Chess game for two with 1 computer. Where is it more convenient to play chess online for two? Games for two

Good day, dear friend!

Your humble servant “covered” global sports ambitions already “... twenty” years ago. But sometimes you just want to play. At least on the Internet. And not with a computer, but with a real rival. Today we will figure out where you can play chess online for two.


I think as a chess player you understand me. The game is the apotheosis of chess ... Nothing beats the feeling of victory gained in a beautiful, sometimes difficult struggle.

And even if on the net you do not see in front of you the living face of your opponent, bending over the board, his barely noticeable movements of the facial muscles, betraying emotions. Joy, disappointment, rage, apathy.

Let the site only have a nickname and sometimes an avatar. All the same, you know that this is a living person. Which, although far away, is here and now. And this is a completely different matter than playing with the computer. Iron is iron. Smart, but iron.

Actually, finding an opponent for playing on the Internet is not a question. Another thing, how to get a suitable resource?

So that it is convenient to play and the interface is pleasant. One could choose a time control and an opponent of a suitable level.

So as not to waste time

I want to do it quickly, so that I can spend a lot of time and effort studying what turns out to be inappropriate. I gave an example of such ordeals in the article.

I will briefly note the main markers, in the presence of at least one of which I personally immediately sweep aside the resource:

  • An offer to register immediately, before at least some understanding of what is inside
  • Obsessive advertising "head-on" of paid options, or even completely incomprehensible why
  • A poor interface - a small board, its incomprehensible color and the inability to choose the color of the board and figures that you like.
  • Inability to choose time control.
  • Inability to choose the level of play (rating) of the opponent
  • It is not visible how many players are online. Maybe there is no one at all, and you, having challenged, will sit and wait like a fool until you blue in the face.

These are my personal criteria. It may be different for you, some of the above is not critical for you. For example, to play with a friend, the need to choose an opponent disappears by itself.

Where can you play? Top Sites


Address: Portal in three languages: English, Spanish, German.

Unfortunately, there is no Russian, but everything is intuitively clear.

There is news, and you can play and training and much more.

If you want something in Russian, you can make a standard translation using the right mouse button. I make the translation and click on the "play" button:

A window appears for choosing the time control and the opponent:

Click "play now" and go to the game:

There is one joint. It is unclear where and how a draw can be proposed. However, which is quite likely, I simply did not notice. Although I played quite a lot of games.

I rate 8 points from 10 ... There would be a Russian interface, I would appreciate it 9, and if the question with the offer of a draw is only my irrelevance, then that's all 10 .

In addition to the game, there are many useful things: the ability to analyze, educational content, news and much more. See for yourself.

Easy registration and on the main page you can go directly to the "play" tab

In the pop-up menu, select the desired tab, For example, tournaments:

We see a list of current tournaments:

It can be done differently. On the right we see the menu, and select the time control and the game option:

There is one subjective drawback:

In the course of the game, sometimes there is a "freeze" of the figures. That is, you move the figure, and it slows down. Maybe it's just me, but it's terribly annoying.

By the way, if you want, you can play on 3d chalkboard.

This is perhaps the only portal where I saw a more or less sane option t in terms of the criteria that I gave above.

My mark 7.5 points. Only because of freezes. And so 9 no questions. Maybe you will not hang.

One of the best gaming portals, if not the best. No freezes, sufficient functionality and simplicity at the same time:

Simple registration, go to the menu and choose what we want:

Appreciating Lychess in 9 points.

4. "Chess with Friends"

This application is Vkontakte.

In general, everything is done well both in terms of functionality and user interface.

At least for a comfortable game, everything is there.

There are a couple of downsides:

  • One of them is significant - advertising on the verge of intrusiveness.
  • The second, less significant, is the calculation of the rating, apparently "curve". At least I couldn't raise my rating above 1910 here. And this is lower than the real one by 300 points minimum. So something is wrong here.

There are also tournaments:

I rate - 7 points. I will not give it any more, due to the shortcomings I mentioned above.

So, there are only 4 sites in the sea list. There is also Chess Planet, but I don’t play there. I don’t see any particular point in giving it more.

For this is the case when quality is more important than quantity. I chose a couple of portals for the game and this, in my opinion, will be enough. In order to play chess with real opponents, and not just anyhow, but to enjoy the game.

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Now our site also gives players the opportunity to try their hand at one of the most intellectual entertainment- chess. You can play both with a computer and with your boyfriend or girlfriend. And the distance that separates you will cease to be a problem.

So how do you get started:

  • you must select the "Play with a friend" button;
  • in the window that appears, set the settings for the game and click on the "queen" icon.
  • then it remains to copy the link to the clipboard and transfer it to your potential game partner.

This way, you will be able to develop mentally along with your friends.

