Playing cards "Up and down" (Up-down). Playing cards "Up and down" (Up-down) Getting to know the gameplay in more detail

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Up and down card game

Start the game

This Up and Down game uses one deck of fifty-two cards. Three to six people can participate. As usual, the first dealer is chosen by drawing lots, but in subsequent sets the competitors should return in clockwise order from the first dealer. After the drawing of lots, the dealer player needs to shuffle the cards properly, then the participant sitting to his left removes the card.

Getting to know the gameplay in more detail

Based on how many people take part in the up and down game and how many cards are dealt to each, the number of games is determined. At the initial stage of the game, one card is dealt to all participants, then in the next game two cards are dealt, and so on in ascending order. This happens until the deck is dealt absolutely all for a single deal of cards.

The rules of the game "Up and down" state that then in further stages the deck will be dealt to decrease. The surface card from the residual deck is revealed to determine the trump suit. If there is such a situation that all the cards have already been dealt and there are no more last card in the deck, the extreme card dealt takes on the role of the trump suit.

Then, when each of the participants received their cards, all the players in turn say the number of tricks. The right to be the first to indicate a bribe is given to the participant who is on the left side of the dealer.

Each player names the number of bribes that he is directly going to appropriate for himself. Then the time of circulation comes. The first move still applies to the player to the left of the dealer, of course, he has the right to play any card he has. After its turn, the participants lay out the cards in the order coinciding with the direction of the clockwise. The next player needs to lay out a card of the same suit of the previous player.

In the event that there is no identical card, then the participant should be given either a trump suit or another available one. Accordingly, subsequent players need to perform the same actions. The named bribe goes to the participant who gives out the highest suit compared to the original card.

The rules of the game "Up and down" scoring are regulated so that each bribe collected by the participant awards him one point. Moreover, if the player announces that he intends to take this bribe, then ten more points are added to him. And, therefore, the victory goes to the player who managed to earn the most points.

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Up & Down (Up & Down)

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 52
Number of players: 3 - 6
Card seniority: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: score more points.
Rules of the game. Why the game has such a name, try to guess for yourself when you read the rules. The first deliverer is determined by lot, in next games players deal in turn clockwise. After determining the deliverer, the deliverer takes the deck and carefully shuffles, the player to his left removes. The game consists of several parties, the number of which is determined by the number of players and the number of cards dealt. In the first game, each player is dealt one card, in the second game, two cards, in the third game, three cards, and so on until the deck is dealt completely in one deal of cards, after which in the next games the deck is dealt in descending order. For example, the maximum was for three players, 17 cards each, that is, 17 games were played in ascending order, after which another 16 games were played in descending order, in the next game players will be dealt 16 cards each, then 15 cards, etc. The top card from the remaining deck is always revealed and denotes the trump suit. If all the cards are dealt, then the last dealt card denotes the trump suit. After the cards have been dealt to the players, each player, starting to the left of the donor, says the number of tricks he will take. Then the rally begins. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the deliverer. He can enter from any of his cards, the next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no card of the same suit, then, depending on the agreement before the game, he must either put a trump card or any. More often it is agreed that the player, in the absence of a card of a given suit, must put the trump card. The next player clockwise does the same. The trick is taken by the player who plays the highest card in relation to the first card of the turn. For each trick taken, the player receives one point, and if the player said that he would take this trick, then he gets 10 more points. After all the games played, the winner is determined by the number of points that he scored. That is, the one who scored the most points and becomes the winner.

Up and down

"Odessa poker"(other names: Georgian poker, joker) - conventional name card game, vaguely reminiscent of preference. It is also often referred to simply as poker, although it has nothing to do with real poker. The game was formed in the USSR on the basis of a foreign prototype, known mainly under the name opendum (also known as "up and down", up and down). This name came from the use of the joker in the game, which is not typical for most card games and is completely unusual for the USSR, where real poker was little known.


They play either a "Russian" deck of 36 cards, with the joker assigned to one of the usual cards (one of the most common options is the six of spades), or a deck of 53 or 54 cards (52 + 1 or 2 jokers). Sometimes a 52-card deck is used (then one of the lowest cards is also assigned as a joker). or a 38-card deck (36 cards + 2 jokers). The number of participants is from two to six, for the "Georgian" version - four or six.

The process of the game

The game consists of a series of deals. The first dealer is determined by lot, then the deals are made in sequence. In the first deal, each partner is dealt one card, in the second - two, etc. up to six cards (cards are dealt strictly one piece in several circles), then the trump card is opened. Six cards are dealt as many deals as there are players in the party. Then five or less cards are dealt again, up to one. After the second deal on one card, another deal of six cards is played - "blind".

In the "Georgian" version, up to eight cards are dealt in a four-player game, or up to six in a six-handed game, after which nine cards are dealt four times. After that, the number of cards dealt is reduced step by step to one, and then nine cards are dealt again 4 times.

After each change (except for "blind") trading begins, strictly in turn. The first player to trade is the player to the left of the dealer. He and the rest of the participants must evaluate the strength of their cards and announce the alleged trick (make an "order"). Each participant is free to declare any bribe or refuse a bribe (say "pass"), except for the dealer: the sum of the bribe declared by him and the bribes of other partners should not be equal to the number of cards in his hand (the rule is called "do not converge").

