Voskobovich technology in kindergarten. The most famous games of Voskobovich. With his help

Elena Korobkina
Card file of traffic rules games in the preparatory group

4 "Collect the sign"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules; develop logical thinking, attentiveness; foster a culture of safe behavior for children on the road and in public places.

Material: puzzles in envelopes - road signs, chips.

Game progress: The teacher seats children in carriages and on a common command

(whistle signal) children open envelopes and fold their signs from parts (puzzles)... After 5 - 7 minutes, the game stops. How many signs have been collected

right, the team gets so many points. You can earn extra points if the players answer correctly, what is the name of the sign and

what does it matter. For the correct answer, the teacher gives the crew a token.

5 "Red Green"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about road signs; develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Material: Balloons red and green.

Game progress: You need to take two balls - green and red. The educator gives

a child has a red ball in his hand, a child calls a prohibiting sign. If

green ball, names a permissive, prescriptive sign. Doesn't call - gets out of the game. And the winner receives a balloon as a reward.

6 "Traffic lights"

Target: Teach children to distinguish and correctly name road signs, their

appointment; develop attention, memory; educate moral quality: consistency and collaboration.

Material: cards with the image of road signs, circles in yellow.

Game progress: From 2 to 10 children can participate in the game. Children sit around

table, everyone gets maps with road signs... The teacher explains

children that they will turn the disc in turn and for the correctly named

the road sign and its purpose will receive a yellow circle from the cashier and

close on your map the same sign if available. A cashier is appointed, yellow circles are transferred to him. The teacher will distribute to the sitting children cards... The game begins. The presenter rotates the disc and, together with the children, pronounces the words:

Arrow, arrow, spin

Show yourself to all the signs

Show us soon

What sign is nicer to you!

The arrow stops, the presenter names the road sign and its purpose. If the child named the sign correctly, the cashier will give him a yellow circle, the child closes the same one on map... If on his there is no such sign on the map, asks: "Who has the same mark?" And the cashier will transfer the circle to the one who has the map has this sign(provided that the mark and its purpose are named correctly)... Then the disc is transferred to the neighbor and the game continues. In case of difficulty or error, the child does not receive the yellow circle, and the disc is transferred to the next child in turn. The winner is the one who is the first to cover his signs with yellow circles. The game ends when all are closed. cards in children with yellow circles.

7 "Avtomulti"

Target: to teach to correlate a fairy-tale character and his vehicle,

correctly name, develop memory, thinking, quick wits.

Game progress: Children are encouraged to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

1. Was Emelya going to see the Tsar in the palace for the World Cup? (On the stove)

2. Favorite two-wheel mode of transport of Leopold's cat? (Bike)

3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (Jam)

4. What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor make to the postman Pechkin?


5. What did the fairy godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella? (Into the carriage)

6. Did old man Hottabych fly to the World Cup? (On a flying carpet)

7. Personal transport of Baba Yaga? (Mortar) 8. A man scattered from Basseinaya Street went to Leningrad for the World Cup? (On

9. Bears rode a bicycle,

And behind them the cat


And behind him are mosquitoes.

What were the mosquitoes flying on? (On a balloon.)

10. Did Kai ride the World Cup? (Sledging)

11. Did Baron Munchausen fly to the World Cup? (On the core)

12. At the World Cup, the queen and the baby sailed across the sea "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? (V

8 "Questions and answers"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, behavior on the street;

develop thinking, memory, intelligence, speech.

Material: chips.

Game progress: The teacher divides the children into two teams, asks questions, children

are responsible, a chip is awarded for the correct answer. The team wins

with the most chips.

1. What parts does the street consist of? (road, sidewalk)

2. Where can children walk? (in the yard)

3. How should you behave on the bus? (don't scream, be quiet)

4. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)

5. Where can I cross the road? (traffic light, crosswalk)

6. What are the traffic lights? (red, yellow, green)

7. What signal can you cross the road to? (on green)

8.Who can you cross the road with? (with adults)

9. What is the name of the person driving the car? (driver)

10. What does the car consist of? (body, cab, wheels)

11. Where do cars go, where do pedestrians go? (on the road, on the sidewalk)

12. What are the road signs? (prohibiting, warning,

service signs, informational, indicative, prescriptive signs)

13. How should you get around the bus? (wait when he leaves)

14. What types of transport? (passenger, air, sea,

ground, cargo, animal-drawn, special, etc.

9 "Cars"

Target: to form the ability to add an image of a car from parts

a geometric mosaic constructor by combining different shapes,

changing their position on the plane of the table; develop logical thinking,

the ability to make a whole from parts.

Material: diagrams depicting machines consisting of different geometric shapes ; details of the geometric constructor - mosaics.

Game progress: The teacher, together with the children, consider what parts the cars consist of (body, cab, wheels); what geometric shapes are used (triangle, rectangle, square, circle)... Further, the educator offers to lay out the image of the machine on the plane of the table from the details of the geometric constructor - the mosaic, based on the diagram.

10 "Yes, no"


Game progress: The teacher asks questions, the children answer “yes” or “no” in chorus.

Are the traffic lights familiar to all children?

Does everyone in the world know him?

Does he watch the road? Does he have arms, legs?

There are flashlights - three eyes!

Does it include all of them at once?

So he turned on the red light

Does this mean there is no move?

Which one should we go to?

Blue - can it be an obstacle?

Will we go to the yellow one?

On green - remember?

Well, probably then

Let's get up on the green, huh?

Can I run on red?

Well, but if you are careful?

And go in single file then

Of course you can? Yes!

I believe in eyes, ears

The traffic light is familiar to all of you!

And, of course, very happy

I am for literate guys!

11 "Repair the traffic light"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals.

Material: traffic light pattern, red, yellow, green circles.

Game progress: The teacher explains to the children that the traffic light is broken, the traffic light needs to be repaired (correctly assembled by color)... Children overlay circles on a ready-made traffic light template.