Chess for two on one computer

Chess is one of the most highly intelligent games for developing logical thinking. It has been known since ancient times. Each new batch allows players to train their computational skills and develop their own tactics of the game in order to focus on the actions of the enemy. The excellent ability to calculate the consequences of your actions many steps forward is useful not only in chess games but also in everyday life. Chess for two on one computer will not leave you indifferent, so start the game right now.

For a person who knows the rules and understands the basics of the game, chess will rightfully seem one of the most exciting activities. Logic game provides exactly the same chances for both opponents and completely deprives them of the opportunity to cheat. It turns out that chess fans will be able to get pure pleasure from the game itself, without being distracted by anything else.

How to play chess for two for free

Modern technologies make it easy to master the skill of a grandmaster without using additional techniques. And apps that allow you to play chess with your friend are just that. Our application allows you to use one computer for this. The main thing is not to forget to activate the "play with a friend" mode. But the players will either have to acquire a pair of chairs, or give each other space in front of the monitor. If there is a clear need to play chess, the lack of a real chessboard ceases to be a significant problem.

We also offer a game where you can choose an opponent via the Internet. And it doesn't matter how many kilometers separate you. You can play chess for two absolutely free! It is noteworthy that in such a game it is impossible to choose the level of difficulty, because everything will entirely depend on what the opposing sides are capable of.

Chess simulators are in many ways more attractive than chess itself, since they have a number of advantages over them. But there is one significant drawback: aesthetics when interacting with chess pieces players no longer have. You will not be able to thoughtfully turn the figure in your fingers, pondering the next move. But each player can be 100% sure that his partner will not be able to cheat, replace a piece, or move it to a more convenient cell.

The players see the same cyber chessboard with pieces in front of them. To begin with, the participants in the competition will determine who will play for white and who will play for black, and then they can give the go-ahead to the start. Usually there are functions for changing the interface. For example, shapes can be made "metallic" or "wooden", the color of the cells can be changed, or other parameters can be changed. The process of the game will not change from this, but it will be more pleasant for the eye to observe the development of events. Animations and graphics are turned on and off at the request of the players.

The chess games in the application are further simplified by the fact that there is an opportunity to pick up and start the game anew at any time. And you don't have to re-install the application or explain to your counterpart the reason for the breakdown of the game.

On our site there is an opportunity to play chess with a friend.
Now the distance is not an obstacle for you, you can always play chess for two on our website.
In order to start playing chess for two, select in the field below "Play in another"

- in the field that appears, select the settings and click on the "Queen" icon. Then copy the link to the clipboard and pass it to your opponent. Now you can safely start playing chess with a friend.

Chess games for 2 players

Chess is an ancient highly intellectual game that develops logical thinking. From game to game, the player trains his computational skills and develops his own tactics of the game, focusing on the actions of the enemy. The ability to calculate your moves and actions many steps forward will be useful not only in a board game, but also in everyday life.

One who knows the rules and is in the slightest degree familiar with the basic methods of the game, chess will rightly seem to be one of the most exciting and educational games in the tabletop series.

Online chess for two

Modern technologies offer unlimited possibilities for mastering the mastery of a grandmaster without additional funds. First of all, I mean applications and programs that allow two people to play chess without leaving the same computer. For this, the "play with a friend" mode is available. All that is required in this case is to give up space in front of the monitor with virtual chess through a move. If you want to play chess, the absence of a real chessboard is no longer a significant problem.

Games have also been developed in which the player selects an opponent via the Internet, no matter how many kilometers separate them. The difficulty mode, of course, is not selectable, as when playing with a computer. The course of the game and its result will depend solely on the strategy and ingenuity of the opposing sides.

Chess simulators have many advantages over regular chess. With the exception that, as with the choice between electronic and paper books, players are deprived of aesthetics when interacting with chess pieces. You can't turn a pawn in your fingers while pondering your next move. However, everyone can be sure that his partner does not cheat and change pieces by moving the rook to a more advantageous position.

In front of the players is the same cyber-board with chess pieces. They determine who plays for White, after which the game begins. As a rule, there are built-in functions for changing the game interface: making figures metal or wooden, changing the color of cells, etc. These changes will not affect the gameplay, but will allow you to adjust online chess to the tastes of both players.

Graphics and animation can either add realism to a chess match, where after each move, the pieces themselves occupy the necessary cells, or be simplified so that you can fully focus on the development of the game.

Playing chess online with a friend is also made easier by the fact that at any time you can quickly open the tab with the saved game and start a new game. Applications do not require lengthy and complex installations, often have additional features(magazine with the made moves on both sides), and are free.

Management in virtual board games simplified as much as possible for the convenience of users. The logic game provides equal chances for rivals in the pursuit of victory, where the outcome depends on the quick decisions of a real person.