After the trade is over, the game is played: first, the first player to the left of the dealer lays out one card, and the rest of the participants try to beat it, or, conversely, discard an unnecessary card. The precedence of the cards is traditional: ace is the highest card, two (or six) is the lowest. The one who takes the trick lays out the next card, and so on, until all the cards have been played. It is allowed to look at your bribes when playing the next card. On each card, it is necessary to put a card of the same suit with which the move was made, or, if not the right suit- a trump card. To beat with a trump card, if there is a card of a suitable suit, is impossible, not to beat with a trump card, if there is no suit, but there is a trump card - too. Only in the absence and trump and the right suit the player has the right to put any other card.

Using the joker

The game is greatly enlivened by the presence of the joker. Firstly, it can be used as the strongest trump card, that is, take any bribe, even if it has been previously beaten with a trump ace. Further, it can be used as the smallest card in the deck, less than two of any suit - to pay an unnecessary trick. It can be laid out in cases where the player is not interested in giving up a card of the suit or trump demanded of him, and in general it can be given for any card in the deck. The rules relating to the move in suit or trump do not apply to him.

Finally, there is the requirement for the “largest suit” - the player lays out the joker and says “for the largest spades”, etc. (usually, but not necessarily, this move requires the largest trump card). At the same time, the rest of the partners must discard the most big map of the corresponding suit that they have on their hands. If the required suit or trump card is not there, then you can put any card. Since such a move greatly undermines the chances of other players, a variant of the rules is popular when the requirement for the largest suit is allowed only when the first card is played in the current deal.

If the joker during the deal comes out at the opening of the trump, then the deal is played without a trump ("no cap"), that is, all the suits are equal.

Blind surrender

At the end of the game, at least one blind deal is made. It differs from other deals in that the participants do not bargain after the deal, but before it, that is, at random, without being able to look at the cards.

There are no blind surrender rules in the "Georgian" version.


The winner is the one with the most points. For the taken a bribe is awarded 10 points for the first bribe and 5 points for each subsequent one. If a player has taken a bribe more than he declared during the trade ("bust"), then he is awarded only 1 point for each bribe. If the player passed and made a pass (did not take a single trick), then he is awarded 5 points (there is a strict version of the rules when zero points are given for a pass). If the player took a bribe less than he announced during the trade ("shortage"), then for each uncollected bribe, he is deducted 5 points. If the player did not take a single bribe, then 10 points are deducted for each uncollected bribe. Thus, in case of an unsuccessful game, the sum of points can be negative ("minus", "mine"). When playing for money, a negative result is considered a double loss.

In case of blind surrender, points are counted as double.

If the player, during the deal, played with a card of an unsuitable suit (except for the joker), then he is assigned a minus 50 penalty points, and the deal is replayed.

Usually, one of the players keeps a record of applications and points scored on paper in the form of a table.

Scoring option in "Georgian" poker

For the taken exactly as requested a bribe is awarded a point according to the formula 50 * application + 50. If the player took more (or less) cards than he declared during the trade ("bust"), then he is awarded only 10 points for each card. If the player passed and made a pass (did not take any cards), then he is awarded 50 points. If the player, during the deal, played with a card of an unsuitable suit (except for the joker), then he is assigned a minus 50 penalty points, and the deal is replayed.

Rule options

  • Instead of one blind deal, two blind and two peakless can be played (deals played without opening a trump card).
  • The maximum hand length played in multiple deals can be more than six cards (up to 12).
  • The Joker may be prohibited from requiring the highest suit altogether.
  • The rule "converge" is very rarely used, when the dealer can make any order in the trade, regardless of the order of other participants.

Other variants of the rules are also possible.


  • Popular card games. - M .: "Veche", 2001. - ISBN 5-7838-0965-9


  • "Pref-revue": electronic library, programs, collection of folklore

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    Up and down- Up Up (p), adv. p; akin to OFries. up, op, D. op, OS. [= u] p, OHG. [= u] f, G. auf, Icel. & Sw. upp, Dan. op, Goth. iup, and probably to E. over. See (Over).] 1. Aloft; on high; in a direction contrary to that of ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of EnglishDown feather - The down of birds is a layer of fine feathers found under the tougher exterior feathers. Very young birds are clad only in down. Powder down is a specialized type of down found only in a few groups of birds. Down is a fine thermal insulator and…… Wikipedia

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IN card game "up - and - down" play three or four complete deck 52 cards. The precedence of the cards is from ace to two. The cards are dealt one by one. The first move belongs to the neighbor deliverer... Each batch consists of two stages - ordering and drawing. When ordering, players announce the quantity bribes that are going to take in this game. Zero bribes can be announced.

On the first deal, players receive one card each. The first card of the remaining deck is the trump suit. Neither this card nor the rest of the deck is used in the game. In the first distribution, you can order either one bribe or none.

The second time, the players are dealt two cards, the third - three, and so on. In the last hand, three players have 17 cards each, and six players have 8 cards each. The last distribution is a trump card. During play, cards are placed in suit... It is not necessary to interrupt with a trump card in the absence of a suit. After each drawing is recorded on a point for a bribe plus 10 bonus points for the execution of his order. A player who has not completed his order does not receive points at all, even if he managed to score a certain number of bribes. Each player or game manager records points.

The winner is the one who received the most points after all hands. Option: after a full cycle of distributions, the game does not end, but continues in decreasing order: the last distribution is again one card at a time.