12 "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Target: fix the rules road traffic, behavior in transport.

Game progress: The teacher asks questions, if the children agree, then in chorus answer: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!", and if they do not agree, they are silent.

Which of you, when in a hurry,

Running in front of the transport?

Which one of you is going forward

Only where is the transition? (this is me, this is me.)

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move? (this is me, this is me.) Who flies forward so soon

What does not see the traffic light?

Who knows that the light is green

Does this mean the path is open? (this is me, this is me.)

Who, tell me, from the tram

Runs out onto the road?

Who of you, going home,

Keeping his way on the pavement? (this is me, this is me.)

Which one of you is in a close tram

Is it giving way to adults? (this is me, this is me.).

13 "You are big, I am small"

Target: to consolidate ideas about the rules of behavior on the street, on the road;

instill a sustainable motivation to comply with traffic rules.

Game progress: A preschooler's morning begins with the road. Following to kindergarten or

home, he crosses streets with moving vehicles. Does he know how to do it right? Can you take the safe path? The main causes of accidents with children are careless behavior on the street and the carriageway, ignorance of the elementary requirements of the Traffic Rules. There is no need to wait for the child to learn the rules of the road from his own experience. Sometimes this experience is very expensive. It is better if adults tactfully, unobtrusively instill in the child the habit of consciously obeying the requirements of the rules. Going out for a walk, invite your child to play "Big and small"... Let it be "Big" and lead you across the road. Monitor his actions. Do this several times, and the results will show up immediately.

14 "Our street"

Target: to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in

street conditions; to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light; teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting,

prescriptive, informational - indicative, intended for

drivers and pedestrians

Material: street layout with houses, crossroads; cars (toys); pedestrian dolls; dolls - drivers; traffic lights (a toy); road signs, trees (layouts) The game is played on a model.

Game progress: With the help of puppets, children, on the instructions of a teacher, act out various road situations.

15 "Put up a road sign"

Target: teach children to distinguish between the following road signs: "Railroad crossing", "Children", "Crosswalk", (warning); "No entry", "Passage closed" (prohibiting); "Directly", "Right", "Left",«» Circular motion", "Footpath" (prescriptive); "Parking place", "Crosswalk", "Point of medical assistance","Gas station", "Telephone", "Food point" (informative and indicative); to educate attention, skills of orientation in space.

Material: road signs; street layout with the image of roads, pedestrian crossings, buildings, intersections, cars.

The course of the game: playing out various road situations.

16 "City street"

Target: to clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, about

traffic rules, about different types of vehicles

Material: street layout; trees; cars; dolls - pedestrians; traffic lights;

road signs.

Game progress: With the help of puppets, children, on the instructions of a teacher, act out various road situations.

17 "Pedestrians and Drivers"

Target: teach the rules of the road, behavior on the roads, consolidate the ideas of children about the purpose of traffic lights, instill sustainable motivation to comply with traffic rules, develop attention, thinking, orientation in space.

Material: road signs, traffic lights, steering wheels, bags with pears, table, coupons, sign "A toy shop", toys, strollers, dolls, certificates - a green circle from cardboard... Children in the form of traffic police inspectors (cap, cloak with letters traffic police inspector or traffic police badge, children - pedestrians, children - drivers, child - seller of toys.

Game progress: Some of the guys portray pedestrians, and some of the drivers. Drivers must pass the chauffeur test and receive the vehicle. Guys - the drivers go to the table where the "Traffic police commission" and pass the exam. Pedestrians head to the toy store to shop. Then, with dolls and carriages, they go to the crossroads. Commission asks questions drivers: - What kind of light can cars move?

What light cannot be moved?

What is a carriageway?

What is sidewalk?

What are the signs ( "crosswalk", "children" etc.)

Those who pass the exam receive certificates (green circle) and coupons; members of the commission congratulates them. Drivers head to the parking lot

cars, sit in them and go to the regulated intersection. Pedestrians from the store also go to this intersection. Have crossroads:

Attention! The movement along the streets will now begin. Watch the traffic light

(a traffic light is connected, cars are driving, pedestrians are walking. Signals change.)

the game continues until all children learn the rules of the movement.

18 "Run the order"

Target: to consolidate the rules of the road, to develop orientation in

space, attention, thinking, memory, the ability to execute a command in

a given sequence.

Material: large construction material(cubes, bricks, prisms,

cones, cylinders, etc.) for road construction, placement on the road

road signs, signs indicating "Stations"(canteen,

railway crossing, kindergarten, school, hospital, etc., steering wheels.

Preparing to play: Construction of the road and the placement of the studied signs.

Game progress: Children at "Dispatcher" (educator) get an assignment to go,

for example, to a hospital. The child goes and comes back. Then he gets two at once tasks: "Go to the railway crossing, then eat in the cafeteria"... The child must complete the tasks in a given sequence. Gradually, the number of orders given at the same time is increasing.

19 "Turns"

Target: develop coordination of hand movements (right, left, visual

attention, thinking, ability to execute a command, according to the sign in the hands


Material: signs: "Straight ahead", "Move to the right", "Traffic

to the left ”, rudders.

Preparing to play: Children are lined up facing the teacher. If the game

held a subgroup of 6 people, then the steering wheels are distributed to the children. At the teacher signs: "Straight ahead", "Move to the right", "Move to the left".

Game progress: If the teacher shows a sign "Straight ahead" then children

take one step forward if the sign "Move to the right"- children imitating

turn the steering wheel, turn right if the sign "Move to the left"- children,

imitating a steering wheel turn, turn left. "How to get to?"

20 "Guess the Sign"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about road signs, to develop thinking, attention, observation.

Material: road signs, tokens.

Preparing to play: All studied signs are placed at a distance from each

Game progress: The teacher reads out a verbal description of what this or that sign means. Children must run to the correct sign. Children who have chosen the correct sign receive a token. At the end of the game, who has the number of tokens is counted and the winners are determined.

