Albrecht under his control. When the king learned about the disappearance of his son, he arranged a bloody massacre, accusing absolutely everyone in the abduction of the prince. Subsequently, he was killed his own lieutenant, the Knight Lakdanan, who had just returned from the campaign. Before his death, Leoric cursed Lakdanan, and he himself soon rose in the form of a king of skeletons.

Abilities of Boss Loryik in Diablo 3.

Rushing strike - beats a few targets. Standard attack.
Whirlwind is teleported and begins to laugh, and then spinning in a deadly whirlwind. The whirlwind causes damage to both players and the Allies of Liorik.
Attack in teleportation - teleported behind the player's back and causes a crushing blow.
The appeal of skeletons - calls on 4 skeletons that are fighting for their king.

Tactic on Boss Loryik in Diablo 3.

The main feature of the battle is not to come across the attack "whirlwind", and destroy the designed skeletons from which health sphere will fall.


Butcher - the final boss of the first act of Diablo III. Also was the first boss in Diablo I.

About the past of this monstrous creation to us little is known. In Diablo I, there was a task from a dying resident that Archbishop Lazar was lured by a detachment that went to the prince Albrecht, trapped and sent them directly to the paws of the butcher. That of their monstrously drew and overwhelmed along the hooks, but one managed to escape and at death, he asked Idan to take revenge on them and kill the butcher.

Abilities of the boss Butcher in Diablo 3.

Throw chains - attracts a player to his hook.
Rage - falls into rage and starts a jerk towards the player. If the player comes down, the butcher will dive into the wall and will be stunned.
A crushing blow - the ax is caught with an ax and puts a crushing blow.

Also during the battle under you will light up the floor than it goes longer Fight, the more often the fire will break out from under the floor.

Battle Tactics with Boss Diablo 3 Butcher

All the battle you will have to run so as not to get caught in the "throw chain", run away from the jerk, the direction will be indicated by the fiery track. On time to run away, or accommodate rescue abilities under the "crushing blow." And also constantly monitor the fire from the floor. In both upper corners, healing wells stand.



Magda is the first boss of the second act Diablo III. She is the leadership of the dark cult and the faithful Fedman Beliela.

Magga abilities.

Kara - Magda launches a blue-green cloud from his mouth, which causes damage to the area in front of her players.
A flock of moths - calls on the flock of moths that wander around the field and cause damage to players.
The call ritual - Magda calls 4/5/6 dark berserkov, which must be killed to continue the battle with the Magga itself.
The protective field - every time Magda loses 20% of health, it imposes on the shield of invulnerability and begins the ritual of the call.

Battle tactics with Diablo 3 - Magda boss.

If you play for a melee class, then you should fear the ability of the "Kara", try to keep your back of the Magda. Run away from the "flock of moths", after some time they will disappear. When Magda imposes a shield, it becomes invulnerable to remove the shield you need to kill the servants caused by it. The cereals have the ability to apply a big damage, before using this skill, they stop, giving you a chance to escape.

Zoltun Kulle

Zoltun Kul - the second boss of the second act Diablo III.

The abilities of Zoltun Kulla.

Energy Vortex - Runs the whirlwind, wandering over the battlefield and damage.
The temporary dome - creates a dome in which all the actions of the character slow down.
The collapse - crushes the ceiling, forcing him to collapse on the head of the player.
Disappearance - not a certain period of time from the battlefield evaporates.
Flaming cobblestone - launches the flaming cobblestone in the player who damage. Standard attack.
Eternal Guardians - at the beginning of the battle of Zoltun Kulla help two large golems.


The boss starts the fight along with two servants, to relieve the battle kill them first. Avoid tornado, at the level of the peckel, they apply a big damage. Do not stand in the "temporary dome", it will not only slow down your attacks, but also your movement, avoid the tornstock and the collapse of the ceiling will be difficult. The boss will periodically teleport, so you have to run behind him.

Belial, Vladyka Lies

Belial, Vladyka Lie - the final boss of the second act Diablo III.

The story of Diablo 3.

Belial is one of the four younger evils, which in the struggle for power, united with Antodol, raised the uprising against the original evil and expelled them to Sanctuary. After that, Antzodan and Beliel wrapped his strength against each other, and the struggle for power continued. It is known that after that, Beliel lost and went to Sanctuary, and the Azmodan rules hell for 300 years.

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The ability to whore Diablo 3.

Phase I - Belial Illusion
Punch is a standard attack in the near battle.
Fireball - Runs a few fiery balls that cause damage to the player.
The call of demons - causes reinforcement in the form of several imperial guards.