21 "Driving school"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of how to cross the street; O

the appointment of a traffic light, traffic controller and road signs; exercise in

orientation in space and time; bring up courage, resourcefulness, the ability to help a friend.

Material: Double sheet cardboard: glued on the left sheet pictures with

depicting various traffic situations, on the right sheet are written

Game progress: Children consider Pictures depicting various traffic situations. They must explain the picture on picture situation, assess the behavior of pedestrians, children at traffic lights, the need for the right road sign.

22 "Recognize the sign"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs.

Material: 2 cardboard disc connected in the center with a screw. On the lower circle, road signs are glued along the edge. On the outer circle at the edge, a window is cut out in size slightly larger than the road signs. By rotating the disc, the child finds the desired sign.

Game progress: Children are shown picture depicting the situation on the road.

They must find a road sign to put up here.

23 "On the island"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of how to bypass different types

transport; to acquaint with the most typical road transport

situations and related pedestrian code of conduct.

Material: Pictures depicting various situations involving

pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights.

Game progress: Children should consider and explain the picture

the situation, assess the behavior of pedestrians, passengers, drivers; explain the need to install the required road sign.

24 "The fourth extra"

1. Name an extra participant in the road movement:



Snow blower

2. Name the excess product transport:

Passenger car



Baby carriage

3. Name a non-public means of transport






4. Name the extra "eye" traffic light:



25 "Word game"

1. Clap your hands when you hear a word related to a traffic light. Explain

selection of each word.

Dictionary: three eyes, standing on the street, crossroads, blue light, one leg,

yellow light, red light, street crossing, pedestrian assistant,

green light, stands at home

2. Clap your hands when you hear the word referring to the passenger. Explain

selection of each word.

Dictionary: bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, sleeping, ticket,

conductor, airplane flight, pedestrian, seat, salon, bed.

3. Compose a story with in words: morning, breakfast, road to school (kindergarten,

sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, intersection, ground crossing, traffic light, children's

26 "Ball game"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, road

Material: ball.

Game progress: The teacher with the ball stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball to the child,

while asking a question. He answers and throws the ball to the teacher. The game is played with all the children in turn.

Educator: Who is walking along the road?

Child: A pedestrian.

Educator: Who is driving the car?

Child: Driver.

Educator: How many "eye" at the traffic light?

Child: Three eyes.

Educator: If red "eye" is on, what is he talking about?

Child: Wait and wait.

Educator: If yellow "eye" is on, what is he talking about?

Child: Wait.

Educator: If green "eye" is on, what is he talking about?

Child: You can go.

Educator: Our legs are walking along the pedestrian ...

Child: Track.

Educator: Where are we waiting for the bus?

Child: At the stop.

Educator: Where do we play hide and seek?

Child: At the playground.

27 "Listen - remember"

Target: to consolidate the rules of the road and the behavior of pedestrians on

street, develop coherent speech, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: a wand for traffic control.

Game progress: The leader, with a wand in his hand, approaches one of the participants in the game,

hands him the baton and asks about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street.

"Name one of the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street". – "You can not cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle"... If the answer is correct, the leader passes the rod to another participant in the game, etc. It is necessary that the answers are not repeated, so everyone should be careful.


1 "To your signs"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about road signs; develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity, orientation in space.

Material: road signs.

Game progress: The players are divided into groups of 5-7 people, join hands,

forming circles. A driver with a sign enters the middle of each circle, explaining its meaning. Then the music sounds, the children disperse around the playground, dance. Drivers at this time change places and signs. At the signal, the players must quickly find their mark and stand in a circle. Drivers hold the sign above their heads.

2 "Traffic signals"

Target: develop intelligence, quickness of reaction, attention, visual perception, educate friendly attitude to peers, consistency and cooperation.

Material: a bag with balls of red, yellow, green, stands.

Game progress: Stands are placed on the site from start to finish. Playing

of each team stand one after the other in a chain at the start stand and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The host is holding a bag of balls (balls) red, yellow, green. The captains take turns dropping their hand into the bag and taking out one ball at a time. If the captain took out a red or yellow ball, then the team stands still; green - moves to the next stance. Whose team will come to the finish line faster, she won.

3 "Where we were, we will not say what we drove, we will show you"

Target: consolidate knowledge about modes of transport, teach children to portray types

transport in a team, with the help of hands, emotional expressiveness, sounds, develop creativity, plasticity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, foster consistency, cooperation.

Gameplay: Each team decides which vehicle will be

to portray (trolleybus, carriage, motor ship, steam locomotive, helicopter)... The vehicle presentation must take place without comment. The opposing team guesses the plan. The task can be complicated by offering the team a specific mode of transport.

4 "Zebra"

Target: to train children in the exact execution of the rules of the game, to develop quickness of reaction, speed, orientation in space.

Material: strips of white paper (cardboard) .Stroke games: A strip of white paper will be distributed to all participants in each team except the last (cardboard) ... On a signal, the first participant puts a lane, stands on the line and returns to his team. The second walks strictly on his own

strip, puts his "Step" zebra and comes back. Last

the participant walks over all the strips, returning, collects them.

5 "Glazometer"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs, quantitative counting,

develop logical thinking, ingenuity, resourcefulness, eye, orientation in space, foster consistency, cooperation.

Material: road signs.

Course of the game: In the playing field, road signs are installed on various

distance from teams. The participant of the game must name the sign and the number of steps to it. Then the participant goes to this sign. If the participant made a mistake and did not reach the mark or crossed it, he returns to his team. The signs on the field are placed differently. The winner is the team whose players are faster and more accurate. "Walk" to signs.

6 "Trucks"


Material: handlebars, sandbags for each team and two stands.

Course of the game: The first team members hold the steering wheel in their hands, on their heads

a bag of sand is placed - a load. After the start, the participants run around

their rack and transfer the steering wheel and load to the next participant. Wins

the team that completed the task first and did not drop the load.

7 "Trams"

Target: develop dexterity, speed, quickness of reaction, accuracy of movements,

team consistency and collaboration.

Material: you need one hoop for each team and one

Game progress: Participants in each team are divided into couples: the first is the driver,

the second is a passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The task of the participants is to run around the rack as soon as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The first team to complete the task wins.

8 "Run to the sign"

Target: train children in memorizing road signs, develop memory,

quick wits, quickness of reaction, speed, orientation in space.

Material: road signs.

Game progress: At the signal of the teacher, the child runs to the road sign, which the teacher calls. If the child makes a mistake in choosing a sign, then he returns to the end of the column.

9 "Traffic lights"

Target: to learn to correlate actions with the color of traffic lights, to develop attention,

visual perception, thinking, quick wits.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green.

Game progress: The teacher shows the circle, and the children do actions:

Red - are silent;

Yellow - clap their hands;

Green - stomp their feet.

- to red - take a step back,

- on yellow - squat,

- to green - marching on the spot.

Goals: to activate and test the knowledge of the children about the rules of the road; improve the ability to navigate the layout of the city; develop imagination.

Material: video footage with questions; envelopes; spinning top; road signs; wand of the traffic police inspector; hoops and gymnastic sticks; traffic light layout; microdistrict layout; prizes.

Course of the lesson

The teacher, who is also the presenter, informs the children that for the current day they are becoming race drivers. They are invited to take part in the game "Racers, go ahead!" The game will be held in the form of a game show - all questions will be asked from the TV screen.

The participants of the game show take their places at the gaming table to the music.

Leading... Dear race car drivers! The employees of our kindergarten are playing against you today. Remember: their questions will sound from the TV screen. Be very careful when listening to the assignment. The question can be discussed by the whole team, and the answer must be given by one of the players. One minute is given to think over each question. If the answer is correct, the team will receive one point. Please bring in the question envelopes.

Music plays, an assistant enters, opens the envelopes.

Leading. Let's start the game! First round. Spin the top. (Children do it.) A question under number has fallen ... The question is asked by the kindergarten cook. We turn on the video.

The question sounds. Dear race car drivers! Today I want to know if you are attentive. Every morning you come to kindergarten and leave it in the evening. What is the sign at the entrance to our garden? What is he talking about to drivers of vehicles?

(Answer: No entry sign.)

If the team answers correctly, it is awarded one point.

Leading... Spin the top, racers! There was a question under the number ... The question is asked by the head of the kindergarten. Attention! "Black box"!

The assistant introduces a "black box".

The question sounds. Dear race car drivers! Before you now is a "black box". It contains an item painted in black and white. But how he comes to life in the hands of a traffic police inspector! It controls the flow of cars and pedestrians like a magic wand.

(Answer: wand.)

Leading... The next question is asked by the educator of the younger group.

The question sounds... There are four road signs in front of you, from which you must choose one - the one you want. And which one - you will find out if you solve the riddle.

I'm used to the bike

And I boldly ride it.

But at a sign on the road

Feel free to use my legs.

(Answer: sign “No cycling”.)

Leading... The fourth question is asked by the music director.

The question sounds. I will now perform a song for you racers. But not completely. I want to hear the closing words from you in a minute.

This rule must be remembered:

On the road, on the road, be always attentive.

Whatever it was, my friend,

You have misfortunes on ...

(Answer: roadway.)

Leading... The fifth question is asked by your fitness supervisor.

The question sounds... Guys, you, as real race car drivers, should not be afraid of difficulties and be able to use ingenuity. Here's an assignment for you: you met these subjects at physical education: These are gymnastic sticks and hoops. Fold a car out of them.

Leading. The sixth question is asked by the teacher of the middle group.

The question sounds. Dear race car drivers! Before you is a "black box". Solve the riddle and tell what is in the box.

He blinks his eyes

Day and night relentlessly.

He helps the machines

And I'm ready to help you. (Answer: traffic light.)

Leading. And the next question will be asked by the mysterious hero Koschey the Immortal, an evil wizard.

The question sounds. Today I did a great job - I mixed up all the traffic signs. Wow, how many accidents will happen! What a fine fellow I am! But if in one minute you can arrange the signs in two piles - prohibiting and service signs, then my enchantment will lose its power. And if not, then ... ha ha ha!

Leading. I will ask the last question myself.

So, dear race drivers, before you is a model of the microdistrict. Dunno lives in this house. And here is a kindergarten. In a minute, you should find for Dunno the shortest safe path from home to kindergarten.

The results of the game are summed up.

Leading... Dear race car drivers! You showed excellent results, answered all the questions, did not let your team down. Well done! Congratulations on your victory! Applause. Distribution of prizes.

Role-playing games for traffic rules for children of middle preschool and senior preschool age

"Signs on the roads"

Objectives of the game: to determine how the children learned the rules of traffic safety; consolidate knowledge of traffic signals; to clarify the knowledge of children about the work of traffic police officers, to consolidate the meaning of his gestures; to bring up in children attentiveness, ingenuity, the ability to comply with traffic safety rules; be polite to others.

Equipment for the game: pedal cars - 2 pcs., Tractors - 2 pcs., Horses - 3 pcs., Bicycles - 4 pcs., Baby carriages with dolls - 9 pcs., Jumping ropes - 7 pcs.

Vehicle repair tool kit: keys, pump. Posters on stands, stencils of road signs, whistle, pointer, armbands with the inscriptions: "Druzhinnik", "Patrol", "Traffic police officer", traffic light cape.

Game progress

First, the attention of the children is drawn to the guests, there is an announcement to the children that the goal of the game is to repeat the rules of the road.

Children greet guests. From among the children, a traffic police inspector, a vigilante, two auto mechanics, and also playing the role of a traffic light are selected at will.