Phase II - Demonic Form Belial
Punch is a standard attack in the near battle.
A powerful blow - strikes the platform shown place.
Fire breathing - begins to breathe fire, inflicting damage by radius.
Meteoric rain - stuck hands in the floor, creating a lot of journeys throughout the battlefield.

At the beginning of the battle, to call Belil you will have to kill all his servants in the room, after which the boss himself enters into battle.

Tactic on Boss Belial in Diablo 3.

In the first phase of the battle you need to reduce the health of the boss to 50% as quickly as possible, then he will stop calling the servants and go to the second phase, try on the 1st phase to avoid fiery balls, the farther you are standing, the easier it is to evade them.
In the second phase, do not fall under the "powerful blow", the longer you beat the boss, the more he holds attacks with this ability. With a "meteorite rain" move to the free area from the journeys-zones, this ability can kill from one hit. Health will appear in the fight with the boss.

Bosses Act III

Kux, Vladyka Czechodia

Kux, Vladyka Greviana - the first boss of the third act Diablo III. The largest of the approximate iszodan. He has at least four mouths. Despite the fact that the main weapon of Khoma is his brutal appetite, its mucus and other feces represent no less danger. The last time the lord of the walker swallowed in the battle of half a dozen angels together with spears.

The ability of Khoma in Diablo 3.

Bite - Standard attack in melee.
Poisonous gases - the boss produces a gas cloud that remains in the same place and causes damage to the players to come into it.
Plevok mucus - spits mucus in the player, from which two slims are then generated, have a small amount of health.

Tactics on Khoma in Diablo 3.

The battle is very dynamic, you should not come across "poisonous gases", so constantly move, the boss will follow you. Small servants are killed quickly, it is better to finish them to quickly, so as not to be disturbed.

Storm beast

Storm beast - the second boss of the third act Diablo III. Legends go on the assault beast - nightmarish stories that whisper are retelling in the night. Due to the incredible sizes and the huge strength of the beast of the Lord of the demons appreciate him above all the other of their servants. This creature is able to reverse the course of any battle. I would like to know more about him, but, alas ... I still had no one to survive a meeting with this monster.


Taran - the beast makes the rapid jerk to the player, throwing it away.
Bunkers - three consecutive powerful claws attacks.
The punch foot in the ground - the beast hits his legs about the ground, inflicting damage to the nearest players.
Capture and throw - enough player, squeezing him in his claws, inflicting damage.

Tactics on assault beast in Diablo 3.

From many attacks of this boss, you will not be able to evade yourself, it may be from "Taran" and when using the ability to "shock claws" to move away from the face of the boss.

Cycay, Virgo Lust

Cycay, Virgo Lust - Third Boss of the Third Act Diablo III. Despite the fact that Prosmodan favors all its approximate, it nourishes a special location to the cide. Virgo lust - at the same time beautiful and ugly creating. It possesses a torso woman and spider legs.

Cideatic abilities in Diablo 3.
Punch is a standard attack in the near battle.
A call of spiders - causes small spines, cause a small damage and have little health.
Spitting web - slows down the player than longer stand in the web, the more slowing down.
Shot spikes - shoots around the area with several spikes.

Tactics on Cideya in Diablo 3.

The battle is simple enough, run away from the spheres of the web, kill the designed spiders, but do not overdo it, they are too much and they are called on, it is better to focus on the Boss itself, destroying spiders with the abilities damage in the area.

Proszodan, Vladyka Sin

Proszodan, Vladyka Sin - the final boss of the third act Diablo III.

History of azmodan in Diablo 3.

Azmodan, a tricky manipulator who specializes in vice and debauchery. He is a very hot-tempered and avid intrigue - both merits are very dangerous. Azmodan master temptation, forcing those whose principles and faith are durable, in the end to betray them. AZZODAN can see the most cherished wishes of the heart. It exists only to make the basics of morality, lead everything in his surroundings to ruin.

The ability of antimoduna in Diablo 3.

Punch is a standard attack in the near battle.
Fireball - self-drivey fireball, from which you can run away, the speed of its flight is quite low.
Rain from the corpses - on the floor outlines the circle, where, after some time, the cumulatives of antimodun will be falling.
The emergence of demonic gates - from demonic gates formerly former health careers appear with small health
A sea of \u200b\u200bblood - a puddle spreads on the floor, which causes ticking damage if standing in it.
Beam - Azmodan shoots the ray of energy inflicting damage.

Tactics on Antodun in Diablo 3.

Watch out for the ability of the Boss "Fireball", mainly without the use of rescue skills you will die. The ball flies slowly and not long, the landing area is shown around the floor. When demonic gates appear, it is desirable to destroy them, but not necessarily.

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Just like the ball, great trouble brings the ability of the "Sea of \u200b\u200bBlood", not stand in the pool, it gradually expands, reaching a certain size, it stops it, it does not lose it too long and disappears. If you are a long-range player, you can damage the boss at this time, I advise you to run a nearby player, and not heroge.

Bosses act iv.

Rico, Lord Despair

Rico, Lord of despair - the first boss of the fourth act Diablo III. Initially, he served Andariel, while showing special cruelty and atrocity. Then, he was a jewelery jewer for many years, who languished on the plains of despair in the possessions of the Rakanota. However, some time ago, the demon unexpectedly left his lands.

The ability of the Rakanota in Diablo 3.

Teleportation - Rakanote does a hit from which it is impossible to evaporate.
Fan from spinning blades - attack by several blades than you are further from them - the easier it is to evade.
Boots with sabers hands - a standard attack in the near battle.
Fireball - Ricaer calls on fiery balls in his nearest opponents.
Protective rack - Ricatics covered with wide sabers, reduces the resulting damage. But it does not attack himself.
The appeal of the souls of the souls - calls on two demons of assistants.

Tactics on the Rakanota in Diablo 3.

From many abilities of this boss you will not be able to evade, try to break the distance when using the skills of the boss. When calling the servants, kill them, you will have enough damage to the boss.


Izual, the second boss 4 of the act Diablo 3.

The abilities of Izuala in Diablo 3.

Punch is a standard attack in the near battle.
Ice bombs - periodically gave a scatter on the field of combat the balls of ice. Which in a few seconds exploding the damage and freezing all the nearest goals.
Jerk - I gave a jerk to the player.
The hodle explosion - by 50% of his life, hesitally creates a ring of ice with a very large radius of the lesion, which has no graphic effect, fluttering anyone who will be within the radius of this ring.
Calculate the servants - calls on a variety of cerebrals from which health spheres fall.

Tactics on Izuala in Diablo 3.

If you are a long-range player, try to close the boss close to yourself. Avoid ice bombs, they are good not to notice them. When calling the servants, try to kill them quickly, but do not let me up too close the boss, it can take advantage of the skill.

Diablo, Lord of Horror

Diablo, the lord of horror is the main villain of the Diablo series. Returned to Diablo III as a single evil.

The story of the Boss Diablo in Diablo 3.

Of all the great angry, our misfortune we most know about the lord of horror, el-diabolo, more known as diablo.
Diablo is the most calm, cunning and patient in attempts to plant horror around it. Consider the horror components: a mixture of fear, shocks and complete hopelessness. Perhaps diablo is the most cunning in the ability to influence the mind of the victim. Opening them in the biggest, ugly fears, he uses this knowledge to draw the worst of them against his victim.
Two hundred years he copied the strength, the corrupting stone shower is his dungeon. Finally, he managed to completely subjugate the mind of Lazarus, a dedicated adviser to the King and Archbishop of the Khoradrim Monastery, where Diablo rested. Also diabell managed to blame the mind of Loryik - King Kanduras. The king continued to face a vicious influence of diablo, but in the end, it was crazy. The distraught King of Leoric begins mass arrests and executions of everyone who goes against his will, and also declares the war to the Kingdom of West Marsh. Lazarus kidnaps the Prince Albrecht and diablo enslaves his soul. Soon the other son of Loryik - Aidan returned from the war with Westmaster. He went down alone in a catacomb under the tristramy and defeated Diablo. As a result of the long influence of the cathedral, the mind of Idana clouded, and he began to seem that the only way Stop the lord of horror - to keep it in yourself. So the path of the hero ended ...
Hike to east.
Every day, Diablo subdued the mind of Idan more and more, ultimately the hero disappeared from the tristrama and went east. Diablo captured the mind of Idan and decided to free his brothers from imprisonment. At first, with the help of his companion, Marius he freed Baal, the Lord of destruction, and later reunited with Mephisto, Lord Hate under the ruins of Kurata. By this time, Diablo completely received his true appearance and went to hell, where he planned to start collecting his army, but his plan failed. The next group of heroes proceeded diablo on the heels to the most underworld, where she climbed him, killing, and then destroying the soul stone.

Ability of the Boss Diablo in Diablo 3.

Phase 1 - battle in heaven.
Punch is a standard attack in the near battle.
Bone prison - Diablo encourages bone prisons under the legs of the characters, trying to immobilize them. If the player enters jail, the diablo is enough player, having damaged him, and then throws about the floor, damage is also applied.
Ring of fire - Diablo spends around himself a ring of fiery balls, hitting them, the player gets damage.
Fireball - flies in one of the players, causing damage and leaving behind the damage to the puddle.
Phase - 2 - battle in the underworld.