The drivers, having changed transport, take their cars and ride. Children with toys continue to play.

Throughout the game, the assistants of the traffic policeman and the patrol monitor the order, make remarks and even offer the guilty ones to drive off the car for a check. When the children go through two circles, the sign at the turn to the group changes: the U-turn sign to the Right turn sign, and the traffic policeman prohibits driving at intersections. Then the children change transport. All children on the sidewalk are divided into two teams. The presenter says: "Be careful and try not to violate the rules of traffic safety and transport, and pedestrians." Children playing the roles of traffic lights, auto mechanics, vigilantes and traffic police inspectors are invited to take their places at the sites. The first convoy goes to ride to the traffic police site. An auto mechanic checks and inspects vehicles and children drive by. The second column goes on a straight road and rolls, observing the rules for turning and driving at traffic signals. At the beginning of the exit, the car mechanic checks the transport, allows you to go. Children with toys walk along the pedestrian crossing to the lawn and play. As needed, they, observing the rules of passage, go to play on another lawn.

After 10 minutes, the traffic light suddenly goes out and the whistle signal draws the attention of drivers and pedestrians to themselves. The traffic light is damaged, who can replace it? (Children's answer: a traffic policeman.)

A traffic policeman enters, the children greet him. He gets to know them and explains that he learned that they are playing on the traffic police playground, and came to check how the children know the traffic safety rules.

Transport drivers drive along the main road, give way to passing vehicles at a bend on a straight road and join them at the end, leaving on a straight road. The traffic controller gives signals, the children behave accordingly.

"Drivers, pedestrians, cars"

The game can be deployed on a floor model or on a kindergarten transport area.

Objectives of the game: to consolidate the rules of behavior on the road for all road users; teach children to simulate different situations on the road.

Equipment for the game: layout of the intersection, road signs for the layout, masks on the head or chest, plates with modes of transport, attributes of the traffic controller, traffic police inspector.

Game progress

Children distribute roles among themselves (the roles of a traffic controller, transport drivers, roles public transport, pedestrians). The teacher can initially act as a traffic controller or traffic police inspector, who will monitor the correct implementation of the rules by the participants in the game. The game unfolds from the following stories: there was an accident; the child crossed the road; the driver violated the traffic rules; movement of all road users in accordance with the signals of the traffic controller. During the game, participants can change roles. After the game, the teacher invites the children to discuss who best fulfilled their role and why.

"Traveling by transport"

Purpose: to reinforce the skills of correct behavior in transport in children.

Equipment for the game: layout of the intersection, road signs for the layout, masks on the head or chest, plates with modes of transport, attributes of a traffic controller, traffic police inspector.

Game progress

Children independently distribute roles among themselves, everyone decides what kind of transport he will manage. Other children choose which vehicle they would like to be a passenger. The teacher, in the role of the presenter, lights up the yellow and then red traffic lights and names the stops. In addition to passengers, there is a conductor in transport who sells tickets to passengers. The plot of the game can be turned in different directions, starting with the one who interferes with the driver, ending with the fact that the passenger was inattentive and passed his stop. After children have the skill to play this game, the teacher can only take the position of an observer.

"Bus depot"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the bus, about the features of bus management, about what a bus driver should be like.

Equipment for the game: a set of a mechanic, a designer, a steering wheel, children's chairs, a traffic light.

Game progress

Children distribute among themselves the roles of bus drivers, mechanics, bus fleet director, passengers. The plot can unfold in the mainstream of the fact that there was an accident or the bus broke down, it is necessary to return the bus to the bus depot and repair it. Drivers and passengers tell the mechanics what happened on the way (children's creativity), and the mechanics offer in response how to fix the situation.

Objectives: to reinforce children's ideas about transport, about the features of its structure, and movement; teach children to find the right solutions from the current situation.

Equipment for the game: big cars, mechanic's set, floor model, road signs.

Game progress

Children distribute among themselves the roles of mechanics and transport drivers. Drivers come to a car repair shop and talk about breakdowns in their car. Mechanics offer drivers to fix breakdowns and talk about the rules of driving a car.

"Gas station"

Objectives of the game: to acquaint preschoolers with the fact that vehicles need gasoline to move; teach the rules of conduct at a gas station.

Game progress

Roles are distributed: drivers of any transport and employees of a gas station. The plot can unfold in the mainstream of the fact that transport drivers need gasoline for their car. Station workers serve drivers on request, tear off coupons for them, take money, if necessary, give change.

"Colored cars"

Children are placed along the wall, they are cars. Each of the players is given a flag of a certain color. The presenter raises the flag, and those "cars" with the flags of the same color continue to move, and if the presenter lowers the flag, the children-cars are sent to the garage. The presenter can simultaneously raise all the flags, and then all the cars move.

"The fastest"

Everyone draws a circle for themselves (with green, yellow, red crayons) and stands in it. The presenter stands in the middle of the site. At his command: "One, two, three - run!" - children scatter. The presenter says: "One, two, three - run into the traffic light!" and he himself tries to occupy a circle. The one who did not have time to take the circle becomes the leader.


The box contains a disassembled car model. At the command of the leader, the players begin to assemble the model. The first team to assemble the car wins.

"Traffic light and speed"

Two tables. Two traffic light layouts. At the command of the presenter, the first numbers run to the traffic lights and disassemble them, the second ones are assembled. Still others take it apart again, etc. The team that assembled the traffic light first wins.

"To your flags"

The players are divided into three groups. Each group becomes in a circle, in the center of which there is a player with a colored (red, yellow, green) flag. At the first signal from the head (clapping hands), everyone, except for the players with flags, scatter around the court. At the second signal, the children stop, squat and close their eyes, and the players with flags move to other places. At the command of the presenter "To your flags!" children open their eyes and run to the flags of their color, trying to be the first to line up in a circle. The winners are those who are the first to line up in an even circle and stand holding hands.