Dark reflection - Diablo looks into your soul and causes your dark twin. Identity in everything. The ability shadow chooses itself.
Phase 3 - Battle in heaven.
Similar abilities as on the first phase.
Fire Breathing - Diablo emits fiery breathing, pursuing the player.

Tactics on the Boss Diablo in Diablo 3.

In the first phase, run from the "bone prison", it is advisable to never get caught, it can be fatal. When using the "Ring of Fire", try to get up between the fiery balls, so you will not get any damage. After "Fireball" will arrive in you, do not stand in a puddle, it causes decent damage. If you have little health, you can use healing wells located in the upper corners of the room.
In the second phase, try to quickly kill the dark reflection, it has little health, but if you are in the group, several reflections can immediately deal with you very quickly.
On the third phase, just seek diablo, not forgetting about the skills from the first phase, and run away from his breathing.

Bosses in diablo 3 They hit the heroes with their strength, but they are mortal. After studying the ability of bosses, you can quietly donate with them and restore calm in this world.

If someone else is not aware, then in this patch updated the "Miracle Valley"! If before everyone sought all the sake of knocking out decorations in the form of wings, now you can still collect many objects, crystals and resources! Best Drop goes out of boxes with gifts and mushrooms. Also from each cloud is guaranteed to receive money and many crystals! What would not tell a lot - look better than the video:

Where to farm goblin?

  1. The first and easiest way is to look for goblins in standard locations in adventure mode + you can combine this action with the execution of tasks on the Tirael boxes. There are some patterns in their reps and you can learn from the video below. The entire farm comes down to running by standard places, stripping the existing goblins and a further recovery in the game to repetition.
    1. There is also a call option " portal of Altitude (Treasury)"Straight in the city. For this we need a ring. You can get it in two ways - knock out somewhere or exchanged in the kadala for bloody fragments. But there is also third way to get a puzzle ring - In Cuba, Cana on the 3rd recipe you can improve yellow (rare) things to legendary. This is especially helped when it is trying to get a certain way. legendary Ancient Ring. After receiving - if you throw it in Cube Cana and push the activation, the portal will open Hall of greed. Now they will now think that in this way you can feel good, if you pre-increase the level of complexity. It is possible, but do not hurry that I wouldn't get such a faila as I 🙂, too, on joys, such a playing by a magician - I liked all the geeks to increase gold + hung a mustache for a larger profit and receipt of experience. According to the standard, I play at the level of T6 complexity and the portal call switched to T10. There are no particular problems with the murder of mobs, but there was a disappointment at the T10 inside the portal, because My Damaga lacked that in time to demolish the HP by current mobs and eventually the emerging minor goblins managed to run away into their portals before. What I killed them 🙁 And in the end, having arrived at the final boss, Goblin could not cause significant damage, because HP he has 100 billion + with his blows he just positive. After 6-10 attempts, I spat on this business and restked into the game at a lower complexity T6 - as a result, the portal was no longer.
      With grief went to look for goblins in locations and randomly knocked out another same ring portal. This time I decided already on difficulty T6 to pass it. As a result - everything went smoothly, the mobs lay down with ease.
      Conclusion from this total: if you are at your level of complexity easily cope with mobs, then before calling the portal from the ring you can increase it by 1-2 points.
  2. Also remember that getting into portal Halls of Altitude You can in adventure mode killing ordinary goblins. The chance of opening after the death of the portal is small and random. In the nephelamian portals, Goblins do not open their portals.
  3. And another way to find goblins - put on yourself before getting a baff at the sanctuary. Not the first time, these braces instead of some boss-elite cause about 10 goblins of different types 🙂

Goblins' greedy - where to look for them in the first act

So, how to get to the treasury? The answer is simple - killing as much goblin as possible! Some people write that the 100 Goblins killed is not the limit, we opened the treasury about killing goblins 50. It doesn't matter, you beat the goblin in the first act or in the fifth - the chance of opening the treasury, in my opinion, the same. Personally, I once opened a treasury in the first act, one - in the third and once in the fifth.

Here I will give a list of places where most often in the first act you can meet greedy goblins.

All screenshots are shown by goblins with pairs - this Battle.net has lasted a promotion: twice as many goblins.

1. Location South Highlands

Clana Clan Moon

Goblins appear by chance, or by 1, or at 2 level 2 caves. If you have found goblins at a level 1, then go to 2 or examine the cave further no sense - there are no goblin at two levels, they are mutually exclusive, as well as at the same level there are no more than 1 goblin.