"Let's draw the road"

A road is drawn on the ground. Children jump over it. The width of the road is gradually increased. The winner is the one who jumps across the road at the widest point.

"Running traffic light"

1st version of the game. Children scatter the leader. From time to time, the presenter raises the flag up, then turns around. If the green flag is raised, the children continue to move, if the presenter raises the red flag, then the children stop.

2nd version of the game. Children get flags B-A colors: some - green, others - blue (red), others - yellow - and are grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the room (site). In each corner, the teacher puts a colored flag (green, blue, yellow) on a stand.

At the signal of the teacher "Go for a walk", the children disperse around the playground (room) in groups or alone. At the signal “Find your color”, children run to the flag of the corresponding color.

Voskobovich's game method

In many kindergartens in St. Petersburg, teachers actively use the play method of Voskobovich and his technology "Fairy Labyrinths of the Game" for the development of children. This gives a "fabulous" result without puns. In groups where children play Voskobovich's games, three-year-olds do not confuse colors. They call yellow yellow, and red is red, not to be confused with orange. Children distinguish orange from yellow, blue is not confused with green or purple, they distinguish blue from blue and gray. Children playing with Voskobovich's games have no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, and the ability to navigate on a plane. ... In addition, these children have excellent preparation for school. They are not afraid to go to school, but they want to learn precisely for the sake of learning. And, as a rule, they study well and with interest. Not bad? Indeed, it’s not bad when children can be said to develop intelligence before our eyes and form a fairly high intellect. This happens with approximately the following pattern: at first the child has an intelligence below average, but as he studies according to the Voskobovich method, his intelligence changes before our eyes and grows. First, to an average level of intelligence, then to normal, then to a high, very high level, and finally, the child's intelligence becomes excellent.

Who is this Voskobovich, who invented such a magical technology as "Fairy mazes of the game"? Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich, resident of St. Petersburg, physicist by training, father of two small children.

Once he drew attention to the attitude of his children to toys, which were all kind of "disposable". Children at first happily rushed to new toys. But the potential of these serial production stampings was too low. Once the child will disassemble and assemble the toy, another time he will turn it this way and that, the third ... And then? He already knows everything about this toy, can do everything, and he is not interested in it. What is called "tired"! And every time an attempt to interest children with new toys broke up against the same problem - any toys were disposable, not universal. But a game for a child is comprehension of the world, it is the acquisition of skills for entering life, for socialization. And Voskobovich decided to try to invent games and toys for his children himself. He, in search of a solution such difficult task, got acquainted with the experience of Nikitin and Zaitsev, but decided to go his own way. The first fruits of his thoughts were the games "Geokont" and "Game Square" or, as it is now called, "Voskobovich Square". Now these are the most, perhaps popular games among developed kids. At first glance, Voskobovich's games are not games, but playbooks. This is how they look.


Children's people call Geokont "a plaque with carnations" or "multi-colored cobwebs." This is, indeed, a playbook, an appendix to a fairy tale. "Manual" Geokonta is a plywood board. Coordinate film and multi-colored plastic carnations are fixed on the plate. On these carnations during children's games and fantasies, multi-colored "dynamic" elastic bands are pulled. As a result of this design, subject silhouettes, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, letters are obtained. In total, there are 33 carnations on the Geokont board: one is central black, and the rest are combined into groups of carnations of different colors, except for the top white carnations. The top white carnations represent a white ray of light. According to the laws of optics, white consists of 7 colors, corresponding to 7 colors of the rainbow. Therefore, the white upper ray, hitting the center of the Geokont board, that is, in the black carnation, is "divided" into 7 rays corresponding to the colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, violet. This is useful for familiarizing children with the color scheme. It is also convenient to familiarize the child with the coordinate system. Each ray is marked with a letter in accordance with the color: "B", "K", "O", "Z", "D", "C", "F". And each carnation in the ray is numbered 1, 2, 3, or 4. This means that each carnation can be given a name. For example "О1" or "З4".

With the help of multi-colored rubber bands, you can introduce your child to various geometric concepts. It is easier for a child to understand clearly what a point or line is - straight or closed, what is a straight angle, acute or obtuse, what is a segment, etc. With such a playful visual aid, the child easily recognizes and assimilates various geometric shapes - a triangle, a rectangle, a trapezoid. But with the help of Voskobovich's rubber bands, you can arrange other, most various games... For example, you can turn geometric shapes into each other by moving the rubber bands over the studs, or complete the symmetrical half of a shape, or turn the shape over in a mirror image.

From rubber bands, you can create not only geometric shapes, but also a wide variety of patterns. You can collect patterns according to the samples presented in the attached album, or you can come up with your own. You can not just make patterns, but according to the algorithm specified by the teacher. The teacher tells the child the names of the studs on which to wear rubber bands, and he creates a pattern and demonstrates the result. For example: "F4, B4, Z4, G4". It turned out to be a rectangle. Or let the child be at home and not in kindergarten will guess the shape and set the algorithm for the parents, and the parents have to guess and assemble it on the GeoConte.

Geokont's play set is an appendix to the tale invented by Voskobovich. This is a methodical tale with a title in which the word "geometry" is encrypted: "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava." A fairy tale, typical for thinking physics, begins like this: "One day the kid Geo had a dream. He walks across the world for a day, the second, the third, and suddenly - towards the Red Beast. The baby got scared, ran, and suddenly a voice:" Do not be afraid of the Red Beast , chase him away with an orange cry. "The kid shouted with an orange cry - the Red Beast disappeared, but a tree appeared, on top of which the Yellow Bird was sitting. The Yellow Bird flapped its wings, whirled, the Kid got scared and ran. And again the voice:" Do not be afraid of the Yellow Bird - chase away her green whistle. "The kid whistled with a green whistle - the Yellow Bird disappeared. A lake appeared, there was a boat on the shore. The Kid got into the boat, made a few strokes and suddenly the Blue Fish comes out. And again the voice: "Do not be afraid of the Blue Fish, drive it away with a blue whisper." The Kid whispered in a blue whisper - the lake disappeared, the boat disappeared. Geo stood in front of the entrance to the Purple Forest "...