Goblins in the cave of the moon clan 1 level

Goblins in the cave of the moon clan 2 level

Potion tower

If you have opened this location, which just happens in southern highlands, then you can go here, sometimes (very rarely), Goblin can be found at 2 levels. I also put the card, where I had goblins, of course, there are goblins in absolutely different places, but suddenly we will coincide with these seats.

Goblins in the sentier tower Level 2

Goblins in the Potor Tower Level 2 - Map

Southern highlands

At the southernmost highlands, it is possible to meet goblins very often, chances, so to speak 50/50. There are no more than 1 goblin there, therefore, after it is, it is possible to go further, without running all the location.

Goblins in southern highlands

2. Caves of Arana

Also very often, with a probability of 50% you can find goblins, if you are lucky, then not one.

It happens that almost at the very beginning you can find a yellow monster spider, passing next to which your hero will say something in the spirit of "Spider caught his sacrifice." We kill the spider, and then we open the cocoon, from which the goblin jumps out. Read more on video.

This is one of the few cases when in one location can be found not one, but two goblins. After you killed this spider (the appearance of it, by the way, is not very frequent), it is desirable to break up the entire cave in search of another goblin.

Goblins in the caves of Arana

Goblins in the caves of Arana

Goblins in the caves of Arana

Spider with Goblin in the caves of Arana

Spider location map with goblin in the caves of Arana

3. Royal tombs

The royal tombs are very small in the area and easily incredible, and the goblins are often coming there, so it is very convenient to go there for their search.

Goblins in the royal tombs

The cathedral is big, so to run all every time - it is not very fun. But the goblins are found there and quite often. I most often goblins appeared on 2 and 3 levels (there was such that immediately and on, 2 and at the 3 level were). I put cards, but, as always, warn that the goblins are mainly appearing in random places.

Goblins in the Council Level 2

Card with Goblin Cathedral Level 2

Goblins in the Council Level 3

Card with Goblin Cathedral Level 3

5. Damned Fortress

It is impossible to get into the damned fortress directly, there is no portal in it, the easiest way to move into the halls of the agony level 2, and from there it is already running through the crossing in highlands to the fortress. Damned fortress to run no long, and the appearance of goblins there is frequent phenomenon. It was also noticed that they are sometimes sitting in the same places, so a map with location here may come in handy.

Goblins in the damned fortress

Goblins in the damned fortress

Goblins in the Damned Fortress - Map

6. Gable fields

Crypt expansions

This location drops randomly, with probability of about 33% in the gibe fields. So, how to find a crypt expansion in the game? We are transferred to the gibe fields and determine their location by the location of the portal flooded temple, since its location is consistently, but in the gibe fields you can appear in four different places. The location of the expansion crypt appears only in two places, respectively, by defining its location, you can understand where the crypt expires should be located. I apply the card to be clearer.

Clarification: if a task with an older, a beast, cruculiar, a squad near the chest appeared on the place of the crypt, or just a plug in the form of curls, then the search can not be continued.

Map with an expansion crypt

Here, the goblins may appear both on the first and at the second level, but not at both at once.

Goblins in the shoe decomposition level 1

Cyrp decomposition Level 1 map with goblin location

Goblins in crypt decomposition level 2

Lost mine

It appears well, very rarely, but it is most often 1, and goblins live at level 2.

Lost mine level 1 with goblin

Lost mine level 2 with goblin

Gibli fields

They can also often please you with one goblin.

Gible fields with goblines

Gible fields with goblines

7. The remaining locations where it is possible to meet goblins, but not as often as in previous places.

Leoric Hall
Location is tiny, the chance of the appearance of Goblin is about 20%.

Goblin in Locations Hall Loryik

Rotting forest
Chances are approximately the same as in the previous place.

Goblin in the location of a rotting forest

Northern Highlands and Hunting Lorika.
Random is such a Rand ... Everyone is writing that it is necessary to farm goblins on the northern highlands, but I am 15 !!! Once I rebooted this place and never met Goblin there, but a couple of times she met him in hunting grounds (this is just above the northern highlands).

Goblins in Loryik hunting grounds

Halls of agony

From 6 times, only 1 time at the first level I met Goblin.

Goblins in the halls of agony level 1

I do not advise you to go to the cemetery of the damned and hollow walkers - there I have not been noticed by the goblins.

Screenshots with goblines

Diablo 3: Farm Goblins / How to Farms Goblins

Diablo 3: Farm Goblins / How to Farms Goblins

Diablo 3: Farm Goblins / How to Farms Goblins

Diablo 3: Farm Goblins / How to Farms Goblins

Diablo 3: Farm Goblins / How to Farms Goblins