The child, illustrating a fairy tale, with the help of rubber bands and carnations, creates images on the "Geokont". He makes beams and stretches, which are called "the orange cry of the Red beast", "the green whistle of the Yellow bird" or "the blue whisper of the Blue fish". The book contains diagrams-drawings of what the child should get. As a result of games with "Geokont", children develop hand and finger motor skills, sensory abilities (mastering color, shape, size), thought processes (constructing according to a verbal model, building symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching and establishing patterns), creativity.

Voskobovich square
"Voskobovich's square" or "Play square" can be 2-color (for children from 2 to 5 years old) and 4-color (for children from 3 to 7 years old). This magic square can be turned at will into anything - a house, a boat or candy. Everything that a smart kid wants to do: a bat, an envelope, a semaphore, a mouse, a hedgehog, an asterisk, a shoe, a boat, a fish, an airplane, a bird, a crane, a turtle ... This is an incomplete list of only those "transformations" of Voskobovich Square that are in instructions. But you can come up with something yourself!

All this is possible due to the fact that this toy is made of fabric. Plastic triangles are glued to the fabric base. They are multi-colored - green on one side and red on the other. There are strips of fabric between the triangles, along which the square can be bent. By adding the "Square", you can acquaint the child with geometric shapes (square, rectangle and triangle) and their properties. Playing with "Voskobovich's Square", the kindergarten teacher can give tasks to train attention, logic or intelligence. For example, having folded a house with a green roof, the teacher asks the child how many red squares he sees. The first answer that comes to mind is two, but if you look closely, it is clear that there are three squares. And there is only one green square. And you can come up with an infinite number of such tasks! Games with "Voskobovich's Square" develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, to determine their properties and sizes. Voskobovich square flawlessly develops spatial thinking, imagination, logic, attention, the ability to compare and analyze, as well as the motor skills of the hands and Creative skills... If you have Voskobovich Square at home, you can take it with you even for a walk or on the road. It fits easily into your pocket and won't interrupt interesting games while walking or traveling. For older children "Voskobovich's Magic Square" is probably the most popular toy. This four-color Square consists of 32 plastic triangles glued to a flexible fabric surface in a specific order. A small space is left between the squares, thanks to which the toy can bend, forming flat and three-dimensional figures of varying complexity.

After the first successful experiments with Geokont and the Magic Square, Voskobovich developed more than 40 educational games and manuals. Voskobovich's games develop design skills, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, the ability to compare, analyze and contrast. There are more challenging games that teach children to model, relate parts and the whole. In such games, children learn theory through practice. Also, the author has invented manuals aimed at studying numbers and letters, at teaching reading. Voskobovich's games are multifunctional and are intended for children from 2 to 10 years old. Here are just a few of them.

"Petals" by Voskobovich
Often, babies have difficulty learning the concept of using entertaining and fun games which can be carried out using the Petals manual, you will help your child to easily learn the basic color standards.

This game or manual is for better assimilation by children from 2 years of age and older to such a concept as color. After all, children often do not immediately learn all the colors and confuse them with shades of colors. For example, they often confuse blue and purple, yellow and orange. Color is a concept for a small child too abstract property of an object - it cannot be felt or touched, such as shape or size. Therefore, it is so important to make the color materially tangible and transfer its study to the child's play environment.

The game "Petals" is a set of 8 multi-colored "petals": 7 colors of the rainbow + 1 white. With the help of a special contact tape, the petals, like a "burdock", are attached to the playing field made of carpet. The play mat can be placed on the floor if your little one likes to play on the floor, or can be attached to any other vertical surface thanks to the two holes on the edges play mat... The manual is accompanied by a small instruction describing the main games. Based on these games, after the child learns them, you will be able to come up with a large number of your own game options. The game "Petals" by Voskobovich develops the child's color and spatial perception, and also forms the skill of meaningful expression in speech of spatial concepts: "above", "under", "between", "next", "left", "right". And not only. "Petals" can also be used to develop counting skills (counting the required amount, determining the serial number, etc.).

Voskobovich's "logos"
This is another great educational game by Voskobovich. The field of play is divided into 3x3 squares. There is a movable ruler at the bottom of the field. By moving the ruler, you can model geometric and any other composite shapes that are made up of 3 geometric reference shapes in red (circle, triangle, square) and 6 composite shapes in green. Six compound figures by connecting the top and bottom of the geometric reference figures. Each compound figure is named according to its resemblance to the corresponding object: a fungus, a vase, a window, etc. You will find these names around the perimeter of the instructions. The child can give names to these figures at will.

Each figure can be mentally divided into two parts - the upper part and the lower part of the figure. All figures in horizontal and vertical rows playing field are arranged in a certain order, that is: in the vertical rows, the figures have the same upper halves (tops), and in the horizontal rows, the lower halves (roots). Each figure of the playing field has a plastic nail, with the help of which it is convenient to take out and insert figures into the cells, like in molds.

There are many options for playing with kids in Voskobovich's Logo Forms. They are played both at home and in kindergartens. For example, a mother or a kindergarten teacher can lay out a "fungus" figure on a ruler, and a child needs to find the resulting figure on the playing field and put it in a cell or in a mold. In addition, the child can be explained what geometric shapes the "fungus" (circle and triangle) consists of. Another version of the game with Voskobovich's Logos, a kind of game of Vershki and Koreshki. Remove all the figures from the cells, and then put any figure on the field and instruct the child to collect only the roots. The kid begins to fill in the corresponding horizontal or vertical row. Voskobovich's logo shapes have one more advantage - the figures can serve as coloring pages, they can be outlined and colored, and various plots can be drawn with the help of them. Voskobovich's "logos" contribute to the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in children, fine motor skills hands. The child will learn to analyze, compare, combine parts into a whole.

"Ship" by Voskobovich
Any ship heralds a fascinating voyage, and Voskobovich's "Ship Bul-Bul" sails to a mathematical country and takes young sailors there. With such a boat, mathematics turns into addicting game... And the knowledge gained in such an unusual form will never be erased from memory. They will become a solid foundation for further academic success and knowledge of the world around you.

First of all, playing with Voskobovich's "Korablik", the child easily masters counting within 100. With the "Korablik" the child can easily navigate in such concepts as quantitative and ordinal counting. In addition, the child can easily, as if incidentally and between things, consolidate the concepts of the color and height of objects, their spatial relationships, and get acquainted with the concept of "convention" with the help of a "conventional measure" in the form of a flag. With the help of the “Ship's” masts, the child will receive not an abstract, but a figurative idea of ​​counting in tens and the composition of a number.

The masts and flags of Voskobovich's Korablik are made of plywood. The boat itself and all its elements are attached with Velcro tape to the playing field made of carpet.

Voskobovich's "Magic Eight" Author's technique for children from 5 to 10 years old
Acquaintance of the child with numbers with the help of this unusual manual will give him real pleasure. Maths will turn into an exciting game. Voskobovich's "Magic Eight" will help to develop the child's memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills of hands, spatial and logical thinking, the ability to count, compose numbers and figurative figures.

This exciting and educational game is a base made of a plank. Multi-colored details of numbers, also plywood, are attached to the board with the help of rubber bands. The child must learn to add all the numbers from 0 to 9 from these sticks. Along the way, the child learns the concept of color with the help of Voskobovich's special rhyme. It sounds like this: "Kohle-Okhle-Jelly-Seele-Gele-Sele-Fi". In this counting room, the initial letters correspond to the 7 colors of the rainbow. The most basic rule is that the colors must go in a strictly defined order. This will allow the child to compose numbers not only from sticks, but also mentally. Often, kindergarten teachers give children tasks to look for errors in the numbers compiled by teachers or other children. The child must eliminate the wrong color sequence or come up with his own tasks. At the beginning of the lesson, you can use the instructions attached to the game, which describe some of the options for games. For example, the game Encrypt the number: the number "eight" is laid out in front of the baby. Suggest to make the number "nine" out of it and say the counting-out, which will be the result (Kohle-Okhle-Jelly-Seele-Sele-Fi). And now you will pronounce the proverb code (Kohle-Jelly-Zele-Fi) to the child, and the kid will lay out the resulting number ("four").

"The Magic Eight-3" by Voskobovich

For children from 3 to 9 years old, Voskobovich designed another version of the educational game "Magic Eight-3". This wonderful game is similar to Magic Eight # 1, but only of a larger size. The game of Eight also consists of a plywood field, to which 7 wooden parts of all colors of the rainbow are attached using rubber bands on one side and one color on the other. Under the details is the proverb-code (KOHLE-OHLE-JELLY-ZELE-GELE-SELE-FI). But this game is more varied in degrees of difficulty. There are three degrees of difficulty.

The first degree is when the child must construct numbers according to the scheme: from 0 to 9 from solid parts. The second degree of complexity is the ability to construct numbers using a verbal model. To do this, parents or a teacher will need to learn a cipher-rhyme. In it, each word corresponds not only to a certain detail in numbers, but also to the color of the detail. When the child understands and remembers this pattern, it will be possible to guess the numbers, encrypting them with the words of a counting rhyme or with the colors of the rainbow. For example, the number "eight" corresponds to the counter COHLE-OHLE-JELE-ZELE-GELE-SELE-FI, and the number "nine" corresponds to the COHLE-OHLE-JELE-ZELE-SELE-FI. The third degree of complexity is the achievement of the ability to form a mental picture of a number in a word without relying on action. For example, ask your child to remember all the numbers that have the green detail without collecting the number. How many are there in total? Thanks to this manual, your child will learn how to make numbers from sticks, develop memory, attention, imaginative and logical thinking, hand coordination, fine motor skills of the hands.

"Turtles" by Voskobovich
Author's technique for children from 4 to 6 years old
This is a guide for not just one game, but for as many games as kids from 4 to 6 can imagine. The details of this peculiar mosaic are the turtle plates and the playing field itself with slots into which you can insert these details vertically, thus obtaining a wide variety of figures from animals, real and fantastic, to various subjects that are of interest to children.

The plates differ from each other: there is one single, there are plates connected by two, three, four and five. The connected plates are turtle houses. Houses of different colors. Using them in the game, children in parallel get acquainted with such mathematical concepts as: "the same amount", "more or less". The set of educational games includes beige plates with syllables. Syllables are the names of turtles that live in the Purple Forest. Their names are Fa, Fo, Fu, Fy, Fe and the child must put each turtle in his house.

Using this game, children will skillfully work with numbers within five, make up various shapes using a scaled-down diagram. This toy will contribute to the development of imagination, memory, hand motor skills, and will give elementary mathematical knowledge.

This far from complete illustrative material about Voskobovich's educational games gives some idea of ​​the goals of classes with children according to Voskobovich's play method. This is, first of all, the development in a child cognitive interest and research initiative, the development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity, in addition to the development of sensorics and fine motor skills. In addition, a child with humanitarian thinking develops mathematical thinking not to the detriment of humanitarian thinking. Conversely, a child inclined to mathematical thinking will certainly develop humanitarian, emotional-figurative associations. That is, the goal of Voskobovich's developmental games is the harmonious development of both emotional-figurative and logical principles in children. Voskobovich's educational games form in children a basic idea of ​​the world around them, mathematical concepts, concepts of sound-alphanumeric phenomena.